admei keynote

©2014 James Feldma James Feldman CITE, CPIM, CPT, MIP ©2014 James Feldman All rights reserved.

Post on 20-Sep-2014




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This contains the high points of the opening keynote for the Association of Destination Management Executives.


Slide 1

James FeldmanCITE, CPIM, CPT, MIP

2014 James Feldman All rights reserved.

2014 James FeldmanToday, I am going to challenge you. I want to talk about your future. We live in an age of extraordinary Innovation. We accept a pace of change that even our most recent ancestors could not have imagined. Almost anything is possible and almost everything is available.

Are You the Competition or the Follower?Since many of you are several years into your career, it is more about forgetting most of what you already know instead of learning something new. 1/3 of all business managers will invest in learning what their business is all about, the other 2/3s of the struggle will abandon outdated belief systems and ditching business practices that do not apply.

It is easy to be an expert in the future realm, since I, like you, have no exceptional experiences with the future-or any experience at all for that matter. I hope to provide you with a view that ultimately proves to be so compelling that you can never see thing in quite the same way again I have gathered insights and examples that may make you uncomfortable, challenge your assumptions, and force you to see your own potential. Change keeps picking up speed. Before your organization can finish getting adjusted to one change it gets hit with several others.Despite the improving economy, well continue to struggle with difficult challenges in 2014.

February 10, 20142010 Synectics Open Solutions, LLC1

Aha2014 James FeldmanToday, I will help you evaluate problems, create a vision where others aren't looking, to capture what others are not seeing.

According to Jim is a call out of my thoughts and suggestions for this webinar. They may be provocative, controversial and outside conventional wisdom. I am not some guru, more a marketing mystic, I am a rather ordinary guy who searches for fairness, decency, creativity, and innovation, and a better way to do something. I offer plain talk to smart people. I think inside the box because thats where the problem resides. You may not agree with everything I say but you will think about it. And thats my goal.

Because I want you to open your mindsDont let what you think you know prevent you from learning what you might need to know.

2Today, I will help you evaluate problems, create a vision where others aren't looking, to capture what others are not seeing.

What?So What?Now What?

Aha2014 James Feldman2014 James FeldmanThe intuitive, fast moving side of our mindshas far more of an effect on our decision makingthan we realize.


How you think is as important as what you

Aha2014 James Feldman2014 James FeldmanThe intuitive, fast moving side of our mindshas far more of an effect on our decision makingthan we realize.


Your clients are not concerned with what you accomplished Yesterday,or what you did Today,its all about Tomorrowthat really matters. 2014 James FeldmanAha2014 James Feldman5Definitions of

Creativity and InnovationPresented ByHarry Mills / PRESENTATIONPRO

Creativity is the process of developing new or interesting ideas.

Presented ByHarry Mills / PRESENTATIONPRO7

Innovation is the process of transforming creative ideas into value or profitable solutions.

Presented ByHarry Mills / PRESENTATIONPRO

Innovation is how we make money from creativity.

Presented ByHarry Mills / PRESENTATIONPRO9

But Less LoyalThe New Breed of Client

More Demanding

Innovation is the product of discomfort.

Presented ByHarry Mills / PRESENTATIONPRO10In todays networked, hyperinformed economy, clients are no longer mere buyers. They are helping to design and innovate products and services, preordering and funding

Why do we need more innovation? Change Growth ProfitCompetitionAcceleration

ImprovementsIncreasesDecreasesProblems Goals

Presented ByHarry Mills / PRESENTATIONPRO11

How does it feel when we are innovative?

ProductivePassionateExcitedEnergizedEmpoweredInvolvedEngagedHappyPresented ByHarry Mills / PRESENTATIONPRO12

How does it feel when we are not innovative?


Presented ByHarry Mills / PRESENTATIONPRO13is in the center of change

Life is not fair. It doesnt give us what we needit gives us what we deserve. You may sell more, and earn more in absolute terms, but for each dollar you sell, you will make the same, and probably less, money if we dont change our attitude about innovation and customer service.We are in the center of change and we must accept it.Forget everything we knowLive in the futureAppreciate wisdomForget permanence Change our focusGet excited and accept riskThink Clear and Present Opportunities

February 10, 20142010 Synectics Open Solutions, LLC14In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.

