airport magazine october/november 2010

AAAE DELIVERS FOR AIRPORT EXECUTIVES | October/November 2010 Security Access Control Sustainability Trends At Portland Departure Queue Management M A G A Z I N E AIRCRAFT RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING: AN INSIDER’S VIEWPOINT

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ARFF: Arcraft Rescue and Fire Fireighting, An Insider's Viewpoint


Page 1: Airport Magazine October/November 2010

A A A E D E l i v E r s f o r A i r p o r t E x E c u t i v E s | October/November 2010

Security Access Control

Sustainability Trends At Portland

Departure Queue Management


AircrAft rescue And fire fighting: An InsIder’s VIewpoInt

Page 2: Airport Magazine October/November 2010

9400 Ward Parkway

Kansas City, MO 64114

Phone: 816-333-9400

[email protected]

For more information, contact:Randy D. Pope, PE


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Engineering, architecture, construct ion, environmental and consult ing solut ions for the aviat ion industry

Atlanta • Chicago • Dallas-Fort Worth • Denver • Doha, Qatar • Houston • Kansas City, Mo. • Miami • New England • Phoenix • St. Louis • Southern California

Chattanooga, Tenn. • Minneapolis-St. Paul • New York • O’Fallon, Ill. • Omaha, Neb. • Philadelphia • San Diego • San Francisco • Washington, D.C. • Wichita, Kan.

At Burns & McDonnell, our collaborative approach is all about taking you beyond green and beyond good serviceto a relationship that puts us all on the same team: YOURS.


Page 3: Airport Magazine October/November 2010 | OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2010


E d i t o rBarBara Cook

[email protected]

P u b l i s h E rJoan Lowden

E x E c u t i v E E d i t o reLLen P. horton

E d i t o r - A t- l A r g ESean BroderICk

N E W s E d i t o rhoLLy aCkerman

A r t d i r E c t i o NUnConformIty, LLC

s t A F F P h o t o g r A P h E r sBILL krUmPeLman

JameS martIn

A d v E r t i s i N g A N d s A l E [email protected]

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alexandria, Va 22314(703) 824-0500, ext. 133

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Airport Magazine is published bimonthly by the aaae Service Corporation Inc.,

a wholly owned subsidiary of the american association of airport executives, and the

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in the annual dues. U.S. subscription rate to non-members is $50 for one year. International rate for non-members is $100. Single copy price is $12.

Copyright 2010 by aaae. all rights reserved.

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Aircraft rescue and fire fighting (arff) was the topic of Airport Magazine’s first webinar, held in our headquarters studio in July, and featuring marc tonnacliff, faa’s arff specialist, and rick wilson,

fire chief at Pittsburgh International. read an edited version of this event as the lead story in this issue.

we will be using the webinar format in the future, both to gen-erate the articles that our readers request and to provide readers with an interactive format to ask questions. Look for webinar promotions to come your way in 2011, and if you would like to recommend webinar topics, please send me an e-mail at [email protected] with your ideas.

other features in this issue highlight Portland International airport’s new headquarters building, an achievement in sus-tainability; Bob hope (Calif.) airport’s Leed Platinum-certified hangar; two articles on airport access control; and a special look at departure queue management at new york’s kennedy International.

our departments include a column by Brian reed, chair of aaae’s Corporate Committee, on the importance of corporate member involvement in aaae; and an insider look at Salt Lake City International’s control center written by randy Berg, a.a.e., the airport’s director of operations, and Lisa Julio, aCe, the air-port’s operations manager/communications.

and there is still more, so keep reading. we thank our advertisers in this issue: astronics dme Corp.,

Burns & mcdonnell, delta airport Consultants, northrop Grumman, oshkosh, ricondo & associates, rosenbauer, rS&h and transcore. we appreciate the support of these companies, which help to make our magazine possible. Please support them in return.

Special features of the Airport Magazine web site ( allow readers around the globe to access the current issue, as well as research an archives section that provides access to all issues for the past three years. a full-color interactive flip book for each issue allows readers to print out articles. and, of course, our subscribers and all aaae members receive printed copies as well.


Barbara Cook

9400 Ward Parkway

Kansas City, MO 64114

Phone: 816-333-9400

[email protected]

For more information, contact:Randy D. Pope, PE


[email protected]

Engineering, architecture, construct ion, environmental and consult ing solut ions for the aviat ion industry

Atlanta • Chicago • Dallas-Fort Worth • Denver • Doha, Qatar • Houston • Kansas City, Mo. • Miami • New England • Phoenix • St. Louis • Southern California

Chattanooga, Tenn. • Minneapolis-St. Paul • New York • O’Fallon, Ill. • Omaha, Neb. • Philadelphia • San Diego • San Francisco • Washington, D.C. • Wichita, Kan.

At Burns & McDonnell, our collaborative approach is all about taking you beyond green and beyond good serviceto a relationship that puts us all on the same team: YOURS.


Page 4: Airport Magazine October/November 2010


cover Feature

AircrAft rescue And fire fighting

Technology, Techniques And Requirements: An Insider’s Viewpoint | 14An Airport Magazine-sponsored Webinar


Portland International Airport | 20Taking Sustainability To A New Level

Bob Hope (Calif.) Airport | 24LEED Platinum-certified Hangar Opens

Security Access Control | 26Access Control, Perimeter Security To Be Active Topics In 2011

Biometric Airport Security Identification Consortium (BASIC) | 29Blazing A Trail For Airport Biometrics

Departure Queue Management | 32Lessons From New York’s Kennedy International


Upfront 6

News Briefs 8

Corporate Column 12

Operations Column 36

AirporTech 38

FBR 40

Retail Briefs 41

MarketScan 42

Billboard 44

Coming in Airport mAgAzine:

december/JanuaryArchitecture and Engineering LandsideFacility ManagementFinance

February/marchTheme: TechnologyFeatures:Evolution of Airport Geographic Information SystemsNext up for NextGen



Volume 22/Number 5 | October/November 2010

E d i t o r i A l A d v i s o r y b o A r d

A i r P o r t m E m b E r swILLIam G. BarkhaUer, Morristown, New Jersey

mark GaLe, Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaJIm JohnSon, Odessa, Florida

JameS L. moraSCh, Pasco, WashingtontImothy k. o’donneLL, Fort Wayne, IndianaroBert P. oLISLaGerS, Englewood, Colorado

torranCe a. rIChardSon, Fort Wayne, IndianaeLaIne roBertS, Columbus, Ohio

c o r P o r A t E m E m b E r sBILL hoGan, RS&H

StaCy L. hoLLoweLL, Siemens One, Inc. BrIan LaCey, Delaware North Companies

randy PoPe, Burns & McDonnell

LaUra SamUeLS, Hudson Group

A A A E b o A r d o F d i r E c t o r s

c h A i r

JameS e. Bennett, Abu Dhabi

F i r s t v i c E c h A i r

keLLy L. JohnSon, Bentonville, Arkansas

s E c o N d v i c E c h A i r

BrUCe e. Carter, Moline, Illinois

s E c r E t A r y / t r E A s u r E r

mark P. Brewer, Manchester, New Hampshire

s E c o N d P A s t c h A i r

JIm P. eLwood, Aspen, Colorado

danette m. BewLey, Reno, Nevada

tommy w. BIBB, Nashville, Tennessee

Jeff L. BILyeU, Angleton, Texas

BenJamIn r. deCoSta, Atlanta, Georgia

rod a. dInGer, Redding, California

tImothy doLL, Eugene, Oregon

LInda G. frankL, Columbus, Ohio

mark GaLe, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

StaCy L. hoLLoweLL, Carrollton, Texas

kIm w. hoPPer, Portsmouth, New Hampshire

mark d. kranenBUrG, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

wILLIam marrISon, Knoxville, Tennessee

todd mcnamee, Camarillo, California

Jeffrey a. mULder, Tulsa, Oklahoma

CarL d. newman, Phoenix, Arizona

thomaS m. rafter, Hammonton, New Jersey

BrIan P. reed, Jacksonville, Florida

torranCe a. rIChardSon, Fort Wayne, Indiana

roBert f. SeLIG, Lansing, Michigan

daVId r. ULane, Aspen, Colorado

c h A P t E r P r E s i d E N t s

LUIS e. eLGUeZaBaL, San Angelo, Texas

SCott a. BroCkman, Memphis, Tennessee

aLfred PoLLard, Baltimore, Maryland

mIChaeL J. oLSon, Grand Island, Nebraska

mark e. wItSoe, Reno, Nevada

todd S. woodard, Spokane, Washington

P o l i c y r E v i E W c o m m i t t E E

BonnIe a. aLLIn, Tucson, Arizona

roSemarIe andoLIno, Chicago, Illinois

wILLIam G. BarkhaUer, Morristown, New Jersey

kryS t. Bart, Reno, Nevada

theLLa f. BowenS, San Diego, California

Larry d. CoX, Memphis, Tennessee

aLfonSo denSon, Birmingham, Alabama

keVIn a. dILLon, Warwick, Rhode Island

thomaS e. Greer, Monterey, California

Gary L. JohnSon, Stillwater, Oklahoma

JameS a. koSLoSky, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Lynn f. kUSy, Mesa, Arizona

JameS L. moraSCh, Pasco, Washington

erIn m. o’donneLL, Chicago, Illinois

BradLey d. Penrod, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

eLaIne roBertS, Columbus, Ohio

SteVen h. SChreIBer, Portland, Oregon

rICky d. SmIth, Cleveland, Ohio

SUSan m. d SteVenS, Charleston, South Carolina

mark VanLoh, Kansas City, Missouri

PaUL wIedefeLd, Baltimore, Maryland

P r E s i d E N t

CharLeS m. BarCLay, Alexandria, Virginia

M a g a z i n e


Cover Design: Zev Remba, Unconformity, LLC


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Page 5: Airport Magazine October/November 2010


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©2010 Oshkosh Corporation. Oshkosh, the Oshkosh logo, Striker and the Striker logo are registered trademarks of Oshkosh Corporation, Oshkosh WI, USA.

Page 6: Airport Magazine October/November 2010


merger Would open new markets For SouthwestSouthwest’s $1.4 billion bid to acquire airtran, if approved by government regulators, would give the major low-cost carrier a presence at reagan washington national, a slot-controlled airport that Southwest has longed to enter, and at hartsfield-Jackson atlanta International, the largest domestic market that Southwest currently doesn’t serve.

Southwest Chairman, President and Ceo Gary kelly noted that the acquisition also will allow the carrier to expand its presence in key markets such as new york LaGuardia, Boston Logan and Baltimore/washington. “It presents us the opportunity to extend our service to many smaller domestic cities that we don’t serve today, and provides access to key near-international leisure markets in the Caribbean and mexico,” kelly said. “finally, this accelerates our goal to boost profits and achieve our financial targets.”

after the transaction is completed, airtran Chairman, President and Ceo Bob fornaro “will continue to be involved in the integration of the two companies,” according to a joint announcement by the companies. Southwest said it would transition the airtran fleet to the Southwest livery and consolidate corporate functions into its dallas headquarters.

Based on current operations, the combined organization would have nearly 43,000 employees

and serve more than 100 million customers annually from more than 100 different airports in the U.S. and near-international destinations, according to the announcement.

FAA Approves Full Deployment of ADS-Bfaa announced that it has approved “full-scale, nationwide deployment” of the satellite-based automatic dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (adS-B) system following its successful roll-out at four sites.

the commissioning of the system means that air traffic controllers now are able to use the technology to separate aircraft in areas with adS-B coverage, the agency said. Controller screens in those areas will display aircraft tracked by radar, as well as aircraft equipped with adS-B avionics, which broad-cast their positions.

the commissioning follows the successful deployment of adS-B in alaska, the Gulf of mexico, Louisville and Philadelphia, faa said. “those sites were chosen because they provided target-rich environments

for operational testing or presented different challenges reflecting the complexity of the nation’s airspace,” the agency said. “this approach ensured that adS-B was tested in the most extreme environments, allowing the agency to uncover and resolve any anomalies before the commissioning.”

nationwide adS-B coverage will be complete in 2013. every part of the country now covered by radar will have adS-B coverage. more than 300 of the approximately 800 adS-B ground stations that will comprise the entire network already have been installed, faa said.

