abu bakr as-siddeeq - first caliph

 ﺪﻳ   ﺷﺪ     ﺍﻷ ﺍﻷ ﺍﻟﺴ ﻭﺍﻟ ﺍﻟ   ﺍﻟ   .  ،           : ﴿                                                                            ﻦ                     بازح ا/ ٢٣ .    ﻻﺀ  ﺍﻷ ﺍﻟ   ﺭﺿ ﺍﻟﺼ  .   :      ﻭﺍ         ﻭﻗ  ﺍﻟ  " ﺍﻟ "         ﺭﺳ "  "         ﻭﺳ           ، )  (        .  h increase the honor and raise the a may All h and a Praise be to All hu ^alayhi wa sallam. a allall s ammad h rank of our Master Mu  Thereafter, Allah ta^ala said in the Qur’an: ﴿                         ﻢ                                   ﺭ                                  Verse 23 of Surat-ul-Ahzab means: “There are men among the believers, who were honest in the oath they made to Allah, some have died and some are still waiting to follow the same path, and they never changed their oath.”

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  أول  خلالفاء  الراشدين  بكر   الصديق و  ب أ

حممد وعلى ءالهحلامد هللا رب العنيملا والصالة والسالم امتألان األكمالن على سيدا.وأصحاه مجأنيع  

،دع امألجو زع هللا لوقي ميركلا هاتك  يف:﴿  ا   ود ها ع  ا م    او  ق د ص    لا ج ر   نينمؤ  ملا    نم   هللا   ل د ب  ا م  و    رظ تن  ي    نم   م  هنم  و   ه ب  ح ن  ى ض  ق    ن م   م  هنم  ف   هي  ل ع   اليدب ت    او ﴾بازحا/٢٣. 

 . كر الصديق رضي هللا عنهيبأفضل الصحاة واألولياء سيداومن هؤالء العظام أ

 : مجرته

القرشي وقيل  كان مساهعثمان ن عامريب قحافةعبد هللا ن أومساههو أو كر الصديق عليه وسلم "عبد الكعبة"يف جلااهلية  هللا ىلص هللا لوسر هامسف"هللا دبع"عم هبس يقتلي 

نت)وقيل ليلى( ،وأمه أم خلاري سلمىسب اليبن صلى هللا عليه وسلم يف مرة ن  كعب .صخر ن عامر وهي نت عم يبأ قحافة

h increase the honor and raise theamay Allh andaPraise be to All

hu ^alayhi wa sallam.aallallsammadhrank of our Master Mu


Thereafter, Allah ta^ala said in the Qur’an:

م   م ﴿  هنم  و   ه ب  ح ن  ى ض  ق    ن م   م  هنم  ف   هي  ل ع    هللا    ا   ود ها ع  ا م    او  ق د ص    لا ج ر   نينمؤ  ملا    نم ا م  و    رظ تن  ي    ن 

  اليدب ت    اول د ب ﴾  

Verse 23 of Surat-ul-Ahzab means: “There are men among the

believers, who were honest in the oath they made to Allah, some have

died and some are still waiting to follow the same path, and they

never changed their oath.”

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Among these great ones is the best of the Companions and of the awliya’

(upright Muslims), our Master Abu Bakr as-Siddiq may Allah raise his


uh, the son of Abaand his name is ^AbdulliqiddS-sBakr auHe is Ab

. It was said that his nameashiyyurQ-almirAfah, the son of ^hauQduring the state of ignorance (Jahilyah) was ^Abdul-Ka^bah (means

hu ^alayhi wa sallamaallallsthe slave of Ka^bah), then the Prophet

His lineage meets the lineage of the Propheth.anamed him ^Abdull

His mothersallam in Murrah, the son of Ka^b.hu ^alayhi waaallalls

), the daughter of a(and it was said LaylaKhayr Salm-is Umm al

. She was the cousin of umir, the son of ^AmrASakhr, the son of ^




سنينعام د 








العارنيض كان 

 ف كان أو كر خيضب حلاناء: " ،وعن أس أه قالائ جلابهة)أي قليل اللحم(معروق الوجه 

 .)بت  يصبغ ه(والكتم 

He was born about three years after the Year of the Elephant, he was

described as being a white man. He was thin built with a swollen

andaenhBakr used to anoint withuorehead. Anas said: “Abf 

al-katam (a plant which people anoint with).” 

