adherence assay

LETTERS Toxin B is essential for virulence of Clostridium difficile Dena Lyras 1 , JenniferR. O’Connor 1,3 , Pauline M. Howarth 1 , Susan P. Sambol 3 , GlenP.Carter 1 , Tongt ed Phumoonna 1 , Rachael Poon 1,2 , Vicki Adams 1 , Gayatri Vedantam 3 , Stuart Johnson 3 , Dale N. Gerding 3 & Julian I. Rood 1,2 Clostridium difficile is the leading cause of infectious diarrhoea in hospitals worldwide, because of its virulence, spore-forming ability and persis tence 1,2 . C. diffici le -ass ocia ted dise ase s areinduce d by anti- bio tic tre atment or disr upt ion of the nor mal gast roi nte stin al flo ra 3,4 . Rec ent ly, mor bidi ty and mor tali ty res ul ting from C. diffic ile - associated diseases have increased significantly due to changes in the vir ule nc e of the cau sat ive stra ins and ant ibio tic usag e pat - terns 1,2,5,6 . Since 2002, epidemic toxinotype III NAP1/027 strains 1,2 ,  which produ ce high level s of the majo r virule nce factor s, toxin A and toxin B, have emerged. These toxins have 63% amino acid sequence similarity 7 and are members of the large clostridial glucosylating toxin family, which are mono gluco syltr ansfe rases that are pro- inflammatory, cytotoxic and enterotoxic in the human colon 8–10 . Inside host cells, both toxins catalyse the transfer of glucose onto theRho family of GTP ase s, lea dingto cel l dea th 8,11 . Howeve r, therole of these toxins in the context of a C . difficile infection is unknown. Her e we des cri be the con str uct ion of iso gen ic tcdA and tcdB (encod- ing toxin A and B, respectively) mutants of a virulent C . difficile st ra in and th ei r use in th e ha ms te r di seas e mo de l to sho w th at to xin B is a key vir ulence det erminant. Previous studies sho wed tha t purified toxin A alone can induce most of the pathology observed aft er inf ect ion of hamster s with C. difficile 8,9,12 an d th attoxinB isnot tox ic in ani mals unl ess it is co- admini ste red wit h toxin A, sug ges tin g tha t the tox ins act syn er gist ical ly 12 . Our wor k pro vid es evi den ce that tox in B, nottoxin A, is ess ent ialfor vir ulence. Fur the rmo re,it is cle ar tha t the import anceof the se tox ins in the con tex t of inf ect ion can not be pre dict ed exc lus ive ly fro m stu die s usin g pur ifie d tox ins , rei nfo rc- ing the importance of using the natural infection process to dissect the role of toxins in disease. C. diffic ile is difficu lt to manipu late geneticall y; repro ducibl e methods for the construction of chromosomal mutants have only recently become available 13,14 . We have developed a method that involves a plasmid, designated the recombination vector, which is unstable in C . difficile ; this plasmid carries DNA homologous to part of the genome a nd becomes inser ted at that genomi c l ocati on, resul t- ing in a specific gene disruption. Using this process, we have success- fully mutated two regul atory genes 13 and others have genera ted mutations in additional genes 15 . This methodology has now made possible studies aimed at dissecting the role of toxin A and toxin B in C. diffic ile -asso ciated diseas es (CDAD) by constr ucting and analy sing isogenic strains of this bacterium. Toxin A and toxin B are encoded by the tcdA and tcdB genes, respectively, located within a 19.6-kilobase (kb) pathogenicity locus, the PaLoc 9 (Fig. 1a), which encodes three other genes involved in toxin production 16,17 . To construct the plasmids required for the targeted inactivation of tcdA and tcdB , 566-base-pair (bp) tcdA- or tcdB -specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products were cloned into pJIR1456. These PCR products corresponded to an essential region of the amino-terminal domain between the DXD catalytic moti f and amino acid 54 6 (Fig. 1b) 18 . Insert ion of the se pla smi ds int o the corresponding chromo somal gene reg ion by homolo gou s recom- bination should lead to disruption of the gene, resulting in a trun- cati onof thetoxi ns (at leucine re si dues 492 and 49 3 intoxi nsA and B, respectively), thereby attenuating toxin function. The tcdA- and tcdB -specific recombination vectors were trans- ferred to JIR8094 (ref. 13), a derivative of C . difficile strain 630, by RP4-mediated conjugative transfer from Escherichia coli . Two puta- tive independently derived toxin A (tcdAV1 and tcdAV2 ) and five putati ve independentl y derived toxin B (including tcdB V1 and tcdB V2 ) mutants were isolated. Note that because each of these 1 Australian Bacterial Pathogenesis Program and 2 Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Structural and Functional Microbial Genomics, Department of Microbiology, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia. 3 Medical Service and Research Service, Hines VA Hospital, Hines, Illinois 60141, USA, and Infectious Disease Section, Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University Chicago, Maywood, Illinois 60153, USA. tcdB probe catP probe tcdA probe + –+ –+ + +– + + + + + –+ +    X    1    8    9 tcdR tcdB tcdE  tcdA tcdC    X    2    2    9    0    8    X    3    8    1    X    1    3    6    8    X    1    1    5    2    X    1    1    1    1    6    X    1    2    8    5    2    X    1    3    8    5    7 1 546 2366 1852 1128 956 -C N- DXD a b c 23.1 9.4 6.6 2.0 2.3 4.4 23.1 9.4 6.6 2.0 2.3 4.4 23.1 9.4 6.6 2.0 2.3 4.4 Catalytic activity Translocation Binding    W    T   t   c   d   A    1   Ω   t   c   d   A    2   Ω   t   c   d    B    2   Ω   t   c   d    B    1   Ω    W    T   t   c   d   A    1   Ω   t   c   d   A    2   Ω   t   c   d    B    2   Ω   t   c   d    B    1   Ω    W    T   t   c   d   A    1   Ω   t   c   d   A    2   Ω   t   c   d    B    2   Ω   t   c   d    B    1   Ω Figure 1 | Genetic organ ization of the C . difficile PaLoc andanalysis of toxin mutan ts. a, PaLoc genetic organization. XbaI sites (X) are shown, with the PaLoc coordinate indicated. Boxes indicate regions used in the recombination vectors and the tcdB- and tcdA-specific probes. Ovals show the gene-specific promoters and arrows the direction of transcription. b, Structural organization of toxin B (toxin A is similar). Coordinates indicate the amino acid number. Relevant domains are shown 18 . The box indica tes the reg ion in the rec ombin ation vector s. c, Southern hybridization of mutants. Genomic DNA was XbaI-digested and blots probed as shown. l-HindIII markers are indicated (kb). WT represents strain JIR8094; the mutant lanes are indicated. DNA was purified from cultures grown in the absence (2) or presence (1) of thiamphenicol selection. Vol 458 | 30 April 2009 | doi:10.1038/nature07822 1176  Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved  ©2009

