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15 things 40 years of being beaten up by Gorillas has taught me

Upload: allen-roberts

Post on 17-Aug-2015




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15 things 40 years of being beaten up by Gorillas has taught me

1. Know more about your business than the gorilla does

2. Gorillas do not care about you

3. In a power imbalance, negotiation is challenging

4. Don’t put all your eggs in their basket

5. Gorillas are lousy at marketing

6. Know the rules well enough to play in the grey areas

7. Gorilla training is not a place for children

8. Know when the horse is dead.

9. Innovation is more than changing the pack design

10. Be nice to the gorillas, an angry one can do some damage

11. Ensure the gorilla knows you are not afraid

12. Gorillas need love too

13. Young gorillas are often just posturing pussies with egos

14. Corporate memory is absolutely invaluable

15. Beware of armchair experts