By 2020, aircraft flying in controlled airspace in the U.S. must be equipped with adS-B avionics that broadcast their position. faa also commissioned a surveillance system specifically designed to improve safety in remote, mountainous regions. that system, called wide-area multilateration (wam), improves safety, efficiency and capacity by allowing controllers to see aircraft not tracked by radar due to rugged terrain. wam, which is being used in Colorado and alaska, provides surveillance


Shelby-Cleveland County (N.C.) officials held a ribbon-cutting ceremony Sept. 22 to celebrate the opening of the new $1.6 million Shelby-Cleveland County Regional Airport terminal. The two-story facility replaces a 50-year-old building. The North Carolina Division of Aviation provided a grant that helped to build the new terminal, but also went toward taxiway improvements, a self-serve fuel farm and security fencing.

Page 7: Airport Magazine October/November 2010 | OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2010


through a network of small sensors deployed in remote areas.

wam will serve as a backup to adS-B in the event of a GPS outage in high value airspace, faa said. It also will serve as an additional source for traffic broadcasts to aircraft equipped with proper avionics.

Agreement protects Service At Clevelandohio attorney General richard Cordray and Cleveland mayor frank Jackson announced a binding agreement with Continental and United to protect service at Cleveland hopkins International following a merger of the two carriers.

terms of the agreement provide:

• the merged airline remains operational and maintains jobs at Cleveland hopkins for at least the next five years.

• Cordray’s office may, at the carrier’s expense, audit the books and records of the company to make certain that the airline’s commitments to Cleveland and ohio consumers are upheld.

• the airline’s commitments are enforceable in federal court in ohio.

• damages of up to $20 million will be paid by the airline, if its commitments are not honored.

“this is an important air service

development for Cleveland hopkins,” stated director ricky Smith. “furthermore, this commitment represents a significant step in strengthening the airport’s position as an economic engine for airport tenants and airlines, as well as area businesses.

“we will continue building on the agreement by developing new strategies for growing the hub and

strengthening the airport’s economic position,” he added.

Continental employs more than 2,000 workers at Cleveland hopkins with 1,000 others employed by its regional airline partners, according to the airport. the carrier offers 170 daily departures from the airport. In 2009, Continental’s passengers comprised 65.2 percent of the total Cleveland hopkin’s passenger base, with United accounting for 5.4 percent of the airport’s passengers.

gAo: Airport green efforts paying offairports are being proactive in cutting their footprints in four key areas — reducing noise levels, controlling water pollution, reducing emissions, and using environmentally sustainable practices — and are moving toward a more “holistic” approach to environmental management, a Government accountability office (Gao) report found.

Gao surveyed the 150 busiest airports and interviewed officials at 10 airports. Its final report, which does not contain any recommendations, found that airports are, by and large, taking numerous voluntary steps in addition to actions required by federal mandate to be more environmentally friendly.

many airports also are including environmental considerations in their planning processes. the efforts are paying off in areas like capital improvement programs, Gao found.

“Less than half of the surveyed air-ports believe that addressing envi-ronmental issues somewhat or great-ly delayed a development project (35 percent) or operational change (42 percent) at their airport over the last five years, even though the vast

majority had undertaken a capital development project or operational change during this time period,” Gao noted.

reno-tahoe Approves $20 million FBo Facilitythe reno-tahoe airport authority Board of trustees has approved a proposal by fBo operator million air to locate a new $20 million facility at reno-tahoe International.

million air will begin offering services at existing facilities on the airfield while completing a two-phase, $20 million investment at the airport. Phase one would include the construction of a new $10 million fBo facility that will be completed in late 2012. Phase two would add another $10 million in investment to the fBo complex by 2017. the estimated five-year economic impact of the project is $57 million for the region.

“reno-tahoe International is proud to work with million air to complete a lease that will bring more than $2.2 million in local tax revenue to our region in the next five years and more than $900,000 in tax revenues to the state,” said krys Bart, a.a.e., president/Ceo of the reno-tahoe airport authority.

energy program Approved For BWithe maryland Board of Public works has approved a $21 million contract to implement an energy efficiency program for Baltimore/washington International and martin State airports.

the first major project under the approved contract with Pepco energy Services will be the installation of a new 505-kw solar photovoltaic system on the roof of BwI’s daily parking garage. additional energy conservation measures include the


Page 8: Airport Magazine October/November 2010



use of automated power reduction devices for escalators and moving walkways, the installation of improved lighting technologies, and modern water conservation measures throughout the terminal and other airport buildings. the projects are to be completed by december 2011, and most of the cost of the work will be realized from energy and utility savings over the term of the contract, according to an announcement.

“BwI marshall airport is committed to environmental stewardship and responsible resource management,” said Paul wiedefeld, C.m., the airport’s executive director. “this energy performance contract provides excellent energy saving opportunities through critical infrastructure improvements and renewable technologies. the program is a thorough, innovative and realistic approach to meeting efficiency and energy reduction goals.”

Atlanta, Delta Conclude ‘groundbreaking’ Leaseatlanta officials announced that the city has reached a “groundbreaking” lease agreement with delta, airtran and other airlines that serve hartsfield-Jackson atlanta International.

the agreement amends delta’s Central Passenger terminal Complex lease, which was extended in 2009.

mayor kasim reed stated that, “this lease agreement strengthens the fiscal position of the airport and the city of atlanta, as we move forward to successfully secure funding in the financial bond market later this year for the completion of the international terminal.”

Under terms of the agreement, the airlines will pay the airport a supplementary terminal rental payment of $30 million, spread over a four-year fiscal period from 2013 to 2016, for the remainder of the current

lease, which expires in 2017. the supplementary payments will

help to fund the new maynard h. Jackson Jr. International terminal that is due to be completed in early 2012, and will enable the airport to retain adequate financial reserves to maintain its credit rating, officials said.

the supplemental payments, to be paid in equal monthly installments, are as follows: $12 million in fiscal year 2013; $8 million in fiscal year 2014; $5 million in fiscal year 2015; and $5 million in fiscal year 2016.

the airport would make contractual payments to the airlines, contingent upon the strength of the economic recovery and the airport’s financial indicators during the fiscal period 2015 to 2017, officials said.

the airport’s contractual payments range between zero and $30 million, contingent upon hartsfield-Jackson’s achieving debt service coverage of more than 1.50 for fiscal year 2015, fiscal year 2016 and fiscal year 2017, officials said.

Funds Authorized For Stewart expansionthe Port authority of new york and new Jersey Board of Commissioners has authorized two initiatives to help position Stewart International for both immediate and future growth.

the board approved $2 million in planning work for the expansion of the airport’s terminal to provide for a multi-functional facility to accommodate the processing of international passengers and to allow for increased domestic passenger activity.

further, to boost airline service to the airport immediately, the board authorized a two-year air service development incentive program to encourage passenger airlines and charter tour operators to initiate nonstop service to new markets.

the planning and design for

news Briefs

Monty Burgess, A.A.E., has been named to the new position of executive vice president and chief operating officer for the Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority (MNAA). Burgess formerly was senior vice president and COO. In his new capacity, Burgess has oversight responsibility for operations and maintenance, public safety, community affairs and customer service, finance, purchasing, treasury, accounting, information technology, MNAA Properties Corp., business development, properties, planning, design and construction. … Phil Brown has been appointed executive director of the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority. Brown, who formerly served as deputy executive director for the authority, has responsibility for all aspects of development and operations for both Orlando International and Orlando Executive airports. Brown unanimously was approved by the authority board to succeed retiring Steve Gardner. … Roddy Boggus has been named a senior vice president at Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB), a global infrastructure strategic consulting, planning, engineering and program/construction management organization. His prime location will be in PB’s Dallas office. In his new position, Boggus will serve as PB’s aviation market leader, responsible for managing the firm’s planning, engineering and construction services for airports nationwide. … Mark Rosekind and Earl Weener have taken the oath of office as members of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). Prior to joining the board, Rosekind was president and chief scientist of Alertness Solutions, a consulting firm in Cupertino, Calif., that specializes in fatigue management. His term as an NTSB member expires Dec. 31, 2014. Weener is a licensed pilot who most recently was a consultant and fellow for the Flight Safety Foundation, where he worked to reduce accidents through coordinated industry programs. His term as an NTSB member expires Dec. 31, 2015. A

Page 9: Airport Magazine October/November 2010 | OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2010

a phased terminal expansion is expected to be completed by december 2011, according to a board announcement. the first phase will expand the north side of the terminal by 25,000 square feet to permit the simultaneous processing of international and domestic passengers. the other phases of the project include customer service upgrades and additional improvements to create a fully functioning inspection facility.

the incentive program is available to any new or existing carrier or charter tour operator that provides scheduled nonstop passenger service to any new destination not currently served from Stewart, the board said. the program is designed to help mitigate start-up risks and provide marketing support during the critical first year of service.

Carriers will receive credits up to $525 per turn for ground handling service charges and $3 per outbound seat, not to exceed $150,000 per destination, for marketing and advertising support in the first year of nonstop service. the costs associated with this program are expected to be offset by the revenue generated by the additional flights and passenger traffic, the board said.

United, Continental Announce merger ClosingUnited Continental holdings, formerly UaL Corp., announced that Continental airlines and United airlines closed their merger oct. 1 and now are wholly owned subsidiaries of the new holding company.

United Continental holdings also announced the members of its board of directors, effective oct. 1. the 16-member board includes directors from both United and Continental; Glenn tilton, former chairman and Ceo of United, who will serve as non-executive chairman of the board;


Signature Flight Support Celebrates LeeD gold Status

Signature flight Support-San francisco held a ribbon-cutting ceremony recently to celebrate the facility’s Leadership in energy and environmental design (Leed) Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.

facility improvements included an extensive renovation of the existing 9,800-square-foot executive terminal and the two existing 25,000-square-foot aircraft storage hangars. the upgrade added new heating, ventilation and air conditioning, as well as replaced the mechanical and lighting systems for improved energy efficiency and performance. these efforts resulted in a 47 percent reduction in lighting power consumption relative to industry standards, Signature said.

the project also added 2,800 square feet of new space to the terminal, providing upgraded amenities for travelers, including an expanded lobby and security screening facilities.

Signature Flight Support achieves LEED Gold.

Page 10: Airport Magazine October/November 2010


and Jeff Smisek, former chairman, president and Ceo of Continental, who will serve as president and Ceo of the combined carrier.

the new company’s corporate and operational headquarters will be in Chicago, with a significant presence in houston, the company’s largest hub, according to the announcement. the company forecast that the merger will deliver $1 billion to $1.2 billion in net annual synergies by 2013, including

between $800 million and $900 million of incremental annual revenue from expanded customer options resulting from the greater scope and scale of the network, fleet optimization and expanded service enabled by the broader network of the combined carrier.

