adrc eau claire county april 2015 newsletter

721 Oxford Avenue-Room 1130 Eau Claire WI 54703 Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Ʃy: uƐe Relay ;711Ϳ Sue Miller Cheryl Stahl Mary Pierce Stella PagoniƐ Lauri Malnory LouiƐe Garvey Mark Beckfield Gordon Steinhauer Katherine Schneider ThomaƐ ChriƐtopherƐon Stephannie Regenauer Board meeƟngƐ are open to the public. For meeƟng dateƐ viƐitƐ April 2015 SSDI ApplicaƟon/Medical PorƟon ;PartƐ 1 and 2Ϳ Social Security recommendƐ that you Ɛtart the more complex medical porƟon of the Adult DiƐability applicaƟon during the month of the 18 th birthday. The firƐt 2 partƐ can be completed on line. ApplicaƟon for SSDI. MoƐt likely your child iƐ not eligible for thiƐ benefit unleƐƐ they have worked and paid into the Social Security ƐyƐtem or their parent iƐ receiving benefitƐ from Social Security. ThiƐ SSDI applicaƟon iƐ reƋuired and iƐ uƐed aƐ an important Ɛcreening tool for future benefitƐ. If ineligible you will receive a denial leƩer for thiƐ porƟon of the claim but do not confuƐe it with the ongoing SSI applicaƟon. Medical and work hiƐtory. Make Ɛure that thiƐ porƟon iƐ completed and ƐubmiƩed prior to your phone appointment. zou are able to update informaƟon and re-enter the online medical applicaƟon any number of ƟmeƐ uƐing the provided the firƐt Ɵme you logon. Write it down becauƐe it iƐ your key when coming back to finiƐh or add more informaƟon later. Financial porƟon. AŌer compleƟng aƐ much aƐ you can call Social Security at 800-772-1213 7 am-7 pm Monday-Friday to Ɛchedule an appointment to complete the financial porƟon of the SSI applicaƟon. Call 800-772-1213 and aƐk that an Adult DiƐability Starter Kit be mailed to you. The SSI financial porƟon iƐ not online Ɛo a phone or oĸce interview appointment iƐ alwayƐ needed. Phone interviewƐ are preferred by Social Security. Contact Social Security to make an appointment no Ɛooner than the firƐt day of the month of the 18th birthday. The SSI applicaƟon reƋuireƐ a new adult diƐability medical determinaƟon even if your child iƐ coming oī Medical AƐƐiƐtance ;MAͿ through the KaƟe BeckeƩ or another WiƐconƐin MA Waiver Program. If your child haƐ been on one of theƐe programƐ add that informaƟon to the medical applicaƟon remarkƐ ƐecƟon and let the SSI interviewer know. ThiƐ can help get Ƌuicker acceƐƐ to the KaƟe BeckeƩ or MA medical file and may reduce the Ɵme to make a new medical deciƐion.

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Page 1: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

721 Oxford Avenue-Room 1130

Eau Claire WI 54703

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 5:00 pm 7 1 5 . 8 3 9 . 4 7 3 51 . 8 8 8 . 3 3 8 . 4 6 3 6

$y: u%e Relay &711' A D R C B O A R DSue Miller

Cheryl Stahl

Mary Pierce

Stella Pagoni%

Lauri Malnory

Loui%e Garvey

Mark Beckfield

Gordon Steinhauer

Katherine Schneider

Thoma% Chri%topher%on

Stephannie Regenauer

Board mee:ng% are open to the

public. For mee:ng date% vi%it

K n o w u s b e f o r e y o u n e e d u s

April 2015 H o w t o A p p l y f o r S u p p l e m e n t a l S e c u r i t y I n c o m e ( S S I )W h e n Y o u r C h i l d T u r n s 1 8SSDI Applica:on/Medical Por:on &Part% 1 and 2'

Social Security recommend% that you %tart the more complex medical

por:on of the Adult Di%ability applica:on o n l i n e a t w w w . s s a . g o v during

the month of the 18th

birthday. The fir%t 2 part% can be completed on line. P a r t 1

Applica:on for SSDI. Mo%t likely your child i% not eligible for thi%

benefit unle%% they have worked and paid into the Social Security %y%tem

or their parent i% receiving benefit% from Social Security. Thi% SSDI

applica:on i% re;uired and i% u%ed a% an important %creening tool for future

benefit%. If ineligible< you will receive a denial le$er for thi% por:on of the

claim< but do not confu%e it with the ongoing SSI applica:on. P a r t 2 Medical and work hi%tory. Make %ure that thi% por:on i% completed

and %ubmi$ed prior to your phone appointment. =ou are able to update

informa:on and re-enter the online medical applica:on any number of

:me% u%ing the r e - e n t r y n u m b e r provided the fir%t :me you logon. Write

it down becau%e it i% your key when coming back to fini%h or add more

informa:on later. P a r t 3

Financial por:on. A>er comple:ng a% much a% you can< call Social

Security at 800-772-1213< 7 am-7 pm< Monday-Friday to %chedule an

appointment to complete the financial por:on of the SSI applica:on. N o o n l i n e a c c e s s ?

Call 800-772-1213 and a%k that an Adult Di%ability

Starter Kit be mailed to you. O i n a n c i a l P o r P o n - p h o n e o r o ffi c e i n t e r v i e w ? Y o u r c h o i c e .The SSI financial por:on i% not online %o a phone or o?ce interview

appointment i% alway% needed. Phone interview% are preferred by Social

Security. Contact Social Security to make an appointment no %ooner than

the fir%t day of the month of the 18th birthday. W h y I s a n o t h e r M e d i c a l R e v i e w n e e d e d ?The SSI applica:on re;uire% a new adult di%ability medical determina:on

even if your child i% coming o@ Medical A%%i%tance &MA' through the Ka:e

Becke$ or another Wi%con%in MA Waiver Program. If your child ha% been

on one of the%e program%< add that informa:on to the medical applica:on

remark% %ec:on and let the SSI interviewer know. Thi% can help get ;uicker

acce%% to the Ka:e Becke$ or MA medical file and may reduce the :me to

make a new medical deci%ion.

Page 2: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

A D R C D i r e c t o rJennifer Owen

N u t r i � o n P r o g r a m S u p e r v i s o rBecky Hinzmann

A D R C S u p e r v i s o rEmily Gilbert%on

O p � o n s C o u n s e l o r

O p � o n s C o u n s e l o rLi%a Riley

O p � o n s C o u n s e l o rLi%a Well%

P r e v e n � o n P r o g r a mC o o r d i n a t o rDeb Bruning

E l d e r B e n e fi tS p e c i a l i s tSue Brown

D i s a b i l i t y B e n e fi tS p e c i a l i s tMeli%%a Wendtland

D i s a b i l i t y B e n e fi tS p e c i a l i s tJim Coldwell

E l d e r B e n e fi tS p e c i a l i s tLeda Judd

O p � o n s C o u n s e l o rJenna Belter

O p � o n s C o u n s e l o rDawnelle Horvath

O p � o n s C o u n s e l o rDana Greicar

O p � o n s C o u n s e l o rLiz De$

O p � o n s C o u n s e l o rSue O’Branovich

V o l u n t e e r C o o r d i n a t o rKaylynn Stahlbu%ch

R e s o u r c e S p e c i a l i s tJe%%ica Krau%e

R e s o u r c e S p e c i a l i s tLindi Engedal

O ffi c e A s s o c i a t eSandy Kronenberg

R e s o u r c e S p e c i a l i s tMarlene Rud

Aging & Di%ability Re%ource Center Sta@

O ffi c e A s s o c i a t eLynne Braatz

Page 3: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

Regi%ter by Thur%day< April 23< 2015 or contact

Aging and Di%ability Re%ource Center 715.839.4735<

1.888.338.4H3H $y: u%e Relay &711'. Space i% limited. Thi% no

co%t event include% lunch< morning & a>ernoon refre%hment%

and Final A@air% Guide. Cer:ficate of a$endance will be

available upon re;ue%t.

