agenda for the meeting of the royal berkshire fire ... · inspection letter. 12. ... minute...

Agenda for the Meeting of the Royal Berkshire Fire Authority Wednesday 25 September 2013 at 7.30pm Council Chamber Wokingham Borough Council Civic Offices Shute End Wokingham Berkshire RG40 1BN For further information regarding this meeting, please contact: Committee Team 0118 938 4610 / 0118 938 4611 E-Mail at [email protected] 103 Dee Road, Tilehurst, Reading, Berkshire, RG30 4FS

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Page 1: Agenda for the Meeting of the Royal Berkshire Fire ... · Inspection Letter. 12. ... minute reference 408 which should now be read as ‘Councillor Phillip Bicknell ... Cllr Cumpsty


for the Meeting

of the

Royal Berkshire Fire Authority

Wednesday 25 September 2013



Council Chamber Wokingham Borough Council

Civic Offices Shute End

Wokingham Berkshire RG40 1BN

For further information regarding this meeting, please contact: Committee Team

0118 938 4610 / 0118 938 4611 E-Mail at [email protected]

103 Dee Road, Tilehurst, Reading, Berkshire, RG30 4FS

Page 2: Agenda for the Meeting of the Royal Berkshire Fire ... · Inspection Letter. 12. ... minute reference 408 which should now be read as ‘Councillor Phillip Bicknell ... Cllr Cumpsty

MEETING: Royal Berkshire Fire Authority Meeting

DATE AND TIME: Wednesday 25 September 2013 at 7.30pm

VENUE: Council Chamber

Wokingham Borough Council

Civic Offices

Shute End


Berkshire RG40 1BN

S U M M O N S You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of the Royal Berkshire Fire Authority at the time, date and venue indicated above, when it is proposed to deal with the business set out in the enclosed Agenda. Tea, coffee and a light buffet will be provided.

CAROLINE REDZIKOWSKA Clerk to the Authority

To: Members of the Royal Berkshire Fire Authority:

Councillor Alistair Auty Councillor Christine Bateson Councillor Phillip Bicknell Councillor Chris Bowring Councillor Jeff Brooks Councillor Paul Bryant Councillor David Burbage Councillor Diana Coad Councillor Andrew Cumpsty Councillor Haqeeq Dar Councillor Colin Dudley Councillor Adrian Edwards Councillor Paul Gittings Councillor Pauline Helliar-Symons Councillor Peter Jones Councillor John Lenton Councillor Chris Maskell Councillor Tom McCann Councillor Iain McCracken Councillor Edward Plenty Councillor Mohammed Rasib Councillor Angus Ross Councillor Rebecca Rye Councillor Alan Ward Councillor Emma Webster Copy to: Principal Officers, Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service

For further information regarding this meeting, please contact: Carolyn Rowe or Fayth Rowe (Committee Team)

0118 938 4610 / 0118 938 4611 E-Mail: [email protected]

103 Dee Road, Tilehurst, Reading, Berkshire, RG30 4FS

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Royal Berkshire Fire Authority Meeting Wednesday 25 September 2013 at 7.30pm Council Chamber Wokingham Borough Council Civic Offices Shute End Wokingham Berkshire RG40 1BN


1. Apologies for Absence

Apologies have been received from Cllr Jeff Brooks and Cllr Paul Gittings.

2. Declarations of Interest Purpose: To Receive declarations of interest from Councillors relating to items to be considered at the meeting, in accordance with the provisions of the Fire Authority’s Local Code of Conduct, and any from Officers.

3. Minutes of the Meeting held on 31 July 2013 (pages 1-4) Recommendation: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 31 July 2013 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

4. Participation of the Public under Standing Orders 19 and 25

Purpose: To receive any submissions from members of the public, in accordance with the Fire Authority’s Rules of Procedure.

5. Receipt of Announcements

Purpose: To receive any announcements from the Chairman or the Chief Fire Officer.

6. Issues arising from the Audit and Governance Committee

Purpose: To receive any issues arising from Audit and Governance Committee.

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7. Questions from Members under Standing Order 30

Purpose: To receive any Questions from Members under Standing Order 30.

8. Notices of Motion under Standing Order 44

Purpose: To receive any Notices of Motion under Standing Order 44.

9. Recommendations of Committees (pages 5-9 and separate report Item 9, Annex 2, Appendix 1 pages 1-41)

Purpose: To note there is a part II agenda item 21 from the Management Committee on 7 August 2013; and To receive for decision the recommendation on the Member Scheme of Allowances from Audit and Governance Committee on 12 September 2013.

10. Annual Treasury Report 2012/13 (pages 10-11 and Appendix A pages 1-8)

Purpose: To agree in accordance with the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management in the Public Services to receive the Annual Treasury Report, which sets out the actual Treasury operations for the last financial year.

11. Statement of Accounts and Annual Governance Statement 2012/13 (pages 12 - 35 and separate report Item 11, Appendix A pages 1-91 and Appendix A1 page 1)

Purpose: To agree the Statement of Accounts and Annual Governance Statement for the year ended 31 March 2013 and to receive Ernst Young’s Annual Audit and Inspection Letter.

12. Annual Equality Report (pages 36 – 76)

Purpose: To receive for note the Annual Equality report and statistics.

13. Annual Health and Safety Review (pages 77 – 92)

Purpose: To receive for note the Annual Health and Safety performance for the period 1 April 2012 – 31 March 2013.

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14. 2013/14 Budget Monitoring (pages 93 – 98)

Purpose: To receive for note the revenue and capital expenditure against budgets up to the end of August 2013.

15. Verbal Update on new BHQ

Purpose: To receive for note a verbal update on the progress of the new BHQ.

16. Minutes of the Standing Committees (pages 99 – 112)

Recommendation: To receive the Minutes of the following meetings of the Fire Authority’s Committees. Unless otherwise stated, copies are :

a) Strategic Asset Management Committee – 9 July 2013 (not yet approved) b) Management Committee – 7 August 2013 (not yet approved) c) Audit and Governance Committee – 12 September 2013 (not yet


17. Forward Plan (pages 113 - 115)

Recommendation: That the Forward Plan be Noted.

18. Date of the Next Meeting

Wednesday 11 December 2013, 6.30 pm at Bracknell Forest Council, Easthampstead House, Town Square, Bracknell, RG12

19. Exclusion of the Public

Recommendation: To Resolve that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), the public be excluded from the meeting for the following Agenda Items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the said Act indicated and is exempt information if, and so long as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.

Categories of “Exempt Information” under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. (pages 116 - 117)

20. Part II Minutes of the Meeting held on 31 July 2013 (pages 118 - 120) Recommendation: That the Part II Minutes of the Meeting held on 31 July 2013 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

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21. Recommendations from Committee: Fleet Management Arrangements (pages 121 - 158)

Purpose: To endorse the recommendations agreed by the Management Committee at their meeting on 7 August 2013 regarding the future of Fleet provision and maintenance.

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Fire Authority Members are reminded of the need to complete the Declaration of Interest form, where appropriate, and hand it to the Clerk and Monitoring Officer at the start of the meeting. Please note that if your interest in any business relates to any body to which you are appointed by the Fire Authority or any body exercising functions of a public nature, you need not declare that interest unless and until you address the meeting. Name of Meeting: Fire Authority Date of meeting: 25 September 2013 Fire Authority Member’s Name (Capitals): …………………………………………..………...… Agenda Item Number: ………………………. Paragraph No: …….….. Details of Interest: ………………………………………………………………………..……….. If you have a disclosable pecuniary interest, have you obtained a dispensation? *YES/NO

Agenda Item Number: ………………………. Paragraph No: ….…….. Details of Interest: ……………………………………………………………………………….. If you have a disclosable pecuniary interest, have you obtained a dispensation? *YES/NO

Signature : Date: NOTE: A Fire Authority Member with a disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter who

does not have a dispensation granted, is required to leave the room and take no part in the consideration of the matter.

If you have any queries regarding the completion of this form, please contact:

Caroline Redzikowska on 0118 938 4600

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Page 9: Agenda for the Meeting of the Royal Berkshire Fire ... · Inspection Letter. 12. ... minute reference 408 which should now be read as ‘Councillor Phillip Bicknell ... Cllr Cumpsty

Item 3 DRAFT

MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ROYAL BERKSHIRE FIRE AUTHORITY Held on Wednesday 31 July at 6.30 pm Council Chamber, Wokingham Borough Council, Civic Offices, Shute End, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 1BN

Members: Councillor Alistair Auty *Councillor Christine Bateson *Councillor Phillip Bicknell *Councillor Chris Bowring *Councillor Jeff Brooks Councillor Paul Bryant *Councillor David Burbage Councillor Diana Coad *Councillor Andrew Cumpsty *Councillor Haqeeq Dar *Councillor Colin Dudley *Councillor Adrian Edwards *Councillor Paul Gittings *Councillor Pauline Helliar-Symons *Councillor Peter Jones Councillor John Lenton *Councillor Chris Maskell *Councillor Tom McCann *Councillor Iain McCracken *Councillor Edward Plenty *Councillor Mohammed Rasib *Councillor Angus Ross *Councillor Rebecca Rye *Councillor Alan Ward *Councillor Emma Webster *present In Attendance:

Nicholas Oxborough (Group Manager, Performance Review (GM, PR))

Caroline Redzikowska (Director Corporate Services, DCS) Carolyn Rowe (Head of Corporate Services) Fayth Rowe (Committee Officer) Paul Southern (Acting Deputy Chief Fire Officer, ACFO) Andrew Vallance (Director Resources, DR) Observers: CFO, Andy Fry Officers, Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service Representative Bodies Members of the Public Action 414. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Alistair Auty, Paul Bryant, Diana Coad and John Lenton.

415. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no Declarations of Interest received from Members and Officers.


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Item 3 DRAFT

416. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 26 JUNE 2013 Subject to the inclusion of ‘in the month of July.’ into the second paragraph of minute reference 408 which should now be read as ‘Councillor Phillip Bicknell stated that trading conditions were picking up and he reported a £3,000 profit in the month of July.’

Resolved: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 26 June 2013 be Approved for

signing by the Chairman.



There were no items received under standing orders 19 and 25, participation of the public.

418. RECEIPT OF ANNOUNCEMENTS a) The Chairman announced that the Appointments Panel had selected a

Chief Fire Officer (CFO). He stated that he would like to thank and congratulate the Members of the Appointments Panel who gave significant time to the process. He also gave his thanks to Caroline Redzikowska; Director, Corporate Services for her work in making sure the process went smoothly. He also thanked the recruitment consultants, Gatenby Sanderson.

b) The Chairman invited Group Manager, Performance Review (GM, PR); Nicholas Oxborough to speak. The GM, PR reported that he had received eight RBFA Members expressions of interest with regard to participation in the process to achieve the Charter for Member Development. He reported that additional Members were required and requested that Members express their interest in the process by emailing [email protected] , [email protected] or [email protected] directly. Cllr Cumpsty suggested that GM, PR circulate an email to Members to which they could respond, and stated that he would like to support the process.


419. QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS UNDER STANDING ORDER 30 There were no questions from Members under Standing Order 30. 420. NOTICES OF MOTION UNDER STANDING ORDER 44 There were no notices of motion under Standing Order 44.


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Item 3 DRAFT

421. APPOINTMENT OF THE NEW CHIEF FIRE OFFICER The Chairman announced that RBFA had appointed the recruitment consultant Gatenby Sanderson to lead the recruitment process for the new CFO. He stated that it had been an extensive and thorough process. From a field of 10 very strong candidates, five excellent candidates had been shortlisted and invited to participate in the final selection process. A two day final selection process had provided a rigorous test of their skills, and the Appointments Panel had shortlisted three candidates for the final day of interviews. He added that all three candidates were of a very high calibre and the Appointments Panel had unanimously agreed to appoint Andy Fry as Chief Fire Officer. The Chairman stated that Andy Fry was currently the CFO of Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service (FRS). Cllr Burbage asked whether, as was the case in local authorities, the declaration and approval of the salary package, where over £100,000 was required. He asked whether an additional recommendation was required to address this. The Director, Corporate Services (DCS) reported that when the Management Committee established an Appointments Panel their Terms of Reference included the appointment of the CFO. The Appointments Panel had reviewed and agreed the salary package prior to advertisement. In response to an additional question from Cllr Burbage, the DCS reported that she was not aware that the Fire Authority was required to approve a particular salary; but it was a requirement in the Standing Orders for the Fire Authority to confirm the appointment. She added that the RBFA had approved the package through the Appointments Panel, and that the specific details within that were to be confirmed. The Chairman stated that the public will see the salary package and moved the recommendation as laid out in the report. This was seconded by the Vice –Chairman who had paid tribute to GS as they attracted a high calibre of candidates. The Vice-Chairman stated that the three candidates that were interviewed in the final process would all make good CFOs in the future. She reassured Members that Andy Fry had not had an easy run during the process, however, his personality, leadership skills, and his flexibility to adapt had stood out; and he had been the only external candidate to visit RBFRS in advance. She stated that Andy Fry would take RBFRS into a new era and added that he had an excellent team to work with. Cllr Brooks echoed the views expressed and reported that it had been a thorough selection process which had been a credit to this brigade. He added that he viewed the brigade as a forward thinking one, and he thanked the Chairman for his chairmanship of the Appointments Panel, stating that the process had been an occasion when the political parties had worked together to achieve a common goal.

Cllr Gittings congratulated Andy Fry on his appointment and added that it had been an arduous process for candidates; and a clear winner had emerged. Cllr Ross speaking as the fifth member of the Appointments Panel stated that what had become evident throughout the process was the requirement for an individual to move the brigade into a new era, and that had been part of the decision making which had lead to the appointment of Andy Fry.

The Chairman put the recommendation as laid out in the report. This was seconded by the Vice-Chairman. In being put to the vote, it was unanimously


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Item 3 DRAFT

Resolved: a) That the Fire Authority note the selection of the Appointments Panel; and b) That the appointment of Andy Fry as Chief Fire Officer for Royal Berkshire

Fire Authority and Head of the Paid Service be confirmed.

The Chairman congratulated CFO (Designate) Andy Fry and asked him to say a few words. The CFO (Designate) Andy Fry thanked the Chairman and Members and stated that he was delighted to be appointed, which came at an important point for fire and rescue services. He reported that he could confirm that the selection had been a testing process. He said that he looked forward to working with the Fire Authority and officers taking RBFA into a new era.

422. DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Wednesday 25 September 2013 at 6.30 pm, Wokingham Council in the

Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Shute End, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 1BN.

423. EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC Resolved: That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as

amended), the public be excluded from the meeting for the following Agenda Items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the said Act indicated and is exempt information if, and so long as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.

424. FIREFIGHTERS PENSION SCHEME CONTINGENCY PLANNNING The Acting Deputy Chief Fire Officer gave a verbal briefing on the contingency plans and arrangements following the latest developments regarding the Firefighter Pension Schemes.

The meeting closed at 7.25 pm


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Item 9








1.1 To receive and consider recommendations from the Fire Authority’s Committees and Working Parties since 31July 2013 to date.


2.1 That the Recommendations set out in Annex 1 to the report be ADOPTED.


3.1 The recommendations set out in Annex 1 have been extracted from the Agendas and reports of the meetings of the Fire Authority’s Committees and Working Parties since the last Fire Authority meeting. The text reflects, so far as possible, the recommendations contained in the relevant Agendas and reports.


4.1 There are no direct implications from this report.


5.1 The above are as set out in the relevant Agendas and reports to the meetings of the Committees and Working Parties, and the decisions or Minutes of those meetings. This report complies with Standing Orders/Financial Regulations.


6.1 This report does not directly impact on the Strategic Commitments.


7.1 This report does not impact on the Partnership for Common Sense.


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Item 9


8.1 Agendas and Minutes of respective Committees.


9.1 Acting Chief Fire Officer

The Acting Chief Fire Officer has noted this report. 9.2 Director of Resources

The Director of Resources has noted this report. 9.3 Director, Corporate Services

Report author.

Author: Caroline Redzikowska Director, Corporate Services 0118 938 4600

Date of report: 11 September 2013


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Item 9 Annex 1

Item Date Committee Subject Agenda Item No / Minute Reference Recommendation to the Fire


1. 7 August 2013

Management Committee

Fleet Maintenance Arrangements

Please note there is also a Part II recommendation from Committees under Item 21 on this agenda.

Part II Item 21 refers.

2. 12 September 2013

Audit and Governance

Member Scheme of Allowances

Audit and Governance Agenda Item 5, minute reference 200. The report to Audit and Governance Committee is at Annex 2 and includes the report from South East Employers as Appendix 1. DCS introduced the report which had been commissioned from South East Employers. She advised members that a 1% Local Government raise had been awarded from April 2013 under the National Joint Councils agreement, and that this same indexing was due to Members under their scheme. Cllr Webster suggested that Members may wish to decide whether or not to take the raise. Two amendments to correct to the Executive Summary were identified as follows: It was the IRMP working party (not IRPM), and also the total per post holder amount for the DAG Chairman should read £3,600, not £10,800. It was agreed the report should be amended accordingly. Members spoke in support of the independent report that had been undertaken and it was Resolved:

a) That the Independent Report from South East Employers be noted; and

b) That it be agreed that the Report, as amended, be recommended to the Fire Authority.

That the Fire Authority:

a) Note the Independent report from South East Employers; and

b) Approve the recommended report, as amended.


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Item 9 Annex 2








1.1 To consider the results of the Independent Review of Members Allowances, for recommendation to the Fire Authority on 25 September 2013.


That the Audit and Governance Committee:

2.1 NOTE the Independent Report from South East Employers; and 2.2 AGREE that the Report at Appendix 1 be recommended to the Fire Authority.


3.1 At their meeting on 11 March 2013, this Committee considered a report by the Director, Corporate Services, and agreed to recommend to the Fire Authority that an Independent Review of Member Allowances be undertaken.

3.2 The Fire Authority at their meetings on 27 March 2013 and 26 June 2013 considered the recommendation and the numbers on the Fire Authority, and agreed to an Independent Review and with regard to numbers, on 26 June 2013 “that RBFA maintain its numbers at 25”.

3.3 On that basis, South East Employers were commissioned to undertake the review, and have surveyed Members and undertaken interviews with Members and Officers as part of their research. They have also considered the reports and minutes where Members have debated and determined this matter.

3.4 The report from South East Employers is attached as Appendix 1 and will be presented to the Fire Authority on 25 September 2013. Members are invited to consider the report and agree recommendations from the Audit and Governance Committee to be presented at the Fire Authority.


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Item 9 Annex 2


4.1.1 Legal - the appointment of an Independent Assessor for Member Allowances is not by law in the case of Combined Fire Authorities, unlike other Local Authorities such Unitary County and District Councils. However, it is a matter of good governance and audit practice, providing independent, verifiable assessment.

4.1.2 Financial - the Fire Authority currently has budgeted for Allowances in the region of £75,000. This budget was agreed in the knowledge that the current Scheme of Allowances may be reviewed.


