aaina e qiyamat husayn

Allah with Whose Name, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful. All Praise is due to Almighty Allah, Durood and Salaam upon our Master, Our Leader Mohammed, upon his Family and Companions all of them. THE PRESENCE OF THE MAGNIFICENCE STATE OF MARTYRDOM, (SHAHAADAT) IN THE BLESSED COURT OF THE HOLY PROPHET (SALLAL LAAHU ALAYHI WASALLAM) . The Almighty Allah has made the personality of the Messenger of Allah (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) a symbol of every blessing and grace. The personality of the Beloved Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) has been prepared as a symbol of every blessing and elegance with unique attributes unfound in any other human 1 , Messenger or Prophet. It externally appears as though only the status of Shahaadah (martyrdom) 2 has eluded its presence in this magnificent court. Concerning this, the Ulama have declared and how beautiful is this declaration, that, on the occasion of the battle of Uhud 3 , when the blessed tooth of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) was martyred, then, this specific form of martyrdom outstrips the martyrdom of every martyr and reigns supreme in the domain of the martyrs. Concurrently, when pondering over the intimate relationship that was borne between the Beloved Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) and his dearly loved grandsons, we conclude without hesitation that their martyrdom was in fact his martyrdom and that they have been blessed with this grace and glory through their intimate physical and spiritual kinship with him (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam). 1 No one in the world can rival the qualities he possesses. He is the unparalleled atom of beauty, which cannot be split.(Qasdh al- Burdah, Imam Sharf al-Dn Bsr) 2 The following is recorded in Al Malfuz as-Shareef of the great Mujaddid, Imam Ahmad Raza al-Qadiri (RadiAllahu Anhu): Question: Almighty Allāh states, "It is I and My Messengers who must prevail: Undoubtedly, Allāh is All Powerful, Dignified.” If this is what is stated in the above ayah, why is it that some Prophets were martyred? Answer: Nabis were most certainly martyred, but no Rasul was martyred. The sacred Quran bears testimony to this. The Holy Quran says, النبي يقتلونnot رسلون اليقتل.. Nabis were martyred and not Rasuls. 3 In the Battle of Uhud, the notorious Kuffār mercilessly chipped a sacred tooth of the abīb and the infidels of Tā’if rained stones on the blessed and delicate body of the most Beloved of Allāh . This injury was so severe that blood flowed to his feet and dried up bonding his sacred feet to his Nalain Sharīfain (blessed Sandals).

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Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn


Page 1: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

Allah with Whose Name, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful.

All Praise is due to Almighty Allah, Durood and Salaam upon our Master, Our Leader Mohammed,

upon his Family and Companions all of them.




The Almighty Allah has made the personality of the Messenger of Allah (Sallal Laahu Alayhi

Wasallam) a symbol of every blessing and grace. The personality of the Beloved Prophet (Sallal

Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) has been prepared as a symbol of every blessing and elegance with unique

attributes unfound in any other human1, Messenger or Prophet. It externally appears as though only

the status of Shahaadah (martyrdom)2 has eluded its presence in this magnificent court. Concerning

this, the Ulama have declared and how beautiful is this declaration, that, on the occasion of the battle

of Uhud3, when the blessed tooth of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) was martyred,

then, this specific form of martyrdom outstrips the martyrdom of every martyr and reigns supreme in

the domain of the martyrs.

Concurrently, when pondering over the intimate relationship that was borne between the Beloved

Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) and his dearly loved grandsons, we conclude without

hesitation that their martyrdom was in fact his martyrdom and that they have been blessed with this

grace and glory through their intimate physical and spiritual kinship with him (Sallal Laahu Alayhi


1 “No one in the world can rival the qualities he possesses. He is the unparalleled atom of beauty, which cannot be split.” (Qasdh al-

Burdah, Imam Sharf al-Dn Bsr)

2 The following is recorded in Al Malfuz as-Shareef of the great Mujaddid, Imam Ahmad Raza al-Qadiri (RadiAllahu Anhu): Question: Almighty Allāh states,

"It is I and My Messengers who must prevail: Undoubtedly, Allāh is All Powerful, Dignified.”

If this is what is stated in the above ayah, why is it that some Prophets were martyred?

