adaptive virtual machine management in the cloud: a...

Adaptive Virtual Machine Management in the Cloud: A Performance-Counter-Driven Approach Abstract. The success of cloud computing technologies heavily depends on both the underlying hardware and system software support for virtualization. In this study, we propose to elevate the capability of the hypervisor to monitor and manage co-running virtual machines (VMs) by capturing their dynamic behav- ior at runtime and adaptively schedule and migrate VMs across cores to mini- mize contention on system resources hence maximize the system throughput. Implemented at the hypervisor level, our proposed scheme does not require any changes or adjustments to the VMs themselves or the applications running in- side them, and minimal changes to the host OS. It also does not require any changes to existing hardware structures. These facts reduce the complexity of our approach and improve portability at the same time. The main intuition be- hind our approach is that because the host OS schedules entire virtual machines, it loses sight of the processes and threads that are running within the VMs; it only sees the averaged resource demands from the past time slice. In our design, we sought to recreate some of this low level information by using performance counters and simple virtual machine introspection techniques. We implemented an initial prototype on the Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM) and our experimental results show the presented approach is of great potential to improve the overall system throughput in the cloud environment. Keywords: Cloud Computing, Virtual Machine Management, Hardware Per- formance Counters, Virtualization. Introduction Nowadays cloud computing has become pervasive. Common services provided by the cloud include infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS), among others. Cloud computing has begun to transform the way enterprises deploy and manage their infrastructures. It provides the founda- tion for a truly agile enterprise, so that IT can deliver an infrastructure that is flexible, scalable, and most importantly, economical through efficient resource utilization (Red Hat, 2009). One of the key enabling technologies for cloud computing is virtualization, which offers users the illusion that their remote machine is running the operating system (OS) of their interest on its own dedicated hardware. But underneath is actually a completely different case, where different OS images (Virtual Machines) from differ- ent users may be running on the same physical server simultaneously. The success of cloud computing technologies heavily depends on both the underly- ing hardware support for virtualization, such as Intel VT and AMD-V, and the in- crease in the number of cores contained in modern multi-core multi-threading micro-

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Adaptive Virtual Machine Management in the Cloud: A

Performance-Counter-Driven Approach

Abstract. The success of cloud computing technologies heavily depends on

both the underlying hardware and system software support for virtualization. In

this study, we propose to elevate the capability of the hypervisor to monitor and

manage co-running virtual machines (VMs) by capturing their dynamic behav-

ior at runtime and adaptively schedule and migrate VMs across cores to mini-

mize contention on system resources hence maximize the system throughput.

Implemented at the hypervisor level, our proposed scheme does not require any

changes or adjustments to the VMs themselves or the applications running in-

side them, and minimal changes to the host OS. It also does not require any

changes to existing hardware structures. These facts reduce the complexity of

our approach and improve portability at the same time. The main intuition be-

hind our approach is that because the host OS schedules entire virtual machines,

it loses sight of the processes and threads that are running within the VMs; it

only sees the averaged resource demands from the past time slice. In our design,

we sought to recreate some of this low level information by using performance

counters and simple virtual machine introspection techniques. We implemented

an initial prototype on the Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM) and our experimental

results show the presented approach is of great potential to improve the overall

system throughput in the cloud environment.

Keywords: Cloud Computing, Virtual Machine Management, Hardware Per-

formance Counters, Virtualization.


Nowadays cloud computing has become pervasive. Common services provided by

the cloud include infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and

software as a service (SaaS), among others. Cloud computing has begun to transform

the way enterprises deploy and manage their infrastructures. It provides the founda-

tion for a truly agile enterprise, so that IT can deliver an infrastructure that is flexible,

scalable, and most importantly, economical through efficient resource utilization (Red

Hat, 2009).

One of the key enabling technologies for cloud computing is virtualization, which

offers users the illusion that their remote machine is running the operating system

(OS) of their interest on its own dedicated hardware. But underneath is actually a

completely different case, where different OS images (Virtual Machines) from differ-

ent users may be running on the same physical server simultaneously.

