accessing the wan – chapter 4 red book – chapter 4 sandra coleman, ccna, ccai

Accessing the WAN – Chapter 4 Red Book – Chapter 4 Sandra Coleman, CCNA, CCAI

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Page 1: Accessing the WAN – Chapter 4 Red Book – Chapter 4 Sandra Coleman, CCNA, CCAI

Accessing the WAN – Chapter 4Red Book – Chapter 4Sandra Coleman, CCNA, CCAI

Page 2: Accessing the WAN – Chapter 4 Red Book – Chapter 4 Sandra Coleman, CCNA, CCAI

Identify security threats to enterprise networks

Describe methods to mitigate security threats to enterprise networks

Configure basic router security Disable unused router services and

interfaces Use the Cisco SDM one-step lockdown

feature Manage files and software images

with the Cisco IOS Integrated File System (IFS)

Page 3: Accessing the WAN – Chapter 4 Red Book – Chapter 4 Sandra Coleman, CCNA, CCAI

If the network’s security is compromised, serious consequences could occur, i.e., loss of privacy, theft of information, and even legal liability. Types of threats to networks are always evolving. Attackers can launch attacks from various locations. Increasing use of wireless and mobile computing demands that security solutions become seamlessly integrated, more transparent, and more flexible.

Page 4: Accessing the WAN – Chapter 4 Red Book – Chapter 4 Sandra Coleman, CCNA, CCAI

Go to section Check out the graphic here… WOW… Does this surprise you? Most commonly reported acts of computer crimes:

*Insider abuse of network accessVirusesMobile device theftPhishingIM misuse*Denial of Service*Password sniffing*System penetrationUnauthorized access to information….the list goes on… (pg. 193-194)

*can be alleviated by effective network management!

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As time goes on, attacker’s methods and tools improved and they no longer are required to have an intimate knowledge of computing.

People who would not have previously participated in computer crime, now can.

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•A closed network provides connectivity only to known, trusted parties, and site.

•No connectivity to public networks.

•Still has internal threats.

•Most expensive to implement

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• Any service is permitted

•Easy to configure and administer

•Easy for end users to access network resources

•Less expensive to maintain

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•Vulnerabilities – degree of weakness of networking devices (routers, switches, etc.) Can include employees who are subject to social-engineering attacks.

•Technological weaknesses (pg. 200)•Configuration Weaknesses (pg 201)•Security Policy weaknesses (pg 201-2)

•Physical Infrastructure• Hardware threats – theft or vandalism•Environmental threats – temp. & Humidity•Electrical threats –Brown-outs, Spikes, etc•Maintenance threats – ESD, lack of spare parts, poor cabling, poor labeling

To solve some of these problems, limit physical access to servers, equipment. Use security cameras to monitor them. Monitor temperature and humidity. UPS use can help with electrical threats. Label cable runs, use properly installed cable. Controlling access to console ports is also important.

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Unstructured – inexperienced individuals using hacking tools. Hacking a website…etc.

Structured – Technically competent people who are highly motivated. They know the vulnerabilities and how to exploit them. They commit fraud, alter records, and create havoc.

External – OUTSIDE of the company. DO NOT have authorized access to equipment.

Internal – WITHIN the company. A disgruntled employee or one with a criminal intent on destruction.

Social Engineering – easiest attack. Trick someone into giving out valuable information. Preys on personal vulnerabilities. May include fake documents. Phishing – using e-mail to trick you into providing sensitive

info. The phisher appears to be a trusted party and seeks access to credit card info, passwords, etc. See pg. 205 Training users is the best defense.

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Reconnaisanace – unauthorized discovery and mapping of systems, services, or vulnerabilities. Like a thief, casing a neighborhood, to see which house is the most approachable. i.e. internet information queries, ping sweeps, port scans, packet sniffers.

Access - someone gains access to a device which he has no username or password. i.e. password attacks, rainbow tables, brute force.

Denial of Services – networks are disabled or corrupted with the intent to deny services to intended users. MOST FEARED!

Malicious Code Attacks - worms – infects memory of a PC, and replicates, virus – software that performs an unwanted function , Trojan Horse – disguised application.

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Examples include – nslookup, whois utilities. These are designed to gain a public IP address for a corp. then to use a ping sweep tool to see which IP’s are vulnerable.

Fping or gping – pings all IP addresses in a given range.