5.1 This report complies with Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.


6.1 Not applicable.


7.1 Not applicable.


Audit and Governance Committee 11 March 2013, Item 7 and minute 186; Fire Authority 27 March 2013, Item 9 and minute 382(a); Fire Authority 26 June 2013, Item 12 and minute 398.


9.1 Acting Chief Fire Officer

The Acting Chief Fire Officer has noted this report.

9.2 Director of Resources

The Director of Resources has noted this report. 9.3 Director, Corporate Services

Report Author.


Caroline Redzikowska Director,Corporate Services 0118 938 4600

Date of report: 9 September 2013


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Item 10








1.1 In accordance with the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management in the Public Services to submit the Annual Treasury Report, which sets out the actual Treasury operations for the last financial year.


2.1 That the Authority NOTE the Annual Treasury Report; and 2.1 APPROVE the 2012/13 actual prudential indicators. 3. BACKGROUND AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION

3.1 Treasury management in local government during 2012/13 was regulated by the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management in the Public Services.

3.2 The main requirements of the Code are that the Authority formulates and approves:

A Treasury Policy Statement – which sets out an agreed structure for the operation of the treasury function on an ongoing basis;

An Annual Treasury Strategy Statement – which sets out the expected Treasury operation within the forthcoming financial year;

A mid-year report;

An Annual Treasury Report – which sets out the actual Treasury operations for the previous financial year.

3.3 The Treasury Policy Statement and the Annual Strategy Statement for 2012/13 were approved by the Authority on 15 February 2012. The Annual Treasury Report for 2012/13 is appended as Appendix A.


4.1 The policy is to ensure high quality treasury management of the Authority’s cash flow, and its investments; the management of associated risks; and the pursuit of the optimum performance on returns consistent with those risks.

4.2 Interest received in the year totalled £31,000 compared with the original budget estimate of £23,000, as interest rates were expected to remain at exceptionally low levels throughout the year.


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Item 10

4.3 No borrowing was undertaken as capital expenditure was financed by grant and revenue contributions.


5.1 Treasury operations complied with financial regulations at all times throughout the year.


6.1 Strong treasury management underpins the financial management of the Authority and the achievement of strategic commitments.


7.1 There are no direct implications. 8. BACKGROUND PAPERS

8.1 Treasury Management in the Public Services – A Code of Practice (CIPFA). 8.2 Treasury Management Policy and Strategy 2012/13 approved by the Authority

on 15 February 2012. 8.3 Public Works Loans Board circulars. 8.4 Authority Budget. 9. COMMENTS RECEIVED FROM STATUTORY OFFICERS

9.1 Chief Fire Officer

The Acting Chief Fire Officer has noted this report. 9.2 Director of Resources

Author of report. 9.3 Director, Corporate Services

The Director Corporate Services has noted the report.

Author: Andrew Vallance

Director of Resources & Authority Treasurer 0118 938 4700

Date of report: 11 September 2013


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Item 10 Appendix A

Annual Treasury Management Review 2012/13 1. Introduction This Authority is required by regulations issued under the Local Government Act 2003 to produce an annual treasury management review of activities and the actual prudential and treasury indicators for 2012/13. This report meets the requirements of both the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management (the Code) and the CIPFA Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities (the Prudential Code). During 2012/13 the minimum reporting requirements were that the full Authority should receive the following reports:

an annual treasury strategy in advance of the year (Authority 15/02/2012) a mid-year (minimum) treasury update report (Authority 20/02/2013) an annual review following the end of the year describing the activity compared to

the strategy (this report)

The regulatory environment places responsibility on members for the review and scrutiny of treasury management policy and activities. This report is therefore important in that respect, as it provides details of the outturn position for treasury activities and highlights compliance with the Authority‟s policies previously approved by members.

2. The Economy and Interest Rates The financial year 2012/13 continued the challenging investment environment of previous years, namely low investment returns and continuing heightened levels of counterparty risk. The original expectation for 2012/13 was that Bank Rate would start gently rising from quarter 4 2012. However, economic growth in the UK was disappointing during the year due to the UK austerity programme, weak consumer confidence and spending, a lack of rebalancing of the UK economy to exporting and weak growth in our biggest export market - the European Union (EU). The UK coalition Government maintained its tight fiscal policy stance against a background of warnings from two credit rating agencies that the UK could lose its AAA credit rating. Moody‟s followed up this warning by actually downgrading the rating to AA+ in February 2013 and Fitch then placed their rating on negative watch, after the Budget statement in March. Key to retaining the AAA rating from Fitch and S&P will be a return to strong economic growth in order to reduce the national debt burden to a sustainable level, within a reasonable timeframe. Weak UK growth resulted in the Monetary Policy Committee increasing quantitative easing by £50bn in July to a total of £375bn. Bank Rate therefore ended the year unchanged at 0.5% while CPI inflation fell from 3% at the start of the year to end at 2.8% in March, with a fall back to below 2% pushed back to quarter 1 2016. The EU sovereign debt crisis was an ongoing saga during the year with first Greece and then Cyprus experiencing crises which were met with bailouts after difficult and fraught negotiations. Gilt yields oscillated during the year as events in the ongoing Eurozone debt crisis ebbed and flowed, causing corresponding fluctuations in safe haven flows into / out of UK gilts. This, together with a further £50bn of QE in July and widely expected further QE still to

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Item 10 Appendix A


come, combined to keep PWLB rates depressed for much of the year at historically very low levels. Deposit rates. The Funding for Lending Scheme, announced in July, resulted in a flood of cheap credit being made available to banks and this has resulted in money market investment rates falling sharply in the second half of the year. However, perceptions of counterparty risk have improved after the ECB statement in July that it would do “whatever it takes” to support struggling Eurozone countries. This has resulted in some return of confidence to move away from only very short term investing.

3. Overall Treasury Position as at 31 March 2013 At the beginning and the end of 2012/13 the Authority„s treasury (excluding finance leases) position was as follows:

4. The Strategy for 2012/13 The expectation for interest rates within the strategy for 2012/13 anticipated low but rising Bank Rate (starting in quarter 4 of 2012) with similar gradual rises in medium and longer term fixed borrowing rates over 2012/13. Variable or short-term rates were expected to be the cheaper form of borrowing over the period. Continued uncertainty in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis promoted a cautious approach, whereby investments would continue to be dominated by counterparty risk considerations, resulting in relatively low returns compared to borrowing rates. The treasury strategy was not to borrow as other sources of capital finance such as grants were available. The actual movement in gilt yields meant that PWLB rates fell during the first quarter of the year to historically low levels. This was caused by a flight to quality into UK gilts from EU sovereign debt, and from shares, as investors became concerned about the potential for a Lehman‟s type crisis of financial markets if the Greek debt crisis were to develop into a precipitous default and exit from the Euro. During the second and third quarters, rates rose gradually and agreement of a second bail out for Greece in December saw the flight to quality into gilts reverse somewhat, as confidence rose that the Eurozone crisis was finally subsiding. However, gilt yields then fell back again during February and March as Eurozone concerns returned, with the focus now shifting to Cyprus, and flight to quality flows into gilts resumed. This was a volatile year for PWLB rates, driven by events in the Eurozone which oscillated between crises and remedies.

31 March 2012


Rate/ Return

Average Life yrs

31 March 2013


Rate/ Return

Average Life yrs

Total debt £8.842m 4.40% 16 £8.842m 4.40% 15

CFR £8.185m £7.636m

Over borrowing £0.657m £1.206m

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Item 10 Appendix A


5. The Borrowing Requirement and Debt The Authority‟s underlying need to borrow to finance capital expenditure is termed the Capital Financing Requirement (CFR).

31 March

2012 Actual

31 March 2013


31 March 2013

Actual Total CFR £8.185m £8.476m £7.636m

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Item 10 Appendix A


6. Borrowing Rates in 2012/13 PWLB borrowing rates - the graph below shows how PWLB rates remained close to historically very low levels during the year.

7. Borrowing Outturn for 2012/13 Borrowing - No loans were taken or repaid during the year

8. Investment Rates in 2012/13 Bank Rate remained at its historic low of 0.5% throughout the year; it has now remained unchanged for four years. Market expectations of the start of monetary tightening were pushed back during the year to early 2015 at the earliest. The Funding for Lending Scheme resulted in a sharp fall in deposit rates in the second half of the year.

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Item 10 Appendix A


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Item 10 Appendix A


9. Investment Outturn for 2012/13 Investment Policy – the Authority‟s investment policy is governed by CLG guidance, which was implemented in the annual investment strategy approved by the Authority on 15/02/12. This policy sets out the approach for choosing investment counterparties, and is based on credit ratings provided by the three main credit rating agencies supplemented by additional market data (such as rating outlooks, credit default swaps, bank share prices etc.). The investment activity during the year conformed to the approved strategy, and the Authority had no liquidity difficulties. Investments held by the Authority - the Authority maintained an average balance of £7,500,000 of internally managed funds. The internally managed funds earned an average rate of return of 0.413%. The comparable performance indicator is the average 7-day LIBID rate, which was 0.394%. This compares with a budget assumption of £6,000,000 investment balances earning an average rate of 0.375%.

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Item 10 Appendix A


Annex 1: Prudential and Treasury Indicators During 2012/13, the Authority complied with its legislative and regulatory requirements. The key actual prudential and treasury indicators detailing the impact of capital expenditure activities during the year, with comparators, are as follows:

Actual prudential and treasury indicators 2011/12 Actual £000

2012/13 Original


2012/13 Actual £000

Capital expenditure 2,745 5,159 2,943

Capital Financing Requirement:

8,185 8,476 7,636

External debt 8,842 8,842 8,842 Net borrowing and the CFR - in order to ensure that borrowing levels are prudent over the medium term the Authority‟s external borrowing, net of investments, must only be for a capital purpose. This essentially means that the Authority is not borrowing to support revenue expenditure. Net borrowing should not therefore, except in the short term, have exceeded the CFR for 2012/13 plus the expected changes to the CFR over 2013/14 and 2014/15 from financing the capital programme. This indicator allows the Authority some flexibility to borrow in advance of its immediate capital needs in 2012/13. The authorised limit - the authorised limit is the “affordable borrowing limit” required by s3 of the Local Government Act 2003. The Authority does not have the power to borrow above this level. The table below demonstrates that during 2012/13 the Authority has maintained gross borrowing within its authorised limit. The operational boundary – the operational boundary is the expected borrowing position of the Authority during the year. Periods where the actual position is either below or over the boundary is acceptable subject to the authorised limit not being breached. Actual financing costs as a proportion of net revenue stream - this indicator identifies the trend in the cost of capital (borrowing and other long term obligation costs net of investment income) against the net revenue stream.

2012/13 Authorised limit £9.452m

Maximum gross borrowing position £8.842m

Operational boundary £8.952m

Average gross borrowing position £8.842m

Financing costs as a proportion of net revenue stream 2.8%

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Item 10 Appendix A


Ratio of financing costs to net revenue stream

31 March 2012 actual

2012/13 original limits

31 March 2013 actual

2.9% 2.8% 2.8%

Incremental impact of capital investment decisions

31 March 2012 actual

2012/13 original limits

31 March 2013 actual

Increase in council tax (band D) per annum * £0.00 £0.00 £0.00

The maturity structure of the debt portfolio was as follows:

31 March 2012 actual

2012/13 original limits

31 March 2013 actual

Under 12 months 0 0 0 12 months and within 24 months 0 0 0 24 months and within 5 years 0 0 0 5 years and within 10 years £2.920m £3.537m £2.920m 10 years and above £5.922m £8.842m £5.922m All investments were for under one year

The exposure to fixed and variable rates was as follows:

31 March 2012 actual

2012/13 original limits

31 March 2013 actual

Fixed rate (principal or interest) 0 50% 0

Variable rate (principal or interest) 100% 100% 100%


31 March 2012


Rate/ Return

Average Life yrs

31 March 2013


Rate/ Return

Average Life yrs

Fixed rate funding:

-PWLB £8.842m 4.40% 16 £8.842m 4.40% 15

-Market 0 0

Variable rate funding:

-PWLB 0 0

-Market 0 0

Total debt £8.842m 4.40% £8.842m 4.40%

CFR £8.185m £7.636m

Over/ (under) borrowing

£0.657m £1.206m

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Item 11








To seek approval of the Statement of Accounts and Annual Governance Statement for the year ended 31 March 2013.


That the Fire Authority:

2.1 APPROVE the Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2013;

2.2 APPROVE the Annual Governance Statement for the year ended 31 March 2013.


3.1 The 2012/13 Statement of Accounts is attached as Appendix A. The accounts show the total amounts spent on members’ allowances and expenses. A full breakdown is shown in Appendix A1. Ernst & Young undertook an audit of the Accounts during August 2013 and based on this work the Audit Director will issue an unqualified opinion on the 2012/13 financial statements.

3.2 Ernst & Young’s Audit Results Report was presented to the Audit & Governance Committee at its meeting on 12 September 2013 and based on the findings within this report the Committee recommends that the Fire Authority approve the 2012/13 Statement of Accounts.

3.3 The Annual Governance Statement was scrutinised by the Audit and Governance Committee on 9 May 2013. Members’ amendments have been incorporated into the revised document which is attached as Appendix B.


The Fire Authority now has a healthy level of reserves that should help protect it against financial risks in the years ahead.


This report complies with the new timetable for the statutory accounts.


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Item 11


There are no direct implications arising from this report.


There are no direct implications arising from this report.


Audit Commission Act 1998 Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011 Item 7 Audit and Governance Committee, 12 September 2013


9.1 Acting Chief Fire Officer The Acting Chief Fire Officer has noted the report. 9.2 Director Resources Report author. 9.3 Director Corporate Services

The Director Corporate Services has noted the report.

Author: Andrew Vallance Director of Resources and Authority Treasurer 0118 938 4700

Date of report: 13 September 2013


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Item 11 Appendix B

Draft Annual Governance Statement 2012/13

1 Scope of Responsibility The Royal Berkshire Fire Authority is responsible for ensuring that its business is conducted in accordance with the law and proper standards, and that public money is safeguarded and properly accounted for, and used economically, efficiently and effectively. The Royal Berkshire Fire Authority also has a duty under the Local Government Act 1999 to make arrangements to secure continuous improvement in the way in which its functions are exercised, having regard to a combination of economy, efficiency and effectiveness. In discharging this overall responsibility, the Royal Berkshire Fire Authority is responsible for putting in place proper arrangements for the governance of its affairs, facilitating the effective exercise of its functions, and which includes arrangements for the management of risk. The Royal Berkshire Fire Authority has approved and adopted a code of corporate governance, which is consistent with the principles of the CIPFA/SOLACE Framework Delivering Good Governance in Local Government. This statement explains how the Royal Berkshire Fire Authority has complied with the code and also meets the requirements of regulation 4(2) of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2011 in relation to the review of the effectiveness of the Authority‟s system of internal control. 2 The Purpose of the Governance Framework The governance framework comprises the systems and processes, and culture and values, by which the authority is directed and controlled and its activities through which it accounts to, engages with and leads the community. It enables the authority to monitor the achievement of its strategic objectives and to consider whether those objectives have led to the delivery of appropriate, cost-effective services. The system of internal control is a significant part of that framework and is designed to manage risk to a reasonable level. It cannot eliminate all risk of failure to achieve policies, aims and objectives and can therefore only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance of effectiveness. The system of internal control is based on an on-going process designed to identify and prioritise the risks to the achievement of the Royal Berkshire Fire Authority‟s policies, aims and objectives, to evaluate the likelihood of those risks being realised and the impact should they be realised, and to manage them efficiently, effectively and economically. The governance framework has been in place at the Royal Berkshire Fire Authority for the year ended 31 March 2013 and up to the date of approval of the Statement of Accounts. The governance framework elements are set out in the table below.


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Item 11 Appendix B


Code of Corporate Governance

Governance is about how local government bodies, such as fire authorities, ensure that they do the right things, in the right way, for the right people in a timely, inclusive, open, honest and accountable manner. It comprises the systems and processes, and culture and values, by which local government bodies are directed and controlled and through which they account to, engage with and, where appropriate, lead their communities. This Code has been written using the framework and guidance published in 2007 by a joint working group sponsored by CIPFA and SOLACE, in which good governance is defined as: 1. Focusing on the purpose of the authority and on outcomes for the community and creating and implementing a vision for the local

area 2. Members and officers working together to achieve a common purpose with clearly defined functions and roles 3. Promoting values for the authority and demonstrating the values of good governance through upholding high standards of conduct

and behaviour 4. Taking informed and transparent decisions which are subject to effective scrutiny and managing risk 5. Developing the capacity and capability of members and officers to be effective 6. Engaging with local people and other stakeholders to ensure robust public accountability Within the framework, these six “core principles” have a number of supporting principles each of which in turn translates into a range of specific requirements that should be reflected in an authority‟s code of governance. This code, therefore, examines the core and supporting principles and sets out or points to the practices, procedures and documents that demonstrate the governance arrangements currently in place and how the Fire Authority proposes to review and improve those arrangements on a year-by-year basis.


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Item 11 Appendix B


The code should reflect the

requirement for local authorities to:

Source documents/good practice/other means that may be used to demonstrate compliance

Self Assessment Score (1 to 5, Higher being better)

Plans for Improvement Target Date

Develop and promote the authority‟s purpose and vision.

Used as a basis for: - corporate and service planning - shaping the Integrated Risk Management Plan RBFA Corporate Plan 13/14(includes Strategic Plan and IRMP Action Plan 13/14 Promoted through web site/consultation

documents/precepting literature.


Strategic commitments are now in place following review. A revised strategic planning process has been implemented. A Strategic Policy and Programme Manager post has been appointed to facilitate this process

February 2013

Review on a regular basis the authority‟s vision for the local area and its impact on the authority‟s governance arrangements.

Governance code RBFA Management Committee and CFA review, annually, the strategic commitments and monitor progress against the action plans. In addition the Authority has an IRMP Working Party (Member Led), a Strategic Asset Management Committee and an Audit and Governance Committee which regularly consider the strategic issues relevant to their body and propose appropriate changes.


Changes to management and committee structures now embedded. DCS tasked to bring forward a review of member numbers and remuneration of Committees.

April 2014


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Item 11 Appendix B Ensure that partnerships are underpinned by a common vision of their work that is understood and agreed by all parties.

- Partnership protocol. - Governance code. Thames Valley Fire Control Service (TVFCS) Partnership Local Resilience Forum Thames Valley Arson Liaison Partnership Community safety partnership activity is monitored by Community Safety Partnerships


RBFA are engaged in a number of high profile partnership projects and the most advanced of these is the Member led TVFCS programme that has secured £5.4m of grant funding. Locality based partnership arrangements continue to be in a state of flux due to changes made by central government – significant funding has already been removed. The situation is being monitored but future arrangements are far from clear. RBFA continue to explore further collaboration projects with Hampshire, Bucks and Oxon FRAs.

April 2014

Publish an annual report on a timely basis to communicate the authority‟s activities and achievements, its financial position and performance.

The previous framework of reporting publications has now been rationalised. We are now publishing a combined Corporate Plan and Annual Report in addition to the other financial, statutory reports.


A combined Corporate Plan and Annual Report will be approved by RBFA on 26 June 2013.