The success of cloud computing technologies heavily depends on both the underly-

ing hardware support for virtualization, such as Intel VT and AMD-V, and the in-

crease in the number of cores contained in modern multi-core multi-threading micro-

processors (MMMP). Because a single Virtual Machine (VM) does not normally use

all the hardware resources available on MMMPs, multiple VMs can run simultane-

ously on processors such that the resource utilization on the cloud side can be im-

proved. Aggregately, this means increasing the system throughput in terms of the total

number of VMs supported by the cloud and even reducing the energy cost of the

cloud infrastructure by consolidating the VMs and turning off the resources (proces-

sors) not in usage.

Co-running VMs, however, introduces contention on shared resources in MMMP.

VMs may compete for the computation resources if they are sharing the same core; or

even if they are running on separate cores, they may be competing for the Last Level

Cache (LLC) and memory bandwidth if they are sharing the same die. If not managed

carefully, this contention might cause a significant performance degradation of the

VMs. This is against the original motivation for running them together, and may vio-

late the service level agreement (SLA) between the customer and the cloud service


Traditionally, load balancing of MMMPs have been under the purview of the OS

scheduler. This is still the case in cloud environments that use hosted virtualization

such as the Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM). In the case of bare-metal virtualization,

the scheduler is implemented as part of the Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM, a.k.a.

hypervisor). Regardless of where the scheduler resides, the scheduler tries to evenly

balance the workload among existing cores. Normally, these workloads are processes

and threads, but in a cloud environment they also include entire virtual machines.

(Note that this is the host scheduler. Each virtual machine will run its own guest OS,

with its own guest scheduler that manages the guest’s processes and threads.) The

hypervisor is unaware of potential contention on processor resources among the con-

current VMs it is managing. On top of that, the VMs (and the processes/threads with-

in them) exhibit different behaviors at different times during their lifetimes, some-

times being computation-intensive, sometimes being memory-intensive, sometimes

being I/O intensive, and other times following a mixed behavior. The fundamental

challenge is the semantic gap, i.e. the hypervisor is unaware of when and which guest

processes and threads are running. In facing this challenge, we propose to elevate the

capability of the hypervisor to monitor and manage the co-running VMs by capturing

their dynamic behavior at runtime using hardware performance counters. Once a per-

formance profile and model has been obtained and computational phases determined,

we then adaptively schedule and migrate VMs across cores according to the predicted

phases (as opposed to process and thread boundaries) to minimize the contention on

system resources hence maximize the system throughput.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: a review of related published work is

presented in the Related Work section; In the Proposed Scheme section we include a

description of the default Virtual Machine Monitor architecture, we introduce the

hardware performance counters and some events of interest; within this section also

we also introduce our proposed architecture. Next, the Experiment Setup section in-

troduces the hardware and software setups, benchmarks, and workloads created to test

the proposed scheme. The experiments conducted and their respective results are


presented in the Experimental Results section. Finally, conclusions and future work

are drawn in the Conclusion section.

Related Work

In this section we describe some previous work related to resource contention in

MMMPs, OS thread scheduling considering resource demands, and some works tar-

geting resource management in cloud environment.

Fedorova (2006) described the design and implementation of three scheduling al-

gorithms for chip multithreaded processors that target contention for the second-level

cache. Their experimental results were presented from a simulated dual-core proces-

sor based on the UltraSPARC T1 architecture. Their work also studied the effects of

L2 cache contention on performance for multi-core processors.