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Toxin B is essential for virulence of Clostridium

difficileDena Lyras1, Jennifer R. O’Connor1,3, Pauline M. Howarth1, Susan P. Sambol3, Glen P. Carter1, Tongted Phumoonna1,

Rachael Poon1,2, Vicki Adams1, Gayatri Vedantam3, Stuart Johnson3, Dale N. Gerding3 & Julian I. Rood1,2

Clostridium difficile is the leading cause of infectious diarrhoea inhospitals worldwide, because of its virulence, spore-forming ability and persistence1,2. C. difficile -associated diseases areinduced by anti-biotic treatment or disruption of the normal gastrointestinal flora3,4.Recently, morbidity and mortality resulting from C. difficile -associated diseases have increased significantly due to changes in

the virulence of the causative strains and antibiotic usage pat-terns1,2,5,6. Since 2002, epidemic toxinotype III NAP1/027 strains1,2, which produce high levels of the major virulence factors, toxin A andtoxin B, have emerged. These toxins have 63% amino acid sequencesimilarity 7 and are members of the large clostridial glucosylating toxin family, which are monoglucosyltransferases that are pro-inflammatory, cytotoxic and enterotoxic in the human colon8–10.Inside host cells, both toxins catalyse the transfer of glucose ontotheRho family of GTPases, leadingto cell death8,11. However, theroleof these toxins in the context of a C . difficile infection is unknown.Here we describe the construction of isogenic tcdA and tcdB (encod-ing toxin A and B, respectively) mutants of a virulent C . difficile strain and their use in the hamster disease model to show that toxin Bis a key virulence determinant. Previous studies showed that

purified toxin A alone can induce most of the pathology observedafter infection of hamsters with C. difficile 8,9,12 and thattoxinB isnottoxic in animals unless it is co-administered with toxin A, suggesting that the toxins act synergistically 12. Our work provides evidence thattoxin B, nottoxin A, is essentialfor virulence. Furthermore,it is clearthat the importanceof these toxins in the context of infection cannotbe predicted exclusively from studies using purified toxins, reinforc-ing the importance of using the natural infection process to dissectthe role of toxins in disease.

C. difficile is difficult to manipulate genetically; reproduciblemethods for the construction of chromosomal mutants have only recently become available13,14. We have developed a method thatinvolves a plasmid, designated the recombination vector, which isunstable in C . difficile ; this plasmid carries DNA homologous to part

of the genome and becomes inserted at that genomic location, result-ing in a specific gene disruption. Using this process, we have success-fully mutated two regulatory genes13 and others have generatedmutations in additional genes15. This methodology has now madepossible studies aimed at dissecting the role of toxin A and toxin B inC. difficile -associateddiseases (CDAD) by constructing and analysingisogenic strains of this bacterium.

Toxin A and toxin B are encoded by the tcdA and tcdB genes,respectively, located within a 19.6-kilobase (kb) pathogenicity locus,the PaLoc9 (Fig. 1a), which encodes three other genes involved intoxin production16,17. To construct the plasmids required for thetargeted inactivation of tcdA and tcdB , 566-base-pair (bp) tcdA- or

tcdB -specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products were clonedinto pJIR1456. These PCR products corresponded to an essentialregion of the amino-terminal domain between the DXD catalyticmotif and amino acid 546 (Fig. 1b)18. Insertion of these plasmids intothe corresponding chromosomal gene region by homologous recom-bination should lead to disruption of the gene, resulting in a trun-

cationof the toxins (at leucine residues 492 and 493 intoxinsA and B,respectively), thereby attenuating toxin function.

The tcdA- and tcdB -specific recombination vectors were trans-ferred to JIR8094 (ref. 13), a derivative of C . difficile strain 630, by RP4-mediated conjugative transfer from Escherichia coli . Two puta-tive independently derived toxin A (tcdAV1 and tcdAV2 ) and fiveputative independently derived toxin B (including tcdB V1 andtcdB V2 ) mutants were isolated. Note that because each of these

1Australian Bacterial Pathogenesis Program and 2Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Structural and Functional Microbial Genomics, Department of Microbiology,Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia. 3Medical Service and Research Service, Hines VA Hospital, Hines, Illinois 60141, USA, and Infectious Disease Section, Stritch School ofMedicine, Loyola University Chicago, Maywood, Illinois 60153, USA.