FAA proposes Safety Systems rulefaa has issued its proposed

rule requiring Part 139 airports to implement safety management systems (SmS) for all airfield and ramp areas. the agency said that 553 U.S. airports currently hold Part 139 certificates.

the nPrm is open for a 90-day public comment period that ends Jan. 5, 2011. to view the nPrm and economic evaluation, go to and enter docket number faa-2010-0997.

faa stated that its proposal will help airports enhance safety by developing an organization-wide safety policy; implementing methods to mitigate airport hazards; and analyzing and mitigating risks before they change airport procedures or infrastructure. the proposed rule requires that SmS be used for airport movement and non-movement areas, which include runways, taxiways, ramps, aircraft parking aprons and fuel farms.

airports will have the flexibility to implement an SmS plan that considers their own operating environment. while the proposed SmS requirement will not take the place of regular faa Part 139 inspections, this proactive emphasis on hazard identification and mitigation will provide airports with robust tools to improve safety, the agency said.

airports are identified by four classes, depending on the type of air carrier service they receive. the proposal states that Class I airports would be required to develop an SmS plan within six months and implement it within 18 months after the final rule is published. the remaining Class II, III and IV airports would be required to develop an SmS implementation plan within nine months and implement it within 24 months after the final rule is published. faa will review and approve the SmS implementation plans. A


The combined airline’s aircraft livery will adopt Continental’s livery, colors and design, including its blue-gold-white globe image on the tail, combined with the new-style UNITED name on the fuselage.

ApprovAls: initiAl/dAte

GrAphic Artist Acct  coord prooFreAder Art director

copywriter product spec Art Buyer leGAl

creAtive dir exec creA dir Asst Acc t exec Acct exec

sr  Acct  exec Acct  super Acct  director production 7-29-2010 10:41 AM tommye.blount / sue.lenoir

Media type


line screen


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Ad description National Voice Switch

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non- Bleed

8” x 10.05”8.375” x 10.875”8.875” x 11.5”8.375” x 10.875”

pubs: Airport Magazine Aug/Sep 2010, Oct/Nov 2010;Journal of Air Traffic Control Association Fall 2010 pubs 9/27; ATCA 2010 Meeting Event Guide 2010 Guide Oct 24-27

ecd Steve Levit/ Nguyen, Creative Dir.

Art director Paul Nguyen

copywriter Jeff Eaker

Acc’t coordinator Michael Mooradian

production Karen Kaminski 248-203-8836/Tom Burland x8824

pre press McGraphics

caption If it’s safe enough for the world’s largest air force Fonts Helvetica Neue, ITC Officina Sans

northrop Grummanclient: n/Adivision:10059A

360 West Maple Road • Birmingham • MI • 48009 • 248-203-8000

5700 Wilshire Blvd. • Ste. 225 • Los Angeles • CA 90036 • 323-900-7100

ratio 1” = 1”




non- Bleed

203.2 mm x 255.27 mm212.725 mm x 276.225 mm225.425 mm x 292.1 mm212.725 mm x 276.225 mm

Approved eMAil


ApproveduploAd & printouts

spellchecKedAll rop Art is in plAcereQuested rop Art








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Page 11: Airport Magazine October/November 2010

ApprovAls: initiAl/dAte

GrAphic Artist Acct  coord prooFreAder Art director

copywriter product spec Art Buyer leGAl

creAtive dir exec creA dir Asst Acc t exec Acct exec

sr  Acct  exec Acct  super Acct  director production 7-29-2010 10:41 AM tommye.blount / sue.lenoir

Media type


line screen


PrintMagazine page133 lpi4 Color

Ad description National Voice Switch

images 10NG133.tif, 09NG049.eps

saved at


printed at2route

nGc els 6nGc0207Job no.: G0207BAd no.:

inks CMYK

notes: None




non- Bleed

8” x 10.05”8.375” x 10.875”8.875” x 11.5”8.375” x 10.875”

pubs: Airport Magazine Aug/Sep 2010, Oct/Nov 2010;Journal of Air Traffic Control Association Fall 2010 pubs 9/27; ATCA 2010 Meeting Event Guide 2010 Guide Oct 24-27

ecd Steve Levit/ Nguyen, Creative Dir.

Art director Paul Nguyen

copywriter Jeff Eaker

Acc’t coordinator Michael Mooradian

production Karen Kaminski 248-203-8836/Tom Burland x8824

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Page 12: Airport Magazine October/November 2010


Last year aaae took an unprecedented action to reach out to its corporate members. those of us who are corporate members now need to make the most of

this opportunity.the aaae Board of directors formed a Corporate

Committee to give us a vehicle to become organized. then, upon ratification by the full membership, the aaae Bylaws were modified to include two corporate members on the Board of directors for the

first time in the 80-year history of the association. Clearly, this is a significant effort to include corporate members as partners in the organization.

I have the honor of serving as the first aaae Corporate Committee chair. Stacy hollowell with Siemens is the vice chair. we both sit on the aaae Board of directors. the committee also has established a steering group, which consists of Jim Buckley with reveal, Claudia holliway with LPa Group, richard horstmann with Urban engineers, Carlos maeda with kimley-horn, keith mawson with Leo a daly, todd mcnabb with honeywell, Lisa

Pyles with UrS, and Stacy and myself. the membership of the committee is intended

to represent the full breadth of aaae corporate members, including consultants, vendors, concessionaires and others. all firms are entirely welcome, but, currently, we have a disproportionately small number of non-consultant firms on the committee. we need more of you to join. I suggest to you that every aaae corporate member firm should have a representative on the committee. think about what we could accomplish with that level of participation.

the committee intends to work in harmony with other corporate aviation entities. It realizes most corporate members are active in many facets of aviation and have limited resources. It is focused on working within aaae, and making this opportunity as strong as possible for everyone involved.

the committee has established governing rules, a mission statement and annual goals. all of these can be viewed on the aaae web site at from the home page, click on “aaae,” then “Committees,” then “Corporate.” the Corporate Committee mission statement is:

• the mission of the aaae Corporate Committee is to foster communication, participation and value with corporate members and aaae.

this year’s goals are:

• Provide corporate member input at the policy level with corporate member representation on the aaae Board of directors.

• Increase participation on other aaae committees and at conferences and meetings to provide technical assistance and encourage airport member interactions.

• work with aaae to expand programs to encourage interaction with select airport members.

• work with corporate members to expand membership to increase participation opportunities, sponsorships and corporate dues.

• work with aaae staff to identify enhanced services for corporate members.

• enhance communication of corporate information valuable to airport members.

the goals generally were established to benefit aaae as an entity, its airport members and, of course, the corporate members. the committee realized it must strike a balance in benefiting each group. the committee needs to provide the value all parties desired in undertaking this new strategic direction.

Currently, the committee has working groups addressing each goal. Progress is building, but increased participation by corporate members is always helpful. If you are a corporate member, review the goals and find one that interests you. the goals are broad enough to allow each member to have an impact.

we are in the early stages as a committee that will exist for a very long time. Corporate members have a chance to reap the benefits of participation for our individual corporations, while seizing a chance to “give back” to our industry.

every company that is a aaae corporate member can put a person on the Corporate Committee by contacting aaae’s Cindy dewitt at [email protected], and every firm should ask its representative to become active. we need to make the most of this opportunity. A

AAAe’s Corporate Committee:|Make The Most Of ItBy Brian ReedSenior Vice President-Aviation, RS&H


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Technology, Techniques and RequirementsAn InsIder’s VIewpoInt



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The following article was compiled from presentations given by Marc Tonnacliff, FAA’s ARFF specialist, and Rick Wilson, fire chief at Pittsburgh International, during Airport Magazine’s ARFF Webinar, which aired July 22, 2010, from AAAE headquarters in Alexandria, Va.

MaRc Tonnacliff:

AA hAs updAted AC 150/5200.31C, which provides guidance to the airport operator in the development and implementation of an Airport Emergency Plan (AEP). The AEP addresses essential emergency-related and deliberate actions planned to ensure the safety of, and emergency services for, the airport populace and the community in which the airport is located.

The following is a summary of these planned changes:

• The implementation date for the revision of the AEP has been extended until Dec. 31, 2010.

• Numerous updated referencing documents and specific Web sites are included. Several homeland security presidential directives were issued to provide additional guidance for first responders as a result of 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina.

• Updates are made to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and Incident Command System (ICS) training resources. This establishes common terminology that allows diverse incident management and support organizations to work together across a wide variety of incident management functions and hazard scenarios.

• Hazard-specific details are revised. Within the AC, FAA has provided a Hazards section (Chapter 7) that identifies the different hazards found in 14 CFR § 139.325. (ACRP

04-04) exercising Command-Level decision Making for Critical Incidents at Airports, due out later this year, will provide computer-based training on the same hazards found in 14 CFR § 139.325.

• Examples of organizational structure are provided to assist airports in demonstrating their chain of command during emergency situations. Sample organizational charts can be found in the COMMAND & CONTROL section of the AC.

• Definitions have been expanded. Again, there are many different definitions associated with airport operations and emergencies. While this is not an all-inclusive list, it provides common definitions that will be found through the AC.

• A list of acronyms is provided to help everyone understand the terms used throughout the AC.

• The bibliography page has been updated and provides Smart links to the sources referenced in the AC.

• Mutual Aid Agreements: since its original release (September 2009), one reference within the document has changed:

page 5, paragraph 2, State and Local Guide 101, was changed to Complete Preparedness Guide 101. The document can be accessed at

Since the AC is a large document, it is recommended you print the document out, break it down by


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marc tonnacliff

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chapter and then by specific section, and address each section individually. That way, it won’t be quite so overwhelming.

This is not a one-person job. This needs to be done by a team of people at your airport because everybody at the airport needs to know what his/her job is supposed to be, where he/she is supposed to go, and what each individual is supposed to do during different emergencies. Potential team members can be found in Table 3-1.

Again, part of the process of dealing with the NIMS is you want to ensure that your AEP incorporates the surrounding community. You’re going to depend on these people for mutual aid. You need to make sure that they are part of your AEP, and you need to be part of their disaster preparedness, too.

Advisory CirCulArs If you sign up on FAA’s Web site, you can receive an e-mail whenever one of the pages or any page on the Web site is updated. Watch for public comment periods. This is your opportunity to provide FAA officials with information when they are writing the ACs or updating them, and this is your opportunity to provide input. If you don’t submit, don’t complain when the AC comes out.

One of the ACs that will be published is 150/5210.23, the ARFF vehicle high-reach extendable turret operation, training and qualifications. Again, this is a brand-new AC, and it’s going to correspond with the new ARFF training DVD that will be released in the next couple of months. In the AC, we describe some tactical applications and fire fighting strategies that you may be able to use with your high-reach extendable turret. We also provide a sample training outline that can be adapted to your airport or used as is.

AC 150/5210.13, also due out this year, involves water rescue plans and equipment. In this AC, we’ve added a sample water rescue plan. Again, this is just to give you some ideas. Remember, once you have completed your water rescue plan, be sure to insert it into the appropriate section of your AEP. We’ve provided a sample checklist of equipment for your consideration.

We’re also working on an ARFF vehicle procurement program that will be on the Web site as a Smart PDF program. The program asks

a number of questions, beginning with, “What is your airport index?” When you click on the appropriate index, the program will bring up a list of the vehicles that are available for your index. Another question that the program will ask is whether your airport is located in an area where the temperature falls below 32 degrees for extended periods of time. If you answer “yes” to this question, the program automatically will add the booster heater system on the vehicle, so you don’t forget about it. Again, the program will follow the current AC, 150/5220.10D, and when it is issued later this year, it will probably have a new designation, which will be .10 Echo.

FAA TeCh CenTer ProjeCTsOne project that the William J. Hughes FAA Technical Center is working on is vehicle rear-wheel steering. The center currently has one report online at, and they’ve completed a second report that should be online later this year. Rear-wheel steering helps to reduce tire wear and maneuvering of the vehicle, and when you have vehicle tires costing in excess of $1,000 each, reducing tire wear is a good thing. Rear-wheel steering also helps when trying to maneuver a vehicle in and around objects.

Another project being worked on by the Tech Center is crash simulation of transport aircraft to predict fuel release. They’re looking to predict a structural breakup and fuel release of a survivable crash, so that an alternative to the theoretical critical area (TCA) and practical critical area (PCA) method can be developed. TCA/PCA deals with the area of an airplane and the amount of agent required to extinguish a fire. It is somewhat complex and, if you are limited on space, just use what you have.