هو.صارا  كميرا رؤوفاوقورا مقداما شجاعاحليما ،كان من رؤساء قريش وعلمائهمولوأ ،ةاحصلا دوجأملسأ نمةنس نوثالثو عبس هرمعو لاجرلا نمش يفاعاتس مالسإلا

ويع له خلاالفة  يوم وفاة اليبن صلى هللا عليه وسلم يف السنة حلاادية عشرةو.وعشرين سنة.من هلاجرة ومجأعت الصحاة  كلهم على خالفته

 ,clement, tolerant,urayshQHe was among the leaders and scholars of 

courageous, brave, patient, generous, and merciful in his disposition;

and was the most generous of the Companions.m at the age of 37,aHe was the first among the men to embrace Isl

fahiKhalgiven the allegiance asm. He wasaand lived 26 years in Isl

^alayhi wa sallamhuaallallsammadhon the day Prophet Mu(Caliph)

died in 11 AH, all the Companions agreed on his caliphate. 

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أحدها روي:يف  سميته عتيق  ثالثة أقوال"صفة الصفوة"ان جلاوزي يف  كتابوقد أورد لم  سـو هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسر هيلإ رظ تلاقف ،اقيتع رك وأ يت مل مسلئس انأ ةشئاع نع

لث أهوالثينا أه اسم مسته ه أمه قاله موسى ن طلحة ،والثا" هذا  عتيق  هللا  من   النار ":فقال

 .مسي جلمال وجهه قاله الليث ن سعد

-su-ifatSJawziyy mentioned three sayings in his book “-Ibnul

q”: One is what was relatediBakr “^Atuafwah” about naming AbS

Bakr nameduwhen she was asked why was Absaid’ishahA^that

enger of Allah sallallahu ^alayhi waq, she said: Once the Messi^At

h wouldasallam looked at him and said: “This is the one whom All

ah said thathalTIbnasu.” The second is what Mfirespare from Hell

his mother named him with that name. The third is what al-Layth Ibn

Sa^d said that he was named with it because of the beauty of his face. 

 عليه وسلم صديقا وقالوسم هللا ىلص ها " :ال إ  ثبلي  ال   ركب   وبأ  ةفيلخ   رشع  انثإ  يدعب  نوكي   اليلق "قيدص ءامسلا نم رك يبأ مسا لزأ  هللا نأ هللاا فلب حيلاط يبأ ن يلع ناكو ،.أ.ه. 

ركون ىلإ يبأ:وأخرج حلااكم يف ملاستدرك عن عائشة رضي هللا عنها قالت شـملا ءاجر كـالوا  قـ كلذ لاقوأ لاق سدقملا تي ىلإ ةليللا ه يرسأ هأ معزي  كبحاص ىلإ كل له اولاقف

.صدق ينإ ألصدقه أعد من ذلك ربخب السماء غدوة وروحة ،فلذلك مسي الصديق:فقالعم

 .)خلالفاء اريخذكره السيوطي يف(

lam named himhu ^alayhi wa salaallallshaThe Messenger of All

because of how strongly he believedmeans the trustworthy”iqiddS“

in all what the Prophet said. He also said: “There will be twelve

.”will not be around for longiqidd S-s Bakr aucaliphs after me, Ab

made thehathat Alllib used to swear by GodTai^Aliyy Ibn Ab

.come down from heaven”iqiddS-“asBakr withunaming of Ab 

aiseh ra’ishah may AllAMustadrik” that ^-kim related in “alHa-Al

Bakr and said to him:uThe blasphemers came to Absaid:her rank 

“Look at what your companion is saying he is claiming that he went

on a journey last night to Jerusalem.” He said: “Did he say that?”

