aipm conference 2013 the reality of measuring 21st century leadership and team performance risk v3

©4-D Systems and UXC Consulting ©4-D Systems and UXC Consulting The reality of measuring 21st Century leadership and team performance risk V3.0 Ian Sharpe MAIPM CPPD PMP 0403 113 035

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The reality of measuring 21st Century

leadership and team performance risk V3.0

Ian Sharpe MAIPM CPPD PMP 0403 113 035

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©4-D Systems and UXC Consulting©4-D Systems and UXC Consulting

Source: Gartner IT Services SurveyMarket Share, March 2013

IT Consulting Services

Company Market Share %


1 IBM 9.2%

2 UXC 7.1%

3 Accenture 6.7%

4 KPMG 6.7%

5 Ernst & Young 5.5%

6 PwC 4.7%

7 CSC 3.5%

8 Deloitte 3.4%

9 SMS 2.7%

10 Computershare 1.6%

The largest Australian-owned provider of ICT consulting services,

based on market share

Gartner ranking of #2 in the Australia

Top 300 ASX ranking and debt free

With 2,750 employees and revenues of over $600

million for FY13 - Growth 6%


Who is UXC?

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> Who we are

> What we do

> How we do it

> Customers

Design Implement & Enhance Operate & Manage

Health > Utilities > Government > Financial Services > Manufacturing > Resources > Telco

UXC ConsultingUXC Professional Solutions

UXC Engineering Solutions

UXC Eclipse (Microsoft Dynamics) UXC Red Rock (Oracle)UXC Oxygen (SAP)

UXC Cloud Solutions (NetSuite)

UXC Connect

- ERP, CRM- Analytics & Business Intelligence

- HCM- Supply Chain Management - Corporate Performance

- Enterprise Content Management

- Financials

- Advisory and Delivery- Strategy & Architecture- Business Transformation

- Project, Program & PortfolioManagement

- Business Analysis- IT Service Management

- Communications- Education & Training

- Network Infrastructure- Unified Communications

- Data Centre Optimisation- Workspace Virtualisation

- Managed Services & Support

- Enterprise Mobility- Contact Centre- Entertainment & Content

- IP Video Surveillance- Outsourcing & Cloud


UXC is an integrated service provider

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Best-of-breed ICT Advisory Services

with deep domain expertise and


Who is UXC Consulting?4 Service streams harnessing the power of 7 expert practices


Highly experienced Project Delivery

professionals to help you drive the

very real outcomes you need


Servicing specific client needs, drawing threads of capability

from across our existing practices and Advisory, Delivery,

Training Service Streams

Integrated solutions

Strategy and Architecture

Business Transformation

Portfolio, Program and

Project Services

IT Service Management

Business Analysis



Leading professional Education and Accreditation in IT

Management, Project Management, Change Management

and Business Analysis


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Where we’re going today

• The awful truth about failure• How do you find out what level of

risk your team performance is creating?

• What does ‘good’ look like?• Do you know where your team

performance risk is right now?• Questions

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Something, somewhere has gone

horribly wrong in the team…

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This would all be much easier if people and

teams were like this…

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… the truth is we behave very differently…

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…and it is often unclear whether success is at

risk, from day to day team interactions

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Can personality tests help?

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Imagine if they did and we worked this way …

©4-D Systems and UXC Consulting©4-D Systems and UXC Consulting. Image is copyright Scott Adams

Do you work this way?

… no personality test proves how effective

a team you really have

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Social context

What can we measure to meaningfully

profile team performance risk?

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In the same way that iron filings are driven by magnetic force ...

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...your behaviour would clearly be differentin these social contexts

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... leaders use this to drive high performance

behaviours and reduce associated risk

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... because ignoring context trumps skills

75% of the time (Gilbert)

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What kind of skills and intelligence are needed to...

• Fly the space shuttle?

• Build and launch a deep space telescope?

• Send a lander to Mars?

• Build a satellite?

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7 Astronaut Fatalities

What happened?• NASA launched Challenger, 18

degrees F, crusted with ice• It exploded 73 seconds later,

killing the seven crew

Technical cause identified• O-ring failure on booster

Real cause - Hurry up get it done• “The real question was why the

team proceeded to launch when all the evidence indicated otherwise.”

