agriculture insu (admin off ) 24.06.2012

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  • 7/31/2019 Agriculture Insu (Admin Off ) 24.06.2012


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  • 7/31/2019 Agriculture Insu (Admin Off ) 24.06.2012




    1. `h nwpVH$m AmnH$mo Cg {V`mo{JVm narjm H$m `mnH$ {ddaU XoJr Omo {H$ emg{ZH A{YH$mar nX H$s ^Vu hoVw Am`mo{OV H$s OmZo dmbr h &

    2. M`Z {H$`m _| (A) {b{IV narjm Ama (~r) gmjmH$ma h & do narjmWu Omo {b{IV narjm _| A V CM Ama _[aQ> H$_ na hmoJo,gmjmH$ma _| ~wbm o OmZo Ho$ nm hmoJo &

    3. EM. ~r. nopgb Ama ~mbnZ H$m Cn`moJ AmnH$mo Xmo gm_m`$n go CnbY EM. ~r. nopgb|, EH$ nopgb emnZa, EH$ a~S> AmaEH$ ~mb nZ AnZo gmW bmZo Mm{hE & narjm Ho$ XmamZ nopgb QyQ> OmZo na Cgo ~ZmZo _| AmnH$m g_` ZQ> Z hmo, Bg{bE Xmo nopgb| bmZoH$s gbmh Xr OmVr h &

    4. Cma n H$m `dhma H$n`m AnZo Cma n H$mo gmdYmZrnydH$ `dhma _| br{OE & Bgo Yyb go JXm Z hmoZo X| & `{X `h H$Q>m-\$Q>m, _wS>m, {gbdQ>m| go ^am m JXm hmoJm Vmo Bgo OmMm Zht Om gHo$Jm &

    5. {d{^Z dVw{ZR> Zmd{b`m| na {deof `mZ XoZm Mm{hE `m|{H$ o Hyb/H$mboO H$s gm_m` narjmAm| go AbJ T>J H$s hmoVr h &

    AnZo Cma H$go {bI|

    dVw{Z> H$ma Ho$ `oH$ Z Ho$ ZrMo 1, 2, 3, 4 VWm 5 g`m go A{H$V g^m{dV Cma {X`o Om`|Jo & CZ_| go gdm{YH$ Cn`wV Cma Mw{ZE

    & {\$a Z H$s H$_ g`m Ho$ gm_Zo ghr Cma dmbr AS>mH${V H$mo EM. ~r. nopgb go nyar H$mbr aJ Xr{OE & (Z_yZodmbo Cma n H$m nR> 2 XoI|)H$n`m `h `mZ aI| {H$ AS>mH${V Jhar H$mbr aJ OmZr Mm{hEAma nyar ^a OmZr Mm{hE & CXmhaU Ho$ {b`o `{X Z g`m 2 H$m Cma5 h Vmo Bgo {ZZmZwgma {XIm`m Om`o &

    . 2.

    AnZo Cma _| n[adVZ H$go H$a|

    `{X Amn AnZm Cma ~XbZm MmhVo h Vmo nhbo ^ar hB AS>mH${V H$mo ~{T>`m a~S> go nyam {_Q>m Xr{OE Ama {\$a AnZo gemo{YV Cmadmbr g`mH$s AS>mH${V H$mo nyar H$mbr aJ Xr{OE &

    Cma H$mo ~XbVo g_` nhbo dmbo Cma H$mo nyU $n go {_Q>mZm A V Amd`H$ h & {X Cgo nyar Vah Zht {_Q>m`m J`m Vmo a~S> mam {_Q>mE hE mJna Y~m ~Zm ahoJm Ama EH$ Z Ho$ Xmo Cma nT>o Om |Jo AV H$moB ^r AH$ Zht {X`m OmEJm &

    {b{IV narjm

    emg{ZH$ A{YH$mar (Jwn A go I) Ho$ {bE

    AZw H$. Zmdbr Zm| H$s g`m AH$ g_`

    1 VH$e{$ 50 50

    2 g`m_H$ A{^`mo`Vm 50 50 Hw$b g_`

    3 AJoOr 50 50 2 KQ>o 15 {_ZQ4 `mdgm{`H$ kmZ # 50 50 (135 {_ZQ>)>

    Hw$b 200 200

    # `h Zmdbr Jwn A go I _| haoH$ {deokVm Ho$ {bE AbJ hmoJr Ama BgHo$ Z haoH$ {deofkVm {df` naAYm[aV hm|Jo&

    C_rXdmam| H$mo gbmh Xr OmVr h {H$ do narjm ^dZ _| AnZoo Q>oQ> ~wH$boQ> na N>no Jwn H$m Zm_ ghr hmoZoH$s OmM H$a b|&

    1 2 3 4

  • 7/31/2019 Agriculture Insu (Admin Off ) 24.06.2012




    1. This booklet gives you detailed information about the Competitive examination for recruitment to the post ofAdministrative Officer.

    2. The selection process consists of (a) Written Examination and (b) Interview. Candidates who qualify in thewritten examination with high merit rank are eligible to be called for interview.

    3. Use of HB Pencil and Ball Pen : You should bring with you two commonly available HB Pencils, a PencilSharpener, an Eraser and a Ball Point Pen. Two pencils are advised to avoid mending a pencil during theexamination as you may lose time.

    4. Handling answersheet : Please handle your answersheet carefully. Keep it dust free. If it is mutilated, torn,folded, wrinkled, rolled or dusty, it may not be evaluated.

    5. Special attention should be paid to the different objective type tests, since these are different from the usualschool/college examinations.