Knauerhase, Brett, Hohlt, Li, and Hahn (2008) showed how runtime observations

performed by the OS about threads’ behavior can be used to ameliorate performance

variability and more effectively exploit multi-core processor resources. This work

discusses the idea of distributing benchmarks with a high rate of off-chip requests

across different shared caches. The authors proposed to reduce cache interference by

spreading the intensive applications apart and co-scheduling them with non-intensive

applications. They used cache misses per cycle were as the metric for measuring in-


Shelepov et al. (2009) described a scheduling technique for heterogeneous multi-

core systems that does the matching using per-thread architectural signatures. These

signatures are compact summaries of threads’ architectural properties collected of-

fline. Their technique is unable to adapt to thread phase changes. It appears to be ef-

fective for a reduced set of test cases, however it does not scale well since the com-

plexity of using off-line thread profiling becomes very high as the number of threads


Zhuravlev, Blagodurov, and Fedorova (2010) and Blagodurov, Zhuravlev, and

Fedorova (2010) conducted a study where they analyzed the factors defining the per-

formance in MMMPs and quantified how much performance degradation can be at-

tributed to contention for each shared resource in multi-core systems. They provided a

comprehensive analysis of contention-mitigating techniques that only use scheduling,

and developed scheduling algorithms that schedule threads such that the miss rate is

evenly distributed among the caches. The authors concluded that the highest impact of

contention-aware scheduling techniques is not in improving performance of a work-

load as a whole but in improving quality of service or performance isolation for indi-

vidual applications and in optimizing system energy consumption. They found that

the LLC miss rates turn out to be a very good heuristic for contention for resources

affecting performance in MMMP systems.

Blagodurov and Fedorova (2011) introduced the Clavis scheduler as a user-level

application designed to test efficiency of user-level scheduling algorithms for NUMA

multi-core systems available in Linux. It monitors workloads execution through

hardware performance counters and gather all the necessary information for making a

scheduling decision, pass it to the scheduling algorithm and enforce the algorithm’s


Lugini, Petrucci, and Mosse (2012) proposed PATA (Performance-Asymmetric

Thread Assignment) algorithm, an online thread-to-core assignment policy for heter-

ogeneous multi-core systems. The PATA algorithm works without prior knowledge of

the target system and running workloads and makes thread-to-core assignments deci-

sions based on the threads’ IPS (Instructions committed Per Second). This solution is

proposed to be implemented on top of existing OS scheduling algorithms. Experiment

results showed improvements in workload execution over Linux’s scheduler and an-

other online IPS-driven scheduler.

Petrucci, Loques, Mosse, Melhem, Gazala, and Gobriel (2012) proposed an integer

linear programming model for heterogeneous multi-core systems using thread phase

classification based on combined IPS and LLC misses. Data collected offline was

then used to determine the best thread scheduling for power savings while meeting

thread performance and memory bandwidth guarantees with real-time requirements.

Although previous work discussed so far covers some of the fundamental aspects

of our work, it worth emphasizing that it entirely targets standard workloads managed

by the OS scheduler. None of such studies is oriented towards cloud environment.

Other works have been published in the area of VM resource management.

Nathuji, Kansal, and Ghaffarkhah (2010) developed Q-Clouds, a QoS-aware control

framework that tunes resource allocations to mitigate performance interference ef-

fects. Q-Clouds uses online feedback to build a multi-input multi-output (MIMO)

model that captures performance interference interactions, and uses it to perform

closed loop resource management. Wang, Xu, and Zhao (2012) also proposed to es-

tablish a multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) performance model for co-hosted VMs in

order to capture their coupling behavior using a fuzzy model. Based on their model,

the level of contention on the competing resources is quantified by the model parame-

ters, and later used to assist VM placement and resource allocation decisions. Alt-

hough these works (Nathuji et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2012) attempted to manage

resources in the cloud environment, their effects reside at the system level.

Arteaga, Zhao, Liu, Thanarungroj, and Weng (2010) proposed a cooperative VM

scheduling approach that allows software-level VM scheduler and hardware-level

thread scheduler to cooperate and optimize the allocation of MMMP resources to

VMs. They present an experiment-based feasibility study which confirms the effec-

tiveness of processor contention aware VM scheduling.

Weng and Liu (2010) and Weng, Liu, and Gaudiot (2013) introduced a scheme that

aimed to support a dynamic, adaptive and scalable operating system scheduling policy

for MMMP. They proposed architectural (hardware) strategies to construct linear

models to capture workload behaviors and then schedule threads according to their

resource demands. They employed regression models to ensure that the scheduling

policy is capable of responding to the changing behaviors of threads during execution.

