advertising world

Advertising world

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Post on 21-Dec-2015




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It is about the advertising world from starting till end. from the day it is established till the date what changes have occurred and how they changed the environment of the advertisement.


Advertising world

Advertising world

EVOLUTION OF ADVERTISINGThe first known advertising message was created in 3000 BC. Although the actual message bore a closer resemblance to a classified advertisement, the evolution of advertising had begun. The non personal, persuasive, structured communications we recognize today are a progeny of advertising efforts spanning the past few centuries. Early advertising and distribution was limited to a small geographic area surrounding a vendor. Everyday advertising, such as a merchants signage, used symbols instead of words to indicate the type of business and product or services offered.

During the preindustrial age, advertising was reaching far beyond the simple signage and word of mouth of local merchants. Handbill, posters, and signs became popular formats for advertising. The printing press was one of the most important developments in the history and evolution of advertising. By the middle of the 1600s, the printing press was enjoying the bicentennial of its introduction by Johannes Gutenberg. Gutenbergs invention was one of three major developments that can be attributed to the birth of modern advertising

The first newspaper advertisement appeared in 1650. While a large percentage of the population could not read, the local newspapers were becoming recognized as a medium for delivering advertising to the masses. Merchants, vendors, and manufacturers used newspapers to extend their marketing boundaries beyond the small concentrated areas surrounding their physical locations. Print advertising first appeared in America within the pages of the Boston Newsletterpublished in 1704. Ben Franklin is responsible for creating the structure and format of print ads. His techniques for making print ads more legible and easier to understand continue to be used in modern print advertising. Ben Franklin was the first in America to recognize the need to large headlines, white space, and illustrations in advertisements.

The industrializing age began in America in the early 1800snearly half a century behind the Industrial Revolution in Englandintroducing machines to mass-produce goods. The sudden surplus of goods and products exposed a need for aggressive marketing and broad saturation advertising. Retailers assumed the responsibility of advertising to the consumers. The industrialization age was followed by the industrial age and once again the face of advertising changed. Advertising during the industrial agerecognized as the first seventy-five years of the twentieth centuryfocused on the promotion of consumer-packaged goods.

The postindustrial age of the 1980s through 1990s faced the challenges of marketing to an environmentally sensitive society. Demarketing techniques were used in advertising in an attempt to make consumers aware of a companys environmentally responsible manufacturing and supply-chain methods. Consumers today are not only better informed about products and services, but also the companies that produce them. The modern consumer will research a company and absorb feedback from word-of-mouth channels such as blogs and forums to offset the positive-only hype from advertising. The green movement represents a marketing potential of 500 billion dollars Modern advertising trends are constantly changing. Mostly driven by advances in technology, advertising media is becoming broader reaching and less expensive to leverage. The Internet has evolved into an advertisers low-cost playground. Email campaigns are less expensive to produce than traditional print campaigns. The Internet also allows a more strategic direct and targeted approach to advertising. Email is a less formal and more personalized alternative to traditional direct mail campaigns.

Regardless of the message and media, advertisers are spending more time identifying their target audience. The recent economic downturn has caused consumers to tighten their belts. Recovery takes longer than downturn . During the recovery, consumers strive to become better educated about the products they purchase. Advertising, using every popular medium, to a target audience is the only way a business can stand out on the very crowded playing field with their competitors. In modern advertising, every marketing dollar counts. A savvy marketer will use several techniques, such as predictive modeling, to select a target audience for a specific product or service. The marketing message, advertisement, and call to action will be written specifically for the target audience. Identifying a target market and creating an advertising campaign with relevant content and a compelling message positions a marketing manager for the highest likelihood for success.

The advertising industry has been redefined several times. The types of advertising agencies within the industry have grown. While there have always been local, regional, and international specialists within the industry, niche or creative boutique type agencies are beginning to become prevalent. Many companies are using in-house departments for concept, design, and creative while relying on traditional agencies for media placement. The purpose and definition of advertising has remained consistent across each ring of growth.

Advertising in India Organised Indian advertising started when B Duttaram set up his advertising agency in Mumbai in 1905. Most advertising was targeted at the sahibs and the memsahibs who ruled pre-independence India. Professionalism came in when J Walter Thomson set up shop in 1929.

