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1 RKT SAP CRM 7.0 Extensibility

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How to enhance Field in crm web ui


  • 1RKT SAP CRM 7.0Extensibility

  • 2 SAP 2008 / Page 2


    At the end of this presentation, you will be able to: Explain what Extensibility means Know what Application Enhancement Tool is Use Application Enhacement Tool to create own customer specific


    After completing this presentation, you will be able to: Explain what Extensibility means Know what the Application Enhancement Tool is and what it is capable of Use Application Enhacement Tool to create own customer specific enhancements

  • 3 SAP 2008 / Page 3

    1. Extensibility Introduction2. Application Enhancement Tool3. Technical settings and Troubleshooting


    First we will have a general Introduction to the Topic Extensibility.

    Then the main tool Application Enhancement Tool will be introduced in detail.

    At the end of this presentation we will give some insights in SAPs Extensibility specific technical settings and will provide some advise what to do in case of any issue with the use of the tool.

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    Extensibility CRM7.0Main Objectives of Extensibility

    Why does Extensibility matter for CRM customers?

    Companies must be able to add value on top of the supporting

    Information Systems

    Adding new fields enables customers to augment and customize a CRM system.

    SAP CRM Extensibility concept delivers an intuitive solution that

    targets the structural enhancement paradigm

    Why does Extensibility matter for CRM customers?

    Extensibility describes the general approach of enabling CRM Application to beenhanceble. Offering a intuitive, unique enhancement concept for beeing able to createnew customer specific added value to SAP standard applications.

    So Extensibility offer to customers the enablement to add value on top of the supportinginformation systems of SAP.

    With the extensibility tools, customers can enrich SAP standard with their own processspecific implementations.

    SAP CRM Extensibility concepts delivers hereby an intuitive solution that targets thestructural enhancement paradigmn

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    Extensibility CRM7.0 Key Features

    The Application Enhancement Tool is seamlessly integrated into the UI Configuration Tool Fields can be made available in the UI without any additional development Custom fields can be created without deep technical knowledge An Expert Mode is provided for the more experienced users The users can use different data types, create custom drop-down lists, assign existing DDIC

    check tables and search helps The new fields can be made available in the Search, in Mobile, BI, OLTP Reporting and R/3

    Adapter Existing field can be reused across applications

    CRM Application Enhancement Tool provides customer and partners the abilityto add new fields to existing application with virtually no technical steps

    Key features of SAP CRM Extensibility are mainly to provide an easy and intuitive way to extend SAP standard application with new fields without any additional coding work. Application Enhancement Tool is seamlessly integrated in UI Configuration Tool in WebClient UI, so that after generating customer specific contents those can be used in UI Configuration directly.In Application Enhancement Tool the user can choose between different data types for thenew field. The enhancement can be created as dropdown box with a directly assingnedvalue table in form of check tables or search helps.New fields can be immediately made available in the search, in Mobile, BI, OLTP Reporting and R/3 Adapter.Overall, already existing enhancements can be reused across applications.

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    Extensibility CRM7.0 Key Benefits

    Define custom fields for your exact needs

    Simple and user friendly tool for quick field definition

    Seamless integration with the existing CRM Framework Tools

    Applications can be extended without any coding




    Three key benefits could be named for SAP CRMs Extensibility.

    It is flexible, simple and very fast way of enhancing SAPs standard data models with theown data you require.

    Flexibly define custom fields for you exact needs and simply reuse these fields in different ways and/or applications.

    The simple and intuitive Application Enhancement Tool offers a quick way to define newfields and to generate the necessary backend jobs during enhancement step.

    As simple it was to create a new field, as same simple it is to add this new field directly to CRM WebClient UI. Application Enhancement Tool is seamlessly integrated into UI Configuration Tool. After successful generation you can step directly into UI Configurationto make the newly created field visible in your UI.