9 : 0 0 - 9 : 3 0R e g i s t r a P o n � W e l c o m e � A n n o u n c e m e n t s9 : 3 0 - 1 0 : 0 0D o N o t R e s u s c i t a t e D e c i s i o n sP h y s i c i a n1 0 : 0 0 - 1 0 : 3 0H o s p i c e � P a l l i a P v eH o s p i c e C a r e T r a n s i P o n s C o o r d i n a t o rP a l l i a P v e C a r e R N1 0 : 3 0 - 1 0 : 4 5B r e a k1 0 : 4 5 - 1 1 : 3 0O u n e r a l P l a n n i n gO u n e r a l D i r e c t o r1 1 : 3 0 - 1 2 : 0 0O i n a n c i a lB e n e fi t S p e c i a l i s t � O p P o n s C o u n s e l o r1 2 : 0 0 - 1 2 : 3 0L u n c h1 2 : 3 0 - 1 : 1 5P o w e r o f A � o r n e y - H e a l t h C a r e1 : 1 5 - 2 : 0 0O r g a n D o n a P o nH e a l t h C a r e C h a p l a i n2 : 0 0 - 2 : 1 5B r e a k2 : 1 5 - 3 : 1 5L e g a l M a � e r sE l d e r L a w A � o r n e y3 : 1 5 - 3 : 3 0W r a p - u p � E v a l u a P o n s



P R O G R A M B E N E F I T S• Obtain k n o w l e d g e of end-of-life i%%ue%

• Obtain valuable informa:on and p r a c $ c a l a d v i c e from

local profe%%ional%

• C l a r i f y m i s c o n c e p $ o n s %urrounding end-of-life

• Connect with c o m m u n i t y r e s o u r c e s


Page 4: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

P a r a t r a n s i t � S p e c i a l i � e d T r a n s p o r t a � o n S e r v i c e C u s t o m e r S a � s f a c � o n S u r v e ySurvey% were mailed out to a random 300 Abby Van% rider% with 141 %urvey% returned. Thank you to tho%e who

re%ponded to the %urvey. For more informa:on about tran%porta:on op:on%< contact the Aging & Di%ability

Re%ource Center at715-839-4735< 1-888-338-4H3H< $y: u%e Relay &711'< adrcKco.eau-claire.wi.u%.

W i s c o n s i n C o u n c i l o f t h e B l i n d & V i s u a l l y I m p a i r e dFree H0 minute webinar< “Gardening with Vi%ion Impairment%<” T h u r s d a y � A p r i l 2 � 2 0 1 5 � 1 0 - 1 1 a m .

Gue%t %peaker Barbara Kre%ki< Director of Hor:cultural Therapy Service% at the Chicago Botanic Garden

&'< will %peak about outdoor gardening with a focu% on enjoying gardening experience

through touch and %mell when the gardener ha% vi%ion lo%%. She will al%o addre%% %afety :p%< %tre%% reduc:on

and tool% to ea%e the work. Judith Ra%mu%%en< Program A%%i%tant at the Council< will de%cribe her per%onal

experience% a% an avid container gardener of herb% and orchid%.

Program Cer:fica:on Proce%%

85.95O %a:%fied/very %a:%fied

3.31O very un%a:%fied

10.74O D/A

Courte%y of Abby Van% O?ce Per%onnel

91.37O %a:%fied/very %a:%fied

7.19O un%a:%fied/very un%a:%fied

1.44O D/A

Ea%e of Scheduling Ride%

81.7HO %a:%fied/very %a:%fied

1H.0HO un%a:%fied/very un%a:%fied

2.18O D/A

Courte%y of Abby Van% Driver%

92.75O %a:%fied/very %a:%fied

7.25O un%a:%fied/very un%a:%fied

Cleanline%% of Abby Van% Vehicle%

89.21O %a:%fied/very %a:%fied

8.H4O un%a:%fied/very un%a:%fied

2.15O D/A

Comfort of Abby Van% Vehicle%

88.73O %a:%fied/ very %a:%fied

9.02 un%a:%fied/very un%a:%fied

2.25O D/A

Co%t of Service

94.93 %a:%fied/very un%a:%fied

1.44O un%a:%fied/very un%a:%fied

3.H3 D/A

Have you ever talked to Abby Van%

34.75O have called about a complaint?

H3.12O have not called

E m i l y G i l b e r t s o n , A g i n g & D i s a b i l i t y R e s o u r c e C e n t e r S u p e r v i s o r

I am excited to take on the po%i:on of Aging & Di%ability Re%ource Center

Supervi%or< and look forward to the many learning opportuni:e%. I have been

with the ADRC for 3 year% and have worked in a number of avenue% including

Care Tran%i:on%< Op:on% Coun%eling and Caregiving.

Page 5: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

Aging & Di%ability Re%ource Center &ADRC' %ta@ are available to help young

adult% and their familie% with the tran%i:on from high %chool and/or

children’% program% to adult program%. When a child turn% 18 they are

legally an adult. They can now make deci%ion% for them%elve%. They may

be eligible for medical a%%i%tance and Social Security if they have a

di%ability. Service% through Family Care or IRIS may al%o be available to


The ADRC can a%%i%t youth at age 17.5 and their familie%< in determining

financial and func:onal eligibility for the adult publicly funded program

&Family Care or IRIS'. There i% no fee for %ervice% o@ered at the ADRC. =outh in high %chool and their familie%

are eligible to meet with ADRC %ta@ at the %chool< in the home or at the ADRC o?ce.

ADRC %ta@ can provide informa:on on:

For more informa:on< contact Aging & Di%ability Re%ource Center< 715-839-4735< adrcKco.eau-claire.wi.u%

� Hou%ing op:on% �

Voca:onal op:on% �Social Security benefit% �Long term care %ervice% �Guardian%hip

�Tran%porta:on re%ource% �Support group% �Home health care �Suppor:ve home care �Mental health %ervice%

Page 6: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

Ba%ic Rule% of Law of Deci%ion-Making for

Adult% in Wi%con%in

A. An adult &18 year% or older' i% the ODL= one who

can make deci%ion% for that adult.

B. Wi%con%in law treat% family member%< including

%pou%e%< a% %tranger% for deci%ion-making purpo%e%.

C. Family member% are DOT authorized to make

deci%ion% for capacitated or incapacitated adult

family member% &Wi%con%in i% DOT a “next of kin” or

“family con%ent” %tate for adult%'.

D. Deci%ion-making authority can be delegated to

other% &o>en called “%urrogate%”' by a principal who

i% “of %ound mind.” Below are %everal example%:

1. Joint tenancy of property including bank account%

2. Power% of A$orney for Finance% and Health Care

3. Power of A$orney bank account%

4. Tru%t%

E. The law al%o delegate% deci%ion-making authority

to %urrogate%.

1. Guardian% of the Per%on or E%tate

2. Court order% pur%uant to Chapter% 51 &mental

health' and 55 &protec:ve placement/%ervice%' of

Wi%con%in Statute%

3. Repre%enta:ve Payee% for Social Security

Admini%tra:on benefit%

4. Implied con%ent in medical emergencie%

Power Of A$orney for Finance%

& a.k.a. Durable Power of A$orney'

A. Chapter 244 of Wi%con%in Statute% regulate% POA-F%

and include% a %tatutory form.

B. A document that authorize% another per%on &called

the “agent” or “a$orney-in-fact”' to handle the

financial a@air% of the per%on execu:ng the document

&called the “principal”'< con%i%tent with the term% of

the document a% expre%%ed by the principal.

C. All POA-F% are pre%umed to be durable unle%% other-

wi%e %tated the POA-F. The term “durable” mean% the

document remain% in e@ect during a period of

incapacity. The current %tatutory %tate form POA-F i%

automa:cally durable.

D. E%%en:ally a private arrangement between the

principal and the agent; the court i% only involved if

trouble ari%e%.

E. If a POA-F i% not executed or other %uitable arrange-

ment% made &e.g.< a tru%t or the appointment of a

repre%enta:ve payee'< a Guardian of the E%tate mu%t

be appointed if the principal lo%e% the mental ability to

make financial deci%ion%.

Living Will &a.k.a. Declara:on to Phy%ician%'

A. A document executed by a principal declaring hi% or

her wi%he% and direc:ng hi% or her phy%ician to refu%e

certain life %u%taining procedure% when the principal’%

death i% imminent due to a terminal condi:on or when

the principal i% in a per%i%tent vegeta:ve %tate.

