ach - evols at university of hawaii at manoa: home · 2015. 5. 30. · job work exc cuted at short...

V 1&" ' 44 f. . V ili. 77T irJm i i5' V I" V I r ., 1 1 5i U&, v;m $ v,V h p. I'm i irrrjuaiiiiuiiajAa;ujgtMjuKuiiiiij!jja.''NT-iiin- i Tiriiinyur:r.TvmwaffftffLffrTa'ffre,wwHy Vol. V. iSTo. 750. HONOLULU, ILL, FHTDAY EVENING, JITNE 27, 1881. THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. Tun Daily UumiKtin is printed and published every evening mid circulated throughout tlio town by curriorH, and forwarded to the other islands by qvery opportunity. Subscription, ; - 50 cents por Month. All business communications to be Manager Daily Bulletin, Post. Office Box No. 14. Telephone SCO. OfTlce, .... Qitcon Street. Opposite West's Carrlngo Factory. .T. G. Ct.KVioii, Manager W . H. PAGE, Honolulu camumb manufactory, SOS. 128 and ICO FORT STREET (opposite Pantheon Stable?) HONOLULU, II. 1. Cavriage Manufacturer, Wheelwright and General Blacksmith. The Munu facto ry contains a complete Carriage Shop, Blacksmith Shop, Paint Shop, and Trimming Shop. FAMILY CARRIAGES, EXPRESSES, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, OMNIBUSSES, . DRAYS AND TRUCKS, BREAKING CARTS, PLANTATION WAGONS, HAND CARTS, &C, &C. Made to Order on most favorable terms and all work guaranteed. The Closest Attention given to re pair work of all liintlB. Hiving been in business on the Inland for a number of years employing none but the most Skillful of M ohanics, and using only Al Material, I can strictly guarantee all worn leaving my Manu- factory. Give me a call before purchasing .elsewhere. Don't forget the place. 123 and 180 TORT STREET. OPPOSITE DODD'S STABLES. 594 8m PKOPiUETOR. City SkoihjE Shop. 8k 110 Foivr. Street, Opposite Dodd's Stable I F YOU WANT your liorBc shod, and have no time to bring him to the City Staii SIi, Ring Up No. 34. And your horse will be sent for shod, and returned on short nqtico. Messrs. Me. Donald and Ryan who superintend the work are practical mechanics of years of experience, and can be iceom-mende- d as reliable mo'i, as woll as Flr&t class Workmen at tLc trade. Wo mean business. ,411 work guaran- teed and done with promptness. S. I. Shaw, 510 ly PUOPMIETOn JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copnor and Sheet Iron Worker Plumber, Gas Fitter, &o. Stoves and Bartges of all kinds. Plumbers' stook and metals, House Furnishing Goods, 7? Chandeliers, LampB, &o. Tourists Retreat. Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii- - NOW OP15N for Travelers, where IB First class accomodation can bo had at all Times. The climate of Honuapo is recommended for invalids. HORSES AND GUIDES Provided for the Volcano. 5gf For Terms, etc., See CARDS ut Hotels and Streets. BMiTinES( 573 ly Proprietor. Ball ProgrsuumeM ! DESIGNS, just received from NEW Francisco, at Tub Daily Bvjl-liKTI- N Office B. F. EHLEBS & Co., DBY GOODS 1MPOBTEBS, All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Rocoivod by every stoamor JFOBT STBEJET. 5Ri m m Street, Stupendous WILLIAM AULD, to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for the District of Konn, Island of Oahu, at the office of the Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuu ami street. i8! .1 JOHN A. HASSINGER, Agout to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Jlllce. Honolulu. O. AKANA, UUlllCSC and Hawaiian TranRlnfni- - and Interpreter, No. 48 .King street, Honolulu. Translations of cither of the abov languages made with accuracy and dia patch, and on reasonable terms. 209 H. S. TREGLOAN, TAILOR, 204 FORT ST. 1HR. J No. 80 Fort street. Honnlnl Irapor'er and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' mm imnnrcH's ooots, snoea ana suppers . I7RITZ WlLHELM, CARPENTER & BUILDER, Snop on King street, In rear of New Odd Fallow's Hall King street. Telephone 112. 529 Om ED.O ROWE, AND SIGN PAINTER, Paper Hanoeii, etc., No. 107 KingS theet, - Honolulu. 525 Telephone, 114. ly Ss PHILLIPS, Practical Plumbeis, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No. 7 J King St., Honolulu, its'-Hou- se and Ship J pb Work promptly executed. 17 Ptfl HONOLULU IRON "WORKS, tfcSsfcafi Steam engines, sugar mills, boil-er- coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exc cuted at short notice. l J.M.OAT& CO., SAIWIAKEKS, Loft in A. F. Oookes New Firc-Proo- f Building, foot of Nuuanu Street. Honolulu, H. I. Flags of all descriptions made and repaired. ly b HOLUSTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor., 567 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b Prussian National Insurance Comp V ESTABLISHED 1815, "" Capital 9,000,000 Roichsmarks. undersigned, having been ap pointed agent of the above Company for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept lisks, against Fire, on Buildings, Furnituic, Merchandise, Pioduce, Sugar Mills etc, on the most Favorable Terms Lossos Promptly Adjusted and Payablo in Honolulu. II. RIEMENSOHNEIDER, 070 ly b at Wilder S Co's. WILLIAM MILLEE O sx ! i n e t, m. aker And UpltolHtcrer, No. 03 Hotel street, Opposite International Hotel, Canes and Walking Sticks, Made of every kind of NATIVE WOODS Bracket, Oirniccs, Curtain Poles, &c, made ot the latest designs. Contractor LUCAS, SiMm$k and Builder, Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kiuds of Mouldings, Bracket?, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll aud Band SoVlug. All kinds of Sawing aud Plan- ing, Morticing aud Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other Is-au- ds solicited AO. SMITH, to take Acknowledgments will. Umiih kii 1 Thiirstnn AMnrnnva nt. Law, No. 118 Merchant street. 042 ly ACH .ts Successor to A. M. Mollis. - n Look Out for tlie To be announced shortly. 8"I. TIME CLEARANCE SALE -- OF- Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Embroideries, Dry Goods, &c. As an inducement, all purchasers of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, or otherwise, to the amount of Twenty Dollars, will receive, as a Gift, Handsome Nickle Silver Watch AND PRETTY GILT CHAIN. The watch is known as the " Walerhury," and is an excellent time-keep- er. Prices will remain the in the "Watch and Chain. SiCgr Remember, this is a Clearance Sale for 14 clays only ! Corner Nuuanu and Queen Sts. 535 6m A. GARTENBERGr, Proprietor. MB mii mil iiMWTiiiiiwwiiiMiHMiiiTrrTTrarrfa-TTiiinTmujcjyjaLiiJi..tijLLiuuiuAjiijjjga)tt.- II. M. BENSON, G. W. i .. i'l a a A O TSaCSb same, reduction will be I). M'CAUTNEY, JK. Honolulu. jrfffim Labels Reports Headings Post CM Rcpoiu Shipping Rcco'ls Statements igd ; BENSON, SMITH & CO.. ii Dispsii Pliar 113 & 115 FORT STREET, HONOLULU, Depot for Boericke & Schreok's Hornoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes And The Common Nursing Bottles, And Allaire Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products. UNION FEED COMPANY Cornor of Queen and Edinburg Streets. Telephone, jV o. 1 VS BEG to inform friends and the public gonerally that they arc continu business at the a bovo stand, aud have made complete airangements tor a continuous supply of Fresh Goods of the very Best Quality which wo will oiler lor sale THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Wc hopes, by giving our best attention to please the public, to merit a part of patronuge. A stock of Wheat and Hay, Whole and ground Barloy, California and Oregon 0at3, Bran, Middlings, &o now on Orders solicited and satibfaction guaiauleed, or no pay asked. 4!i5 DMLYB J B PBDffll Offlffi D LLETIN Queen Street, Bill Heada Briefs Ball Programs Bills of Lading Business Cards Book Work Certificates Circulars Concert Progr'mb Draft Books Delivery Books Envelopes Hand Bills Invoices urn. SMITH, Letter Headings Plantation Books Pamphlets, Show Visiting l Toilet Requisites, large 3Kte3ErtritfSk Pi fit ikMW Site1 w A&Mimywmt-myi- f t m the Law Note CnuU Caids Way Bills. Sense their AT their Oat hund. Ins vl M8PH Jllh J1 JW1 BPW Cj X JUL ii - m Commission Morcliants. c. BREWER (Limited) & COMPANY, Gr.KiiHAij Mi:ucAKTii.n and Commission Aoiikts. IjIbt qv orPici:its: P. C. Joni:b, Jr. . . .President fc Manager J. O. Oaivcur Ticasurcr & Secretary D1HKOTOUB: Hon. C. R. Bisnor. Hon. 11. A. 1J. Cartek 038 ly Geo. W. Macfarlane. II. H. Macfailano. G. W. MAOPARIfANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS AND tStifai' Factors, Piie-Proo- f Building, - 53 Queen street, Honolulu. II. I. AOENTS for The Waikapu Sugar Plautatiou, Maui, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The lleeia Sugar Plantation, Oahu, HUclo Sugar Mill, Maui, IIuclo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlecs, Watson &Co's Sugar Machin eiy, Ohibgow, Glasgow aud Honolulu Line of Packets. 183 .1. LYONS, I,. J. LEVEY. LYONS & LEVEY, Auctioneer? and General ' Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen st., - -- Honolulu. Sales of Furniturei Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Solo Agsnts for American and Euro- pean mcrohaudise. 318 S. GRINBAUM & CO., Importers of General Mer chandise atd Uouimisaiou Merchants, Honolulu. 1 S. GRINBAUM & CO., Commission Merchants. 124 Califoiuiu street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. Claus bprockcls. Wm. G. Irwin. WG. IRWIN & COMPANY, Sugar Factois and Commission Agents, Honolulu. i CLEGHORN & CO. AS. lnipouers mid Commission Meichants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono-lulu- . 78 MA. GONSALVES & CO., No. 57 Hotel Stieet, Honolulu, Importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 289 &c. &c, &c. JOHN T. WATERHOTJSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 BROWN Ss CO., Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants, No. 14 Merchant St., Honolulu. 330 FT. LENEHAN & CO., Impoitcrs and Commission Merchants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Oastlc. J. B. Athorton. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. l WING WO TAI & CO', and General Dealers in English, American and Chinese Pro- visions. Plantation Teas and General fcupplies. Also, White & Colored Con-tra- .Matting, all qualities and prices. No. 24 Nuuanu stieet. opposite Mr. C. Along's. 523 0m ING WO CHAN & CO., IllinOVtura Ullfl fjfii(r.-i- l llpnWs In English, American and Chineso Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. Also, white and coloied con- tract matting, all qualities and prices. CST" No. 22 Nuuauu Street, opposite Mr. Afoug's. 81 j.. rJL BAKER, V iimi .,.. c:ni. - III L.II1U UIUI Ut Lime Horses. iS"o Cure, To Pay, furnish all medicine. J3?"Send outers toCapt Cluney's stables Queen & Punchbowl sts. 4'JO ly Telephone No. 3C0, 11. BAKER, M. R. 0, V. S. London, Follow Royal V. M. Association, (as per Diploma in my ofllco.) Treats all Diseases of Horses, Mules and Horned "Cattle. egrOfllco over Turner's Jewclrv shou. King Street. 712 tf WIS. TffcCANDIjKSS, No. (1 Queen stieet Fish Market, Dealer in choicest lieet, Veal, Mutton, IMmIi, &c, Jtc. Family and hhlpplng Orders carefully attended i, l.u stock fumis-he- to vessels ut uhoil notice, and Vegetables of all kinih supplied lo order. !HG ly PIONEUK STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND 1JAKKRY, P. HORN, Prjiotical Oonfootionut, PahUy Cook and Baker. No. 71 Ilotol bt. Tolophono 7i. 9UD80RIPTION 'IH CO OENTB PER MONTH I Professionals. fjm AT GROSSMAN, 1JL. DENTIST, Has opened his ofllco in Hotel st., next t tlio Y. M. O. A. building, whore ho is prepared to perform all operations In dentistry. 3m 501. DR. EMERSON, Residence and consultation rooms at No. 2 Kuktil St., corner of Fort. Telophono No. 149. 59 2ra Wm iT THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chnncory, Ofllco over Ledcrcr's O. P. M. Bazaar, S. W. corner Merchant and Fort RticctB, entrance on Merchant street. Honolulu, II. I. 680 3m b ALFRED S. HARTWELL, COUNELLOR AT LAW, Olllcc-.ov- er the Bank of Bishop & Co. 582 3m h Honolulu. JM. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 6U4 No. 13 Kaahumanu street. A ROSA, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Notary Public, Ofllco with the Attorney General, Allio lani Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly JOHN RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Olllec, on Merchant street, (next door to Dr. Stangenwald.) 495 ly SB. DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Public, 11 Noi 15 Kaahumanu FRANCIS M. HATCH Attorney at Law, 3 15 Kaahumanu st RICHARD F. BICKERTON, and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend ou Mortgages of Free, holds. Office, No. 44 Merchant st. 1 BROWN, Attorner and Counsellor at Law-Notar- y Public, and Agent for taking Ac kuowlcdgments of Instruments for the Island ot Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st Honolulu. l JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans negotifc ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 196 r o. berqer, KAAntJMAKD STREET. General Agent for Tho N. Y. Life Insurance Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(limit'd Macneale & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. 238 Robert Lcworu, O. K. Cooko. T EWERS A: flnnira J-- J (successors to Lewers & Dicksnn,) Importers and Dealers in Luinbpr and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu. WILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen st., Honolulu. i "WENNBR & Co., FOItT HXBEET, Have on handNcw Foreign and Home Made Jewelry, Watches, Bracelets, Nooklets, Pins, Lookets, Clooks. And Ornaments of all kinds Silver and Gold Plate Elegant Tea Setsin Solid Silver Suitable for Presentation. NATIVE JEWELRY A SPECIALTY Repairing and mending in all its branches. The Sole Agent for Miffs CELEBRATED EYE PRESERVERS. 591 Eastern Pine Sn-n- KegM, In Shooks or Set up, also Eastern Pine Barrels for Molasses. Hoops Iron , J'a, iin., 3 x MC, a x W, 2 X 8.10. Vov JSnlo by G8G 3m b J. H. BRUNS, Scmor. Water Notice. Ofllco Sup't Water Works, Honolulu, July 3, 1882. ALL persons having Water Privileges notllled that tholr Water Rates aro payablo semi-annuall- in advanco, at tho ofllce of tho Superintendent of Water Works, foot of Nuuanu street, upon the 1st day of January and July of each year. OlIAS.B. WlLSON, Sup't "W utor Works 8 U. Kaai, Mlulster of Interior. 204 A Good Pasture for Horses, -- m NExR TO-VN- . Lh Inquire to JUL A. A, MONTANO. 577 Cm m tB M "W "M 'bo m '! 1 M ! " S