Two other projects that the Tech Center is working on go somewhat hand in hand. The first one is to determine the minimum fire fighting

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system performance standard needed for adequate fire fighting protection and extinguishment on an airport. Basically, what we’re looking to do with this project is to set a baseline for the fire fighting systems that are out there, so that when new technology comes along we will have a standard to test it against to see if it is actually better than what is currently available. And the second project is designed to review new technology and determine whether it is capable of being installed on a large ARFF vehicle to enhance the current capabilities of the vehicle.

(Also see Tonnacliff’s article, “Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting: What’s New and What’s in the Works” in the October/November 2009 issue of Airport Magazine, which may be viewed at

Rick Wilson:

Ittsburgh InternAtIonAL AIrport (PIT) was built in the 1950s, and the airport, much like the city of Pittsburgh, has gone through some major changes over the last 50 years. New airport terminals were designed and built for an airline hub operation in 1992. Dramatic airline restructuring has resulted in the elimination of the hub, and now origination and destination traffic is thriving and growing in Pittsburgh.

Pittsburgh International was and still is an Index D airport, which carries with it a significant ARFF responsibility. The airport, as well as the ARFF department, is operated by the Allegheny County Airport Authority (ACAA). The airport’s ARFF department, currently organized around three platoons (A, B and C), is an all-hazard response

agency. We respond to aircraft, structural, HAZMAT, medical, just about anything to which most fire departments would respond. We currently have one fire chief (myself), two deputies, six lieutenants, and 36 active fire fighters operating all out of three platoons. We have two fire stations on the airport.

We also operate an FAA regional training facility in Pittsburgh where live annual training occurs. We host all of our airport employees for required Part 139 training. Some of our other offerings include airport mutual aid training for our surrounding community and

miscellaneous off-site development sessions. We have started a tenant facilities safety type training as well.

Our primary mutual aid partners are predominantly volunteer fire fighters from surrounding communities. With the decline in the economy, the decrease in the number of people who live in the area, and the fact that people just don’t have the time to volunteer the way they used to, we’re looking at a system in which major incidents can quickly overwhelm mutual aid resources. So we had to change the way that we actually did things. We assessed the shortfalls and began to find alternatives that were practical, expedient and cost effective.

non-TrAdiTionAl ChAngesThe airport has started to use systems, personnel and resources in ways that are non-traditional to the emergency response world. One of these initiatives is the Simple Triage and Rapid Transport (START) team. It’s built from non-traditional ARFF resources and basically uses employees at the airport who have a willingness to assist in major disasters where we have people with injuries or a mass casualty situation. These people might work in administrative systems, finance, field maintenance or facility maintenance, but they’re willing, good-hearted people who previously may not have had a primary function in our emergency plan or during the initial stages of an incident.

We asked our employees if they would be willing to participate in a basic first aid program

in which they would manage a triage system that uses four colors of ribbons to evaluate the condition of victims. Once we have the volunteers, they must go through our in-house START training program prior to becoming an active START team member. Our START team also operates as a transportation unit. They bring whatever vehicles they can find

ricK WilSon

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and transport victims to a central casualty collection point where they will be met by medical professionals or be transported to medical facilities.

We’ve also created an airport family assistance team program that also includes in-house training to assist in creating a welcoming center for family members of people who were involved in an incident. Again, we found

willing ACAA volunteers, non-traditional assets, put them to work, and now these people fit right into the system. An Operational Support Team (OST) was formed of TSA personnel who can provide assistance during emergencies. The team can go out and set up a perimeter, or team members can help with their resources whenever we have an incident.

Our incident management team provides centralized command and coordination during major events in the Emergency Operations Center. We also started an Incident Recovery and Business Continuity team. Knowing that the airport is a major piece of the infrastructure in Pittsburgh, providing most of the transportation in and out of the city, and with multiple military operations right on the airport, it is vital that if we ever would have to cease operations, we have a plan to get back in business as quickly as possible. Therefore, business continuity is a critical part of our operation.

TrAining And eduCATion Training and education also come into play in developing non-traditional emergency response resources. The fire training facility became a major part of this because our ARFF department already had the credentials to offer their training experience. We knew how to train people. Our ability to assist in providing employee safety training for all airport employees was critical in many aspects. We were able to add our experience so that people understood their responsibilities, not just their emergency plan responsibilities, but their

responsibilities in supporting the everyday safe operations at PIT.

We have emergency drills, as well as focus exercises. We find areas that we specifically want to test. These focus drills assist in the emergency plan hazard assessments where we have an evaluation of our potential for a particular type of incident. It’s an ongoing process, and if there needs to be adjustments in strategies, tactics or procedures or training, we make them.

We take an active part in all activities on the airport property. This has not only increased our own knowledge and situational awareness, it also has increased the preparedness of the people who work on the airport.

We also assessed our departmental best practices and went to our fire fighters union to address some specific practices. By doing this, we actually changed some of our new hire practices and had a schedule change. Our fire fighters went from a 48-hour system to a 52-hour system, and we went to a three-platoon system. This system focuses our manning levels to peak operational periods.

The platoons now work a 24-on, 48-off schedule, with an assigned “Kelly day” (12-hour shift off) each three-week period. This Kelly shift is assigned on the overnight portion of the 24-hour shift when call volumes and details such as inspections, training and meetings are less frequent. The Kelly shifts are spread throughout the week so that manning levels can be maintained, but it ensures that one or two extra people are available when things are busiest. It took some adjustment, but our fire fighters understand the responsibilities of being part of a community, and they have adjusted to doing things that are outside of the norm.

It is a true community effort, the operation is different, and the airport has changed. The focus is now on the people who work here. Developing people, succession planning and communication has all aided in building consensus among airport employees, and from this, we have improved cooperation, safety and planning from everyone.

During the development of our AC 150/5200.31C-compliant emergency plan, we were able to utilize the expertise of personnel on the airport staff to create the document. The development group approach was the key to forming a plan that is clear and functional. It is not just one individual’s or one section’s responsibility; it required a community approach.

We don’t try to predict or forecast the future. We try to plan for the future. Our focus has to be on modernization, utilizing technology and applying experience and planning. We need to have effective plans and test them to make sure that they work. A

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Portland InternatIonal Takes Sustainability To A New LevelBy Barbara Cook

From its inception as a strategy to improve cost effectiveness

and operational efficiency, the Port of Portland’s (Ore.) recently

opened administrative headquarters building has become a major

accomplishment of sustainable design and construction.

Innovative features at the new building, which consolidates airport and seaport offices, have attracted nationwide attention, and the facility has earned mention by as one of the world’s top 10 most high-tech green buildings. The port currently is on track to gain Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification for its far-reaching achievement.

Designed to evoke the hull of a ship or the wing of an airplane, the building has gone beyond the predictable and has ventured into the future of sustainability. Yet, its history that began with an effort to provide a cost-conscious headquarters building has demonstrated that cost savings and

sustainability are compatible options.Steve Schreiber, director of Portland

International, told Airport Magazine that the concept for the new headquarters building was developed at the end of 2004, driven by a number of factors that included the need for additional space and the desire to make the port’s operation more cost effective. Schreiber, who at the time was CFO of the port, recommended consolidating the port’s separate aviation and seaport offices in one location.

Early on in the project, port officials determined that the new headquarters building should demonstrate “our commitment to sustainability,”

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Schreiber explained. “That flows out of direction from our commission and our policies around sustainability.” The port also was committed to achieve LEED Gold status for the new facility.

Port officials undertook a “rigorous review” of the proposed garage/headquarters building, Schreiber said. “It was a big decision for our board to make. We took the better part of a year to review our numbers and make sure that our numbers were accurate.” Ultimately, the port authority board approved the concept and set a budget limit of $241 million. “We were told not to exceed that,” Schreiber said. “It took lots of hard work to keep it there,” he added. At Airport Magazine presstime, the project cost was $238 million.

Port of Portland Headquarters At A Glance

Project description: A 10-story structure that includes seven stories of public parking topped by three floors of office space located immediately east of the existing short-term parking garage at Portland International Airport.

Total Square Footage

Office: 205,000 square feet; 478 work spaces, conference rooms and public meeting space

Parking garage: 1.2 million square feet; 3,500 parking spaces (500 for rental cars)

Project use: The Port of Portland consolidated its 478 employees — 240 employees from the former downtown headquarters and the 238 employees formerly in the airport terminal building — into the new space.

Cost and Funding

Total project cost: $241 million—parking garage, pedestrian tunnels and related utilities, $156 million; offices, $85 million

Architect: Portland’s Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects

The building is designed to evoke the hull of a ship or the wing of an airplane.

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Locating the port’s headquarters building on top of a planned-for garage at Portland International “at first seemed a bit of an odd idea, but when the architect got through with it, it didn’t look like it was on top of a garage,” Schreiber said. The reason for the headquarters/garage combination stemmed from the twin goals of conserving land and cutting costs, he explained. The decision to add a garage already had been made, which meant that the infrastructure would be in place and the cost for that building would be incurred in any event.

“The designers did a great job of bringing it together, and the building is very close to the terminal,” Schreiber said. “I spend more time in the public parts of the terminal now than when my office was in the terminal.”

The decision to incorporate the Living Machine (see sidebar) technology in the building design required substantial due diligence before the choice was made, Schreiber said. Although many buildings collect and use rainwater, those that treat and reuse wastewater are few in number. “We sent staff and

other airports are indicating interest

in the many novel features in the

building. Tour groups of political

and aviation industry officials have

visited the new headquarters to

view its sustainable features and

ask questions about the business

reasons behind the port’s decision to

consolidate its operating units.

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contractors out to look at similar ones to see how they work,” he said, noting that research efforts found “nothing of this size and scale.” Port staff “did a lot of homework to convince ourselves that this was right thing to do.”

While not all port authority employees initially were positive about the move, especially staff members who had worked in the downtown location, the new building has created its own fan base. “People really see the benefits from being in one location,” Schreiber said. “There is more collaboration because we are all in one place.” To ease commuting costs, the port offers subsidized transit passes for its employees. Further, the city has a light rail system that connects to the airport, and the airport has bike access. “We have tried to make it as convenient and painless as possible,” Schreiber said.

Other airports are indicating interest in the many novel features in the building. Tour groups of political and aviation industry officials have visited the new headquarters to view its sustainable features and ask questions about the business reasons behind the port’s decision to consolidate its operating units.

Predictability, the Living Machine in the port’s lobby is the biggest attraction for visitors. “There was concern at first about possible odor in the lobby, but there isn’t any,” Schreiber said. The eco roof is the second biggest attraction in the port’s sustainability program, he said, followed by the geothermal heating/cooling system.

So far, there is nothing about the new headquarters facility that he would change, Schreiber said. “We purposely said that for the first two months we won’t make any major changes; we would just settle in. We did that. And, once we got used to things, we liked them.” A

Barbara Cook is editor of Airport Magazine. She

may be reached at [email protected].

Portland Headquarters Sustainability Overview

Water conservation

All together, the new headquarters building’s water-efficient features will decrease water usage by 75 percent.

Probably the most innovative environmental feature of the building is the Living Machine system, an ecological wastewater treatment alternative that treats wastewater for reuse in the building’s toilets and cooling tower, using natural, tidal wetland-like processes. The system occupies about 700 square feet in the building lobby. While wastewater treatment is usually out of sight, the Living Machine system, created by Worrell Water Technologies, looks much like a large indoor garden and was placed in the lobby to serve as an onsite teaching tool.

The system incorporates a series of wetland cells, or basins, that are filled with special gravel and plants. As wastewater moves through the system, the cells are alternately flooded and drained to create multiple tidal cycles each day, much like what is found in nature, resulting in high-quality wastewater treatment.