B. Doe% not apply in any other health care %itua:on.

C. Doe% not include the appointment of an agent; it i% a

direc:ve to the trea:ng phy%ician.

Power of A$orney for Health Care

A. Chapter 155 of Wi%con%in Statute% regulate% POA-

HC% and include% a %tatutory form.

B. A document that authorize% another per%on &called

the “agent”' to make health care deci%ion% for the

per%on execu:ng the document &called the“ principal”'<

con%i%tent with the term% of the document and ba%ed

on the wi%he% of the principal< e@ec:ve when the

principal i% unable to make health care deci%ion%.

C. Can include – but need not – a %tatement of wi%he%

regarding future care.

D. It i% e%%en:al that principal% talk to their agent%

about their wi%he% a% well.

E. If a POA-HC i% not executed< a Guardian of the

Per%on mu%t be appointed if the principal lo%e% the

mental ability to make health care deci%ion%.

O v e r v i e w o f A u t h o r i � e d D e c i s i o n - M a k e r s a n d A d v a n c e D i r e c � v e s i n W i s c o n s i n

Page 7: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

DDR Order%

A. Chapter 154 of Wi%con%in Statute% regulate% DDR


B. A DDR order may only be i%%ued by an a$ending

phy%ician and only applie% to a “;ualified pa-

:ent” &when an adult ha% a terminal condi:on or

would %u@er pain or harm from re%u%cita:on or when

re%u%cita:on would be un%ucce%%ful'. The ;ualified

pa:ent mu%t al%o re;ue%t the DDR order< con%ent to it<

and %ign the wri$en order.

C. The DDR bracelet communicate% to EMT%< fir%t

re%ponder% or ER %ta@ that the pa:ent’% phy%ician ha%

i%%ued a DDR order. A DDR Bracelet may be obtained

from the phy%ician &for free' or Medic Alert &for a fee'.

Oral Advance Direc:ve%

A. In the context of a Power of A$orney for Health


1. The authority of the agent i% to implement the

wi%he% of the principal &called “%ub%:tuted judgment”'

which have been:

I. Communicated orally prior to incapacity by the

principal to the agent or to %omeone el%e.

II. Communicated in wri:ng prior to incapacity by the

principal in the Power of A$orney for Health Care

document or another document.

III. Communicated during incapacity by the principal to

the agent or to %omeone el%e.

2. When the wi%he% of the principal are unknown< the

agent i% to make deci%ion% ba%ed on the “be%t inter-

e%t%” of the principal.

B. In the context of Guardian%hip

1. The guardian i% to make deci%ion% for the ward

ba%ed on the “be%t intere%t%” of the ward.

2. If the guardian can demon%trate by a preponderance

of the evidence a clear %tatement made by a ward<

while %:ll competent< of the ward’% de%ire% regarding

end-of-life deci%ion-making< it i% in the be%t intere%t% of

the ward to honor tho%e wi%he%. E d n a M . F . , 210 Wi%.

2d 558< 5H3 D.W.2d 485 &1997'.

What I% Incompetency? What I% Incapacity?

A. “Incompetency” &Wi%. Stat. § 54.10'

1. To be determined incompetent by a judge or court

commi%%ioner in a g u a r d i a n s h i p proceeding< the

following mu%t be met:

a' Individual i% at lea%t 17 year% and 9 month% old;

b' Individual ha% a ;ualifying impairment;

c' Becau%e of ;ualifying impairment< the individual i%

I. “unable e@ec:vely to receive and evaluate

informa:on or to make or communicate deci%ion% to

%uch an extent that the individual i% unable to meet the

e%%en:al re;uirement% for hi% or her phy%ical health

and %afety<” or

II. “unable e@ec:vely to receive and evaluate

informa:on or to make or communicate deci%ion%

related to management of hi% or her property or

financial a@air%< to the extent that any of the following


1' Individual ha% property that will be di%%ipated in

whole or in part.

2' Individual i% unable to provide for hi% or her


3' Individual i% unable to prevent financial exploita:on.


d' Individual ha% need% that cannot be addre%%ed

by le%% re%tric:ve mea%ure%.

2. Mu%t be ba%ed on medical and other expert


B. “Incapacity”

1. Determina:on by two doctor% or one doctor and a

licen%ed p%ychologi%t that an individual i% “unable to

receive and evaluate informa:on e@ec:vely or to com-

municate deci%ion% to %uch an extent that the individu-

al lack% the capacity to manage hi% or her health care

deci%ion%.” Sec:on 155.01 &8' of Wi%con%in Statute%.

2. U%ed to “ac:vate” a P o w e r o f A � o r n e y f o r H e a l t hC a r e .

3. Dote: Current POA-F% take e@ect immediately<

unle%% otherwi%e %pecified within the POA-Finance%.

Source: GWAAR Guardian%hip Support Center

Page 8: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

D e m e n � a F r i e n d l y B u s i n e s s e s o fE a u C l a i r e C o u n t yLooking for a bu%ine%% to fre;uent who under%tand%

and i% aware of Alzheimer’% di%ea%e and related

demen:a% and goe% above and beyond excellent

cu%tomer %ervice? Be %ure and vi%it your local

bu%ine%%e% and look for the purple angel!

Aging & Di%ability Re%ource Center


Bank Mutual


City of Eau Claire Supervi%or%

Clearwater Kiwani%

Eau Claire County Courthou%e

Fe%:val Food%

Green Planet Rain Barrel%

L.E. Phillip% Memorial Public Library

Midwe%t Dental

Doon Rotary

Raymond Jame%

The ARC of Eau Claire

Unity Bank of Augu%ta


Eau Claire Memory Café

The café o@er% a comfortable way for people with

memory problem% and their care partner% to have

fun and %ocialize with other%.

Chippewa Valley Mu%eum Auditorium

9:30 – 11:30 am< Tue%day< April 14< 2015

Cathy Reitz< Vocali%t< Educator< and Director of the

Chippewa Valley Community Choru% will be talking

about the benefit% of %inging for your brain. Plan on

warming up your vocal chord%! Food %pon%or: Grace

Willowbrook A%%i%ted Living. Contact Li%a

715-839-4750 or li%a.well%Kco.eau-claire.wi.u%

Thur%day< April 30< 2015<

H pm Recep:on< 7 pm Screening

Saturday< May 2< 2015

10 am Screening

Micon Cinema%< 3109 Mall Drive< Eau Claire

Ticket% V7; 100O donated to Alzheimer% A%%ocia:on.

C a r e g i v e r S u p p o r t G r o u p sAlzheimer’%

Lake Street Methodi%t Church

337 Lake Street< Eau Claire

1:30 – 3:30 pm< Thur%day< April 30< 2015

Contact Paula 715-577-3H00 or

Grace Adult Day Service%

2441 Dew Pine Drive< Altoona

H:30 – 8:00 pm< Thur%day< April 1H< 2015

Contact Bethany 715-832-8811 or

Alzheimer’% A%%ocia:on 24/7 Helpline 1-800-272-3900

Lewy-Body Demen:a

Sacred Heart Ho%pital/Rm 15

901 W. Clairemont< Eau Claire

H:30 – 8:00 pm< Wedne%day< April 8< 2015

Contact Amy 715-379-3148 or

Family Caregiver Call-In

FREE and ea%y to par:cipate

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm< Tue%day< April 14< 2015

Call Kathy< 800-472-8008 for re%erva:on on the call

C o n g r a t u l a � o n s D e m e n � a F r i e n d l y B u s i n e s s �Bank Mutual<

2722 Eddy Lane<

Eau Claire<

recently went

through the

training and

became a


Friendly Bu%ine%%!

Sue Fi%her< O?ce

Manager/A%%i%tance Vice Pre%ident< %tated< “I want to

thank you for coming. The pre%enta:on wa% definitely

worthwhile and all of u% took away informa:on that

will be very helpful in dealing with cu%tomer% who may

be experiencing demen:a %ymptom%”.

Contact Li%a Well%< Demen:a Care Speciali%t at

715-839-4750 or li%a.well%Kco.eau-claire.wi.u%.