The AD: Bengalis and the good people of Orissa continue to face-off on the internet about the origins of the rasgulla. Either ways, this 1930 ad for KC Das pushes its canned rasgulla a marketing innovation then.

The AD: In its initial years, Horlicks was sold as a refreshing drink that could be gulped down, 'chilled on ice'. The idea found few takers but the brand grew roots in India, eventually The 50s

The Decade: It was the decade when Indian advertising took baby steps in creativity. Indian advertising began to do creative work in India. Earlier, most creative work would be done out of Fleet Street

The AD: Lifebuoy initially called as Royal Disinfectant Soap entered India in 1895. Despite the occasional ad that focused on Lifebuoy's ability to fight body odour, most of its advertising over the last century has been pitched on one quality of that bar: kill germs

The AD: The Mahatma was a fan of Singer sewing machines, calling it "one of the few useful things ever invented". The machines came to India in 1870 and Gandhi lugged it from jail to jail. This straightforward ad extols Singer's "100 years of experience"

The 60s

The Decade: It was decade of professionalism in the advertising industry as advertising agencies and clients established long-term relationships. The 60s saw the birth of the 'utterly butterly delicious' campaign of Amul

The AD: Inspired by the 'man in the Hathaway Shirt' ad by David Ogilvy which chose an aristocratic but unconventially good looking man with an eye patch as a model Zodiac chose a bearded, well built man as its model

The AD: A smiling, blissfully in love couple was the centre piece of this iconic advertising campaign for Wills cigarettes. The 'Made For Each Other' contest for the perfect couple was launched in 1969 The 70s

The Decade Advertising became more scientific as National readership Survey (NRS) happened and MBAs from B-schools were hired for client servicing roles

The AD: From Karen Lunel in the 70s to Preity Zinta in the 90s the damsel in the waterfall. Do we need to say more?

The AD: Before Rekha morphed into a vision in chic saris, she endorsed Parle's soft drink Gold Spot

The 80s

The Decade: After the colour telecast of Asiad games, television took off in India. The golden age of Indian advertising had just begun

The AD: Battery ads are not known for their edgy nature. Rediffusion's 'Give me Red' camp blew away that notion

The AD: Ramayan, Mahabharata and Lalitaji's pearls of wisdom on which washing powder made your whites look whiter was hard to miss on Sunday morning television.

The 90s

The Decade: India liberalised. Global brands like Pepsi rushed. Yeh Dil Maange more happened. And Cannes was conquered.

The AD: Ericsson used a misunderstanding and the following discomfiture to push their slick mobile phone

The AD: We don't strip. We are Indians. Tuffs, a shoe brand, laid waste to that perception in this ad which got the moral brigade all exercised

Y2K Years

The Decade: TVCs evolved, gaining global recognition. Digital advertising found its feet

The AD: As mobile service providers lined up to provide their services, Hutch came up with the killer line: "Wherever you go, the network follows you." Vodafone bought Hutch out, but the pug stayed

The AD: Teeth that double up as chandeliers, lamps and sources of light. Exaggeration worked for this chewing gum ad

Influential inventions in the advertising worldThere are four very influential inventions that have shaped the media and thus the advertising industry - the printing press, radio, television and the Internet. The printing press made the wide dissemination of information with words on paper possible, mainly advertisements in newspapers and magazines. Selling material had to be created and advertising agencies were born.

For the first time, advertising could be heard, not just seen. Soap operas, music, and serial adventures populated the new medium, and as radios appeared in virtually every home in America, sales of products advertised on the air soared. Advertisers rushed to write infectious advertising jingles, an art form that still has its place in the advertising repertoire of today.

Then television changed everything. Although TV was invented in the 1920s, it didn't become a mass commercial medium until the 1950s when the prices of television sets began to approach affordability. Print and radio had to take a back seat because, for the first time, commercials were broadcast with sight, sound and motion.

The effect of the television on the advertising industry and the way products were sold was remarkable. Advertising agencies not only had to learn how to produce these mini movies in units of 30 and 60 seconds, they had to learn to effectively segment the audience and deliver the right commercial message to the right group of consumers.

Cable television was the next great innovation, offering a greater variety of channels with more specific program offerings. That allowed advertisers to narrowcast. Before the advent of cable television, the networks attempted to reach demographics by airing at different times throughout the broadcast period. Soap operas were broadcast during the day to reach women, news in the evening to reach an older target audience.

