agenda course introduction video typing for 20 minutes copy portable software to your disk typing...

Agenda • Course Introduction • Video • Typing for 20 minutes • Copy portable software to your disk • Typing Quiz • History of computers • c++ java, python, html, php,

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Page 1: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,


• Course Introduction

• Video

• Typing for 20 minutes

• Copy portable software to your disk

• Typing Quiz

• History of computers

• c++ java, python, html, php,

Page 2: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,

First Computers (~1940)

• For military, research, government

• Big (size of one room)

• Can only do ONE thing at a time

• Need people to switch parts

Page 3: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,

ENIAC: the first computer• 20 ft x 40 ft (6 m x 12 m)

• 30 tons (30,000 kg)

Page 4: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,

Inventions that changed the computer

• Vacuum tubes to transistors (1947)

What it does:Controls electron flow in a circuitlike a switch or diode


Page 5: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,

ENIAC• 19,000 vacuum tubes

– If one is brokenthe whole thingdoesn’t work

– Not reliable

– This man ischecking where isthe broken tubeone by one….

Page 6: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,

Inventions that changed the computer

• Machine language 1001010101


• FORTRAN programming language (1954)

x = 13; Answer = 2*x + 3;

Page 7: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,

Inventions that changed the computer

• Semiconductors(1958)– Silicon chips– Put an entire

circuit of 100’s of transistors into one piece of silicon

– Now: 1000000 transistors!

Page 8: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,

Inventions that changed the computer

• First Computer Game (1962)– First time the computer was not just used to

make calculations• Spacewar• Tic-tac-toe• Chess

Page 9: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,

Inventions that changed the computer

• Mouse (1964)– Lets anybody use a computer

(not just the computer specialist)

Page 10: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,

Inventions that changed the computer

• Punch Cards to Disks (1970)

Used for storing or saving info

Page 11: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,

Inventions that changed the computer

• 1973 – networking, Internet “ARPANET”– Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

• 1975 – first computers sold to the public

Page 12: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,

Inventions that changed the computer

• 1973 – networking, Internet “ARPANET”– Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

• 1975 – first computers sold to the public

Page 13: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,

Inventions that changed the computer

• 1973 – networking, Internet “ARPANET”– Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

• 1975 – first computers sold to the public

Page 14: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,

Inventions that changed the computer

• 1979 – spreadsheets and word processor– Good for business

• 1980’s – Operating Systems (OS)– MS-DOS (MicroSoft Disk Operating System)

Page 15: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,

Inventions that changed the computer

• 1990’s– Windows 3.1, 95, 98– Fibre optic network (internet for everyone)

• Email – BIG CHANGE to communications• Web browsers (Mosaic 1993, Netscape• Search engines (Yahoo, Lycos, Altavista 1994,

Google 1998) because internet getting too big• E-commerce (Amazon, e-bay)

– Better CPU’s, audio/video players, etc

Page 16: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,

Inventions that changed the computer

• 2000’s– Dot com bubble burst

• $ -5,000,000,000 lost in stock market

– More websites (Wikipedia 2001, YouTube 2005, MySpace 2003 – 2 yrs $580 Million)

– More viruses– Handheld computers (Ipod, Iphone, Laptops)– WIFI

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• Computers only became popular in the last 30 years

• Internet only became popular in the last 15 years

• FAST rate of change and growth

• What will come next?!?!

Page 18: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,

What will come next?

• Faster

• More storage

• Smaller, lighter

• Cheaper

• Easier connections (computer, TV, cellphone, camera, car, etc)

Page 19: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,

Assignment• Write about the first (or the oldest)

computer you used.– When? Where?– What did you use it for?– Who taught you?– How did you feel?– –What do you foresee to happen in computer


• Submit Assignment here Assignment Name: Name Computer History

Page 20: Agenda Course Introduction Video Typing for 20 minutes Copy portable software to your disk Typing Quiz History of computers c++ java, python, html, php,


• Each journal entry will be graded by:– Use new words

• (related to course content)

– Shows depth of thought, insight, details• Shows evidence of learning• Personal stories

– English is clear and correct– Format is correct