Compared with the static scheduling approach, their phase-triggered scheduling poli-

cy achieved up to 29% speedup.

Our work integrates several aspects mentioned from previous researches and ap-

plies them to the cloud environment. We follow the approach to schedule VMs ac-


cording their different resource demand in order to mitigate the contention on shared

processor resources between concurrent VMs (Weng et al., 2013; Arteaga et al.,

2010). One significant aspect of our approach is that it acts online at runtime, which

does not require a priori information about the VMs. The information pertaining to

each VM begins to be collected after it has been launched, and so is its behavioral

model. These features greatly improve over previous off-line profiling-based ap-

proaches. In addition, our approach is autonomous, which executes transparently to

the VMs because it does not require any changes or adjustments made to the VMs

themselves or the applications running inside them, nor to the host OS. It also does

not require any changes to existing hardware structures. These facts allow the com-

plexity of applying our scheme to be kept very low, in the meantime improve the

portability of our scheme.

Proposed Scheme

Default Virtual Machine Monitor Architecture

As mentioned earlier, in a virtualized environment, the hypervisor is responsible

for creating and running the virtual machines. We implemented our initial prototype

on the Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM) hypervisor.

KVM ( is a full virtualization solution for Linux that

can run unmodified guest images. It has been included in the mainline Linux kernel

since 2.6.20 and is implemented as a loadable kernel module that converts the Linux

kernel into a bare metal hypervisor. KVM relies on hardware (CPUs) containing vir-

tualization extensions like Intel VT-X or AMD-V, leveraging those features to virtu-

alize the CPU.

In the KVM architecture, the VMs are mapped to regular Linux processes (i.e.

QEMU processes) and are scheduled by the standard Linux scheduler. This allows

KVM to benefit from all the features of the Linux kernel such as memory manage-

ment, hardware device drivers, etc. Device emulation is handled by QEMU. It pro-

vides emulated BIOS, PCI bus, USB bus and a standard set of devices such as IDE

and SCSI disk controllers, network cards, etc. (Red Hat, 2009). Figure 1(a) shows the

default system architecture with KVM sitting in between the VMs and the physical

hardware, at the host OS level.

Hardware Performance Counters

Hardware Performance Counters (HPC) are special hardware registers available on

most modern processors. These registers can be used to count the number of occur-

rence of certain types of hardware events such as: instructions executed, cache-misses

suffered, and branches mispredicted. These events are counted without slowing down

the kernel or applications because they use dedicated hardware that does not incur any

additional overhead. Although originally implemented for debugging hardware de-

signs during development, performance tuning purposes, or identifying bottlenecks in

program execution, nowadays they are widely used for gathering runtime information

of programs and performance analysis (Weaver & McKee, 2008; Bandyopadhyay,


The types and number of available events to track and the methodologies for using

these performance counters vary widely, not only across architectures, but also across

systems sharing an ISA. Depending on the model of the microprocessor, they may

include 2, 4, 6, 8 or even more of these counters. Intel’s most modern processors offer

more than a hundred different events that can be monitored (Intel, 2013). Therefore, it

is up to the programmer to select which events to monitor and set the configuration

registers appropriately.

Several profiling tools are available to access HPCs on different microprocessor

families. They are relatively simple to use and usually allow monitoring a larger

number of unique events than the number of physical counters available in the proces-

sor. This is possible using round-robin scheduling of monitored events through multi-

plexing and estimation. However, the results are presented after completing the exe-

cution of the target application.

Since online profiling is required by our scheme, we did not use any of the availa-

ble profiling tools. We directly configure and access the HPCs via simple

RDMSR/WRMSR operations (Intel, 2013). This fact also contributes to the autonomy

of the proposed scheme.