They said: “Yes”. He said: “Then he is truthful, I believe him

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concerning the news of the heavens in the morning and in the

”. This wasiqiddS-sevening.” At that Abu Bakr was called “a

’” (which means:aKhulaf -rikh alaiyy in “TutSuy-mentioned by as

“History of the Caliphs”).

 :قصة إسالمه 

قال حسان ن  ثات وان عباس ومسااء"صفة الصفوة"وقد أورد ان جلاوزي يف  كتابأول من أسلم أو كر ،وقال  يوسف ن  يعقوب ن:نت يبأ كر واراهيم النخعي

أدركت يبأ ومشيختنا حممد ن ملانكدر وريعة ن يبأ عبد المحرن وصحلا ن:ملااجشون دعسو ناسيك نامثعو ميهارإ ن امالسإ موقلا لوأ نأ نوكشي  ال مهو يسنخألا دمن حم

.أو كر


 ان عباس قال  .أول من صلى أو كر محره هللا:وعن

وورد يف قصة إسالمه رضي هللا عنه أه رأى  يوما يف منامه وهو يف الشام أن الشمسوضمهما ىلإ صدره وأسبل عليهما رداءه  ،ثم اتبه منوالقمر زال يف حجره فأخمهذا يده 

خيرج يف زماك رجل  يقال له حممد" :فقال الراهب.ومه فذهب ىلإ راهب  يسأله عن الرؤيااألنيم  تبعه ويكون من قبيلة ين هاشم وهو يب ءاخر الزمان ،وأت  دخل يف دينه وكون 

فلما مسع سيدا أو". ه يف التوراة والزوروزيره وخليفته من عده قد وجدت عته وصفت .كر رضي هللا عنه صفة اليبن وعته صلى هللا عليه وسلم رق قلبه واشتاق إىل رؤيته

وما لبث أو كر رضي هللا عنه أن رأى رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم فأسلم فكان .أول من أسلم من الرجال

naassHafwah”: “S-su-ifatSn his book “Jawziyy mentioned i-Ibn al-m anihaBakr, and IbriAbu’ Bintas, Asmabit, Ibn ^AbbaIbn Th

 ”Bakr.um was AbaNakh^iyy said: “The first one who embraced Isl

y father andMn said: “u jshab, the son of Mquf, the son of Ya^uYus

-^Abduri^ah Ibn Abiunkadir, RabM-luammad Ibnhhayks: Musmy

n Ibnam, and ^Uthmihan, Sa^d Ibn Ibrasylih Ibn KaSan,amhRa

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BakruAkhnasiyy; all of them had no doubt that Ab-ammad alhMu

m.”awas the first one to embrace Isl 

Bakr.”us said: “The first one who prayed was AbaIbn ^Abb


m that once whileas mentioned about Abu Bakr’s embracing IslIt wam (This area presently includes: Syria, Palestine,aSh-he was in ash

Jordan, and Lebanon), he saw in his dream that the sun and the

moon fell in his lap; and that he put them in his dress. He woke up

and went to a monk to ask him about this dream. The monk asked

him: “Where are you from?” He answered: “From Makkah.” He

asked him: “And what do you do?” He said: “Trading.” The monk 

ammadhsaid: “A man would appear in your lifetime his name is Mu

shim; youan (means the trustworthy), he is from Baniyy HiAm-al

will follow him and will be his minister and his successor. Hisattributes and description were mentioned in the Torah (Tawrah) the



heardwas moved by what he,h raise his rank amay All,BakruAb

and was so anxious to meet the Prophet. It was not long before he

hu ^alayhi wa sallam and embracedaallallsammadhmet Prophet Mu

m among theathe first one to embrace Islthis has made himm,aIsl



 :مناقبه وفضائله

فخرج.أدرك صاحبك:جاء الصريخ ىلإ يبأ كر فقيل له:عن مسأاء نت يبأ كر قالتويلكم أقتلون رجال أن  يقول يبر هللا:من عندا وإن له غدائر ،فدخل ملاسجد وهو  يقول

