
Accelerated Computer Training for Working Professionals Factory 2010 Case Orange Coast Database Associates Course (800)355-9855 or Orange Coast Database Associates Specializing in Microsoft Office, Access, SQL, and related technologies Classes custom designed forWorking Professionals San Juan Capistrano, CA (800)355-9855 AIN100 Introduction to Microsoft Access

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Post on 07-Nov-2014




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2 day Microsoft Access class. Covers, tables, filters, queries, external data, froms, reports, action queries, macros and navigation forms.


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Accelerated Computer Training for Working Professionals Factory 2010 Case

Orange Coast Database Associates Course (800)355-9855 or

Orange CoastDatabase Associates

Specializing in Microsoft Office,

Access, SQL, and related technologiesClasses custom designed forWorking Professionals

San Juan Capistrano, CA


AIN100 Introduction to MicrosoftAccess

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Factory AIN1001

AIN100 - Introduction to Access

Quick introduction to Access forexperienced Windows users

P.O. Box 6142Laguna Niguel, CA 92607949-489-1472http://[email protected]


AIN100 - Introduction to Access

Introduction (s) Facilities Course Materials

– Student Questionnaire– Syllabus– PowerPoint handouts for all sessions– Evaluation form– Training certificate

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MS Access Introductory (100 Level)Curriculum




AIN104Reports& Forms


AIN100T Incl. A & B

FactoryAIN100 V1.24

AIN100 – Introduction to Access

Quick pace for experienced windows users

Assumes no prior knowledge of Access

End-user, not programmer, oriented

Somewhat structured towards personal use foranalysis and reporting

Two levels – Day 1 (AIN100A) and Day 2(AIN100B)

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AIN100 - Introduction to Access



External Data







Switchboards/Navigation Forms

Course Topics:


Introduction to Access

Industry Standard Approach:

Tables Table Designer

Queries Query designer

Reports Wizard then modify

Forms Wizard then modify

Macros Macro Designer

Access has many ways to accomplish tasks. As an acceleratedcourse we will cover only the most common.

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AIN100 - Introduction to Access

4 Sessions



Student “hands-on” - by the end of theclass the student will have constructed asmall, functional application

Exercises are cumulative – later examplesbuild on objects created earlier

Course Format:


Database Design – Critical Topic

What do I want?– (Outputs)

What have I got?– (Inputs)

What do I need to do to getthere?– (Process)

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Define Your Needs First

Draw apicture

Write adescription




Note: we have a full day course (DBD201) on this important topic.


AIN100 - Introduction to Access

Session 1– Tables and Data

Session 2– Filters

– Queries

Session 3– Reports

– Forms

Session 4– Forms (cont’d)

– External Data

– Automating Tasks

Course Schedule (3 hour sessions):

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Factory Access Tables & Data1

Introduction to Microsoft Access


Introduction to Access, Tables, andRelationships

P.O. Box 6142Laguna Niguel, CA 92607949-489-1472

FactoryAccess Tables & Data2

Module Outline

Topic 1: Introduction & Tables

Topic 2: Manipulating and sorting Tables

Topic 3: Relating Tables

Three parts:

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FactoryAccess Tables & Data3

Module Hands On

– Create working folder with supplied files

– Create a database

– Create 3 tables (w/validation rules and masks)

– Populate tables

– Import and Export Tables

– Create permanent links

– Create a simple query

– Compute calculated field(s)

– Create a multi-table query with summary aggregates

Students “hands-on”:

Factory Access Tables & Data4

Introduction to Microsoft Access

Part 1:

Introduction to Access and Tables

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FactoryAccess Tables & Data5

But first - Create Folder

Create a folder yourname (or similar) inMy Documents – this is where yourdatabase and other files will go.

Optionally, copy in the labor.txt andemployees.xls files from the instructorsupplied location or CD.

FactoryAccess Tables & Data6

Access Modes

Menu-driven interface - Interact with a databaseand its objects using menu commands

Program mode - Lets you store instructions in a VBAprogram file

This course concentrates on the menu interface butdoes cover macros which can be used to “program” aseries of actions

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FactoryAccess Tables & Data7

Database Terminology

Database – in Access a repository in which tables,reports, queries, and other objects are stored

Table – stores facts about one subject (entity)

Record - contains related information about anentity “instance”

Field - contains a fact about an entity

Relational Database - allows you to link records fromtwo or more tables based on the contents of acommon field. Access is a relational database.