The building incorporates an extensive tray system eco-roof (10,000 square feet), as well as an intensive eco-roof system that can be used by staff. Both will help treat rainwater, reduce flow to the storm sewer, and insulate the building so it is easier to cool. Other portions of the building’s roof are covered with a reflective membrane to reduce the urban heat island effect. The landscaping on the roof was carefully selected to not attract birds in accordance with the airport’s wildlife hazard management plan.

Energy conservation

• The building will use 36 percent less energy than a typical building of its size, and the garage will use 78 percent less energy than a typical similar size garage.

• More than 200 pipes located 300 feet under the building provide ground source heating and cooling in a closed-loop system. Passive radiant ceiling panels regulate building temperatures.

• Daylighting controls reduce the number of light fixtures needed during the day by optimizing the use of sunlight for interior lighting and window glazing and exterior shades help to keep interiors cool.

• Tunnels between the new parking garage and the airport terminal feature motion sensor activated moving sidewalks — a first in the U.S.

Indoor air quality

Materials such as paint, linoleum, carpet and other products are non-toxic with low or zero volatile-organic compounds. Office equipment like high volume printers and scanners will be kept in separately ventilated rooms.

Re-use and natural resource preservation

• During construction, the port minimized construction waste, used easily renewable or recycled materials and products and bought locally where possible.

• Office chairs can be taken apart at the end of their lifespan. Components can be recycled.

Cubicle frames are made with recycled metal. Wood paneling and flooring is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. Reclaimed old-growth fir from the port’s marine Terminal 4 was reused in the building entry lobby. Cobblestones in the entry plaza once served as ballast in ships.

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T he first Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum-certified aircraft hangar recently opened at California’s Bob Hope Airport,

featuring sustainable construction elements that range from rooftop solar panels to optimized use of metal building system components — many of which have a high recycled content and are recyclable.

The $17 million Hangar 25 is situated on a 2.81-acre site at the airport and offers 50,630 square feet of hangar space plus an additional 12,000 square feet of office and meeting area.

The large and relatively flat roofs of hangars

make them ideal for photovoltaic (PV) arrays. The white metal roof of Hangar 25 has a solar array that contains more than 1,500 PV panels in four rows running the length of the building. This grouping produces an estimated 110 percent of the power needed to operate the facility and is expected to yield more than 400,000 kilowatt hours of energy per year.

The PV panels also provide shade for the roof, keeping the ambient temperature down. The metal roof is highly reflective, which also keeps it cool and lessens the need for air conditioning and mitigates the urban heat island effect. During the daytime, excess power production is


Aircraft Hangar 25 Incorporates

SuSTainable FeaTureS By Jay D. Johnson, LEED AP





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put into the local electric grid, generating clean energy for other users.

In addition to the cool roof and shading from the solar panels, the facility makes substantial use of daylighting, with more than 100 translucent skylights in the roof situated between the four rows of PV panels. Additional glazed panels and windows allow light into both the hangar and

office space. More than

95 percent of the regularly used areas of the facility receive natural daylight.

Another feature that reduces the cooling and heating costs is the use of six large fans in the hangar area. Combined with the cool roof and efficient building envelope, the fans keep the hangar temperature at comfortable levels without major use of air conditioning.

While the highly efficient building keeps the need for electricity use to a minimum, the solar array provides electricity for additional uses that can reduce pollution, increase air quality, and lower noise levels. All of the equipment for the hangar, including rechargeable tractors, forklifts and tugs, runs from electricity produced by the solar grid.

For its primary framing and exterior, Hangar 25 uses a metal building system with a metal roof and metal wall panels. Thirty-five percent of the

construction materials used for Hangar 25 came from recycled materials, and the steel content in the frame, roof and wall panels constituted a significant portion of that.

The versatility of the building is apparent in the combination of the office and hangar spaces. The west end of the hangar includes the office area, which was designed to allow the nose of

an aircraft to pierce this space. The fully glazed translucent front entryway runs the height of the office area. A steel bridge across the foyer allows occupants to cross to either side of the offices and provides views of the hangar operations.

Another environmental concern

for any hangar is the floor, which is often coated with epoxy sealers and finishes. These sealers and finishes typically are reapplied every few years, which adds toxic chemicals to the environment and can take days to apply and dry. The concrete floor of Hangar 25 incorporates a diamond-polished surface. The natural concrete was polished to a bright finish using a diamond-bladed polisher that exposed the aggregate and hardened the concrete. The final product is a chemical-free concrete floor.

Other sustainable features in Hangar 25 include low-flow plumbing, natural landscaping, and a special fire suppression system that reduces both water use and the need to store harmful chemicals.

J.R. Miller & Associates (JRMA) provided the architectural and engineering design of Hangar 25 for Shangri-La Construction and AVJET Corp.

Jay D. Johnson, LEED AP, is director of architectural services

for the Metal Building Manufacturers Association (MBMA) in

Cleveland, Ohio. For more information, visit

Left, exterior view of Hangar 25. Above right, site plan.

While the highly efficient building keeps the need for electricity use to a minimum,

the solar array provides electricity for additional uses that can reduce pollution,

increase air quality, and lower noise levels. All of the equipment for the hangar,

including rechargeable tractors, forklifts and tugs, runs from electricity

produced by the solar grid.

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A ccess control and perimeter security at U.S. airports will receive renewed legislative scrutiny in 2011 as the House Committee on Homeland Security sets

its agenda for the 112th Congress, according to Thomas McDaniels, committee senior professional staff member.

Complementary efforts are underway by TSA in its survey and compilation of Best Practices and Innovative Measures in airport security, as well as in the revision of the agency’s 2006 document Recommended Security Guidelines for Airport Planning Design and Construction. To supplement the planning and design guidelines, TSA has commissioned a revision to the 2008 RTCA document, Integrated Security System Standards for Airport Access Control.

In addition, the independent AAAE Biometric

Airport Security Identification Consortium (BASIC) is developing a proposed Concept of Operations for the elective implementation of biometric credentialing and access control. Each of these efforts is supported by the voluntary work of airport managers, consultants and equipment manufacturers.

The House committee will report on the capability of access control and perimeter security measures at U.S. airports to meet anticipated security threats. Policies and operational procedures, as well as physical design and security equipment, are topics of review. The cost of and funding for airports to meet regulatory mandates and upgrade and maintain systems that keep pace with new threats will be factors in these discussions. The latest standards for such systems will be fundamental to any gap analysis on U.S. airport protection.

Access Control, Perimeter SecurityTo Be AcTive Topics in 2011

By Jeanne Olivier, A.A.E.

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“As the security threat to airports continues to evolve, so does all of the planning, policies, procedures and technology intended to address it, and our standards and guidelines must reflect this evolution,” said Art Kosatka, coordinator of the Airport Security Design Guidelines Working Group of TSA’s Aviation Security Advisory Committee (ASAC). The guidelines are intended to help commercial airport operators ensure that security considerations and requirements are part of the planning and design of airport infrastructure, facilities and operations.

The revisions to the security guidelines for planning and design address all aspects of airport security from access control for secure areas to bomb blast considerations in public terminals, baggage screening, and so forth. The document provides background information on each topic to help designers and planners better understand the challenges that must be addressed at airports.

With respect to the technology and infrastructure aspects of airport access control, Kosatka noted, “There are no more green fields in the U.S. airports, so we are always retrofitting or expanding existing facilities. The usual expected life cycle of an access control system is six to seven years, but the technology and threats are evolving faster than that. So it is important that we design and use systems that are flexible, adaptable and

interoperable, to mitigate the cost of upgrading to meet new threat scenarios.”

Ann Barry, chair of the BASIC technical subcommittee and a contributor to the Security Design Guidelines Working Group, said, “We are often confronted with the challenge of not only compatibility and interoperability with legacy systems, but also of ensuring that interfacing to legacy systems does not compromise the full functionality of newly designed systems.”

Cost and operational considerations often necessitate a phased transition to new security system elements, and the interoperability and flexibility of systems is important to the success of this move.

San Francisco International is in the process of upgrading its access control system. “The whole effort was propelled by our need to renovate and reopen an older terminal that had been vacant for a long time,” explained Kim Dickie, C.M., the airport’s director of security. “We had an older access control system that we were having trouble maintaining, and this presented the opportunity for us to improve our systems as we invested in the renovation of the terminal.”

The airport’s new system will incorporate biometric identification and prepare for future use of biometrics in access control. In developing contract specifications for its new system, San Francisco International drew upon the RTCA guidance on access control standards, and upon the BASIC committee’s exchange of lessons learned by colleagues from airports across the U.S. and Canada.

The revised RTCA document on access control standards will be referenced extensively in TSA’s security design guidelines document. The RTCA work provides minimum performance standards for the design of airport access control systems and other related electronic security systems and is referred to in determining requirements for AIP funding for such airport projects. Last issued in 2008, the document’s revisions will reflect the most current information on technology, regulations and standards, and will focus primarily on changes to federal and non-federal credentialing standards and common practices at airports.

The Concept of Operations developed by the BASIC committee to address legislative intent in biometric identification credentials for airport workers and biometric access control for secure areas will be included in the new RTCA guidance. The BASIC Concept of Operations is the airport

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industry’s collaboration for a practical approach to the transition to these higher levels of identity assurance. The RTCA standards updates are expected to be completed by June 2011. The committee will be co-chaired by TSA’s Christopher Runde, the agency’s director of aviation credentialing, and Christer

Wilkinson, senior project manager for AECOM/DMJM Aviation and a well-known technology consultant who chaired the last RTCA committee on this initiative. Meetings of the committee will be announced in the Federal Register and are open to the public.

Several years after their initial investment in access control technology, airports are seeking cost-effective ways to leverage their investments with component upgrades and further enhance the effectiveness of their security systems. The integration of many security components and related systems, such as door alarms, cameras, fire alarms and so forth, can provide security personnel with a highly desirable comprehensive situational awareness of their facilities, usually focused in a command and control center.

However, the closed nature of proprietary technology can impede the integration of new systems with legacy systems. In such cases, airports may choose to replace legacy systems with ones that have an open architecture and thus easily allow further expansion. Some airports are finding another option in the use of software products that sit between diverse systems and manage the communication among them.

Such direction in technology improvements will require financial investment and implementation strategies that may extend over a number of years. Airports will look to their colleagues, as well as to the consultant community, for advice based on their experiences in similar undertakings and for short-term initiatives that can offer improvements to their security program.

To understand which security strategies are operationally and financially practical, airports and Congress soon will be able to draw upon TSA’s November 2009 survey of Security Best Practices and Innovative Measures of U.S. commercial airports. The survey report will highlight low-cost solutions to security requirements, as well as local initiatives that require more investment and contribute to higher levels of security control where the situation requires.

Douglas Hofsass, TSA deputy assistant administrator for transportation sector network management, is enthusiastic about the results of the survey. He commented, “The Best Practices and Innovative Measures initiative being led by TSA and strongly supported by airport operators is a true example of how strategic partnerships and collaboration can drive improvements in aviation security while creating efficiencies for airport operators.

“With more than 100 airports responding to the field survey, more than 700 best practices and innovative measures were submitted to TSA. Upon review, validation, and cataloging of these practices into a compendium/manual, airport operators will have a resource that can be referenced during capital planning, alternative measure reviews and internal efficiency studies. It is these types of ‘real

results’ that highlight how far the TSA relationship has evolved over the years with airports.

“Finding ways to improve security while reducing impact on airport operators is critical in a world of limited resources and a dynamic threat landscape,” he added. A

Jeanne Olivier, A.A.E., is assistant director-

aviation security and technology for the Port

Authority of New York & New Jersey, and

vice chair of AAAE’s Transportation Security

Services Committee. She may be reached at

[email protected].