Fig. 1. Overall System Architecture

Proposed Architecture

As shown in Figure 1, there is no difference between a regular process and a virtual

machine. We propose to assist the hypervisor to adaptively monitor and model each

VM’s behavior separate from that of processes. Then, given the models, we assist the

Host OS in managing the co-running VMs by providing hints to the scheduler as to

which VM should be scheduled on which core to minimize resource contention. The

proposed architecture is based on the following key aspects:


- Utilize Hardware Performance Counters (HPCs) that exist in most modern

microprocessors to collect runtime information on each VM.

- The information collected from the HPCs is used to derive the resource de-

mand of each VM and construct a dynamic model to capture their runtime


- With the VM’s behavioral information obtained from above, and after a

comprehensive evaluation of their resource demands, our scheme (modified

hypervisor) will generate a VM-to-core mapping that minimizes the conten-

tion for resources among the VMs.

- This mapping is then used by the Host OS scheduler to commit the map-


Figure 1(b) illustrates the overall layout of the proposed scheme. It shows the

runtime monitoring module added to KVM getting information from the HPCs. Fig-

ure 2 shows a block diagram containing the basic steps performed by our runtime and

monitoring module added to KVM.

Fig. 2. General Scheme

Hardware Events and Runtime Model

Extensive work has been done in identifying which shared resources affect perfor-

mance the most in MMMPs (Weng & Liu, 2010; Weng et al., 2013; Zhuravlev et al.,

2010; Cazorla et al., 2006; Cheng, Lin, Li, & Yang, 2010). At this moment, complet-

ing an extensive study in this area is not part of the objectives of this work. This paper

follows the approach presented by Weng and Liu (2010) and Weng et al. (2013) and

adopts Last-Level-Cache (LLC) misses as an essential indicator to the demand on

shared resources in the MMMPs. The work that we present here is mainly performed

at the hypervisor level, which is at a different level from Weng and Liu (2010) and

Weng et al. (2013). Since the previous work was able to model the resource demands

of threads into phases, our current work simply treats entire VMs as “threads”.

The hardware events we monitor are: LLC misses, L1 misses, and committed in-

structions. We create a simple linear model for evaluating the feasibility of the pro-

posed approach. The model is based on the metrics known as Misses Per Kilo Instruc-

tions (MPKI) and Misses Per Million Instructions (MPMI) for both LLC and L1

cache (Cheng et al., 2010). Depending on the MPKI and MPMI values, we classify

the VMs into two categories: computation-intensive (for lower values) and memory-

intensive (for higher values).

The proposed scheme is continuously monitoring and profiling the running VMs. It

manipulates the HPCs to start counting right before giving control to a VM (VM-

entry) and records the counters’ values upon getting control back from the running

VM (VM-exit). The values collected from the hardware counters are recorded as

samples, which are later used to calculate the target metric (MPKI or MPMI). Such

implementation allows our scheme to collect detailed information from each VM

while still incurring in very low overhead.

Every certain number of samples (this value is a parameter of our scheme), the

MPKI/MPMI value for each VM is calculated and the VMs are classified as computa-

tion or memory-intensive. Next, our scheme determines the VM-to-core mapping

following the Mix-Scheduling criteria presented by Weng et al. (2013). Such a map-

ping pattern pairs the threads in such a way that the difference of LLC misses is max-

imized among VMs mapped to the same core. Our method groups together VMs with

different processor usage behaviors (categories) in order to reduce the contention on

shared processor resources among concurrent VMs, separating VMs of similar LLC

miss level.

Experiment Setup

This section introduces the hardware and software setups, the benchmarks used in

this work, and the distinct workloads created to test the proposed scheme.

Hardware Environment

The hardware platform we used for this work is a physical machine (laptop) with

an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU, Model T9400 running at 2.53GHz. This processor has two


cores with private 64KB L1 (32KB Data + 32KB Instruction) caches each and 6MB

L2 shared cache (LLC). It does not support hyper-threading (HT) technology. There-

fore, only two threads can be executed simultaneously.