Page 9: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

D e m e n � a D i s c u s s i o n C o r n e r : D e m e n � a a n d D r i v i n g

Imagine for a minute a family member or friend %aid to you< “=ou can’t drive anymore!” What would you %ay

to them? We may become defen%ive and have a few choice word% for that per%on. Why? Driving repre%ent%

independence< freedom< competence< and control. It i% a way to be produc:ve< to acce%% %ervice%< to go

place%< to %tay connected to our community. Having a diagno%i% of Alzheimer’% di%ea%e or related demen:a

doe% not mean a per%on ha% to %top driving immediately. However< the progre%%ion of the di%ea%e i% gradual

and %omewhat unpredictable making driving more di?cult…...and ri%kier.

Stop by the Aging & Di%ability Re%ource Center and pick up a copy of A t t h e C r o s s r o a d s : A G u i d e t o A l z h e i m e r ’ s� i s e a s e , � e m e n � a � � r i � i n � or download a copy at h$p://


A few warning signs: incorrect signaling • trouble navigating turns • moving into a wrong lane • confusion at exits • hitting curbs • driving at inappropriate speeds • not anticipating dangerous situations Caregivers often find it helpful to seek support from professionals outside the family. Healthcare professionals may be more likely to discuss driving issues with a patient if a caregiver has met with them privately and shared observations of driving behavior. Physicians will often write a prescription to stop driving. An occupational therapy driving assessment may also be suggested.

Page 10: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

F o o d R e s o u r c e sE a u C l a i r e C i t y � C o u n t y H e a l t h D e p a r t m e n t W I C720 Second Avenue< Eau Claire…………....715.839.5051

WIC-Women< Infant% and Children. Dutri:on and

brea%Xeeding educa:on< %upplemental food% and

health %creening for low-income pregnant< brea%t-

feeding< and po%tpartum women and children 0-5. E a u C l a i r e I n t e r f a i t h H o s p i t a l i t y N e t w o r k309 E. Lake Street< Eau Claire………..….…715.834.4357

Food available for program par:cipant%

O o o d P a n t r i e sBring ID and proof of addre%%< income and expen%e%.

A u g u s t a O o o d P a n t r yD. Stone Street< Augu%ta…………………….. 715.225.49H5

1%t Wed.< H:00-7:-00 pm< 3 & 4 Sat.< 10:00-11:00 am.

O a i r c h i l d O o o d P a n t r y311 D. Front Street< Fairchild ….……………715.334.3583

3rd Tue%day< 2:00-3:-00 pm.

O a l l C r e e k C o m m u n i t y C u p b o a r dFaith Evangelical Free Church……………….715.877.2330

704 Kennedy Avenue< Fall Creek WI

2nd & 4th Monday< 10:-00-11:30 & 5:30-7:00 pm.

I m m a n u e l L u t h e r a n O o o d P a n t r y3214 Golf Road< Eau Claire……………..…….715.832.7832

Tue%day< Wedne%day< Thur%day< 9:00—11:00 am.

R u b y ’ s P a n t r y O o o d D i s t r i b u P o nGood Shepherd Lutheran Church………...715.834.2959

1120 Cedar Street< Eau Claire WI. 1%t Thur%day<

regi%tra:on 4-H pm< di%tribu:on 5 pm. Receive an

abundance of grocery item% for V20 ca%h dona:on.

Bring your own box or container for food.

S t . O r a n c i s O o o d P a n t r y1221 Truax Blvd.< Eau Claire……………....715.839.770H

Monday 4-7 pm< Tue%day & Thur%day 11 am—3:00

pm< Saturday 11:00 am—1:00 pm.

S e n i o r D i n i n g N u t r i P o n P r o g r a mAging & Di%ability Re%ource Center……….715.839.488H

Meal% on Wheel% –hot noon meal delivered Monday

through Friday< for homebound< age H0 & over.

Sugge%ted dona:on V3.75 per meal. Congregate

meal %ite%—for age H0 and over. Sugge%ted dona:on

V3.75< re%erva:on re;uired.

T h e C o m m u n i t y T a b l e � I n c .320 Putnam Street< Eau Claire…...………..715.835.4977 Monday< Wedne%day<

Thur%day< Saturday< 11:30 am—1:00 pm; Tue%day<

Friday< 5:00-H:15 pm< Sunday 3:00-4:00 pm.

T r i n i t y L u t h e r a n C h u r c h O o o d P a n t r y1314 E. Lexington Blvd.< Eau Claire……….715.832.HH01

Monday< Tue%day< Thur%day< 1:30-3:00 pm<

Tue%day 5:30– 7:00 pm.

W h a t i s S N A P ?Supplemental Dutri:on A%%i%tance Program

SDAP i% the new name for the improved Food

Stamp program in Wi%con%in. SDAP benefit% are

%pent u%ing a debit card called the Wi%con%in

QUEST card.

Apply at: E a u C l a i r e C o u n t y D e p a r t m e n t o f H u m a n S e r v i c e s721 Oxford Avenue< Eau Claire ………715.839.2300

Monday-Friday< 8:00 am - 4:15 pm & W a l k - i n ' s a r en o t a � a i l a b l e b e t w e e n 1 1 : 3 0 a m - 1 : 0 0 p m . )o r

√ Great River% Call Center 1-888-283-0012

&and al%o to report any change%'

√ Online via ACCESS


Hou%ehold monthly limit:

1 per%on< V1<94H; 2 people V2<H22

Energy A%%i%tance benefit will not a@ect income

for Food Share eligibility. U%e the QUEST card at

grocery %tore%< farmer% market< Meal% on Wheel%.

Page 11: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

A p r i l i s A u � s m A w a r e n e s s M o n t h

Au:%m i% a complex neurological di%order. In the United State%< Au:%m e@ect% about every 1 in 110 children.

It i% a life long condi:on with no known %ingle cau%e. Au:%m can be pre%ent at birth or may form during early

childhood &typically within the fir%t three year%' and la%t throughout a per%on’% life:me.

There are common characteri%:c%< although no two people will have the

exact %ame %et of %ymptom%. Symptom% can occur in any combina:on and

with varying degree% of %everity. People diagno%ed with au:%m have di?culty

interac:ng with other%. They find it harder to %how empathy to other%. In

many ca%e% phy%ical contact i% di?cult for them. Sudden change% to the

environment around them can have an e@ect on them. People with

au:%m o>en di%play repe::ve behavior and any change to behavior or

rou:ne may be up%e[ng to them. They o>en have di@erent way% of

learning< paying a$en:on and reac:ng to thing%.

For more informa:on contact Au:%m Society of Wi%con%in at 1-888-428-847H or

Autistic disorder is the most commonly known of the Autism Spectrum Disorders, but there are others including Pervasive Developmental Disorder not otherwise specified and Asperger’s.

Page 12: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

S p o t l i g h t o n P r o g r a m L e a d e r sStepping On leader% &le>-to-right': Karen Herbi%on< Vi%i:ng Angel%;

Kathleen Wanke< Home In%tead; Mandy Runge< Oakwood Villa;

Angela Kjellberg< St Croix Ho%pice; Barb Haag< Sacred Heart Ho%pital;

Deb Bruning< ADRC; Kim Stra%burg< Mayo Clinic Health Sy%tem.

&Dot in photo: Arlene Hrdlicka and Sara Car%ten%< MCHS'

Other evidence-ba%ed program leader%:

Living Well with Chronic Condi:on%: Alli%on Go%bin and Ruth Kilne%%<

Eau Claire City County Health Department; Laurie Pe[%< Eau Claire

=MCA; Mandy Runge< Oakwood Villa; Robin David%on< Tanya Scher and Joanne Walker< Mayo Clinic Health

Sy%tem; Deb Bruning< ADRC. Healthy Ea:ng for Succe%%ful Living: Kaylynn Stahlbu%ch< Liz De$ and Deb

Bruning< ADRC. Strong Bone%: Mandy Runge< Liz De$ and Deb Bruning.S t e p p i n g O n 7-week Fall Preven:on Work%hop