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Page 1: ACH - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · Job work exc cuted at short notice. l J.M.OAT& CO., SAIWIAKEKS, Loft in A. F. Oookes New Firc-Proo-f Building,








irJm i






1 15i




I'm i irrrjuaiiiiuiiajAa;ujgtMjuKuiiiiij!jja.''NT-iiin- i Tiriiinyur:r.TvmwaffftffLffrTa'ffre,wwHy



Tun Daily UumiKtin is printed andpublished every evening mid circulatedthroughout tlio town by curriorH, andforwarded to the other islands by qveryopportunity.Subscription, ; - 50 cents por Month.

All business communications to beManager Daily Bulletin, Post.

Office Box No. 14. Telephone SCO.

OfTlce, .... Qitcon Street.Opposite West's Carrlngo Factory.

.T. G. Ct.KVioii, Manager

W . H. PAGE,

Honolulu camumb manufactory,


(opposite Pantheon Stable?)


Cavriage Manufacturer,Wheelwright and

General Blacksmith.The Munu facto ry contains a complete

Carriage Shop, Blacksmith Shop, PaintShop, and Trimming Shop.








Made to Order on most favorable termsand all work guaranteed.The Closest Attention given to re

pair work of all liintlB.Hiving been in business on the Inland

for a number of years employing nonebut the most Skillful of M ohanics, andusing only Al Material, I can strictlyguarantee all worn leaving my Manu-factory.

Give me a call before purchasing.elsewhere.

Don't forget the place.123 and 180 TORT STREET.


594 8m PKOPiUETOR.

City SkoihjE Shop.

8k110 Foivr. Street,

Opposite Dodd's Stable

IF YOU WANT your liorBc shod, andhave no time to bring him to the

City Staii SIi,Ring Up No. 34.

And your horse will be sent for shod,and returned on short nqtico. Messrs.Me. Donald and Ryan who superintendthe work are practical mechanics ofyears of experience, and can be iceom-mende- d

as reliable mo'i, as woll as Flr&tclass Workmen at tLc trade.

Wo mean business. ,411 work guaran-teed and done with promptness.

S. I. Shaw,510 ly PUOPMIETOn

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copnor and Sheet Iron Worker

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &o.

Stoves and Bartgesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stook and metals,

House Furnishing Goods,

7? Chandeliers, LampB, &o.

Tourists Retreat.Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii- -

NOW OP15N for Travelers, whereIB First class accomodation can bo hadat all Times. The climate of Honuapois recommended for invalids.

HORSES AND GUIDESProvided for the Volcano.

5gf For Terms, etc., See CARDS utHotels and Streets.

BMiTinES(573 ly Proprietor.

Ball ProgrsuumeM !

DESIGNS, just received fromNEW Francisco, at Tub Daily Bvjl-liKTI-



B. F. EHLEBS & Co.,

DBY GOODS 1MPOBTEBS,All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Rocoivod by every stoamor JFOBT STBEJET.

5Rim m



WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for the Districtof Konn, Island of Oahu, at the office ofthe Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuuami street. i8! .1

JOHN A. HASSINGER,Agout to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Jlllce.Honolulu.

O. AKANA,UUlllCSC and Hawaiian TranRlnfni- -

and Interpreter,No. 48 .King street, Honolulu.

Translations of cither of the abovlanguages made with accuracy and diapatch, and on reasonable terms. 209


204 FORT ST.

1HR.J No. 80 Fort street. Honnlnl

Irapor'er and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'mm imnnrcH's ooots, snoea ana suppers .


Snop on King street, In rear of NewOdd Fallow's Hall King street.

Telephone 112. 529 Om

ED.O ROWE,AND SIGN PAINTER,Paper Hanoeii, etc.,

No. 107 KingS theet, - Honolulu.525 Telephone, 114. ly

Ss PHILLIPS,Practical Plumbeis, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smith- s, No. 7 J King St.,Honolulu, its'-Hou-

se and Ship J pbWork promptly executed. 17

Ptfl HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,tfcSsfcafi Steam engines, sugar mills, boil-er-

coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exccuted at short notice. l

J.M.OAT& CO., SAIWIAKEKS,Loft in A. F. Oookes New Firc-Proo- f

Building, foot of Nuuanu Street.Honolulu, H. I.

Flags of all descriptions made andrepaired. ly b


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor.,567 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp V


Capital 9,000,000 Roichsmarks.

undersigned, having been appointed agent of the above Company

for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept lisks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furnituic, Merchandise, Pioduce, SugarMills etc, on the most Favorable Terms

Lossos Promptly Adjusted and Payablo in


II. RIEMENSOHNEIDER,070 ly b at Wilder S Co's.

WILLIAM MILLEEO sx ! i n e t, m. aker

And UpltolHtcrer,No. 03 Hotel street,

Opposite International Hotel,

Canes and Walking Sticks,Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSBracket, Oirniccs, Curtain Poles, &c,

made ot the latest designs.


SiMm$kand Builder,

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kiuds of Mouldings,Bracket?, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll aud BandSoVlug. All kinds of Sawing aud Plan-ing, Morticing aud Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other Is-au- ds


AO. SMITH,to take Acknowledgments

will. Umiih kii 1 Thiirstnn AMnrnnva nt.

Law, No. 118 Merchant street. 042 ly

ACH.tsSuccessor to A. M. Mollis.

- n

Look Out for tlie

To be announced shortly.


-- OF-

Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Trunks,Embroideries, Dry Goods, &c.

As an inducement, all purchasers of Clothing, FurnishingGoods, or otherwise, to the amount of Twenty

Dollars, will receive, as a Gift,

HandsomeNickle Silver WatchAND PRETTY GILT CHAIN.

The watch is known as the " Walerhury," and is anexcellent time-keep- er.

Prices will remain thein the "Watch and Chain.SiCgr Remember, this is a Clearance Sale for 14 clays only !

Corner Nuuanu and Queen Sts.535 6m A. GARTENBERGr, Proprietor.

MB mii mil iiMWTiiiiiwwiiiMiHMiiiTrrTTrarrfa-TTiiinTmujcjyjaLiiJi..tijLLiuuiuAjiijjjga)tt.-






a A O TSaCSb

same, reduction will be






Post CM


Shipping Rcco'ls





ii Dispsii Pliar113 & 115 FORT STREET, HONOLULU,

Depot for Boericke & Schreok's

Hornoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's PerfumesAnd The Common Nursing Bottles,

And Allaire Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products.

UNION FEED COMPANYCornor of Queen and Edinburg Streets.

Telephone, jV o. 1 VSBEG to inform friends and the public gonerally that they arc continu

business at the a bovo stand, aud have made complete airangements tora continuous supply of

Fresh Goods of the very Best Qualitywhich wo will oiler lor sale

THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES.Wc hopes, by giving our best attention to please the public, to merit a part of

patronuge. A stock ofWheat and Hay, Whole and ground Barloy,

California and Oregon 0at3, Bran, Middlings, &onow on Orders solicited and satibfaction guaiauleed, or no pay asked.



Queen Street,

Bill Heada


Ball Programs

Bills of Lading

Business Cards

Book Work



Concert Progr'mb

Draft Books

Delivery Books


Hand Bills




Letter Headings

Plantation Books





Toilet Requisites,


3Kte3ErtritfSk Pi

fit ikMW Site1 w

A&Mimywmt-myi- f t







Way Bills.









Cj X JUL ii - m

Commission Morcliants.

c. BREWER(Limited)


Gr.KiiHAij Mi:ucAKTii.n andCommission Aoiikts.