    Without any single line of coding you can enhance SAP standard data models with yourown fields, which is a unique experience of implementation pace in terms of customerenhancements.

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    Application Enhancement Tool CRM7.0 Screenshot: Detailed Field View

    Create a field with properties that match best the specific business needs

    View the details of the custom fields in a convenient manner

    Modify and regenerate existing fields

    Provide translations in the system supported languages

    Extend the supported external interfaces - for example Mobile, R/3, BW and OLTP Reporting

    Supported Methods

    The Application Enhancement Tool allows you to create new fields with properties thatmatch best your specific business needs.

    Once fields have been enhanced, you can conviently access the details of each extension. You can also modify and regenerate existing enhancements.

    Providing translations is also offered by Application Enhancement Tool. You could translatethe field labels and the dropdown listbox values.

    Extending the supported external interfaces, like for Mobile, R/3 , BW and/or OLTP Reporting is also possible Application Enhancement Tool

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    Application Enhancement Tool CRM7.0 Screenshot: Custom Fields Overview Page

    The overview page lists all the custom fields for the selected enhancement object.

    The manually created fields (using EEW for example) are listed as well.

    The more experienced users could take advantage of the Expert Mode feature.

    Expert Mode enables the use of previously defined DDIC Datalements and different package assingements of extensions.

    The Custom Fields View allows the user to quickly edit the field properties, drop down list box values and the translations. In addition users can initiate the processes of deletion, creation and reuse of custom fields.

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    1. Extensibility Introduction2. Application Enhancement Tool3. Technical settings and Troubleshooting


    In the second chapter we will have a closer look how Application Enhancement Tool is used in detail.

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    Application Enhancement Tool CRM7.0 How to Start?

    Start the UI Configuration directly from the application and launch the Enhancement Tool from the pop-up.

    Start the UI Configuration Tool from the Navigation Bar (Logical Links BSP-DLC-VC & BSP-DLC-FC). Adding a custom field is integrated as an additional step.

    Start the Application EnhancementTool from the Navigation Bar. TheLogical Link is integrated into theAdministration Work Center (CT-ADM)

    There are 3 ways to start the Application Enhancement Tool

    Start the UI Configuration directly from the application:

    The first step is to enable the Configuration Mode via personalizing your general settings (Personalize->Personalize Settings).

    You can open an existing document/object and click on the Show Configurable Areasbutton. All you need to do afterwards is to select an area and click on it.

    Start the Application Enhancement Tool from the UI Configuration Tool:

    The UI Configuration tool has 3 guided steps when started in stand alone mode. The last one is Create New Fields. To activate it, you need to select an UI Component (you can skip the View Configuration step).

    Start the Application Enhancement Tool directly:

    The first page that you will be presented with is the Search Enhancement page. Here you can view the objects that have already been enhanced and create new enhancements (custom fields).

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    Application Enhancement Tool CRM7.0 How to Search for Existing Enhancements?

    In the result list you see all the objects that have been already enhanced. You can choose one to view the available custom fields or to create new ones.

    Start the Application Enhancement Tool from the Navigation Bar. The Logical Link is integrated into the Administration Work Center (CT-ADM)

    If you start an empty search, you see all objects that have been already enhanced. In the result list you can choose one to view the custom fields or to create new ones.

    From the search result list you create a new enhancement. If you click New you get a list with all objects that can be enhanced.

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    Application Enhancement Tool CRM7.0 Enhancement Overview Page

    You can add new custom fields, modify custom fields and delete custom fields. In addition you can reuse an existing field from another enhancement object

    More experienced users can enable or disable expert mode when needed The Custom Fields block displays also the manually created custom fields

    In the overview page you see information about the object that gets extended and all the custom fields that have been added to it.

    If you want to view the detailed information about a given field, click on the hyperlink in the Enhancement ID column. You will be presented with the Detailed View page. The latter is discussed in later on in this document.