Wilma i% a S t e p p i n � O n graduate. We a%ked her a few ;ue%:on% about her experience. W h y d i d y o u d e c i d e t o t a k e a S t e p p i n g O n w o r k s h o p ?� t w a s a d � e r � s e d i n o u r � h u r � h b u l l e � n . � a l m o s t d i d n o t t a k e t h e � l a s s . A t � r s t i t s t r u � k m e t h a t � h o u r s a w e e kf o r s e � e n w e e k s w a s w a � t o o m u � h � m e t o s p e n d o n t h i s t o p i � . o w e � e r , � d i d t a k e t h e � l a s s p a r t l � b e � a u s e o fa s u p e r s � � o u s f e e l i n � t h a t m � h u s b a n d o r � w o u l d s u r e l � h a � e a s e r i o u s f a l l i f w e i � n o r e d t h i s � l a s s . S o � s i � h e du s u p a n d w e b o t h f o u n d t h e e n � r e � o u r s e p a � k e d w i t h u s e f u l i n f o r m a � o n . A n d � n o w r e a l i z e i t t a k e s � m e t oa b s o r b t h e i m p o r t a n t � o n � e p t s a n d � m e t o m a k e a � o m m i t m e n t t o t h e e � e r � i s e s f o r e � a m p l e ) t h a t w i l l h a � ea l o n � - t e r m e ff e � t .W h a t d i d y o u g a i n f r o m t a k i n g t h i s w o r k s h o p ?� a m m u � h m o r e a w a r e t h r o u � h o u t t h e d a � o f t h e n e e d t o t a k e m � � m e , s � a n t h e p a t h a h e a d , a n d s t e p � a r e f u l -l � . T h e E X E R C � S E S T R U L Y � O W O R K ! ! � t r � t o d o t h e m e � e r � d a � a n d � a m a m a z e d t h a t m � b a l a n � e i s i m p r o � i n � !H o w w o u l d y o u d e s c r i b e S t e p p i n g O nT h e � a r i e d f o r m a t i n e a � h � - h o u r � l a s s k e e p s u s i n t e r e s t e d , e n � a � e d , a n d t h i n k i n � / l e a r n i n � . E X C E L L E N T C L A S S ! S t r o n g B o n e s

Two Informa:on Se%%ion% will be held on Wedne%day<

A p r i l 8 � 2 0 1 5for all new par:cipant% intere%ted in the

8-week cla%%e%:

12:00 – 1:00 pm at Fir%t Lutheran Church< 1005 Oxford Avenue< Eau Claire< or

5:00 – H:00 pm at Emergency Service% building< 1904 Spooner Avenue< Altoona.

Cla%%e% are: Monday% & Wedne%day%< A p r i l 1 3 – J u n e 8 � 2 0 1 5

&no cla%% May 25'.

Minimal e;uipment needed: %et of dumbbell%< ankle weight< and \oor mat or towel. Do co%t< regi%tra:on

re;uired. Regi%ter at or call 715-839-4735. L i v i n g W e l l w i t h C h r o n i c C o n d i � o n sA new H-week chronic condi:on% %elf-management work%hop will be M o n d a y s � A p r i l 1 3 – M a y 1 8 � 2 0 1 5


3:30 – H:00 pm at the =MCA–Eau Claire< 700 Graham Avenue. Par:cipant% will learn 13 %elf-management tool%

in thi% interac:ve program. Do fee and program material and refre%hment% provided. Regi%ter at or call 715-839-4735 �

The next S t e p p i n � O n work%hop i% T h u r s d a y s � A p r i l 2 3 – J u n e 4 � 2 0 1 5 � 9 : 0 0 – 1 1 : 0 0 a m a t Briarwood Co$age%<

Eau Claire. Do fee< advance regi%tra:on i% re;uired< vi%it or 715-839-4735.

Page 13: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

The A d a p P v e E � u i p m e n t L o a n P r o g r a m at the Aging and Di%ability Re%ource Center of Eau Claire County<

o@er% a way for individual% to try out e;uipment for a %hort :me. Whether you are thinking about purcha%ing

an item but want to try it out fir%t< or ju%t needing %omething for a %hort :me< the loan program can be a

u%eful %ervice that i% ;uick and ea%y to u%e.

We have a variety of item% that can make your life a li$le ea%ier including walker%< cane%< bath benche%< bed

rail%< pocket talker% that amplify %ound< magnifying aid% for low vi%ion i%%ue%< tool% to make food prepara:on

ea%ier< tool% to aid in dre%%ing< and much more.

Scale% that come with a handheld electronic readout. Thi% allow% %omeone to

%tand on the %cale and read their weight without having to bend down.

Another handy tool i% the talking medica:on reminder alarm clock. Thi% clock can

be %et for up to four alarm% per day. The alarm %ound% when it i% :me to take

medica:on< no ma$er what :me of day. The clock can al%o announce the date and

:me on demand and a backlight allow% for an ea%y to read di%play in low light.

All item% can be borrowed from the Aging and Di%ability Re%ource Center of

Eau Claire County for a low refundable depo%it fee.

For more informa:on contact the Aging & Di%ability Re%ource Center<

715-839-4735< 1-888-338-4H3H< $y: u%e Relay &711' adrcKco.eau-claire.wi.u%

Page 14: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

Credit card payment% now accepted at the Aging

& Di%ability Re%ource Center for meal :cket%<

En%ure< adap:ve e;uipment depo%it% and more.

T h a n k Y o uDona:on by LaVonne A. Burlingame to the Meal% on

Wheel% Dutri:on Program< Birthday Cake fund rai%er in

memory of: E%ther A. Barr and George E. Lar%on.

M e a l T i c k e t s a l e s a t S e n i o r D i n i n g M e a l s S i t e sWedne%day< April 8< 2015 11:30 am -12:00 Doon

Augu%ta Area Senior Center< H1H W. Wa%hington Street

Thur%day< April 9< 2015 10:00 -10:30 am

St. John% Apartment%< 815 Chapin Street< Eau Claire

If you are H0 year% old and be$er meal% are o@ered on a

%ugge%ted dona:on ba%i% of V3.75. Meal :cket% are al%o

available for %ugge%ted dona:on of V3.75 each. If you are

under H0 year% old meal% co%t V8.80 per meal. All

dona:on% help a%%ure no %enior goe% hungry in Eau Claire


Que%t Card or Food Share accepted a% dona:on for Senior

Dining or Meal% on Wheel%. For more informa:on< call the

Aging & Di%ability Re%ource Center Dutri:on Program at

715-839-488H. M e a l s o n W h e e l s R e m i n d e r sIf you have a pet or take care of a pet< plea%e re%train it

during the delivery of your Meal% on Wheel%. Thi% can be

a% %imple a% pu[ng the pet in another room around the

:me your meal% are delivered. There are over 500 people

who volunteer to deliver Meal% on Wheel% and thi% policy i%

nece%%ary to keep them %afe a% well a% for you and your

pet’% protec:on.

If you need to cancel a meal< plea%e call the Dutri:on

Program o?ce at 7 1 5 - 8 3 9 - 4 8 8 6

by 3:00 pm the day prior or

on Friday for Monday’% meal. We are not able to leave a

meal if no one i% there to accept it. =our coopera:on i%

greatly appreciated!

If your phone number ha% recently changed or the phone

number of your emergency contact% for Meal% on Wheel%

ha% changed< plea%e call the Dutri:on Program o?ce

715-839-488H. It i% important that we have current phone

number% in ca%e of an emergency %itua:on.

A p r i l E v e n i n g M e a l sL E P h i l l i p s S e n i o r C e n t e r1 6 1 6 B e l l i n g e r S t r e e t � E a u C l a i r eC h e c k i n 4 : 3 0 p m • D i n n e r a t 5 : 0 0 p m A p r i l 1 4 � 2 0 1 5

Bonele%% Herb Chicken Brea%t

Broccoli and Rice Ca%%erole

Mul:grain Roll

Bread Pudding

Milk and Co@ee

Op:on% Coun%elor

Liz De$ and Preven:on

Program Coordinator

Deb Bruning will di%cu%%

Healthy Ea:ng for Succe%%ful Living< a no co%t<

%ix week cla%%. =ou will walk through the

MyPlate healthy ea:ng %y%tem< and touch on

exerci%e and goal building. Y o u w o n ’ t w a n t t om i s s t h i s !