FactoryAccess Tables & Data8

Database Terminology (cont.)

Key - used to order, identify, and retrieve recordsin the database

Primary key - unique identifier for a particularrecord. Only one per table.

Index – like a book index. Speeds searches andjoins. Can have many per table.

Table structure - the arrangement of informationwithin a record, the type of characters, fieldlength, limitations, etc.

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FactoryAccess Tables & Data9

Database Terminology (cont.)

Object – used in database world as generic term forqueries, reports, indexes, tables, etc. Not the sameas programming object.

Form - paper-like method of accessing and enteringdata in a table

Query – retrieves information from Access tables

Report - provides the ability to arrange table dataas well as to perform calculations and then print apaper-based report

FactoryAccess Tables & Data10

Sample Application – Factory2000

Simple cost accountingapplication

Employees work on workorders

Clock labor hours for eachwork order

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FactoryAccess Tables & Data11

Recording Factory2000 Labor Hours

EmpNo fName lName Rate Wono Descr Hours

12 Bob Smith 15 A1 Casting 12

13 Mary Chavez 20 A1 Casting 22

14 Alicia Parks 25 B3 Ass’ly 15

14 Alicia Parks 25 C2 Screws 18

What problems do you see with this approach?

FactoryAccess Tables & Data12

Factory2000 Relational Database Structure

EmpNo fName lName Rate MgrNo

12 Bob Smith 15 13

13 Mary Chavez 20

14 Alicia Parks 25 12

EmpNo Wono Start End Hours

12 A1 1/1/01 1/31/01 20

14 C2 2/1/01 2/28/01 42

14 B3 1/1/01 2/28/01 40



Wono Descr Std

A1 Casting 30

B3 Fitting 50

C2 Screws 70


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FactoryAccess Tables & Data13

Creating a Database

Ways to create a database

– Create a database using an Accesstemplate or Wizard – (not alwaysrecommended)

– Create a blank database and then insertyour own objects – we will use thismethod in this course

FactoryAccess Tables & Data14

Creating an Access 2000 Database

Create thedatabase inyour desktopfolder with ameaningfulname

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FactoryAccess Tables & Data15

Creating a Table

Click new from tables tab Naming a Table

– Up to 64 “standard” characters can be used– Do not use an extension– No leading spaces or control characters, in fact

try to avoid spaces altogether

Add fields one by one Set Field Properties in Field Properties


FactoryAccess Tables & Data16

Designing Fields

Field Type – text, datetime, number, etc.

Field Width – 10 characters, etc.

Caption – “Column title” for display

Format – Determines how the field is displayed(long date, short date, etc.)

Click toolbar key symbol to make primary key

Set indexed for secondary keys, required, etc.

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FactoryAccess Tables & Data17

Setting Properties in the Table Designer

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Hands On - Create Tables




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FactoryAccess Tables & Data19

Employees Table Definition

EmpNo text(2), primary key

Fname text(10)

Lname text (15), required

Rate currency, required

MgrNo text(2)

(Instructor led)

All with captions

FactoryAccess Tables & Data20

Work_Orders Table Definition

WoNo text(2), primary key

Descr text(15)

StdHrs number(single,2), required

Accum number(single,2), required

(On your own)

Add captions, too

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FactoryAccess Tables & Data21

Labor Table Definition

EmpNo text(2), primary key

WoNo text(2), primary key

Start datetime, required

End datetime

Hours number(single,2)

(On your own)

Add captions, too

FactoryAccess Tables & Data22

Field Validation & Masks

Add some validations– Test a numeric field for > 0

– Try checking one field against another

– Etc.

Add captions if not added already

Add an input mask

Change a display format


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Datasheet window - displays the contents of a tablein a spreadsheet-like format

– Each row contains a record

– Each column contains a field

Speedbar - appears at the bottom of the windowand is used to navigate through the records in atable

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Datasheet View

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Entering & Editing Records

Enter table data from thehandouts or use your owndata

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Employees Table Data

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Work_Orders Table Data

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Labor Table Data

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Printing a Table

Access allows you to create “quick and dirty”reports by clicking the toolbar Print button

– A row/column presentation is used

– Field names appear along the top

– Records are rows

– Fields are columns

– A grid is printed around each field

FactoryAccess Tables & Data30

Quick Reports

Report Wizard

– Module 2 covers reports

– For now, be aware a quick report can beproduced using auto report or a wizard

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Manipulating the Datasheet

Gridlines – controlled by Cells Effectsdialog box

Can control background color, fonts,etc.