Once IP addresses are discovered, a port scanner can be used to discern which network ports can be exploited. Nmap, Superscan.

Eavesdropping – accumulate as much info as possible for information or for theft purposes (credit card #’s)

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Password attacks – packet sniffers can capture pwds sent in clear text. Brute-force attacks searches for a pwd using a combination of characters to compute every possible password.

Trust exploitation – compromise a trusted host and use it to stage attacks on other hosts. (pg. 210)

Port Redirection – use a compromised host to pass traffic through a firewall that would otherwise be blocked. (pg. 211) Devices in the DMZ should NOT be fully trusted by internal devices and their access should be authenticated!

Man-in-the-middle – intruders position themselves between 2 legitimate hosts. Periodically manipulates traffic. Can occur in the WAN using VPNs.

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DoS – rendering a system unavailable by corrupting the services with intent to deny trusted users access. Can be physically disconnecting, crashing the system, or slowing it down so slow that it is unusable. Most Feared attack! Ping of Death – modifying size of ping packet from

64 to 65,535 bytes. Can bring legacy systems DOWN.

SYN flood attacks – Exploits TCP 3-way handshake. Sending lots of SYN requests (1000’s) and never responding with an ACK until it eventually runs out of resources.

E-mail bombs – sending bulk emails which monopolizes email services

Malicious applets – Java, JavaScript, ActiveX programs that tie up computer resources.

Page 14: Accessing the WAN – Chapter 4 Red Book – Chapter 4 Sandra Coleman, CCNA, CCAI

Smurf attack Tribe Flood Network (TFN)StacheldrahtMyDoomHow to stop Dos/Ddos Attacks?

Implement antispoof and anti-Dos ACL’s. ISP’s can implement traffic rate policies.

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A worm executes code and installs copies of itself in the memory of the infected computer, which can, in turn, infect other hosts.

A virus is malicious software that is attached to another program for the purpose of executing a particular unwanted function on a workstation.

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Page 17: Accessing the WAN – Chapter 4 Red Book – Chapter 4 Sandra Coleman, CCNA, CCAI

Host- and Server based Security – Device Hardening – involved changing default settings on OS. The default level of security is inadequate. Here are some of the things to do: Change default usernames/passwords IMMEDIATELY Restrict access to system resources to authorized personnel only Turn off or uninstall unnecessary services and applications Configure system logging and tracking

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Antivirus SoftwarePersonal firewallsOS Patches – download frequently Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) –

detects attacks and logs it to a management console.

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Adaptive Security


Network Admission


Intrusion Prevention


Page 20: Accessing the WAN – Chapter 4 Red Book – Chapter 4 Sandra Coleman, CCNA, CCAI

1st – develop a security policy that enables appropriate security measures.

- Identify the organization’s security objectives

- Document resources to be protected

- Identify network infrastructure with maps/inventories

- Identify critical resources that need to be protected (R & D,

financial, etc.)

1) SECURE – Device-hardening, antivirus, IPS, OS patches, traffic filtering, disabling unnecessary services.

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2) MONITOR – Active – audit host-level log

files, CHECK these filesPassive – IDS devices to

detect intrusion. Detects them in real-time and respond before any damage is done!

Verify that SECURE measures are implemented from step 1

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3) Test – Security measures are

proactively tested. Step 1 & 2 are verified. Vulnerability tools such as SATAN, Nessus, and Nmap are useful here.

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4) IMPROVE – Adjust IDS to strategically

implement any changes that were detected in steps 1 & 2. Adjust the security policy as necessary when risks are


This cycle must be continuously repeated, because new risks and vulnerabilities emerge every day!

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What is a security policy? Formal statement of the rules by which people who are given access to an organization’s technology and information assets must abide.

Characteristics of a security Policy - Defines acceptable and unacceptable use of resources - Communicates consensus and defines roles - Defines how to handle security incidents

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Page 28: Accessing the WAN – Chapter 4 Red Book – Chapter 4 Sandra Coleman, CCNA, CCAI

Passwords: DO NOT write down passwords! Avoid dictionary words, names, phone #’s, and dates. Deliberately misspell a word. Use lengthy passwords (min of 8 chars). Change passwords often. Use passphrases – see below

Secure passwords by encrypting them. This command encrypts ALL passwords!

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Simple encryption – type 7 – uses a simple encryption algorithm Can be used on enable, user, and line passwords.