tcdB probecatP probe tcdA probe

– + –+ –+ –+ – + – + –+ –+ – + –+ –+ –+

X 1 8 9

tcdR tcdB tcdE tcdA tcdC

X 2 2 9 0 8

X 3 8 1

X 1 3 6 8

X 1 1 5 2

X 1 1 1 1 6

X 1 2 8 5 2

X 1 3 8 5 7

1 546 236618521128956


















Catalytic activity Translocation Binding


t c d A



t c d A



t c d B



t c d B




t c d A



t c d A



t c d B



t c d B




t c d A



t c d A



t c d B



t c d B



Figure 1 | Genetic organization of theC . difficile PaLoc andanalysis of toxin

mutants. a, PaLoc genetic organization. XbaI sites (X) are shown, with thePaLoc coordinate indicated. Boxes indicate regions used in therecombination vectors and the tcdB- and tcdA-specific probes. Ovals show the gene-specific promoters and arrows the direction of transcription.b, Structural organization of toxin B (toxin A is similar). Coordinatesindicate the amino acid number. Relevant domains are shown18. The box indicates the region in the recombination vectors. c, Southern hybridizationof mutants. Genomic DNA was XbaI-digested and blots probed as shown.l-HindIII markers are indicated (kb). WT represents strain JIR8094; themutant lanes are indicated. DNA was purified from cultures grown in theabsence (2) or presence (1) of thiamphenicol selection.

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mutants was derived from a separate conjugation experiment, themutants are truly independent. The genotypes of the mutants wereconfirmed by PCR analysis (data not shown) and Southern blotting(Fig. 1c). The insertion of the recombination vectorswas shown to bespecific and to have disrupted the respective tcdA and tcdB genes,with the wild-type bands replaced by bands corresponding to inser-tion of the recombination vectors. For each specific mutant the othertoxin gene had a profile identical to wild type. Even though theinsertions were generated by single crossovers, and were therefore


, the resultant chromosomal mutants were very stable; noevidence of deletion of the inserted plasmids was detected in theSouthern blots (Fig. 1c). Autonomously replicating plasmids couldnot be extracted from these strains, suggesting that once chromo-somal insertion had occurred, the plasmid was maintained in aninserted state, as previously found13.

Western blots using toxin-A-specific antibodies showed that thetcdA mutants no longer produced toxin A and had a similar profile toan avirulent strain that does not carry the PaLoc (Fig. 2a). By com-parison, the tcdB mutants produced toxin A, although they repro-ducibly appeared to make more toxin A than the wild type. Thisfinding was confirmed by quantitative real-time reverse transcriptasePCR (qRT–PCR), which showed that the tcdB mutants expressedtcdA at 2.2–3.3-fold higher levels than the wild type. The basis for

this increased expression of toxin A is not known. qRT–PCR showedthat no differences in expression of the other PaLoc genes (tcdR , tcdE and tcdC ) were observed in any of the mutants (data not shown).

Cytotoxicity assays using HT29 cells, which are more sensitive totoxin A than other cell lines19,20, showedthat supernatantsfromthe toxinA mutants were significantly less toxic (P 50.021) than supernatantsfrom the wild type (Fig. 2b). These assays also showed that toxin Aproduced by the wild-type strain and by the tcdB mutants was cytotoxicand therefore functional (Fig. 2b). The latter activity was neutralized by toxin-A-specific antibodies (Fig.2c), verifying that the observed toxicity resulted from the action of toxin A. Vero cell cytotoxicity assays werealso carried out on these supernatants; the cytotoxic activity observed ispredominantly toxin-B-mediated8,19. Consequently, the tcdA mutantsshowed the same cytotoxic phenotype as the wild-type strain (Fig. 2d).

These cytopathic effects were neutralized by toxin-B-specific antibodies,

confirming that toxin B was responsible for the observed Vero celltoxicity (Fig. 2e). By contrast, supernatants from the tcdB mutants weresignificantly less cytotoxic (P 5 0.0058) for Vero cells than wild-typesupernatants. These mutants showed a similar phenotype to the aviru-lent strain although they did have low levels of toxicity (Fig. 2d), con-sistent with the relatively lower cytopathic effects of toxin A on Verocells. Thislowlevelof cytotoxicity was not neutralized by pre-incubationwith toxin B antibodies (Fig. 2e).

All of the genetic and phenotypic assays used to analyse the mutant

strains therefore showed that each pair of mutants, although isolatedindependently, behaved identically. Attempts were made tocomplement these mutations with the wild-type genes, but theseexperiments were not successful. The intact genes are very difficult toclone into shuttle vectors because they are very large (8.1 kb and 7.1 kbfor tcdA and tcdB , respectively) and contain repeat regions21,22. For thisreason, in subsequent virulence experiments we used two indepen-dently isolated mutants for each gene, to rule out the possibility thatany observed phenotypic effects were the result of other mutations.

The hamster disease modelparallels mostof the recognized featuresof human CDAD, especially with respect to the susceptibility of theanimal to C . difficile infection after the administration of antimicro-bial agents. Because it is currently the best animal model available23 itwas used to compare the virulence of the C . difficile mutants.

On challenge with the wild type, all ten infected hamsters werecolonized approximately 2 days after inoculation and 9 out of 10animals died approximately 5 days after colonization (Fig. 3). Thetwo independent toxin A mutants, which produced wild-type levelsof toxin B in vitro , yielded similar results, with 9 out of 10 and 8 out of 10 hamsters being colonized after challenge with the tcdAV1 andtcdAV2 mutants, respectively. The mean number of days (6s.d.) tocolonization was similar after inoculation with wild-type (2.16 1.2),tcdAV1 (1.96 0.3) and tcdAV2 (1.96 1.1) strains. These resultsmatched in vitro studies that investigated the adherence of thesestrains to polarized Caco-2 human intestinal epithelial cells underanaerobic conditions, where no significant differences in adherencewere observed (data not shown).