Coco Chanel

2014 James Feldman

Few of us can rely on the pastwe have to invent our own future.2014 James FeldmanFor years the meetings industry has focused on the logistical side of the meeting including registration, food and beverage, contracts, venue space, room sets, schedules, SMMP and more. The industry has matured and many meeting professionals have become very good at the details but lost the ability to target the experience to the audience. Its all about the audience not them!The improvements in those details have not taken the meetings industry to the next level. In fact, many conferences are still suffering because the attendee experience has not changed in 30-50 years. Its become stale, predictable and status quo or as Business As Usual.Its time for the industry to make an intentional and radical leap to take the meetings professional out of department silos and into a more holistic, strategic and creative planning professional.


Are YOU ready for change?2014 James FeldmanThe key management issue is understood to be overly focusing on cost-cutting, efficiency, outsourcing and off-shoring jobs to foreign countries.Theres never been more data and its never been more important.Its behind every business decision.

If Innovation is the goal how do you get there?Does your organization have an Innovative VisionHave they established a strategic Role for InnovationIs there an established Success CriteriaAll this can be accomplished if you Simplify--Go inside the box.


Failure is the first cousin of success

2014 James FeldmanStudy failure as closely as you study success.Why did you miss the markidea, execution, support?How can you invert those results if you were doing it all over again?Crystallize the key lessons learned.Try again.

18If failure is not an option,NEITHER is Success.

2014 James Feldman2014 James FeldmanThe types of Innovation cultures2014 James Feldman2014 James FeldmanCreate a passionate and inter-connected Innovation department. Effective innovators had a higher degree of volunteers, selected high achievers for the department and had more functional diversity.

Keep the connections between Innovation and the rest of the organization strong by having regular check ins during development phases as well as involvement from Innovation after the product launches.

There are two main kinds of cultures.

Unsuccessful with less than a 50% success rate in the introduction of new offerings.

And successful, relentless innovators, who make Innovation not only a priority, but an integral part of their business models, or risk being overtaken and surpassed by their competitors. They have over a 50% success rate in the introduction of new offerings.

20Why does

need more Innovation?

2014 James Feldman

Why are your customers buying from you now?Why are they staying with you? Why not?

Why are you competing on price, product, process?

Why are you pressure driven instead of purpose driven? Why are your customers loyalty neutral?

2014 James Feldman

Make a list of the ways that you believe your customers can tell the difference between your companyand your competition.2014 James Feldman

Record ideasRecall ideasRecycle ideas

2014 James Feldman

dominate your universe

Apple is a $65 billion company with less than 30 major products. In contrast, most organizations introduce truckloads of new products every year.

February 10, 20142010 Synectics Open Solutions, LLC25keep it simple

Southwest, which flies more passengers per year than any other airline in the world, limits its fleet to one model of aircraft. In contrast, most organizations trip over themselves trying to keep up with the large variety of their equipment.

February 10, 20142010 Synectics Open Solutions, LLC26

create breakthrough products

February 10, 20142010 Synectics Open Solutions, LLC27

dont follow the crowd

retain individuality

its time for a shift

its a great time for innovationYou must explore the widest array of ideas in a controlled and logical process.

You must share measurable, innovative models that address the latest and future trends in technology, social behaviors of clients, and end users of technology and services, product development, channel distribution performance improvement and capital deployment.February 10, 20142010 Synectics Open Solutions, LLC31

in the past you may have weathered the storm

ignite innovationFebruary 10, 20142010 Synectics Open Solutions, LLC33

engage technology

Innovation and change superseded all problems and solutionsA typical 21 year old has played 5,000 hours of computer games, exchanged 25,000 emails, SMSs and and chat messages, has used a cell phone some 10,000 times and spent 3,500 hours on line Yet to many of you in this room these are developments that you expect to deal with but find it uncomfortable. Adults can handle 1.7 media channels at the same time, say watching TV and reading a magazine while kids can pay attention to 5.4 channels at the same time. The time to make a change is now! In this age of global discontinuities, personal innovation is more important than ever. The time to be a creative problem solver is now. Organizations are desperate for creative people who see things differently, who can quickly size up a problem and develop creative solutions to it.