Space i% limited. Re%erva:on% are nece%%ary by

3:00 pm< April 10< 2015. Call 715-839-488H or

regi%ter online at A p r i l 2 8 � 2A p r i l 2 8 � 2 0 1 5Chicken Cae%ar Salad

Wild Rice Soup with a French Bread Slice

Cherry Pie

Milk and Co@ee

Space i% limited. Re%erva:on% are nece%%ary by

3:00 pm April 24< 2015. Call 715-839-488H or

regi%ter online at

Page 15: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

A p r i l 2 0 1 5 M e n u f o r M e a l s o n W h e e l s E a u C l a i r e , A l t o o n a a n d S e n i o r D i n i n g M e a l S i t e s i n E a u C l a i r e :▪ S t . J o h n s A p a r t m e n t s , 8 1 5 C h a p i n S t r e e t , S e r v i n g a t 1 1 : 1 5 a m . M e a l S i t e W o r k e r : D o u g S a l t e rTo be eligible for meal% at the Senior Dining meal %ite%< you mu%t be age H0 or older or the %pou%e of %omeone age H0 or

older. =ounger individual% who live at St. John% Apt%. are al%o eligible. Re%erva:on% for St. John’% Apt%.< are needed one

day prior< by 3:00 pm. To be eligible for Meal% on Wheel%< you mu%t be age H0 or older or the %pou%e of %omeone age H0

and older and homebound. For more informa:on about Meal% on Wheel% or Senior Dining or if you want to make a

re%erva:on< call 7 1 5 - 8 3 9 - 4 8 8 6 , 1 - 8 8 8 - 3 3 8 - 4 6 3 6 , ) y : u s e R e l a y 7 1 1 .If you are H0 year% and older meal% are o@ered on a

dona:on ba%i% of V3.75 per meal. If you are under H0 year% of age meal co%t i% V8.80 per meal. All dona:on% help a%%ure

no %enior goe% hungry in Eau Claire County. Que%t Card% accepted. M e a l s p r o v i d e d b y S a c r e d H e a r t H o s p i t a l . A l l m e a l ss e r v e d w i t h 1 C m i l k . E C a r b o h y d r a t e F o o d s . M e a l s s u b I e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o L c e .MODDA= TUESDA= WEDDESDA= THURSDA= FRIDA= W e e k e n d D e l .F r i d a y


Salad% available every Wedne%day

at St John’% Meal Site

a% an alterna:ve to hot meal.

Each %alad %erved with

fruit/de%%ert< bread/roll and milk.


Grilled 1

Chicken Brea%t

Chee%y White


Baked Bean%*

Cherry Fruit Cri%p*

White Bread*

E a s t e r M e a lBaked Ham 2

With Pineapple


Au-gra:n Potatoe%*

Broccoli< Apple

Pie*< Wheat Roll*

Bu$er Crumb 3


Baked Ha%h



Chocolate Chip


Wheat Bread*

Roa%t Beef &

Swi%% Chee%e* on

Wheat Bread*

Creamy Cole Slaw

Fre%h Banana*

Vanilla Wafer%*

Beef S:r Fry H

Over White Rice*

S:r fried Mixed


Mandarin Orange


Dinner Roll*

Turkey 7


Fre%h Broccoli

Sugar Cookie*


Baked 8

Chicken Brea%t

White & Wild Rice*

with Gravy

Green Bean%

Peach Cri%p*

Dinner Roll*

Hot Beef in 9


Baked French



Chocolate Pudding*

White Bun*

Breaded Fi%h 10


Baked Ha%h



Vanilla Ice Cream*

White Bun*

Cream of Potato


Ham< Turkey &

American Chee%e*

On a Sub Roll*

Potato Salad*

Red Apple*

Chocolate Chip


Stu@ed 13

Cabbage Roll

Green Bean%

Apple Juice*

Peach Slice%*

Dinner Roll*

Baked 14

Chicken Quarter

Ma%hed Potatoe%*

with Gravy


Sugar Cookie*

Wheat Bread*

Beef 15

Strogano@ over

Egg Doodle%*


Diced Pear%*

Chocolate Ice


Homemade 1H


Par%ley Boiled



Cinnamon Apple%*

Dinner Roll*

Roa%t Turkey 17

White & Wild Rice*

with Gravy

Mixed Vegetable%

Fruited Gela:n


Wheat Dinner Roll*

Deli Tuna Salad &

Mild Cheddar

Chee%e* on White

Bread*< Fre%h

Three Bean Salad

Orange Juice*

Iced Chocolate


Sali%bury 20

Steak with Gravy

Roa%ted Red


Broccoli &

Cauli\ower Mix

Iced Carrot Cake*

Wheat Roll*

Pulled Pork 21


Baked French Frie%*

Green Bean%

Pineapple Chunk%*

Wheat Bun*

Chicken Pot 22

Pie with Southern

Style Bi%cuit*

To%%ed Salad with

Italian Dre%%ing

Apple Cri%p*

Pot Roa%t 23

With Gravy

Baked Potato*


Vanilla Pudding*

Dinner Roll*

Homemade 24



Sliced Peache%*

Lemon Pudding*

Bu$ermilk Bi%cuit*

Smoked Turkey &

Swi%% Chee%e* on a

Sub Roll*

Red Grape%*

Creamy Cole%law

Chocolate Chip


Beef Stew* 27

Bu$ermilk Bi%cuit*


Peach Slice%*



Roa%t Pork 28


Ma%hed Potatoe%*

with Gravy

Green Bean%

Oatmeal Rai%in


Rye Bread*

Breaded Fi%h 29

S;uare with

Chee%e Slice*

Baked Red



Fruited Jell-O Cup*

White Bun*

Roa%t 30

Turkey Brea%t

Bread Dre%%ing*

with Gravy

Mixed Vegetable%

Fruit Cocktail*

Rye Bread*

Salad% at St. John’% Dining Site:

April 1 G r i l l e d C h i c k e n & B l u e b e r r yP e c a n S a l a d

April 8 - C h e f S a l a d w / R a n c h D r e s s i n gApril 15 - A p p l e , C h e d d a r & W a l n u tS a l a d

April 22 - C h e f S a l a d w / F r e n c hD r e s s i n g

April 29 - C a e s a r C h i c k e n S a l a d

Page 16: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

A p r i l 2 0 1 5 M e a l s o n W h e e l s M e n u f o r t h e V i l l a g e o f F a l l C r e e kTo be eligible for Meal% on Wheel%< you mu%t be age H0 or older or the %pou%e of %omeone age H0 or older and

homebound. If you are H0 year% and older meal% are o@ered on a dona:on ba%i% of V3.75 per meal. If you are under H0

year% of age meal co%t i% V8.80 per meal. All dona:on% help a%%ure no %enior goe% hungry in Eau Claire County. Que%t

Card% accepted. F o r m o r e i n f o r m a � o n o r t o a p p l y , c a l l 7 1 5 8 3 9 - 4 8 8 6 , 1 - 8 8 8 - 3 3 8 - 4 6 3 6 , ) y : u s e R e l a y 7 1 1

. M e a l s p r o v i d e d b y F a l l C r e e k V a l l e y C a r e C e n t e r . A l l m e a l s s e r v e d w i t h m i l k . E C a r b o h y d r a t e F o o d s .M e a l s s u b I e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o L c e .MODDA= TUESDA= WEDDESDA= THURSDA= FRIDA=

Beef Strogano@ 1

Over Egg Doodle%*

Pea%* & Carrot%



Baked Chicken 2

Dre%%ing* & Gravy

Green Bean%




Crumb Cod 3

Twice Sea%on



Cookie% & Cream



La%agna* H

Italian Vegetable%

Le$uce Salad with


Lemon Flu@*

Garlic Bread*

Baked Pork Chop 7


Par%ley Potatoe%*

Chocolate Cake*


Swedi%h Meatball% 8

Egg Doodle%*


Chilled Fruit*


Sali%bury Steak 9

Boiled Potatoe%* with


Sweet & Sour Cabbage

Strawberry Shortcake*


Turkey 10


Mixed Veggie%

Ice Cream*


Baked Ham 13

Au-gra:n Potatoe%*

California Blend


Pumpkin Bar*


Beef Stew* 14

Co$age Chee%e*

Cherry Cobbler*


Roa%t Turkey 15

Sweet Potatoe%*

Green Bean Ca%%erole

Chilled Fruit*


Sweet & Sour 1H

Pork with Rice*

3 Bean Salad

Pineapple Up%ide Down



Ba$ered Fi%h 17

Baked Potato*

California Blend


Bu$er%cotch Pudding

with Whip Topping*


Swi%% Steak 20

Whipped Potatoe%*

with Gravy

Waxed Bean%

Emerald Salad*


Baked Chicken 21

Baked Rice Pilaf*


Apple Cri%p*


Spaghe[* 22

With Meat Sauce




Garlic Bread*

Roa%t Beef 23

Boiled Potatoe%* with


Glazed Carrot

Fruit Salad*


Ham Loaf 24

Scalloped Potatoe%*


Peache% & Cream



Beef Steak with 27


Ma%hed Potatoe%*

with Gravy


Angel Food Cake with



Teriyaki 28

Chicken Brea%t

Boiled Potatoe%* with



Chocolate Pudding*


Meatloaf 29

Sour Cream & Chive


Cream Corn*

Orange Whipped



Roa%t Pork 30

Harvard Beet%

Boiled Potatoe%*

Chilled Pear%*


C e l e b r a P n g O c c u p a P o n a l T h e r a p y M o n t h . Common occupa:onal therapy

interven:on% include helping children with di%abili:e% to par:cipate fully in

%chool< help people recovering from injury to regain %kill%< and providing

%upport% for older adult% experiencing phy%ical and cogni:ve change%.