June 2013

Decide how the quality of service for users is to be measured and make sure that the information needed to review service quality effectively and regularly is available.

This information is reflected in the authority‟s : - Combined corporate plan and

annual report - medium-term financial strategy - Integrated Risk Management Plan

Local Performance Indicators are derived from extensive risk information managed and monitored through a comprehensive GIS system. This produces effective data and mapsets that are available to officers and public through RBFRS intranet/internet. allowing frequent (often daily) review. Regular reports are given to Members, particularly Audit and Governance Committee. A Community Engagement Steering Group has been established to coordinate the many and varying community engagement activities


Maintain and improve performance management systems. A move towards developing a simplified approach to performance management through Scorecard has proved to be more challenging than had been anticipated; the transition continues to be disruptive.

December 2013


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Item 11 Appendix B

undertaken by RBFRS. Revised targets have been set by RBFA as central government have removed the previous suite of required indicators.

Put in place effective arrangements to identify and deal with failure in service delivery.

There is an effective complaints process. Now supplemented by a „user follow up‟ for feedback on the process. Performance Review department monitors operational and organisational effectiveness The organisational debriefing process and processes that embed organisational learning have been recognised as being “best practice”


The complaints process is very little used and therefore its effectiveness is difficult to ascertain. Audit and Governance Committee has a specific remit to consider organisational, operational and partnership performance and exceptions. Action plans are developed and monitored where necessary. Plans are in place to better record letters of appreciation, honours and awards in order to put into context the very few negative indicators received.

Decide how value for money is to be measured and make sure that the Authority or partnership has the information needed to review value for money and performance effectively. Measure the environmental impact of policies, plans and decisions.

From April 2013 RBFA have the third lowest precept of all CFAs, having been recognised as a low cost Authority by DCLG and allowed to raise the precept by £5 . The authority delivers its services effectively using the fewest appliances per head of population of all FRA‟s Environmental targets have been set in reports to the Fire Authority. RBFA maintain an Environmental Action Plan, the Authority report template makes provision for Environmental Impact Assessment Complimentary VFM judgements included in annual audit letters


Maintain value for money and high performance levels despite the challenging financial situation. The next Environmental Strategy is being developed following the success of our first plan.

December 2013


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Item 11 Appendix B


WITH CLEARLY DEFINED FUNCTIONS AND ROLES The code should reflect the requirement for local authorities to:

Source documents / good practice / other means that may be used to demonstrate compliance

Self Assessment


Plans for Improvement Target Date

Set out a clear statement of the respective roles and responsibilities of the executive and of the executive‟s members individually and the authority‟s approach towards putting this into practice. Set out a clear statement of the respective roles and responsibilities of other authority members, members generally and senior officers.

The statutory requirements for an executive do not apply to the Fire Authority but the roles of the Management Committee and other Committees and members are set out in the various sections of the RBFA handbook approved by the Fire Authority. Significant changes to improve the committee structure and operations of the Fire Authority have been made and include revised ToR for each committee, job descriptions/role maps and guidance for Member Champions and other Member roles


The Fire Authority has committed to achieving the Member Development Charter and has signed the Charter. It is anticipated that the Charter requirements will have been reached by December 2013. The Chairman and CFO have written to all constituent Unitaries to emphasise the requirements of being a Fire Authority member.

December 2013

Determine a scheme of delegation and reserve powers within the constitution, including a formal schedule of those matters specifically reserved for collective decision of the authority, taking account of relevant legislation, and ensure that it is monitored and updated when required.

- Constitution - Committees powers and duties - Standing Orders Standing Orders (generally and from ASD1 to ASD 90 in particular refer to delegated powers)


The Scheme is currently under review and will be dependent on decisions relating to Authority numbers

April 2014


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Item 11 Appendix B Make a chief executive or equivalent responsible and accountable to the authority for all aspects of operational Management.

- Conditions of employment - Scheme of delegation - Statutory provisions - Job descriptions/specification - Performance management system Job Description and delegated powers, (annual appraisal process and performance related pay)


Performance management process is currently being further developed under the leadership of SPPM. Regular monitoring and reporting to take place. Improvement register to be updated and incorporated in service plans.

Develop protocols to ensure that the leader and chief executive (or equivalent) negotiate their respective roles early in the relationship and that a shared understanding of roles and objectives is maintained.

The Chief Fire Officer and the Chairman of the Authority have regular meetings and have a good working and professional relationship.


Maintain effective communication with actions as required. Party Leader briefings take place and serve to inform all political groups of emerging issues.

Make a senior officer (the S151 officer) responsible to the authority for ensuring that appropriate advice is given on all financial matters, for keeping proper financial records and accounts, and for maintaining an effective system of internal financial control.

- Section 151 responsibilities - Statutory provision - Statutory reports - Budget documentation - Job description/specification Authority Treasurer/Director of Resources Job Description


Monitor & Review by Fire Authority as necessary

Make a senior officer (usually the monitoring officer) responsible to the authority for ensuring that agreed procedures are followed and that all applicable statutes and regulations are complied with.

The Fire Authority has appointed a Senior Officer as Monitoring Officer who has these responsibilities through a specific Job Description and relevant statutory provisions

5 Job Description to be kept under review by Fire Authority

Develop protocols to ensure effective communication between members and officers in their respective roles.

A Member/Officer Protocol has been approved by the Authority and is included in the Members Handbook

5 Protocol to be kept under review by Fire Authority


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Item 11 Appendix B Set out the terms and conditions for remuneration of members and officers and an effective structure for managing the process, including an effective remuneration panel (if applicable) Ensure that effective mechanisms exist to monitor service delivery

Pay and conditions policies and practices Members‟ scheme of allowances and expenses. RBFA is not required to have a remuneration panel, but sought an independent expert opinion before approving its Scheme of Allowances in 2009.

Officers Performance Development Interviews include targets set against service performance.


The current scheme of allowances was approved in 2009 for a period of up to 4 years subject to annual adjustment in accordance with the terms of the Scheme. It will be reviewed in 2013/14 Performance management process is currently being reviewed. Improved strategic plan and improvement register are being updated and service plans developed to support service delivery.

April 2014

Ensure that the organisation‟s vision, strategic plans, priorities and targets are developed through robust mechanisms, and in consultation with the local community and other key stakeholders, and that they are clearly articulated and disseminated.

RBFA Corporate Plan 12/13(includes Strategic Plan and RBFA Integrated Risk Management Plan Action Plan 12/13 Promoted through web site/consultation documents/precepting literature Public consultation includes budget proposals.


RBFA employ Opinion Research Services (ORS) to support a range of consultation activities including an annual 12 week consultation on IRMP. A feedback document is published following the annual consultation process. A Community Engagement focus group has been established.


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Item 11 Appendix B When working in partnership ensure that members are clear about their roles and responsibilities both individually and collectively in relation to the partnership and to the authority. When working in partnership: Ensure that there is clarity about the legal status of the partnership. Ensure that representatives or organisations both understand and make clear to all other partners the extent of their authority to bind their organisation to partner decisions.

Protocols for partnership working. For each partnership there is: - a clear statement of the partnership principles

and objectives. - clarity of each partner‟s role within the

partnership. - definition of roles of partnership board

members. - line management responsibilities for staff who

support the partnership. - a statement of funding sources for joint

projects and clear accountability for proper financial administration.

- a protocol for dispute resolution within the partnership.

RBFA Partnership Strategy Thames Valley Local Resilience Forum Thames Valley Fire Control Service Partnership Thames Valley Arson Liaison Partnership Community safety partnership activity is monitored by the Community Safety Partnerships


RBFA are engaged in a number of high profile partnership projects and the most advanced of these is the Member led TVFCS programme that has secured £5.4m of grant funding. A joint committee is to be established to govern the joint Thames Valley Control. Locality based partnership arrangements continue to be in a state of flux due to changes made by central government – significant funding has already been removed. The situation is being monitored but future arrangements are far from clear. RBFA continue to explore further collaboration projects with Hampshire, Bucks and Oxon FRAs. The effectiveness of partnerships will be taken to the Audit & Governance committee for its consideration.

April 2014


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Item 11 Appendix B


The code should reflect the requirement for local authorities to:

Source documents/good practice/other means that may be used to demonstrate compliance

Self Assessment Score

Plans for Improvement Target Date

Ensure that the authority‟s leadership sets a tone for the organisation by creating a climate of openness, support and respect.

Members Handbook (PRO 26) and Brigade Charter

5 Endeavour to maintain open communications and good working relationships at current levels

Ensure that standards of conduct and personal behaviour expected of members and staff, of work between members and staff and between the Authority, its partners and the community are defined and communicated through codes of conduct and protocols.

Members‟/officers‟ code of conduct Performance appraisal. Complaints procedures. Anti-fraud and corruption policy. Member/officer protocols.

4 Endeavour to maintain open communications and good working relationships at current levels. Member/Officer protocol to be reviewed during current year by Fire Authority.

Put in place arrangements to ensure that members and employees of the authority are not influenced by prejudice, bias or conflicts of interest in dealing with different stakeholders and put in place appropriate processes to ensure that they continue to operate in practice.

Standing orders Codes of conduct Financial regulations Equality & Diversity Training Declarations of Interest

5 Standing orders are in the process of being reviewed and updated. Subject to the outcome of the review of Member numbers and remuneration.

June 2014

Develop and maintain shared values including leadership values for both the organisation and staff reflecting public expectations and communicate these with members, staff, the community and partners.

Codes of conduct Complaints procedures Brigade Charter

LGA Member training activities Aspire Leadership Model (officers) Transformational Leadership Training (Officers)

4 Develop further leadership training for Members, Officers and Staff. The Fire Authority has committed to achieving the Member Development Charter and work towards this has been commenced A public engagement forum has been implemented


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Item 11 Appendix B Put in place arrangements to ensure that systems and processes are designed in conformity with appropriate ethical standards, and monitor their continuing effectiveness in practice.

Statutory code of conduct for Members and code of conduct for officers.


Review of standing orders, financial regulations & contract procedure rules currently in progress. Consideration will also be given to using the ethical governance toolkit, resources permitting. The Localism Act 2011 has given certainty to the demise of the existing Standards regime. A code of conduct has been adopted by the Fire Authority in June 2012

June 2014

Use the organisation‟s shared values to act as a guide for decision making and as a basis for developing positive and trusting relationships within the authority.

Inclusive decision-making processes (Round Table/Fire Liaison Group/) Brigade Charter Reports show assessment against Partnership for Common sense

4 Continue to improve the already good internal communications and working relationships A new Internal Governance Framework has been agreed and was introduced during 2012.

In pursuing the vision of a partnership, agree a set of values against which decision making and actions can be judged. Such values must be demonstrated by partners‟ behaviour both individually and collectively

Partnership Strategy – as amended to reflect changes in central government requirements and partnership funding Terms of Reference and Memorandum of Understanding exist for the TVFCS partnership, Thames Valley Local Resilience Forum, Thames Valley Arson Liaison partnership and Community Safety Partnerships

4 RBFA are engaged in a number of high profile partnership projects and. The most advanced of these is the Member led TVFCS programme that has secured £5.4m of grant funding. Locality based partnership arrangements continue to be in a state of flux due to changes made by central government – significant funding has already been removed. The situation is being monitored however future arrangements remain far from clear. RBFA continue to explore further collaboration projects with Hampshire, Bucks and Oxon FRAs. The effectiveness of partnerships will be taken to the Audit & Governance committee for its consideration.

April 2014 December 2013


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Item 11 Appendix B


The code should reflect the requirement for local authorities to:

Source documents/good practice/other means that may be used to demonstrate compliance

Self Assessment Score

Plans for Improvement Target Date

Develop and maintain an effective scrutiny function which encourages constructive challenge and enhances the authority‟s performance overall and that of any organisation for which it is responsible.

The scrutiny function is carried out by the Audit & Governance Committee. It has similar powers to those contained in the Local Government Act 2000 (Terms of Reference in Members Handbook)

4 The committee structure has been reviewed and functions and responsibilities re-aligned. Although not required to have a scrutiny committee, as we do not operate executive arrangements, the current structure will continue to include a scrutiny role - dependant on the outcome of the review of Member numbers and remuneration

Develop and maintain open and effective mechanisms for documenting evidence for decisions and recording the criteria, rationale and considerations on which decision are based.

Minutes are taken for all Fire Authority and Committee meetings. These and the relevant Agendas and supporting reports are available on the Authority‟s website as well as in manual format.


Put in place arrangements to safeguard members and employees against conflicts of interest and put in place appropriate processes to ensure that they continue to operate in practice.

- Members‟ code of conduct - Officers code of conduct - Member/Officer Protocol - Declarations of Interest


Develop and maintain an effective audit committee (or equivalent) which is independent of the executive and scrutiny functions or make other appropriate arrangements for the discharge of the functions of such a committee.

Audit and Governance Committee established in 2009 with terms of reference set out in the Handbook. The Terms of Reference are regularly reviewed.



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Item 11 Appendix B Ensure that effective, transparent and accessible arrangements are in place for dealing with complaints.

There is an effective complaints process. 4 Low number of complaints therefore process has not been extensively tested.

Ensure that those making decisions whether for the authority or the partnership are provided with information that is fit for the purpose – relevant, timely and gives clear explanations of technical issues and their implications.

Standard report template

4 Standard report template will be reviewed and updated and revised guidance on report writing will be issued. Continue to monitor quality and effectiveness of reports

December 2013

Ensure that professional advice on matters that have legal or financial implications is available and recorded well in advance of decision making and used appropriately.

All reports have standard paragraphs for advice from the Chief Fire Officer, the Authority Treasurer and the Monitoring Officer

4 Changes proposed to meeting structure to ensure more effective meetings have been fully implemented. Additional support for Committee Manager has been introduced to ensure resilience in supporting Committees and Members, and in developing and maintaining Committee Work Programmes and the Forward Plan. Capacity will be kept under review.

Ensure that risk management is embedded into the culture of the Authority, with members and managers at all levels recognising that risk management is part of their jobs.

Risk Management Group Risk Management Register Risk management section on all reports Regular reports to CMT and Fire Authority Financial standards and regulations.

4 Further changes have been made to Risk Management arrangements to align with the recognised ALARM Best Practice guidance. RMG to continue to monitor key risks and ensure they are being identified and addressed in new process


Ensure that arrangements are in place for whistle-blowing to which staff and all those contracting with the authority have access.

Confidential Reporting Policy (Whistle-blowing policy)

4 This policy currently under review, a revised policy will be published and widely publicised amongst staff.

December 2013


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Item 11 Appendix B Actively recognise the limits of lawful activity placed on them by, for example, the ultra vires doctrine but also strive to utilise powers to the full benefit of their communities.

Constitution Delegations to Officers Monitoring Officer‟s advice

4 Continue to ensure that Members are advised and trained as to the legal parameters of their actions/decisions

Recognise the limits of lawful action and observe both the specific requirements of legislation and the general responsibilities placed on local authorities by public law.

Constitution Delegations to Officers Monitoring Officer‟s advice

4 Continue to ensure that Members are advised and trained as to the legal parameters of their actions/decisions

Observe all specific legislative requirements placed upon them, as well as the requirements of general law, and in particular to integrate the key principles of good administrative law – rationality, legality and natural justice – into their procedures and decision-making processes.

Monitoring Officer provisions Job description/specification Statutory duties under Fire Safety Order and Fire & Rescue Services Act 2004

4 A review of powers and duties is being undertaken following the implementation of new legislation including the Localism Act 2011.

December 2013


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Item 11 Appendix B


The code should reflect the requirement for local authorities to:

Source documents/good practice/other means that may be used to demonstrate compliance

Self Assessment Score

Plans for Improvement Target Date

Provide induction programmes tailored to individual needs and opportunities for members and officers to update their knowledge on a regular basis.

Induction programme offered Update courses/information made available

3 The Member Development Charter for Fire Authorities has been adopted and as part of the work an Induction Programme for new Members of the Fire Authority has been developed and implemented. Further work is being undertaken to achieve the Member Development Charter.

December 2013

Ensure that the statutory officers have the skills, resources and support necessary to perform effectively in their roles and that these roles are properly understood throughout the Authority.

Job description/personal specifications Delegated powers Rigorous selection process Performance development process The MO and S151 Officer are appointed at Director level

4 Continue to monitor job descriptions through appraisal process

Assess the skills required by members and officers and make a commitment to develop those skills to enable roles to be carried out effectively

Officers have a sophisticated learning and development plan linked to their appraisals (PDI)

4 The Member Development Charter for Fire Authorities has been adopted and as part of the process a skills and learning needs self assessment is to be undertaken.

June 2013

Develop skills on a continuing basis to improve performance, including the ability to scrutinise and challenge and to recognise when outside expert advice is needed.

Training and development plans should reflect requirements of a modern councillor including :

- the ability to scrutinise and challenge. - the ability to recognise when outside

advice is required. - advice on how to act as an ambassador

for the community. - leadership and influencing skills.

3 The Member Development Charter for Fire Authorities has been adopted and as part of the process a skills and learning needs self assessment is to be undertaken.

June 2013


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Item 11 Appendix B Ensure that effective arrangements are in place for reviewing the performance of the executive as a whole and of individual members and agreeing an action plan which might, for example, aim to address any training or development needs.

Audit and Governance Committee Member Development Champion appointed to address the issue of Member Training

4 The Fire Authority does not operate executive arrangements but decisions of, and reports to, the Management Committee are considered by the Audit and Governance Committee and will continue to be scrutinised.

Ensure that effective arrangements are in place that are designed to encourage individuals from all sections of the community to engage with, contribute to and participate in the work of the authority.

The Authority consults widely on its Service Delivery (IRMP) and is involved as a partner in many local events (Newbury Show, Slough Mela, etc). The Authority also undertakes many local community safety initiatives (often in partnership) from the fitting of child safety seats to home fire risk assessments. These activities are risk based and overseen by the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships

4 A Community Engagement Forum has been established. The Authority regularly consults on it‟s IRMP and Budget proposals

Ensure that career structures are in place for members and officers to encourage participation and development

Members are elected not selected and therefore career structures do not apply There is a robust career development system for operational officers the training needs are recognised through the appraisal system.

3 Succession management is difficult to manage in a relatively small single purpose organisation particularly during a period of recession when the organisation is contracting.


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Item 11 Appendix B


The code should reflect the requirement for local authorities to:

Source documents/good practice/other means that may be used to demonstrate compliance

Self Assessment Score

Plans for Improvement Target Date

Make clear to themselves, all staff and the community to whom they are accountable and for what. Consider those institutional stakeholders to whom the authority is accountable and assess the effectiveness of the relationships and any changes required.

Delegated Powers within Members Handbook Clear Committee and Working Party Structures and Reporting Lines Member Champions first appointed at FA 2009 and the role is regularly reviewed Responsibility and accountability is recorded in the Corporate Plan

4 Information is provided to the constituent Unitary Authorities regarding the effectiveness and attendance of their nominees

Produce an annual report on the activity of the scrutiny function

Annual report produced 5

Ensure that clear channels of communication are in place with all sections of the community and other stakeholders, and put in place monitoring arrangements to ensure that they operate effectively. Hold meetings in public unless there are good reasons for confidentiality. Ensure that arrangements are in place to enable the authority to engage with all sections of the community effectively. These arrangements should recognise that different sections of the community have different priorities and establish explicit processes for

Operational and community safety strategy based on risk profiles, through the IRMP‟ Meetings are held in public. Equality and Diversity level 3 has been achieved. An Equality and Diversity Champion has been appointed to act as a lead on this issue A Community Engagement Forum has been established Plans are in place to regularly consult on the Corporate Plan and budget proposals.