كرفلهوا عن رسول هللا وأقبلوا ىلإ يبأ كر فرجع إلينا أو:وقد جاءكم من ركم ،قال

 باركت  يا ذا جلاالل واإلكرام:،فجعل ال  ميس شيئا من غدائره إال جاء معه وهو  يقول  .أورده ان جلاوزي يف صفة الصفوة

uBakr said: “Someone came to Abu’, the daughter of AbaAsm

Bakr screaming and said: “Rescue your companion.” He left us

with braided hair. He entered the mosque and said: “Are you

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h, and his Lordagoing to kill a man who is saying my Lord is All

has sent him to you with the proofs.” At that moment they left the

Bakr then came back to us,uBakr. AbuProphet and came to Ab

touching his braided hair and saying: Glory to You the One Who

deserves to be Exalted and not denied. This was mentioned byafwah”.S-su-ifatSin his book “Jawziyy-ul-Ibn

شهد مع رسول هللاسيدا أا كر رضي هللا عنههل العلم والتواريخ ذكروا أنوذكر أ  ،دحأ موي  ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسر عم تبثو ،دهاشملا عيمجو ارد ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

سلمأودفع إليه رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم رايته العظمى  يوم  بوك ،وأه  كان  ميلك  يوم  ني ألف درهم فكان  يعتق منها ويقوي ملاسلنيم ،ملو  يشرب خلامر ال يف جلااهلية وال يفأرع

 .ول من مجع القرءانأاإلسالم وهو 

The people of knowledge, the historians, and the biographers

Bakr took part in all of the battles with Prophetumentioned that Ab

k, theubwa sallam. In the battle of Tahu ^alayhiaallallsammadhMu

greathu ^alayhi wa sallam gave him hisaallallshaMessenger of All

m he hadaflag. They mentioned also that when he embraced Isl

forty-thousand Dirhams, which he spent on supporting the Muslims

and buying slaves to free them. In addition to that he never drank 

m. Theyahilyah) nor in Islaalcohol neither in the state of ignorance (Jthewho gatheredBakr was the first oneualso mentioned that Ab


عثمان ن:وذكر حممد ن إسحاق أه أسلم على  يده من العشرة ملابشرين مخسة همعفان ،وطلحة ن عبيد هللا ،والزري ن العوام ،وسعد ن يبأ وقاص ،وعبد المحرن ن عوف 

 .رضي هللا عنهم

mentioned that five out of the ten whom thehaqammad Ibn IshMu hu ^alayhi wa sallam brought them the good newsaallallsrophetP

 uof Abby the callmathat they will be in Paradise embraced Isl

h,aah Ibn ^UbaydillhalTn,an Ibn ^Aff ahey were: ^Uthm. TBakr

namhRa-, ^AbdurqasWaim, Sa^d Ibn Aba^Aw-ubayr Ibn alZ-za

h raise their ranks.amay AllIbn ^Awf 

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رضي هللا عنه رجال كاء ال  ميلك دمعه نيح  يقرأ القرءان ،وكانوقد  كان أو كر احصلا لضفأة مهاكذأو. 

Bakr was a man who cries a lot, he could not hold back hisuAb

n, he was the best Companion and theaur’Qtears when he recites themost intelligent one among them.