IjIbt qv orPici:its:P. C. Joni:b, Jr. . . .President fc ManagerJ. O. Oaivcur Ticasurcr & Secretary


Hon. C. R. Bisnor. Hon. 11. A. 1J. Cartek038 ly

Geo. W. Macfarlane. II. H. Macfailano.



tStifai' Factors,Piie-Proo- f Building, - 53 Queen street,

Honolulu. II. I.AOENTS for

The Waikapu Sugar Plautatiou, Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The lleeia Sugar Plantation, Oahu,HUclo Sugar Mill, Maui,IIuclo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlecs, Watson &Co's Sugar Machin

eiy, Ohibgow,Glasgow aud Honolulu Line of Packets.


.1. LYONS, I,. J. LEVEY.

LYONS & LEVEY,Auctioneer? and General '

Commission Merchants,Beaver Block, Queen st., - - - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniturei Stock, Real Estateand General Merchandise promptly at-

tended to.Solo Agsnts for American and Euro-

pean mcrohaudise. 318

S. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importers of General Mer

chandise atd Uouimisaiou Merchants,Honolulu. 1

S. GRINBAUM & CO.,Commission Merchants.

124 Califoiuiu street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

Claus bprockcls. Wm. G. Irwin.

WG. IRWIN & COMPANY,Sugar Factois and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. i

CLEGHORN & CO.AS. lnipouers mid CommissionMeichants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono-lulu- .


MA. GONSALVES & CO.,No. 57 Hotel Stieet, Honolulu,

Importers and Dealers in Dry and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,

289 &c. &c, &c.

JOHN T. WATERHOTJSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

BROWN Ss CO.,Wholesale Wine and Spirit

Merchants, No. 14 Merchant St.,Honolulu. 330

FT. LENEHAN & CO.,Impoitcrs and Commission

Merchants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Oastlc. J. B. Athorton.

CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. l

WING WO TAI & CO',and General Dealers

in English, American and Chinese Pro-visions. Plantation Teas and Generalfcupplies. Also, White & Colored Con-tra-

.Matting, all qualities and prices.No. 24 Nuuanu stieet. opposite Mr. C.

Along's. 523 0m

ING WO CHAN & CO.,IllinOVtura Ullfl fjfii(r.-i- l llpnWs

In English, American and Chineso Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and coloied con-tract matting, all qualities and prices.

CST" No. 22 Nuuauu Street, oppositeMr. Afoug's. 81

j.. rJL BAKER,V iimi .,.. c:ni. -III L.II1U UIUI Ut

Lime Horses.iS"o Cure, To Pay,

furnish all medicine.J3?"Send outers toCapt Cluney's stablesQueen & Punchbowl sts. 4'JO ly

Telephone No. 3C0,

11. BAKER,M. R. 0, V. S. London,

Follow Royal V. M. Association,

(as per Diploma in my ofllco.)Treats all Diseases of Horses, Mules and

Horned "Cattle.egrOfllco over Turner's Jewclrv shou.

King Street. 712 tf

WIS. TffcCANDIjKSS,No. (1 Queen stieet Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestlieet, Veal, Mutton, IMmIi, &c, Jtc.

Family and hhlpplng Orders carefullyattended i, l.u stock fumis-he- tovessels ut uhoil notice, and Vegetablesof all kinih supplied lo order. !HG ly



P. HORN, Prjiotical Oonfootionut,PahUy Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Ilotol bt. Tolophono 7i.


I Professionals. fjm

AT GROSSMAN,1JL. DENTIST,Has opened his ofllco in Hotel st., next

t tlio Y. M. O. A. building, whore ho isprepared to perform all operations Indentistry. 3m 501.

DR. EMERSON,Residence and consultation rooms

at No. 2 Kuktil St., corner of Fort.Telophono No. 149. 59 2ra


and Solicitor in Chnncory,Ofllco over Ledcrcr's O. P. M. Bazaar,S. W. corner Merchant and Fort RticctB,entrance on Merchant street. Honolulu,II. I. 680 3m b


Olllcc-.ov- er the Bank of Bishop & Co.582 3m h Honolulu.


6U4 No. 13 Kaahumanu street.


And Notary Public,Ofllco with the Attorney General, Alliolani Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly


Olllec, on Merchant street, (next doorto Dr. Stangenwald.) 495 ly

SB. DOLE,Lawyer and Notary Public,

11 Noi 15 Kaahumanu

FRANCIS M. HATCHAttorney at Law,

3 15 Kaahumanu st

RICHARD F. BICKERTON,and Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend ou Mortgages of Free,holds. Office, No. 44 Merchant st. 1

BROWN,Attorner and Counsellor at Law-Notar- y

Public, and Agent for taking Ackuowlcdgments of Instruments for theIsland ot Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu stHonolulu. l


and Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans negotifcted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 196

r o. berqer,KAAntJMAKD STREET.

General Agent forTho N. Y. Life Insurance Company,The City of London Fire In. Co(limit'dMacneale & Urban Safes,

The Celebrated Springfield Gas MachineGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.


Robert Lcworu, O. K. Cooko.T EWERS A: flnniraJ--

J (successors to Lewers & Dicksnn,)Importers and Dealers in Luinbpr and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu.

WILDER & CO.,Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen st.,Honolulu. i

"WENNBR & Co.,

FOItT HXBEET,Have on handNcw Foreign and

Home Made Jewelry,Watches, Bracelets, Nooklets,

Pins, Lookets, Clooks.And Ornaments of all kinds

Silver and Gold PlateElegant Tea Setsin Solid Silver

Suitable for Presentation.NATIVE JEWELRY A SPECIALTY

Repairing and mending in allits branches.



Eastern Pine Sn-n- KegM,In Shooks or Set up, also

Eastern Pine Barrels forMolasses.

Hoops Iron , J'a, iin., 3 x MC, a x W,2 X 8.10.

Vov JSnlo byG8G 3m b J. H. BRUNS, Scmor.

Water Notice.Ofllco Sup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July 3, 1882.

ALL persons having Water Privilegesnotllled that tholr Water Rates

aro payablo semi-annuall- in advanco,at tho ofllce of tho Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of Nuuanu street,upon the 1st day of January and July ofeach year. OlIAS.B. WlLSON,

Sup't "W utor Works8 U. Kaai, Mlulster of Interior. 204

A Good Pasture for Horses,-- m NExR TO-VN-


Lh Inquire to











!" S

Page 2: ACH - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · Job work exc cuted at short notice. l J.M.OAT& CO., SAIWIAKEKS, Loft in A. F. Oookes New Firc-Proo-f Building,














BH'r ,

ap ii

BANKI1GN0TICE.r"MlL UNDERSIGNED lmc f01 inertJ. it copartnership uirtci the linn

imiiu' of ' SWIECKELb & Co." for thepurpose of carrying on n general banklug ami exchange buslnc-- s nl, Honolulu,and such other places lit tho HawaiianKingdom as mov

"be deemed ailvWablo

(Slgnpil) CLAUS SL'ItKOKlSLS.Win. G. IRWIN.l' i LOW.

Honolulu, Jan. 1881.

Kuletriiig to lite above' wojbou; to in.rorm tho uualncBh public Unit wo areprepared to make lo.ins, discount upptov.oil note?, and puicbuso exchange at the

ibetl current iatc. Out arrangementsfor sflllnc exchange on the principalpoint In the United fiStnte, Em ope,China, Japan and Ausualla me beingmade, and a lien peifccted, filim noticewill be plvcn. Wo shall oNo be preparedto leceive deposit- - on open account,make collections, and conduct a scnetallinukinir and cxcltiinon himinn-.s- .

010 3ml (signed) Sl'HECKELS & Co.

1USHOT? & Co., fcAJttvERS,Honolulu, Hawaiian lelanil-- .

Draw Exchange on theX5u.ul ol Oivli tbvniu. S. JF.

And their agent inNEW YORK. BOSTON. HONG KONG.

Messrs. N. !M. Rothschild &$nn, London.The Coininotoinl Dank Co of Sydney,

London,The Coiunicieial Hank Co., ol Sidney,

Sydney.The, Bank of New Zealand Auckland,

Christchutch, and Wellington.Tlie Hank of Biilish Columbia, "Vie- -

lorln, 15 C. and l'oitland, Or.and

Ti.uiMict aGenciai;i3.inkiui: lhiMin,--- .j

JOOS) ly b

THE 1MJIV BIJTXET1Xcm be had from

J M. Oni, Ji, A Cu Meichani st.T. G Thrum Mciehint si.


on 1ij& hUi gatUrUnPledgtil to noithor Sect nor Paity.But established for tho benofit of all.


THIS EVEHINC'S DOINGS.Imp. Older of Red Men, at 7:30.Morning Star Lodge, K of P. 7:30.


Legislature, 10.Lyons & Levey will sell at 10 a.m

at tho P M S S wharf. immigrant s'stores, etc.


tFor the Names of those who voto in

the Assembly to sustain

rTi i Tl YT

The ri

iiumm iiimiotrjwhich has gobbled funds, violated

the Laws, and

DeM Pile Opiuion !

The Resolution of Want of Confi-

dence in tho Ministry will be acted



We have heard of remarks madeabout our policj, and striclmes andmilk and water sentiments about onrbeing too, personal. And it is meetthat we speak of these matters.

We do not claim to be infaliblcnor wise above our fellows, but we

arc animated by an earnest desire tosec fair play and to be consistent.If, in our zeal, and when excitedwith indignation by what we deemwrong doing, or the recreant acts ofpoltroons, we have transgressed anyrules of propriety or gentlemanly ex-

pression, we regret it. But we saynow, as m have in the past, andshall continue to do in the future,that no power, influence or motiveshall prevent us from declaring ourconvictions on public matters. Andtotthc liest of our ability and withnil the force that wo can commandwo will denounce hypocrisy, fraudand cowardice.

The issues are too seiious to per-

mit trilling or evasion.No one who plays with the public

inteiC3ts, or seeks to evade publicduty may hope to ohcnpc punish-mcnt'- at

our hands.Wo cannot be intimidated, bought

or in any other manner delenod fromdoing what seems to us, our duty.


The Adcertiser is continually rant-

ing about "honest opposition," and"is unceasing in its supplications to

"honest people to select new standardbearers, or quit tho ranks of a partythat have such mouth pieces as the

L.. milt i ft4-- .

Daily Bcu.ktin and the HawaiianGazette' "Honest people," on allimportant public questions, wherean issue has been joined, expect ofnewspapers that they express a de-

cided opinion upon one side or theother, not only as legards the truthor taisity ol the allegations made,but as to the tendancy of thoseallegations whether it be toincriminate or to exculpatethe immediate parties concerned.As to the very important questionnow befoic the community, withreference to the status of the Cabi-

net for instance, it tells its readersthat it "believes in holding the Ministry lusponsiblc for its acts;" butit offers no decided opinion as to Hie

weijht of the accusations madeagains them by the Finance Com-

mittee. It is seemingly not honestenough to say, that if the allegationsof the committee are true (and noneof them have been denied) the Cabi-

net are shamefully at fault, andshould go ; nor yet brave enough toface an indignant community in openjustification of the Ministerial acts.