Answer: Nabis were most certainly martyred, but no Rasul was martyred. The sacred Quran bears testimony to this. The Holy Quran says,

.Nabis were martyred and not Rasuls ..يقتلون الرسل not يقتلون النبيني

3 In the Battle of Uhud, the notorious Kuffār mercilessly chipped a sacred tooth of the abīb and the infidels of Tā’if rained stones on the

blessed and delicate body of the most Beloved of Allāh . This injury was so severe that blood flowed to his feet and dried up bonding his

sacred feet to his Nalain Sharīfain (blessed Sandals).

Page 2: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn



It is reported that once, Imam al-Hassan6 approached the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi

Wasallam) and climbed onto his shoulders. A person, (who was present) remarked, “O blessed son!

What a nice ride you have”. In reply, the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) declared,

“And how nice a rider (also).” 7

Once, the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) was in prostration to His Lord [Sajdah] when

Imam Hassan wrapped himself on the blessed back of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi

Wasallam). Due to this, the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) prolonged the sajdah so

that he could not fall down when he raised his head. 8

4 Imam Jalaludin as-Suyuti writes the following on Our Master, Imam al-Hassan ibn Ali in his famed work ‘Tariq al-Kulafa’.

“Al-Hassan ibn Ali ibn Abu Talib (RadiAllahu Anhu), Abu Muhammad, the grandson of Sayyiduna Rasulullah (Sallal Laahu Alayhi

Wasallam) and his perfume and the last khalifa as mentioned in the Hadith.

Al-Hassan was born on the 15th of Ramadan, the third year after Hijrah. He resembled Rasulullah (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) very

much. Rasulullah (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) named him al-Hassan (most beautiful and good). He sacrificed on his behalf on the 7th

day and shaved the newborn’s head. He instructed the weight of this hair, in silver, to be given away as charity.

Bhukari reports from Anas; said he; ‘No one resembled the prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) more than al-Hassan ibn Ali

(RadiAllahu Anhuma). 5 Sayyidi Mawlana Abdur Rahman al-Jami writes of our Master, the Martyr of Karbala, Sayyiduna al-Husayn ibn Ali that he is the third

Imam and the father of the Imams. His kunya is Abu Abdullah and his titles are Shaheed (Martyr) and Sayyid (Master). His birth took place on Sunday, 4th Shabaan al-Mubarak 4 AH in Madina al-Munawwara. His period of gestation was only 6 months.

Sayyiduna Rasulullah (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) named him al-Husayn. His beauty was such that when he sat in the dark the radiance from his forehead and cheeks would light up both near and far.

It is narrated from Hazrat Umm al Hârith (may Allah be pleased with her!) that I (Umm al Hârith) went into the presence of the Prophet and said that I have seen a dream which has frightened me. The Prophet said, `What did you see?' I replied, `I saw that a piece of flesh was cut

from your body and placed in my lap.' The Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, `Soon Fatimah will bring a boy who will be in

your lap.' Shortly after this Hazrat Imam al-Husayn was born. 6 Al-Bukhârî narrated from Abû Bakrah who said: "The Messenger of Allâh said of al-Hasan: 'This son of mine is a leader of men (sayyid)

and Allâh may use him to reconcile two great factions of the Muslims.'". This took place exactly as foretold. When `Alî was killed, people pledged their loyalty to al-Hasan to the death. Their number was more than forty thousand and they were more obedient to him than they

had been to his father - Allâh be well-pleased with both of them. He remained caliph for about seven months in Iraq, Khurasân, and

Transoxiana, after which Mu`âwiya marched against him. When the two armies met near al-Anbâr, al-Hasan realized that eventual fighting would wipe out a great number of the Muslims and so did Mu`âwiya. A group of people sued for peace among the two and they reached an

agreement. Thus did Allâh stem the blood of the Muslims and thus did Allâh bring to pass the saying of His Prophet : "This son of mine is a

leader of men and Allâh shall use him to reconcile etc." while another wording states [as above]: "and Allâh may use him to reconcile two great factions of the Muslims."