 هللا رسول أمرنا: "رضي هللا عنه ما شهد ه عمر ن خلاطاب حيث قالومن فضائله بقته س صلى  هللا  عليه  وسلم   أن  نتصد ق  ووافق  ذلك  ماال    عندي  فقلت  اليوم  أسبق  أبا  بكر   إن 

ا  ،قال  فجئت  بنصف  ميلا  ،فقال  يل  رسول  هللا  صلى  هللا  عليه  وسلم   موي : كلهأل  تيقبأ  ام  ما  أبقيت : عليه  وسلم  مثله  ،وأتى  أبو   بكر   بكل   ما  عنده  قال  له  رسول  هللا  صلى  هللا : قلت

ا : " أبقيت  هلم   هللا  ورسوله  ،فقلت : فقال. ألهلك  دبأ  ئش  ىلإ  كقباسأ  ال ."يذمرتلا هجرخأ. 

b, hettaAmong his virtues is what was testified by ^Umar Ibnul Kha

hu ^alayhi wa sallam ordered aallallshaof AllThe Messenger said: “

us to give charity and it happened that I had some money available

uat that time. I said to myself that today I want to be ahead of Ab

 Bakr so I presented half of my money for donation. The Messenger 

What did you leave for “hu ^alayhi wa sallam said:aallallshaof All

 Bakr then came withu I replied: An equal amount. Ab” your family.

hu ^alayhi waaallallshaall of his money, the Messenger of All Bakr uWhat did you leave to your family. Absallam said to him:

h and his Messenger. I said toaed: I left for them the care of Allrepli

”.You will always be ahead of me Bakr:u Ab 

 ما  نفينع  مال : " قال  رسول  هللا  صلى  هللا  عليه  وسلم :وعن يبأ هريرة رضي هللا عنه قال . لك  يا  رسول  هللا هل   أنا  وميلا  إال    ،: فبكى  أبو   بكر   وقال " يب  بكر  أ قط  ما  نفينع  مال 

, said: “The Messenger of raise his rank haHurayrah, may AlluAb

 u I did not benefit from any wealth as I did from Abh said:aAllBakr then wept and said what means: “My money and Iu. Ab Bakr’s

h.”aare at your service O Messenger of All 

:الال وهو مدفون يف حلاجارة خبمس أواق ذهبا فقالواشترى أو كرا:وعن قيس قال

.لو أيتم إال مائة أوقية ألخذه:لو أيت إال أوقية لبعناك ،فقال

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theunderl while he was buriedaBakr bought Biluays said: AbQ

rocks for five ounces of gold. They said to him: “If you were to

insist on paying only one ounce, we would have sold him to you.”

He said: “If you were to insist on selling him for one-hundred

ounces I would have bought him.” 

 :ورعه رضي هللا عنه

 كان يبأل كر: يد ن أرقم قالعن ز:قال"صفة الصفوة"وقد أورد ان جلاوزي يف سألين  كل كنتما لك:الصديق مملوك فأاه ليلة طعام فتناول منه لقمة فقال له ملاملوك

مررت قوم يف جلااهلية:محينل جلاوع ،من أين جئت بذا فقال:ليلة مل  سأينل الليلة قال

أف لك:ا عرس هلم فأعطينو فقالفرقيت هلم فوعدينو فلما أن  كان اليوم مررت بم فإذإن هذه ال خترج:فقيل له كدت تلينك فأدخل  يده يف حلقه فجعل  يتقيأ وجعلت ال خترج

 يمحرك هللا  كل هذا:إال ملااء فدعا عس من ماء فجعل  يشرب ويتقيأ ىتح رمى با فقيل لهل هللا صلى هللالو مل خترج إال مع فسي ألخرجتها مسعت رسو:من أجل هذه اللقمة ،فقال

 :عليه وسلم  يقول

فخشيت أن  ينبت شئ من جسدي من هذه" كل   جسد  نبت  من   سحت  فالنار   اىلو  به"

.اللقمة وهذا من ورعه رضي هللا عنه


aydZafwah” thatS-su-ifatSiyy mentioned in his book “zJaw-Ibn al

broughtBakr used to have an owned slave, heuam said: AbqIbn Ar

Bakr took a bite of it. The slave said touhim food one night, Ab

him: “How come, you used to ask me every night and tonight you

Bakr replied: “Hunger is what made me not to ask udidn’t?” Ab

you, where did you get this from?” He answered:

hiliyah),aJd once by a people during the state of ignorance (“I passe

they promised to give me some money for,yah for themqI made ruthat; today I passed by them while they were having a wedding;

they gave money and I bought this food from that money.”