    From this overview page you can add new custom fields, modify existing enhancements or delete custom fields. In addition you can reuse an existing field from another enhancement object.

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    Application Enhancement Tool CRM7.0 Adding a new Custom Field

    When starting the Enhancement Tool directly from the application, the Context Node column indicates how the newly created field fits in the selected view

    If you start the tool in ExpertMode, the Package and Namespace fields will be editable.

    The first step is to select an Object Part

    When you start creation of a new field in Appliation Enhancement Tool, first step you haveto maintain is regarding object part, for which the extension should get created.

    In the example shown on the slides, an object part of SAP CRMs one-order modell has to be chosen.

    Either the extension is getting created in customer specific tables, so object partCUSTOMER_H or CUSTOMER_I has to be chosen ( depending on if you want to enhanceHeader data or Item data).

    Another object part for creating the extension would be to used SAP standard one-ordertable with object part ORDERADM_H or ORDERADM_I (also depending on enhancingHeader or Item data).

    After youve chosen the object to be enhanced, you can maintain you field enhancementspecific settings.

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    Application Enhancement Tool CRM7.0 Adding a new Custom Field (2)

    Select one of the supported data types

    Define the field label, length of the field, and decimals

    Create custom drop down lists via the Dropdown Listbox block

    Alternatively one can assign existing DDIC check tables or search helps

    Define whether the new field should be available in BI, OLTP Reporting, Search, Mobile, etc.

    In Expert Mode one can specify the field ID, data element, reference field

    The Detailed View page provides a convenient way to specify the field


    This screen shows the heart of Application Enhancement tool.In here youre going to maintain all necessary settings for you new field, like data type, field length, if a value table should be used or not and if the extension should also take place for external interfaces like Mobile, BI or R/3 backend systems.1) The following data types are supported: Decimal Number Numerical Text with capital letters Text with small and capital letter Date / Time Indicator Currency / Quantity

    (If Currency or Quality are chosen, automatically an additional field with the related check table assigned is created).

    2) You define the field label length of the field and decimals (if the corresponding data type is used)3) Field ID and extension ID are generated automatically in standard mode.4) Value helps can be assigned to custom fields. At run time these value helps are automatically available without any additional V-Getter method implementation. In the Dropdown Listbox block you can specify your custom drop-down list box values Alternatively you could assign an already existing check table or DDIC search help. As

    no value help is provided you need to know the technical names.

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    5) Dependent on the object you can also define whether the new field should be available in BIOLTP Reporting (as characteristic or key figure) In the search and / or search result listR/3 adapterMobile (SBDoc and CDB tables)

    6) When the Expert Mode is enabled, the more experienced users have the option to control the following: Field IDData Element (thus existing data elements can be reused)Reference Field ID (in case of currency and unit of measure)

    7) After generating a custom field you always need log off before you use the UI Configuration Tool or the application, because the structures have changed and need to be loaded again. But of course you can add further field before log-off. After each generation you get a message and you can start the restart via the Start button.

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    Application Enhancement Tool CRM7.0 Modifying Existing Custom Fields

    Editing in the Field Details page is suitable when more comprehensive overview is required.

    For fast editing, you can go into edit mode directly in the Custom Field block

    You can edit field labels, drop down list box values, translation, search options, external interface flags, check tables and search helps

    You can also mark a field for deletion

    The manually created fields cannot be modified

    There are two ways to edit an existing custom field

    After an initial generation you still can change custom fields. The following settings can be changed: Field label,Custom drop down list box, assigned search help / check table Search options Flags for Mobile, R/3 Adapter, BI and OLTP reporting Translation

    The manually created fields (for example via EEW) cannot be changed.

    You can delete custom fields. To do this you select in Edit Mode a line and click Delete. The fact that this field will be deleted is indicated with a deletion symbol and a text (if you click on Details).

    If you click Save and Generate the deletion is executed.