Even though this is not the ideal hardware platform, it is what was available to us

at the time this research was started and the experiments here presented were con-

ducted. An immediate extension of this research is to test our scheme using more

advanced MMMP processors housing a larger number of cores as well as equipped

with multi-threading technology.

Software Environment

Our software setup consists of the following:

─ Host OS: Ubuntu 13.04 (64-bit) (3.8.0-22-generic)

─ Hypervisor: Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) version 3.8.0-22-generic

(same as host)

─ Guest OS: Xubuntu 12.04 (32-bit) (3.2.0-37-generic)


In our study we used the SPEC CPU2006 benchmark suite (Henning, 2006) to con-

struct different types of workloads for the VMs. We performed offline profiling of

different benchmarks in order to get their LLC behavior for generating balanced and

unbalanced workloads. Based on the profiling information we obtained, we selected

benchmarks milc and sphinx3. Both of them are floating-point benchmarks represent-

ing high and low LLC MPKI respectively.

For our experiments, we created four different workloads that represent different

combinations of high-low LLC MPKI. Each workload consists of 4 VMs, with each

VM running one benchmark inside. Table 1 lists the construction of the workloads

and what they represent in terms of LLC misses; “high” means the level of LLC miss-

es is high (memory-intensive) and “low” means the level of LLC misses is low (com-


Table 1. Virtual Machines Workloads

Experimental Results

In this section, we describe the experiments conducted and present the results ob-

tained. These experiments aim to provide an initial assessment of the feasibility of the

proposed scheme for adaptive VM management in the cloud.

A key objective for this work is to test and validate the fact that neither the OS

scheduler nor the hypervisor is aware of the potential contention on processor re-

sources among concurrent VMs. Therefore, we tested all four workloads with three

different schemes and measure their performance. Firstly we ran the experiment with

the default OS scheduler. Secondly, we tested our proposed approach (VM-mix-

scheduling) following the scheduling criteria explained previously, which is to sched-

ule the VMs of different resource demand onto the same core. Thirdly, we tested the

opposite of the proposed scheduling criteria (VM-mono-scheduling), which is to allo-

cate VMs of the same LLC miss category onto the same core.

Since each benchmark has different running times, in order to mitigate this dispari-

ty when creating the workloads and based on empirical trials, we ran each benchmark

several times (a loop that is different for each benchmark) in an effort to keep the total

running time the same across different VMs.

In our experiments, we identified each VM as memory-intensive or computation-

intensive based on the LLC misses. Then, after the hypervisor (KVM) generates the

VM-to-core mapping, it only manipulates the affinity of each VM in the host ma-

chine, which lets the OS scheduler to perform the migration for each VM that requires

it. It is worth mentioning that in our approach we “prioritize” the VMs over the rest of

the host processes because we assume that in a server hosting multiple VMs (as well

as in the cloud), such VMs might have the highest priority in terms of throughput.

Basically the affinity decisions made by the proposed scheme are based solely on the

VMs, while the host OS scheduler’s decisions are based on the VMs and all other

processes running on the host.

For this set of experiments the hypervisor makes VM-to-core mapping decisions

approximately every 30 seconds for simplicity sake (this time directly depends on the

number of samples collected between updates to each VM’s MPKI/MPMI value).

This is an important factor to keep in mind because it may affect the total overhead

incurred by the scheme. If the overhead is too big, it may have a counterproductive

effect on the system throughput. Furthermore, time intervals between mapping deci-

sions should be dynamic based on the resource demand models in practice, although

the overhead of updating the models does provide a minimum time. Finding the im-

pact of different time internals on the effectiveness of our proposed approach is the

subject of our next research step.