The mean time from colonization to death was similar forhamsters

colonizedwith thewild-type strain(9 outof 10)and the tcdAV

1 (9out



Wild type

tcdA 1

tcdB 1


No antibody Anti-TcdA Anti-TcdBNo antibody Anti-TcdA Anti-TcdB

Vero cellsHT29 cells








T o x i n t i t r e


A v i r u

l e n t

W i l d

t y p e









T o x i n t i t r e


t c d A



t c d A



t c d B



t c d B



A v i r u

l e n t

W i l d

t y p e

t c d A



t c d A



t c d B



t c d B



A v i r u

l e n t

W i l d

t y p e

t c d A



t c d A



t c d B



t c d B





Figure 2 | Comparative analysis of toxin

production by wild-type and mutant C . difficile

strains. The wild type is JIR8094 and theavirulent strain is CD37, which does not producetoxins29. a, Western blot using toxin-A-specificantibodies. b, d, Toxin A and toxin B cytotoxicity assays using HT-29 and Vero cells, respectively.Data represent the mean6 s.e.m.; n5 3.c, e, Neutralization of toxicity. Culturesupernatants were added to the cells andmorphological changes observed after 24 h (Noantibody) or pre-treated with toxin A (Anti-TcdA) and toxin B (Anti-TcdB) neutralizing antibodies before their addition to the cells.

Representative images are shown. Noneutralization was observed when supernatants

were pre-treated with anti-ErmB methylaseantibodies (data not shown). Bar indicates 1 mm.

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of 9) and tcdAV2 (7 out of 8) mutants (Fig. 3). Faecal pellets fromhamsters infected with the tcdAV2 mutant were analysed for plasmid

stability; toxin analysis was also performed on these specimens. All of the colonies (n 5 800) recovered from the eight tcdAV2 colonizedhamsters were thiamphenicol resistant, confirming that the insertedrecombination vector was retained in these isolates. Seven of the eightcolonized hamsters died (Fig. 3c), the one surviving animal lostcolonization after only 2 days. Confirmatory PCRs, with primersspecific for the gene disruption, were performed on a minimum of four post-colonization isolates (from different hamsters) for eachgroup of animals; the results showed that they all carried an inser-tionally inactivated tcdA gene.

Allof thefaecal pellets isolatedfrom tcdAV2 -infectedhamsters werestrongly cytotoxic (using a cytotoxin assay that primarily measurestoxin B), indicating the presence of active toxin B, and were negativefor toxin A in an enzyme immunoassay, as expected.Overall, 16 out of

17 (94%) of the hamsters colonized with the toxin A mutants died,providing clear evidence that the tcdA mutants were still virulent eventhoughtheyno longer producedtoxin A, either invitro or in vivo .Thesedata provide clear evidence that toxinA is not essentialfor virulence inthe hamster model, at least for a derivative of strain 630.

By contrast, the virulence trials involving the toxin B mutantsdemonstrated that toxin B was required for virulence (Fig. 3). Foreach of the tcdB mutants tested, 9 out of 10 hamsters were colonizedafter challenge. The time from challenge to colonization (tcdB V1,2.66 2.9 days; tcdB V2 , 1.960.3 days) was similar to that observedfor the wildtypeandthe toxin A mutants.However, only4 out of19 of the hamsters (21%) colonizedwith the toxin B mutants died (Fig. 3c),which was statistically different (P 5 0.001) from the wild-type strain(10 out of 10 deaths). The hamster that died after challenge with the

tcdB V1 mutant died 12 days after colonization, although the interval

from colonization to death in the three hamsters that died afterchallenge with the tcdB V2 mutant was similar to that of the wild type.Plasmid stability analysis and toxin testing of faecal pellets from thetcdB V2 trial explained these results. All of the colonies (n 5 600)recovered from the six surviving hamsters were thiamphenicol resis-tant, indicating that the integrated recombination vector was carriedby these strains. Faecalpellets from 5 out of 6 surviving hamsters wereenzyme immunoassay (EIA) positive for toxin A and were eithercytotoxin negative (n 5 2) or weakly cytotoxic (n 5 4), consistent

with the absence of toxin B and the relatively lower cytotoxicity of toxin A. These results provided evidence that the isolates recoveredfrom thesurviving hamsters were no longervirulent, even thoughthey continued to produce toxin A in vivo . Of the three hamsters that died,colonies from twoanimals (n 5 200)were all thiamphenicol resistant.However, only 74%of the isolates from the third hamster were thiam-phenicol resistant. Restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) typing of two of the thiamphenicol-sensitive isolates confirmed that they werederived from the wild-type strain, suggesting that they representedrevertants that had lostthe integrated plasmid and therefore displayeda wild-type (toxin A1B1) phenotype. In addition, faecal pellets fromall three hamsters that died were strongly cytotoxic (toxin B positive)and toxin A positive by EIA. We conclude that the thiamphenicol-sensitive isolates were revertants and were able to produce toxin B,

reinforcing the requirement for toxin B in the virulence of C . difficile .We suggest that the two hamsters that carried thiamphenicol-resistantstrains, but whose faecal isolates were toxin A1B1, had mixed infec-tions of the mutant strain and a revertant strain capable of producingwild-type toxin B at a level that was not detected by our analysis.

Hamsters challenged with the toxin A mutants were as likely to dieas those infected with the wild-type strain (Fig. 2a), and animalschallenged with the toxin B mutants were much more likely to survive(Fig. 3c), even though these strains produce more toxin A than thewild type. Among the few hamsters that died after challenge withthe toxin B mutants, our analysis suggested that a proportion of theC. difficile population infecting those animals produced toxin B.These results support the conclusion that the production of toxin B,not toxin A, correlates with a virulent C. difficile phenotype.