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    Application Enhancement Tool CRM7.0 Reusing Exiting Fields

    If a reusable field is based on the same enhancement place, no new enhancement is created If a reusable field is based on a different enhancement place, it is copied over to the new

    application To check whether reusable fields are available click Add reusable field.

    Field generated for one application can be reused in other applications

    Some enhancement places are used in more then one enhancement object. Fields generated for an object that is based on such an enhancement place can be reused in objects that are based on the same enhancement place. In this case, the field is simply activated for the object where it is being reused.

    If the enhancement object is based on a different enhancement place, a field copy takes place. A mapping algorithm is used to copy the properties from the source to the target enhancement.

    Example: You generate a new custom field for the Service Order application at header level. This application is based on the business object one order. If you now what to have the same field also in the Appointment, you dont need to generate a new field. You can simply reuse the existing field, because also appointment is based on the one order.

    To check whether reusable fields are available click add reusable field. If you find a field that fits your need you can assign it to the current application.

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    Application Enhancement Tool CRM7.0 Translation

    You can translate in the Field Details page as already shown in the previous slides.

    In addition you can translate directly field labels and custom drop down list boxes directly in the Custom Field Block.

    The translation block in the Field Details page was discussed already in the previous slided.

    You can translate the field labels and the values of the custom drop down list boxes (DDLB) directly in the Custom Field block.

    Field Label:

    Choose in the block Custom Fields the Translate button. Do not forget to go to Edit Mode first. Execute the translation and then go back. If lines for the target languages are not displayed, click System Languages and choose your target language.


    If you want to translate drop down list box values, go into to the DDLB maintenance and choose Translation

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    Application Enhancement Tool CRM7.0 Generation Statuses

    By clicking on the status icon you can obtain more details regarding the field status (for example all the error messages).

    A new field is automatically subject to generation, but you can change that by disabling the generation flag

    The status column indicates if a field generation has been successful (green), has failed (red) or has not yet taken place (yellow).

    In the column status you can see the status. A green square shows that the generation was successful, a yellow triangle indicates, that you entered some data, but that the entry hasnt been generated yet. A red circle shows that the generation failed. You can click on Details to get more information.

    A new field (yellow status) is automatically subject to generation, but you can exclude a field from the generation that by disabling the generation flag. The later is available in the Field details page, but via personalization you can display it in the Custom Fields block.

    For more information about error handling please refer to the Additional Information section.

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    Custom Views and Logic

    If you want to utilize the Application Enhancement Tool in your own views, please consider the following points

    The custom view has to have a context node which uses a BOL that could be enhanced (see report AXT_REGISTRY_SHOW)

    Set the Enhanced Object for the new (custom) UI Object Type (Define UI Object Type)

    If the relationship between the custom UI Object Type and the Enhanced Object is 1:N, you can add an entry in table AXT_REG_UI_OBJ_C

    Make sure that the View sets the UI Object Type correctly at runtime

    Before adding custom logic for a newly created field, review the documentation and consulting materials for the corresponding application

    Some application offer BADI-s that support business logic enhancements You can add UI specific logic by providing an Enhancement Set for the corresponding UI


    To start AXT_REGISTRY_SHOW you need to install SAP Note 1250563 and use SE 38.

    You can define UI Object Types in IMG(SPRO): Cusomter Realtionship Management -> UI Framework -> UI Framework Definition -> Define UI Object Types. If you have an 1:N relationship between the Enhanced Object and the UI Object Type, all you need to do is to set the correct Enhanced Object within the corresponding UI Object Type definitions.

    If for an UI Object Type there are multiple Enhanced Objects, you will have to complement the UI Object Type definition with entries in AXT_REG_UI_OBJ_C.

    For more information on how the Application Enhancement Tool fits into the UI Framework you can refer to the UI Framework Integration How-To Guide.

    For more information on Enhancement Sets please refer to the Framework Enhancements How-To Guide.