But it is not diflicult to sec be-

neath its gauscy professions of inde-

pendence, its real friendship forthe cause of the man who for solong a time has inspired the utter-ances of its columns.

It is about thus with this paperthat attempts to constitute itself thecensor oi other people's respecta-bility. Differ with ns and dare tosay so, and you are a "red cap"rowdy, a "sand lot demagogue,"and an "exaggerating liar;" thenewspaper that publishes your opin-

ions becomes a "bastard sheet" a"nasty." "dirty," "disreputablesheet," and your following a "scalyregiment of disappointed sore-

heads," a "tattered and disreputa-ble crowd." These odors of thepurlieus of billingsgate it would askus to inhale for the refreshment ofour respectability and the improve-

ment of our moral tone.


We aie glad to hue tho Advertisercome out tlat-foot- ed at last, and cx-pic- ss

some kind of an opinion.It says this morning: "We be-

lieve Mr. Gibson withal to be anhonest, energetic inrl capable ofll-cial- ."

What moic can be said in favor ofany official?

"No charge of dishonesty, no ev-

idence of using those public moneysfor his own benefit have been provedagainst him."

The Advertiser has adopted Palo-hau'f- c

argument. He says thst, Art.15 of the Constitution, which forbidsthe using of money except upon theauthority ol the Legislature, meansthat the Ministers must not put pub-lic money in their own pockets; andunless it can be piovcd that theyhave done so, they have done no


Wc publish herewith the two goldbills now before the House, intro-duced respectively by J. Mott Smithand S. B. Dole. One prime diffei-en- ce

is the amount to which silvershall be legal tender. Dr. Smithplaces the limit at 810, Mr. Dole atSo. In both, the 1st day of Octo-ber next is fixed as the date whenthe law shall go into operation. Dr.Smith's bill is weak in that by Sec.'1 it leaves it discretionary with theMinister of Finance to replace anysilver coins which may be in theTreasury with United States gold.This gives him the power to keep onexchanging silver for gold indefi-

nitely, theieby giving speculators achance to bring in silver, which, pas-

sing at the nominal value, will event-ually have to be redeemed with goldby the Government. Mr. Dole'sbill on the contrary takes the bull bythe horns and makes it mandatoryupon the Minister of the Finance"during thirty days following theapproval of the Act, to receive allcurrent silver coin that shall be of-

fered at the Treasury to any amountnot less than $10," and does notallow him at any and all times to ex-

change silver for gold, By Mr.Dole's bill all silver, other than Ha-

waiian, is to be used without delayfor tho purchase of United Stalesgold, and if other silver provoinsufficient for that purpose, Hawai-

ian silver also shall be used to buyUnited States gold.

Dr. Smith's plan is that for thirtydays tho Treasury shall receive

silver of all denominations exceptHawaiian and American, at theirnominal value ii exchange for Haw-

aiian coins at their nominal value.No advantago is gained by payingout Hawaiian silver, and certificateswould be much more convenient.The Minister of Finance is then tosell the silver in the Treasury, ex-

cept Hawaiian and United States, atthe rate of not more than $150,000per month for United States gold.There is no conceivable reason whythe business should bo strung along

lover a long series of months. Itwill simply delay the operation ofthe law without any good resulting.Mr. Dole proposes to issue certifi-

cates of deposit for coin receivedpayable in United States gold afterOctober 1st.

Another objection to the samesection is that it makes it obligatoryto deposit Jlaivaiian Bonds to theamount of silver withdrawn, assecurity for repayment of the gold.As there arc a very limited numberof bonds out, this practically shutsout any person from furnishinggold, who is not a large holder ofHawaiian Bonds, even though heshould offer to do so at a cheaperrate. This is not wise.

Another objection to Dr. Smith'sbill is that it docs not provide forkeeping any gold reserve in theTreasury ; Mr. Dole's does.


Section 1. From and after thefirst day of October, in the year ofour Lord eighteen hundred andeighty-fou- r, the gold coins of theUnited States of America shall bethe standard, and a legal tender, attheir nominal value in the paymentof all debts public and private, with-in the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Section 2. The standard silvercoins of the United States ofAmerica, and the silver coins of theHawaiian Kingdom shall be a legaltender, at their nominal value, forany amount not exceeding ten dollars in any one payment.

Section 3. From and after the firstday of October, 1881, gold and sil-

ver coins, other than the coins of theUnited Stales and of the HawaiianKingdom, shall be received in theTreasury at a rate not exceedingtheir bullion value, for Governmentdues, duties and taxes.

Section 4. It shall be lawful forthe Minister of Finance on and afterthe approval of this Act, in his dis-

cretion, to replace any silver coinswhich may be in the treasury eitheras Government realizations or ondeposit on account of any silver certifi-cates which have been issued, withgold coins of the. United States ofAmerica, in the same manner ashereinafter provided in Sections 5,fi and 7 of this Act.

Section 5. Upon the approval ofthis Act the Minister of Financewithout delay shall give notice bypublic advertisement that for thirtydays, immediately following suchnotice, silver coins of all denomina-tions, excepting silver coins of theHawaiian Islands and of the UnitedStates, will be received at the Treas-ury at their nominal value in ex-

change for Hawaiian coins at theirnominal value ; and the Minister ofFinance without delay shall arrangethrough advertisement for tenders,or otherwise, for the sale, at anamount not exceeding one hundredand fifty thousand dollars in eachcalendar month, of all the silvercoins which arc or may be in theTreasury, excepting Hawaiian silvercoins and coins of the United States,and the delivery of the proceeds ofthe sales of said silver coins into theTreasury in gold coins of the UnitedStales.

Section G. The Minister ofFinance shall require of those per-sons whoso tenders shall be acceptedfor the conversion of said silvercoins into gold coins, a deposit intho treasury of the Hawaiian Govern-ment bonds, of like amounts as thenominal value of the silver deliveredto them, and the said bonds shall beheld as security, for the delivery ofthe proceeds of tho sale of the silvercoins to tho treasury, in gold coinsof tho United States, and upon suchdelivery the bonds so depositedshall bo returned.

Section 7. The expense, cost andloss incident to the conversion ofsilver coins into the gold coins ofthe United States, shall be borne bythe treasury, and the Minister ofFinance is hereby authorized toprovide for the same, from anymonies not otherwise appropriated,or which may hereafter bo appro-priated, and ho shall render an ac-

curate statement of such expenditurein his report to the Legislative As-sembly.

Section 8. Chapter 41 of theSessionLaws of 187G, bcingan Act toregulate the currency, and Chapter37 of the Session Laws of 1880,being an Act to provide for anational coinage, are hereby re-

pealed, and all Act and parts ofActs contrary to the provisions ofthis Act are hereby repealed.

Section. 9. This Acts shall takeeffect from and after the date of itsapproval.

S. B. DOLE'S GOLD LAV.Section 1. From and after tho

first day of October, in the year ofour Lord, one thousand eight hund-red and eighty-fou- r, the gold coinsof the United States of Americashall bo the standard and legal ten-

der at their nomiunl value, in pay-

ment of all debts.Section 2. The standard silver

coins of the United States of Amciica,and those silver coins of like res-

pective fineness and weight Iherc- -

with, which were lately coined in theUnited Stales of Amen and im-

ported into this Kingdom, bearingthe impress of tho Hawaiian coat ofArms and the profile of His MajestyKalakaua, shall from and after thesaid first day of October bo a legaltender at their nominal value inpayment of all debts not exceedingfive dollars.

Section 3. For the more effectualcarrying out of this Act, the Ministerof Finance shall at all times duringtho thirty days following the ap-

proval of this Act receive all currentsilver coin that shall be offered atthe ticasury to any amount not lessthan ten dollars and issue thereforcertificates of deposit of the denomi-nations of ten, twenty, fifty, onehundred, five hundred, one thousand,five thousand and ten thousanddollars according to the amount ofsilver coin received, payable tobearer on demand ou and after thesaid first day of October, in UnitedStates gold coin without interest.and shall give due public noticethereof. The said certificates shallbe signed by the Minister of Financeand countersigned by the registrarof public accounts. All silver coinsreceived in exchange for such cer-

tificates, excepting Hawaiian silvercoins shall be used without delayfor the purchase of UnitedStates gold coin, which shall be heldas a special deposit to be used onlyfor the cancellation of the said cer-

tificates. And the Minister of Fi-

nance is hereby authorized andinstructed to take from the treasurysufficient money not otherwise

or from any nppiopria-tio- n

that may be provided for thatpurpose, to make up in the UnitedStates gold coin the numerical lossin dollars suffered in exchangingthe said silver coin for United Statesgold coin, and to deposit the samewith the said special deposit as apart thereof. All Hawaiian silvercoin received in exchange for suchcertificates shall be held as a specialdeposit to be used if it should be-

come necessary for the purchase ofUnited States gold coin for the can-cellation of the said certificates, inwhich case the numerical loss suf-

fered in exchanging the saidHawaiian coin for United Statesgold coin shall be made up in thesame maimer provided above in thecase of other silver coin ; provided,however, that the Minister of Fi-

nance shall immediately replace onefifth of the said Hawaiian silver coinwith United States gold coin in themanner provided above, and shallalwas, from time to time as the saidreserve of gold coin shall becomel educed by the redemption of any ofthe said certificates, replace more ofthe said Hawaiian silver coin withUnited States gold coin in the samemanner as above provided, so that apermanent reserve of the UnitedStates gold coin equal to at least aone-fift- h proportion of the certificatesoutstanding on account of the saidHawaiian silver coin shall be pro-vided for the redemption of the saidcertificates.

Section 4. On and after the saidfirst day of October the Minister ofFinance may, at his discretion, re-

ceive United States gold coin ondeposit to any amount not less thanfifty dollars, and shall issue thereforcertificates of deposit of such

as he shall deem to befor the public interest, payable tobearer on demand without inteicst.The said certificates shall be signedby the Minister of Finance andcountersigned by the Registrar ofPublic Accounts, and the moneyreceived for such certificates shallbe hold as a special deposit to beused only for the cancellation of thesame.

Section 5. This Act shall becomea law from and after the date of itsapproval, and an Act entitled "AnAct to Regulate the Currency,"approved the 12th day5 of September'187G and Section 179 of tho CivilCode as amended by Chapter 41 ofthe Laws of 187-1- , an Act entitled"An Act to Provide for a NationalCoinage," approved the 14th day ofAugust, A. D. 1880, and all otherActs and parts of Acts inconsistentwith tho provisions of this Act archereby repealed, such repeal to takeeffect on the said first day of October.


TiiuitSDAY, June 2G Continued.

Second reading of a bill i elatingto the Intermediary Court, Oahu,Passed to engrossment and will beread a third time on Tuesday.

Second reading of a bill to amend

stm'miitG(htiKfaJ!S3filWS&aim i'iiM'1 fr

Section 1, Chapter 90 of the Civil

Code. Passed to eugiossmont andwill bo read a third time on Thurs-day next.

Third reading of a bill to amendSection 782 Civil Code, relating totho time and plncc of holding elec-

tions. Passed.Third reading of a bill for the

endowment of a chair of NationalScience and Chemistry in Oahu Col-

lege. Passed.Third reading of a bill to amend

Section 532 Civil Code, relating to

Custom House collections. Owingto a mistake the bill was ordered to

beThird reading of a bill lo amend

Chapter 32 Penal Code, relating to

the offence of libel. Passed.Third reading of a joint lcsolution

authorising the Minister of Financeto pay over to tho treasurer of theQueens Hospital $7001.83 balanceof hospital fund. Passed.

