ability anyware digital quarterly summer 2015 issue

Ability Anyware Summer 2015 ©2015 In This Issue: * Assistive Technology (AT) Apps * Avonte's Law: Tech & Safety for Children & Adults with Disabilities * Global Accessibility Awareness Day(GAAD) * Mission Possible: Disability Advocacy Delegation * Noteworthy Books & Performances June 27th is Helen Keller's Birthday. We dedicate this issue in her memory. "I love you." in American Sign Language (ASL) =

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Ability Anyware’s mission is to disseminate assistive technology (AT) news that facilitates the accessibility, inclusion, safety, employment, self-determination, recreation, creativity, and dignified recognition of persons with disabilities.


Ability AnywareSummer 20152015In This Issue:* AssistiveTechnology(AT) Apps* Avonte's Law:Tech & Safetyfor Children &Adults withDisabilities* GlobalAccessibilityAwarenessDay(GAAD)* Mission Possible:Disability AdvocacyDelegation* Noteworthy Books &PerformancesJune 27th is Helen Keller's Birthday.We dedicate this issue in her memory."I love you." in American Sign Language (ASL)=1ContentPage 1Cover ArtFrom the Editor Ability Anyware WorkshopsEditors Pick of AT Apps AT World: Putting AT on the Map Technology for SafetyGlobal Acccessibility Awareness Day Mission Possible Campaign Noteworthy Books & Performances Voice Activated AppsAbility Anywares mission is to disseminate assistive technology (AT) news that facilitates the accessibility, inclusion,safety,employment,self-determination, recreation,creativity,anddignifiedrecognitionof persons with disabilities.Artists, submit your art to [email protected] (jpeg or png file) for consideration to be featured in one of our publications!By Sharon, Deaf ArtistSharon is a Deaf artist.She paints in watercolor and oil, sketches in colored pencils and charcoal, and dabbles in electronic art.Cover ArtSPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Ability Anyware:Mission POSSIBLE October 17, 2015More Details on Page 5Alternative formats of this publication (audio, large prints, simple language) are available upon request.Please submit your request to [email protected] Please participate in the Ability Anyware Assistive Technology (AT) Survey!You can complete it online today!See page 3 for more details. Please note that some ofthe bold textin articles contain website and email links. Page 2Page 2Page 2Page 3Page 4 Page 6Page 6Page 12Page 122Car Dash Windows 8 phone app aids limited mobility in access to car features. Tobii EyeMobile

Windowstablet provides hands-freetablet use through an eyetracking system. Learning Ally Android audio reading app assists dyslexia & visual impairment.Veggie Time!What parent wouldn't love this Windows 8 PC, phone, tablet app? Colorful images in matching game helps children with (or without) learning & speech disabilitiesidentify different vegetables. Encourages them to eat their veggies! BARD (Braille & Audio Reading Download) National Library Reading Service app, available on iPhone & iPad, aids reading for visual & physical disabilities.Speech Recognition Windows 8 PC app for fine motor and/or visual disabilities. Speech types wordson screen.AtAbilityAnyware,weworkdiligentlytofindand distributeassistivetechnology(AT)news.This includes technology and personal products, as well as disability-relatedservicesandtrainingforpersons withdisabilitiesacrossgender,ethnicity,cultural background,andage.Weconsiderdisability diversity (hearing, visual, cognitive, ambulatory, self-care,independentliving)inourcontent.Notall informationsharedbyAbilityAnywarereflectsthe opinionofindividualsinvolvedwithorfeaturedin our publication.Tanya Maxwell Editor-in-ChiefAbility Anywares Free Workshops:1. My Safety Matters: Technology for Safety2. Accessibility in Windows & Microsoft Office3. Accessibility in iOS (Mac) & Pages4. Accessibility in Adobe5. Accessibility on YouTubeTo register for workshops, contact us at [email protected] Editors Pick: AT AppsMore than 37 million individualswith disabilities are reported living in the U.S. (2012 estimate by DisabilityStatistics.org).Weofferadvertisingopportunitiesfor startups,nonprofitorganizations,and exceptionalindividualstobefeaturedinour publication. For more