In conclusion, four independently derived toxin A or toxin Bmutants of C . difficile were constructed and characterized in vitro and in vivo using the hamster CDAD model. The results demon-strated that toxin B is an essential virulence factor, as disruption of the tcdB gene led to a significantly attenuated virulence phenotype.Isolates that produced toxin B but not toxin A retained a wild-typevirulence phenotype, which provides further confirmation of theparamount role of toxin B in disease pathogenesis. Unexpectedly,the presence of toxin A in the absence of toxin B, even at levels higherthan in the wild-type strain, was not lethal in the hamster model.Although this finding ostensibly contradicts a study which showedthat antibodies to toxin A protect toxoid A-immunized hamstersfrom disease24, vaccination studies do not provide direct evidenceof the role of a bacterial component in disease. Therefore, it is con-cluded that toxin A is not an essential virulence determinant in aderivative of the virulent C. difficile strain 630, although it may stillhave a non-essential role in the disease process.

Some previous studies have suggested that toxin A may not be themajor virulence factor of C . difficile and that toxin B might not bedependent on toxin A for function23,25; however, a lack of genetictools did not allow these hypotheses to be tested. Other studies sug-gested that toxin B was unable to initiate disease unless toxin A waspresent9,12. The data generated from our study do not support thehypothesis that both toxin A and toxin B are required to cause dis-ease. Clinical variants expressing toxin B but not toxin A are beingisolated with increasing frequency 26 and disease resulting from thesestrains is similar to that following infection with strains producingboth toxins27. The observation that clinical isolates that lack toxin Aare still capable of causing severe disease reinforces the propositionthat toxin A is not essential for virulence and that toxin B does not







I n o c u l a t i o n t o c o l o n i z a t i o n ( d a y s )






0 10 20 300





100Wild type


S u r v i v a l ( % )

a b



t c d A



t c d A



t c d B



t c d B



t c d A



t c d A



t c d B



t c d B



C o l o n i z a t i o n t o d e a t h ( d a y s )


tcdA 1Ω

tcdA 2Ω

tcdB 2Ω

tcdB 1Ω

Figure 3 | Virulenceof C . difficile wild-type and mutant strains in hamsters.

a, Days from inoculation of C. difficile to colonization of clindamycin-treated hamsters. The rate of colonization was 10 out of 10 for wild type; 9out of 10 for tcdAV1; 8 out of10 for tcdAV2; 9 out of 10for tcdBV1; 9 outof 10 for tcdBV2. n5 10. b, Days from colonization to death. All hamsters thatsurvived were killed at day 30. n5 10. c, Kaplan–Meier survival estimatedemonstrating days from colonization with C . difficile strains to death.n5 10.

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require the presence of toxin A for its in vivo activity 9,23,26,27. Note thatnaturally occurring toxin A1B2 isolates of C. difficile have not beenreported. Earlier studies on toxin A and toxin B function and theirputative cooperativity involved purified toxins or culture superna-tants9,12. The disparity between these studies and those described hereaccentuates the importance of using the natural infection process todissect the role of toxins in disease pathogenesis and reinforces thecritical need for the use of isogenic strains in such studies.

The clinical diagnosis of C . difficile predominantly involved immu-

noassays for the detection of toxin A until the discovery of clinicaldisease caused by toxin A2B1 isolates that were not detected by theseassays. It is now evident from our data that in the absence of culturingfor the organism, the diagnostic emphasis should focus on the detec-tion of both toxins by EIA and/or a standard cytotoxin assay thatmeasures primarily toxin B26, especially with toxin-A-deficient strainsbeing isolated with increasing frequency. Rapid and accurate diagnosisis of critical importance because of the changing epidemiology andincreased virulence of C . difficile strains1,2, and because this organismis now causing disease in individuals previously thought not to be atrisk, such as children andpregnant women28. It isclear that our findingsrepresent a paradigm shift in our understanding of the pathogenesis of C. difficile -mediated disease and will have major implications for thediagnosis, control and treatment of these syndromes.


The toxin-A- and toxin-B-specific recombination vectors pJIR3051 andpJIR3050 were constructed by cloning a 566-bp tcdA (GenBank accessionM30307) PCR product (nucleotides 1071–1637) and the equivalent tcdB (GenBank accession X53138) region, respectively, into the shuttle vectorpJIR1456 (GenBank accession U90554). These plasmids were transferred by conjugation to C. difficile strain JIR8094 and the resultantchromosomalmutantsanalysed by PCR, Southern blotting and plasmid rescue13.

Filtered supernatants of 2TY broth cultures (72 h) were used for western blots,cytotoxicity andtoxin neutralizationassays.Serial twofold dilutions of thesesuper-natants were used in Vero and HT-29 cell cytotoxicity assays, with the end-pointscored as the last dilution yieldingcomplete cytopathic effects (CPE). Toxinswereneutralized with affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies specific for toxin A andtoxin B; neutralization was carried out at the last dilution giving complete CPE.Partially purified ammonium-sulphate-precipitated toxin proteins were western

blotted using toxin-A-specific affinity-purified polyclonal goat antibodies.Syrian hamsters (n 510) were infected with C. difficile spores for virulence

testing23. Clindamycin was administered orogastrically to render the hamsterssusceptible to infection (day zero). On day five hamsters received 1,000 colony-forming units (c.f.u.) of spores by gastric inoculation. Faecal pellets werecollecteddaily for 12 days, then weekly until day 30 and inoculated onto selective TCCFAplates tomonitor colonization. Colonies weretypedby REAto confirmthe identity ofthe infecting isolate.Faecalpelletswere analysed forthe presenceof toxin A usinga toxin-A-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and for thepresence of toxin B using a human foreskin fibroblast cytotoxicity assay.