Fields can be resized and moved

Also, hidden and locked like aspreadsheet


Record Pointer

Record pointer (thick black arrow head) helps youkeep track of where you are in a table

The character is used in the left-hand table cellsto indicate the pointer location

The pointer moves by using keyboard, scrollbar, orspeedbar commands

=> Changes are saved when you move to next record


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Find Command

Use the Edit | Find command sequence orclick the Find toolbar button

Either command activates the Find in fielddialog box

Searches can have “Wildcards” (in factsophisticated Unix style searches are available)


One Field Sort

Select the column to be used in the sort

Click the desired Sort Ascending orDescending toolbar button


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Multiple Field Sort

Filter - used to sort data or restrictrecords shown

Use Records | Filter | Advanced Filter/Sortcommand sequence

Activates the filter window

Specify the fields and sort order

Execute by clicking the Apply Filter/Sortbutton of the toolbar


Factory Access Tables & Data36

Introduction to Microsoft Access

Topic 3

Relating Tables

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FactoryAccess Tables & Data37

Relating Tables

Command sequence – Tools | Relationships

Parent table - table used as the main tablefor a relationship

Child table - the related table, often hasseveral records for each record in theparent table

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Referential Integrity

Referential integrity - makes certain thatrelated records are present

Orphan record - a child record without acorresponding parent record

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FactoryAccess Tables & Data39

Table Links

In this context means relate two or moretables on columns of data

Permanent link –

– established using the Relationships command

– is always in effect once defined

Transient link - defined using the query-by-example feature of Access

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Creating a Permanent Link

Drag fromPK to FK

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Create Permanent Links

Link all Factory2000 tables

Enforce referential integrity

Normal, default joins for now

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Permanent Links

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Factory Access Tables & Data43

Introduction to Microsoft Access

End of Module

P.O. Box 6142Laguna Niguel, CA 92607949-489-1472


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Multi-case Access - Filters1

Microsoft Access



Multi-caseAccess - Filters2

Module Hands On

– Create a filter

Students “hands-on”:

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Multi-caseAccess - Filters3

Datasheets and Filters

Datasheet window - displays the contents of a tablein a spreadsheet-like format

– Each row contains a record

– Each column contains a field


– Datasheet can have a filter to show only recordsthat meet a given criteria

– Filters can be saved like a query

Multi-caseAccess - Filters4

Employees Table before Filter

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Multi-caseAccess - Filters5

Filtering a Table

Use the filter to display records that meetcertain criteria

Enter criteria in the filter cells

Execute by clicking the Apply Filter/Sortbutton of the toolbar

– Filter By Form

– Filter By Selection

Multi-caseAccess - Filters6

Filter Buttons

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Multi-caseAccess - Filters7

Create a Filter on Employees Table

Rate over 15

Sort by last name

Save as fltEmployeeRate

Multi-caseAccess - Filters8

Filter Design

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Multi-caseAccess - Filters9

Filter Results

Multi-case Access - Filters10

Microsoft Access

End of Module

P.O. Box 6142Laguna Niguel, CA 92607949-489-1472

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Multi-caseAccess - Filters11

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Factory Access - Accelerated Queries1

Microsoft Access



P.O. Box 6142Laguna Niguel, CA 92607949-489-1472

FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries2

Module Hands On

– Create a simple query

– Create a multi-table query

– Create calculated fields

– Create a summary query

– Concatenate fields

– Create a parameter query

Students “hands-on”:

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FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries3

Creating a Query

Activate the Create tab of the Databasewindow

Click the Query Design button

Interact with the dialog boxes

FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries4

Query Results

Results placed in a dynaset in a window

Dynaset can be used like a regular table– Most useful when you work with fields

from several tables– Any changes that are made to a dynaset

field are also made to the originalrecord

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FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries5

Query Design Window

QBE grid - controls which fields appear inthe dynaset

Parts of the grid

– Field - contains the name of the field

– Table - contains the field’s table name

– Sort - controls the order of displayed data

– Show - displays a field in the dynaset

– Criteria - enter a condition to display selectedrecords

FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries6


Logical Comparison Operators– <, >, =, =<, >=. <>

Special Operators– LIKE



– IN

Special characters– [ square brackets around names]

– (parentheses around function arguments)

– # pound sign around dates#

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FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries7

Like (“Wild Card Matches”)

ANSI standard

Wherecustomer_last_name like“Jo%”

Like “Jo_”

Microsoft Access

Wherecustomer_last_name like“Jo*”

Like “Jo?”