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In April 2008, airport members of AAAE formed the Biometric Airport Security Identification Consortium (BASIC) under the leadership of Jeanne Olivier, A.A.E., now assistant director-

aviation security and technology for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

At the time, with the potential threat of an unfunded mandate by either Congress or TSA that would in short order require biometrics as part of airports’ badging and access control systems, the consortium’s founding members wanted proactive-ly to outline a framework for introducing biomet-rics into the airport badging environment.

The goal was to create a framework that not only met the security objectives of Washington, D.C., policymakers but also satisfied the individual operational needs of airport operators.

From the beginning, airports participating in BASIC have focused on two key areas: 1) creating, in collaboration with TSA and with the help and expertise of its technical advisory committee, a comprehensive Concept of Operations that details an airport-driven framework for implementing biometric-based interoperable credentials; and 2) proactively implementing elements of this Concept of Operations at airports, an effort that is referred to as the Early Adopter program.

The BASIC Concept of Operations defines the roles and responsibilities for key players operat-ing within the framework. The federal government and TSA in particular are responsible for the vet-ting and vetting requirements for aviation workers. Airport operators are responsible for enrollment,

badge issuance and granting access control privi-leges. Central Status Service Providers are respon-sible for central functions that enable interoper-ability and a chain of trust among TSA, the airport operator and the badge holder.

The BASIC Concept of Operations dictates an open and vendor-neutral architecture, allowing for multiple entities to perform the role of Central Status Service Provider. The BASIC Concept of Operations also outlines a phased implementation with four distinct phases that allows airports to adopt elements of the framework over a period of time that is suitable to the size and circumstances of each facility.

Transportation Security ClearinghouseAt the same time that BASIC was forming, AAAE’s Transportation Security Clearinghouse (TSC) was helping airports to comply with existing background check requirements, including biometric-based Criminal History Record Checks (CHRC) and biographic-based Security Threat Assessments (STAs). In particular, airports still were struggling with the new and expanded requirements related to STAs and questioning whether there were a better way to submit data than the cumbersome Excel spreadsheets.

In response, the TSC created a secure Web-based messaging system that allows airports to have a real-time link to the TSC over which they can sub-mit both STA data and the electronic fingerprint transmission required for CHRCs. This Web-based messaging system, known as the TSC’s Automated

BASIC Blazing A Trail For Biometrics At AirportsBy Colleen Chamberlain


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Integration Services, also provides a channel for providing information, such as background check results, back to a connected airport.

Under the Early Adopter program, BASIC air-ports were the first to take advantage of the TSC’s Automated Integration Services. Phase I of the BASIC Concept of Operations calls for the combined submis-sion of STA and CHRC data in a secure transmission to a Central Status Service Provider. To date, the TSC has acted as the Central Status Service Provider for BASIC Early Adopter airports, such as San Francisco International, Newark Liberty International and Colorado’s Aspen-Pitken County, enabling these air-ports to submit required data in real-time in a secure Web-based message. Other airports, such as Los Angeles International and Salt Lake City International, also effectively have transitioned to the TSC’s Automated Integration Services, even though they are not considered officially part of the BASIC Early Adopter program.

Data SubmissionsThe efforts of the BASIC Early Adopters and other pioneer airports using the TSC’s Automated Integration Services led to TSA’s issuing guidance earlier this year that grants airports using the TSC’s approved messaging structure relief from submitting both daily and monthly spreadsheet updates of STA data. This is significant since AAAE and the TSC have long been working on behalf of airports to ease compliance with STA data requirements.

In particular, AAAE and the TSC have focused a great deal on the monthly submissions, as they create a significant burden on airport operators, can cause unintended data corruption if submitted incorrectly, and, most importantly, do not add any security value. In addition to policy advocacy on eliminating the monthly submission requirement, AAAE and the TSC also pursued technical and operational solutions that would ease the burden of monthly submissions. As a result, by submitting data in real-time using secure Web-based messaging through the TSC’s Automated Integration Services, airports no longer have to use an Excel spreadsheet for STA update or monthly submissions, effectively eliminating the burden of separate monthly submissions.

Next StepsNow, the BASIC Early Adopter airports are

looking forward to Phase II, which, according to the Concept of Operations, involves the use of a trusted and secure biometric, known as a reference biometric, which is returned to the airport by the Central Status Service Provider. Because the TSC’s Automated Integration Services uses a two-way messaging structure, the secure channel already exists for the TSC to return digitally signed biometric templates of the same biometric used for the CHRC back to airports for use in the operational airport environment. For example, an airport could use the reference biometric at the time of badge issuance to verify that the individual accepting an airport badge is the same individual that provided his or her fingerprints for the required CHRC background check.

Due to the leadership of BASIC Chair Olivier, the expertise and guidance of the BASIC Technical Advisory Committee, and the operational support of the TSC of the Early Adopter program, BASIC has earned critical recognition by TSA and the biometric and identity management industry as a proven path forward for airports interested in introducing biometrics into their credentialing and access control systems.

In fact, in a recent survey of AAAE airport members, close to 75 percent of respondents indicated that they plan to incorporate at least one or more phases of BASIC into their future plans related to credentialing and access control. The greatest number of respondents indicated plans to move forward with Phase I, which is the combination of STA and CHRC data submission into a single secure submission. This is reflected in the dozens of airports that are currently in various stages of connecting into the TSC’s Automated Integration Services.

AAAE airport and corporate members are welcome to join BASIC or its technical advisory committee. To join BASIC, contact Colleen Chamberlain, AAAE, at (703) 575-2460. Airports interested in the TSC’s Automated Integration Services should contact the TSC Customer Service Center directly at (703) 797-2550. A

Colleen Chamberlain is AAAE’s staff vice president, transporta-

tion security policy. She may be reached at

[email protected].

In a recent survey of AAAE airport members, close to 75 percent of respondents

indicated that they plan to incorporate at least one or more phases of BASIC into

their future plans related to credentialing and access control.

Page 31: Airport Magazine October/November 2010

Automated Integration Services

The Transportation Security Clearinghouse’s Automated Integration Services (AIS) provides you the ability to combine and automate biometric and biographic data into a single web-based messaging architecture.

The benefits of the AIS are:• Eliminationfortheneedtocreate,modifyandupload


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The AIS reduces staff time by directly connecting your airport’saccesscontrolandcredentialingsystemstotheClearinghouseandprovidesaTSA-compliantvettingplatform.

There isnofeetosign-up;TSCwillprovide initialsoftwarefreeofchargeandhelpyourbadgingofficeset-upthenewservices.

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Page 32: Airport Magazine October/November 2010


Shorter Lines At JFK May Entice Other Airports To Line Up By David Hughes


What can departure queue management do for an airport? To

find out, simply ask pilots and air traffic controllers at New

York’s Kennedy International (JFK), where collaboration has

streamlined the taxi-clearance process for all stakeholders. The new scheme cuts down “time in the tube”

for passengers who frequently become airborne in half the time — often in less than 30 minutes. The wait time used to be an hour or more on a regular basis. The more reliable departure queue process also makes arrival time at a destination more predictable, so airline planning is easier.

In a four-month deployment of a partially automated departure queue management capability at JFK (March through June 2010), the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANY&NJ), the airlines and FAA can’t say exactly how much fuel, crew duty time, engine wear and airframe hours were saved because the airlines don’t share the proprietary details. However, Tom Bock, PANY&NJ’s general manager of operational

enhancements, said “a very preliminary estimate” comes to five million gallons of fuel per year at JFK. He also said that this projection could turn out to be on the low side.

Perhaps the most intriguing part of the story is how the suggestion of one airline manager, George Kypreos of American Airlines, led to the creation of JFK’s departure queue management capability in just a few months. Kypreos was concerned about loss of capacity when the main runway at JFK was scheduled to be closed for repaving for four months this year (March 1 to June 28, 2010). Following his suggestion to institute departure queue management, PANY&NJ, FAA and the airlines formed the JFK Surface Management Team as an ad hoc committee in November 2008,

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according to FAA’s Surface Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) manager Marshall Mowery. The new departure queue management capability was up and running before the runway closure in March 2010.

Kypreos’s idea led the airport and FAA to engage a contractor to help orchestrate morning and afternoon departures from JFK during the runway closure.

Off-The-Shelf PrOducTSThe beauty of the idea was that it relied on two off-the-shelf products already in use at JFK. One was Sensis Corp.’s Aerobahn product, which provides airlines with a real-time view of all aircraft on the airport surface, including the departure queue. This view is based on a feed from FAA’s Airport Surface Detection Equipment Model X (ASDE-X). ASDE-X sensors include a ground surveillance radar and a multilateration system that uses antennas placed around the airport to triangulate an aircraft’s position. The ASDE-X system is augmented by an additional

multilateration system supplied by FAA that provides passenger and cargo ramp surveillance.

The other off-the-shelf product is Passur Aerospace’s Irregular Operations Network (IROPSnet) Web-based communications tool originally procured by PANY&NJ to handle snow days (irregular operations) when deicing adds an important wicket that aircraft have to pass on their way to a slot-assigned takeoff. IROPSnet creates a “virtual snow desk” to enable airlines to plan departure sequences that include deicing. Deicing comes with a restriction that aircraft can take off only during a specified “hold time” afterward.

For this reason, JFK can handle only about a third of its normal traffic during a snowstorm. And if the sequence isn’t planned well, this can lead to extra deicing procedures. Airlines strive to avoid this extra expense. IROPSnet saved the airlines at JFK $2 million in reduced secondary deicings and diversions in the first year of operation, Bock said.

Aerobahn displays the location of every aircraft on the airport surface, including ones at or near the gates in the Non-Movement Area. The

JFK’s main runway was closed for repaving for four months this year.

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IROPSnet software is a decision support tool used to determine a taxi time window for each flight. Bock explained that the window is the time when an aircraft is expected to be ready for taxi with engines running, plus 15 minutes or minus 5 minutes. If a particular flight can’t be ready during that 20-minute window, an airline is allowed to swap times between its flights. “We give them a window, about two hours prior to departure time, and they tell us if they are running late. There is a lot of give and take,” Bock added. The exchanges occur using a Web-enabled, online chat feature, but there is also a hotline for telephone contact.

“Surface management is part of NextGen, and this is the first step in that direction,” Bock said. JFK is a good demonstration of departure queue management because more than 90 airlines operate there, he noted.

A lot of real-time adjustments are made to the flow of aircraft with the departure queue management system. With all the different factors that play a role in the airport environment, things never go as smoothly as all the parties involved would like. This fact was illustrated when a jet broke down on one of the runways at JFK, suspending all pushbacks for 45 minutes.

Minor software modifications were needed for Aerobahn and IROPSnet to support JFK’s new departure queue management service, and these adjustments continued during and after the four-month runway closure as developers continued to tweak the system. For example, Mowery said testing showed that each aircraft’s departure fix had to be identified before it taxied, so departures could be sequenced properly. However, the process remains only partially automated, with many manual calculations and adjustments needed to achieve the desired flow of traffic.

human facTOrS, culTureAs with many parts of the NextGen effort, exploitation of advanced technology was only part of the story. Human factors and changing

an existing business culture proved to be just as important. Airlines at JFK place a premium on pushing back an aircraft from the gate at its scheduled departure time. This qualifies the departure as on-time and thus was how most airlines measured success — even though an aircraft might then wait in line for an hour or more before takeoff.

Bock said that when several airlines volunteered to beta test the new system and tried to meet a taxi-time window, they found something they didn’t expect. It soon became clear to these volunteers that when they took delays at the gate, all the other airlines at JFK were pushing back aircraft whenever they pleased and getting to the runway sooner. The penalty for volunteering made the airlines that tested the system conclude, “I’m not playing if they’re not playing,” Bock said.

It took a series of weekly meetings during many months and a lot of persuasion to get everyone to play ball with the new departure queue system. Bock said that airlines now watch to see if their competitors are using the system to try to gain a leg up on them. “This makes it work,” he added.