Full Methods and any associated references are available in the online version ofthe paper at

Received 29 June 2008; accepted 29 January 2009.Published online 1 March 2009.

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Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at

Acknowledgements Research at Monash University was supported by Program

Grant 284214 from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council,

funding from the ARC Centre of Excellence in Structural and Functional Microbial

Genomics and grant AI057637 from the United States National Institute of Allergy

and Infectious Diseases. S.J., D.N.G. and G.V. were supported by Merit Review

Grants from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs Research Service.

We thank D. Lyerly, K. Aktories and C. von-Eichel Streiber for providingtoxin-A-specific and toxin-B-specific antibodies, K. Nagaro and A. Cheknis for

assistance with the hamster experiments, V. K. Viswanathan for providing

intestinal epithelial cell lines, E. Hartland for providing the HT29 cell line, and

M. Merrigan for adherence assays.

AuthorContributions D.L., J.R.O’C.,G.P.C., V.A. andJ.I.R. designed thegeneticand

molecular aspects of the research, which were carried out by D.L., P.M.H. and

G.P.C. S.J., S.P.S., J.R.O’C. and D.N.G. planned and developed the animal

experiments, which were carried out by S.P.S. and J.R.O’C. Tissue culture assays

were designed, planned and carried out by D.L., G.P.C., R.P., T.P. and G.V. All

authors were involved in data analysis and interpretation. The manuscript was

primarily written by D.L. and J.I.R. but all authors had very significant input into its

content and reviewed and edited the manuscript.

Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at Correspondence and requests for materials should be

addressed to J.I.R. ([email protected]).

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METHODSBacterial strains, plasmids and growth conditions. All bacteriological culturemedia were obtained from Oxoid or Difco. For mating procedures and extrac-tion of plasmid and genomic DNA, C. difficile strains were cultured in BHIS

broth29, supplemented with 0.1% L-cysteine HCl and 0.375% glucose, or BHISagar supplemented with 0.09% FeSO4. Cefoxitin and thiamphenicol (Sigma)

were used at 25mg ml21 and 10mg ml21, respectively. C. difficile cultures weregrown in an atmosphere of 10% H2, 10% CO2 and 80% N2 at 37 uC in a Coy

anaerobic chamber. E. coli strains were derivatives of either DH5a (LifeTechnologies) or S17-1 (ref. 30). E . coli strains were cultured aerobically at

37 uC in 23YT agar or broth31. Where appropriate, E. coli cultures were supple-mented with chloramphenicol, erythromycin or ampicillin, at 30mg ml21,

150mg ml21, 100mg ml21, respectively.

Isolation and manipulation of nucleic acids. Plasmid DNA was isolated from

E. coli strains grown overnight in 5 ml of broth, with appropriate antibioticselection, using Qiaprep spin miniprep columns (Qiagen), following the manu-

facturer’s instructions. E. coli transformations were performed using the Pipesmethod32. C. difficile genomic DNA was prepared as previously described13.Standard methods were used for the digestion, modification, ligation and ana-

lysis of plasmid and genomic DNA and PCR products33. Oligonucleotide pri-

mers used in this study are listed in Supplementary Information. Nucleotidesequencingreactions were carried outusinga PRISM Ready Reaction DyeDeoxy TerminatorCycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems), according to the manu-

facturer’s instructions. Sequence detection was carried out on an AppliedBiosystems 3730S Genetic Analyser by Micromon at Monash University and

sequences were analysed using Sequencher 3.1 software (Gene CodesCorporation).

qRT–PCR analysis of PaLoc gene expression. The procedure was carried outessentially as before34. In brief, RNA was extracted from 40 ml of C. difficile

cultures grown to an OD600 of approximately 0.3 for tcdC gene expressionanalysis, and from 10 ml of C. difficile cultures grown to an OD600 of approxi-

mately 1.8 for all other PaLoc gene expression analysis, using the RibopureBacteria kit (Ambion), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. To remove

contaminating genomic DNA, the purified RNA was treated with the DNA-freekit (Ambion), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Reverse transcrip-

tion reactions were then performed using 2 mg of purified RNA, 0.5mM primer,and the Omniscript Reverse Transcription Kit (Qiagen) according to the manu-facturer’s instructions. Prior to real-time PCR analysis all RT reactions were

diluted twofold and fivefold. Reactions were then performed in a final volumeof 25ml with SYBR Green PCR master mix (Applied Biosystems), 2 ml of diluted

RT reactions and 120 nM primers using an Eppendorf Realplex 4 Mastercycler.Triplicate reactions were performed in multiple experiments using RNA from

three biological replicates. The data were normalized to C. difficile rpoA RNAlevels. Primers used for qRT–PCR are listed in Supplementary Information.

Construction of toxin-A- and toxin-B-specific recombination vectors.Oligonucleotide primers JRP2342 and JRP2343 were used to amplify the 566-

bp region corresponding to nucleotides 1071–1637 of tcdA (accession numberM30307). The corresponding region of tcdB (accession number X53138) was

amplified using JRP2344 and JRP2345. Because EcoRI restriction sites had beenincorporated into the primers, this enzyme was used to clone the products intothe corresponding site of the shuttle vector pJIR145635 (accession number

U90554) to construct the tcdA- and tcdB -targeted recombination vectors

pJIR3051 and pJIR3050, respectively.