Page 17: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

W h a t D o e s A c c e s s M e a n t o Y o u ? In honor of the 25th anniversary of the American’s with Disability Act. Services for Students with Disabilities Office is sponsoring a contest themed: “What Does Access Mean to You?” • Students, staff and friends of the university are invited to enter an original photo, piece of art, poem or prose work. • The pieces needs to have dimensions less than 12” x 12” x 12”. • Winning pieces will be exhibited in McIntyre’s American’s

with Disabilities Act 25th anniversary display in July 2015. Entry forms are available from the Service for Students with Disabilities Office, Centennial Hall 2016.

Up to four winning original works of art awarded a cash prize

of $25!

Submit entry to the Services for Students

with Disabilities Office by Thursday, April 2, 2015.



Page 18: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

April 2015 Menu for Meals on Wheels for the City of Augusta, Village of Fairchild, and surrounding rural areas

AND Senior Dining at the Augusta Senior Center, 616 W Washington St., Augusta, WI at 12:00 noon Monday

through Friday � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � For more

information or to apply, call 715 839-4886, 1-888-338-4636, tty: use Relay 711. To reserve a meal at the Augusta

Senior Center, you need to call 715 286-2953 by 3:00 pm one business day in advance.

Meals provided by Augusta Area Home. All meals served with 1% milk. *Carbohydrate Foods M e a l s s u b " e � t t o � h a n � e w i t h o u t n o � � e .MODDA= TUESDA= WEDDESDA= THURSDA= FRIDA=

Beef Roa%t 1

Ma%hed Potatoe%*

with Gravy

Scalloped Corn*



Dinner Roll*

E a s t e r M e a lSliced Ham 2

Candied Sweet


Bu$ered Pea%* &


Fruit Pie*

Dinner Roll*

Meal% on Wheel% Only

Baked Fi%h 3

Brown Rice*

Au-gra:n Carrot%

Cherry Cobbler*


Meatloaf H

Sweet Potato Bake*

Green Bean%

Tahi:an Delight



Meal% on Wheel% Only

Sweet & Sour 7

Pork over Rice*

Carrot Fruit Salad

Refrigerated Sheet



Round Steak 8

In Gravy

Baked Potato* with

Sour Cream

Bu$ered Pea%* with


Fruit Cocktail*

Dinner Roll*

Chicken & 9



Cranberry Sauce*



Beef Strogano@ 10

Over Doodle%*

Mixed Vegetable%

Pickled Beet%

Cream Chee%e



Pork Roa%t 13

Au-gra:n Potatoe%*

Cooked Cabbage

Rai%in Rice Pudding*


Meatball Stew* 14

Le$uce Salad with


Bread Pudding with


Whole Wheat Roll*

BBQ Pork Chop 15

Sour Cream & Chive

Ma%hed Potatoe%*

Bu$ered Corn*

Fre%h Fruit*


Herbed Chicken 1H

Rice* with Gravy

Cauli\ower and Pea%*

Cranberry Sauce*

Whipped Jell-O*

Dinner Roll*

Liver & Onion% 17

Ma%hed Potatoe%*


Fruit Cup*


Baked Chicken 20

Ma%hed Potatoe%*

with Gravy


Apple Ring*

Cran-Orange Cake*


3 Bean 21


Red Cabbage Cole%law



Spaghe[* with


Meat Sauce

Le$uce Salad with


Tapioca Pudding*

Garlic Bread%:ck*

Sali%bury Steak 23

Potato Romano@*

California Blend


Tropical Fruit*


Chicken Rice 24



Cranberry Sauce*

Banana Cake*


Beef Roa%t 27

Boiled Potatoe%*

with Gravy

Country Blend





Turkey Stew* 28

Fruit Salad*

Rhubarb Cake*


Sparerib% & 29


Ma%hed Potatoe%*

Ra%pberry Pear Mold*

Rye Bread*

Meal% on Wheel% Only

Swedi%h 30


Ma%hed Potatoe%*

with Gravy

Lyonnai%e Carrot%

Mandarin Orange%*

Dinner Roll*

Aging & Di%ability Re%ource Center

%ta@ available at A u g u s t a S e n i o r & C o m m u n i t y C e n t e r

Op:on% Coun%elor

Monday & Wedne%day weekly

Elder Benefit Speciali%t

2nd Tue%day of month

Page 19: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

For more informa:on< contact:

Aging & Di%ability Re%ource Center< 715-839-4735

May 9 Overview of the Amazing Aging Brain

May 29 Douri%h =our Doggin

June 12 The Impact of Exerci%e on the Brain

June 2H Sing =our Way to a Healthier Brain

July 10 =our Brain on Stre%%

July 24 Developing a Per%onal Plan for an

Amazing Brain

Augu%t 7 Prac:cal Strategie% & Techni;ue% to

Improve =our Memory



program de%igned

to help family

caregiver% take

care of them%elve% while caring for a rela:ve or friend.

Regi%ter at or 715-839-4735.

6 t h A n n u a l F r i d a y F a c t sThe Amazing Human Brain:

Key% to Maximizing Brain Health

Friday%< May 8—Augu%t 7< 2015

10:00-11:30 am

Dove Healthcare We%t

1405 Truax Boulevard< Eau Claire

Page 20: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

H o w d o y o u d e s c r i b e a V o l u n t e e r ?Generou%< Caring< Giving< Smart< Hardy< Sure Footed…...and the li%t goe% on and on. The Aging & Di%ability

Re%ource Center of Eau Claire County and the Meal% on Wheel% Program i% truly humbled to be the recipient of

many volunteer hour%. La%t year ju%t under 500 volunteer% gave 1 3 � 8 7 2 . 2 5 h o u r s

. The%e hour% include %ome

job% %uch a%: ADRC o?ce worker%< UWEC

Service Learning project% Medicare SHIP<

Meal% on Wheel% delivery< Monthly

A%%e%%ment%< Li;uid Supplement delivery<

ADRC new%le$er delivery< Emergency Food

Box delivery< and Health Promo:on and

Preven:on cla%% leader%. Meal% on Wheel%

alone carried 1 2 � 4 8 9 . 5

of tho%e hour% with

35 route% delivered daily.

Thi% could not be achieved without the hard

working< dedicated < weather bearing<

amazing volunteer% that %erve our

par:cipant%. A %incere thank you to every

per%on who ha% dedicated any :me to the

Aging & Di%ability Re%ource Center and

Meal% on Wheel% Program VOLUDTEERS of THE ADRC: If you fini%h word %earch puzzle below and bring

into the ADRC before the end of April you will receive a %mall gi> of thank%!

Y o u m a k e a v a l u a b l e d i ff e r e n t i n t h e l i v e s o f m a n y !caring


















Page 21: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

C . R . O . W . S . W h a t E v e r y V e t e r a n S h o u l d K n o w

C.R.O.W.S. repre%ent% the

la%t name% of the fallen

Marine%< of whom I wa%

privileged to %erve with.

I :tle thi% column in honor

of their memory.

Tim Moore Veteran’% Service O?ce

For Eau Claire County

V A E d u c a P o n B e n e fi t s - A Q u i c k C o m p a r i s o nThere are many u%eful educa:on benefit% available

to veteran%< their dependent%< and their %urvivor%.