7 Sunan Tirmidi, Kitaabul Manaaqib. Manaaqib Abi Mohammed Al Hasan – Hadith no. 3809. Vol 5. Page 432.

8 Musnad-e-Abi Ya’la. Musnad Anas bin Maalik. Hadith no. 3415. Vol 3. Page 21.

Page 3: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

Pertaining to Imam al-Hassan and Imam al-Husayn 9, the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi

Wasallam) has declared that, “Both these sons of mine are the leaders of the youth in Jannah”. 10

The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) has also stated that, “Their friends are my friends,

their enemies are my enemies.” 11

He has also stated that, “They are both the swords of the heavens.” He has also stated that, “al-Husayn

is from me and I am from al-Husayn. May Allah keep him as a friend who keeps al-Husayn as his

friend. Al-Husayn is a grandchild from amongst grandchildren.” 12

It is stated that once, the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) had Imam al-Husayn on his

right thigh and his own son, Hadrat Ebraheem on his left thigh. Hadrat Jibra’eel al-Ameen appeared

and declared, “Almighty Allah will not keep both of them with the Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi

Wasallam), choose one of them.” The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) could not bear

separation from Imam al-Husayn. Three days later, Hadrat Ebraheem passed away. After this incident,

whenever Imam al-Husayn appeared in front of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam), he

would kiss him and declare, “Welcome to the one for whom I have sacrificed my own son.” 13

He has also declared that, “They are both, my sons and the sons of my daughter. O Allah! I have kept

them in my friendship; You also keep them in Your friendship and keep him as Your friend who

keeps them as his friends.” 14

He used to advise his blessed daughter, “Bring both my sons.” He used to then inhale their scent and

then hug them to his chest. 15


When we inspect these incidents and his immense love for his beloved grandsons and when we

remember the incident of their martyrdom, then, not only are we rendered tearful, rather, we succumb

9 Sayyiduna Ali and Sayyida Fatimah had three sons. Al-Hassan, al-Husayn and Mohsin who passed away in infancy. When Sayyiduna al-

Hasan, was born, Sayyiduna Ali named him Harb. When the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) enquired as to the chosen name,

Sayyiduna Ali said that the name ‘Harb’ had been chosen. However, the Prophet replied his name should be al-‘Hasan’. When Imam al-

Husayn was born, Sayyiduna Ali again named al-Husayn ‘Harb’. The Prophet again said, “no his name is al-Husayn.” When the third child

was born Sayyiduna Ali again named him Harb, the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) again said, “No his name is Mohsin.”

Then the Prophet said, “I have given the children the same names that the prophet Harun (alai his sallam) gave his children.” His childrens’ names were Shaber, Sabbir, and Moshabir, in other words al-Hasan, al-Husayn, and Mohsin. The names al-Hasan and al-Husayn are from

the people of Paradise. In the time of ignorance, before the time of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) no one had been given

these names. (Imam ibn Atheer in his work Usdul-Gabah) 10 Sunan Tirmdi. Kitaabul Manaaqib. Manaaqib Abi Mohammed Al Hasan. Hadith no. 3793. Vol. 5. Page 426.

11 Sunan ibn Maja. Kitaabus Sunnah. Fadl Al Hassan wal Husain. Hadith no. 143. Vol. 1. Page 96.

12 Sunan Tirmidi. Hadith no. 3800. Vol. 5. Page 429.

13 Taarikh-e-Baghdad. Vol.2. Page 200.

14 Sunan Tirmidi. Kitaabul Manaaqib. Hadith no. 3794. Vol .5. Page 427.

15 Sunan Tirmidi. Kitaabul Manaaqib. Hadith no. 3797. Vol. 5. Page 428.

Page 4: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

to the shedding of oceans of tears. Simultaneously, the Greatness and Divine Independence of the

Almighty also becomes clear and apparent. These beautiful creations are the friends of the Almighty

and it is the Divine Behavior of the Almighty to surround His friends with calamity.

Once, a person declared to the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam), “I have love for the

Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) ”. In reply, the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi

Wasallam) declared, “Prepare yourself for poverty.” The person then declared, “I have friendship,

(love) for Allah.” The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) replied, “Prepare yourself for


The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) has also declared that, “The most severe of

calamities, (tests and trials) comes on the Prophets. (subsequently), upon those who are better and

those who are better.” 16

“The amazement of those who are close is even more, for those who have status, there is nothing for

them but severity.”



Our Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) has been created by the Almighty to be the best of

creation. He has also been blessed with the crown of excellence. It is due to this that the amount of

trial and tribulation which had to be faced by the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) could

not have been faced by any other from creation.

What can be said about his greatness? Pertaining to him, it has been said that, “O beloved! If I had not

created you, I would not have created the world.” 17

Such is the magnificent status of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) that the Almighty

gave him the keys to His treasures and complete authority to do as he wishes. He has the option to

change white into black.