• * means match any string of characters; ? meansmatch one character.• Access actually allow more sophisticated Unix typesearch patterns as well – see help

FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries8

Create a Simple Query

Use Work_Orders table

Show fields: all except accum

Sort by WoNo

Only records where descriptioncontains an “s”

Save your query as qrySimple

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FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries9

Simple Query (Find all records with an “S in the

description field)

Query by Example (QBE) Grid

FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries10

Joining Tables

Tables can be joined for performing a query

– Must have a common field

– Linking in QBE grid performed via a dragoperation

– Join types: inner, left outer, right outer

– Use show tables dialog to bring up list of tables

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FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries11

Joining two TablesDrag fromPK to FK

Double Click tablename to add

FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries12

Create a multi-table query

Join Labor and Employees

Show following fields: all from labor,fname, lname and rate fromemployees

Sort by empno then wono

Save your query as qryLaborDetail

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FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries13

Multi-table Query Design

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Multi-table Query Results

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FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries15

Calculated Fields

Can embed calculations in a query

Creates a new temporary field whichappears in the dynaset

Store your calculations there

Can use an expression “builder” to help

FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries16

Query with Calculated Field(use the builder)

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FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries17

Query with Calculated Field

Use qryLaborDetail

Add a calculated field whichshows the cost of a laborticket

Save your query asqryLaborDetail_2

FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries18

Query with Calculated Field Results

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FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries19

Concatenated Fields

Can “add” two character fieldstogether

Use & operator

Example: fname & “ “ & lname

FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries20

Concatenated Fields

Create a new labordetailquery

Add a column with theemployee’s full name

This can be used later inreports, etc.

Save your query asqryLaborDetail_3

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FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries21

Concatenated Fields Results

FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries22

Summarizing Columns

SQL aggregate functions– Sum

– Count

– Avg

– Etc.

Activated by clicking the Total toolbar button

Adds a Total line to the QBE query grid

All selected columns must be in group by or anaggregate

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FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries23

Query with Aggregate

FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries24

Query with Aggregate

Modify qryLaborDetail2

Drop work order fields

Sum the hours and cost

Save your query asqryLaborGrouped

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FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries25

Query with Aggregate Results

FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries26

Parameter Queries

Accept a variable when run

Order Noparameter

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FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries27

Parameter Queries

Create a parameter query

Base on qryLaborDetail_3

Show all fields

Prompt for order no

Save as qryParam

FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries28

Parameter Query Results

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Factory Access - Accelerated Queries29

Accelerated Introduction to Access

End of Module

P.O. Box 6142Laguna Niguel, CA 92607949-489-1472

FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries30

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FactoryAccess - Accelerated Queries31

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Factory Access - Reports & Forms1

Microsoft Access

Module -


P.O. Box 6142Laguna Niguel, CA 92607949-489-1472

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms2

Module Hands On

– Part 1 Create a summary report

Format the report

Add conditional formatting

– Part 2 Add a calculated field

Add summary fields

– Sub-reports (optional) Create a sub-report

Create a master-detail report

Students “hands-on”:

Day 1

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms3

Creating reports

Two basic methods:– Report Wizard

– Report Designer

Common approach is to start w/the Wizard then modify the result

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms4

Report Wizard

Building a Report by Using a Report Wizard

– Use the Report tab of the database window

– Can base report on table or query

– Report Wizard - a series of dialog boxes that stepsyou through the process of building a report

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Report Wizard

After selecting the table or query you givethe Wizard additional information…

– Grouping – for summaries, etc.

