accomplishements of the presidents of the philippines

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  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    The Third


  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    The Third Republic

    The transition government ended in 1945, thesame year that World War II came to an end. On

    uly 4, 194!, the Third "hilippine Republic #asinaugurated at the $uneta in %anila. &undredthousand 'ilipinos and some (merican and)oreign dignitaries #itnessed the ceremonies.

    The most meaning)ul and solemn moment o)the independence ceremonies #as the raisingo) the "hilippines *ag by "resident Ro+as andthe lo#ering o) the (merican *ag by

    (mbassador %cutt to the accompaniment o)the national anthems o) the t#o nations. (t thissigni-cant moment in the history o) the 'ilipinonation.

  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    Parity Rights

    (mericans /0($ rights #ith the

    'ilipino citiens to develop and e+ploitnatural resources o) the "hilippines and tooperate public utility in the country.

  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    Laurel Langley Trade agreement

    ( trade agreement bet#een the"hilippines and the united states

    #hich #as signed in 1955 ande+pired in 1934 #hich states that(mericans can e+ploit and develop

    the "hilippine natural resources andcan operate public )acilities in thecountry.

  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    epartment o) (grarian Re)orm is the leadimplementing agency o) omprehensive(grarian Re)orm "rogram 6(R"7. It underta8esland tenure improvement and development o)

    program bene-ciaries. (R conducts landsurvey in resettlement areas. It underta8es landacuisition and distribution and landmanagement studies. The (R also orchestrates

    the delivery o) support services to )armer:bene-ciaries and promotes the development o)viable agrarian re)orm communities.

    Agrarian Reform Law

  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    DAR MandateThe epartment o) (grarian Re)orm6(R7 leads the implementation o)

    the omprehensive (grarian Re)orm"rogram 6(R"7 through land tenureimprovement, agrarian ;ustice, and

    coordinated delivery o) essentialsupport services to client:bene-ciaries

  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    ever #as a republic born in the #orld #ithsuch staggering problems as the ne#:bornRepublic o) the "hilippines. The #ar hadravaged the land, leaving in its #a8e burned

    cities and to#ns, ruined )arms and )actories,blasted roads and bridges, shatteredindustries and commerce, and thousands o)victims. The #ar had paralyed the

    educational system, and the problempertaining to peace and order, %anila andother cities #ere in)ected #ith criminal gangs.

    Post War

  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    "resident Ro+as began the rehabilitation andreconstruction o) the #ar:ravaged "hilippines. With theeconomic and military assistance o) the 0

  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    lpidio R./uirino


  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    "resident lpidio /uirino continued the economic policieso) "resident Ro+as. 0nder his administration, aneconomic policy 8no#n as import substitution#as

    initiated. The aim o) this policy #as to curb the gro#ingbalance o) payments de-cit. Aecause #e #ere runningout o) )oreign currencies, particularly dollars, to -nanceimports, a measure to save dollars #as to control

    imports. The other ob;ective o) import substitution #as

    the establishment o) an industrial and manu)acturingbase in the "hilippines. (s a conseuence o) controllingimports, the program tended to support and protectlocal manu)acturing industries producing Bimport:competingC or substitute products.

    The instruments used in the import substitution policy#ere direct control on imported goods and the rationingo) )oreign e+change used )or -nancing the importation.

    The Import ontrol $a# o) 195D gave enormous po#er tone#ly established entral Aan8 o) the "hilippines in

    regulating the entry o) )oreign products and in theselection o) local industries to be nurtured and protected.

  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    Ramon '.


  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    The import:control program o) the previous

    administration #as continued by "resident Ramon%agsaysay. Aut the %agsaysay administration isremembered most )or its concern #ith the plighto) the landless )armers. Aecause o) the gro#ing

    peace:and:order problems in rural areas,%agsaysay launched an agrarian program toans#er the problem o) tenancy. The $and Re)orm(ct o) 1955 #as enacted to resolve the gro#ing)eud bet#een )armers and lando#ners but it #as

    not success)ully implemented.

  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    onsistent #ith his concern )or the #ell:being o) rural )ol8s, %agsaysay alsoestablished the ational Resettlement andRehabilitation (dministration 6(RR(7 to give

    land to the landless, improve the uality o)the )armersE harvests, and e+tend creditsassistance to them. 0nder his administration,the 'armers ooperative and %ar8eting

    (ssociation 6'(O%(7 #as established toorganie the )armers into cooperatives.

  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    arlos ".