    Each question is followed by answers which are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Select the most appropriate answer. Then

    by using HB Pencil, blacken the oval bearing the correct answer against the serial number of the question. (Refer toside 2 of the Specimen Answersheet). Please note that the oval should be dark enough and should be filled incompletely. For example, if the answer to Question Number 2 is answer number 5, it is shown as follows.



    If you wish to change your answer, ERASE COMPLETELY the already darkened oval by using good quality eraser andthen blacken the new oval bearing your revised answer number.

    While changing the answer, erasing the earlier answer completely is extremely essential. If it is not erased completely,smudges will be left on the erased oval and the question will be read as having two answers and will be ignored for giving

    any credit.


    For Administrative Officer (Groups A to I)

    Sr. No. Test No of Ques Marks Time

    1 Reasoning 50 50

    2 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50Composite Time of

    3 English 50 50 2 hours 15 minutes

    4 Professional Knowledge# 50 50 (135 minutes)

    Total 200 200

    # This test will be different for each specialisation in Groups A to I and the questions will be based on

    the respective subject of specialisation.

    Canddidates are advised to check that the name of the Group printed on the cover page of testbooklet in the exam-hall is correct.

    1 2 3 4

  • 7/31/2019 Agriculture Insu (Admin Off ) 24.06.2012



    gm_m` A{YH$mar`m| (Jwn J) Ho$ {bE

    AZw H$. Zmdbr Zm| H$s g`m AH$ g_`

    1 VH$e{$ 50 50

    2 g`m_H$ A{^`mo`Vm 50 50 Hw$b g_`

    3 AJoOr 50 50 2 KQ>o 15 {_ZQ

    4 gm_m` gMoVVm 50 50 (135 {_ZQ>)>

    Hw$b 200 200

    dVw{Z> narjm _| JbV Cmam| Ho$ {bE XS> hmoJm& `oH$ JbV Cma Ho$ {bE 0.25 AH$ H$mQ> {bE OmEJo&

    Cman _| Am_H$` g~Yr {ddaU {H$g H$ma ^am Om`| &_hdnyU

    1. Cman Ho$ nR> 1 Ho$ ~mg 1-11 Ama 13-17 VWm 20 Ama nR> 2 Ho$ ~mg 29 _| AmnH$mo {ddaU aZm h (H$n`m ~mg 18,19 VWm 21 go 28 H$mo [aV aI| )

    2. ~mg g`m 1-11 _| {ddaU~mb dmBQ> noZgo ^aZm h &3. nR> 1 Ho$ ~mg g`m 13-17 VWm 20 Ama nR> 2 Ho$ ~mg g`m 29 _| {ddaU Ho$dbEM. ~r. nopgbgo hr ^aZm h &{ddaU H$go ^a| ZrMo `h {X o J`o CXmhaU Ho$ _m`_ go g_Pm`m J`m h narjmWu H$m Zm_ amYo `m_ JwmnarjmWu H$m AZwH$_mH$ 2209132257gJR>Z EJrH$Ma B`moa|g H$nZr Am\$ B{S>`m {b{_Q>oS>Jwn ~r_m Ama Omo{I_ ~YZgdJ gmmmm

    narjm H|$ bIZD$O_ {V{W 04.03.85

    H$n`m {ZZ{b{IV Ho$ {bE Z_yZm Cma-n Ho$ gmBS> -1 VWm gmBS> - 2 H$mo XoI| &

    nR> - 1

    {ddaU (~mg g. 1 go 7) : Amn XoI|Jo {H$ ~mg g. 1 go 7 VH$ _mJm J`m {ddaU AmgmZr go Xem m Om gH$Vm h & h {ddaU ~mb dmBQ> noZ go^[a o &

    ZnwpVH$m AZwH$_mH$, Z_m{bH$m H$_mH$ Ama m$n H$_mH$ (~mg 8-10 _| Ano{jV {ddaU) : ZnwpVH$m AZwH$_mH$,Z_m{bH$m H$_mH$ Ama m$n H$_mH$ (~mg 8-10 _| Ano{jV {ddaU) Z-nwpVH$m na N>no hm|Jo & AmnH$mo narjm Ho$ g_` {_bZo dmbr Z-nwpVH$mna go XoI H$a o g`mE~mb dmBQ> noZgo ^aZm h &

    narjmWu H$m Zm_ (~mg g.13) ~mg H$s oH$ npV _| AnZo Zm_ H$m Ho$db EH$ Aja hr {bI| & AnZo Zm_ H$s dU_mbm H$mo _` ZOa aIVohE, g~{YV AS>mH${V H$mo n|{gb go H$mbm a{J o & {X AmnHo$ Zm_ _| 10 Ajam| go A{YH$ Aja h Vmo Ho$db nhbo Ajam| H$mo {bI| Omo ~mgm| _| Am Om o &

    narjmWu H$_mH$ (~mg g.14) narjmWu H$_mH$ {bIZo Ho$ {b o `hm 10 ~mgm| H$s EH$ npV Xr JB h & oH$ ~mg Ho$ ZrMo N>moQ>r-N>moQ>r 10AS>mH${V`m h {OZH$s H$_ g`m 1 go 9 d 0 VH$ h & Amn AnZm narjmWu H$_mH$ EM. ~r. n|{gb go BZ ~mgm| _| Bg H$ma {bI| {H$ oH$ ~mg _| Ho$dbEH$ hr AH$ Am`o h & ~mgm| Ho$ ZrMo {X`o J`o AS>mH${V`m| _| go Cn wV AS>mH${V`m| H$mo H$mbr H$a| &

  • 7/31/2019 Agriculture Insu (Admin Off ) 24.06.2012



    For Generalists (Group J)

    There will be penalty for wrong answers in Objective Tests. For each wrong answer 0.25 marks will be


    How to fill up Bio-data information in answersheet.