– Sorting – for sort order within group, pluswhich summary function to use

– Format and style

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms7

Report Wizard

Create a labor report

– Use qryLaborDetail query

– Select wono, empno, fname,lname, hours

– Group by wono

– Use summary options: sum hours,

– Layout and style to taste

– Save as rptLabor

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms8

Report Design Window

Menu Bar and Toolbar Rulers - vertical and horizontal

Report Layout


Field List Box - used for adding fields to a reporttemplate

Properties Sheet or Section Detail Sheet - controls theappearance of a report object

Scroll Bars

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms9

Report Designer

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Redesigning a Report

Able to move field and title boxes around thedesign template via a drag operation

Able to resize the report bands using selectionhandles

Able to add additional titles using label control

Able to align text as well as change the fontand size of type used

Can add background fill effects, etc.

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms11

Report Designer

Open rptLabor in design view– Format headings

– Remove extra subtotal row andreduce band height

– Fill title with grey background

– Etc.

– Save with same name(rptLabor)

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms12

Report Designer Results

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms13

Report Designer

Adding Fields– Use toolbox, or

– Drag and drop from field list

– Set control source on property sheet if appropriate(see below)

– Put SQL function around the control source for aggregatefields

Two types– Bound

– Unbound (no control source)

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms14

Report DesignerF



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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms15

Report Designer

Open the report Labor indesign view

– Add a cost column (unboundcontrol)

– Format to taste

– Save report as rptLaborCost

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms16

Report Designer

One more change to Laborreport– Add group and grand totals to

labor cost for the report

– Add an unbound textboxcontrol

– Use a formula, =sum(…), asthe control source

– Save as rptLaborCost_2

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms17

Labor report with Cost Column

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Conditional Formatting

Format, Conditional Formatting commandsfrom Menu Bar

Can be used for forms or reports– Examines the contents of a field

– Based upon field’s contents able to specify: Font/Font size/Font color

Background color

Text attributes (boldface, underline, italics)

Try flagging stdhrs >= 70

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms19


Can have sub reports added to a mainreport

– to show detail– To add related information such as customer data

on an invoice

First create the sub report Then create the main report and drag the

sub report and drop it in place, or Use the subform/sub-report control

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms20

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms21

Sub Reports

Create a subreport namedsrptLaborDetail_3

– Base on qryLaborDetail_3

– Be sure to use tabular format

– Eliminate extraneous titleinformation

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms22

Labor Sub Report

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms23


Make sure you have a permanentlink between work_orders andqryLaborDetail_3

Create a main reportrptWork_Orders_Main

– Base on work_orders table

– Expand the detail band and drag thesubreport srptLaborDetail_3 intoposition

Format to taste

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms24

Sub Reports

Drag new subreport to main report, or usesub/form subreport control

Save as rptWork_OrdersFull

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms25

Full Work Orders Report Results

Factory Access - Reports & Forms26

Microsoft Access

[End of Module]P.O. Box 6142Laguna Niguel, CA 92607949-489-1472

Module -


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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms27

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Factory Access - Reports & Forms1

Introduction to Microsoft Access

Module -


P.O. Box 6142Laguna Niguel, CA 92607949-489-1472

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms2

Module Hands On

– Part 1 Build two simple data entry forms

– Part 2 Create an unbound form

Create a sub-form

Build a master-detail form using above sub-form

Add totals

Students “hands-on”:

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms3


Form - provides for customized data entryinstead of using the datasheet window

Also used to establish criteria for reports andqueries

Found on the Forms tab of the databasewindow

Form Wizards - a series of dialog boxesprompting you about your form requirements

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms4

Form Wizard

Specify source table or query, fields, etc. (again, notefields can be bound or unbound)

Generally pick columnar style

Modify or preview result

Numerous properties can be set– Format (Appearance, scroll bars, etc.)

– Data (recordsource, etc.)

– Event (These can call macros and program code)

– Other

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms6

Form Wizard(Instructor Led)

Build a simple data entry form basedon the employees table– Modify the form when click finish

– Set the caption property to “MaintainEmployee Information”

– Make text labels “semi-bold”

– Size the form as desired

– Set record selector to “NO” if desired

– Save as frmEmployees

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms7

Basic Employees form

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms8

Form Wizard(On your own)

Build a simple data entry form basedon the work_orders table– Modify the form when click finish

– Set the caption property to “WorkOrders”

– Make text labels “semi-bold”

– Size the form as desired

– Set record selector to “NO” if desired

– Save as frmWork_Orders

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms9

Basic Work Orders Form

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms10

Form Designer

Design surface for forms

Add controls from toolbox

Some controls themselves have wizards whichcan invoke certain actions (run query, openreport, etc)

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms11

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms12

Form Designer

Build a criteria selection form for theparameter query qryParam (use designview)

– Add an unbound control named txtOrderNo

– Make sure the control wizard button is depressed

– Add a button which will run the param query

– Run the form. What happened? Why?