Fig. 3. System Throughput (VMs)

Fig. 4. Throughput improvement of VM-mix-scheduling normalized to OS Default

Figure 3 shows the throughput results of the three evaluated schemes for all four

workloads. It can be noticed that the VM-mix-scheduling scheme performs slightly

better than the OS default for the first three workloads, and better that VM-mono-

scheduling for all cases. For the fourth workload, the OS default scheduler outper-

forms the other two schemes. Upon further analysis, we believe that this is expected

because with the proposed scheme the low LLC miss VM will be swapped with a

high LLC miss VM at every single decision point. For instance, assume that the cur-

rent mapping of VMs to cores is {L1,H2} and {H3,H4} where the subscripts are used

to denote the VM number. At the next decision point VM 2 will have lower MPKIs

than VMs 3 and 4 since it was paired with VM 1. According to the model, VM 2 will

be swapped with either VM 3 or VM 4 in order to ensure that the average MPKI is

minimized. This in turn forces a complete cache flush of both cores, which will in-

crease the MPKIs for all VMs. Once again, better models and adaptive decision inter-

vals are left as future work.

Figure 4 shows the throughput improvement obtained from the VM-mix-

scheduling scheme normalized to that of the OS default. Figure 5 shows the average

speedup per VM of VM-mix-scheduling scheme over the OS default. The later metric

is calculated by averaging the performance benefits obtained on each VM for each

individual workload.

Fig. 5. Average VM speedup of VM-mix-scheduling over OS Default

The throughput improvement achieved by the VM-mix-scheduling scheme com-

pared to the OS Default is modest for all cases. As we can see, our scheme works best

under all memory-intensive VMs, with a throughput improvement of 3.6% and an

average VM speedup of 4.6%, over OS default scheme. The performance data from

Workload 4 is somewhat discouraging. However, making a model to be aware of this

type of scenarios may avoid the behavior described above. Overall, we believe that

these results serve as an indicator that indeed, a hypervisor that is aware of the re-

source contention existing among co-running VMs can improve the overall system

throughput in the cloud environment.

In the hardware platform used for this work, the VMs running on separate cores do

not content for the computational resources, since they have a complete physical core

for themselves. They mainly compete for off-core resources like LLC, memory con-

troller, etc. We think that this fact partially limits the real benefits that could be ob-

tained from applying our proposed scheme. As mentioned earlier, an immediate ex-


tension of this research is to expand our experiment to more advanced MMMP pro-

cessors containing a larger number of cores that share both on-chip and off-chip re-

sources (like hyper-threaded processors).


Over the last few years there has been an exponential growth in the cloud compu-

ting market. The success of cloud computing technologies heavily depends on both

the underlying hardware and system software support for virtualization. For maintain-

ing such rates of growth, it is vital to efficiently utilize the available hardware re-

sources by understanding the contention on shared processor resources among co-

running VMs to mitigate performance degradation and system throughput penalties.

In this paper, we presented an adaptive scheduling scheme for virtual machine

management in the cloud following a performance-counter-driven approach. Our

proposed approach acts online at runtime, which does not require a priori information

about the VMs, improving over offline profiling-based approaches. The proposed

scheme is also transparent, which executes behind the scenes and does not require the

intervention from the VMs, the users of VMs or the core Operating System kernel. It

creates and maintains a dynamic model to capture a VM’s runtime behavior and man-

age VM-to-core mappings to minimize contention. Our experimental results showed

that the proposed scheme achieved modest improvement in terms of the overall sys-

tem (VMs) throughput as a result of mitigating resource contention among VMs.

Future stages of this work include improving the hardware platform to be used

with multi-threading technology, as well as conducting a more comprehensive hard-

ware event monitoring. At this point, our current implementation is at a coarse-grain

level in the way we categorize each VM. We plan to direct our efforts towards en-

hancing the current design with dynamic phase detection and prediction capability. At

a more advanced stage, we would like to extend the implementation of our scheme to

include non-uniform memory access (NUMA) and heterogeneous architectures as



This work is supported under 2013 Visiting Faculty Research Program by Air

Force Research Laboratory. We would like to thank our mentor Steve for his guid-

ance and our team members Lok, Sergay and Matt for their constructive discussions

that made this work possible. We also want to thank the reviewers for their comments

and feedback. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed

in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the

Air Force Research Laboratory.


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