    1. The information is to be filled in by you in box 1-11 and 13-17 & 20 on side 1, and in box 29 on side 2 of theanswersheet. (Do not fill up any information in boxes 18, 19 & 21 to 28)

    2. You have to fill in information in boxes 1-11 by using ball point pen.

    3. Information in boxes 13-17 & 20 on side 1 and 29 on side 2 are to be filled in by using HB pencil only.

    How to fill in the Information is explained with the help of an example given below :

    Name of the Candidate : Radhey Shyam Gupta

    Roll No. of the Candidate : 2209132257

    Organization : Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited

    Group : Insurance & Risk Management

    Category : General

    Centre of Examination : Lucknow

    Date of Birth : 04.03.85

    Now please refer to side 1 & 2 of the Specimen Answersheet while reading the following description.

    Side 1

    Information (Box Nos. 1 to 7) : You will find that the information asked for in the boxes from 1 to 7 can be filled ineasily. Fill in this information by using ball-point pen.

    Test Booklet Serial Number, Test Battery Number and Test Form Number (Information required inBoxes 8-10): Test Booklet Serial Number, Test Battery Number and Test Form Number (information required in Boxes8-10) are printed on the test booklet. You have to copy this number using ball point pen from the test booklet you willreceive at the time of examination.

    Candidates Name (Box No. 13) : Write your name in the row of boxes entering one letter in each box. Below eachbox, darken the oval that corresponds to the alphabet of your name. If your name contains more than10 letters write only the first letters which you can accommodate in the Boxes provided.

    Candidates Roll Number (Box No. 14) : There is a row of 10 boxes provided to write the roll number. Just below eachbox there are 10 ovals numbered from 1 to 9 and 0. Write your roll number in the boxes, entering one digit in each boxby using HB pencil and blacken the appropriate oval under each box.

    Sr. No. Test No of Ques Marks Time

    1 Reasoning 50 50

    2 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 Composite Time of

    3 English 50 50 2 hours 15 minutes

    4 General Awareness 50 50 (135 minutes)

    Total 200 200

  • 7/31/2019 Agriculture Insu (Admin Off ) 24.06.2012



    nX/Jwn (~mg g.15) Bg ImZo _| Jwn H$moS> ^aZm h& Jwn H$s H$moS> g`m AZw~Y & _| Xr h&

    dJ (~mg g. 16) dJ H$s H$moS> g`m AZw~Y && _| Xr h &

    AZw~Y I

    Jwn AZw~Y II

    loUr H$moS>AZwgy{MV Om{V (A. Om.) 1

    AZwgy{MV Om{V ApW {dH$bmJ (A. Om. A. {d) 2

    AZwgy{MV Om{V {> {dH$bmJ (A. Om. . {d.) 3

    AZwgy{MV Om{V ldU {dH$bmJ (A. Om. l. {d.) 4

    AZwgy{MV OZOm{V (A. O. Om.) 5

    AZwgy{MV OZOm{V ApW {dH$bmJ (A. O. Om. A{d.) 6

    AZwgy{MV OZOm{V {> {dH$bmJ (A. O. Om. . {d.) 7

    AZwgy{MV OZOm{V ldU> {dH$bmJ (A. O. Om. l. {d.) 8A` {nN>S>r Om{V (A{nOm) 9

    A` {nN>S>r Om{V ApW {dH$bmJ (A. {n. Om. A. {d.) 10

    A` {nN>S>r Om{V {> {dH$bmJ (A. {n. Om. . {d.) 11

    A` {nN>S>r Om{V ldU {dH$bmJ (A. {n. Om. l. {d.) 12

    gm_m` 13

    gm_m` ApW {dH$bmJ (A. {d.) 14

    gm_m` {> {dH$bmJ (. {d.) 15

    gm_m` ldU> {dH$bmJ (l. {d.) 16

    H$n`m BgH$mo XoI| Ama Cg Jwn VWm dJ H$s H$moS> g`m _mby_ H$a| {Og dJ _| Amn AmVo h & {X o J`o ~mg _| dJ H$moS> {bI| AmaVg~{YV AS>mH${V H$mo EM. ~r. nopgb go H$mbm H$a| & Xo{I o {H$ narjmWu Zo {H$g H$ma Cn`wV AS>mH${V H$mo H$mbm aJ {X`m h Ama C{MV~mg _| AnZm H$moS> {bI {X`m h &

    $n H$_mH$ (~mg g. 17) AmnH$mo ~mg g. 17 Ho$ AVJV $n H$_mH$ (3 AH$) {bIZm h & {X o J`o ~mg _| oH$ _| EH$AH$ {b{I`o Ama g~{YV AS>mH${V H$mo EM. ~r. n|{gb go H$mbr a{J`o &O_ {XZmH$ (~mg g. 20) XoI| {H$ {H$g H$ma narjmWu Zo ImZm| _| {XZmH$, _mg Ama df ^a {X o h Ama ghr ghr AS>mH${V`m| H$mo H$mbm aJ{X`m h& `{X {XZmH$ Ama _mg EH$ AH$ H$s g`m | h Vmo AmnH$mo CgHo$ nyd ey` bJm XoZm Mm{h o &~mg g 18, 19 Ama 21 go 28 _| Hw$N> Z ^a| &

    Jwn H$moS>

    JwnA(E w[ag) 1JwnB (H${f) 2

    JwnC (mmH}$qQ>J) 3

    JwnD (gyMZm mmo{JH$s) 4

    JwnE (boIm) 5

    Jwn H$moS>

    JwnF (gmmH$s) 6JwnG ({d{Y) 7

    JwnH (mmZd ggmYZ) 8

    JwnI (~rmm Ama Omo{Im ~YZ) 9

    JwnJ (gmmmm) 10

  • 7/31/2019 Agriculture Insu (Admin Off ) 24.06.2012



    Post/Group (Box No. 15) : Group codes are to be filled up in this box as given in Annexure I.