3 We have achieved level 3 of the old Equality Standard. Under the new standards this is equivalent to “Achieving” level in the Equality Framework. We are aiming to ensure that this level is confirmed through assessment in 2013, and we have a target to reach “Excellent” by the end

of 2014/15. We continually strive to improve our consultation with the public on a wide range of issues.

December 2015


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Item 11 Appendix B dealing with these competing demands. Establish a clear policy on the types of issues they will meaningfully consult on or engage with the public and service users about including a feedback mechanism for those consultees to demonstrate what has changed as a result.

Communications strategy IRMP Consultation Policy A Community Engagement Forum has been established A Strategic Policy and Programme Manager position has been established and filled

4 We continue to offer opportunities for engagement with the public.

On an annual basis, publish a performance plan giving information on the authority‟s vision, strategy, plans and financial statements as well as information about its outcomes, achievements and the satisfaction of service users in the previous period.

A new, combined Corporate Plan and Annual Report has been produced Annual IRMP action plan to be incorporated within it IRMP 5 Year Plan Financial Accounts

5 Members have directed that Officers review the publication of reports to ascertain whether they can be produced in a more integrated fashion

December 2013

Ensure that the authority as a whole is open and accessible to the community, service users and its staff and ensure that it has made a commitment to openness and transparency in all its dealings, including partnerships, subject only to the need to preserve confidentiality in those specific circumstances where it is proper and appropriate to do so.

Constitution Partnership for Common Sense Brigade Charter Fire Liaison Group Round Table All expenditure over £500 is now published and Senior Officers salaries are published.

4 Publication scheme is under review, subject to any further guidance from ICO (due September 2013).

December 2013

Develop and maintain a clear policy on how staff and their representatives are consulted and involved in decision making.

Partnership for Common Sense Brigade Charter Fire Liaison Group Round Table Consultation and Negotiation policy



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Item 11 Appendix B

3 Review of Effectiveness

The Royal Berkshire Fire Authority has responsibility for conducting, at least annually, a review of the effectiveness of its governance framework including the system of internal control. The review of effectiveness is informed by the work of the executive managers within the authority who have responsibility for the development and maintenance of the governance environment, the Internal Auditor‟s annual report, and also by comments made by the external auditors and other review agencies and inspectorates. During 2012/13 a number of enhancements have been made to the governance arrangements. The most significant activity has been the continued development of the Audit and Governance Committee with the remit:

To consider the effectiveness of the Authority‟s risk management arrangements, the control environment and associated anti-fraud and anti-corruption arrangements

To seek assurances that action is being taken on risk-related issues identified by auditors and inspectors

To be satisfied that the Authority‟s assurance statements, including the Statement of Internal Control, properly reflect the risk environment

To approve internal audit‟s strategy, plan and monitor performance

To review summary internal audit reports and the main issues arising, and seek assurance that action has been taken where necessary

To receive the annual assurance report from the internal auditors

To consider external audit reports

The Fire Authority has maintained its internal control role:

It has continued to develop its Risk Management processes

It regularly reviews the risk register and progress in risk management

It receives regular risk management reports The Risk Management Group is currently reviewing each risk on the risk register and the results will be reported to the Audit and Governance Committee in September 2013

The Standards Committee has been abolished in accordance with legislative requirements.


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Item 11 Appendix B

Haines Watts have completed their contract as the Authority‟s internal auditors.

Their overall internal audit opinion for 2012/13 is:

In our opinion, for the 12-month period to 31st March 2013, the Fire Authority had a satisfactory, effective and reliable framework of internal control that provides reasonable assurance regarding the effective and efficient achievement of the Fire Authority‟s objectives.

RSM Tenon have been appointed as the new internal auditors from 2013/14.

Satisfactory assurance was given for all financial audits, including core financial controls.

The 2012/13 NFI data matching exercise has been undertaken. Work on reviewing anti-fraud procedures has commenced. As a result of the work undertaken by the management team, the Internal Auditors, the External Auditors and our own Audit and Governance Committee plans are in place to address the weaknesses identified and ensure continuous improvement of the governance system is in place.


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Item 11 Appendix B

4 Significant Governance Issues

The table below sets out the plan to address governance issues identified during 2012/13:

Issue Action Lead By when

1 Continue to develop and embed governance processes for performance and risk management

Develop the role and work of the Audit and Governance Committee

DR Ongoing

2 Improve the strategic management of risk Risk Management Group, chaired by the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, reporting to Corporate Management Team

DCFO Ongoing

3 Ensure that all partnership arrangements and shared services are supported by appropriate governance arrangements

Arrangements to be audited DCFO/DCS/DR TVFCS by March 2014 Workshops by December 2013

4 Review ethical guidance Use ethical governance toolkit DCS Not currently planned.

5 Develop a strong counter-fraud culture supported and promoted by members and senior officers

Revise strategy and action plan

DR Report to July 2013 Audit & Governance Committee

6 Improve data security Meet International Standard for Information Security Management (ISO 27001)

DR/DCS 31 March 2014


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Item 11 Appendix B We propose over the coming year to take steps to address the above matters to further enhance our governance arrangements. We are satisfied that these steps will address the need for improvements that were identified in our review of effectiveness and will monitor their implementation and operation as part of our next annual review. Signed:…………………………………………………………. Colin Dudley Chairman of the Royal Berkshire Fire Authority Signed: …………………………………………………………... Olaf Baars Acting Chief Fire Officer of the Royal Berkshire Fire Authority


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Item 12








1.1 To provide the Fire Authority with the results of equality and diversity monitoring; to provide update on progress against the Equality Action Plan; and to confirm the current Equality and Diversity Strategy is still fit for purpose.


That the Fire Authority:

2.1 Agree the current Equality Strategy (Appendix 1) and on going Action Plan 2012-2015 are fit for purpose;

2.2 Note the current position on the 2012-2015 Action Plan (Appendix 2); and

2.3 Note the annual statistical data for 2012/13 (Appendix 3).


3.1 The Equality Strategy was reviewed last year to incorporate the Single Equality Scheme. The general direction of the strategy is key and still relevant, although following workload reviews and the need to achieve cost savings the aim to undertake a review under the Equality Framework was discussed at the Community Engagement and Equality Group and it was felt the investment needed to manage this process could not at this time be justified. The overriding objective for equality within Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service needs to be to ensure that we continue to embed equality within departments as day to day activity rather than a specialist stand alone function as well as meeting our legal and moral obligations, which are all major parts of the current strategy.

3.2 An essential component of the Equality Strategy is the action plan through which it is implemented. This plan is updated annually and reviewed by the Fire Authority. This report delivers an update on the actions identified in last year’s report which will carry over for future years - Appendix 2.

3.3 In accordance with our legal obligations and commitment to publish equality data, Appendix 3 gives data and a summary report.


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Item 12


With the decision to freeze progress under the Equality Framework this has allowed for resource to be re allocated supporting other Business priorities. No additional expenditure arises from this report. The Fire Authority’s Equality and Diversity Strategy seeks to meet the Fire Authority’s legal and policy obligations in relation to equality and diversity and is indicative of the Fire Authority’s leadership on these priority issues. A risk to the reduced activity in this area may have impacts in any future peer assessments which examine the Equality Framework progress as part of the process.


5.1 Not applicable.


6.1 The Action Plan directly supports RBFRS Strategic Commitment 4, to be an employer of choice, offering equality of opportunity and development to all. It will indirectly support Strategic Commitment 2, to improve public and business safety and reduce risk, through targeted education and enforcement of fire safety legislation, and Strategic Commitment 3, to demonstrate continuous improvement and efficiencies, ensuring consultation and partnership working.


7.1 The proposed strategy is in line and is supportive of the Partnership for Common Sense.


Equality Strategy (Appendix 1). 2012-2015 Action Plan (Appendix 2) Equality monitoring data (Appendix 3)


9.1 Acting Chief Fire Officer

The Acting Chief Fire Officer has noted this report. 9.2 Director Resources

The Director of Resources has noted this report. 9.3 Director Corporate Services

The Director, Corporate Services has noted this report. Author: Jacky Manning

Senior HR Adviser (Organisational Support) (0118 938) 4673

Sponsored by: Caroline Redzikowska Director, Corporate Services (0118 938) 4600

Date of report: 8th August 2013


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2012 - 2015

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Foreword ............................................................................................................................ 3

Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4

Why Equality Matters ......................................................................................................... 4

About Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service ............................................................ 5

National Context ................................................................................................................ 7

Service Provision ............................................................................................................... 9

Our Employees ................................................................................................................ 10

Embedding Equality in Decision Making ....................................................................... 14

Consultation ..................................................................................................................... 15

Monitoring ........................................................................................................................ 15

Working with Other Organisations ................................................................................. 17

Procurement ..................................................................................................................... 17

Equality Action Plan ........................................................................................................ 17

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Welcome to Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service’s Equality Strategy.

Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service exists in order to protect the well-being of the community that it serves. Our aim is to contribute to a safe society by reducing the incidence of death, injury and damage to property from fire and other emergencies. Equality legislation supports us in that aim by helping to ensure that we respond appropriately to the needs of all communities in Berkshire, and to the needs and well-being of all of our employees. It is our aim to embed equality and fairness into the culture of our organisation.

We hope that you will take the opportunity to read through our Strategy and provide us with your comments on it, so that we can take account of them the next time the Strategy is reviewed. It is important that employees, the public and our statutory, voluntary and private sector partners are involved in the development and delivery of this Strategy, as this will ensure that it really does have a positive impact on people’s lives.

Iain Cox Chief Fire Officer

Colin Dudley Chair Royal Berkshire Fire Authority

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This Strategy sets out our approach to equality and the practical steps that we will take in order to fulfil our obligations, (both to the public and to our employees), by:-

• eliminating unlawful discrimination and harassment

• promoting equality of opportunity for all

• promoting good relations between people of different groups

• promoting the inclusion and participation of all groups

It will also help us to improve our performance in three areas:-

1. ensuring that we deliver services that meet the needs of Berkshire’s diverse communities

2. achieving a workforce that reflects those communities

3. achieving a working environment in which everybody who works for, or with, RBFRS is treated fairly and with respect.

This strategy will therefore have both an external and internal focus. The external focus will seek to develop the existing links between Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service (RBFRS) and the communities it serves, especially minority ethnic communities, minority faith communities, elderly people, disabled people and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Trans (LGBT) people. These links will be used to deliver targeted community safety messages to groups that we know to be at particular risk, information about what RBFRS does and how it does it, (in order to break down barriers that might prevent people from seeking our advice), and, to those groups currently under-represented in our workforce, information about careers in RBFRS.

The internal focus will be on developing awareness and understanding of the concepts of dignity and respect for all members of RBFRS. It will seek to counter traditional pressure for conformity and emphasise respect for individuals and their differences. Increasing the involvement of local communities in our work will also help to raise cultural and community awareness and understanding among our workforce.

This Scheme will be reviewed every three years. The Action Plan is attached as an Appendix and will be reviewed every year. Progress on the Strategy and Action Plan will be reported to the meetings of the Community Engagement and Equality Group (CEEG), and to the Fire Authority on an annual basis.


Recent equality frameworks provide us with a wider definition of equality than that in legislation.

“An equal society protects and promotes real freedom and opportunity to live in the way people value and would choose, so that everyone can flourish".

An equal society recognises people’s different needs, situations and goals, and removes the barriers that limit what people can do and be. This benefits the individual and the community.

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This definition is more aspirational than the formal legal definitions of equality. It is about what we can do to create a fairer society, and recognises that:

• equality is an issue for us all

• we don’t all start from the same place

• to create a fairer society we need to recognise different needs

Legislation provides for protection for a number of defined ‘protected characteristics’, but it is important that we understand the relationship between these characteristics and socio-economic status, and the experience of all vulnerable groups and how this links to the evidence we have regarding ‘at risk’ groups within our communities.

In order to advance in this area we need to integrate the principles of equality into all functions at all levels. Cultivating a diverse workforce will enable us to have a greater understanding of the communities we serve, and help us to deliver effective services across the county.


Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service (RBFRS) exists in order to make Berkshire safer. Our employees deal with any type of emergency; road, rail or air crashes, collapsed buildings, floods, chemical spills or rescuing people trapped in lifts or other confined spaces. We also work with the owners and occupiers of premises to ensure that people are protected from fire, and try to educate all members of the public about reducing risks. About 415 full time firefighters, 100 retained (‘on-call’) firefighters, 30 control room operators and 140 support staff deliver this service from 18 fire stations across the county to Berkshire’s 865,000 residents.

Royal Berkshire Fire Authority governs RBFRS as a representative body for Berkshire residents, and is made up of elected Councillors nominated from each of the six constituent Unitary Authorities. The Fire Authority’s role is to ensure that we provide an effective and cost efficient service, and that we fulfil our legal obligations. It therefore has a responsibility to ensure that the broad strategies, objectives and long term plans of the Service are consistent with its responsibilities as a public body.

RBFRS reports regularly to the Fire Authority on progress against key targets. We also report performance regularly to the Home Office.

Aims and Values

RBFRS already has strategic commitments in place to deliver its vision of ‘A Safer Berkshire’, namely:

1. Minimise loss of life, injury and damage from fire, road traffic collisions and other hazards.

2. Improve public and business safety and reduce risk, through targeted education and enforcement of fire safety legislation.

3. Demonstrate continuous improvement and efficiencies, ensuring consultation and partnership working.

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4. Be an employer of choice, offering equality of opportunity and development to all.

5. Provide resilient emergency response through risk management and planning.

6. Conduct activities in an environmentally sustainable way.

This strategy directly supports RBFRS Strategic commitments by supporting;

• Work with communities to deliver safety education thus reducing fire deaths and minimising injuries and damage caused by fire and other hazards.

• Use of consultation and partnership working to develop and enhance services, policies and procedures.

• Work towards achievement of a workforce that is more representative of the communities of Berkshire.

• Efforts to ensure that barriers are removed for disabled employees and applicants.

• Increased employee satisfaction – for which it is essential that employees feel they are treated fairly and with respect.

Our stated values, to which we ask every employee to subscribe, are:-…

Service to the Community We value service to the community by:-

People We value all our employees by practising and promoting:-

Working with all groups to reduce risk

Treating everyone fairly and with respect

Being answerable to those we serve

Striving for excellence in all we do

Fairness and respect

Recognition of merit

Honesty, integrity and mutual trust Personal development

Co-operative and inclusive working

Diversity We value diversity in the service and the community by:-

Improvement We value improvement at all levels of the service by:-…

Treating everyone fairly and with respect

Providing varying solutions for different needs and expectations

Promoting equal opportunities in employment and progression within the service

Challenging prejudice and discrimination

Accepting responsibility for our performance

Being open-minded

Considering criticism thoughtfully

Learning from our experience

Consulting others

Procedures for selection and promotion require candidates to give evidence that they behave in accordance with these values.


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All members of the Fire Authority and RBFRS have a role to play in implementing this Strategy. It is only through individual input and acceptance that the culture of RBFRS can develop and achieve the organisational objectives and strategic aims. All policy decisions need to take diversity and equality issues into account, and the contribution of each member of RBFRS to the achievement of this strategy needs to be reviewed as part of their annual performance development interview. Self assessments of performance are completed Corporately for those departments that are primarily internally-facing, and separately by Response and by Prevention & Protection. All departments undertake equality impact assessment of the services they provide - actions identified are then built in to their departmental action plans.

Some groups have specific responsibility for making things happen:-

Clear commitment and leadership is required from both the Fire Authority and RBFRS’s Principal Officers if this strategy is to succeed. Leaders within the Fire Authority and RBFRS also have a key responsibility to act as role models for this strategy in line with the Internal Governance Framework.

The Fire Authority will regularly be asked to contribute to, and endorse, this Strategy and the principles that underpin it. A Member Champion has been appointed to take particular interest in equality and diversity within RBFRS, and to ensure that the Fire Authority is engaged with these issues.

The Community Engagement and Equality Group (CEEG) is the steering group that supports and assists RBFRS in achieving its equality objectives. To achieve this we require commitment and contribution from all departments, so CEEG membership is at Area Manager/Head of Department level, together with delegates from employee representative bodies. CEEG is chaired by the Member Champion.

The Area Manager (Prevention and Protection) takes a lead role on equality and diversity issues within RBFRS, but our aim is that consideration of equality issues becomes embedded as an everyday part of our work. To that end they are the responsibility of every manager. Managers at all levels must act as role models and be proactive in applying this strategy to their teams and the services they deliver. They are key in impact assessing the services they provide and ensuring their departments/ functions/teams are working to progress the equality agenda.

The Senior HR Advisor (Equality & Diversity) provides expertise and a specialist focus on advice for implementation of this strategy, providing direction, training, support and managerial advice, as well as regular review of processes and policies in order to maintain compliance with the legislative framework and best practice. They will also coordinate opportunities to raise career awareness among young people and those in under-represented groups.

The representative bodies have historically taken a lead on diversity and equality issues in the Fire Service and have much to contribute to this strategy’s success.


Under the Equality Act (2010), Royal Berkshire Fire Authority and RBFRS have a statutory duty to promote equality and foster good relations between those who share a ‘protected

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characteristic‘ and those who do not, in a way which goes beyond merely avoiding discrimination. The ‘protected characteristics’ to which this provision applies are:-

• Age

• Disability

• Gender reassignment

• Pregnancy & maternity

• Race

• Religion or belief

• Sex

• Sexual orientation

We also have specific duties to publish information to demonstrate compliance with this general duty, including information relating to employees and others affected by our policies & practices.

In order to deliver our overall commitments on equality and diversity, RBFRS has adopted the Equality Framework for Fire Services which has three levels of achievement. The Equality Framework has no legal status but it provides a framework which helps Fire Services to meet their legal obligations and move toward best practice. RBFRS achieved level 3 of the previous Equality Standard, which equates to Achieving level within the new Framework. RBFRS aims to be in a position to be formally assessed at the Achieving level by 31st March 2013 with the goal of reaching Excellent by March 2015

Under the Equality Act RBFRS must also develop and publish one or more equality objectives. Following consultation with the Community Engagement Forum, the following equality objectives have been agreed and now form part or our corporate plan;

Strategic Objective 10: Workforce meets the needs of the community

A more diverse workforce will help us to develop a better understanding of diverse communities and any enhanced risks to which they may be exposed, and will help us to communicate better with those communities. Our initial targets are set at:-

5% of staff in post being from ethnic minorities, recruiting 14% of new staff from ethnic minorities and having women comprise 4% of existing firefighters and 15% of new firefighter recruits.

These targets form part of a longer and more stretching target schedule (see Our Employees). Achievement will be measured through our ongoing employment monitoring and reported annually.