Mowery says that FAA is not telling airlines what time to schedule an aircraft pushback, just the time to arrive at the Movement Area. “The airlines don’t want anyone telling them what time to push, and so they still have some discretion,” he noted.

Departure queue management has proved so popular that PANY&NJ has issued a request for proposals for a more automated system that it plans to install at JFK. Further, FAA is currently testing a concept, Collaborative Departure Queue Management (CDQM), at Memphis, with Fedex and Delta Air Lines that would provide a fully automated approach that would mean a more efficient departure process in the future. A

David Hughes is in FAA’s NextGen Planning Office. He may be

reached at [email protected].

Departure queue management eased temporary loss of runway capacity at JFK.

Page 35: Airport Magazine October/November 2010

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Page 36: Airport Magazine October/November 2010


Salt Lake City’s Control Center: The Communications Hub By Randall D. Berg, A.A.E., and Lisa Julio, ACE

The Salt Lake City Department of Airports’ Control Center is the communications hub for the department, which includes Salt Lake International and two GA reliever

airports. From its humble beginnings as a one-person/

one-radio center, the control center has grown to the state-of-the-art public safety facility it is today. Located at Salt Lake City International,

the control center is a consolidated communications facility that handles all dispatch functions for Salt Lake International, including police, fire, EMS, airfield, maintenance, landside, janitorial and many others. Salt Lake International is home to 65 sworn police officers and three fire stations with two paramedic units.

Control center staff, known as coordinators, also answer routine and emergency assistance calls for the GA reliever airports.

The control center is a highly technical environment that uses 30 different computer programs and

systems. Some of these systems have massive subsystems as well. Control center staff must be proficient on all of these systems and their components. The staff also is responsible for monitoring several hundred CCTV cameras for safety and security purposes, as well as responding to all of the airport alarm and notification systems.

All coordinators are certified as National Academy of Emergency Dispatch (NAED) Emergency Medical Dispatchers, State of Utah Emergency Medical Dispatchers, and Bureau of Criminal Identification Operators. Most also are certified as Peace Officers Standards and Training Dispatchers. Training to become an operations coordinator involves a nine-part course that takes approximately six months to complete. All coordinators are cross trained in all tasks and rotate assignments throughout the day among police dispatch, airfield/fire dispatch and maintenance/landside dispatch.

The control center staff’s professionalism and dedication recently was rewarded when the center obtained accreditation as an Emergency Medical Dispatch Center of Excellence from the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch

(IAED). Salt Lake City International was the first airport in the world and the 142nd agency to receive this prestigious accreditation.

In order to be eligible for accreditation as an Emergency Medical Dispatch Center of Excellence, agencies must meet strict emergency medical dispatch scoring standards in seven areas of compliance, including case entry, key questions and pre-arrival instructions. These standards must be maintained for six months prior to the accreditation application and continuously after that. In addition to requiring proper system oversight, medical control and quality improvement programs, accreditation demands careful Medical Priority Dispatch System compliance and certification of all emergency call takers and dispatchers.

In 1988, the original NAEMD (now NAED) was formed as a standard-setting organization for all aspects of emergency medical dispatch (EMD). The NAEMD was established as a professional academy, setting it apart from many other EMS and public safety organizations that function primarily as membership, interest and lobby group associations. With an academic organization of top experts, the academy became an authoritative voice for emergency dispatch. In 2000, the academy “pluralized” itself into the NAED, with separate academies for emergency medical, fire and police dispatching. It continues the tradition of excellent service and public education that was started more than 20 years ago.

Accredited centers share a common goal of improving public care and maximizing the efficiency of 911 systems. The IAED, through its College of Fellows, has established a high standard of excellence for emergency dispatch, providing the tools to achieve this at both the dispatcher level through certification, and at the communication center level through the accreditation program. There is a growing number of Accredited Centers of Excellence across the U.S. and in other countries that provide superior, up-to-date public care and efficient resource utilization to achieve maximum results in emergency situations.

20 Points of AccreditationBased on a total quality management process, dispatch and communications centers can attain Center of Excellence designation by demonstrating


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superior performance in training, quality assurance and improvement processes, medical oversight and protocol compliance. Compliance scores of more than 90 percent to 95 percent are required in seven areas of interrogation, pre-arrival instructing and response coding. The Board of Accreditation oversees the evaluation applications of systems demonstrating accreditation eligibility. The board also sets the case evaluation process and scoring formula from which the core competency of emergency dispatch activities is determined.

The accreditation process involves 20 requirements. Some examples include:

•All center employees must be certified through NAED as Emergency Medical Dispatchers.

•All center employees must maintain their certifications and receive a minimum of 24 hours of CDE (continuing dispatch education) instruction in a two-year period.

•All case reviews must be performed by academy-certified evaluators.

•Regular dispatch review committee meetings must be held to review protocol compliance and discuss case reviews.

•Regular steering committee meetings must be held to develop and review policy.

•A medical director must be selected and actively involved in the EMD process.

•Response assignments for medical units must be assigned and maintained.

•Meetings must be held with all stakeholders to outline protocol compliance and Secondary Emergency Notification of Dispatch (SEND) policies.

•The center must meet acceptable scoring levels in seven areas of interrogation, pre-arrival instruction and response coding.

•The center must submit a minimum number of calls to the academy for its independent review and ranking to ensure compliance with protocols and standards.

Working through the process of obtaining our accreditation as an EMD Center of Excellence has brought the staff of our center closer together as a team as they have developed and refined their call-

taking skills. Obtaining the excellence required to be accredited has benefited our entire emergency medical call taking/dispatch process, resulting in a more efficient and accurate call-taking process and improved response by our medical units.

Our dispatch staff has a new respect for their role as emergency medical dispatchers, and they take great pride in the professionalism and consistency demonstrated on each call. They also have earned the respect of their colleagues, other employees and airport tenants, and are regarded as well trained, professional and efficient.

“The attainment of accreditation by the control center enables the operators to interact on a more professional level with the police officers and ensures that critical information is gathered and shared among all responding parties to guarantee a successful conclusion to any incident,” commented Salt Lake City Department of Airports Police Chief Stephen Marlovits.

“As the airport fire chief, I can’t begin to explain how this accreditation has improved our business,” stated Salt Lake City Airport Fire Chief Jeffrey Thomas.

“Our response times have improved, and the detailed information has allowed us to anticipate the needs of our customer” to a much greater extent, he added.

As the director of operations for the Salt Lake City Department of Airports, I would highly encourage other airports to consider participating in this accreditation program. As we know, our respective control centers are the lifeblood of our airport emergency response systems. As leaders, we should always look for opportunities for continuous improvement. The accreditation process that Salt Lake City International has just completed definitely fits into this goal.

If your airport is interested in the accreditation process, the contact information is as follows: Carlynn Page, International Academy of Emergency Dispatch, (801) 359-6916,

Randall D. Berg, A.A.E., is Salt Lake City International’s director of oper-

ations. He may be reached at [email protected]. Lisa Julio, ACE.,

is Salt Lake City International’s operations manager/communications.

She may be reached at [email protected].

The Control Center staff at Salt Lake City International.

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Airports of all sizes are finding relatively simple, low-cost ways to boost energy efficiency and cut costs, but a lack of available up-front funding is hindering

investment in bigger projects that could generate more savings, a report by the Airports Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) found.

ACRP, part of the National Academies’ Transportation Research Board, surveyed 20 airports and conducted follow-up conversations with 12 of the respondents. The questions focused on ways to make terminals more energy efficient.

Nearly every respondent stressed the importance of performing an energy audit to establish a baseline for the facility. Many local utility companies offer audits for little or no cost, ACRP noted.

Many energy-saving strategies involve lighting. Most of the airports surveyed reported cost-cutting success from swapping fluorescent bulbs for incandescent bulbs. Even more cost-effective is changing T-12 magnetic ballast figures with T-8s or T-5s with electronic ballasts, ACRP reported. “A large majority of respondents reinforced the popularity of this strategy and generally supported research data regarding payback,” the report noted.

Some airports reported that significant savings can be realized from using high-intensity discharge (HID) lighting instead of fluorescent lighting in places where light-intensity is important, such as parking garages and high-security outdoor spaces. Lambert-St. Louis International officials reported cutting energy 40 percent by using HID fixtures instead of fluorescent fixtures in a parking garage renovation.

Timers triggered by clocks or photocells are another popular cost-savings measure. One airport reported measurable savings simply by having lights turn off 10 seconds earlier each day.

In terminal areas with large windows, many airports use photocells in combination with “multi-level switching” to minimize the use of artificial lighting. In multi-level switching, lamps are turned off or on to keep a balance of artificial light and daylight and maintain a constant light level. One airport that switched over to such a system told ACRP that airline tenants initially expressed concern that the gate area wouldn’t be illuminated sufficiently. A demonstration of the system quickly allayed concerns, however.

Among larger-scale systems, building automation systems and energy management control systems

were cited as integral parts of many airports’ energy efficiency improvement efforts. These systems not only respond to the environment by adjusting how equipment operates, but they also provide invaluable data that helps an airport measure efficiency gains. The combination of a baseline — courtesy of an audit — and an automation system can pay significant dividends, ACRP said.

“Data collection is paramount to most improvements and without an energy audit, or other building baseline information, determining where energy efficiency projects will have the greatest impact on energy costs is challenging,” the report noted. “Automation systems provide an invaluable mechanism to monitor trends and payback information for use in additional energy efficiency projects.”

Minneapolis-St. Paul International is implementing one of the world’s first open architecture building control systems, ACRP said. The airport’s open architecture building automation (OABA) replaces vendor-provided proprietary systems with non-proprietary systems. This, noted ACRP, allows the airport to bid work out that previously was tied to the vendor.

“While implementing OABA, extensive testing was undertaken to improve equipment efficiency and update building controls, and system improvements have been included as hundreds of pieces of equipment have been modified for the new system,” ACRP said. “Once implemented, the system is expected to save the airport $150,000 in the first three years by allowing improved controls and maintenance of equipment.”

Many airports offered examples of ways in which building automation systems can be used to shave costs. Setting air conditioning temperatures a few degrees higher in the summer, for instance, can yield significant savings. ACRP noted that for each degree the temperature is raised in summer, annual cooling energy is reduced by about 2 percent.

Improving exhaust ventilation system efficiency has helped several airports, ACRP noted. “One airport reported that the restroom exhaust was controlled with the restroom lights, which were historically left on continuously,” ACRP explained. “The air handling equipment of the HVAC system was also controlled by these lights, to provide makeup air for the exhaust fans. By replacing the lighting controls with occupancy

Airports Share Simple Ways To Boost Energy EfficiencyBy Sean Broderick



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Page 39: Airport Magazine October/November 2010 | FEBRUARY/MARCH 2010

sensors, savings were created in all three systems: lighting, exhaust, and HVAC.”

A second airport discovered that food concessions employees were opening doors that led to the terminal to help cool their kitchens. This, noted ACRP, “effectively add[ed] a commercial kitchen to the terminal’s air conditioning load as the commercial exhaust hood would draw in cool air from the terminal.” Installing “make-up” air systems for the individual kitchens led to an overall savings in energy efficiency in the terminal.

Shutting down unnecessary systems completely is another easy way to cut costs. Shutting off lights and heat in unoccupied space is arguably the most obvious strategy, but airports shouldn’t stop there. Alabama’s Montgomery Regional reported cutting its natural gas bill in half just by shutting down its boilers in the summer months, ACRP said.

The report pointed out that alternative energy sources such as solar and wind power generation systems continue to be prohibitively expensive for most airports. One notable exception is Fresno

Yosemite International’s solar panel field, which was funded by government incentives and a third-party contractor. Installed in mid-2008, the system now provides nearly 60 percent of the airport’s power and is expected to save the airport about $19 million in utility charges over 20 years.