information, contact us [email protected] the EditorFinger Speller Windows 8 PC & phone app tests mastery of Sign Language letters.Webtalk Android app assists website navigation by reading webpage content aloud.3AT World: Putting AT on the MapWhat is Assistive Technology (AT)?AT is any form of technology (high or low) that aids individuals with disabilities inmobility, daily tasks, personal care and safety, communication, job duties, medical treatment, exercise, recreational activities, and creative expression.With possibilities afforded via AT, developers continue to create apps and devices with the disability community in mind. Ever Wonder Who Invented Those Mini Ramps(Curb Cuts) in Our Sidewalks?This simple form of AT reduces the risk of injury or death that can occur from falling off a curb or being stalled at an intersection. AT (high or low) is pivotal in removing barriers that impede daily activities,independence, progress, and the overall quality of life for individuals with disabilities.Where Can I Access AT in My Community? If your access to AT,Internet, and/or computers is limited, most states haveassistive technology centers which provide free use of AT equipment ordevices. The Assistive Technology (AT) Act of 2004 establisheda total of 56 AT centers across the nation under the RESNA (Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America) Catalyst Project.The centers, funded via a Rehabilitation Services Administration and U.S. Department of Education grant,provide employment services, such as job traning. To find out more about these centers, please visit RESNA Project website: http:www.resnaprojects. org/allcontacts/statewidecontacts.htmlAbility Anyware would like your input on which AT you use.We are also interested in stories about barriers encountered in your life (tasks, equipment, surroundings).Ability Anyware Assistive Technology Survey will gather important data like this to share with developers in updating, creating, and releasing AT. You can complete the survey here: Ability Anyware Assistive Technology SurveyIf you need assistance with completing the survey or require audio & alternative formats of the survey, please contact usat ability.anyware@ gmail.com.Your Input = OutputYOUR BUSINESS AD HERE Millions of people have experienced the benefits of curb cuts at one point in their existence.We can thank Ed Roberts,Co-founder of the World Institute onDisability (WID), for that! Whether moving in a wheel-chair, pushing a stroller, ridinga bike or skateboard, or crossing an intersection with luggage, we all feel a sense of relief at the sight of a curb cut. 4 AT for Personal Safety Personal safety is a concern for all of us. The heartbreakingcaseofAvonteOquendo brought the need forimprovements in safety technologyforindividualswithcognitive disabilitiestoourconsciousness.Speechor verbalchallengeshinderone'sabilityto communicatethreatstopersonalsafetyand arecompoundedbyvisual,hearing,or mobility impairments. AccordingtoAvonte'sLaw,theAttorney Generalcanallotgrantstolawenforcement agenciesto"(1)reducetheriskofinjuryand deathrelatingtothewandering characteristicsofsomeindividualswith autismandotherdisabilities,and(2) safeguardthewell-beingofindividualswith disabilitiesduringinteractionswithlaw enforcement."AppsordeviceswithGPS(GlobalPositioning System) help to give the location of a child or adult with a disability.It's useful for children withoutdisabilitiesandseniorcitizensas well.MyBuddyTaghasGPSandapanic button embedded in a bracelet.A person can pressthepanicbuttontoalertfamily membersand/orcaregiverswhentheyare lostorindanger.AbilityAnyware encouragesdeveloperstocontinuecreating affordableATappswhichaccommodateand protect persons with disabilities.Mapping and monitoring a daily route to and fromhomeforachildoradultaidsincloser observationoflovedones'routesand records any deviations. Effectiveuseoftrackingdevices,real-time camera surveillance, mHealth apps (health relatedsoftwareformobiledevices)and safety training, such as Project GET SAFE inhospitals,schools,daytreament programs,andresidentialfacilitieshelp reducesafetyrisksandprotectthe vulnerable segment of our population. This includesindividualswithdisabilities, children,andseniors.PleasevisitProject