2010 James Feldman All Rights Reserved. May not be copied or distributed in any form, print or electronic, without written permission. February 10, 2014Type faces needto matchutilize social media

LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Linked In , My Space, etc. offer explosive opportunities you did not have before. The REAL WORLD requires a strong presence in Social Media and a stronger understanding of the long term commitment and benefits.

2010 James Feldman All Rights Reserved. May not be copied or distributed in any form, print or electronic, without written permission. February 10, 2014utilize social media

LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Linked In , My Space, etc. offer explosive opportunities you did not have before. The REAL WORLD requires a strong presence in Social Media and a stronger understanding of the long term commitment and benefits.

2010 James Feldman All Rights Reserved. May not be copied or distributed in any form, print or electronic, without written permission. February 10, 2014

@LinkedIn Hacks, Tips, Techniques & Features for Thought Leaders37

changing demographics& psychographicsThis is the Real World. It is the ultimate Reality Showand we are all in it. The challenge is to debunk the misconceptions and address the realities of our environment .It is my hope, to offer you insights and examples that make you feel uncomfortable, challenges your assumptions and force you to see new potential. I would be happy if three good ideas were implemented. As you listen today write down ideas that you can incorporate into how your company approaches business every day and share them with your team. I thought that instead of discussing all the negative press Mexico has been getting lately, I would tell you why I love it here.The Spirit of the People -There is an almost indescribable sparkle that you notice around the eyes. Smiles come easily. Kisses at greeting. Kisses when parting.Generosity-People know how to give with a grace that I can only hope to learn.Ability to Make Do I have a soft spot for people who can figure out a work-around when they need something. Not very much goes to waste here.

2010 James Feldman All Rights Reserved. May not be copied or distributed in any form, print or electronic, without written permission. February 10, 2014

find the point of painDo you feel your clients pain?I find that the closer we are to the point of need, the more you can change. The closer you get to the center of pain the easier it is to make a sale, increase your fees, retain your employees, and become an important resource for your clients.February 10, 20142010 Synectics Open Solutions, LLC39

some pains you cant cureHard WorkingWhat is Fun? Acceptance and Friendliness

2010 James Feldman All Rights Reserved. May not be copied or distributed in any form, print or electronic, without written permission. February 10, 2014if its not broken, break it

Knowledge is a source of change. Technology in the last 5 years surpassed the previous 100. Information is multiplying on a daily basis and we are expected to keep up with it. In the past change required a slower response time. Today, in a world of high velocity, change requires radical SHIFTS in behavior. Specifically we must think differently. We must reorder our priorities. We must face reality and do what works best. Kids have learned to handle change. They take it in stride. They enjoy it. They bend. They love variety. We need to act like children again and create a culture that knows how to learn. Don't give up just because one idea or project doesn't work out. Keep coming up with new ideas and projects, and continue to work hard. Ultimately, you will succeed due to the accumulation of your efforts. The more you do, the higher up the success rate.

February 10, 20142010 Synectics Open Solutions, LLC41change how clients thinkNOT what they buy

Don't give up just because one idea or project doesn't work out. Today, many organizations are confronted with issues that cannot be resolved merely by conventional processes.Often internal resources not only fail to tackle problems, but they may exacerbate situations by generating undesirable consequences. You must transcend the conflicts and concerns of the moment. You must provide a basis for inspiring and getting results efficiently through your combined wisdom. Keep coming up with new ideas and projects, and continue to work hard. Ultimately, you will succeed due to the accumulation of your efforts. The more you do, the higher up the success rate.

February 10, 20142010 Synectics Open Solutions, LLC42

shifts are on the horizon

the survival of your business

could hinge on your ability toreceive, grasp and act Beware ofDistractionsdisguised asOpportunities.

2014 James Feldman

Aha2014 James Feldmanquestion everything

The more questions you ask yourself and your organization the greater the chances on learning enough about the problem that the solution almost magically appears.1-Tell everyone you are there to help them. Become a problem solver.2-Ask for details so that you understand the depth of the problem or opportunity.3-Repeat, refine, reflect. Before you work on any solution try the three Rs.4-Determine how you will solve the problem. Determination is the reason most companies dont impact their bottom line. They often solve problems, identify opportunities, resolve conflictsin their mindand never act.ImitateInnovateEvaporate

February 10, 20142010 Synectics Open Solutions, LLC47

What does your clientWant? Need?Value?Expect?