Funding was identified as the major barrier to implementation of energy efficiency improvements for all respondents, particularly smaller airports, ACRP found. “Tactics for funding and implementation for those airports that have successfully reduced energy costs varied,” ACRP said. “With their limited funding resources, small airports may first work to include energy efficiency into O&M programs and lighting systems. Another way to leverage energy efficiency dollars is by partnering with other existing county or city projects and utility companies.”

The full report is available at ACRP’s Web site at

Sean Broderick is AAAE’s staff vice president-external communications.

He may be reached at [email protected].


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Page 40: Airport Magazine October/November 2010


Delta’s LaGuardia Terminal Undergoing Concessions Upgrade

Delta recently launched a concessions upgrade in its main terminal facility at New York’s LaGuardia Airport, with 13 new food and beverage

concepts opening in phases beginning this fall. The upgrade was developed for Delta by airport restaurateur OTG Management.

Among the concepts slated are Bisoux, a bistro inspired by Provençal cuisine; a coffee shop dubbed World Bean; Prime Tavern, featuring a menu developed by chef Michael Lomonaco of the Porterhouse restaurant; Crust, a pizzeria; wibar, a wine bar with 101 premium wines by the glass; Minnow, a seafood and raw bar; and Italian restaurant Bar Brace. In addition, Cibo Express Gourmet Food Hall will offer four quick-serve eateries, self-serve hot and cold food bars, a soup station, sundae station, bakery, gourmet market,


Page 41: Airport Magazine October/November 2010


among other options. “As part of our aggressive plan to invest and

improve our main terminal at LaGuardia, Delta is fully committed to enhancing the experience for our New York customers with superior amenities that include outstanding food and beverage choices,” said Gail Grimmett, Delta’s senior vice president-New York. “We’re confident that the unique concepts we’re developing with OTG at LaGuardia will reinforce our efforts to become New York’s preferred airline, offering our passengers the best customer experience available in airport dining.”

OTG Management will own and operate each of the new dining establishments and has assembled a group of New York City’s top chefs, as well as two restaurateurs, to create restaurant concepts that are exclusive to Delta’s main terminal at LaGuardia.

The redesign began Aug. 21, with full redevelopment of the space expected to be complete by summer 2011. Four eateries have opened to date: Bisoux, Custom Burgers by Pat LaFrieda, Tagliere and Prime Tavern. A

Retail Briefs

The Hawaii DOT and HMSHost Corp. have opened

new concessions at both Honolulu International and

Maui’s Kahului airports. The outlets include frozen

yogurt brand Pinkberry, California Pizza Kitchen

and Burger King. … UFood Restaurant Group

announced that it has signed an area development

agreement with the Robinson Hill Hospitality Group

of Chicago for additional UFood Grill units at five

major U.S. airports. The development agreement

follows the successful UFood Grill opening by

Robinson Hill at Cleveland/Hopkins International

in July. In June, UFood Restaurant Group signed

a master license agreement with Hudson Group

Retail LLC for UFood Grill units in 10 major U.S.

airports. UFood Grills also are located in Boston’s

Logan and Dallas-Fort Worth International airports,

as well as in other traditional locations. … Rick

Bayless, well-known chef and restaurateur, has

signed a license agreement to bring two new

Frontera restaurants to O’Hare International. The

restaurants are scheduled to open in fall 2010

and will be located in Terminals 1 and 3. “We are

delighted to enhance our restaurant offerings by

welcoming Rick Bayless’s outstanding regional

Mexican cuisine to O’Hare International Airport,”

said Chicago Department of Aviation Commissioner

Rosemarie Andolino. The new locations are part of

a license agreement with current food and beverage

concessionaire HMSHost Corp. … Prospect Capital

Corp. announced that it has invested $52.4 million

of combined debt and equity in Airmall USA Inc., a

developer and manager of airport retail operations.

Founded in 1991, Airmall has developed and

currently manages all or substantially all of the retail

operations at Boston Logan, Baltimore-Washington,

Pittsburgh and Cleveland Hopkins airports under

long-term contracts with the respective municipal

agencies that own and operate the airports. The

company also is pursuing new development and

management contracts with other U.S. airports.

Of Prospect’s $52.4 million total investment, $30

million is structured as senior secured operating

company debt, $12.5 million as holding company

debt, and $9.9 million as controlling preferred

equity. Prior to the change of control, Airmall had

been operating as a subsidiary of BAA Limited

of the U.K. under the name BAA USA. All of the

managers of Airmall remain with the company.

New concessions slated for Delta’s terminal at LaGuardia include a steakhouse, pizzeria and seafood and raw bar, as well as a variety of quick-serve options.

Page 42: Airport Magazine October/November 2010



Total Seat Capacity, Top Florida Markets Not Served by Southwest4th Quarter 2010

Total Seat Capacity for the Top 25 Midwest Airports4th Quarter 2009 vs. 2010












Total Seat Capacity Top FL Markets Not Served by WN


Other Airlines AirTran

















































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4Q2009 4Q2010

Page 43: Airport Magazine October/November 2010 | OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2010


◗ Operations Column

◗ FoodBeverageRetail

◗ Industry Metrics

◗ General Aviation

◗ MarketScan

◗ Corporate Outlook

◗ UpFront

◗ AirportTech

◗ Executive View

◗ Finance Column

Editorial Calendar


Technology Issue Features will explore the multiple technologies that advance airport operational and administrative goals. ◗ Evolution of Airport GIS (Geographic Information Systems) ◗ Next-up for NextGen at Airports ◗ Progress Toward Sustainability Goals

◗ GIS Conference ◗ Finance & Administration

Conference ◗ FAA Aviation Forecast



AAAE Annual Conference Issue

A focus on the association’s annual conference is combined with an update on equipment and procedures for improved airport winter operations. ◗ Winter Operations: Surviving the Extreme ◗ AAAE Buyer’s Guide ◗ Air Service: Targeting Cargo

◗ The AAAE Annual Conference & Exposition

◗ Arts In the Airports Conference


Airport Concessions Issue

Experts evaluate new trends in concessions from the consumer and airport vantage points. ◗ Airport Concessions and the Green Revolution ◗ Kiosks as Revenue-Producers ◗ Airport Parking and Other Non-Aeronautical Revenue Strategies

◗ Airports Conference of the Americas

◗ Large Hub Winter Operations Conference


Airport Security IssueThe changing landscape of required airport security measures is coupled with an overview of screening technology. ◗ 10 Years Post 9/11: What Will the Next Decade Hold for Airports? ◗ Advancements in Baggage and Passenger Screening

◗ Badging/Access Control Improvements

◗ ACI–North America Annual Conference

◗ AAAE National Airports Conference

◗ Noise Mitigation Symposium ◗ FAA International Aviation

Safety Forum


ARFF (Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting) Issue

The regulatory, operational and equipment needs of airport emergency services are highlighted in this annual update. ◗ New vs. Used – When to Buy a Refurbished ARFF Vehicle ◗ ARFF’s Responsibility in Airfield Safety ◗ Implementing an Effective SMS (Safety Management System)

◗ AAAE Security Summit ◗ AAAE/AMAC Airports

Economic Forum


Architecture and Engineering Issue

A/E firms discuss successful and emerging strategies to achieve airport sustainability and meet operational efficiency goals. ◗ Green Airport Terminal Initiatives ◗ Land Development for Airport and Non-Airport Use ◗ Lighting the Way on Airfields

◗ Aviation Issues Conference ◗ AAAE/ACI-NA Legislative

Conference ◗ Airport Planning Design &

Construction Symposium

Here’s a sneak peek at what’s slated for Airport Magazine in 2011

A A A E D E l i v E r s f o r A i r p o r t E x E c u t i v E s | August/September 2010

A Mid-Year Economic Outlook

LED Lighting Benefits Airports

Tools For Contractor Success

Airports Implement SustainablePractices


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Page 44: Airport Magazine October/November 2010


AirportBIllBOARD B

AECOM Technology Corp. has been awarded an $11 million contract for the construction administration of Phase I of Delta’s John F. Kennedy International terminal redevelopment project. The program will include expansion and remodeling of Terminal 4 to house Delta’s international operations, as well as demolition of Terminal 3, site restoration and minor modification work at Terminal 2. The project has a total program cost of approximately $900 million. Phase I is slated for completion during 2015.

Balfour Beatty Construction, in partnership with James A. Cummings Inc., was awarded a contract to manage construction for the Terminal 4 gate replacement at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International. Valued at approximately $100 million, the project is part of a $1 billion expansion program and represents the first of two phases to replace the existing concourse, the company said. Preconstruction for the project is slated to begin in fall 2010, with phased construction scheduled to start in summer 2011.

The Burbank (Calif.) City Council has approved construction of a $120 million Regional Intermodal Transportation Center (RITC) and associated improvements at Bob Hope (Calif.) Airport. The RITC will allow air, rail, bus and rental car travelers to converge at one central point, facilitating greater use of public transportation, mitigating private vehicle travel by airport patrons, and reducing the airport’s environmental impact, airport officials said. The RITC will be a three-level, solar-powered structure connected to the airport passenger terminal by a covered moving walkway. A compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station will be located next to the RITC for airport parking shuttle buses and others who drive CNG-powered vehicles. The project is expected to go out to bid in the spring of 2011 and be completed by December 2012, the airport said.

assengers by a i rpor t


Airport 2010 2009 % Change

Bradley International (Conn.) 251,554 232,535 7.6

Boise (Idaho) Airport 262,734 260,425 1

Detroit Metropolitan 3,060,918 2,793,149 9.6

Harrisburg (Pa.) International 64,053 57,260 11.9

Hector International (Fargo, N.D.) 63,125 66,178 -4.6

Houston Bush Intercontinental 3,621,144 3,667,679 -1.3

Indianapolis International 626,602 635,899 -1.5

Kansas City (Mo.) International 860,525 870,610 1.2

Lehigh Valley International (Pa.) 89,775 72,230 24.3

Miami International 3,162,233 3,036,431 4.0

Myrtle Beach (S.C.) International 216,639 172,567 25.5

Oakland (Calif.) International 896,099 878,296 2.0

Omaha (Neb.) Eppley Airport 363,839 362,860 0.3

Portland (Ore.) International 1,322,198 1,299,478 1.7

Raleigh-Durham (N.C.) International 813,751 810,712 0.4

Salt Lake City International 2,010,162 2,019,893 -0.5

San Diego International 1,605,790 1,621,611 -1.0

Seattle-Tacoma International 3,225,283 3,191,450 1.0

Southwest Florida International 444,714 454,927 2.2

Wichita (Kan.) Mid-Continent 138,805 132,522 4.7

u i ldoutD


















Yellow-10 DomesticGree- 10 International

Grey- 09 DomesticBlack- 09 International

Grey- DomesticBlack-International left




83RD ANNUAL AAAECONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION registration details, contact the AAAE Meetings Department: [email protected] exhibit and sponsorship details, contact the AAAE Sales and Marketing Department:

[email protected](703) 824-0504

Hosted by Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport

May 15-18, 2011 Atlanta, GeorgiaGeorgia World Congress Center

Omni Hotel at CNN Center

Page 45: Airport Magazine October/November 2010 | OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2010

83RD ANNUAL AAAECONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION registration details, contact the AAAE Meetings Department: [email protected] exhibit and sponsorship details, contact the AAAE Sales and Marketing Department:

[email protected](703) 824-0504

Hosted by Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport

May 15-18, 2011 Atlanta, GeorgiaGeorgia World Congress Center

Omni Hotel at CNN Center

Page 46: Airport Magazine October/November 2010




AAAE Annual Conference 45

Astronics DME Corp. Inside Back Cover

Burns & McDonnell Inside Front Cover

Delta Airport Consultants 28

Oshkosh 5

Northrop Grumman 11

RS&H Outside Back Cover

Rosenbauer 13

Ricondo & Associates, Inc. 39

TransCore 35

Transportation Security Clearinghouse 31



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