  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    The Farcia years #ere considered byhistorians as the most pro:'ilipino

    administration in terms o) economic policies.The theme during his administration can bedescribed by his economic principle 8no#nthen as the B'ilipino 'irst policyC."resident

    arlos ". FarciaEs intention #as to ma8e the"hilippine economy truly )ree )rom control o))oreigners. &e gave priority to the 'ilipinoindustries in the allocation o) resources and

    established the 'ilipino Retail ationaliationTrade (ct #hich limited retail business to'ilipino nationals.

  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    iosdado %acapagal


  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    "resident iosdado %acapagalEs era

    ushered a ne# orientation in economicpolicy. "revious administrations )rom /uirinoto Farcia promoted import substitutionsthrough import and )oreign e+change

    controls. &o#ever, because o) someineGciencies in the protected industries andthe neglect o) e+port industries, the balanceo) payment de-cits #orsened over time.

    The limits o) import substitution had beenreached such that the gro#ing de-citbecame a barrier to economic gro#th.

  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    To ans#er the #orsening balance o) paymentsde-cit and to give incentive to e+port industries,%acapagal liberalied the importation o) goods

    and rela+ed )oreign e+change controls. &e called)or the devaluation o) the peso )rom the e+changerate o) t#o pesos to dollar to )our peso to a dollar.Decontrol#as the term used to describe the

    economic policy pursued during the %acapagaladministration. It #as also during thisadministration that the (gricultural $and Re)ormode o) 19!? #as passed. This la# removed the

    system o) share tenancy and replaced it #ith theleased:hold system. With all its limitations, the la##as an improvement on previous land re)orm la#sand may have ushered the comprehensive e=ort o)

    the government in addressing agrarian problems.

  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines



    . %arcos


  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    The %arcos administration

    %arcos H initial years had positive e=ects

    in the economy. &e continued %acapagalEsdecontrol policy and liberalied )oreigninvestments as #ell as promoted e+portindustries. &e established the Aoard o)

    Investments 6AOI7 and gave -scal incentivesto both )oreign and local -rms. With theincentives given to e+port industries, hechanged the composition o) our e+ports by

    promoting non:traditional, or manu)actured,e+ports. (nd #hen he declared martial la#in 193>, he launched a comprehensive landre)orm program.

  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    Aut as he prolonged his stay in thepresidency, his dictatorial po#ers too8 theirtoll in the economy. The government becamevery involved in the actual operations o)commercial and industrial -rms. It #asduring his administration that the number o)government: controlled corporationsincreased signi-cantly. The government alsogave guarantees to the )oreign loansborro#ed by many private corporations. (sthese loans #ere used )or unproductive andun)easible pro;ects, the government too8over the o#nership o) these ban8ruptcorporations and there)ore becameresponsible )or paying )or their huge debts.

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  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    The (uino (dministration

    1. The restoration o) peace, democracy,

    )reedom and ;ustice in the "hilippines. This#as the greatest legacy o) heradministration.

    >. "artial recovery o) big sums o) money stolen

    during the %arcos admin. by high oGcialsand cronies in the previous regime.


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  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    'idelK. Ramos


  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    The Ramos (dministration


  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    oseph ;ercito



  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    strada created the "residential (nti:Organied rime Tas8 'orce 6"(OT'7to goagainst organied syndicates, 8idnap:)or:ransom gangs, and drug lords. &e named

    Fen. "an-lo $acson as head o) this anti:crime body. &e intervened and tal8ed to theleaders o) the "($( , #hich almost shutdo#n the "hilippine (irlines. The "($opened once again to serve the public.

  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    Floria %acapagal


  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    1. ?5 straight uarters o) gro#th, unprecedented,capped by continued positive gro#th eventhrough the depths o) the global recession indecades.

    >. The 'iscal re)orms instituted that capped by thee+panded K(T 6K(T7, #hich brought do#n de-citratios, earned multiple ratings upgrades, and)unded economic stimulus.

    ?. The in)rastructure that have been able to invest in#ith the additional resources generated by the-scal re)orms, including physical in)rastructures o)roads , bridges, seaports and airports.


  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines



  • 7/25/2019 Accomplishements of the Presidents of the Philippines


    The current president, ":noy, on his >ndyear in oGce, pursuing the removal gra)tand corruption le)t by the pastadministration. &is administration is ta8ing

    its time on ma8ing ;obs )or the ;obless,additional in)rastructure and renovation o)public structure. In gro#th anddevelopment, agriculture is the top priority,irrigation, provision L additional )unds on it.