Isolation of chromosomal C . difficile mutants. To construct C. difficile strains

with mutationsresultingfrom insertion of the recombination vectors in the tcdAor tcdB genes, the vectors pJIR3051 and pJIR3050 were introduced into E. coli

strainS17-1, respectively.Strain S17-1 carries a chromosomal copy of thebroad-host-range plasmid RP4 and although it is not able to self-transfer it provides all

the functions required to mobilize co-resident Inc.P oriT plasmids. The oriT -containing plasmids pJIR3051 and pJIR3050 were therefore transferred by con-

jugation to C. difficile strain JIR8094, as previously described13. In the final step,

thegrowth from each non-selectiveplatewas resuspended in 1 ml ofBHI diluent(0.37% BHI, 0.01% sodium thioglycollate) and 100 ml spread onto BHIS agar

supplemented with thiamphenicol and cefoxitin, the latter antibiotic being usedas a counter selection against E. coli . The plates were incubated anaerobically at

37 uC for at least 72 h, until colonies were observed. The colonies then weresubcultured onto the same medium and incubated for a further 2 to 3 days.

Subcultures that showed bacterial growth were subcultured twice more, thenanalysed by PCR, Southern blotting and plasmid rescue experiments.

Southern hybridization analysis of C . difficile strains. Genomic C. difficile DNA was digested with XbaI, subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis and then

transferred to a Nylon H1 Hybond membrane (Amersham)33. Southernhybridization analysis was then carried out on the resultant membrane using

standard methods36. DNA probes were digoxigenin (DIG)-labelled by randomPCR labelling, following the manufacturer’s instructions (Roche). The blotswere hybridized with probes specific for tcdA (the 566-bp PCR product of primers JRP2342/JRP2343), tcdB (the 566-bp JRP2344/JRP2345 PCR product)and catP (0.73-kb product amplified from pJIR1456 using primers JRP2142/JRP214313).

Partial purification of toxins from culture supernatants. The toxins werepartially purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation from culture superna-tants. Briefly, C. difficile was grown overnight in 20 ml of 2TY broth (3.0%tryptone, 2.0% yeast extract and 0.1%sodium thioglycollate) and approximately

3 ml transferred to 90 ml of the same medium. The cultures were then grown for3 days, after which time the cells were pelleted by centrifugation (10,000g ,15 min, room temperature). The supernatants were then filter sterilized (0.45-

mm filters) and solid ammonium sulphate was added with stirring at roomtemperature, to reach 70% saturation, followed by incubation for 20 min at4 uC. The precipitated protein was collected and dissolved in 2 ml of water anddialysed overnight at 4 uC in PBS, with four changes of buffer.

Toxin-A-specific western blots. Partially purified toxin proteins were subjectedto SDS–PAGE and transferred by electrophoresis to nitrocellulose membranes

(Whatman), as previously described34. The membranes were incubated for 1 hin PBScontaining 5% dry milkpowderand thenincubated overnight withaffinity purified polyclonal goat antibodies specific for C. difficile toxin A (Techlab).Toxin-A-bound antibodies were then detected with peroxidase-conjugated anti-goat antibodies (Chemicon) and the Western Lightning Chemiluminescencereagent kit (Perkin-Elmer), according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Vero and HT-29 cell cytotoxicity assays. To prepare the supernatants used in

the toxin assays, C. difficile was grown as before in 90 ml of TY broth for 3 days,and the cells pelleted by centrifugation as before. The supernatants were filtersterilized and stored on ice before use. Vero and HT-29 cells were cultured inminimum essential medium (MEM alpha medium: GIBCO, Invitrogen) orMcCoy’s medium (5A medium modified: GIBCO, Invitrogen), respectively,containing 10% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum (FCS), 100 units ml21 penicil-lin and 100 mg ml21 streptomycin in culture flasks at 37 uC in 5% CO2. The cellswere grown to a confluent (Vero) or semi-confluent (HT-29) monolayer andsubcultured by incubation in 1 to 2 ml of 0.1% trypsin in 1 mM EDTA. The cellswere counted and resuspended in freshmedium at a concentration of 0.253 105

(Vero)or 5.03 105 (HT-29) cells perml. Onemillilitre ofthe cell suspension wasseededinto each well of24-well plates. Theplates were incubatedfor 20–24 h and

the culture medium removed, after which cells were washed with PBS. Serialtwofold dilutions of the C. difficile culture supernatants were made in PBS and100ml added to each well, followed by 400 ml of MEM or McCoy’s medium

containing 1% heat-inactivated FCS. Negative controls were treated with500ml of fresh medium. The plates were incubated at 37 uC in 5% CO2. Themorphological changes were observed by microscopy after 24 h. The cytopathiceffect (CPE) was determined on a scale from 0 to 14 in comparison to the

negative control wells. The end point was scored as the last dilution at which100% or 41 CPE was observed. The assays were performed in triplicate onindependent culture supernatants. An Olympus 1X71 inverted microscopewas used to visualize the cells at 103 and 203 magnifications.

Toxin neutralization assays. For neutralization of toxin activity, affinity puri-fied polyclonal antibodies specific to toxin A (goat anti-TcdA, Techlab) andtoxin B (rabbit anti-TcdB, tgcBIOMICS) were used. Neutralization assays wereperformed by incubating filtered supernatants with appropriately diluted anti-bodies for 90 min at room temperature before the addition of the treated super-natant to Vero or HT-29 cell monolayers, together with growth mediumsupplemented with 1% HI FCS. As a negative control, culture supernatants weretreated with a polyclonal antibody reactive against the ErmB RNA methylase.