    Category (Box No. 16) : The codes for category are given in Annexure II.

    Annexure - I

    Annexure II

    Category Code

    Scheduled Caste (SC) 1

    Scheduled Caste Orthopaedically Handicapped (SC-OH) 2

    Scheduled Caste Visually Handicapped (SC-VH) 3

    Scheduled Caste Hearing Impaired (SC-HI) 4

    Scheduled Tribe (ST) 5

    Scheduled Tribe Orthopaedically Handicapped (ST-OH) 6

    Scheduled Tribe Visually Handicapped (ST-VH) 7

    Scheduled Tribe Hearing Impaired (ST-HI) 8

    Other Backward Class (OBC) 9

    Other Backward Class Orthopaedically Handicapped (OBC-OH) 10

    Other Backward Class Visually Handicapped (OBC-VH) 11

    Other Backward Class Hearing Impaired (OBC-HI) 12

    General (GEN) 13

    General Orthopaedically Handicapped (GEN-OH) 14

    General Visually Handicapped (GEN-VH) 15

    General Hearing Impaired (GEN-HI) 16

    Please find out the code number of the group and category you belong to and enter the code in the box and blacken theappropriate oval by HB pencil. See how the candidate in the example has written and darkened the appropriate oval forhis category.

    Test Form (Box No. 17) : You will have to write the test form number (3 digits) under item 17. Write each of the digitsin the boxes provided and blacken the appropriate ovals by HB pencil.

    Date of Birth (Box No. 20) : See how the candidate has entered the date, month and the year in the boxes anddarkened the appropriate ovals correctly. If the date or the month happens to be single digit you should indicatethis after adding zero.

    Box Nos 18, 19 and 21-28 should not be filled up.

    Group Code

    Group A (Actuaries) 1

    Group B (Agriculture) 2

    Group C (Marketing) 3

    Group D (Information Technology) 4

    Group E (Accounts) 5

    Group Code

    Group F (Statistics) 6

    Group G (Legal) 7

    Group H (Human Resource) 8

    Group I (Insurance & Risk Management) 9

    Group J (Generalist) 10

  • 7/31/2019 Agriculture Insu (Admin Off ) 24.06.2012



    `mX aIZo `mo` _hdnyU ~mV| :

    1. Amn H$mo AnZo gmW {ZZ{_{IV gm_Jr bmZr h:

    (i) ~wbmdm n na AnZm hmb hr H$m nmgnmoQ> AmH$ma H$m \$moQ>mo {MnH$mE&

    (ii) Bg nwpVH$m Ho$ AV _| Xr JB (Z_yZm) Cma nwpVH$m na ~m`moS>mQ>m g~Yr OmZH$mar H$mo nyar Vah a H$a bmZm&

    (iii) Xmo EM ~r nopgb, a~S>, emnZa VWm ~mb-dmBQ> noZ&2. Z_y Zm Cma nwpVH$m _| AnZr ~m`moS>mQ>m OmZH$mar aVo g_` AnZr IwXH$s hr OmZH$mar a|& {X AmnH$s nyar ~m`moS>mQ>m OmZH$mar

    Z_yZm Cma nwpVH$m na hmoJr Vmo AmnH$mo narjm hmb _| Xr OmZo dmbr dmV{dH$ Cma nwpVH$m _| dhr OmZH$mar aZo _| ghm`Vm{_b|Jr&

    3. Cma nwpVH$m na H$moB H$m H$m_ Zht H$aZm Mm{hE ~pH$ Omo ^r H$m H$m_ AmnH$mo H$aZm Oar bJo Cgo Z nwpVH$m na hrH$a|& `{X Cma nwpVH$m na H$moB H$m H$m_ {H$`m J`m hmoJm Vmo dh OmMr Zht OmEJr&

    4. AmnH$mo g^r Cma CmanwpVH$m na XemZo hm|Jo& o EM ~r nopgb go Cgr VarHo$ go {XImE OmZo hmoJo Omo VarH$m nhbo AmnH$mog_Pm`m J`m h& H$n`m `mZ X| {H$ AS>mH${V H$mo AN>r Vah Ama nyar Vah H$mbm H$a|& `{X Eogm Zht {H$`m J`m hmoJm VmoH$`yQ>arH$V _erZ AmnH$s CmanwpVH$m H$mo Zht OmMoJr&

    5. AmnH$mo Z nwpVH$m na AnZm H$_mH$ {bIZm Mm{hE& {X Amn Z nwpVH$m na AnZm H$_mH$ Zht {bI|Jo Vmo AmnH$s CmanwpVH$m OmMr Zht OmEJr&

    6. _erZ nhbo CmanwpVH$m na n g`m nT>Vr h Ama CgHo$ ~mX n _| Zm| Ho$ ghr Cmam| Ho$ {hgm~ go _y`mH$Z H$aVr h&Bg{bE AmnH$mo EM. ~r. nopgb go CmanwpVH$m na ghr AS>mH${V`m| H$mo ghr T>J go ^a H$a AnZr n g`m Ad` XemZrhmoJr&

    7. AmnH$mo CmanwpVH$m _| Ano{jV gmar OmZH$mar {bIZr Ama H$mbr H$aZr hmoJr Ogo narjmWu H$_mH$, Zm_, n g`m Am{X& {XAmn h g~ Zht {bI|Jo Vmo AmnH$s CmanwpVH$m OmMr Zht OmEJr&