Cable television, on the other hand, brought with it channels like MTV that catered to young music lovers, ESPN, for (typically) male sports fans, and the Food Network, for people who love cooking (or at least love to watch others cook). These new advertising channels were delightful for advertisers who wished to target certain audiences with specific interests, though less so for the networks who saw their share of ad revenue dwindle.

Changing trends in advertisementA face cream is endorsed by socially prominent personalities and beauty queens Why?

Value added by advertisement:It gives its users the added subjective satisfaction of Im good as she is.

This is the Subjective value of Product.

Reiterating the name until familiarity and association-recall establish a preference.


Ra.One- 30 brands and associations10-month long marketing campaign.

Fun music entertainment sports24Change and What triggers it?2525

Rise in platforms Ads are where the consumer is.


Individual trends will also be discussed, more general changes 26India- youth oriented


Want to attract girls?Get AXE!No Bike, No Status

Better the bike, more the status

30% population in the age gap of 10-24.


which one do you like?28

70-80% will like the first one. The msg is the same.28Out reach ProgrammesEnsuring customer loyalty and establishing EQ with the customer.Fuel Word of mouth publicity- THE BEST EVER PUBLICITY!!

Strategy- Customer is THE king. Make him feel so.Social Media is the platform!29A good outreach programme does two things:Necessarily promote the product.May produce sth more useful than just publicity.2930This is how a viral campaign looks like.

65000 tags in a matter of days!30Online Advertisement31Online Advertisement- WHY?Internet reaches about 30% of the global population.Boom in E-Commerce.Executives know exactly How many views/clicks/shares?

ONLY With online advertising, one can accurately measure the performance of the marketing campaigns.

3246% of parents whose children shop online allow their child to use their credit/debit card. 30% of parents who let their children shop with their credit/debit card online say their child has used it without permission. 23% of parents who let their children shop with their credit/debit card online say their child has overspent on it. [Source: Symantec, November 2011] and 39% of college students buy more online than in person. [Source: Cisco, September 2011] 32Increased ROI.


34Trend observed in Print Media35Indian movies of the 80s promoted the movieONLY through Print Media?

What worked later was the word of mouth publicityToday the ad spending of a company in print media especially in movies is negligible compared to total ad spendingObserve


1990 and 1997 ad1990s marked the move from text intensive to thought provoking ads to design intensive!37

Thematic Brand Campaigns 38

#KFBeerUpIntroduce the hash tag #Kfbeerup followers tweet and tag friends to attend, registrations, leading to a viral impact! First 50 80 tweeps who registered, attend the Kingfisher Meet Up!

FREE BEER ON THE WEEKENDSounds like a perfect plan to us!!39Brand Characters Vodafone pug, zoozoo, Amul butter girl

40Low production CostNo celebrity- no risk!Represents a common man.3m hits in 3 weeks!!Awarded MOST WATCHED BRAND IN BREAKS

Parody Advertisement.412012Remember the recent Hindu-TOI row?

To be continued adsDeepika Padukone in Nescafe ad.

3 idiots- Disguise tour of Aamir!42Element of SurpriseSurrogate advertising

Surrogate advertising is advertising which embeds a brand or product message inside an advertisement which is ostensibly for another brand or product. For example, a cigarette company might issue public service announcements relating to a topic such as lung cancer, using the company's logo or distinctive brand colors in the ads so that people are exposed to the company's branding without seeing an explicit ad for the company's product. The company would justify the advertisement by claiming that it's an example of social responsibility.

Advocacy advertisingAdvocacy advertising is an advertisement or public communication that attempts to influence public opinion on specific political, economic or social issues. Eg. KelloggThe company earned the award for Best Advocacy Social Media campaign in the 2012 Internet Advertising Competition. Using Facebook, the company encouraged users to submit breakfast photos, which would lead to donations by Kellogg through a non-profit of free breakfasts to schools. The company's goal was to donate more than a million breakfasts to kids in need. This type of social media effort is a great advocacy option for small businesses because of the low-cost means to communicate with a potentially large audience. You can simultaneously get your message out to support a cause, while also spreading your name in a viral way.

ConclusionSome things just improve over timeAmul Butter Girl.

Successfully running for over 41 years!

1979- Cushioned chairs in First Class Indian Railways

472010- you know what.


492012- You know who!!