agile marketing journey


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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Agile Marketing Journey
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Before any journey begins, you must understand where you are, what’s around you, and where you’re going. Every marketing employee, hired consultant, or agency must work through a discovery phase. Without it, you don’t understand how to deliver your marketing material, how to position yourself from the competition, or what resources are at your disposal.

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1. Audience - Who are you trying to reach? Audience and persona research is necessary so you can understand who you are speaking to, where you need to speak to them, and when.

2. Market Understanding – Who are you competing with online? That’s not exactly who your competitors are in your industry, that’s also who your digital competitors are. Digital competitors are the sites, platforms, and influencers that own your audience.

3. Competitive Analysis – Have you fully defined what your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats?

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1. Visual Styling – how can you create a visual brand that is both recognizable and captures the spirit of your business? Do you have a logo, a color scheme and a branding guide?

2. Voice Clarification – what tone do you wish to speak in on text, in audio, and on video, to engage with your prospects and clients?

3. Messaging Alignment – are your sales and marketing messages aligned? Can your employees effectively communicate your value to their network?

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What time, talent, and other resources do you have at your disposal to build your marketing?

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Now you have the tools to develop a baseline strategy used to achieve your goals. Your strategy should include an overview of your goals, channels, media, campaigns, and how you will measure success. Create an annual mission statement, quarterly focus, and monthly or weekly deliverables. This is an agile document that can change over time, but has the buy-in of your organization.

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How will you measure success? What are your KPIs?

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Given your resources, what media can you execute strategies on1. Owned media – your digital assets

and social channels2. Earned media – media sources that

own or connect with your prospects and customers

3. Shared media – media sources that are not your own that can be utilized for sharing to your prospects and customers

4. Paid media – media sources for native advertising, search marketing, social marketing, and other paid advertising methodologies

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What are the initiatives that you will incorporate into your digital marketing strategy?• 1. Ongoing – strategies that require

constant attention such as content, search, and social initiatives

• 2. Campaigns – strategies that have a start and end date and require temporary attention

• 3. Events – in-person or webinar strategies that require temporary attention

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How will you carve out your budgets and measure your return on marketing investment?

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With a clear understanding of your company, your market positioning, and your resources, you’re ready to build out the foundation of your digital marketing strategy. Your digital presence must have all the tools necessary to execute and measure your upcoming marketing strategies.

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Before developing your strategy, you have to fully recognize the resources you have and your strengths and limitations.

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What channels will you be utilizing to reach your target audience?

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Where and how are you going to get and measure your sales conversions?

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Key to an agile marketing process is ensuring you prioritize and execute your strategy.1. Budget – are you on budget and getting an expected return on marketing investment?2. Analytics – are you trending upwards on metrics that correspond directly to your KPIs?3. Trends – are you observing search and competitive trends that can impact your market share and

ability to reach your goals?4. Process – where are you at in your overall process to execute your strategy?5. Prioritization – do you have a backlog and are you managing tasks and deliverables that are aligned

to your KPIs effectively?

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Now that everything is in place, it’s time to execute the strategies you’ve developed and measure their overall impact.

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What mediums can you utilize to share your story effectively? What processes can be put in place to efficiently transform between mediums?

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There is no completion of the Agile Marketing Journey. Once you’ve executed your marketing strategy, you must test, measure, improve, and adapt it over time to continue to maximize its impact to your business.

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DK New Media specializes in growing the awareness and market share of marketing, technology, e-commerce, and SaaS companies.

Contact us at [email protected] or call (844) 356-3963. Visit us at

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