• Political pressure to launch, launch, launch

• President Reagan’s “State of the Union” speech that night

• Relationships with the “booster” contractor were “broken”

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Hubble Space Telescope (HST)

Useless $2B telescope

What happened?• The 2.4M primary mirror was

manufactured incorrectly• Hubble Space Telescope, NASA’s

Crown Jewel, was useless

Technical cause identified• A spacing error in a critical

measuring device caused the flaw

Real cause - Hostile relationship• Fuelled by massive ($400M)

recurrent overruns on HST project• Repeatedly punished contractor for

their overruns and delays• Contractor did not communicate

problems they could rationalize away

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Mars Climate Orbiter (MCO)

Navigation error, crashed into Mars

What happened?• Satellite was tested, delivered,

and launched• Then, instead of orbiting the

planet, it crashed into Mars

Technical cause identified• JPL software using imperial units

and Lockheed Martin (LM) executing in metric (as agreed under contract), causing orbital error

Real cause - Better, cheaper, faster• Scare profit towards the end for LM• NASA management ignored experts

reports of orbit discrepancies• Recommended corrective actions

never implemented

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Mars Polar Lander (MPL)

Mis-read indicator, Crashed into Mars

What happened?• Computer shut the descent

engine off 40m above ground and crashed onto Mars

Technical cause identified• They found a landing leg switch

wired backward, & fixed it• Test procedure required a retest

confirming, all OK• They violated the procedure, and

resumed next steps• Did not learn that the opening leg

made an extra signal - interpreted by the computer as “on the ground”

Real cause - Better, cheaper, faster• Parallel mission with MCO• Underfunded by at least 30%• Scare profit towards the end for LM

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Space Shuttle Columbia

What happened?• During launch, a large piece of

frozen foam hit the left wing• Shuttle disintegrated during re-

entry killing the seven crew

Technical cause identified• Damaged insulation tiles

Real cause - We’ve been safe before• Shuttle delay impeded acquiring

Military satellite diagnostic images• Decided not to tell the crew about

the concerns• Failure Review Board: “A rescue

might have been possible”

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NOAA-N Prime Satellite

Dropped onto the floor, repairs cost $135M

What happened?• Workers tipped a $200M

weather satellite over for access• The satellite smashed into the

floor, causing $135m damage

Technical cause identified• Others had “borrowed” the holding

bolts over the weekend• The rotation procedure required

verifying bolts were in place• Workers violated procedure

Real cause - Culture of inattention• Characterized by poor

communications, failure to correct known problems, and supervisor violations

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The reality of project failure…

• They first appeared to have technical failures as root

causes However, the people/ teams were technically

competent. In many cases, the most technically qualified

people in the world

• These were all detectable and avoidable

The real root causes were man-made due to

a broken context driving broken

behaviours ‘as normal’

• These are only the huge,

publically-visible mishaps/disasters

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How do we break the core of high performance teams and leaders into fundamental manageable


Measuring team social context

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CULTIVATINGWe all need to feel appreciated

VISIONINGWe all need hopeful, realistic


INCLUDINGWe all need to feel we belong

DIRECTING We all need the ability to meet


Start with neurology - there are four deep

wired needs (dimensions) crucial to people

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CULTIVATINGMutual respect and enjoyable work

High trustWilling and energised collaboration

VISIONINGGrounded optimism

Sustained, effective creativityPerceiving ‘magical’ solutions

INCLUDINGAligned efficient action

‘We’ not ‘I’High trustworthiness and efficiency

DIRECTING No drama states in team

Everyone knows their partClear and achievable expectations





shared interests










Making and

keeping realistic


Resist blaming

and complaining

Clarifying roles,


and authority

Two behaviours per need strongly drive a

high performance team social context

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15 mins to anonymously diagnose your team risk

using a team development assessment (TDA)


drawn to the ‘why’ for each



drawn to the standard for



and write comments


through grading each



Action items and do them


report with team members


What the survey looks like


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TDA results are then compared against a

benchmark to call out performance risk

Distribution of benchmark teams’ first performance assessment scores

Feeling unappreciated

Significant conflict

Blind optimism

Low commitment

Feel excluded

Low trust

Victims and Blamers

High disorganisation

Mutual respect

High collaboration

Grounded optimism

High commitment

Feel included

High trust

No drama

Clear RAAs

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... scoring a team shows clear focus areas for the team to work on…

An overall performancebenchmark

… of the eight behaviours

.. is established from individual participants’ perceptions …

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... and TDAs are an efficient process to raise performance ...

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‘Red’ scores indicate at least one of the 7

deadly sins of teams are in play

• Ineffective team leadership

• Task undoable because of inadequate resources

• Flawed procurement implementation

• Team affected by a larger broken context

• Team engaged in power struggle with other organisation

• Members temperamentally unsuited to required work

• Flawed organisational structure

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You can make raise the performance

of your team, wherever they start

Team average percentile rankings

~22% Team Efficiency Increase

The teams enhanced performance by an average of 5% per reassessment.

53% 66% 70% 75%

66% 71% 76% 80%

72% 75% 79% 83%

77% 81%

84% 90%

1st Assessment

2nd Assessment

3rd Assessment

4th Assessment

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... Some unique advantages 4-D offers

• Stop teams fire-fighting• Prevent distressed teams (rescuing existing ones)• Develop people leadership simultaneously• Help individuals take and sustain accountability, in

context• Clear calls to action, backed by practical


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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed project professionals can change the world

Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has

Margaret Mead, Anthropologist

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