Such an eminent king, whose crown of kingship shines in both worlds. Such an eminent state, below

whose blessed feet the Divine kingdom lays. He is that blessed Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi

Wasallam) of whom every king is needy of. He is the one who distributes the wealth and blessings of

the universe. He divides the wealth of every generation and the one who fills the empty lap of the

poor and destitute and the one who answers the cry of one and all. And yet, by looking at his selfless

and dedicated state, we truly come to know of the Divine Greatness of the Almighty.

16 Musnad Imam Ahmed. Hadith no. 27147. Vol.10. Page 306

17 Firdousul Akhbaar. Hadith no. 8095. Vol.2. Page 458

Page 5: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

So great and eminent, a personality is this great prophet, whose kingdom encircles the East and the

west and whose greatness and stature, is heard in all the seven heavens; yet, there is no ornamentation

in his house. In his entire blessed life, he did not even get a stomach full of dried dates and wheat to


“The possessor of the entire universe, yet, coarse wheat is his food,May there be a thousand salaams

upon his blessed appetite”

Look at his regal robes! Nearly seventy patches adorn them. Most amazing of all, even those pieces of

cloth for the patchwork are not of the same fabric! For nearly two continuous months, no smoke is

seen in the royal kitchen, (preparing any food). This is the condition of his worldly life. And when we

look at his religious existence, we take an oath that the entire universe sings his praises.

“He is the true leader of the entire universe, yet, there is nothing with him, the treasures of both

worlds are found in his bare hands!”

At this time, let us emphasize that these trials and tribulations are happily carried out by him. He has

not been made helpless.

Once, His Divine Creator and Benefactor sent a message to him. “If you command, then the two

mountains of Mecca would be turned into gold and would remain with you”. To this, he replied, ‘I

wish that on one day I am given (something) so that I can give thanks and on another day I remain

hungry so that I may maintain patience.” 18

Dear Muslims! Allah (most high) had blessed the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) with

a patient and satisfied heart. If he had wanted to live in comfort and luxury, then certainly the

Almighty would have sent down Paradise for him and even this luxury and comfort would have not

caused any variation to his pure soul. This trial and tribulation is based upon the fact that he happily

endured because he is the Mercy for the worlds. He came as a complete mercy for everything in the

universe. If he had chosen luxury and pomp, then he would have not experienced the trial and

tribulation of his followers.

Once, the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) was distributing female and male slaves

amongst the Muslims. When Sayyiduna Ali saw this, he said to his blessed wife, Sayyidah Fatima,

“Go and also ask for a female slave for yourself.”

When she presented herself to the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam), she put forward her

hand and declared, “Grinding the mill all the time has caused blisters to appear on my hand. Please

also give me a female slave.”

The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) replied, “O Fatimah! Shall I not tell you about that

which would be more beneficial than a male or female slave?

18 Sunan Tirmidi. Kitaabus Zuhd. Vol.4. Page 155. Hadith no. 2354

Page 6: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

At night, before you go to sleep, recite, Subhaanallah thirty three times, Al Hamdu lillah thirty three

times and Allahu Akbar thirty four times.” 19

Once, the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) went to the blessed house of Sayyidah

Fatimah, whilst he stood at the door, he noticed that she was wearing a silver bangle. He immediately

went back without entering the house. She immediately went and gave him those bangles and asked

him to give them away in charity. This charity was given to the poor and needy. She was then given

two bangles made from ivory. The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) then said, “O

Fatima! The world is not appropriate for Muhammad and the family of Muhammad”.

Once Sayyiduna Omar Al-Farouk approached him and noticed that he was resting on a hard mat made

from dates. It had also made clear marks on his pure and pristine body. When Sayyiduna Omar saw

this, he immediately burst into tears. He then said, “Ya Rasoolallah! The Cesar and Kusro who are the

enemies of the Allah live in pomp and splendor and yet, the beloved of Allah, lives in difficulty and

hardship?” The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) replied, “Are you not happy with this,

that they have been given the comforts of the world and you have been blessed with the best of the

hereafter?” 20


It is stated that once, the Almighty inspired Shaykh Sirri as-Saqti with the following message, “O

Sirri! When I made creation, I asked them, ‘Do you keep Me as your friend?’ All of them replied,

‘Besides Thee, who should we keep as a friend?’ I then created the world and nine tenths of them

turned towards the world, one tenth declared, ‘Because of it, we will not turn away from Thee. I then

created the Hereafter and nine tenths from that, decided to purchase the hereafter. The balance

declared, ‘We do not ask for the world, nor turn to the hereafter. We only wish for Thee.’ I then

presented hardship and nine tenths from that became apprehensive and worried and one tenth from

that declared, ‘even if Thou transforms all the hardship from the fourteen dominions into a garland

and places it around our neck, we will never turn away our face from Thee.’ Pertaining to them, it has

been said that, ‘They are the real friends.’