    8. O~ AmnH$mo ZnwpVH$m {_bo Vmo gm_m` Hyb/H$mboO/{dd{dmb` narjmAm| H$s Vah nhbo gmao Zm| H$mo nT>H$a g_` ~~mX

    Z H$a|& `m|H$s o dVw{Z> {H$_ Ho$ Z h, Bg{bE {H$gr EH$ Z H$mo n{T>E Ama CmanwpVH$m na AnZm Cma Xem {X{OE&`{X AmnH$mo H$moB Z H${R>Z bJo Vmo Cgo N>moS> {X{OE Ama AJbm Z H$[aE& N>moS>m J`m Z Amn ~mX _|, AJa g_` {_bo, VmoH$a gH$Vo h&

    9. `{X Amn H$moB Z N>moS>Vo h Vmo AJbo Z H$m Cma XemVo g_` I`mb aI|& N>moS>o JE Z H$s OJh H$mo Imbr N>moS>H$aZ(Zm|) H$s C{MV H$_ g`m(Am|) Ho$ gm_Zo hr Cma X|&

    10. H$n`m AnZr CmanwpVH$m H$mo g^mb H$a BVo_mb H$a|& Bg na Yyb Z bJZo X|& {X h H$Q>m-\$Q>m, _wS>m-VwS>m, {eH$ZXma,Jmob _wS>r hB `m Yyb ar hm|Jr Vmo `h OmMr Zht OmEJr&

    11. dVw{Z> narjm H$m g_` nyam hmoZo Ama amoH$ Xr{OE gHo$V hmoZo Ho$ ~mX AS>mH${V`m| H$mo H$mbm aJZo Ho$ {bE A{V[a$ g_` Zht{X`m OmEJm&

    12. `{X H$moB narjmWu {b{IV narjm Ho$ XmamZ `m ~mX H$s M`Z {H$`m Ho$ XmamZ AZw{MV `dhma H$m ghmam boJm Vmo dhAZwemg{ZH$ H$madmB H$m ^mJr hmoJm, Omo {ZYm[aV H$m {d{Y Ho$ AZwgma gj_ A{YH$mar mam narjmWu Ho$ {Ibm\$ H$s OmEJr&

  • 7/31/2019 Agriculture Insu (Admin Off ) 24.06.2012




    1. You are advised to bring with you the following things :

    (i) The Call Letter with your recent passport size photographs affixed thereon.

    (ii) Completely filled in bio-data information on the sample answer sheet provided at the end of this booklet.

    (iii) Two HB pencils, eraser, sharpner and ball point pen.

    2. While filling in the bio-data information on the sample answersheet fill in YOUR bio-data information. Thecomplete bio-data information on the sample answersheet will help you to fill in the same information on theactual answer sheet which will be given to you in the examination hall.

    3. You should not do any rough work on the answersheet, but do all the rough work necessary on the testbooklet itself. If any rough work is done on the answersheet it may not be assessed.

    4. All your answers must be marked on the answersheet. The method of indicating answers by using HB pencilas described and illustrated before must be followed. Please note that the oval should be dark enough andshould be filled completely. If this is not done, the answersheet will not be assessed by the computerizedmachine.

    5. You should write your Roll No. on the test booklet. If you do not write your Roll No. on the test booklet youranswersheet will not be assessed.

    6. The machine first reads the Test Form No. on the answersheet and then evaluates as per the correct an-swers of the questions in the form. Therefore, you MUST SHOW YOUR TEST FORM NO.CORRECTLY BY FILLING IN THE CORRECT OVALS ON THE ANSWERSHEET using HB Pencil.

    7. You have to write and darken all the information required on the answersheet such as Roll No., Name, TestForm No. etc. If you do not write these your answersheet will not be assessed.

    8. When you receive the test booklet do not waste your time in first reading all the questions as is done in usualschool/college/university examinations. Since these questions are of objective type, read a particular ques-tion and mark your answer on the answersheet. In case you find a particular question difficult, skip the

    question and go on to the next question. The question so skipped may be solved at the end if time isavailable.

    9. If the question isskipped, care should be taken while marking the answer of the next question. It should bemarked against the appropriate question serial number leaving blank the answer space/s for the skippedquestion/s.

    10. Please handle your answersheet carefully. Avoid its contact with dust. If it is mutilated, torn, wrinkled, rolledor is dusty it may not be assessed.

    11. No extra time will be given for BLACKENING the ovals after the time for the objective test is over and thestop signal is given.

    12. Candidate resorting to any unfair practices either during the written test or during subsequent selectionprocedure will be liable for disciplinary action taken against him/her by the Competent Authority as per thedisciplinary procedure laid down.

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    Z_yZo Ho$ Z


    `h Zmdbr `h XoIZo Ho$ {bE h {H$ Amn {H$VZr AN>r Vah gmoM gH$Vo h & Bg_| {d{^Z H$ma Ho$ Z hm|Jo & `hm CXmhaU Z {X`o h &

    {ZX}e {ZZ{b{IV oH$ Z _|, Ajag_yhm| `m eXm| Ho$ 5 g_yh {X o J`o h & BZ_| Ajag_yhm| `m eXm| Ho$ Mma g_yhm| _| {H$gr Z {H$gr H$ma

    H$s g_mZVm h O~{H$ EH$ {^Z h & kmV H$s{OE {H$ H$mZgm EH$ {^Z h &.1. (1) H$mbm (2) bmb (3) ham (4) aJ (5) nrbm CV nmMm| _|H$mbm, bmb, ham VWmnrbm EH$ g_yh ~ZmVo h `m|{H$ do g^r aJm| Ho$ Zm_ h & aJ {H$gr aJ H$m Zm_ Zht h &AV AmnH$m Cma 4 h &

