advert research (done)


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Post on 26-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Advert research (done)

Magazine advert research

Page 2: Advert research (done)

Mika • Much like cd covers from this artist, Mika’s

advertisements are a great source of inspiration for our designs. It is a very eye-catching design, due to its bright colours and random art style. The name of the artist and album are presented at a slant, making them stand out well. This is augmented further by being in bold blue and white lettering, which is a stark contrast to the colourful background. This advertisement succeeds in drawing audiences from the top of the design where the title is to the colourful center. By making the viewers eyes start at the top and work down, they are sure to see the release date that is present in the bottom right of the image. Much like the title, this stands out due to being white and blue lettering on a contrasting background. An image like this one would be ideal for my own design for our advertisement.

Page 3: Advert research (done)

Katy Perry• this advert for one of Katy Perry’s albums, one of the boys, is both a good and

bad advert to base ours on. The positives of this is the name of the artist. It is in big font, eye-catching lettering and in a candy pink colour. This is the biggest piece of text on the advert, and makes sure that people know the artists name. To add appeal, the image of Katy Perry herself is wearing pink and red top, to link her to the font used for her name. The use of white lettering on for all other information is good, as it goes well with the green background, making it stand out considerably. This advert does have some downsides though. The 2 most prominent colours are dark green and blue, giving the advert a cool tone. It also prevents the advert from being eye catching while this works for Katy Perry, as she is a big name in the music industry, this wouldn’t be a good style to take for our advert for 2 reasons. The first is that our band (lion o’ Brien) isn't a well known band, and are unsigned. The second is that having cool colours dominate the palette goes against the themes and design of our music video, which has lots of warm colours instead.

Page 4: Advert research (done)

Katy perry, one of the boys

Page 5: Advert research (done)

Bloc partyI don’t feel like this is a very good album to promote

bloc party, or to use as inspiration to our own advertisement. Firstly, 2 thirds of the image are black. This makes the entire design dark dreary and boring. It also takes up way to much space, giving the advert a very amateur look to it. The next thing I find bad about this poster is the font used for the name of the band. It’s in a very boring, generic font, and does nothing to promote the band in any way whatsoever. Although it does catch the eye, due to being mounted on a black background. The next complaint I have about this advert is the image used. While it does fit with the title of the album, a week in the city, it consists of a drab motorway with yellow streetlights. Most of this image is dark too, making it seem even more of a bland advert. This advert would be poor inspiration of my advert for our music video due to its lack of bold warm colours or interesting imagery.