*In fact this ruqyah is a blasphemous practice, they used to do that by

uttering blasphemous words of worshipping a planet, the sun, the

moon, or a king of the devils. 

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Bakr said: “You were going to kill me.” HeuAbUpon hearing that,

then inserted his hand in his throat and started to throw up; however,

that bite did not come out. It was said to him that the bite will not

come out unless he sips some water, he began to sip water until it

h have mercy uponacame out. Then it was said to him: “May Allyou, you did all of that just for that bite.” He said: “Had it not come

out except with my soul, I would have done so. I heard the

:inghu ^alayhi wa sallam sayaallallshaMessenger of All 

" كل   جسد  نبت  من   سحت  فالنار   اىلو  به"


It means: “ Hellfire is more deserving of every body that grew from

unlawful consumption”

 : وليه خلاالفة

عيوهنع  هللا يضرموي  ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسر ةافو موي  ةدعاس ين ةفيقس يفعشرة ليلة خلت من ريع األول سنة إحدى عشرة من مهاجر رسول هللا صلىالثيتناإلثنين 

وذلك نيح ذهب هو وعمر وعض الصحاة ليتشاوروا يف أمر خلاالفة ىتح.سلمهللا عليه وفبسط  يده فبايعه مث ايعه ملاهاجرون مث األصار مث  كات.أسط  يدك:قال عمر يبأل كر

 .البيعة العامة يف اليوم التيلا

of Baniyyat the spotgiven the allegiance as CaliphBakr wasuAb

hu ^alayhi waaallallsammadhh on the day Prophet Mu^idaaS

11Awal in-of Rabi^ alth

sallam died. It was on Monday the 12


and some of the,^UmarBakr,uAbThis event took place when

Companions went to consult about the Caliphate (succession of 

uBakr: “Extend your hand.” AbuUmar said to Abthe Prophet), ^

Bakr did and ^Umar shook his hand pledging allegiance to him.n (those who migrated with the Prophet from Makkahu jiraMuh-Al

r (those who supportedsaAn-nah) followed him and the alito Mad

peopleall theh). On the following daynain in Madu jiraMuh-al

.the allegianceBakruAbgave

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ملا ولي أو كر خلاالفة خطب الناس فحمد هللا وأىنث:عن هشام ن عروة عن أيه قال أما عد أيها الناس قد وليت أمركم ولست ريخبكم ،ولكن هللا" :عليه مبا هو أهله مث قال

أسيكلا سيكأ نأ اوملعا ،انملعف ننسلا ملسو هيلع  هللا ىلص يبنلا نسو ناءرقلا لز

إن أقواكم عندي الضعيف ىتح ءاخذ له حبقه ،وإن.التقوى ،وأن محأق حلامق الفجورنفإ بتدعإما أا متبع ولست مبأضعفكم عندي القوي ىتح ءاخذ منه حلاق ،أيها الناس 

 ".أحسنت فأعينينو وإن زغت فقومينو

Bakrum Ibn ^Arwah related that his father said: When AbaHish

given the allegiance as Caliph, he delivered a speech to the people.

,haAllwith the due praise and thankingHe praised and thanked

he then said: “O people I was entrusted to lead you and I am notn andaur’Qh revealed theathe best one among you. However, All

hu ^alayhi wa sallam set the rules and taughtaallallsthe Prophet

us. Let it be known that the ultimate intelligence is piety and the

ultimate foolishness is impiety. I will view the weakest among you

as the strongest to me until I give him back what was taken from

him unjustly, and I will view the strongest among you as the

weakest to me until I take back from him the right that he has

taken unjustly. O people I am just a follower and not an innovator,

so support me if I am good and put me back on the straight path if I deviate.” 