Not as secure as type 5, but better than nothing. Complex encryption – type 5 – uses MD5

hash Used when using the secret command for

passwords. i.e. enable secret class – when displayed using

show run shows up as encrypted. Min password length – security passwords min-length command Some routing protocols use passwords – i.e.

Ip ospf message-disges-key 1 md5 cisco - sets a key that is used to authenticate routing updates.

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Page 31: Accessing the WAN – Chapter 4 Red Book – Chapter 4 Sandra Coleman, CCNA, CCAI

Commands - (pg. 253)

1) no service tcp-small-servers – disables echo, discard,

and chargen services

2) no service udp-small-servers - ditto from above

3) no ip http server - disables use of HTTP

4) no cdp run – disables use of CDP

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DNS – By default, all queries are broadcast ( No authentication or integrity assurance is provided

For routers Turn off DNS lookup – no ip domain-lookup Give routers a name – hostname name Use ip name-server command to set an explicit name to ip address mapping

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Benefits of this: 1) Ability to instantly disable non-essential system processes and services 2) Allows the admin to configure security policies w/out having to understand all of the IOS software features.

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Web-based device-management tool designed for configuring LAN, WAN, and security features on Cisco IOS software based routers.

Can be installed on PC or router, but better on PC because it saves router memory and allows you to manage ALL routers on the network.

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1. Get to router’s CLI2. Enable HTTP and HTTPS on

router3. Create a user acct defined with

privilege level of 15 (enable privileges)

4. Configure SSH and Telnet for local login and privilege level 15

See the top of pg. 267 in book for a list of the commands to do this.

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To start SDM, Use HTTPS protocol and enter the router’s IP address into the browser window. – will launch the initial web page for SDM. Then a dialog box that request a username & password will prompt you…enter the user that we talked about in the previous step with privilege 15.



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Page 39: Accessing the WAN – Chapter 4 Red Book – Chapter 4 Sandra Coleman, CCNA, CCAI

1. Use the Security Audit Wizard to find and fix configuration changes that may leave your network vulnerable.

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Periodically, the router requires updates to be loaded to either the operating system or the configuration file.

These updates are necessary to fix known security vulnerabilities, support new features that allow more advanced security policies, or improve performance

Naming convention for IOS – (pg. 282) C1841-ipbase-mz.123-14.t7.bin C1841 – platform (cisco 1841 router) ipbase – feature set (basic IP networking

image…there are others) mz – where the image runs and if it is

compressed. (RAM, compressed) 123-14.T7 – version # bin – file extension (binary executable)

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Page 42: Accessing the WAN – Chapter 4 Red Book – Chapter 4 Sandra Coleman, CCNA, CCAI

Router#copy tftp flash:

Address or name of remote host []?

Make sure you can ping the TFTP server from the router…there has to be connectivity.

Make sure you have enough flash memory for the new image…

Router#show flash (will show you memory for flash)

If you try to load or restore an image using TFTP and you get %Error opening tftp, The router is unable to connect to the TFTP server, make sure the TFTP server software has been started!

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Page 44: Accessing the WAN – Chapter 4 Red Book – Chapter 4 Sandra Coleman, CCNA, CCAI

We have used various show and debug commands during these last 3 or 4 semesters… Here are a few pointers

1)Debug – use it carefully…it gets CPU priority. With debug, it is helpful to know what you are looking for before you start. 2)Show – displays static information. Used to confirm configuration changes.

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Know this!

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1. Connect via the console port2. Show version – show current config register3. Turn off router – turn router back on and press Break on the

keyboard within 60 seconds.4. You will be at rommon> prompt5. Change the config register to 0x2142 which will bypass

NVRAM when you re-boot.6. Type reset at the prompt7. Get into privilege mode8. Config t – get into global config mode9. Change password – enable secret password10. Enter config-register 0x2102 to reset the config register11. Copy run start – your password and config register is reset!

Page 47: Accessing the WAN – Chapter 4 Red Book – Chapter 4 Sandra Coleman, CCNA, CCAI

Study guide Pg. 126 - Matching Pg. 128-129 – Configuring Router Passwords Pg. 131 – Preparing a router for SDM

Labs 4-1, pg. 135

Online Test – On until Wed, Feb. 27, midnite! Test – You will be asked to write a 1-2 page

article on a topic dealing with network security. I will check for grammar, spelling, and content. This will be done in class at the next class meeting.