GETSAFETraining&ResourcesCenterfor access to web-based safety lessons. Commonshortageofmanpowerin hospitals,residentialfacilities,andday treatment programs can lead to insufficient monitoringduringmomentsthatare criticaltopersonalsafety.Furthermore, individualswithdisabilitieshave challengesreportingabuse,neglect,or danger.Assistive technology is a safeguard andcanbeubiquitouswhenhumansare not.LifeAlert,introducedin1987,isanother formofATforseniorsandindividualswith disabilities.Italertsemergencyservicesand lovedonesofapersonwhohasbeeninjured orisindanger.Lifealertnowhasamobile app to enhance its life-saving service. GPSTrackerbyFollowMee,availableon WindowsPhone,isanotherformofATfor personalsafety.Itconvertsphonesand tabletsintoGPSandcantrackindividuals with wandering tendencies.Forover25years,Infogriphasbeenthe worldleaderinassistivetechnology, ergonomicsandspecialeducation solutions.Ourextensiveexperienceandproductknowledgeenablesustomatchyouwiththebestproductthatfitsyourneeds. We know that every person with a disability requires something unique and that"onesize"neverfits"all"inour industry.That'swhyourcustomers receivetheindividualattentionthey needtofindtheproductthatisrightfor them. We truly believe there is a solution outtherethatcanmakeusinga computerpossibleforeverypersonwith any ability.www.infogrip.com56 Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)Ability Anyware Seeks Disability Advocacy Delegatesfor Virtual ConferenceWhat'syourability?AbilityAnywareis seekingdelegateswithdisabilitiesto participateinourMissionPossible ConferenceonOctober17,2015.The conference will be launched online to make itmoreaccessibleforindividualswith physical disabilities.The last day to apply is August 30, [email protected] toapplyorgetmoreinformationaboutthis event.Moredetailsaboutthevirtual conference will also be posted on our Twitter page @abilityanyware.Global Accesibility Awareness Day (GAAD) in MayThe virtual world poses barriers for persons withdisabilitiesjustasthephysicalworld does.A strong indicator of this is observed intheprofliferationofweb-basedservices andapps.Thisexponentialgrowthhas implicationsformoreaccessibledesignin technologyproducts.GlobalAccessbility AwarenessDay(GAAD),celebratedon May21,emphasizesandraisesawareness abouttheconceptofandrealizationof accessible technology.GAADco-founders,JoeDevon,aweb developer,andJennisonAsuncion, a web accessbility specialist, conceptualized and promoted this day as an opportunity to sharetechnologydevelopments,training, andonlineforumsforassistivetechnology.Mr. Asuncion provides insight on the "Art of WebAccessibility"inthisinterview transcriptandonlinevideo.Closed Caption(CC)canbeturnedonforthis YouTube video.Video game development also requires more focus on accessibility. #Accessibility Jam was a GAAD event with a blog that promotes and provides a portal for accessible games.WHAT'S YOUR ABILITY? RECRUITING DISABILITY ADVOCACY DELEGATES FOR MISSION POSSIBLE VIRTUAL CONFERENCE OCTOBER 17, 2015YOUR BUSINESS AD HERE7OG Surf & Skate Supports Surfing Event for Children with DisabilitiesOG Surf & Skate epitomizes the concept of a disability friendly business! Inspringof2015,OGSurf&Skatedonatedgiftbagstochildrenwith disabilitiesataneventsponsoredbytheBestDayFoundation.With greatvolunteersandassistivetechnologyaccommodationstosurf boards, children with physical and cognitive disabilites were able to surf forthefirsttimeintheirlives!Sportsandphysicalactivitiesareoften limited for children with disabilities.Best Day Foundation banishes this limitation by making surfing accessible! OGSurf&Skatesellsspeciallyselectedmerchandise,suchas contemporary and comfortable surf and beach clothing, accessories,and sports gear for surfing and skating enthusiasts. Visit OGSurf&Skateonlineorinpersonbymakingatriptothequaint, Victorian inspired beach town of Ocean Grove, New Jersey.8BEST DAYFOUNDATION9BestDayFoundationisavolunteerorganizationthathelpschildrenwith special needs build confidence and self-esteem through safe, fun, adventure activitieslikesurfing,bodyboarding,kayaking,snowsports,andmore. PleasejoinusincreatingspecialdaysforchildrenwithAutism,Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, blindness, cancer, spinal cord injuries, and other