2014 James FeldmanThe goal of an Innovation approach is to bring the operating model back into balance and focus on both efficiency and Innovation.Simply put: everything thats necessary for Innovation to succeedthreatens the existence and sustainability of the long-developed SOP process

48What is the ULTIMATE Meaningful Memory experience a client could have with you?

2014 James FeldmanMy focus is how to shift from business as usual to Innovation As Usual.Business as usual stymies Innovation by overly focusing the organization on efficient business processes and meeting short term demands, and by commanding the attention of the middle management cohort to the exclusion of creating new things.


Better Results.Better Outcomes.Meaningful Memories.

2014 James FeldmanThe goal of an Innovation approach is to bring the operating model back into balance and focus on both efficiency and Innovation.Simply put: everything thats necessary for Innovation to succeedthreatens the existence and sustainability of the long-developed SOP process


If you were starting from scratch, and there were no hindrances, no obstacles, and no limit to your resources, if anything was possible, what would you do differently?

2014 James FeldmanMy focus is how to shift from business as usual to Innovation As Usual.Business as usual stymies Innovation by overly focusing the organization on efficient business processes and meeting short term demands, and by commanding the attention of the middle management cohort to the exclusion of creating new things.


How are you working on your businessDifferentlyto enhance profit? To upsell? To provide better service?What keeps you awake at night?

2014 James FeldmanMy focus is how to shift from business as usual to Innovation As Usual.Business as usual stymies Innovation by overly focusing the organization on efficient business processes and meeting short term demands, and by commanding the attention of the middle management cohort to the exclusion of creating new things.


How do you intend to position yourself or distinguish yourself from your competitors in the market? How can you use Innovation to support those goals?

2014 James FeldmanThe goal of an Innovation approach is to bring the operating model back into balance and focus on both efficiency and Innovation.Simply put: everything thats necessary for Innovation to succeedthreatens the existence and sustainability of the long-developed SOP process

53How many RFPs do you fill out vs. how many do you win?

2014 James FeldmanMy focus is how to shift from business as usual to Innovation As Usual.Business as usual stymies Innovation by overly focusing the organization on efficient business processes and meeting short term demands, and by commanding the attention of the middle management cohort to the exclusion of creating new things.

54Do not fill out RFPs until you can talk to client.Dont give awayyour best ideas.

2014 James Feldman

Aha2014 James FeldmanHaving the lowest price is the single worst point of differentiation.

2014 James Feldman

Aha2014 James Feldman

Clients power resides in their level of contentment with your solutions.

2014 James FeldmanThe goal of an Innovation approach is to bring the operating model back into balance and focus on both efficiency and Innovation.Simply put: everything thats necessary for Innovation to succeedthreatens the existence and sustainability of the long-developed SOP process


listen to your clients & suppliers

trumps funding, technology, gold-plated degrees,and culture. YOUR Commitment toThe Innovation Vision

2014 James FeldmanTheres a tendency in most industries to bePart of a scene. This provides little of the supportNeeded for professional development. Today, to succeedYou need to know a wide array of people. Then you go inside the box to do your 3D Thinking.59Today, lets Commit to ourInnovation VisionClarityCreativityCommunicationCustomer Experience Focus

2014 James FeldmanTheres a tendency in most industries to bePart of a scene. This provides little of the supportNeeded for professional development. Today, to succeedYou need to know a wide array of people. Then you go inside the box to do your 3D Thinking.60We PROVIDE solutions not deliver products.We CREATE value not provide services.We ENGAGE our Clients' not sell to them.We are PROBLEM SOLVERS who charge for our WISDOM.We Deliver Meaningful Memories..

2014 James FeldmanAs experts in your business, you know that it requires agile management to make changes quickly so that the company can manage more entrepreneurially. You provide focus. You offer concentration. You deliver commitment and determination. Your big visions move people. You are in the fast lane and either you winning big or you lose even bigger. You do not permit your associates to concentrate on the past but point out what the possible positive potential holds for them. I am not going to candy coat it. I know you have a tough job. This is a potent strategy to help you handle the pressure of change. Something powerful. Useful. Replicatable. Something you can use to further your business goals. That is rightvalue.

61The secret is applying the information we have in a way that benefits your Clients.

2014 James Feldman

2014 James Feldman

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Twitter: @ShiftHappensNow

Hashtag: #shifthappens

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