Strategic Objective 11: Improving community engagement and involvement

This objective has two aims.

a) The Equality Framework includes assessment community engagement activity. We therefore have the objective of improving our equality performance to ‘Achieving’ on the Equality Framework (from level 3 on the Equality Standard). Achievement will measured by peer review.

b) We will also aim to have 70% of residents reporting that they feel the Service consults and engages with communities. This will be measured through a three-yearly public opinion survey

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In addition to a 999 response service RBFRS offers a number of services aimed at Making Berkshire Safer, often working in partnership with other public service organisations. These include:-

• Educating people, (adults and children), in fire and accident prevention.

• Home fire safety checks for vulnerable people and those within identified high risk groups, installing smoke alarms where necessary.

• Working to reduce the incidence of arson and hoax calls.

• Road safety education.

• Programmes for young people aimed at encouraging responsible behaviour.

• Training courses and advice on fire protection and prevention to owners of business premises.

• Enforcement of fire protection legislation to protect public safety.

We aim to deliver our services in a way which meets the needs of all people in Berkshire, and have identified that certain sections of the community are at greater risk of dwelling fires. Factors that increase risk include social deprivation, smoking, living in rented property, recent migration and limited fluency in spoken or written English - factors which may often combine and which affect proportionally more people in some communities.

To deliver our services effectively and fairly we need to know and understand our local community profiles. This will be achieved through national equality and Unitary Authority data, supplemented by local knowledge obtained through the use of tools such as Mosaic, our Incident Recording System (IRS) and effective local engagement.

In order to ensure that services are equally accessible to all groups in line with their needs, we will also :

• Monitor the satisfaction and take up levels of services by different groups.

• Assess whether the provision of a service or planned service has an adverse impact on any group, and take action to address any inequality, disadvantage or discrimination.

• Encourage particular groups to use our services where evidence shows that there is a lower level of take-up of a service among that group, but no lower level of need.

• Train our staff in cultural etiquette issues, including disability awareness, so that they feel confident in engaging with people from all communities, and can do so without unintentionally causing offence.

• Target our resources, including Home Fire Risk Checks, at those that we have identified are at greatest risk.

Access to Information

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In order to ensure that we minimise barriers for people in accessing information about RBFRS and the services that we provide, we will:-

• Continue to ensure that any written information is as easy to read as possible and make key safety information available in a range of languages and literacy levels.

• Continue our subscription to Languageline, an instant telephone interpretation service that our employees can use in order to facilitate communication with members of the public who speak little or no English

• Assess the need to provide critical safety information in an oral format, as we recognise that fluency in spoken English does not automatically imply a corresponding level of literacy in English.

• Continue to work with the education sector to promote safety messages in English for Speakers of Other Languages.

• Ensure that we attend a range of community events that are of interest to a variety of minority communities and age ranges,.

• Consider translating corporate documents where there is demand, or looking for alternatives to facilitate understanding



RBFRS recognises the value of achieving a workforce which reflects the multicultural community that we serve – we will have a better understanding of issues which may affect people’s safety, we will communicate better, and our messages will have more credibility. We also recognise our duty to ensure that opportunities to work with us are available to all sections of society.

Our recruitment procedures are continually reviewed to ensure that they meet the highest standards of good practice in eliminating opportunities for conscious or unconscious bias. All personal information is removed before shortlisting, which is done strictly against objective and justifiable criteria laid down in the person specification for the role. We recognise that the experience of older staff is an asset to the organisation and will not decline requests for employment beyond the age of 65 without good reason. Employees who have retired may be re-engaged, subject to compliance with the rules of any relevant pension scheme.

However for a number of reasons, some historical, the profile of our workforce still does not match that of the community we serve, and with low recruitment levels this situation is unlikely to change quickly. While we have no problems in attracting applications for firefighter posts, we are committed to pursuing positive action initiatives aimed at encouraging people from under-represented groups to apply for positions, including:-

• Engaging positively with minority communities so that we can challenge outdated or inaccurate perceptions of the Service and what we do.

• Ensuring that publicity for our vacancies reaches a wide cross section of potential applicants.

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• Highlighting firefighting as a high status career with opportunities for advancement, not just “a job”.

• Encouraging our existing BME and women firefighters to act as positive role models for potential applicants.

• Working with schools, colleges and the Connexions service to promote the career to girls and BME pupils.

• Working to raise awareness to counter misperceptions around an arbitrary upper age limit for firefighter applicants.

We are not expecting to run a wholetime firefighter recruitment campaign until 2013 at the earliest but when we do, we will hold career awareness workshops with content that addresses areas which are of particular concern to some potential BME & women applicants, such as accommodating religious practices and advice on developing physical capabilities.

Recruitment to the Retained Duty System may also provide some opportunities to reach out to under-represented groups, but the recruitment pool for these posts is necessarily limited to small geographical areas which may be unrepresentative of the county as a whole. However we recognise that women may form a largely untapped pool of possible candidates, and we are committed to promoting these opportunities and encouraging applications from them.

Targets Performance Indicator Targets

Performance Indicator 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15

Percentage of Black & Minority Ethnic staff in post 5% 5% 7%

Percentage of Black & Minority Ethnic staff recruited 14% 14% 18.5%

Percentage of operational women staff in post 4% 4% 6%

Percentage of operational women recruited 15% 15% 15%

Previously, recruitment targets were set nationally by Communities and Local Government. These were that at least 15% of new firefighter recruits are women and that the number of minority ethnic recruits overall reflects the local working population by 2013. For RBFRS this equates to 18.5% minority ethnic recruits. RBFRS considers that these are reasonable aspirations and will continue to strive for improvement towards these recruitment targets.

Equality in Pay

RBFRS recognises the importance of the objective evaluation of roles, to ensure that work of equal value is equally rewarded. To that end, all roles are subject to systematic analysis using a reputable Job Evaluation scheme.

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We are committed to our equal pay policy, and regularly review pay in order to ensure that we are complying with the Equal Pay Act (1970) and to help us to ensure that we have pay structures that are fair. It is our intention to explore the reasons for any gender pay gaps and address issues where the gap has been influenced by gender. We ensure that incremental pay scales are not unduly long, thus indirectly disadvantaging younger employees.

Employment Practices

We recognise that flexibility is sometimes key in ensuring that a disabled people and those with carer responsibilities are is able to secure and sustain employment. RBFRS is committed to promoting flexible working opportunities, and will make as full use as possible of options such as homeworking, flexible hours, jobsharing and part-time working where they facilitate the recruitment or continued employment of an individual.

In order to ensure that those with childcare responsibilities do not face unnecessary barriers to development, additional childcare costs incurred as a result of training courses are reimbursed.

We will also try to make adjustments that would enable individuals to work for us without contravening a requirement of their faith. We recognise that the requirements of an individual’s faith may sometimes be impossible to accommodate for reasons of health and safety, but are committed to continue seeking a solution for these situations.

All benefits and flexible working practices will continue to be made available to same-sex couples on the same basis as they are to mixed sex couples.

Support for Disabled Employees

There is a commonly-held assumption that disabled people cannot work for a Fire and Rescue Service. While some disabilities will always be a barrier to working in operational firefighting, adjustments can be made to accommodate many disabilities. We are committed to making these adjustments both for new recruits and to help us retain existing employees. Adjustments can also be made for staff working in support roles, where a greater range of disabilities can be accommodated even within our existing buildings (which we recognise have limitations).

We facilitate and encourage our disabled staff to meet to discuss any issues of relevance or concern and to raise them with the organisation. The Disabled Employees Network meets on a formal basis annually.

RBFRS is proud to have achieved Disability Symbol (“2-tick”) user status in 2007, and is committed to maintaining the standards of that award, which require that we:-

• interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for a job vacancy, and to consider them on their abilities.

• ensure there is a mechanism in place to allow regular discussion with disabled employees over what both parties can do to make sure that disabled employees can develop and use their abilities to the full.

• make every effort to make sure that employees stay in employment if they become disabled.

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• take action to ensure that all employees develop the appropriate level of disability awareness needed to make sure that these commitments work.

• review these commitments each year and assess what has been achieved, plan ways to improve on them, and let employees and Jobcentre Plus know about progress and future plans.

Tackling Harassment and Discrimination

Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service is committed to tackling any form of harassment, discrimination or bullying in the workplace and we have specific procedures to deal with allegations of such behaviour. Our Respect & Professional Behaviour Policy is regularly reviewed to ensure that it reflects best practice, and training has been provided to ensure that all employees are aware of the Employee Complaints Procedure and the support and advice available if they experience harassment. We also have a Confidential Reporting Policy, which enables employees to report any instances of bad practice.

We will continue promoting and encouraging a culture and environment in which no employee feels it necessary to conceal their sexual orientation, and will facilitate and encourage our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans staff to network for mutual support, and to raise with us any issues of concern.

Physical or verbal attacks on our staff by members of the public are unacceptable and are taken extremely seriously: All such incidents will be pursued to the fullest extent possible. Incidents involving racial or homophobic abuse will be reported to the police, with a view to the prosecution of the perpetrator(s).


In line with the principles which underpin learning and development within RBFRS, as outlined in the L&D Annual Plan, it has been identified that there are 6 specific areas of Equality and Diversity training which will need to be delivered in the 2011-2015 period.

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Legislation training

Updating Managers where required through organisational briefings.

Induction training for all new staff

Ensuring that all employees are aware of expected standards of behavior, and how to raise issues that affect them.

Behavioral training

Ensuring that line managers have the skills and knowledge to support the organisation to achieve an environment where everybody is treated fairly and with respect.

Knowledge based training Language awareness

Community awareness

Training to enhance understanding of specific groups and cultures is part of a modular equality a diversity training programme. This will raise employees’ levels of confidence and sensitivity when interacting with people in the community, and help to ensure that their experience of contact with us is a positive one.

Training to undertake equality impact assessments.

Ad hoc training by request of management to address specific issues

Specialist awareness training in response to any specific issues, eg dyslexia awareness training to support individuals in the work place.

Recruitment training

Training for HR staff and others who participate in selection process, so that they understand how unconscious bias can affect their decisions.


An Impact Assessment is a documented way of deciding whether an existing or proposed policy, procedure, practice or service does, (or may), have a positive or adverse impact on some sections of society, showing clearly the thought process of the organisation. An adverse impact may often be the result of not taking into account the different needs of women or men, people of different ages and sexual orientations, black and ethnic minority groups, disabled people, people who hold a religion or belief, people who are planning, undergoing or who have undertaken gender reassignment or women going through pregnancy or a period of maternity.

It is our aim to ensure that all new projects and organizational changes will be impact assessed. This process will commence during the initial scoping stages of a project and will continue through to the implementation of any change. Any decisions will take into account the Impact Assessment findings, which will form part of any project report. All policies and procedures are reviewed at least every 3 years. A process has been put in place to ensure that all new policies, and all existing policies upon revision, are assessed for adverse impact on any minority or disadvantaged groups, whether in the community or the workforce. Where a possible adverse impact is identified in an initial screening, a fuller assessment, which includes consultation, will follow.

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The results of Impact Assessment are published on the RBFRS website. Impact Assessments of policies are publicised with the policy documents at (click on RBFRS Manuals Index). Impact Assessments of services are published under documents in the Equality Library on our website. If you are unable to access these documents via our website, please contact us.

Guidance and training have been, and will continue to be, provided to employees who are responsible for undertaking Impact Assessments.


Consultation is an essential component of our legal duties as a public body and RBFRS is committed to consulting with the community, employee representatives and stakeholders in order to improve services and promote equality in employment.

Consultation must take place at all levels of the organisation and across all functions, in particularly those providing service to the public. It should not be seen as the sole responsibility of the Human Resources team or equality and diversity specialists, and is an essential component of assessing the impact that a change to a service provision will have on local people.

We use a variety of consultation methods to ensure that we reach as wide an audience as possible and that community groups, employees and partner organisations have the opportunity to influence our decisions. Local Strategic Partnerships and forums within the Unitary Authorities also play an important role in our consultation activities. The mechanism used for consultation will always be that which is most appropriate in the specific circumstances, but may include questionnaires, focus groups, face to face, open meetings or joint working groups. Each department and service area will consult with designated community, staff and stakeholder groups on its own service delivery.

As part of the consultation process for our Integrated Risk Management Plan RBFRS has formed a Community Engagement Forum. Recruitment to this group was by invitation to members of the public, some randomly selected, others approached because we felt that they had knowledge or first hand experience of issues faced by particular groups. The intention is to reconvene the same group for future consultations, in order to build up a degree of fire service familiarity within the members.

Results of consultation exercises conducted as part of impact assessments will be published as part of the assessment document. Outcomes for other consultation exercises that involve the public will be published on our website, and by other means where appropriate.

Any member of the community, (as an individual or as a representative of a group), who feels that they could help us in making our consultation processes more inclusive is invited to contact the Senior HR Advisor (Equality & Diversity).


It is essential that the progress of this strategy is regularly monitored so that its impact can be measured and appropriate adjustments made if necessary. To this end an annual report will be made to the Fire Authority outlining progress in terms of the Equality Framework, recruitment and promotion and other relevant indicators.

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In order to meet our specific duties under the Equality Act (2010) we gather information on our workforce and on applications for employment. As good practice, and in order to try to identify disadvantage or adverse impact, we will also gather information relating to age, religion or belief, and sexual orientation. Subject to ensuring privacy, we intend to collect and publish data as follows:-

Ethnic Origin Disability Gender Age Sexual

Orientation Religion or Belief

Staff in post Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Applicants for employment, by stage reached

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Applicants for promotion Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

Those receiving training Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

Those raising grievances Yes Yes Yes Yes Those which

relate to S/O Those which relate to R/B

Harassment or bullying cases Yes Yes Yes Yes Only those

which relate Only those which relate

Those subject to formal disciplinary action

Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

Those leaving employment Yes Yes Yes Yes

If cited as a relevant factor

If cited as a relevant factor

Our aim is to publish as much information as possible. However we are conscious of the need to protect the privacy of those individuals who prefer to keep some aspects of their lives private, and will not gather or publish data which could compromise this. Employees and applicants will not be placed under any obligation to provide information relating to their sexual orientation or religion, and any data provided will only be accessible to the Senior HR Advisor (Equality & Diversity). We do not routinely monitor the faith and sexual orientation of our existing employees because we do not wish to hold this data on our HR database, but we do take opportunities for employees to provide this information anonymously in employee surveys.

The results that we obtain from monitoring will be published annually and used to help us to determine whether any of our policies have an adverse impact on any group of staff, (so that we can take steps to remedy it), or a positive impact, (so that we can ensure that we build on it). More work needs to be done on employee monitoring in terms of career progression, but this will only really be meaningful when we have more recruits from under-represented groups.

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Some monitoring of equality data of service users now takes place, but we recognise that there are circumstances when it would be impracticable or insensitive to do so.

We will aim to analyse and publish information that will help us to identify if any groups are at particular risk (beyond those that we are already aware of), or are less satisfied with our service. The results of monitoring are attached as an Annex to this Strategy and will also be published on our website.



Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service works in partnership with many other public agencies across Berkshire. We have a shared responsibility to ensure that these partnerships take account of the General Duty to promote equality, and that all members of the partnership are aware of our commitments and obligations. We will seek to ensure that the objectives of all partnership arrangements that we engage in consider equality aspects.


It is important that our policies and practices are reinforced by engaging suppliers that reflect our commitment to the General Duty to promote equality and eliminate unlawful discrimination.

When a contract for services or goods is put out to tender, we require all suppliers to provide us with evidence of their eligibility to be awarded a contract. This includes information on their equal opportunities policies and whether they have been found at fault at an employment tribunal in relation to an equality issue.

We recognise that Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) often find it difficult to access contracts to supply public sector organisations. We are also aware that this difficulty may impact proportionally more on those BME communities which have a higher than average involvement with SMEs. We will therefore strive to make opportunities to supply to RBFRS as widely available as possible within the constraints of competitive tendering legislation and national ‘value for money’ arrangements.

Consideration will be given to the access needs as part of the planning for all new building work and refurbishment projects. This will ensure we have improved access to premises and other facilities, for example, by providing ramped access and hearing loop facilities.


RBFRS has a 3-year Equality Action Plan to deliver the actions arising from this strategy. These actions have in the past been taken primarily from our Single Equality Scheme and from the results of Impact Assessment of our services. The plan is published annually and reviewed regularly as a working document. Following this full review of the Equality Scheme and Strategy, which has taken into account national changes, the Action Plan has been significantly reviewed and reprioritised and the proposed Plan is attached as an Appendix, together with a copy of the previous plan with updates.

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This is an active document which will be reviewed updated regularly. The current version will be published on our website. KEY:- CMT – Corporate Management Team

SHRA(OS) – Senior Human Resources Advisor (Organisational Support) WT - Wholetime RDS – Retained Duty System

Not Achieved Target still achievable Achieved

Ref & PIA ref





Equality focus and position at July 2013

1 Migrate to the Equality Framework for Local Government (EFLG)

Self assessment at Achieving level completed.

SHRA(OS) 31/03/2013

Race, Sexual Orientation. Religion, Age, Gender, Disability

Following discussions at the Community and Engagement Equality Group (CEEG) it was agreed that RBFRS would shelve this action due to the extensive work load requirements in order to document the achievement to the standards required. Members of CEEG felt the resource would be better spent in current times ensuring equality was undertaken in line with legislative requirements and subsumed into


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day to day activities and projects. The decision to review the feasibility of continuing with this action has been scheduled for April 2014.

2 Closely monitor case law developments in relation to the removal of the Default Retirement Age and amend policies to comply

Simple, workable policies that are legally compliant and reflect best practice.

SHRA(OS) 30/6/2013 Age

A review was undertaken in HR looking at legislation current case law and best practice. It was identified that in order to retain a default retirement age not only would decision to retain need to be justified which would be possible but the decision to identify what that age should be would need to be justified and without extensive research this could not be identified. All policies now reflect no retirement age and cases must be managed on an individual basis.

3 Develop new WT mentor scheme to include RDS and non-operational staff

New staff members staff feel supported

SHRA(OS), Learning & Development

31/12/2013 Race, Sexual Orientation. Religion, Age, Gender, Disability

This action is still ongoing although it should be noted at this stage; due to the limited long term recruitment activity this action has not been given a high priority.

4 Extend employee Baseline and tool for SRA(OS) Next Race, Sexual Orientation, Age,


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satisfaction analysis to include age, sexual orientation, disability and ethnic origin.

measuring improvements

Employee Survey

Disability No Employee Satisfaction Survey has been completed to date.

5 Encourage and support applications to Retained Duty System stations, particularly from women.

More recruits to RDS SHR(OS) Retained Support Unit

30/6/2013 Gender The introduction of the Retained Support Officer Posts (RSO) has resulted in increased activity to promote RDS applications. RDS recruitment activity saw a total of 53 applicants in 2012/13, while this figure is double 2010-11 statistics in is only half 2011/12 applicants. Despite the fact that every effort has been made to encourage female applicants the results show we have not been successful in our endeavours.