Anaerobic C . difficile adherence assays. Quantification of C. difficile adhesionto host cells was achieved by an anaerobic bacterial adherence assay that used aderivative of the Caco-2 human intestinal epithelial cell-line, Caco-2BBE(C2BBE). C2BBE host cells express the human sodium-glucose transporterSGLT1 and elaborate a brush-border when cultured in monolayers. C2BBE cellswere cultured in high-glucose (25 mM) Dulbecco’s Minimal Eagle Medium(DMEM), 10% fetal bovine serum, 20 mM HEPES, 100 unitsml21 penicillin,and100mg ml21 streptomycin at 37 uC in the presenceof 5%CO2. Cells betweenpassages 25 and 45 were grown as confluent monolayers (1.23 106 cells) in6-well plates, and transferred to antibiotic and serum-free DMEM 24 h beforeadherence assays. For the assays, C2BBE plates were introduced into the anaer-obic chamber just before use, serum-free medium was removed and exponen-tially growing C. difficile strains applied at a multiplicity of infection of 20 in avolume of 2 ml. All bacterial strains used were washed and resuspended incompletely anaerobic DMEM with 25 mM CaCl2 before incubation with hostcells. Adherence was allowed to proceed under anaerobic conditions for 40 min.Host cells and adherent bacteria were then washed twice with 1 ml of completely


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anaerobic phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), scraped, serially diluted and platedto enumerate adherent C. difficile . Each experiment was performed in quad-ruplicate, and repeated at least three times in its entirety. The percent adherencewas calculated as the ratio of recovered C. difficile to input C. difficile multipliedby 100. The SPSS software package was used for statistical analyses. Significance(P , 0.01) was determined using ANOVA to enable comparison between mul-tiple groups of continuous numerical data. The Least Significant Difference testwas used for post hoc analyses.Hamster experiments. C. difficile strains were tested in groups of 10 specificpathogen-free, 90–100g Syrianhamsters. To minimize contamination,hamsters

were housedin individualisolatorcagesfittedwith airfilters on their lids. Cages,food, water bottles, water and bedding were autoclaved, and personnel handlingthe animals wore disposable gowns, masks, hats, shoe covers and gloves. Eachexperimental group was housed in a separate room to prevent cross-contamina-tion with different strains of C. difficile 23,37.

To prepare spores, C. difficile strains were streaked heavily and grown anaerobi-cally at 37 uC on anaerobic blood agar plates (BBL anaerobic blood agar plates,Columbiabase,Fisher L21928) toconfluency,with anincubationtime of5 to6 daysto induce sporulation. The organisms were then harvested with disposable loops,placed into 10 ml of PBS, washed in PBS, and heat-shocked at 56 uC for 10min tokill surviving vegetative cells. The spores were centrifuged and resuspended inDMEM, aliquoted, and frozen at280 uC. The frozen spores were then quantifiedbefore use by plating tenfold serial dilutions of the spores onto taurocholate-fructose-agar plates. The agar base was taurocholate-cefoxitin-cycloserine-fructose-agar (TCCFA), but without cycloserine and cefoxitin23. Spores werediluted in DMEM before inoculation.

For each test strain, hamsters were given clindamycin orogastrically (30mgkg21), to render them susceptible to C. difficile infection (day zero).On study day five hamsters received 1,000 c.f.u. of C. difficile spores by gastricinoculation. Hamsters were then monitored twice daily for 5 days and daily thereafter. Animal bedding was changed and faecal pellets were collected daily.Specimens were inoculated onto selective TCCFA plates and incubated anaero-bically at 37 uC to determine if they were colonized with C. difficile . Faecalpelletswere collecteddailyfor 12 days,then weeklyuntilterminationof thestudy(up to30 days). C. difficile isolates from at least three colonized hamsters per groupwere typed by restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) to confirm the identity of the infecting C. difficile isolate38. Hamster groups were assessed for colonization,time interval between challenge with C. difficile and colonization and time inter-val between colonization and death. Note that this study was approved by theInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at the Hines VAHospital.

The wild-type parent strain JIR8094 and two independently derived toxin A(tcdAV1 and tcdAV2 , JIR8253 and JIR8263, respectively) and toxin B mutants(tcdB V1 and tcdB V2 , JIR8253 and JIR8263, respectively) were each analysed ingroupsof 10hamsters. Duringthe hamster experiments with thesecond groupof independent mutants,faecal pellets fromall of the C. difficile-colonized hamsters

were analysed for stability of the toxin A or toxin B mutation. Faecal samples

taken after colonization were homogenized in 3.75 ml of PBSand serially diluted

and subcultured onto TCCFA. For each hamster, 100 C. difficile colonies were

then individually patched onto BHIS agar containing cefoxitin and thiamphe-

nicol, to confirm that the catP antibiotic resistance marker from the recombina-

tion plasmid was still present, and onto BHIS agar containing cefoxitin as a

positive control for growth. Hamster faecal pellets, homogenized in 0.75ml

PBS, were also analysed for the presence of toxin A, using a toxin-A-specific

ELISA (TechLab) and for the presence of toxin B using a human foreskin fibro-

blast cytotoxicity assay (human foreskin fibroblast cell monolayers, Diagnostic

Hybrids; anti-C. difficile toxin, Trinity Biotech).Forthe toxin A ELISA,0.2 g of homogenized faecalpelletsample wasaddedto

0.2ml of diluent andmixed. Thesampleswere clarifiedby centrifugationand the

assay performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The OD450 was

determined using a microtitre plate reader (Bio-Rad). Samples were considered

positive if their OD450 was at least 0.19, and negative if their OD450 was less than

0.05; there were no intermediate results. For the toxin B cytotoxicity assay, 0.1 g

of homogenized faecal sample was mixed with 0.5 ml of diluent and mixed. The

samples were clarified by centrifugation, filtered through 0.45 mm pore filters

(Millipore), and the assay performed accordingto the manufacturer’sdirections.

The cytotoxic effect was recorded at 24 h and all positive results were confirmed

by neutralization with antitoxin. Results were recorded as negative (2), weak

cytotoxicity (1; less than 10% cell rounding), or high cytotoxicity (111;

greater than 80% cell rounding); there were no intermediate results. REA typing

was performed and analysed as previously described37.

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