The House adjourned at 3 : 15 v. m.

Fiuday, June 27.

The House assembled at 10 a. m.

After prayer by the Chaplain, theminutes of the preceding day were

read and confirmed.Mr. Kowcll, from the Committee

on Commcicc, lcportcd on a peti-

tion against the impoitation of dyna-

mite and other explosives, the samebe laid on table. Repoit icceivcd.

Mr. C. Brown, from tho RevisingCommittee, reported it had pleasedHis Majesty to sign the joint resolution, to appropriate 50,000 for thepromotion of Japanese immigration.

Mr. Rowell, from the Committeeon Coraraei ce, reported on the peti-

tion to allow veternary surgeons topractice, that the same be laid ontabic until a bill is introduced. Also,ori the bills to amend Sections 1419and 1420, relating lo contractlaborers, the same be indefinitelypostponed. Reports received andlaid on table.

Minister Gulick read, first time,a resolution relating to the payment

for the settlement of a difference inpostal accounts with the UnitedStates. The resolution was l'eforredto the Attorney General for him toput in the form of a bill and presentto the House at 1 o'clock.

Mr. Kaulukou moved the order ofthe day. Carried.

The House resolved itself intoCommittee of the Whole, Mr. Walkerin the chair. The first item takenwas :

Salary Police Justice, Hilo, $2,-40- 0.

Passed.Salary Police Justice, Lahaina,

$2,000.Mr. Kalua moved it be increased

to $2,400.Mr. Dole said, if we raise one

salary we should have to keep ondoing it with others. I am opposedto any increase. The salary as fixedfor that position is adequate.

Mr. Kaulukou said the duties ofthat office arc increasing and hefavored the amendment. On a votebeing called the salary was raised lo$2400.

Mr. G. Blown moved to insert atthis point, an item of $84 salary un-

paid Police Justice Lahainn. Carried.Salary Police, Justice Waihtku

$2400.Mr. Kaulukou moved it be

amended to read $3600.Mr. W. O. Smith had a great deal

of respect for the justice and wouldbe pleased to raise it, but it is im-

possible to do it.Mr, Dolo said, the motion to in-

crease would have come with moreforce if it had not como from ajudge himself. Wo are not here toline peoples pockets. It looks toomuch like log rolling. The salaryns it stands is quite sufficient.

Mr. Kalua spoke in favor of thoincrease.

Mr. Aholo, said he was not aPolice Justice now, but a lepresen-tativ- e.

Tho salary was not at alladequate for the position.

Mr. C. Brown moved it pass at$8000.

Mr. Kauhane said it was well tobo liberal if you had the means.

Mr. Kalua called the attention ofthe House to the Chief Justicereport which says: "The increase ofour population by immigration fromdiverse countries is making it moreand more diflicult for our nativeDistrict Judges to maintain orderand a proper administration of the

1 law, especially in districts remote

iii'i 'ii 'ii""r '"" " " ' mimm"fmm the capital. But a class ofmagistrates of better education and

judgement can only he obtained by

the appropriation of largely inci eased

salaiics."Ayes and noes were then called

on the motion to increase it to $3G00

resulting as follows ; Ayes 21, no"oa


The committee took a recess of an

hour and a half.On after recess the

Committee took tip the considera-

tion of the Appropriation Bill.

Salary District Judge. North Hilo,

$800. Passed.Salary District Judge, Puna, $S00.

Passed.Salary District Judge, Kan, $1200.

Passed.Salary District Judge, Noith

Kona, $800. On motion ofMr.Nahinu it. was raised to S1000.

Salary Disliict Judge. SouthKona, $800. Passed.

Salary Police Justice, Noith Ko- -

hala, $1,G00.On motion of Mr. G. Blown, who

remarked he was afraid he wouldincur the displeasure of economists,the salary was increased to $2,400.

Distiict Judge, South Kohala,$S00. Passed.

Distiict Judge, Hamakua, $1200.Ou motion of Mr. Kaulukou thesalary was raised to $1800.

District Judge, Ilonuaula, $1200.Mr. Aholo moved it be $2400 it is avery large distiict.

Mr. W. O. Smith, that it be placedat $1800. The item was finallypassed at $2000.

District Judge, liana, $1000. Onmotion of Mr. Gardner it was in-

creased lo $1200.Distiict Judge, Lanai, $G0O.




Honolulu. June 7. 1884

Hon. W. O. Smith,Chairman of Committee on Ptison, etc.

Sin: As requested, I herewithsubmit to your Committee my viewsconcerning some needed changes,from a sanitary point of view, inthe internal economy of Oahu Pris-

on. Increased accommodation isnecessary, as at times three pris-

oners have to occupy one cell, whilein my estimation there should notbe more than one in a cell. Thewhole structure needs a thoroughoverhauling, as the large cracks inthe partitions provide a too secureretreat for bed-bug- s, with whichvermin the building is almost con-

stantly overrun. The enclosure istoo small for the proper accommo-

dation of the usual number of pris-

oners. The water-close- ts as at pre-

sent situated and constructed, are apositive nuisance and should be re-

moved to a greater distance fromthe Hospital and the sheds, whichform the only shelter for those whoare confined there during the day,and be reconstructed on a largerscale, and more improved plan.Additional facilities for bathingshould also be provided.

In regard to the Hospital, it is anabsolute necessity for the propertreatment of the sick, that a bath-

room and water-clos- et be attachedto that building; also that somechanges bo made in the culinary de-

partment, whereby properly cookedand suitable feed can be suppliedwhen necessary.

Respectfully Yours,J. Bkodie, M. D.

AnoLO's salary, as Police Justiceof Wailuku was raised this morningby tho Assembly from $2,400 to$3,G0O by a vote of 21 to 14. Thenoble patriot voted on the questionhimself,!! in favor of the increase.With lhe assesorship. and an in-

crease of $1,200.$ in his salary, heis getting more than his share ofGovernment pap.

Bishop "Whipple, when in Phila-

delphia, told this story: He wasstanding in wrapt silence in YorkMinster, overcome by the grand in-

terior, when ho was approached bya typical countryman, who ex-

claimed: "Wall, stranger, theio'sone thing pnrly sartin, the man whoput up tliia hero didn't build stunhouses for thiirscl's and old woodenhonses for their God, did they?"

A wise man ought to hope for thobest, be prepared for tho worst, andbare with equanimity whatever mayhappen.




Page 3: ACH - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · Job work exc cuted at short notice. l J.M.OAT& CO., SAIWIAKEKS, Loft in A. F. Oookes New Firc-Proo-f Building,



.f'WW " l -- yjfpwpi -- ' SBHHHMHMHflHflMHHHKf'P" V'TJ

'''3T"?7-,r"l,F?f'W','!!'K!- "f raiflpf". W T y--5- 'ClgJ ?!& " ' '' T"r'r'l ''WS'T-- ' r$w


SlrcsDnlhG' ShilUHn.



All time from noon of to-da- y, June 27h m.

Sun Sots G .in.Sun Rises 17 21.Moon Bets 10 2G.High Tide (largo) 7 00.High Tide (small) 10 00.

WIND AND WEATlIEnKccoril lrotn noon of ycstoulny:

aKlovcI. Thermometer llnin.I Jli I Mi 22I1 2h nh I isu to lehI H0.09 I mil S0.10 880 7fl3 I 7,--


Wind, X.K., fresh; Sky, fair; Son, hiuooUi.

TELEPHONIC.Diamond Head, .hine 27, 3 p.m

Light N.E. wind.Schr Moi off Diamond Head.


Stmr Likclikc from windward portsStmr Lehua from Molokai & MauiSour Luka from KoliolaleleBark Clan Grant from Liverpool


Stmr Planter for windward portsStmr Jas Makce for KauaiSchr AVaiehu for MokulaeiaSchr Wailele for MalikoSchr Mana forSchr Wnimnlu for Koloa


Bktne Mount Lebanon for HongkongBktne "W. II. Dimond for KahuluiSchr Malolo for Hilo


"When the schooner Malolo was load-ing at Paukaa on her last trip, one ofher boats with 27 bags of sugar, waswashed on the rocks, making a largehole in it and destroying the sugar.

Schr Luka brought 1739 bags sugar.The "W. II. Dimond will sail for Kahu-

lui to load for S. P.The Planter will sail ht at 10

o'clock to accommodate II. It. II. PrinceOscar of Sweden.

The bark Amy Turner will sail forHongkong on Monday next at 3 i m.with about 300 Chinese passengers.

The Emma Chiudina is loading forS. P. at Mr. Hitchcock's plantation.

The Eosario is loading for S. P. atWainaku. She will go to Kahului tofinish.

The Kalakaua expect to sail for S. P.on Monday next.

Stmr Likelike brought 7500 bags ofsugar 54 head of cattle and 18 hides.

The British bark Clan Grant arrivedthis p. m., M5 days from Liverpool.

The Tern Eva sailed this p. m. for S.P. with 571-- bags of sugar, valued at



In this City, June 24th. by J. A. Cruzan,Pastor of Fort Street Church, Mr. JohnJ. Cardeu and Miss Anna L. Woodard,boili of Honolulu.


Mirrors, from 25 cents to 625.each, at King Bros. 750 3t.

Wall Pockets and Wall Wickets,in different styles, at King Bros.

750 3t.

The son-in-la- w comes to the frontagain, as Tax Assessor for Hono-


The Myrtle Boat will enter a crew

for the four-oare- d boat race on theFourth of Jul'.

.OThe scientific gentlemen on board

the Swedish frigate Vanadis are atwork near the Oahu Jail.

Nearly all the seats have been

taken for the concert at Music Hallevening.

The well being bored for Hon. J.I. Dowsett, near Moanalua, struckflowing water on Wednesday morn-


Fouu offices to let, well lightedand ventilated over the I. X., corner Nuuanu and Queenstreets. G91 tf

Lyoan & Co. will open on Satur-

day an immense stock of elegantFancy Goods just received per "Cityof Paris." 747 5t.

Tun grand ball for the benefit of

the leper fund takes pluee this even-

ing at the riawuiiun Hotel, uud

promises to be n brilliant affair..

A billiard match of GOO points

will be played this evening at the

Commercial between the Unknown

and J. launders, the latter receiving100 points start.

Now that the fumes of the gas

bill have temporarily vacated theLegislature Hall, it is in order for

the Hon. Mr. Widemann to returnand resume his seat.

IIox. J. T. Baker, member forHonolulu, will sing two songs "Pii-holo- "

and "Lokoino" at the concert

to bo given in Kawaiahao Churchevening. These aloe

will bo worth the price of admission.

Thuub Swedish sailors were stroll-

ing through the grounds in front of

Mr. J. T, Watcrhouso residence last



r-r. . ;

evening. Stopping in front of a'statue of a dog, one of them went upto1 it, stroked and petted it, butfinding no response to his caresses,not even a wag of the tail, walkedoff muttering to himself that thatdog was ns dead as the Bank Char-

ter Bill.