مولعملاو هأدع وفةا لالوسر صىل هللاعهيل وسل م عظ م ت ملاةبيص كوث ر نلاف قا دراوضعلئابقلا،ونتماع أ نع ضعبلاءادةاكزلا.رسأفعرك وأريضهللاعهن كرادملة اذهرمألاعلاميظ مأفر زيهجتشويجلالق ت لا لهأرلادةومن من ع زلاك ةا هجوتفشويجلا ت وقنيدرملا اولا و ،قت ل مةمليس باذكلاو ،هر بطل حي ة ندليوخضرأ ىلإماشلاوك نا 

رجل مائةسبعحنومن الصحاة ،واستشهد ر ن خلاطابعميف زمنمث أسلم ى النبوةعاد رثكأهم م ن قلاءار . 

ك م ج ا ه ز ريضهللاعهن شويجلالف حت دال شلاما . hu ^alayhi waaallallsrophetPafter the death of then thatIt is know

sallam, calamity and hypocrisy increased. Some tribes apostatized

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haBakr, may AlluAbh.aand some others refrained from paying Zak 

raise his rank, rushed to confront these great matters. He ordered the

armies to prepare to fight the people of apostasy and those who

.The armies moved on and fought the apostatesh.awithheld Zak 

b was killed. (Musaylimah was nicknamedaadhK-Musaylimah al ahhyulaTfor claiming to be a prophet).” means “the liar”baKadh-al“

 maSh-ashhood, fled toIbnu Khuwaylid, who claimed prophet

(The land of present time: Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and Jordan).

m, during the caliphate of ^UmaraHowever, later on he embraced Isl

b.ttaKha-Ibn al 

Seven hundred of the Companions were martyred and most of them

n.aur’Qfrom those who recitedwere

also prepared the armies forh raise his rank,aBakr, may AlluAb

m.aSh-opening the countries of ash 

 :إستخالفه عمر ن خلاطاب رضي هللا عنهما

أو كر نيح استخلف: ناس  ثالثةأفرس ال:وحلااكم عن ان مسعود قالان سعدأخرج:استأجره ،والعزيز نيح  فرس يف  يوسف فقال المرأه:عمر ،وصاحبة موسى نيح قالت

 .أكرمي مثواه

d said: “The ones withukim related that Ibn Mas^Ha-Ibn Sa^d and al

Bakr when he chose ^Umar as hisuthe most insight are three: Ab

[She: “Hire him.”asuher father about MThe woman whocessor,suc

 aboutinsighthad anz when hei^Az-And allater became his wife].

suf and asked his wife to be generous to him.”uY 

رك اأ نأ يورولاقف فوع ن نرمحلا دبع اعد لقث  امل:ينربخأباطخلا ن رمع نع


















وإن؛ :أينربخ عن عمر فقال:هو وهللا أفضل من رأيك فيه  ،ثم دعا عثمان ن عفان فقال:عوف

 ه ريخ من عاليته وأه ليسعلمي ه أن سرير همالل:فقال.على ذلك:أت أربخا ه فقال .فينا مثله ،وشاور معهما سعيد ن زيد وأسيد ن حلاريض ومهريغا من ملاهاجرين واألصار

uponBakr was gravely ill he calleduIt was related that when Ab

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n Ibn ^Awf and said to him: “Tell me about ^UmaramhRa-^Abdur

When you ask me about a matter, it turnssaid: “b.” HettaKha-Ibn al

Bakr said: “Evenu.” About that you know about it more than me

h that he isan Ibn ^Awf said: “I swear by AllamhRa-though.” ^Abdur

 u.” Then Abyour opinion aboutgivethe best among those whom you n and said to him: “Tell mean Ibn ^Aff a^UthmponuBakr called

 uabout ^Umar.” He said: “You know him way better than us.” Ab

Bakr then said: “I made my decision that it will be him. O God I

know that the hidden part of ^Umar is better than what he shows

openly, and that there is no one among us who is like him.” He also

ayr, and othersduH-d Ibn Zayd, Usayd Ibn aliconsulted with Sa^

-and al(immigrants who came from Makkah)niriMuhaj-from al

.nah)i(those who supported the immigrants in MadrsaAn 

لما  ثقل أو كر اشرف على الناس من  كوة:ر ن محزة قالعساكر عن  يساوأخرج انرضينا  يا خليفة رسول هللا:،أيها الناس ينإ قد عهدت عهدا ،أفترضون ه ،فقال الناس:فقال اريخ"فإه عمر ،ذكر ذلك السيوطي يف:ال رضى إال أن  يكون عمر ،قال:فقالم عليفقا