    A~ {ZZ{b{IV Z hb H$aZo H$m `mg H$s{OE &

    .2. (1) BC (2) MN (3) PQ (4) XZ (5) ST

    .3. (1) Am_ (2) go~ (3) gVam (4) A_$X (5) Jwbm~

    {ZX}e ZrMo {X`o J`o oH$ Z _| EH$ Z {M bJm h & CgHo$ ZrMo {X`o J`o nmM {dH$nm| _| go Ho$db H$moB EH$ hr Cg Vah Ho$ g~YH$mo H$Q> H$aVm h Omo {H$ Z _| {M Ho$ ~m`t Amoa dmbo Xmo eXm| _| h & ghr Cma kmV H$s{O`o &

    .4. MaU _Zw` Iwa ?(1) na (2) Hw$mm (3) KmoS>m (4) bS>H$m (5) Oy VmCV CXmhaU _|MaU Ama_Zw` _| Omo g~Y h CgrHo$ AZwgmaIwa H$mKmoS>m {dH$n go h, AV AmnH$m Cma 3 h &

    A~ {ZZ{b{IV Z ^r hb H$aZo H$m `mg H$s{OE &

    .5. TOPS Ho$ Ajam| H$mo nwZ dpWV H$aHo$ `{XO go ew hmoZodmbm H$moB gmWH$ eX ~Zm`m Om gHo$ Vmo Cg eX H$m A{V_ AjaAmnH$m Cma h & `{X EH$ go A{YH$ eX ~Z gH$Vo hm| Vmo Cma hM Ama `{X H$moB eX Z ~Z gH$Vm hmo Vmo Cma hX ?(1) T (2) P (3) M (4) S (5) X


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    Sample Questions


    This is a test to see how well you can think. It contains questions of various kinds. Here are some sample questions.

    Directions : In each of the following questions, there are five groups of letter groups or words in each question. Four ofthese letter groups or words are alike in some way, while one is different. Find the one which is different.

    Q.1. (1) black (2) red (3) green (4) paint (5) yellow

    Of the five, black, red, green and yellow form a group as they are names of colours. Paint is not the name of acolour. Therefore, 4 is the answer.

    Now try to solve the following questions.

    Q.2. (1) BC (2) MN (3) PQ (4) XZ (5) ST

    Q.3. (1) Mango (2) Apple (3) Orange (4) Guava (5) Rose

    Directions : In each of the following questions, there is a question mark in which only one of the five alternativesgiven under the question satisfies the same relationship as is found between the two terms to the left of the sign ::given in the question. Find the correct answer.

    Q.4. Foot : man : : hoof : ?(1) leg (2) dog (3) horse (4) boy (5) shoe

    In the above example, hoof has the same relationship with which one of the five as foot has to man ? The answeris horse, which is answer number 3.

    Now try to solve the following questions.

    Q.5. If the letters in the word TOPS can be rearranged to form a meaningful word beginning with O, the last letterof that word is your answer. If more than one such word can be formed, M is the answer and if no such wordcan be formed, X is the answer.(1) T (2) P (3) M (4) S (5) X

    There may also be problems in the form of figures, designs and drawings. These may be of different typessuch as Analogies, Series etc.

    Analogies :In these questions, there are two sets of figures. the Problem Figures and the Answer Figures. The Problem Figuresare presented in two units. The first unit contains two figures and the second unit contains one figure and a questionmark in place of the fourth figure. You have to find out which one of the Answer Figures should be in place of thequestion mark.

    Study the following questions based on Analogies.

    Q. 6.

    Look at the first two Problem Figures. The second figure is related to the first figure in a certain way. The first figure isa square. In the second figure, the square has been bisected by a vertical line and the right half has been darkened.

    The third and fourth figures should have the same relationship as the first and the second have. The third figure is acircle, so in the fourth figure, the circle should be bisected by a vertical line and the right half should be darkened.Answer Figure 5 is related to the third Problem Figure in this way. Therefore the answer is 5.

    Q. 7.

    Study the first and the second figures in the Problem Figures. The first figure is a darkened square and in the secondfigure, there are four squares, not darkened, arranged in a particular way. That means the elements in the secondfigure are four times the elements in the first figure and are not darkened. In addition, the four squares are arranged ina specific way and are not touching one another.

    The third figure is a darkened circle. Therefore, the fourth figure should have four circles which are not darkened,arranged in the same way as in the second figure. Now look at the Answer Figures. You will find that figure 1 consistsof four circles which are not darkened arranged in a similar way. Therefore, the answer is 1.

    Problem Figures Answer Figures

    Problem Figures Answer Figures

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    . . . . .8.

    R x[W

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    Q. 8.

    Study the first and the second figures in the first unit of the Problem Figures. The first figure is made up of four linesand the second figure is made up of five lines. That means the second figure has one line more than the first figure. The

    third figure in the second unit has five lines. Therefore, the fourth figure should have six lines i.e. one more than thethird. Now look at the Answer Figures. You will find that figure 3 is made up of six lines. Therefore, the answer is 3.


    Study the following problems based on series.

    Q. 9.

    Note that the four figures given first at the left are called Problem Figures. The five figures given next are called Answerfigures. They are indicated by numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

    The four Problem Figures make a series. That means they change from left to right in a specific order. The question isif the figures continue to change in the same order, what should the fifth figure be ? In the example above, as you gofrom left to right, you find that the arrow inside the circle keeps rotating at 900 in the clockwise direction. The questionis, if the arrow continues to rotate by the same amount in the clockwise direction, what will be its next, i.e. fifthposition ? The answer is that it should point towards the top in the fifth figure. Answer Figure 2 shows this position ofthe arrow. Therefore, the answer is 2.