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    Application Enhancement Tool CRM7.0 Authorization

    SAP Note 1251796 contains a predefined PFCG role that

    contains all the authorizations required to use the Application

    Enhancement Tool.

    To use CRM interactive reporting, you need authorization role CRM Operative Reporting User Role (SAP_CRM_OR_USER) in the Business Intelligence (BI) client and in the CRM client. To make custom fields in CRM interactive reporting available, you need authorizationrole Activation of CRM OLTP Reporting InfoTypes (SAP_CRM_OR_ACTIVATE) in theBusiness Intelligence (BI) client.

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    1. Extensibility Introduction2. Application Enhancement Tool3. Technical Settings and Troubleshooting


    Application Enhancement Tool is based on its own specific customizing settings.

    These settings will be introduced briefly, to create a better understanding, how Application Enhancement Tool is working internally.

    The next slides will also introduce some Analyze concepts and tools, which should be used in an error case of Application Enhancement Tool.

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    Application Enhancement Tool CRM7.0 Technical Settings

    Transaction: AXTSYS IMG (SPRO): Customer

    Reataionship Management -> UI Framework -> UI Framework Definition -> UI EnhancementTool

    Prior to using the Application Enhancement Tool, the user

    needs to define the package and the name space for the


    Before Application Enhancement Tool is used for the first time, make sure to have maintaintransaction AXTSYS.

    Here you should maintain general settings like, defining the package where all newlycreated object should be stored in, or the customer namespace what should be used objectcreations.

    You can find this customizing setting also via:

    IMG (SPRO): Customer Relationship Management -> UI Framework -> UI Framework Definition -> UI Enhancement Tool

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    Enhancements RegistryAXTREG Shows all Enhancement Objects (Maintained by SAP)

    This screenshot shows the Enhancement Registry (AXTREG). Users can review all objects that have been registered for enhancement. The information in the registry ismaintained by SAP and shall not be modified.

    The following are some examples of what kind of useful information is available withinAXTREG.

    View the extension include of an ehancement object:

    Locate the desired enhancement object and object part. Take note of the Enhancmnt Placeproperty of the object part. Find that value in the Places list and refer to the Extension Include columns.

    Find the data source affected by the BW Reporting flag:

    Locate the desired enhancement object and object part. Navigate to the Further Generation screen and choose BW_REPORTING generation object. Refer to the parameter in the Generation details.


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    Enhancements RegistryField Reuse via Scenario Mappings (Maintained by SAP) cont.

    The Mappings and Mapping Parts is where the Enhancment Object Parts are weavedtogether.

    Each Mapping describes which elements are involved in field reuse process.

    The source-target relationship between the object parts defines who is the field consumerand provider during a field reuse. In addition, this information will be used at runtime to copy the supplied field value from the source to the target (reused) field.

    For example, if you create a reusable field in Billing Due List from Service Contract and later save its value in a Service Contract, that very same value will be automaticallypropagated to the related Billing Due List via a dedicated mapping algorythm.For this example you could read the table entries like following:ID 10 is enhancement object BEA_DLI with enhancement place DLI_DATA. This is thetarget.ID 200 is enhancement object SERVICE_CONTRACT with enhancement place BILLING. This is the source.


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    AnalysisReports Available for Error Handling and Analysis

    Regardless of the generation status, one can always obtain more details about the enhancement via the Extension Analyzer. You can start this report via transaction AXTSHOW (report AXT_EXT_ANALYZE), or in Customizing of Customer Relationship Management at UI Framework-> UI Framework Definition->Application Enhancement Tool->Analyze Enhancements.

    2) The report is able to:

    Show the field definition

    Show the generated objects

    Show status and error messages

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    Validating the Generated Objects

    Use transaction RSA2 to check if a custom field is added to the corresponding data source and extract structure

    Use transaction RSA7 to validate the values of the custom fields in the corresponding data source queue

    Use transaction SBDM to validate the enhanced BDoc-s

    To obtain the appropriate data source and BDoc properties, you can use transaction AXTREG (as discussed previously).