Bakr gotuamzah said: When AbHr Ibnakir related that Yasa^AsIbn

gravely ill, he appeared to people from a small window; he said to

them: “O people I have decided to entrust somebody to the caliphate,are you going to accept that ?” The people said: “We accepted that O

ih.” ^Aliyy Ibn Abathe Caliph (successor) of the Messenger of All

 ulib stood and said: “We will never accept other than ^Umar.” AbTa

iyy inutSuy-asBakr said: “It will be ^Umar.” This was mentioned by

”.’aKhulaf -rikh alathe “T 

وكاتعنه مث  يفو يف السنة الثالثة عشرة عن  ثالث وسنيت سنة من عمرهمرض رضي هللا















ودفن  .عد أن  كان أوصى ذلك ،واجترت ملادينة البكاء ودهش القومهللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم

at the age of 63. His13AHand died ingot sick iqiddS-sBakr auAb

Caliphate lasted two years, three months and thirteen days. He was

’ishah’s house. His head was placed by the shoulders of Aburied in ^

 as he requestedhu ^alayhi wa sallamaallallshathe Messenger of All

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nah was shaken with crying and people wereid. Madbefore he die


اكيا مسرعا مسترجعا ىتح وقف البابملوا  يفو جاء علي ن يبا طالب  كرم هللا وجهه

ا  ،صد قت  رسول  هللا  صلى  هللا  عليه:وقال  مالسا  موقلا  لوأ  هللاو  تنك  دقل   ركب  ابأ  هللا  كمحري انلا  هبذك  نيح   ملسو ساوو   س  ي هباتك  هللا  يف  كا مسو  ،اودعق  نيح  هعم  تمقو  ،اولنيح  خب  هت   : صديق  ا  فقال

)  لاو  ذ  ج  ي   ءا  ب    صلا  قد   و  ص  د  ق  ب  ه (رمزلا /33.

heard the news of h raise his rank amay AlllibTa^Aliyy Ibn Abi

ingBakr's death, he rushed to the scene. Weeping and remember-uAb

ishah's house andA’this great Companion, he stood at the door of ^

said:h that a Bakr. I swear by Alluh have mercy upon you Aba May All“

m. You believed a you were the first among the people to embrace Isl

m and youh when the people belied hiathe Messenger of All

h the Exalted named youasupported him when they left him, and All

”.iqidd Snaur’Qthein

قال أهل الريس  يفو أو كر ليلة الثالثاء ني ملاغرب والعشاء لثمان ليال نيق من مجادى 












وأن ثالث 


 له وصلى عليه عمر ني الربق وملاربن وزل يف. يدفن ىلإ جاب رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم.حفره انه عبد المحرن وعمر وعثمان وطلحة ن عبيد هللا


Bakr died on Tuesday nightuThe biographers mentioned that Ab

between sunset and nightfall with eight nights remaining from the

, he died at the age of 63.AH31inalU‘-dalamonth of Jum

He requested in his will that his wife wash him, and to be buried

hu ^alayhi wa sallam. ^Umaraallallshabeside the Messenger of All

r. His sonainbprayed for him between the grave and the mh gotaah Ibn ^UbaydillhalTn, andan, ^Umar, UthmamhRa-^Abdur

down in the hole that was dug to be his grave.

عبد هللا ومسأاء ذات النطانيق وعبد الرمحن وعائشة حمومد: يفو الصديق وله من الولد.وأم  كلثوم

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