    Look at Q.10 carefully. You will see two different things happening here. When you move from left to right, the numberof black dots inside the hexagon is increasing by one everytime in the anti-clockwise direction. But note that the whitedot is moving in the clockwise direction. In the fifth figure, the white dot should be at the upper left corner of thehexagon. Only Answer Figure 3 has both-one black dot getting added at the lower left corner and the white dot movingto the upper left corner. So, the answer is 3.

    Note that there can be questions with five Problem Figures in the series type of questions. For example,study the Problem Figures in Q. No. 11.

    Q. 11.

    Note that the number of arrows is increasing by 1 everytime and that they are gradually falling towards the left. In thesixth figure there should be six arrows and they should fall further and be lying flat, i.e. they should be horizontal. Theanswer, therefore, is 5.

    Problem Figures Answer Figures

    Problem Figures Answer Figures

    Problem Figures Answer Figures

    Problem Figures Answer Figures

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    g`m_H$ A{^`mo`Vm

    `h Zmdbr g`m_H$ JUZmAm|, Ogo gJUZ, g`m_H$ VH$gJVVm, gma{U`m| Ed Jm\$m| go {ZH$mbZm Am{X _| AmnH$s J{V Ed ewVm H$s OmM Ho$ {b oh &

    {ZX}e {ZZ{b{IV Zm| _| go oH$ _| AmnH$mo `h kmV H$aZm h {H$ Z{M (?) Ho$ WmZ na `m Am oJm&

    .12. 42 + 73 + 137 = ?

    (1) 352 (2) 252 (3) 242 (4) 142 (5) BZ_| go H$moB Zht

    .13 . 20 1

    2= ?

    (1) 4 (2) 5 (3) 12 (4) 20 (5) BZ_| go H$moB Zht

    Z H$. 12 _| ghr Cma 252 h & AV AmnH$m Cma 2 hmoJm & Z H$. 13 _| ghr Cma 10 h VWm{n 1, 2, 3 m 4 H$moB ^r h Cma ZhtXemVm & AV AmnH$m Cma 5 hmoJm &

    Hw$N> Zm| _| AH$J{UVr` VH$epV Ano{jV hmoJr & Ogo

    .14. 10 ngo {V Zt~yHo$ ^md go 6 Zt~yAm| H$s H$s_V {H$VZo ngo hmoJr ?(1) 6 (2) 10 (3) 60 (4) 61 (5) 610

    .15. `{X 10 n`o _| EH$ nZ ~oMZo na bm^ CgH$s bmJV Ho$ ~am~a h Vmo nZ H$m _y` `m h ?(1) 3/- . (2) 5/- . (3) 10/- . (4) 20/-. (5) BZ_| go H$moB Zht

    BgHo$ A{V[aV Jm\$m| Ama gma{U`m| na r Hw$N> Z nyN>o Om gH$Vo h &

    AJo Or ^mfm

    Bg Zmdbr H$m `moOZ AmnHo$ AJoOr mfm kmZ H$s narjm H$aZm h & `mH$aU, eXmdbr, dm` nyU H$aZm, g_mZmWu, {dbmo_mWu, AZwN>oX H$s ~moYJ`VmAm{X Zm| go AmnHo$ AJoOr mfm g~Yr kmZ H$s narjm H$s OmEJr & ZrMo Hw$N> Z_yZo Ho$ Z VwV h, CZH$m A``Z H$a| Ama Cma X| &

    {ZX}e {ZZ{b{IV dm`m| H$mo gmWH$ T>J go nyU H$aZo Ho$ {bE dm`m| Ho$ ZrMo {X`o J`o eXm| _| go Cn wV eX H$m M`Z H$a| &

    .16. He quickly glanced ........................ ...... the book to find what it said about the Indian economy.(1) at (2) through (3) in (4) to (5) over

    BgH$m R>rH$ Cmathrough h {OgH$s Cma g`m2 h &

    .17. The counsel urged the court to ........................... down the obnoxious law.(1) enact (2) enforce (3) cancel (4) strike (5) declare

    {ZX}e H$n`m `oH$ dm` nT>H$a h nVm H$a| {H$ `m Cg_| H$moB `mH$aU g~Yr JbVr h ? {X H$moB h Vmo dh dm` Ho$ {H$gr EH$ Ae _|hmoJr & Cg Ae H$m H$_mH$ hr AmnH$m Cma h & `{X dm` _| H$moB JbVr Zht hmo Vmo CgH$m Cma 5 h &

    .18. I am twenty / two years old / when I first / joined the bank. No error(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

    JbVr (1) _| h & AV Cma1h &.19. To the Hindus / the Ganga is / holier than / any other river. No error

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

    Bg Z g`m _| H$moB JbVr Zht h & AV Bg Z H$m R>rH$ Cma5 h &

    {ZX}e `oH$ Z _| {X`o J`o nmM {dH$nm| _| go Eogm eX MwZ| Omo AW H$r pQ> go ~S>o Ajam| _| {bIo J`o eX Ho$ AW Ho$ g_rn hmo &

    .20. LETHAL(1) light (2) dangerous (3) deadly (4) cruel (5) thoughtless

    .21. CENTENARY

    (1) a guard (2) a hundred years (3) a very old man(4) a hundred runs (5) a hundredth anniversary

    BgHo$ A{V[aV AmnH$s AZwN>oX H$s ~moYJ`Vm H$s narjm Ho$ {bE AZwN>oX na AmYm[aV Z r hm|Jo &

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    Quantitative Aptitude

    This test is designed to measure how fast and accurate you are in dealing with numbers, viz. computation, quantitativereasoning, interpretation of tables and graphs.