– Save as frmParam

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms13

Fix the query and form then rerun

Change the variable names to look at the form

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Criteria Selection Form Results

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms15


Same idea as sub reports

Main form uses parent table; sub form useschild table

Several ways to create them

– Create sub form first, drag and drop to main form

– Use subform/subreport control

– Create with form wizard directly

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms16


Same idea as sub reports

Main form uses parent table; sub form useschild table

Make sure you have a permanent link

Create sub form first, drag and drop to mainform

Can also create with form wizard directly

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms17

Typical Subform

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Create a subform namedsfrmLaborDetail

– Use the form wizard

– Base on qryLaborDetail_3 query

– Pick tabular style (like a table orspreadsheet grid)

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms19

Labor Detail Subform

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Modify the frmWork_Orders form. Itwill be the new main form

– Drag and drop the sub formsfrmLaborDetail

– Remove extraneous labels

– Size and format as you like

– Save as frmWork_OrdersDetail

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms21

Placing a subform on a main form

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Note link master and link child

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms23

Work Orders Detail Form

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms24

Sub Forms via the Wizard

Sub Forms can also be built automatically

Select parent table fields

Then child table fields

The child table will go in the subform

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms25

Main and sub forms via Wizard(Instructor Demonstration)

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms26

Totals on Master-Detail Forms

Common to add totals– Total of invoice line items

– Total of purchase order line items

– Etc.

Several ways– Add a total field to the subform footer (simplest)

– Add a total field to the main report using a domain aggregate

– Add a total field to the main report using an SQL aggregate

– Probably others!

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms27

Adding a total to a sub form

Works just like totals in reports

Add the total field in the footer

– Add the sum so that control source reads =sum([fieldname]) with the equals sign

If desired can hide the footer field and add afield to the main form that references the totalfield on the subform

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms28

Add a total to a sub form

Use the sfrmLaborDetail

Save as sfrmLaborDetail_Total

Expand the footer and add a field forhours

In the control source make sureexpression is =sum([hours])

Now add the sub form to thefrmEmployees main form

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms29

Master-detail form with total

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms30

Domain Aggregates(Concept demonstration)

Similar to Spreadsheet functions

Will total, etc., values in a field across several rows(records)

Can be used to populate a control on a form; say totalsor counts of “columns” in a sub form

There are several: dlookup(), dsum(), dcount(), davg(),etc.

– Syntax: Dname(“fieldname”,”source”, “criteria”)

– Note: quotes are mandatory

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms31

Domain Aggregates

Use builder to help build domain aggregates

FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms32

Work Orders Formw/ Domain Aggregate

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Factory Access - Reports & Forms33

Introduction to Microsoft Access

[End of Module]P.O. Box 6142Laguna Niguel, CA 92607949-489-1472

Module -


FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms34

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FactoryAccess - Reports & Forms35

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Factory Access Accel. Introduction v1.021

Introduction to Access


Introduction to Access, ExternalData

P.O. Box 6142Laguna Niguel, CA 92607949-489-1472

FactoryAccess Accel. Introduction v1.022

Module Outline

Topic 1: Export tables

Topic 2: Import data

Topic 3: Link tables

Three short topics:

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FactoryAccess Accel. Introduction v1.023

Module Hands On

– Export work_orders and employees tables

– Import work_orders text file

– Link employees excel file

Students “hands-on”:

FactoryAccess Accel. Introduction v1.024

Sample Application – Factory2000

Simple cost accountingapplication

Employees work on workorders

Clock labor hours for eachwork order

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FactoryAccess Accel. Introduction v1.025

Recording Factory2000 Labor Hours

EmpNo fName lName Rate Wono Descr Hours

12 Bob Smith 15 A1 Casting 12

13 Mary Chavez 20 A1 Casting 22

14 Alicia Parks 25 B3 Ass’ly 15

14 Alicia Parks 25 C2 Screws 18

What problems do you see with this approach?