Tim reporter of the Gazette makes

so much unnecessary talk in theAssembly, that it is a great annoy-ance to those sitting nt the samo table.ICuli kuli and let tis have less ofyour jaw.


Wi: have received from Mr. JamesSimmons a copy of the Union PacificTourist. It is beautifully gotten upand shows the chief points of interestin the Bockcy Mountain region, alleasily reached via the Union Pacificrailway. Mr. Simmons is the Hono-lulu Agent.

Tub Inter-Islan- d Steam Navigation Company have had a large car-

riage built by the Hawaiian CarriageManufacturing Company to conveypassengers from Pahala to the half-

way house or within eight miles ofthe Volcano. It will be drawn bytwo horses and will seat about tenpersons, has an awning and curtainsand various improvements to makethe ride pleasant.


Which took place at the Palaceyesterday afternoon and evening forthe benefit of the lepers was a suc-

cess in every way. The interior ofthe Palace ground presented a verypretty appearance. Several smartshowers of rain fell in the early partof the evening, but it afterwardscleared up and there was a largeattendance of visitors. The RoyalHawaiian Band was in attendanceand played until 9 :30 o'clock. After10 o'clock an auction sale took placewhich lasted until nearly 11 o'clock,and several articles remain unsold.The receipts at the gate foot up to$413.30; Fancy table, $514.30;Goods sold at Auction, $289.70;Squash Flowers, $88.85 ; Ice creamtable, $160.40 ; Fortune Teller, $35.- -

25; Flower table, $151.30; Lemon-

ade table, $93 ; 25-ce- nt table, $68 ;

Hawaiian dinner table, $167; Re-

freshments, $96.75 ; Cash donations,$218. Total amount, $2,295.85.The expenses will be less than $100thus leaving a net balance of $2,200.This is the statement kindly fur-

nished us by Mr. W. W. Hall,Treasurer.


For the benefit of the lepers willtake place on Saturday evening atthe Music Hall, tinder the auspicesof Her Majesty Queen Kapiolani.

The following is the programme:Chorus The Little Ship SchumannViolin olo Mr. Henry Heyman

(a) Nocturne Chopin (Wilhelmj.)(b) Hongioise Volkman

Song Hc.iveu Ilatli Shed a TearKucken.

Mrs. John D. Sprenkols.(Violin Obligato by Mr. II. Heyman.)

Piano Solo Mrs. M. S. GrinbaumSong Am Meer Reiter

Mr. D. W. C. Nesfield.(Violin Obligato by Mr. II. Heyman.)

Chorus Morning Wanderers.tioug Carnival of Venice Benedict

Mrs. John D. Spreckels.Legende Wieniawski

Mr. Henry He.xman.comedietta.

Cut Off "With a Shilling.Kitty Gaythornc Mrs. A. B.Sam Gaythorne Mr. E. W. Pin visColonel Bermers Mr. F. M. Swanzy

The concert will commence at 8

o'clock sharp.


A small grey and white cat at-

tended evening service nt the FortStreet Church a week ago Sunday,arriving somewhat early it strolledabout the aisles with an easy familiarity astonishing in one so young."When the seductive notes of thefiddle in tho opening voluntary struckits car it was reminded that pro-

priety demanded that it should bo

seated and as none of the ushersshowed it into a pew, it finally wentup into the pulpit platform and satdown by the side of the parson'schair with much decorum. Theparson however not being categoric-

ally inclined, seized the animal by

the back, and transforming his armfor tho moment into a catapult,ejected tho cat into the midst of thechoir, which action being unexpectedby the members thereof, came nearproducing more or less of a catas-

trophe in that quarter. Thereafterthe feline attendant upon the ser-

vices disappeared from public view,

whether its unceremonious eleva-

tion from the pulpit to the choirinduced a cataleptic fit, or whether

WfgMLUn7lLLiia.i-J- ii (j ifoiJCL.!jJgLMUMtB"ui'M

nTjit made haste for tho open nir

through the outside choir entrance,history saith not. Neither does itappear that the choir vegarded itsadvent

minto their precincts as a

musical addition to their force as itsvoice was not detected in the sub-

sequent anthems and hymns ; what-

ever the denouement, It is extremelyunlikely that this interesting animalwill ever trust itself again within thesacred precincts or that any catcchistmay hope to influence it to an appre-ciable degree.

Auction Sales by Lvons & Lovey." iMMiGaaAOTS'SURPLUS STORES

Ex S. S. City of Paris.

Wo have received instructions from G.W. Mncfni'lanu it C i . to sell by Auctionat tho P. M. S. S. Wharf,

On Saturday, Juno 28th,At 10 a. m., the whole of the Immigrants'

SURPLUS STORESEx S. S. City op Paris, Comprising


Preset ved Meat, Raisins, dffcc, Beans,Cables Vinegar, Biscuits, Lard,


Chicory, Snap, Tea, Lime Juice, Suit,Com Flour, Arrow Hoot, least

Powder, Tubs, Buckets,PLites, &., &.,


1 Oil C.ike Cutler, 1 Turnip Cutter,

I Large Magic Lantern25 400-Ga- l. Tanks, 25 200-Ga- l. Tanks.

"48 2t Lyons & Lkvfy. Auc'iwiecrs.

1776 Fourth of July ! 1884--

TUB Day We Celebrate !

"Ratly Round the Flag, Boys;Rally Once Again !"


From the Size of a Five CentPice and up.

Badges fop the 4th of July.




J. M. Oat Jr. & Co.25 Merchant St., Gazet'c Block.

758 lw

Grand Ocean Excursion!

Unler the auspices of

Alerola Louse I. o. e. -

Ford's Point, Pearl River.

Steamars w.'ll 1 a.70 tho EsplanadeFoot of Fort Sir oi,

At 7:30, 9.30 and 11 a. m.Returning The first bca' le..Te. Ford's

Point at 4 p, m.

The Royal Hawaiian Band

will be in attendance

Tickcti, for the o md t'lp, adults $1 :."0

children M cms.Tickets mny bo had f o n J. M. Oat

Jr., T. G. Thrum, Mis. L:u k, a d mem-bers of the Committee.

For Programme of Fpor's see NewsAgents. ,

$Committee of Arrnitgo-uentH- :


Cottage to Lot,.THREE ROOMS, cook hou e.fcliatu homo, iVc. Apply oi 1 iu

iQuecm st. 74S 1 IN


Mghm HOUbE, suitable for a largoIgjSsSB fanillv.and five minutes walkfrom the School 'Uuildlnirs. Term mo.

derate, Address Box 125, Post Olllce.741 Ot- -

""rv"reTlwr' , "' f.







Crochet Taole Cove inft

Tidies, Bod Spreads, &o.



Hawaiian GarriagB Mfg Go



Second Growth Ash and OakFor silc at lowest market rates.

Also a complete stock of

Carriage & "Wagon Materialconstantly kept on hand mid

74G for sale. 3in

loneAll accounts due me MUST be

PAID on or before JULY 1st, as I

am about to leave this Kingdom,

All bills against me will be PAID

on presentation.L. B. KERR)

Honolulu, June 7, 1884.


Grocery and Fosd Store,Corner Kiug and Nuuanugstrects.

Fresh Groceries and Provisionn receivedby every Steamer.

P. 0. Box 130, Telephone 349.not Cm

Special Notice.My patrons and the public gene-rally uic hcrtby nmilied thai Ihave sold all of my stock intr.idi! and general uusinc.s

in Hiee Ulands' to Mr.N. S. SACHS who will l.oic.after conduct the geneial FancyDry Goods and Milli.ieiy Busi-ucc-

at the old stand 10-- Fortstreet I bespeak for my suecesser the same liberal patron-age hitherto extended to me.All claims iigann l me will una sinned by .M i . Snc lis and alltin' 'Imi! rac must be paidto Mr. Sachs.

fA. M. MELLIS.Htno'.ulu, June 14, lfc8i. 2v

i tare issertieat--OF


KOll SAI.E- -

At the Lowest Prices

at A. s. Cleghorn & Go's.'31 1m


II. Cavonagli, a Proprlotor.

HEALS 6i 3H3AI.SCook'dtoord'r'S'At nil hours.

Oysters, Celery, Salmon, and FruitReceived by every steamer. O'U

Furnished Rooms.LET, five minutes walk from theTO Poat-ufllc- Enquiro at

7tftf J. JI. OAT, Jr., & Co.

NOTICE.IS HEREBY GIVEN thatNOTICE tho underbigned have up.

pointed Keau (k) oT Ivnkauko, as a Lunaover llio Fisheries of Kaakaukukui aidKohololon, leased by us from U. PauahiBishop and JJowscut anu stunner. Anypen-o- n or person who are found flshlpgor tie?pasliig will lo prgscoutcd accordjnfeto law.

yisnol, LI JUNG & Co.Honolulu, .fiuie'llrf1, 1881. 730 2w"

Notice.GOVr.llNOll'S Ol'KIOK, Hoso- -

rn.v, Sept. 21, 1S83. fIs hereby Kiven that nodehtHNOTICE on behalf of tho Ha-

waiian bund will be recognized or paidiiilesa ordered by tho undersigned.

Jno. (). DoMista,(iovemor of Oahu.

TH a TEMPLEG3 Fori, HtvLH'i, (Campbell's Block.)


ices0- -


350 BOY'S UNEN. 'SUITS, Best Quality ONLY $1 75350 HOY'S LIXIjN SUITS, Best Quality .'....ONLY $1 75 "

3o0 BOY'S LIA'ltN SUITS, Bi8t Quality ONLY $1 75

.3 VST TlJ3CJ31Vli:i , .

75 doz. Gent's Percale Shirts, 2 collars and 1 pr cuffs, at $1. vGent's Unlaumlorcd White Shirts, No. 1 quality, at $1 21; or 312 per doz.

ISTCSt'cat Itai'&ains ! Great liuvgains ! Grent Bargains I10

A large assortment of

Boy's Sailor Hats, in all colors, only 50 Gents.Arrived by the last steamer one of tho Largest Invoices of


Ever imported into this Kingdom.

180 dozen Gent's Slater Stockings (something new) seamless and perfecttitling, three-pl- y heels at 25 ctspair

Ganl'd Suptr Stout BritNh IIoic, soamlc-- $1 pcrdoztnGiitU'a Cardinal Hose, silk ciojked 25 ctspair

Boy's PERCALE SHIRTS, best quality, at $1.00.

Jist RocoiM New Styles of Gent's Dress SisA Large Assortment of



&eart's 33oots and. Shoes, "'SlLatest Styles and Lowest Prices.

741 0m

GostTo liinke room for a I.avse Stork of

New Goods to Arrive SoonFrom Loudon, Xcw York, and San Francisco.

All stock on hand during the next 30 days will be sold for cash,

consht'.ng in part of

Pianos, Organs, Accordeons, Guitars,AN"D ALL KINDS OF MUSIC GOODS.

Parlor Sets, Bedroom Sets, Centre Tables,

Chairs, Lounges, Paintings, Engravings, Chromos,And a Large Variety of Fancy Goods.

725 Ira LYCAIf &: Co.


Must Rule I

30 Days !


King St.