physicalanddevelopmentalchallenges.LearnmoreaboutBestDay Foundation at www.bestdayfoundation.org.A special education teacher partnered with an experienced brewer to train and hire unemployed adults with developmental disabilities to brew beer.BEER = CAREERSWWW.BREWABILITYLAB.COM10Ability Anyware's List of Noteworthy, Disability Related Books & PerformancesClick on titles for descriptions from other sources & links to websites. Books1. The Miracle Worker by William Gibson2. Riding the Bus with with My Sister by Rachel Simon3. What Do I See When I Look at a Tree? by the Maxwell Sisters4. Pig Man by Paul ZindelAll the Light We Cannot See by Anthony DoerrThe Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer5.6.FilmsMusic VideosChandelier by Sia featuring Kristen Wiig & Maddie ZieglerHello by Lionel RichieAmerican Sign Language ASL Dedication Song "Man In The Mirror" by DeafTuber1. See What I'm Saying by Thomas Kaufman2. Darius Goes West,Directed by Logan Smalley3. Waiting for Ronald, Directed by Ellen Gerstein4. A Room for Romeo Brass Directed by Shane Meadows *5. Dance Me to My Song,Directed by Rolf de Heer *6. Tru Confessions Directed by Paul HoenVoice Activated Applications for Individuals Who Cannot Read or Use Touch Screen1. Window's Cortana2. "OK Google"3. Apple SiriFor information on Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines,please go to: http://www.access-board.gov/guidelines-and-standards/buildings-and-sites/about-the-ada-standards/background/adaag 11PlaysSpring Awakening on Broadway by Deaf West Theatre ( Most films listed are for general audience. Films with * require parental screening)Thank you for reading Ability Anyware's Inaugural Issue!In Our Next Issue:*Digital Literacy*AT at the Special Olympics*Mission Possible Virtual Conference*More AT Apps & Video Games*Impact of Technology on Disability*AT Devices*More Noteworthy Books & Performances*Ability Anyware's Holiday Gift Guide*Ability Anyware's List of Disability Friendly Venues12Introduction to Advertising in Ability Anyware Digital QuarterlyYourvisibilityonanewdisabilityfriendlychannel!Selectadvertisingthatfitsyourneeds.Ability Anyware offers an array of ad sizes and rates. Choose from a single issue ad to year-round placement.Ad sizes can be found in the table (below).We offer color, premium, full-page ads, as well as other advertising options. Complimentary conversion of your advertisement to digital format and circulation on social media

Your purchase of advertising space in Ability Anyware includes a complimentary digital version of your ad as a supplement toyour paper ad and free circulation at disability friendly, assistive technology related, and disability friendly venues in the NewYorkMetropolitanarea,aswellasAbilityAnyware'sTwitter,LinkedIn,Scribdsites.Wehavemorethan600 subscribers across the globe.FREE PREMIUM FULL PAGE AD WITH PURCHASE OF ANY FULL YEAR AD PACKAGE!AD SIZESPLACEMENTSONE TWO THREEPremiumFull page (includes bleed) 8.25" x 10.6875"l page 4.6875 x 9.56622 page vertical 4.6875 x 7.1272 .2 page horizontal 7.125 x 4.6875 3 page vertical 2.25 x 9.5662 .3 page horizontal 4.6875 x 4.625 .Premium placement available : Inside Front Cover, Inside Back Cover, Back Cover, Middle Page Advertising closing dates for upcoming issuesSummer 2015 IssueAd sales deadline ........................................July 10, 2015Ad sales deadline .......................................August 31, 2015Please contact us at [email protected] to place an ad.We can design your ad!This requires that you send us and designspecifications (what you want your ad to state, photos in jpeg or png, logos, graphics) at least 2 weeks in advance.Once the design is complete,we will email you a proof. Ad sales deadline .............................................October 26, 2015Ad sales deadline .......................................February 22, 2016Anestimatedmorethan37millionindividualswithdisabilitiesliveintheU.S.Strategicallyplaceyourselfforvisibility withinthedisabilitycommunity.Thedisabilitycommunityincludesindividualswithdisabilities,theirlovedones,disability service professionals, businesses that serve the community, and other disability advocates.YEAR Fall 2015 Issue - Special IssueWinter 2016 IssueSpring 2015 IssueGift wrap an ad!