FactoryAccess Accel. Introduction v1.026

Factory2000 Relational Database Structure

EmpNo fName lName Rate MgrNo

12 Bob Smith 15 13

13 Mary Chavez 20

14 Alicia Parks 25 12

EmpNo Wono Start End Hours

12 A1 1/1/01 1/31/01 20

14 C2 2/1/01 2/28/01 42

14 B3 1/1/01 2/28/01 40



Wono Descr Std

A1 Casting 30

B3 Fitting 50

C2 Screws 70


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FactoryAccess Accel. Introduction v1.027

Exporting a table

Very simple

Click File|Export (or save as)

Specify type: Access canexport to many types: Excel,Text, etc.

FactoryAccess Accel. Introduction v1.028

Exporting tables

Export Work_Orders to CSVtext file.

Export Employees to anExcel spreadsheet.

Note you can also export toanother Access table. Evenone elsewhere on a LAN!

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FactoryAccess Accel. Introduction v1.029

Using External Data

Two methods:

– Import the data into a new (or existing table) in yourdatabase

– Link to the data. A table link appears in yourdatabase but the data stays in the original file.

FactoryAccess Accel. Introduction v1.0210

Importing Files

Another very important feature

Start from new table dialog, pickImport Table

It will start a wizard

Use advanced to select fields, etc.

Specifications can be saved for lateruse

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FactoryAccess Accel. Introduction v1.0211

Importing a table from a Text File

Importing a Text File

FactoryAccess Accel. Introduction v1.0212

Importing from a text file

Import the instructor-suppliedlabor text file into the previouslycreated labor table

Save the specification

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FactoryAccess Accel. Introduction v1.0213

Linking a table

Use new table dialog

Select Link Table

This will set up a connection to anexternal table. It does not becomepart of the Access database

Access can link to many types: Excel,ODBC connection, etc.

FactoryAccess Accel. Introduction v1.0214

Linking a table

Linking a Table

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FactoryAccess Accel. Introduction v1.0215

Linking a table

Linking a Table

FactoryAccess Accel. Introduction v1.0216

Linking a table

Linking a Table

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FactoryAccess Accel. Introduction v1.0217

Link a table

Link the EmployeesExcel

Give it a name likeEmployees_xls

Factory Access Accel. Introduction v1.0218

Introduction to Microsoft Access

[End of Module]

P.O. Box 6142Laguna Niguel, CA 92607949-489-1472


Introduction to Access, ExternalData

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Factory Access - Automating Tasks1

Module - Automating the Application -

Advanced Queries, Macros, ControlWizards

P.O. Box 6142Laguna Niguel, CA 92607949-489-1472

Microsoft Access

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks2

Module Outline

Part 1: Advanced Queries

Part 2: Macros

Part 3: Control Wizards

Three parts:

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks3

Module Hands On

– Create action queries




– Create macros


Run from form

Add where criteria

Add a condition

– Use the control wizard to close a form

Students “hands-on”:

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks4

MS Access Training

Part 1Advanced Queries

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks5

Advanced Queries

Several types of special-use queries– Action

Make table*




– Other Pass-through, crosstab etc.

We will cover those with an *; others as time andinterest permit

Reached through Query menu bar when querydesigner is open

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks6

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks7

MakeTable Query

Allows you to create a new table based ona query

Can be output to current database oranother one

Very simple

– Design your query as you normally would

– Pull down the query menu and select maketable. Assign the new table name

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks8

MakeTable Query

Create an extract of theEmployees table

– Save table as Temp_Employees

– Select MgrNo = 13

– Save your query asqryMake_Temp_Employees

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks9

MakeTable Query Results

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks10

Append Query

Appends records to an existing table

Design query then pull down query menu andselect table to append to

Must indicate destination field for each sourcefield in query. This is done in a new QBE gridrow.

Can have additional “criteria” fields with nodestination

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks11

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks12

Append Query

Create and execute an append query

Select from Employees all recordswith MgrNo =12

Append to table Temp_Employees

Save the query asqryAppend_Temp_Employees

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks13

Append Query Results

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks14

Delete Query

Deletes records from an existing table

Go to query design window then pulldown query menu and select table todelete from

Establish the criteria in the criteria row

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks15

Delete Query

Delete from temp_employees

– All records with rate less than 20

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks16

Delete Query Results

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks17

Other Advanced Queries

Union – “Adds” results of two queries into one result

Update – Update records in an existing table

SQL Pass-through – Send an SQL statement directlyto “back-end” database (Oracle, DB2, etc.)