6 Review equality monitoring information – content and means of publication

Meaningful data to support decision making, accessible to the public, compliant with guidance

SHRA(OS), Heads of Service Delivery departments

30/9/13 Race, Sexual Orientation. Religion, Age, Gender, Disability Statistical information now produced annually in line with legislative requirements, review will be ongoing to ensure information is appropriate to the needs of the organisation.


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7 Deliver Deaf Awareness training to non-uniformed ‘front line’ staff

Staff confident and effective engaging with members of the public who are deaf

SHRA(OS), external trainer

30/9/13 Disability Sessions have now been completed and non-uniformed front line staff have been trained where requested.

8 Explore production of an ‘easy read’ version of key corporate documents

More people able to engage with RBFRS

SHRA(OS) Corporate Comms

21/3/14 Disability, Race On going – not completed to date

9 Where the opportunity presents, attend at least one major careers event for school/college pupils per year per Unitary area.

Raised awareness of career opportunities and possibilities among young people in under-represented groups

HR 31/12/13 Gender, Race, Disability, Religion Attended all Unitary Authority arranged career events to which we were invited.

10 Communicate revised Performance & Development Interview process.

Increased focus on behaviour in line with RBFRS values as a key component of performance

SHRA(OS) 31/3/2013 Race, Sexual Orientation. Religion, Age, Gender, Disability Documents reviewed and published Station Managers / Watch Mangers meetings attended to promote changes along with Routine Order articles.

11 Review Employee Complaints process

Improved clarity and workability

SHRA(OS) 31/12/2012

Race, Sexual Orientation. Religion, Age, Gender, Disability The relevant policies have been re-drafted and are in consultation with the FBU there are issues we are currently resolving to ensure the final documents are fit for purpose. This review was delayed


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due to the decision to incorporate recommendations following a DAG (Discipline and Grievance) hearing.

12 Produce written guidance to support Know your Community training

Ongoing support for staff learning

SHRA(OS) 31/3/2014 Race, Religion, Disability On going – a Micro-website is under construction which will provide useful information to members of staff (it has been identified as low priority as the information is available albeit in other formats)

13 Ensure new HQ building

conforms to Approved Document M of the Buildings Regulations.

Building accessible and easy to use by disabled people

Project Manager Until imple-mentation

Disability On going - Current involvement suggests the building will be compliant

14 Ensure People Impact Assessments are conducted for all proposed changes arising from austerity measures

Legal compliance Project Managers, CMT

Ongoing All While the legal requirement for completion of equality impact assessments has been removed there is still a requirement to be able to demonstrate consideration of impact as such it was agreed at the Community and Engagement Equality Group that where necessary People Impact Assessments would continue.


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IRMP projects continue to be impact assessed – either through a full people impact assessment or where impacts are minimal through documented considerations in the report.

15 Undertake a more detailed analysis of the reasons younger applicants are less successful at the shortlisting stage for non-uniformed posts

Improved guidance for applicants

SHRA(OS) HR Adviser (Recruitment)

30/9/13 (but depends on number of


Age To date this action has not commenced – the freeze on WT Recruiting has reduced the opportunity to gather enough statistical information required to undertake the research necessary - this has been identified as a low priority action.

16 SS8 / SS9

Operational Equipment Review sizing of Gas Tight Suits, including boot sizes

Positive feedback from users following post implementation review

Engineering Support Manager & Research & Equipment Officer

Long term to be carried forward to 2015

Gender, Race On going - no action to date

17 R4 / HR 16

Catering issues Review provision of emergency catering in relation to diabetic staff, allergies, and religious requirements

Group Manager Response


Faith, Disability An employee survey and report completed in November 2012 identified current provisions meet the requirements of the workforce


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18 CC1 CC3 CC8

Website Improve RBFRS website accessibility and content, and consider additional media channels.

This will be progressed via corporate communications but also other departments within RBFRS

Corporate Communications Manager

Start review by 31/3/2012 Complete review by 31/03/2013

Disability, Race Following external review this is currently being reviewed but due to resourcing issues it has not been actioned in line with the time frame. RBFRS has started to utilise social networking site – Twitter as an additional media channel.

19 P2&F1

Purchasing & Procurement Review our commissioning documentation to ensure that the supplier gives adequate attention to equality issues in the service they provide.

Procurement & Facilities Manager


All RBFRS have PQQs which fully address the requirements of equality issues for suppliers. In order to ensure suppliers who do not meet requirements are given every opportunity of success for future contracts the questionnaires are now marked in full and a briefing on where aspects do not reach the required standard is provided to all unsuccessful companies.


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1.1 To provide the Fire Authority members with a review of the Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service (RBFRS) accident statistics for the period 1st April, 2012 – 31st March 2013 (Appendix A) and the overall health and safety performance against the set objectives 2012 – 2013 (Appendix B). Appendix C sets out the current health and safety objectives and action plan for 2013 – 2014.


2.1 That the Fire Authority Note the report.


3.1 The RBFRS health and safety management system is based upon the Health and Safety Executive‟s model HSG65 – “Successful health and safety management”. The key sections of the model are Policy, Organising, Planning and Implementation, Monitoring, and Audit and Review. This model has also recently been endorsed as best practice by the Department of Communities and Local Government – Fire and Rescue Authorities, Health, safety and welfare framework for the operational environment (June 2013).

3.2 To assist in meeting the monitoring section of the model, the health and safety objectives recognise the importance of collating data and learning from outcomes, as well as identifying objectives to improve health and safety performance.

3.3 Progress on these objectives and health and safety performance is regularly reported to the Health, Safety and Welfare Committee (HSWC), Corporate Management Team (CMT) and the Fire Authority. Performance information is also available through the Intranet. HSWC is attended by the Fire Authority Health and Safety Member Champion in order to provide the highest level of contribution and involvement. CMT have adopted the Institute of Directors (IOD) “Leading health and safety at work” model, as best practice, which


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includes the health and safety checklist as a method of monitoring health and safety performance at board level.

3.4 RBFRS set health and safety targets and objectives for a one year period, however it is acknowledged some objectives may extend over a longer period or be repeated in a subsequent year to ensure continued improvement and to provide a baseline.

3.5 The outcome of the targets and objectives are reported within the Annual Report, with the following year targets and objectives being included within the Corporate Plan.


4.1 Good and proactive health and safety management reduces risk in the workplace, which will also reduce the financial and legal obligations upon both the Service and the Authority.

4.2 There are no environmental or equality implications arising from this report.


5.1 There are no implications arising from the report.


6.1 Health and safety runs through all aspects of RBFRS and as such, contributes to all of the strategic commitments.


7.1 All previous, current and proposed health and safety objectives are internally consulted upon. The objectives are then agreed and endorsed by the Health, Safety and Welfare Committee, CMT and the Fire Authority.


8.1 Agenda and Minutes of the Health, Safety and Welfare Committee 6th March, 2013.

8.2 Agenda and Minutes of the Fire Authority 26th September, 2012.


9.1 Acting Chief Fire Officer

The Acting Chief Fire Officer has noted this report. 9.2 Director of Resources

The Director of Resources has noted this report. 9.3 Director, Corporate Services

The Director of Corporate Services has noted this report.


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Item 13

Author: Tracey Mitchell Head of Health and Safety 0118 9384820

Sponsored by: A/DCFO Paul Southern Director of Strategy and Risk Management 0118 9384800

Date of report: 10th Sept, 2013


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Item 13 Appendix A

APPENDIX A – ACCIDENT STATISTICS 1. Total number of injury accidents and near misses 1.1 The following chart shows comparisons of the number of injury accidents and near misses from 1st April 2012 to the 31st March 2013 against previous years.

2. Comparison of accidents by category 2.1 The following charts show comparisons of the number of accidents and near misses defined by the RIDDOR reporting categories.


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3. Accident summary At 80, the number of accidents for the period 2012-13 has reduced by 11 incidents on last year and is the lowest it has been in over five years, which represents a 13% decrease. 4. Causes of injury 4.1 The following table shows the causes of injury as a percentage over the last five years Cause of injury 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Manual handling 36 15 11 27 18 Slip and trip 20 15 26 19 16 Struck fixed object 9 16 13 19 19 Struck moving object 5 13 19 18 10 Exposure to heat 9 11 6 5 6 Exposure to haz substance 0 1 4 3 0 RTC 0 2 0 0 3 Falls 3 0 7 1 1 Burn 0 1 0 0 4 Smoke inhalation 0 0 0 0 0 Fitness (new category for 2012/13)

- - - - 8

Other* 18 26 14 8 15

* The 15% of „other‟ category accidents noted in the „causes of injury‟ table, equates to 12 actual incidents. Five of these incidents involved the appliances/vehicles. The injuries were jarred backs, strained knees and hamstrings whilst mounting or dismounting the appliance. 5. Days lost due to accidents 5.1 The following chart show comparisons across the last five years. The data has been taken from Human Resources sickness monitoring reports.


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15 workplace accidents resulted in 59 duty days lost to sickness compared with 113 duty days from 29 accidents in the previous year. 6. RIDDOR major injury There was one RIDDOR reportable major injury during this period. A fire fighter suffered heat induced illness after training in the fire house. An ambulance was called and the fire fighter was monitored, however no treatment was required. The injured party booked fit for duty the following day. 7. RIDDOR days lost 7.1 The RIDDOR regulations changed on April 1st 2012. The duty to report days lost due to accidents changed from over 3 days (3 day +) to over 7 days (7 day +). RBFRS had six 7 day + reportable accidents. These were:

Shelving in the drying room collapsed where a fire fighter was sitting on it, whilst changing clothes, resulting in an injured back and 16 days lost.

Two incidents whilst running out hose, resulting in 18 and 21 days lost due to twisted ankles.

Whilst fire fighting at a third party training facility, a fire-fighter suffered burns to his arms.

Whilst gaining entry to a premises using a sledge hammer, a fire-fighter slipped on a step straining his groin.

During a Chester step test a fire-fighter experienced pain to both shins. Test had to be stopped.

7.2 RBFRS continue to record 3 day + sickness for our records. Over this period there were six events, resulting in a total of 12, which is 25% lower than the 16 3 day + reported last year.


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Item 13 Appendix A

8. RIDDOR Dangerous Occurrences 8.1 RBFRS had three reportable RIDDOR dangerous occurrences during 2012-13, compared with six last year, all were breathing apparatus malfunctions. These were:

Air continuously flowed through the lung demand valve rather than „on- demand‟. The investigation found debris between two sealing faces of a component in the lung demand valve.

The lung demand valve was letting by air. The cause was found to be a piece of food stuck in the lung demand valve.

A bodyguard unit started to go in to self test mode. This was caused by the seizing of a spring loaded contact pin in the unit.

9. Non- RIDDOR near misses 9.1 There were two near misses classified as „major‟ as per the service protocols. These were:

Contractors were erecting a scaffold tower to repair a light fitting with the appliance room bay doors not being isolated. The doors opened, making contact with the tower, causing it to tilt over onto two legs. A Working Group has been appointed to review contractor working arrangements.

Whilst reversing the Heavy Rescue Unit, a loud bang was heard. It was found that the mechanic had left the vehicle jacked up after changing a tyre. This has been followed up with the contractor.

10. Fitness 10.1 Of the six fitness related accidents, five happened whilst using the treadmill. The injuries were strains to knees, calf, shins and neck. 11. Musculoskeletal Accidents 11.1 Accidents involving lifting and carrying equipment, which can also lead to slips and trips and pulled muscles have continued to be an area of focus for RBFRS. Over the past 6 months, all operational staff completed a focused manual handling training session in the workplace, based on previous common causes of accidents such as pitching ladders, carrying equipment and running out hose. RBFRS will continue to monitor progress in this area and work on the feedback from the courses. 12. Benchmarking 12.1 There continues to be a lack of benchmarking information nationally within the Fire and Rescue Service (FRS), with the only published information for this being the Department for Communities and Local Government document “Fire and Rescue – Operational Statistics Bulletin for England 2011-12, which was published in September 2012. In relation to health and safety information this document gives some brief information on accidents across England with no comparative data available by individual Fire and Rescue Services.


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West Midlands Fire and Rescue Service sent out a FINDS message earlier this year in an attempt to produce some common data, however they only received 12 returns, including RBFRS and when requested had no comparative information available. A CFOA South East Health and Safety meeting to address the lack of comparative data took place on 22nd August 2013. The groups intention is to agree some common reporting areas. The group agreed that a common reporting system would be beneficial and work is progressing in this area. RBFRS hope to be in a position to report such information next year. 13. Progress on other planned health and safety work activities during 2012-2013 The Health and Safety Department have been working on a number of other projects.

Following a staff resignation, the department has reduced from 4 to 3. The Health and Safety Assistant post has been removed from the structure resulting in 3 full time posts; Health and Safety Adviser, Senior Health and Safety Adviser and Head of Health and Safety. The department is fully qualified and all members are RoSPA Auditors. The changes have resulted in a budget saving of £18k in 2013/14.

A peer review RoSPA Quality Safety Audit took place in January 2013 and the service achieved a Safety Rating Score of 91%, which is the highest score achieved within the CFOA South East Region to date. This is an improvement on the previous score of 78%, which was achieved in 2006. The report has now been received and finalised and recommendations included in the Health and Safety Department‟s work plan for future improvements. The matters relate to minor areas in processes and procedures.

The H&S department continue to be active members of the CFOA Regional Risk Assessment Group, which is in place to review and validate the “Ways of Working” risk assessments which have been developed by the Collaborative Partnership.

A number of external accident reports have been received ie Marlie Farm (East Sussex FRS fatal fire-fighter accident) and Shirley Towers (Hampshire FRS fatal fire-fighter accident). Working Groups are in place to review the outcomes of these reports and to assist in learning for RBFRS.

Following a Health and Safety Executive visit in September 2012, regarding

Breathing Apparatus failures in RBFRS, an action plan was developed and actions completed.

The number of near misses during this period has increased from 49 to 64 (31% increase). This is seen as a positive outcome due to the lower number of near misses reported previously. It is believed that with the introduction of the electronic reporting system along with active promotion has assisted in this.


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The Head of Health and Safety completed a research project in psychosocial hazards and the effects on psychological wellbeing in ageing Fire Fighters for an MSc in Workplace Health (University of Nottingham). The outcomes of the research will be used in future development of policies for an ageing workforce.


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Item 13 Appendix B

APPENDIX B - HEALTH AND SAFETY OBJECTIVES FOR 2012 – 2013 Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service (RBFRS) are committed to provide its employees with safe and healthy conditions of work. To assist in the delivery of the RBFRS strategic objective for people, “to maintain a safe, competent and motivated workforce,” these objectives have been developed taking into account a mix of proactive and reactive data from performance, feedback, audit and best practice, assisting us in reducing accidents and ill-health arising from work activities. These objectives also support the Health and Safety Executive‟s “Health and Safety Strategy of Great Britain – Be part of the solution”, launched in 2009 and which continues to date. These objectives are documented and monitored within the Health and Safety Service Plan. The Health and Safety Action Plan summarises the responsibilities, actions and performance measures for these objectives. Objective 1 – Corporate health and safety, to ensure strong health and safety leadership To progress this objective, RBFRS will:

1.1 Assess Health and Safety Leadership by completing the Annual Review of the Institute of Directors (IOD) Health and Safety Checklist with the Corporate Management Team, to monitor previous actions and identify any new areas of concern. (Frequency to be reviewed).

1.2 Promote Health and Safety within the Fire Authority by regular reporting of Health and Safety performance and information.

Objective 2 – Monitoring, measuring and evaluating health and safety performance, to ensure we focus and improve on the key health and safety issues To progress this objective, RBFRS must monitor health and safety performance and ensure that we are learning from our past performance by identifying trends which will lead to:

2.1 Fewer work related accidents.

2.2 A reduction of the number of days lost due to accidents.

2.3 A reduction in the number of accidents resulting in more than 3 days sickness absence and RIDDOR accidents. Please note that the Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) were amended on the 6th April 2012. The over-three-day injury requirement has changed, and the trigger point has increased from more than 3 days to more than 7 days


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Item 13 Appendix B

absence or that the injured party was unable to work as they would reasonably be expected to do as part of their normal work.

Employers are still required by the regulations, to keep a record of all over 3 day accidents.

2.4 A reduction in the number of RIDDOR dangerous occurrence breathing apparatus failures.

2.5 Increased awareness and information for reporting of near misses, to identify trends in near miss/under reporting and prevent accidents occurring.

To ensure we identify and act on issues arising from monitoring and audit:

2.6 All Workplace Inspections must be completed on time.

2.7 Regular Health and Safety Department visits will be made to each Station.

2.8 To maintain the high standards achieved in the previous CFOA South East Region Peer Health and Safety Group RoSPA Quality Safety Audit.

2.9 Implement where appropriate and monitor the actions arising from our internal audits and inspections.

Objective 3 - Creating healthier, safer workplaces This objective supports the Health and Safety Executive‟s vision for improving the working environment. Progress will be made by focusing on key areas within the workplace and during work activities. We will ensure that:

3.1 Health and safety is promoted in the workplace (based on trends and best practice).

3.2 Health and safety is effectively managed and monitored in RBFRS buildings through active monitoring, the Premises Defects Procedure and capital buildings programme to meet legislative health and safety requirements in the workplace.

3.3 Managing stress in the workplace in a changing environment is monitored by risk assessment and through ill-health referrals and access to the Employee Assistance Provider.

3.4 Policies and procedures are developed to manage new and emerging issues in health, safety and welfare in the workplace.


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Item 13 Appendix B


Key: CFO – Chief Fire Officer / ACFO – Director of Strategy and Risk Management / HR - Head of Response / HHR – Head of Human Resources/ HP – Head of Property / HHS – Head of Health and Safety / HLD – Head of Learning and Development. RIDDOR – Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, RoSPA QSA – Royal Society of the Prevention of Accidents Quality, Safety Audit. Note: Base line figures were those at 31st March 2012

Objective Responsible Officer

Target / Timescale


1.1 Complete annual check of Institute of Directors Health and Safety Checklist

CFO 31/10/12 Due to workloads, this has been postponed until the new CFO is appointed.

1.2 Provision of regular reports to the Fire Authority on health and safety performance

CFO/ACFO 31/3/13 Progress has been reported through the H&S Champion‟s report and is included in the HR Monitoring report of sickness absence. An annual report of health and safety performance is made to the Fire Authority.

2.1 To have fewer work related accidents

All / HHS 5% reduction by 31/3/13

Baseline: 91 injury accidents. We had 80 work related accidents, a 13% decrease.

2.2 To reduce the number of days lost due to accidents

All/HHS 2.5% reduction by 31/3/13

Baseline: 113 sickness days lost. We had 59 sickness days lost due to accidents, a 48% decrease.

2.3 To reduce the number of RIDDOR reportable injuries and diseases

All/HHS 5% reduction by 31/3/13

Baseline: 17 RIDDOR reportable injuries (2 Major, 15 >3 days). The reporting criteria changed and we now only report over 7 day accidents.


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Item 13 Appendix B

Based on the original criteria of over 3 day accidents being reported, we still had a decrease. 12 accidents would have fallen into both categories. A decrease of 29%.