    The data source and BDoc settings are available in Further Generation Objects -> Generation Details. Needless to say, you need to select an Enhancement Object Parts that has been enabled with respect to BI, OLTP Reporting and/or Mobile.

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    SAP GUI Based Generation A Fall-Back Generation Tool is Offered.

    You can use report AXT_EXT_GENERATE to trigger the generation process from SAP GUI.

    The report offers convenience when you are troubleshooting in SAP GUI you do not have to load the CRM WEB UI to trigger the generation process

    You must create the enhancement in the Application Enhancement Tool and save it before using the report

    The enhancement shall not contain errors (see AXT_EXT_RESET for more information regarding error recovery)

    If you do not click the Generate All Objects, the report will only generate the objects that have not been generated so far (rather than attempting to generate everything)

    If you are troubleshooting in SAP Gui than that report can be used to trigger generation process conveniently from SAP Gui without the need to switch from one UI to another.

    You must have created an enhancement in Application Enhancement Tool before you can used that report to start regeneration of an enhancement.

    If the enhancement contains errors, generation by this report will also fail in the same way like it would fail via Application Enhancement Tool.

    Either all objects of an enhancement can be regenerated or only those objects, which could not get generated before.

    To start generation from SAP GUI use transaction SE38 for launching report AXT_EXT_GENERATE.

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    Common Errors

    When configuring a view, the UI Configuration Tool might offer custom fields that do not belong to the current application (Enhancement Object). This could happen when different Enhancement Objects share the same Enhancement Place. At runtime only the fields created for the relevant Enhancement Objects will be rendered.

    As OLTP Reporting data related to a custom field is generated always in local packages, it will not be transported along with the field. Therefore, you will need to generate the OLTP Reporting structures in the destination systems via report AXT_EXT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL.

    Updating the OLTP Reporting Type will cause an issue if the changes are not transported after changing the Reporting Type to Not Used (you will need to trigger two transports).

    If you want to reuse a field that has already been reused, you will have to implement SAP Note 1252748.

    Make sure that you restart the session after field generation before attempting anything else.

    If you create a custom field in the header of the Leads object, that very same field will appear in the UI Configuration of Service Order. The reason is that both Service Order and Leads share a common enhancement place through their Header Object Parts. Although a custom field in the Leads Header will appear in the Available Field List of the Service Order view configuration, it will not be rendered at runtime. For more details regarding the UI Configuration Field Visibility, please refer to the UI Framework Integration How To Guide.

    The OLTP reporting is always generated locally. The data source for the OLTP reporting might also be defined in a local package. If you transport the enhancement the generated OLTP and local data source will not be transported (only the meta data will). After the import of the enhancements in the destination system (example Production System) the After import method will determine which enhancement need to be regenerated locally (for example those containing OLTP Reporting meta data). This step will not regenerate those enhancements. You have to trigger the generation manually using the report AXT_EXT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL within transaction SE38. The select-option in this report will automatically include all the enhancements that need to be generated locally.

    If you want to change the OLTP reporting type of a custom field from "Key Figure" to " Characteristic, you will have to set it to Not Used first and trigger generation. After that you shall update the field again (change from Not Used to Characteristic) and generate the filed once more. You need to make sure that the change to Not Used is transported to the destination system prior to the transport that contains the changes to Characteristic.

    You can create a field in Sales Order and then reuse it in Billing Due List. If after that you decide to reuse that field from Billing Due List into Billing Document you better ensure that you have implemented the SAP Note 1252748.

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    Further Information SAP CRM

    SAP CRM - Roll-Out Map

    SAP CRM - Ramp-Up Knowledge Transfer (RKT)

    SAP CRM Demo Portal

    SAP CRM WiKi


    SAP CRM - Help Portal

    SAP Public Web

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