achievement test 03 -

© 2017 Acadsoc Limited Achievement Test 03

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© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

Achievement Test 03

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© 2017 Acadsoc Limited 1

• In this lesson, you will be given a test on what you have learnt in Section 3.

• You will have to answer 15 questions in total.

• You have to get a minimum of 9 questions right in order to continue on this level.

• If you make more than 6 mistakes, your tutor will have you repeat those areas you have difficulties.

• If you are not sure about the questions, you can ask for clarifications from your tutor.

• By the end of the lesson, you will be told by your tutor if you have Passed or Failed the test.

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A. It’s easier to build relationship. B. You can more accurately gauge the other person’s mood, desires,

and hesitations.C. It feels more intimate. D. It can be more efficient, since you can hash things out in one

conversation rather than sending multiple emails back and forth. E. You can mirror the body language. F. All of the above.

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A. Send the agenda around to all participants.

B. Have a chit-chat with attendees for a long time.

C. Briefly build rapport(融洽; 和睦关系)with the attendees.

D. State your goals for the meeting.

E. Introduce each agenda point which is going to be discussed in

the meeting.

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e.g. Confirm that you need a _________ meeting and when it is.A. follow-up B. last

1. A big part to make your meeting a success is to keep your meeting _________. A. long B short

2. _________ page(s) agenda can put the participants at ease. A. One or two B Several

3. _______ Let’s get started. A. / B Well

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A. What role each party plays;

B. What responsibility each party has;

C. How the profit will be shared;

D. Specify the detail about the product or service;

E. All of the above.

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A. AccidentsB. ContingenciesC. CircumstancesD. Conditions E. Situations

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suggestion of alternatives

counter proposal

reach an agreement

new proposal

clarification of proposal



1. proposal







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1. What —— What does the action point involve? 2. Who: 3. Monitor:4. Deadline: 5. Follow-up:

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1. I’m really busy at the moment with my regular work and don’t have any hours allocated to this project.

2. Yes, of course. 3. I’d prefer you to submit it

tomorrow. 4. Would anyone like to volunteer? 5. I think it is time to take some of

these ideas forward as action points.

A. Starting a conversation on

action points.

B. Asking for volunteers.

C. Accepting the task.

D. Setting deadline.

E. Making an excuse.

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A. challenging; professional B. difficult; responsible C. realistic; responsible D. feasible; professional

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A. You can interrupt another speaker if you have any questions. B. Participants should be familiar with each other and there is no

need to give their name before speaking. C. Try to use some technical terms or idioms to show that you’re

professional. D. Take notes if possible. Write those important points, each item

on the agenda or questions down.

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1. Suppose that you’ve given a chance to lead a conference call, what preparation you need to make?

2. What ground rules you want to spell out before the meeting starts?

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Introduce yourself first: __________________________________.

Welcome all the participants: ____________________________.

State the goals of the meeting: __________________________.

Decide the speaking order: ______________________________.

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If you are chairing a meeting, and you want a specific person to do a particular task, what do you do with it?

If the action point is unattractive and nobody volunteers, as the chair of the meeting, how do you deal with it?

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If you want to negotiate a partnership agreement with another company for a project or forming a new company, something must be clarified beforehand.

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No matter which conference you are leading, face-to-face conferences or conference calls, both of them can be sometimes challenging.

Do they have something in common? e.g. agenda

What is the difference between the two? e.g. technical equipment

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No. of mistakes you made: _________No. of correct answer:_______________

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© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

Q1. FQ2. A, C, D and EQ3. 1. short; 2. One or two; 3. WellQ4. EQ5. BQ6. proposal — clarification of proposal — counter-proposal — discussion — suggestions of alternatives — new proposal — agreement Q7. 2. Who is responsible for each action point? 3. Who will monitor that person’s progress?

4. What is the deadline? 5. How will it be followed up?Q8. 1E; 2C; 3D; 4B; 5AQ9. CQ10. DQ11. The answer is varied. For example, 1. agenda; 2. giving their own names before speaking. Q12. The answer can be varied. Follow your tutor’s advice and feedback. Q13. For question 1, do not simply tell them to do it but ask them to agree to action points. For

question 2, ask the most qualified person to do it. Q14. For example, role each party plays; responsibility each party has and how revenue is shared. Q15. The answer is varied.