2.4 To reduce the number of RIDDOR reportable dangerous occurrence Breathing Apparatus (BA) failures

HR/HLD/HHS Not to exceed 6 BA RIDDOR by 31/3/13

Baseline: 6 BA RIDDOR reportable. There were 3 BA RIDDOR reportable incidents during this period.

2.6 Ensure all Workplace Inspections are being completed on time

HR/HLD/HHS 31/3/13 Baseline: 100%. All workplace inspections were completed for this period.

2.7 Health and Safety Department audits of each station

HHS 31/3/13 Programme for visits to be devised in line with the Central Team Audits. The H&S Department have taken part in a number of audits however due to changes in the programme and a change to the department structure we have not completed all audits.

3.1 Promoting health and safety in the workplace

HHS 31/3/13 Manual Handling and Noise are the 2 main areas of focus for our health and safety campaigns. There has been a focus on Manual Handling training and a programme has now been completed to deliver training via the L&D Department to all operational staff. Following the training there are a number of areas to focus on and which will be included in future objectives. A noise survey has been completed


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Item 13 Appendix B

and noise assessments are currently being devised. Noise will continue to be an objective.

3.2 Monitoring health and safety related premises defects identified by workplace inspections and seek a reduction in defect numbers.

HP 31/3/13 Baseline: 41 health and safety related defects reported from analysis of the workplace inspections 01/12. There were 39 health and safety related defects reported from the analysis of inspections 01/13.

3.3 Managing stress in the workplace, monitoring the number of referrals to Occupational Health and completing the Annual Review of the Stress Risk Assessment and Action Plan

HHR/HHS 31/3/13 Monitor and review the stress action plan with the Corporate Management Team. Carry out a review of the corporate stress risk assessment. Consider the outcomes of the in-house research on ageing fire fighters and psychological wellbeing. The stress action plan continues to be reviewed and provide a focus for action. The stress risk assessment has been reviewed. In house research has been completed.

Not meeting target Within 5% of target Target being met Not started


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Item 13 Appendix C


Key: CFO – Chief Fire Officer / ACFO – Director of Strategy and Risk Management / HR - Head of Response / HHR – Head of Human Resources/ HP – Head of Property / HHS – Head of Health and Safety / HLD – Head of Learning and Development. RIDDOR – Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, RoSPA QSA – Royal Society of the Prevention of Accidents Quality, Safety Audit.

Note: Base line figures were those at 31st March 2012

Objective Responsible Officer

Target / Timescale


1.1 Complete annual check of Institute of Directors Health and Safety Checklist

CFO 31/10/13

1.2 Provision of regular reports to the Fire Authority on health and safety performance

CFO/ACFO 31/03/14 Reporting to the Management Committee, H&S Champions report and included in the HR Monitoring report of sickness absence. An annual report of health and safety performance to the Fire Authority.

2.1 To have fewer work related accidents

All / HHS 31/03/14 Baseline: 80

2.2 To reduce the number of days lost due to accidents

All/HHS 31/03/14 Baseline: 59

2.3 To reduce the number of RIDDOR reportable injuries and diseases

All/HHS 31/03/14 Baseline: 10

2.4 To reduce the number of RIDDOR reportable dangerous occurrence Breathing Apparatus (BA) failures

HR/HLD/HHS 31/03/14 Baseline: 3


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2.6 Ensure all Workplace Inspections are being completed on time

HR/HHS 31/03/14 Baseline: 100%

2.7 Health and Safety Department audits of each station

HHS 31/03/14 Programme for visits to be devised in line with the Central Team Audits.

2.8 Agree recommendations with managers and develop an action plan, following the outcomes of the CFOA SE RoSPA Audit.

HHS 01/05/13

3.1 Promoting health and safety in the workplace

HHS 31/03/14 Noise. New areas will be based on audit recommendations.

3.2 Monitoring health and safety related premises defects identified by workplace inspections and seek a reduction in defect numbers.

HP 31/03/14 Baseline: 39

3.3 Managing stress in the workplace, monitoring the number of referrals to Occupational Health and completing the Annual Review of the Stress Risk Assessment and Action Plan

HHR/HHS 31/12/13 Monitor and review the stress action plan with the Corporate Management Team. Carry out a review of the corporate stress risk assessment. Consider the outcomes of the in-house research on ageing fire fighters and psychological wellbeing.

Not meeting target Within 5% of target Target being met Not started


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Item 14









To inform members of revenue and capital outturns against budgets up to the end of August 2013.


2.1 That the Fire Authority NOTE the report.



3.1 Revenue expenditure to 31 August 2013 is shown in summary form in Appendix

A and in more detail in Appendix B. A further breakdown of expenditure that comprises Supplies – Other is shown in Appendix C.

3.2 The on-going policy of not recruiting firefighters partly explains the underspend on the uniformed employee budget. Secondly, as in previous years, the on-going trend for expenditure on retained firefighters remains substantially below budget despite the work of the Retained Support Unit.

3.3 Non-uniformed costs are currently below budget. Recruitment is underway to fill essential posts. Substantial savings arising from the deletion of vacant non-essential posts have already been built into the budget for 2013/14.

3.4 Expenditure on the Other Employee Costs line is higher than the profiled budget due to recruitment costs of filling senior positions in the organisation.

3.5 Legal costs are running ahead of the profiled budget because of additional expenditure incurred in relation to the Authority’s major projects and programmes.

Capital 3.6 Capital expenditure to the end of August 2013 is £105,000 and is shown in

Appendix D.



4.1 The revenue outturn is £330,000 below budget at the end of August 2013.


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Item 14


5.1 This report complies with the Fire Authority’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.


6.1 There are no direct implications arising from this report.


7.1 There are no direct implications.


8.1 Agenda and Minutes, Royal Berkshire Fire Authority: 20 February 2013


9.1 Acting Chief Fire Officer

The Acting Chief Fire Officer has noted this report.

9.2 Director of Resources

Report author.

9.3 Director, Corporate Services

The Director of Corporate Services has noted this report Author: Andrew Vallance

Director of Resources and Authority Treasurer 0118 938 4700

Date of report: 11 September 2013


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Royal Berkshire Fire Authority

Financial Position as at: 31 Aug 2013

Latest to Aug 13 to Aug 13 to Aug 13Budget Budget Outturn Variance

£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000

Employees 25,226 10,285 10,018 (267)Premises 1,908 730 720 (10)Supplies 3,128 1,478 1,404 (74)Contracted 337 116 169 53Transport 1,330 432 412 (20)Pensions 378 110 100 (10)Income (545) (240) (244) (4)Debt Charges 397 19 19 0Investments (23) (10) (8) 2Revenue Funding Of Capital 463 0 0 0Contribution from Reserves 1,366 0 0 0Minimum Revenue Provision 527 0 0 0

(Surplus) / Deficit 34,492 12,920 12,590 (330)












Revenue Outturn 2013/14

Budget Outturn

Item 14 Appendix A


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Latest to Aug 13 to Aug 13 to Aug 13Budget Budget Outturn Variance

£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000EMPLOYEE COSTSUniformed 19,794 8,020 7,778 (242) 19,344Non-uniformed 5,029 2,096 2,053 (43) 5,029Training 278 117 100 (17) 278Other 125 52 87 35 160

25,226 10,285 10,018 (267) 24,811

PREMISESRepairs and Maintenance 726 202 200 (2) 726Rates 653 326 328 2 653Cleaning 187 66 63 (3) 187Utilities 342 136 129 (7) 342

1,908 730 720 (10) 1,908

SUPPLIESInsurance 372 196 198 2 372Equipment 805 474 470 (4) 805Clothing / PPE 329 116 108 (8) 329Communications 783 349 346 (3) 783Occupational Health 175 62 49 (13) 175Print/Stationery/Publications/Subscriptions 163 71 53 (18) 163Hydrant Repairs 63 26 29 3 63Community Fire Safety Supplies 58 31 17 (14) 58Other * 380 153 134 (19) 380

3,128 1,478 1,404 (74) 3,128

CONTRACTSLegal 80 34 78 44 130Other 257 82 91 9 257

337 116 169 53 387

TRANSPORTVehicle Running Costs 976 305 291 (14) 976Transport Leasing / Hire Charges 10 4 3 (1) 10Travel 344 123 118 (5) 344

1,330 432 412 (20) 1,330

PENSIONS 378 110 100 (10) 378

INCOMEFees & Charges (110) (33) (19) 14 (110)Other (435) (207) (225) (18) (435)

(545) (240) (244) (4) (545)

NET COST OF SERVICES 31,762 12,911 12,579 (332) 31,397

DEBT CHARGESInterest 397 19 19 0 397

INVESTMENTSInterest (23) (10) (8) 2 (23)

NET OPERATING EXPENDITURE 32,136 12,920 12,590 (330) 31,771




34,492 12,920 12,590 (330) 34,127

* The different types of expenditure contained within this line are shown in Appendix C(SURPLUS) / DEFICIT

Full-year Forecast

Detailed Revenue Budget

Item 14 Appendix B


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Types of expenditure contained within SUPPLIES - Other

Latest to Aug 13 to Aug 13Budget Budget Outturn

£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000Joint Control & Collaboration 107 10 10 0Strategic Misc 10 4 10 6Catering 92 38 21 (17)IS Maintenance 22 9 1 (8)Postage 17 7 9 2Performance & Review 14 6 6 0Subscriptions & Conferences 41 31 23 (8)Precept Leaflet 0 0 1 1Fit for Duty 5 2 0 (2)Medical Costs 17 7 7 0Health & Safety Misc 8 3 2 (1)Financial Services 19 13 12 (1)Equal Ops 3 1 0 (1)Other Misc 25 22 32 10

380 153 134 (19)

SUPPLIES - OtherVariance

Item 14 Appendix C


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Original Latest Profiled Actual VarianceBudget Budget Budget Outturn against

2013/14 2013/14 to Aug to Aug Profile£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000


Drill Tower - Slough 99 0 0An application for planning permission needs to be made before this work can commence.

Refurbishment of new HQ 4,910 4,284 3 3 0 Refurbishment works are underway.

Breathing Apparatus - telemetry 194 0 0 Scoping work on this project is currently being undertaken.

Forest Water Tender 310 0 0£125k will be spent by Sept 2013, project will be completed by Dec 2013

Water Tenders 207 0 0 Tender deferred to 2014/15 due to uncertainties in IRMP

Light Vehicles 125 125 16 16 0£40k will be spent by Dec 2013, project will be completed by Mar 2014

Light Vehicle Recovery Replacement 120 79 79 0 Will complete by Oct 2013

Conversion of Water Rescue Unit 15 7 7 0 Will complete by Oct 2013

Total 5,035 5,354 105 105 0

CLG General Capital Grant 965


Capital Programme 2013/14

Item 14 Appendix D


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MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ROYAL BERKSHIRE FIRE AUTHORITY’S STRATEGIC ASSET MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Held on: Tuesday 9 July 2013 at 5.30 pm At: Hungerford Fire Station, Church Street, Hungerford, Berkshire RG17 0JD.

Members: *Councillor Christine Bateson Councillor Paul Bryant *Councillor Adrian Edwards (Vice Chairman) Councillor Paul Gittings *Councillor Pauline Helliar-Symons Councillor Chris Maskell *Councillor Tom McCann *Councillor Angus Ross (Chairman) *present In attendance:

Olaf Baars (Acting Chief Fire Officer, Acting CFO)

Andy Haste (Head of Transportation and Engineering, HTE) Andy Mancey (Acting Assistant Chief Fire Officer) Carolyn Rowe (Committee Manager, CM) Paul Southern (Acting Deputy Chief Fire Officer, ADCFO) Andrew Vallance (Director Resources, DR) Action 233. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE

Apologies were received from Cllr Paul Bryant, Cllr Paul Gittings and Cllr Chris Maskell.

234. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Chairman declared that he was a Member of the Sponsoring Group for the Joint Thames Valley Fire Control Service.


Resolved: a) That the part I minutes of the meeting held on the 30 April 2013 be

agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, and

b) That the part I minutes of the meeting held on the 26 June 2013 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


The Chairman welcomed Andy Haste, Head of Transportation and Engineering, (HTE) who outlined the report, and provided an update on which assets - previously leased - have since been purchased. HTE stated the intention to report to the next SAM C meeting with a review of the profile, to include the vehicle replacement period. He added that the report would incorporate an up to date position which assets were leased and which had been purchased. The Director of Resources (DR) advised that from 1998 – 2004, because of



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borrowing restrictions, leasing was undertaken. As the leases were coming to an end, they are reviewed and either extended, bought out, or relinquished. It was unlikely that there would be any leased transport in the fleet in 2-3 years time. In answer to Member questions the following points were made: - budgets reflect the allowance made for exchange rate and inflation variation; - RBFRS works with other fire authorities (FAs) if going to market, to lever volume discounts; - traditionally a consortium of 11 FAs has been used - framework agreements mean that the market is not always used. - to address the different workload/ usage across different stations, new engines have traditionally been put in whole time stations, and then passed down to retained stations, although this is not now always the case. - training vehicles tend to be past their half life, although there is benefit to the experience gained by using more up to date equipment, and there is resilience in being able to use this if there is a major incident. The Chairman thanked HTE and said that it was useful to have an overview of the Transport Assets. He asked that in addition to the report at the next meeting, a report be brought to SAM C annually. Resolved:


That the report be noted.

237. DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING Tuesday 8 October 2013 at Mortimer Fire Station (Station 11). There will

also be a tour of the station. Members agreed to hold the meeting at Mortimer rather than at Whitley Wood.

238. EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as

amended), the public be excluded from the meeting for the following Agenda Items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the Paragraph 1, 2 and 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the said Act indicated and is exempt information if, and so long as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.

239. PART II MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 30 APRIL 2013 Resolved: That the Part II Minutes of the meeting held on 30 April 2013 be Approved

for signing by the Chairman.

240. NEW BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS UPDATE Members had agreed that the update be included as one item under part II, because of the commercially sensitive information included.

Resolved: a) That the report be noted, and

b) That the recommendations as set out in the report be Agreed.


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The DR introduced the update report, and it was Resolved:

That the report be noted.


Members received a verbal update on current property issues, and it was Resolved:

That the verbal update be noted.


Members considered the bulletin which was tabled. Resolved:

That the bulletin be noted

The meeting finished at 7.00 pm, followed by a tour of the Station.


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Held on Wednesday 7 August 2013 at 6.30pm

Strategic Command Centre, Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service, 103 Dee Road, Tilehurst, Reading RG30 4FS

Committee Members:

*Councillor Phillip Bicknell Councillor Jeff Brooks *Councillor Colin Dudley (Chairman) *Councillor Paul Gittings (from 8.05pm) *Councillor Pauline Helliar-Symons (Vice-Chairman) *Councillor Edward Plenty *Councillor Angus Ross *Councillor Alan Ward * present.

In Attendance:

Eddie Cardoso (Station Manager, Performance Review, SMPR) Andy Haste (Head of Transport and Engineering, HTE) Andy Mancey (Acting Assistant Chief Fire Officer, AACFO) Nick Oxborough ( Group Manager Performance and Review, GMPR) Caroline Redzikowska (Director, Corporate Services DCS) Carolyn Rowe (Committee Manager) Paul Southern (Acting Deputy Chief Fire Officer, ADCFO) Andrew Vallance (Director of Resources, DR)

Also Present:

Members of the Press.

Action 527. REPRESENTATIVE BODIES There were no members of representative bodies present. 528. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies had been received from Cllr Brooks, and from Cllr Gittings who would be late.

529. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Ross declared a non pecuniary interest as a Member of the Thames Valley Fire Control Service Programme Sponsor Group. There were no other declarations of interest from Councillors relating to the items to be considered at the meeting, in accordance with the provisions of the Fire Authority’s Local Code of Conduct.

530. MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS HELD ON 20 MAY 2013, 28 JUNE 2013 AND 16 JULY 2013.

Members agreed that the three sets of minutes be considered together, and it was noted that the actions had been discharged. It was confirmed that Dr Declan Hall was working as part of South East Employers on the review of member allowances. Resolved:

That the Minutes of the meetings held on 20 May 2013, 28 June 2013 and 16 July 2013 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


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531. RECEIPT OF ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chairman invited SMPR Eddie Cardoso to provide an update on plans for the Peer Review. SMPR advised that the peer review was scheduled to start on 16 September 2013 for 4 days. There would be three focus areas: L&D/Station based operational training, Risk Management, and Operational Risk Information Management. The Chairman and Vice Chairmen would meet with the peer reviewers on the first morning, and Committee Chairs and Party Leaders on 17th. The presentation back would be at 1.30pm on Thursday 19 September 2013. The self assessment could be posted to members on a memory stick, but if members just wanted the report, that could be emailed. The Chairman thanked SMPR for the enormous amount of work at this time and the Vice Chairman added her thanks.

532. ISSUES ARISING FROM THE AUDIT AND GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE There were no issues arising from Audit and Governance Committee. 533. RECOMMENDATIONS OF COMMITTEES Resolved: That it be noted that the part II agenda item 17 was a recommendation from

the Strategic Asset Management Committee meeting of 9 July 2013.

534. BUDGET WORKING PARTY 2014/15 AND TERMS OF REFERENCE DCS introduced the item to set up the 2014/15 Budget Working Party which was a working party Management Committee. She referred to the Terms of Reference for the Committee’s approval. Cllr Ward stated that he believed it would be a better reflection of its importance if it were to be a Sub Committee. The DCS advised that Members were able to make it a Sub Committee, and that it would be bound by the requirements of a public meeting including the publishing of agendas five clear working days ahead. A working party offered more flexibility. Cllr Bicknell suggested that it might be called a steering group, but otherwise supported it remaining as it was. The Chairman agreed it was very important and suggested that for the purposes of the meeting, Members determine whether to agree the Terms of Reference, and he asked that he and Cllr Ward meet with the DCS on this matter. Cllr Ward said he didn’t agree that the constraints of being a sub Committee would be an issue. Half the dates could be cut out, and, as last year, it could be set out in group meetings in December. The Chairman proposed the recommendations, saying that the Chairman of the Budget Working Party and he would discuss the matter with DCS. On being seconded by Cllr Bicknell it was put to the vote and it was resolved:




That the appointment of a 2014/15 Budget Working Party be agreed; and That the Terms of Reference of the 2014/15 Budget Working Party be agreed.


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535. CREWING LEVEL MONITORING REPORT The AACFO introduced the report and in answer to Member questions confirmed the following: - that four was the minimum on a pump, except at Newbury where it was currently five; - that sickness may be work related – but not as a result of accidents, rather from strains for example, linked to the manual work; - that Windsor would be measured as a 24 hour response from 1 October 2013, operating from Slough; - that the measure of wholetime optimal crewing of 70.4% did not get broken down between day and night; - that without the Retained Support Unit, Ascot would not be on the run at all; - that Bracknell retained wasn’t used at all, and Wargrave and Pangbourne numbers were very low; - although not shown, there was an impact on morale when crews were not used, and therefore availability could be affected; - that retained had 300 seconds to turn out, and the wholetime target was 90 seconds, and because of geography, in some areas another wholetime pump could respond more quickly than the more local retained. The Chairman stated that the report was received with interest, and thanked AACFO. Resolved:



Group Manager Nick Oxborough (GMPR) introduced the update, and advised the Committee that to date he had received 12 expressions of interest from Members, which was short of that required. He said that he would send a further reminder after this month, it being the holiday period. Four members had completed their self assessment, and development actions were being prepared. Duplication was being avoided by inviting Members to include training they had received at their Unitary Authority. GMPR gave a brief demonstration of the RBFA website that was being developed to include an area for Member Development. He advised that the aim was to keep it simple. The Chairman thanked GMPR for all the work he was doing.