Hardware, Agricultural Implements,Dillingham Steel Plows, Fence Wire, Staples,

Kerosene Oil, House Furnishing Goods, Lamp

SILVER PLATED WARE, &c, &c, &c. 052

Hine- - Up Telephone S40.P. O. Eox 207. Telepl one No. 240.

gCEftlfMEDY & CO.,No. 67 and 69 H6fcel Street Honolulu,


Just Received per Alameda, June 23o

Fresh Celery, Salmon, Cherries, isricots, Peaches

.A.11 in HF'iTie OoiidLrtioii.

Call Early.4ooi1h Mold liow, unit Delivered Vreo of Churco to nil parti of city.

Pioneer Carriage Manufactory,v$L) J& --1

75, T7 and 18

' 'itiiiiv'St. ?V



75, and



fi!'nnMht pwwJM


All orders for AVlieoI.vohlcle.s of every description filled with promptness an .J

dispatch. First-clas- s Mechanics employed all tho year round.E& FIN.E CARltlAGE WORK A SPECIALTY. -- i ,

Nothing too hot or too heavv for us. TRAM OARS, OMNIBUSSES, PLANTA-TION WAGONS, MULE & OX CARTS, made to order, altered or ropaired.

Our Horse Shoeing DepartmentIs under the biipurvUInu of a pneil al man a mechanic second to "Wohave no uso for aouking scalds or lot tuba. A'l work guaranteed.

KOharsea motierato. WHITMAN & WRIGHT,10S ly 75. 77 and 81 Klpg Strew.

M- ,

itLisMS t --Jrtfc ll. --t- t "M?0ttJk .duV T.W i





Page 4: ACH - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · Job work exc cuted at short notice. l J.M.OAT& CO., SAIWIAKEKS, Loft in A. F. Oookes New Firc-Proo-f Building,




'Oceanic Steamship Comp'y.aS THE MAGNIFICENT

new niul Elegant Steamships

MARIPOSA & ALAMEDA,Will leave Honolulu and ban

Francisco on the1st and 15th of Each Month.

PAbskngkhs may hare their namesbooked In advance by applying at theotiico or tno agents.

Passengers by tills lino arc licioby hotided that they will be allowed 2u0 lbsof baggage free by tlio Ovcilund Rail-wa-

when traveling East.Excursion Tickols for Round Trtp, $125,

good to return joy any of tlio Company'ssteamers within ninety days.

lUKitoiiANnisR lnicnueu tor snipmentby this lino will bo received free ofcharge in the Company's Now Ware-house and lcccipts issued for same.' Issukance on merchandise, whilst inthe warehouse, will be at owner's risk.

Wm. G. Inwi.N & Co.,Agents, o. S. S. Co.

WILDER S. S. CO.Jilialtuil.

;Steamor KinanKing, Conimundcr,

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching at Lahninn, Maa-lae- a

Bay, Makena, Mahukona, Ka-walha- e,

Laupahoohoc ami Hilo.Rotuming, will touch at all the

alove ports, arriving at Honolulueach Saturday afternoon.

INTJBKISIiAKl)Steam Navigation Company's


The Planter,d.vtus, - - Commander,

Will run leguhuly for Komi and KanLeavks Honolulu at 4 p.m. on

Fridiiy, April 4 Tuesday, May 2"Tucdav, " 15 Friday, Juno 0Friday,' " 25 Tuesdav, " 17Tuesdav, Mnv l! Friday," " 27Friday " 10

Akiuvks at Honolulu at o i.m.Friday, April It Tuesday, .lune 3Tuesday, " '22 Friday," " 13Friday, May 2 Tuesdav, " 24Tuesday, " 13 Fiidav, July 4Friday, " 23

The Iwalanioamkron, - - - Commander,

Leaves Honolulu every p.m., foi Nawiliwili, Koloa, Eleclc,

'and Waimca, Kauai, Returning;, leavesNawiliwili cvciy Satuulay evening.

The James Makee,KitnBMAN, - - Commander

Leaves Honolulu every Thursday

.ti 3 p.m. for Kapau and Kilauen. Returning, leaves Kauai every Tuesday at4 mill touching at Waiiine, bothways

' The C. E. Bishop,DAVib. - - - Commander.

Leaves Honolulu every Tuesday

.it 4 p.m. for Kukiiihaclc, Ilonokna andl'.iauhau. Returning an ivos at Honolulucveiy Sunday morning.


5bPSK5 2? tjio lavoruc iikiiii- -

W. H. Dimond,- Master,Iloudlett, -

Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. For freight or pasagc apply to

"W. G. InwiN is Co., Agents.


Tlic Clipper Schoonei

KALUNA,A. Lowell, Captain,

Will .sail for GILBERT ISLANDS &JALTJ1T, on oi about the 5th of July.Foi freight or passage, ajiply at theofllcc of Pacti'io Navigation Co.,742 2w Queen Street.


The Clipper SchoonerWAIMALTJ,

F. Kibbling, ... - Mastci,Will vuu regularly to the ports ofKOLOA, IIANAPISI'E & WAIMEA,IvAUAI. For height or passage applyio the Captain on board, or to the

' L'acii'io Navigation Co.,7:13 3m Cor. ife Queen tits.

l'UK kabt saimmi

Schooner EhulcaivilJ run legularly

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday, wcalhur

permitting.For freight or passage apply to the

Captain on board, or toPacific Navigation Co.,

181 Agents,

LAINE & CO.Have a Large Stock of the

VERY BEST HAY.O-r-ai- n, 3Ete.,

Which is offered at Low est Market Pi ices


Delivered Free to any part of the City

AGENTSFOS TUBPacific Mutual life Insurance Co.


Agents for the Hoover Telephone.

Commissioner of Deedsfor CaliforniaTelephone No. 147 70fi

GEO. E. SHERMAN.439l No. 8 Maunakua St,Trees and Saddles of all kinds umdo toorder and lepulriug HaFn5s"a, oic.,f donein short notice, an oroors promptly attended to. C03 1y

JUST RECEIVEDEx Hark Hplco, front Itromon.

Two Oottage Pianos,7 OCTAVES,

Faom the Celebrated Factory of

Ed.Westermayer,BerlinFOR SALE BY



735.1m Woslcrniayor's Pianos.

Wanted.ONE or tio Intelligent HOYS (white

for the printing busi.ness. Apply Daily Bcmetin Ofllcc.

n r-- $ 1J tJ S to C

- rh " .9 as j) g u o3

J o g

z a a 12s: g

s-. r in a 03 ms: " 5 id ,k .2 S

m Z k w '?


a1 5 rt rt va, t-- to j

Si H S i's W pq .

a p iiNotice.

TO BUTCHERS, GRAZIERSand all whom it may concern.

Tlio undersigned having'?HflTlf?F$timndc alterations, additions,S?ifflf9nni1 improvements in hiskbterftVsEB SOAP FACTORY,- now prepared to give

TJie Highest Cash Valuefor anv quantity of

And will furnibh containcr for the sameft eu of cot to any one who may desire.

THOS. W. RAlVIilKM,Honolulu Soap Works.

Olllce in Brick Building,King street, Leleo. 483 lj

GEiOBEyEManila Cigars



in boes of 000, 250 and 100, made by tho

"la T'xraxwaiaRA"Factory Manila

lor sale at moderate price-- , bj

Fa. iro(r8chlucg;cr o& Co.

To Let.A COTTAGE, suitable for asmall family, in a healthylocality, within ten minutes

quiet walk oi the rost-Unic-c. lmme-diat- c

possession given. Apqly toT. W. RAWLINS,

730 1 f Sonp Works, Leleo.

To Let.A NEW BRICK STORE,with Counter, Shelves, andall Fixings complete. To a

good anu sniibiaciory tenant win noleased on very icosonable terms.

Apply to T. W. RAWLINS,730 tf Soap Works, Leleo.

FOR SALE.FOUR FINE BUILDINGLOTS at Punahou, Honolulu,lying between the premises of

Mr. II. F. Dillingham and Messrs. Gra.ham and Foster. Two of these lots havoeach a fi outage of 100 feet on BcretauiaStreet and a depth of &00 feet, and twhavo each a frontage of 102. 7 feet onBingham Street and a depth of 275 feet.These four lots adjoin each other andwill be sold either separately or as awhole.

Apply to ,r. M. MONSARRAT,087 tf No. 27 Merchant Stieet.

Furnished ltooms.rpo LET, at the now Building No- - 38X Alakca Street, nearly opposite tho

Y. M. C- - A. Building. Apply on thepremises. 725 3m

Furnished Rooms.3710R GENTLEMEN ONLY. Apply

MRS. TURNER, 82 King Street,nearly opposite tlio Windsor Restaurant,

090 ly b

The California Producemid lrovMion Co.

i espectf ully notify tlio l'ubllo that theyhavo established themselves at

73 Hotel Street Honolulu,in part of tho premises occupied by

Sresovich G-ra-y & Co.Where can bo found a complete

stock ofl?i'ocliico and GrocoriCM,

which will ho Mild nt lowest marketrates

For Canli,Tolephono, No. 274, P. 0. Box, 120.

Address nil orders and communications076 3m Z. K. MYERS Manager.

j . ; . i 1


Business DirectoryAuctioneer!.

E. l Adams, Queen stLyons & Levey, Queen st

Illndct'y.Alvin II. Hnscuinnu.... Gazette Building

ItaukcvH.Bishop & Co., Merchant stSpreckels & Co., Fort & Queen sts

Itutclicr,W. McCaudlcss Fish Market

Hoot mill tthocH.Olir. Gcrtz, Fort stI X L Store, jn uuunu si

Clothing.Gnrtenbcrg 1 X L. Store,.. ..Nuuanu stP. A. Dlas KingstGonsalvcs & Bo Hotel st

Cnblnct Sinkers.W. Miller, Hotel stCrowley & Co., KingstLycan&Co Fortst

Cnrrlncc 3IakcrH.Whitman & Wright, King stW.lI.Pagc,---- - Fort st

Cigars and Tobacco,Hart, Bros. Old Corner Queen stNoltcs Beaver Saloon, Fort st

Cider,Fisher's Champagne Older,.... Liliha si

Candy Factory and Bakery.F. Horn, Hotel st

Carpenters and Builders.F. Wilhclm King stG . Lucas, Fort st

Dry and Fancy fioodH.J . T. Watei house Queen stJ. T. Waterhouse, King st.T. T. Waterhouse, Fort stI X L. Stoic, Nuuanu stB. F. Ehlcrs & Co., Fort stA.M. Mollis Foit stM. A. Gonsalvcs & Co Hotel stF. A. Dias King St

JJVUKSiHtH.Benson, Smith & Co Fort stIlollister & Co., Nuuanu stIlollistcr & Co., Fort st

.Dentists.Dr. Thacher, Fort stM. Grossman, Hotel st

Brayngc and Cartage.S. M. Carter & Co., King stFrank Hustacc, Queen stG. Robinson, Queen st

Furnished Itorras.Mis. Turner, King st

Fire Insurance Agents.11. Riomenschncidcr,. .at Wilder & Co's.C. O. Bcrgcr, Merchant st

J cut's Furnishing Goods.Ehlcrs & Co Fort stA. M. Mollis Fort stI X L. Store, Nuuanu btGonsalvcs & Co., Hotel stP. A. Dias Kingst

Groceries and Provisions.Cali fomia Produce Co Hotel stA. S. Clcghorn & Co., Quc6n stKennedy & Co., Hotel stWol fc& Ed wards,. . .Fort & Nuuanu sts