Certain veteran% may be eligible for more than one

benefit and will need to elect a benefit op:on %uch

a%: Po%t 911 GI Bill< Chapter 30< Chapter 1H07< Chap-

ter 32< Chapter 1H0H< Chapter 1H07< and Chapter 35

GI Bill. P o s t 9 1 1 G I B i l lThe Po%t- 9/11 GI Bill i% an educa:on benefit pro-

gram for individual% who %erved on ac:ve duty a>er

September 10< 2001. =ou may be eligible if you

%erved at lea%t 90 aggregate day% on ac:ve duty a>er

September 10< 2001< or honorably di%charged from

ac:ve duty for a %ervice-connected di%ability a>er

%erving 30 con:nuou% day% following September 10<

2001. Veteran% in receipt of thi% benefit will have

tui:on and fee payment% paid directly to the %chool

on their behalf< and al%o receive a monthly hou%ing

allowance ba%ed on the zip code of re%idence. Thi%

benefit pay% a percentage of the tui:on ba%ed on

length of military %ervice. A veteran with at lea%t 90

day% of %ervice would receive 40O of the max rate<

with the 100O of the benefit being paid to veteran%

with at lea%t 3H month% of %ervice. Generally< a

veteran would be eligible for up to 3H month% of

en:tlement to the Po%t 911 GI Bill within a 15 year

period following their la%t ac:ve duty %ervice. C h a p t e r 3 0 M o n t g o m e r y G I B i l lVeteran% may be eligible for thi% benefit if they en-

tered ac:ve duty a>er June 30th

< 1985 or who have

remaining en:tlement under the Vietnam Era GI Bill.

Veteran% mu%t have al%o received a fully honorable

di%charge from %ervice and have completed high

%chool or received an e;uivalency cer:ficate.

Typically< veteran% are eligible for thi% educa:onal

benefit for a 10 year period following their ac:ve

duty %ervice. The Chapter 30 benefit cover% a wide

variety of approved training %uch a% an undergradu-

ate or graduate degree< technical degree%< an

appren:ce%hip or on-the-job program o@ered by a

company or union< or even \ight training. The pay-

ment for thi% benefit goe% directly to the veteran to

cover the co%t% of tui:on and book% and a hou%ing

allowance i% al%o provided ba%ed on zip code. P o s t - V i e t n a m V e t e r a n s ’ E d u c a P o n a l A s s i s t a n c eP r o g r a m ( V E A P )VEAP provide% educa:on and training opportuni:e%

to eligible per%on% who contributed to the program

while on ac:ve duty. VEAP cover% veteran% who

entered ac:ve duty a>er December 31< 197H and

before July 1< 1985 and who %erved at lea%t 181 day%

or more. The benefit remain% in e@ect for 10 year%

from the date of the la%t di%charge. Furthermore<

VEAP i% one of the educa:on benefit% that may al%o

cover the %ome of the co%t% for tutoring while in

%chool by adding an addi:onal V100 toward% your

educa:on benefit. C h a p t e r 3 5 G I B i l l � D e p e n d e n t ’ s E d u c a P o n a lA s s i s t a n c e P r o g r a m ( D E A )The Chapter 35 Dependent’% Educa:onal A%%i%tance

program &DEA' provide% educa:on and training

opportuni:e% to eligible dependent% and %urvivor% of

certain veteran%. To be eligible for DEA< the recipient

mu%t be a %pou%e< %on< or daughter &including %tep-

child or adopted child' of a veteran who i% perma-

nently and totally di%abled from a %ervice connected

di%ability even if the veteran ha% died. A% a %on or

daughter of a veteran< there i% an age range of 18 to

2H year% old to receive the benefit and marriage ha%

no impact on eligibility. A% a veteran’% %pou%e or

%urviving %pou%e< there i% a period of 10 year% to

%ome:me% 20 year% to u%e the DEA benefit. There i%

poten:al to receive up to 45 month% of DEA.

Get More Informa:on at

Tim Moore and the Eau Claire County Veteran%

Service O?ce can be reached at &715' 839-4744 or


Page 22: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

C h a n g i n g t h e L i v e s o f P e o p l e w i t h D e m e n $ a i nW i s c o n s i n T h r o u g h P e r s o n a l i z e d M u s i c

The Wi%con%in Mu%ic &

Memory Program i%

part of the na:onal

program de%igned to

help people with

Alzheimer’% and related demen:a% find renewed

meaning and connec:on in their live% through the

gi> of per%onalized mu%ic. Par:cipant% will be

provided with a free iPod< charger< headphone%<

and V50 iTune% gi> card.

The project involve% 3 mee:ng% with a re%earcher

for approximately 2-3 hour% total :me. The per%on

with demen:a will be a%ked to li%ten to

per%onalized mu%ic on the iPod for at lea%t 30

minute% per day. For more informa:on< contact:

I%aiah Draeger< Aging & Di%ability Re%ource Center

715-839-4735< I%aiah.DraegerKco.eauclaire.wi.u%

Page 23: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

O w n i n g Y o u r F u t u r e :P l a n n i n g A h e a d f o r C a r e N e e d s• Aging in place

• Long-Term Care Service%

• Pre%erving or

prolonging per%onal

a%%et% when it come%

to needing more

a%%i%tance in the future

T u e s d a y � A p r i l 75 : 3 0 - 7 : 0 0 p mE a u C l a i r e C o u n t yC o u r t h o u s eR o o m s 1 3 0 1 � 1 3 0 2

Aging & Di%ability Re%ource Center %ta@ available at A u g u s t a S e n i o r & C o m m u n i t y C e n t e r6 1 6 W . W a s h i n g t o n S t r e e t � A u g u s t a

Op:on% Coun%elor - Monday & Wedne%day weekly

Elder Benefit Speciali%t - 2nd Tue%day of month M e d i c a r e a n d Y o u P r e s e n t a $ o n sA p r i l 1 0 � 2 0 1 5 - 1 : 0 0 p m • A p r i l 2 4 � 2 0 1 5 - 1 0 : 0 0 a mApproximately 2 hour% in length

721 Oxford Avenue< Room 1277< Eau Claire.

Regi%ter at Aging & Di%ability Re%ource Center<

715-839-4735 or

E n e r g y A s s i s t a n c e P r o g r a mJanuary 5-May 15< 2015

We%tern Dairyland EOC< 418 Wi%con%in Street<

Eau Claire . Monday-Thur%day< 8:00 am-4:00 pm or contact 715-83H-7511. S t o u t V o c a $ o n a l R e h a b i l i t a $ o n I n s $ t u t eW h e e l c h a i r C l i n i c

Repair< clean< maintenance and adju%tment%.

April 14< 2015< 9-11 am< Univer%ity of WI Stout<

Voca:onal Building< Menomonie. Do appointment

needed. For more informa:on< contact Tom Tozier<


What’s coming up

April 8< 2015 - Meal Ticket%

April 9< 2015 - Meal Ticket%

April 30< 2015 - Final A@air%

April 14< 2015 - Evening Meal

April 28< 2015 - Evening Meal

April 23< 2015 - Stepping On

April 8< 2015 - Strong Bone%

April 18< 2015 - Living Well

April 22< 2015 - Powerful Tool%

May 8< 2015 - Friday Fact%

Aging & Di%ability

Re%ource Center and

Mayo Clinic Health Sy%tem

invite% you to a$end a

%creening of

Thur%day< April 30< 2015

H pm Recep:on 7 pm


Recep:on include% booth% and refre%hment%

Saturday< May 2< 2015

10 am %creening

Micon Cinema%< 3109 Mall Drive< Eau Claire

Ticket%: V7.00

100O donated to the Alzheimer’% A%%ocia:on.

Purcha%e :cket% at the door or at Space i% limited.

Glen Campbell

I’ll Be Me

Regi%ter at or Aging & Di%ability

Re%ource Center 715-839-4735< 1-888-338-4H3H

$y: u%e Relay &711' adrcKco.eau-claire.wi.u%

Page 24: ADRC Eau Claire County April 2015 Newsletter

7 2 1 O x f o r d A v e n u e — R o o m 1 1 3 0E a u C l a i r e W I 5 4 7 0 3

Addre%% Service Re;ue%ted