    Directions : In each of the following questions, you have to find out what will come in place of the question mark (?).

    Q.12. 42 + 73 + 137 = ?

    (1) 352 (2) 252 (3) 242 (4) 142 (5) None of these

    Q.13. 20 1

    2= ?

    (1) 4 (2) 5 (3) 12 (4) 20 (5) None of these

    In Q.12, 252 is the correct answer. So your answer would be (2). The correct answer for Q.13 is 10. But neither 1, nor2, nor 3, nor 4 shows this answer. Therefore your answer is 5.

    Some of the problems may require arithmetical reasoning. For example :

    Q.14. At 10 paise each, how many paise will 6 lemons cost ?(1) 6 (2) 10 (3) 60 (4) 61 (5) 610

    Q.15. If the profit made by selling a pen for Rs.10 is as much as its cost, what is the cost price of the pen ?(1) Rs.3/- (2) Rs.5/- (3) Rs.10 (4) Rs.20/- (5) None of these

    Also, there may be some questions based on graphs and tables.

    English Language

    This is a test to see how well you know English. Your English language ability would be tested through questions ongrammar, vocabulary, sentence completion, synonyms, antonyms, comprehension of a passage, etc. Study and an-swer the sample questions given below :

    Direction : Pick out the most appropriate word from the words given below each sentence to complete it meaningfully.

    Q.16. He quickly glanced ...................... ........ the book to find what it said about the Indian economy.

    (1) at (2) through (3) in (4) to (5) over

    The correct answer is through which is answer No. 2.

    Q.17. The counsel urged the court to ........................... down the obnoxious law.

    (1) enact (2) enforce (3) cancel (4) strike (5) declare

    Directions : Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in onepart of the sentence. The number of that part of the sentence is your answer. If there is no error, the answer is 5.

    Q.18. I am twenty / two years old / when I first / joined the bank. No error(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

    The error is in (1). Therefore the answer is 1.

    Q.19. To the Hindus / the Ganga is / holier than / any other river. No error

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

    In this question, there is no error; therefore the right answer to this question is 5.

    Directions : In each of the following questions, select from the five alternatives, the word nearest in meaning to the wordgiven in capitals.

    Q.20. LETHAL(1) light (2) dangerous (3) deadly (4) cruel (5) thoughtless

    Q.21. CENTENARY(1) a guard (2) a hundred years (3) a very old man

    (4) a hundred runs (5) a hundredth anniversary

    In addition, there will be questions based on a passage, to test your comprehension.

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    RRRRR zMzMzMzMzM RRRRR zMzMzMzMzM RRRRR zMzMzMzMzM RRRRR zMzMzMzMzM1 4 7 1 13 5 19 5

    2 4 8 3 14 3 20 3

    3 5 9 2 15 2 21 5

    4 3 10 3 16 2 22 5

    5 4 11 5 17 4 23 3

    6 5 12 2 18 1 24 2

    gm_m` gMoVVm

    `h Zmdbr g_mO Ho$ {d{^Z jom| _| AVrV Ama dV_mZ `pV`m| Ama KQ>ZmAm| Ho$ {V AmnH$s gMoVVm H$m nVm bJmZo Ho$ {b`o h &

    .22. Vmamnwa na_mUw {~Obr g` H$hm h ?(1) {~hma (2) JwOamV (3) _` Xoe (4) amOWmZ (5) BZ_| go H$moB Zht

    .23. A~ VH$ Hw$b {H$VZo ~H$ amQr`H$V hmo MwHo$ h ?

    (1) 7 (2) 14 (3) 20 (4) 24 (5) BZ_| go H$moB Zht.24. H$mbo YZ H$mo g\o$X (dY) H$aZo(money laundering) Ho$ Omo{I_ H$m gm_Zm H$aZo Ho$ {bE {ZZ{b{IV _| go {H$g {dVr`

    gWmZ ZoAnZo JmhH$ H$mo OmZm|(know your customer)`moOZm ew H$s h ?(1) AmB S>r ~r AmB (2) Ama ~r Am` (3) Zm~mS> (4) grS>~r (5) BZ_| go H$moB Zht

    `mdgm {`H$ kmZ

    `mdgm{`H$ kmZ g~Yr Z `oH$ g_yh H$s {deofkVm Ho$ {df` na AmYm[aV hm|Jo&

    g^r 24 Zm| Ho$ ghr Cma {ZZdV h &

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    Que. Ans. Que. Ans. Que. Ans. Que. Ans.

    1 4 7 1 13 5 19 5

    2 4 8 3 14 3 20 3

    3 5 9 2 15 2 21 5

    4 3 10 3 16 2 22 5

    5 4 11 5 17 4 23 3

    6 5 12 2 18 1 24 2

    General Awareness

    This test is intended to give an index of your awareness of people and events past and present in different walks of life.

    Q.22. Tarapore atomic power plant is located in (1) Bihar (2) Gujarat (3) Madhya Pradesh (4) Rajasthan (5) None of these

    Q.23. The total number of commercial banks nationalised so far is

    (1) 7 (2) 14 (3) 20 (4) 24 (5) None of these

    Q.24. To combat the menace of money laundering, which of the following financial institutions has introduced theKnow Your Customer Scheme ?(1) IDBI (2) RBI (3) NABARD (4) SIDBI (5) None of these

    Test of Professional Knowledge

    Questions in the Professional Knowledge Test will be based on the subject of specialisation for each group.

    The correct answers to all these 24 questions are given below.

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