Resolved: that the report be noted.


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DR introduced the report and outlined the current underspends in revenue and capital. He advised that work on the BHQ had commenced and as such capital expenditure for that would start to show in the coming months. Resolved:

That the report be noted.

538. UPDATE ON EMPLOYERS OFFER TO FBU ON RETAINED PENSIONS The DCS gave a verbal update and advised that a consultation was underway on proposals for the implementation arrangements for the retained firefighters pension. The closing date was the 3 September 2013. The Chairman observed that the ballot for strike action closed on the 29 August, with the earliest date for strike action being 5 September. He added that work was going on to ensure contingency arrangements were in place.

Resolved: That the verbal update be noted. 539. FORWARD PLAN DCS advised that Officers would endeavour to meet this plan but it was possible that reports may slip due to the contingency work. The Chairman requested that if there was any significant slip, that either the Chairman of that Committee, or the Vice Chairman or himself be informed of the slippage.



That the forward plan be noted. 540. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 16 September at 6.30pm in the Council Chamber. Bracknell Forest

Council, Easthampstead House, Town Square, Bracknell Berkshire RG12 1AQ. The Chairman asked the Committee to note the venue.



That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), the public be excluded from the meeting for the following Agenda Items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the said Act indicated and is exempt information if, and so long as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


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That the restricted Part II Minutes of the meeting held on 20 May 2013, and the part II minutes of the meeting held on the 16 July 2013 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


The ADCFO introduced the paper, and following consideration it was resolved: that the recommendations as amended be agreed.


The paper was introduced by Andy Haste, Head of Transport & Engineering (HTE), and following consideration it was resolved:

That the recommendations be agreed.


The DCS introduced the report, and following consideration it was resolved: That the recommendations as amended be agreed.

The meeting closed at 8.45pm


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MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ROYAL BERKSHIRE FIRE AUTHORITY’S AUDIT AND GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE Held on Thursday 12 September 2013 at 6.30pm Strategic Command Centre, Headquarters, Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service, Dee Road, Tilehurst, Reading, Berkshire, RG30 4FS

Committee Members:

*Councillor Diana Coad (from 6.40pm) Councillor Andrew Cumpsty, *(Cllr Webster substituting) *Councillor Haqeeq Dar Councillor John Lenton *Councillor Iain McCracken, Chairman Councillor Mohammed Rasib Councillor Rebecca Rye Councillor Alan Ward, *(Cllr Dudley Substituting), *present

In Attendance: Conor Byrne (Senior Accountant, SA) Eddie Cardoso (Station Manager, Performance Review, SMPR) Daniel Harris (RSM Tenon, DH) Andy Mancey (Acting Assistant Chief Fire Officer, A/ACFO) Caroline Redzikowska (Director, Corporate Services, DCS) Carolyn Rowe (Interim Head of Corporate Services, HCS) Paul Southern (Acting Deputy Chief Fire Officer, A/DCFO) Andrew Vallance (Director Resources, DR) Graham West (Ernst & Young, EY) (part)



Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Andrew Cumpsty (Cllr Emma Webster substituting), Cllr John Lenton, Cllr Mohammed Rasib, Cllr Rebecca Rye and Cllr Alan Ward (Cllr Colin Dudley substituting)..


In accordance with the provisions of the Fire Authority’s Local Code of Conduct, the DCS confirmed that a dispensation had been granted at the Annual Fire Authority meeting for the Item on Members Allowances. Cllr Dudley declared a non pecuniary interest regarding the Item 7 as a Director of the Training Company. The Director, Corporate Services also declared a non pecuniary interest regarding the Training Company reported in item 7.


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That the minutes of the meeting held on 9 May 2013 be approved for signing by the Chairman; and That the minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2013 be approved for signing by the Chairman.


None referred.


Graham West from Ernst & Young (EY) conveyed apologies from Kate Handy, and introduced the report. He advised that it was a good set of accounts and working papers, with no material issues arising. He advised that the size of issue which would constitute materiality was £600,000, and that a sum of £45,000 would be worthy of mention. There were no issues in either category. Once a letter from KPMG regarding the pension fund had been received which was expected shortly, the assessment would be complete he expected to issue an unqualified opinion. (Cllr Coad arrived at this point). EY confirmed that there were no issues of compliance, and in response to Member questions he advised of the following: - in stating there were no significant weaknesses in internal control, it was terminology, and there had been no weaknesses found in the key controls that had been looked at; - under Value for Money, the word “have" should be added : “RBFA have put in place proper arrangements”; - Whole of Government Accounts related to the completion of a standard set of accounts so that they may be consolidated nationally. RBFA falls below the level (£300million) where this is required so a check for consistency in three or four areas is all that is done. The Chairman raised whether, in the light of the Training Company being identified as an issue in the Auditors report, this needed to be pursued. SA confirmed that there had been an improvement this financial year due both to savings that had been made and to the market improving, but it was agreed that a verbal update be provided to each meeting of the Management Committee by Cllr Dudley as a Director of the Training Company. The Chairman asked about the sum of £9million in the bank and also about any financial pressures from contingency planning. DR advised that much of this would be for the new BHQ and Fire Station. With


SA/Cllr Dudley


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regard to contingency planning, there had been some expenditure and it would depend on the nature of the action. It was agreed to defer this matter to consider under part II. Resolved:




That the Audit Results Report be noted, and That the management representation letter be approved for signing by the Chairman of Audit and Governance Committee, and That the 2012/13 Statement of Accounts be recommended to the Fire Authority for approval.


DCS introduced the report which had been commissioned from South East Employers. She advised members that a 1% Local Government raise had been awarded from April 2013 under the National Joint Councils agreement, and that this same indexing was due to Members under their scheme. Cllr Webster suggested that Members may wish to decide whether or not to take the raise. Two amendments to correct to the Executive Summary were identified as follows: It was the IRMP working party (not IRPM), and also the total per post holder amount for the DAG Chairman should read £3,600, not £10,800.It was agreed the report should be amended accordingly. Members spoke in support of the independent report that had been undertaken and it was Resolved:




That the Independent Report from South East Employers be noted; and

That it be agreed that the Report, as amended, be recommended to the Fire Authority.


The Director of Resources (DR) introduced the Internal Auditor Daniel Harris from the RSM Tenon who outlined the report. He advised that there were no negative assurance opinions and that adequate controls were in place. He advised that he would be issuing a Client Briefing on the risk of fraud when amending supplier accounts, and this would come to the Committee. DR advised that because the peer review had been postponed to February, he was suggesting that the risk management and governance audit be moved from Q3 to Q4. The Chairman in accepting this requested that it should not be delayed any further. Resolved:


That the Internal Audit Progress Report be noted.


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The DCS introduced the regular update, and thanked Members who were working with Officers towards attaining the Charter. Responses to Member questions included: - An interview with S E Employers was expected towards the end of the year; - If Members wished to pursue Charter plus once Charter status had been achieved, the DCS would be delighted, and this would be a decision for Members. Cllr Webster asked that thanks to GM Nick Oxborough were recorded and commented that continual development was very important, recognising that some Members had been on the Fire Authority for a number of years. In response to how to develop a greater engagement from Members, the Chairman suggested that Members be asked further about their development at their Unitary Authority, and as part of this, both he and Cllr Dudley offered to share their 360 degree report to assist officers. The Chairman asked that the Committee’s thanks be passed on to GM Nick Oxborough and it was resolved:

that the report be noted..


Station Manager (Performance Review) Eddie Cardoso introduced the report. He stated that, in the period measured in the report RBFRS had attended a fire in a non domestic building for every 127 buildings in the County, and that there had been one accidental dwelling fire per day (in an area of 353,000 dwellings).

In response to questions regarding how and why the performance data had altered, Members were advised that how categories were defined and measured, may be different over time.

A/DCFO Paul Southern advised Members that it had been identified that a complete review of performance management and monitoring was required, and he would be chairing a group to undertake this. He added that Members would be invited to be involved. The Chairman said that he would welcome being involved, and emphasised the importance of getting clarity on the baseline data, and, given the issue of the variations identified, for this work to be done. It was agreed that the recommendations be amended to reflect the setting up of the working party. Resolved:


a) That the report be noted, and

b) That with regard to the performance data, it was noted that a working party chaired by Acting Deputy Chief Fire Officer Paul Southern was being set up.



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A/ACFO Andy Mancey provided a verbal report. He advised the Committee that the issues arsing from the Fuel Management Audit were being taken very seriously. The recommendations by the Auditors had been implemented and the purchase of an automated system (as supported by Members of Audit and Governance Committee) would now happen, albeit the priority being given to contingency planning, may cause some delay. A/ACFO advised that internal officer checks have improved significantly albeit they were not perfect, and all officers had received written instructions. There were now regular checks to ensure the correct processes were being followed. No fuel had been unaccounted for, but clearly the systems had needed updating. Cllr Dudley asked who was accountable, and on being advised it was the Station Commander, stated that whilst no member had ever thought there had been theft, the Station Commander should be clearly accountable both for any fuel lost, but also for the procedure not being followed. A/ACFO advised that he had recently visited two stations and he had been reassured that managers were aware that the procedures must be followed. Cllr Webster advised that she had not found any problems when she had made visits. The Chairman endorsed Cllr Dudley’s view and it was agreed that whilst there was no suggestion of misappropriation, it was very important to nail down the process. Cllr Dudley commented that good records and processes protected officers from impropriety. The Chairman noted that this area was scheduled for an Internal Audit in February 2014, and that there would be a report back to the Committee. Resolved



That the report be noted.


Thursday 28 November 2013 at 6.30pm in the Strategic Command Centre at BHQ. Cllr Dar advised that he, Cllr Rasib, Cllr Coad often have clashes with Slough meetings of either Planning or Employment and Appeals. This was noted, and the Chairman asked with regard to the dates that had been set, given both Authorities published dates well in advance, whether Members could arrange a substitute in good time.


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That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), the public be excluded from the meeting for the following Agenda Items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the said Act indicated and is exempt information if, and so long as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.



That the Part II minutes of the meeting held on 9 May 2013 be approved for signing by the Chairman.


Members considered the possible impact of contingency planning and possible industrial action on resources. It was agreed that the annual report on FOIs with is taken to the Management Committee, be also brought to the Audit and Governance Committee. Resolved


That the verbal update be noted.

The meeting finished at 8.10 pm


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Annual Budget 14/15 (meeting 1) Budget Working Party 02.10.2013 report to MC Note DR PrivateIT Asset Management Plan : *Include IT Contracts if not separate report SAMC 08.10.2013 *requested

9/7/13 Approve DR Part I / *tbc

Procurement Update SAM C requested 9/7/13 Note DR/Head of Procurement tbc

Transport Capital report : Review of Profile and Update on Leased assest SAMC 08.10.2013 requested

9/7/2013 Note/recommend/

ApproveHead of Transport and

Engineering Part I / tbc

Shared Premises update with TVPSAMC 08.10.2013 *requested

9/7/13 Note DR Part I

Capital Budget Update (*include 15/16 bid info if available) SAMC 08.10.2013 *requested

9/7/13 Note DR Part I

Dee Road/ Wokingham/Windsor updates (as appropriate) (including Windsor paper) SAMC 08.10.2013 requested 9/7/13 Note DR/DCS Part I

Station 21 (Theale/Calcot) update SAMC 08.10.2013 Note/Agree DR Part INew BHQ Update - Theale SAMC 08.10.2013 Note DR Part IInvite Graham Construction - Update on Works at new BHQ SAMC 08.10.2013 Note ACFO Part I

Community Infrastructure Levy update SAMC 08.10.2013 Note DR Part IPremises Asset Management Plan SAMC 08.10.2013 Approve DR Part IChange control items for Theale Cross SAMC 08.10.2013 Approve ADCFO Part II

Review of the retained service. IRMP Working Party 24.10.2013 requested IRMP 15May12 Note / Recommend DCFO/ACFO Private

Draft IRMP Consultation plan IRMP Working Party tbc 24.10.2013report to MC 25.11.13 and FA 11.12.13

Note and Recommend ACFO Private

RBFRS Review of Unwanted Fire Signals Policy IRMP Working Party 24.10.2013 Once Note AM (P&P) Private

Annual Budget 14/15 (meeting 2) Budget Working Party 06.11.2013 report to MC Note DR Private

Draft IRMP Consultation plan Management Committee tbc 25.11.2013 Agree and

recommend to FA Part I

HR Monitoring Report Management Committee 25.11.2013 Note HHR Part I

Verbal update on BHQ Management Committee 25.11.2013 Note DR Part I

CAFRA Coordination Agency for F&R Aid Management Committee 25.11.2013 Presentation Note CFO Part I

Disposal of Appliances and Equipment Management Committee 25.11.2013 for decision Agree CFO Part I / Part II?


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Crewing Strategy and Monitoring Management Committee 25.11.2013 Agree DCFO Part I

Verbal update on Training Company Management Committee 25.11.2013 every meeting Oral Chairman as Director tbc

Report on key functions of CEEG Management Committee 25.11.2013

requested by Equality & Diversity

Champion on 24July 2013 at

CEEG mtg

Agree DCS/Area Manager, L&D Part I

Update on Employers Offer to FBU on Retained Pensions Management Committee 25.11.2013 when available Oral CFO Part I

Information reports Forward Plan Control option project update Crewing Level Monitoring Health and Safety Corporate Risk management Budget Monitoring

Management Committee 25.11.13

Exception reports from

Committees/WP. Report to FA.

A full report as required, or as an exception report or

as part of an annual report.

Note Lead Officers Part I

Fuel report - update (as requested following Audit) A&GC 28.11.2013 Note DCFO/Andy Haste Part I

Member Attendance - 6 monthly report A&GC 28.11.2013requested A&GC March 2013 Note DCS Part I

Updated Fraud and Corruption Strategy A&GC tbc DR Part 1Internal Audit update: briefing on Fraud regarding amending supplier a/cs. A&GC 28.11.2013 requested

A&GC12/9/13 Note DR Part 1

Review Pay Policy Statement for 2014/15 statement A&GC 28.11.2013

Request of MC 25.3.13 to go to M.C. 3.02. 2014

Agree and recommend to MC DCS Part I


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Development of Community Budget Trials - Briefing note A&GC 28.11.13

DCFO email 20.06.13

suggesting A&GC 12.09.13,

MC 16.09.13 (moved A&GC

28.11.13, MC on 03.02.14 by Acting CFO 07.08.13)

note and to recommend MC to

noteDCFO Part I

Contract Standing Orders A&GC tbc agree DCSReport on affected officers' survey re: HRMC tax implicatons on mileage A&GC tbc once-following

survey note DCS Part I

Review of DAG findings (as required) A&GC tbc as required note DCS Part IUpdated Fraud and Corruption Strategy A&GC tbc once Note DR Part IFA preceded by longer group meetings? F A 11.12.2013Draft IRMP Consultation plan F A tbc 11.12.2013 Agree ACFO Part IVerbal update on BHQ F A 11.12.2013 Note DR Part I

Fleet Options F A 11.12.2013 from MC if not taken in Sept 2013 Agree DCFO Part II

FA 11.12.2013Information reports Forward Plan Control option project update Crewing Level Monitoring Health and Safety Corporate Risk management Budget Monitoring

Fire Authority 11.12.13

Exception reports from

Committees/WP. Report to FA.

A full report as required, or as an exception report or

as part of an annual report.

Note Lead Officers Part I

Annual Budget 14/15 (meeting 3) Budget Working Party 18.12.2013 report to MC Note DR Private


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Item 19

Categories of “Exempt Information” under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972

(as modified in relation to local determinations by Standards Committees)


[For each of nos 1 - 7, see Qualification 1 below]

1 Information relating to any individual

2 Information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual.

3 Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). [see Qualification 2 below]

4 Information relating to any consultations or negotiations, or contemplated consultations or negotiations, in connection with any labour relations matter arising between the authority or a Minister of the Crown and employees of, or office holders under, the authority.

5 Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings.

6 Information which reveals that the authority proposes: (a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which

requirements are imposed on a person; or (b) to make an order or direction under any enactment.

7 Information relating to any action taken or to be taken in connection with the prevention, investigation or prosecution of crime.

7A [7A – 7C apply only to certain meetings of the Standards Committee - see Qualification 4] Information which is subject to any obligation of confidentiality.

7B Information which relates in any way to matters concerning national security.

7C The deliberations of a Standards Committee or of a Sub-Committee of a Standards Committee established under the provisions of Part III of the Local Government Act 2000 in reaching any finding on a matter referred under the provisions of section 60(2) or (3), 64(2), 70(4) or (5) or 71(2) of that Act.


(1) Information falling within paragraph 3 is not exempt information by virtue of that paragraph if it is required to be registered under - (a) the Companies Act 1985; (b) the Friendly Societies Act 1974; (c) the Friendly Societies Act 1992; (d) the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts 1965 to 1978; (e) the Building Societies Act 1986; or (f) the Charities Act 1993.


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Item 19

(2) Information is not exempt information if it relates to proposed development for which the local planning authority may grant itself planning permission pursuant to regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992.

(3) Information which - (a) falls within any of paragraphs 1 to 7 above; and (b) is not prevented from being exempt by virtue of the two preceding paragraphs

is exempt information if and so long, as in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.

(4) Paragraphs 7A-7C apply where a meeting of a Standards Committee or a Sub-Committee of a Standards Committee is convened to consider a matter referred under the provisions of section 60(2) or (3), 64(2), 70(4) or (5) or 71(2) of the Local Government Act 2000.


(5) “Employee” means a person employed under a contract of service; (6) "Financial or business affairs" includes contemplated, as well as past or

current, activities; (7) "Labour relations matter" means -

(a) any of the matters specified in paragraphs (a) to (g) of section 218(1) of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992[10] (matters which may be the subject of a trade dispute, within the meaning of that Act); or (b) any dispute about a matter falling within paragraph (a) above; and for the purposes of this definition the enactments mentioned in paragraph (a) above, with the necessary modifications, shall apply in relation to office-holders under the authority as they apply in relation to employees of the authority;

(8) "Office-holder", in relation to the authority, means the holder of any paid office appointments to which are or may be made or confirmed by the authority or by any joint board on which the authority is represented or by any person who holds any such office or is an employee of the authority;

(9) "Registered" in relation to information required to be registered under the Building Societies Act 1986, means recorded in the public file of any building society (within the meaning of that Act).


Page 143: Agenda for the Meeting of the Royal Berkshire Fire ... · Inspection Letter. 12. ... minute reference 408 which should now be read as ‘Councillor Phillip Bicknell ... Cllr Cumpsty