Crosstab – Creates a crosstab result (similar to aspreadsheet)


Factory Access - Automating Tasks18

Microsoft Access

Part 2

Introduction toMacros

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks19

Introduction to Macros

Two ways of “programming” a taskin Access– Macros

– Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

We will cover Macros primarily

We will also take a look at controlwizards which do use VBA

Introduction to Macros

Three types of macros

– Standalone Appear in the navigation pane

– Embedded Embedded in forms and reports

– Data macro Stored with a table

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks20

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks21

Introduction to Macros

Elements of Macros– Events – what “fires” the macro

– Actions – what the macro does

– Action arguments – control the specifics of the action

– Conditions – circumstance under which the macro “fires”

Macro designer – Where macro is defined

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks22

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks23

Introduction to Macros

Create and run a simple macro, mcrFirst,to become familiar with the concepts

– Action = msgbox

– Arguments: “Hello, Macro”

information type

title = “My First Macro”

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks24

Designing the First Macro

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks25

My First Macro

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks26

Automating Import/Export withMacros

Can string together several macros one afterthe other

Useful to do an import (or links, even) followedby data manipulation

As an example we will automate our prior threeaction queries

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks27

Import Macro

Design a simple macro toimport a table

Action is transfertext

Arguments are labor textfile to be imported

Save as mcrImport

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks28

Designing Import Macro

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks29

Macro “Programs”

Create a new macro to run the actionqueries created earlier

Use open query action

Use the action query name as theargument

Add a msgbox

Open the import table when done

Save as mcrActionQueries

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks30

More on Macros

Macros can be invoked depending on“condition”

Uses a condition column

Macro will run iff condition is true

Macros can be run one after another like a“program”. Example:– Do a maketable query , then an append query from

a different file. I.E different downloads from an ERPsystem

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks31

MS Access Training

Part 3Control Wizards

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks32

Control Wizards

Will create program code for you to perform atask

Form operations

Report operations


Invoked by making sure the wizard button isdepressed when adding a control

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks33

Using the Control Wizard

Reached from more option…

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks34

Using the Control Wizard

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks35

Form Events

Forms and controls have “events”

These “fire” on certain actions. Examples:

– Click a button (onclick event)

– Before table is updated (beforeupdate event)

– After table is updated (afterupdate event)

– Etc.

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks36

Form Events (cont’d)

When an event “fires” can execute:

– VBA Code

– Macro

This provides a method for “running” anapplication

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks37

Control wizards

Create a criteria selection form

Add a button to run the actionqueries

Add a button to close the form

Run the form

That’s it!

FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks38

Form with Button to Launch Macro

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Factory Access - Automating Tasks39

Microsoft Access

End of Module

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FactoryAccess - Automating Tasks40

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Factory Access Navigation1

Module – Navigation

P.O. Box 6142Laguna Niguel, CA 92607949-489-1472

Microsoft Access

Access navigation

Newer Access 2010 databases use the newNavigation forms

Older MDB databases still have theSwitchboard Manager tool available

FactoryAccess Navigation2

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Creating a Navigation form

Select the desired style

FactoryAccess Navigation3

Navigation Forms

Drag and drop forms and reports one by one

FactoryAccess Navigation4

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Adjust properties

Adjust properties as desired and save asfrmNavigation

FactoryAccess Navigation5

Set startup options (File | Options)

Set the Access options to open the navigationform when it starts up

FactoryAccess Navigation6

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FactoryAccess Navigation7

Navigation Form

Create a navigation form foryour application

FactoryAccess Navigation8


Create via a switchboard manager tool

Creates a tree of launch forms – mainform is called switchboard and is placedwith your other form objects

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FactoryAccess Navigation9

Launching Switchboard Manager

FactoryAccess Navigation10

Switchboard Manager

Yes – we want to create a new switchboard!

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FactoryAccess Navigation11

Switchboard Manager

FactoryAccess Navigation12


Create a switchboard for yourapplication

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Factory Access Navigation13

Microsoft Access

End of Module

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Please fill out and turn in yourend-of-course evaluations.

FactoryAccess Navigation14

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FactoryAccess Navigation15

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Accelerated Computer Training for Working Professionals

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