Horse Shoeing Shops.S. I. Shaw, Fort itWilson Bros., Fort st

Hay and Feed Stores.S. M. Carter & Cc. King stUuion Feed Co., Queen stJLaino b Co ort .st

Harness linkerG. E. Sherman, Kingst

Hardware.Dillingham & Co., FortstJ. T. Watei house, Queen st

Importers & Coin. Merchants.G. W. Macfarlauc A Co., Fort stC. Brewer & Co., Queen stLyons & Levey, Queen stM. S. Grinbaum & Co., Queen stW. G. Irwin & Co., Fort stA. S. Cleghom & Co., Queen stJ. T. Waterhoubc, Queen stF. T. Lenehan & Co., N uuanu stCastle & Cooke, King stWing Wo Tai is Co., Nuuanu stWing Wo Chan & Co., Nuuanu stC. O. Berger Merchant stHyman Bros., Merchant st

JLabor Agents.A. C. Smith Merchant stW. Auld Water Works OfficeJ. A. Hassinger, Interior OfficeW. C. Akana King stS. M. Carter, King et

Lumber Healers.Lcwcrs & Cooke, Fort stWilder is Co Fortst

Millinery and Dress Uniting.Mrs. A. 31. Mollis Fortst

aicdlcal.Dr. Emerson, Kukui st

Xews Dealers.J. M. Oat Ji . & Co., Merchant st

Flunibcrs and l'ninters.E. C. Rowe,. . .. King stBrown & Phillips King stJ. Nott, Kaahumanu stMax Kolun, Fortst

I'hotographers.Williams & Co FortstA. A. Montano Fort st

Tuning Si. aiuslcal Instruments.Lycan & Co., Fort s

Itestnurants.Hart, Bros. Old Corner, Queen stNoltcs Beaver Saloon Fort elWindsor Restaurant King stCasino, Kaplolani ParkTourist's Retreat, .Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii

Ileal Kstate Agents.J. E. Wiseman ' Merchant Bt

Solicitors.M. Thompson, Fort stA. S. Ilartwcll over BankJ. M . Davidson Kaahumanu stA. Rosa Gov't BuildingW. A. Whiting, Kaahumanu stJ. Russell Merchant stS. B. Dole Kaahumanu stF. M. Hatch Kaahumaun stR. F. Bickcrlon Merchant stCecil Brown, ... .Merchant BtJ. M. Monsarrat ....Merchant st

Hoap Factor'.T. W. Ilawlins King Bt, Leleo

Stationers.J- - M. Oat .)r. & Co., Merchant st

Hall linkers. '

J. M. Out & Co., Queen stShip Chandlery.

Pieice & Co Queen stTinsmiths.

I. Nott .Kaahumanu stTailors.

Ti egloan is Atwater, Fort stTravel.

Intcr.IslandS. N. Co., .EspluuudoWildci'uS. S. Co Fort& Queen stsO.8. B.Co Fort & Queen atPacific Navigation Co,, Queen at


Offer for Salo tho Cargo of tho




OxCarts,Light Express Wagons,

.JJTop Carriages.

STiEAftfll C OA1.Cumberland Coal,

Com. Wood Chairs,

KEROSENE OIL.Matches,.ijFlne Molasses Shooks,

Rosin, Sonp,Ice Chests, Nos, 2, 3.tandG,

Hoe Handles,Lobsters, lib tns; Beans, Slbjtns

spruce JL'ianK.

Hay Cutters, Nos. 1. 2,p 3.

Axle G lease,Fairbanks Scales, Nos. 7,3,10&11J

Leather Belling,Ccntiifugal Lining, 14 inch;

Comp. Nails, 1, inch.

MAMMOTH ROCKERS,Bales Excelsior,

Manila Cordage, Assoitcd:Excelsior Matti esses,

Galvanized Fence Staples,


Sisal Rope, Assoitcd,Ash Plank,

Dump Barrows,Ames Shovels,

Y. METAL SIIEATIILSTG10, 18, 20, 22, 24 and 2G o.. ;

Hair Mattresses !

Grindstones, Rubber Hose,Hide Poison, Barbed

Wire, Refined Iron,

ANNEALED FENCE WIRE,Galvanized Screws and Washers.

532 b



78 King StjmjJi King St

(Opposite Whitman & Wright.)



Just Received Superb Coveting andTrimming for

Lounges.Parlor Sets, etc., etc.

Cheaper Than Ever ! ! !

tggrOall and see our Goods and your willbuy direct from the Makers, as we are

the only

Practical Upholstererin Business in Honolulu and defy Con-

tradiction on this point.

Repairing1.. Recovering; andRcstnfllng

A Speciality,THE '


SPRIKGr BED,Not to "lie SuvpnH&etl

Crowley & Co.5910m 78 King Stieet.


S. M. 0AETER & 00.Retail DEAuntB in

Fire Wood,Goal and Feed.

ECy and. Oats,FREE XTSlJTVT2aEerX

to allpaitsof ihocity.

Remember, 82 King street,078 JSTAnd Telephone No. 187.

MONEY TO LOANin sums to suit. Iuquiio of

SigiNnumcl Iniclewicz,84 King Sire t.


(Successor to C. P, Ward.)

All orders for cnitagc promptly at.tended to, at tho lowest intcs. Also forsalo:

Kuluialio Hall,KIro Wootl,

Wlittu null lilac k Handin quantities to suit, at lowest prices.

CC8 ly

G. II. ROBERTSON,Draymau best teams

in town. Olllce, Queen st. 1C

SPECIALJOTICE.rpiIE Undersigned Pioprictor of the



desires to In foi m hUpationsandlhopublie generally that notwithstanding tlinrecent DISASTROUS FIRE, has elected


On a much more Extenslvo Scale whichis now in Fui.ii OrciiATioN, and whichwill he in complete winking older by anEarly Atiival of now Machinery andTools; and is now again prepaid! to



and will always have on hand hh deli-cious Fresh Made



CREAM CANDIES of great vai iety oitMARSH-MALLOW- S.

Gum Drops, and Gum Fruit33on Bons

Of all descriptions. All those HomoMade Fresh and Pui e Con lections, 1 sellat CO cents PER POUND.

rich Wedding cakeOf the Finest Flavor, in all si?es always

on hand and ornamented in thomost artistic style.

always fresh, as also

Home Made Mince Meatfor sale at CO cents per pound.

Will receive per Consuclo tho balanceof my new machlneiy of the newest de.signs for manufacturing all descriptionsof plain Candies; thanking the publicfor pievious liberal patronage and o.Moiling a continuance of same.

Very respectfully,F. HORN,

Practical Confectioner and PasUy Cook.

THE OLD STAND. 71 Hotel stieet

O. RosNo. 73;.. Telephone No. 74372 ly

r 4. Saloon

The Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee jit All HoursThe finest Brands of Cigars and

Tobacco, alwa3's on hand.

at Tire PAItK


CThe only sea.bide lcsoit in theKingdom. II. J. NOLTE,


THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1S58.

Hart Bhos, : : Proprietors.

HEALSServed up in flrst-cla- ss style at all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&c, &c. Also,

Iced Drinls !75

Wilson Brothers,

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS,norso Shooing a specialty--

first-cla- ss man being specially engagedfor that work.

Ship and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hopper's.204

Book BinderyALVIN II. RASEMANNWishes In notify tho public that lie

Has Opened a Book BinderyIn the GAZETTE BUILDING, and is

now prepared to do all kinds of

Book-Bindin- g


Paper-Rulin- g.

Magazines, Pamphlets, Catalogues,Reports Etc., Etc., Etc.,

Bound to oidor in Sheep, Calfbkin, Mo.rocco, Leaihor or Iio.uds.

tSTBy strict attention to businessand model ntc charge, I trust to merit afair sharo of the public pationago.fl073m

J. M. OAT Jr. & Co.Deal cis Inn kinds of

STATIONERY,Tho Latccst Fo'cign Papers always onhand at the Gazette Block, MerchantStreet, ly b


To the Volcano and Back.

Wt ffiiiev-TlHliii- ul . K. Co.T1IUOUGH TICKNTSto the Volcano.and icturii, can now be had at the ofllccof the Intou Island S.N. Oo. Touristsleaving Honolulu per time table of the" 1 LANTER," v,lll be lai ded at Puna,luu, thence by Hallioad to Pahala, whciollorsi's and Guklct v 111 be in attendance.

By this lout. TouilsU can make theround liii in 7 dajs, giving 1 days tovisit tho Volcano.

TIOKE I'S FOR THE ROUND TRIP,Including lloisea, Guide, Hoard andLodging, 00.

For lurthcr particular enquire at theoffice of the

Intcv-lHlniK- i . X, Co.,Honolulu,

or J. F. JORDAN, Volcano House.714 tf

ThcTen Cent Counter!

AT- -


IHas just been lcplenlshed Avlth

NEW GOODSReceived by thoMailpon. In addition

to the


Thcic is a very large and varied assort-ment of

Move Vnlimble 5oo1h,Such as

Towels, Baskets,Table Napkins, Hat Racks,Handkerchiefs, Jewelry,Stockings, Toys,

Carriage Whips, Vases,Riding Whips, Albums,Tin Waro, Picture Frames,Glass Ware. Crockery Ware,

&c, &c.

4000 Copies of Sheet Music,Xlinjjley'is Oig;,

Manufactui cd in Honolulu by white men.Stove Polish and Grease wholesale

and retail atThe Ten Cent Store,

C83 Hm b t or Street.


IYes, and we sell

As Hioav tx& Hie Hio-wes- t !

and don't anybody foi get it.

Wo sell New Bedford Rope, and anyretailer knows how it will hold out innet weight.

We also have the mo-- vaiied assoii-men- tof S

SHIP CHANDLERYkept by any house thi3 side of the RockyMountains, such as .

Hemp and Manila Coulnge, all sizes,Artesian Well Boring Ropes,Manila Hawserd, Wire Rope,Cotton and Hemp Duck and Twine,Galvanized Maiinc Haidwarc,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 & 18 ozYellow Metal and Nails, 14 to 28 oz.Copper Paint (Tarr & Wonsin's)Whale Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, all kinds and sizes,And 1001 other things too numerous

to mention Also, agents for

I'evry Jfavis' Pain Miller,Brand & Pierce's Bomb Guns and

Bomb Lances, &o., &c,All of which wo will sell at tho

Low63t Rates.390 ly A. W. Seivce & Co.


0t f




BEVERAGE,AccoKrling to tho highest and best medi.

cal testimony.Manufactory, : : : No. 18 Liliha St:

P. O. Box, 379. Telephone, 284.SQTA11 orders receive prompt attention.


nave Scouted tho Services of


One of the Best ArtistsFrom San Francisco, His Coloring is

Unequalled.Views oi' tlio Volcano,

Also on Hand, Come and SeeThom.Ml tf


MAX KOHMBeg to Intimntotohis friends and the

public generally, that ho is now pie.pared to execute oideis for

Plain and DecorativePainting" & Paperlmnging

in the best and newest styles.1 85 FORT STREET,

Opposite Gymnasium.P.O.Box, No. 411, 461 ly

,: m









'ljAW . Mfr -. MAi