
Abstract: Knowl edge management is capturing, structuring, enhancing and disseminating the knowledge of an organization. It is the set of processes that seeks to change the organization’s present pattern of knowledge processing to enhance it and its outcomes. Accelerated business growth has pushed telecommunication companies to implement knowledge management systems to systematically manage knowledge cre ated within the organization. The need of the project is to identify the impact knowledge management has brought to Telecom service providers and its customers and to Analyze the impact of adopting Knowledge management in Telecom sector from both industry and customer perspective and to find other effective ways to reduce the gap between customer expectation and the way KM Practices are adopted in Telecom sector. Various case studies about the knowledge management practices worldwide have been referred in this study to arrive at the impact of applying knowledge management in Telecom sector.

Upload: dabke1997

Post on 19-Jan-2016




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edge management is capturing, structuring, enhancing and disseminating the knowledge of an organization. It is the set of processes that

seeks to change the organization’s present pattern of knowledge processing to enhance it and its outcomes. Accelerated business growth has pushed telecommunication companies to implement knowledge management systems to systematically manage knowledge cre

ated within the organization. The need of the project is to identify the impact knowledge management has brought to Telecom service providers and its customers and to Analyze the impact of adopting Knowledge management in Telecom sector from both industry and customer perspective and to find other effective ways

to reduce the gap between customer expectation and the way KM Practices are adopted in Telecom sector. Various case studies about the knowledge management practices worldwide have been referred in this study to arrive at the impact of applying knowledge management in Telecom sector.