Let us now see the amazing patience and how content the blessed family of the Holy Prophet (Sallal

Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) was in the face of such hardship and trial.

Hadrat Abu Zarr was once asked about hardship and reward, he replied, “With us, both are equal.” (In

other words, whatever reaches us from our Divine Friend is good).

When this news reached Imam al-Hasan, he replied, “May Allah shower His mercy upon Abu Zarr.

However, with us, the Ahl al-Bait, hardship is more supreme than reward. The reason is that there is a

share for the nafs in reward, while in hardship, it is strictly for the Pleasure of Allah.”

19 Sunan Tirmidi. Kitaabut Da’waat. Hadith no. 3419. Vo.5. Page 260

20 Sahih Bukhaari. Kitaabut Tafseer. Hadith no. 4913. Vol. 3. Page 320

Page 7: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

Yazeed Ibn Mu’awiya’s21

desire for power and his acquisition of the

merchandise of destruction for the hereafter

It all happened in the year 60 A.H 22

and it was in the month of Rajab that such heart rendering

occurrences were brought forth that virtually tears at the kidneys and removes solace from the heart.

These were episodes that make the hearts of the religious uneasy and overwhelmed with sadness.

Yazeed ibn Mu’awiya sought his own kingdom and when he put forth his contaminated feet to

achieve this, it served as a forewarning for the trials and tribulations to come. The type of which

would bring one’s heart into ones mouth and would cause ones heart to tremble and shudder!

He deemed it necessary to soil his sword with the spotless blood and esteem of the Ahl al-Bait so that

he could strengthen his regime and boost his dishonourable respect.

When this denizen of the Hell-Fire changed his intent for the worse, then the environment of the

period also changed. The air filled with poison and the lives of the innocent souls of the Ahl al-Bait

filled itself with grief and catastrophe; and each and every fresh flower of this blessed family fell and

their faces fell on sand and dust.

The Martyrdom of Imam al-Hassan ibn Ali and his final advice to his brother


Yazeed the son of the Sahabi, Ameer Mu’awiya (RadiAllahu Anhu) was born in the 26th or the 27th AH.

The following is written in the work, Tarikh al-Tabari, vol. 7, page 4; al-Kamil, vol. 4, page 103 concerning Yazeed, based on a report by

the son of the Martyr of Uhud, Sayyiduna Hanzala (RadiAllahu Anhu) whose name is Abdullah (Considered to be amongst the ascetics of Al Madina al-Munawwara) when he was part of a delegation that visited Yazeed and stayed and observed him for a number of days.

“We have come from such a person who has no faith, who drinks wine, who plays the tambourine, slave-girls sing before him, who plays with dogs, till late in the evening thieves and bad character people sit beside him chatting of fables, and O people of Madina! We make you

witness that we have taken off and thrown away the collar of bay‘at to that person.”


Yazeed ascended to power after the passing away of his noble father, Ameer Mua’wiya (RadiAllahu Anhu) in the year 60 AH.

The great Sahabi, Abu Hurayra (RadiAllahu Anhu) said: "I preserved from Rasulullah (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam), two large vessels of

knowledge. I disseminated the first one among the people. Were I to disseminate the second, my throat would be cut." It is said that this related to the knowledge of the fitna connected to Yazeed ibn Mu’awiya.

Sayyiduna Abu Hurayra (RadiAllahu Anhu) warned of the terrible disaster to befall the community and prayed to Allah most High seeking refuge from the year 60 AH. This prayer was answered and he journeyed to the hereafter in the year 59 AH.

The following narrations are attributed to Sayyiduna Abu Hurayra (RadiAllahu Anhu),

"Woe to the Arabs for a disaster that is fast approaching at the turn of the year 60! The public trust will become spoils of war,

almsgiving will be considered a fine, people will only bear witness for their friends, and lusts will govern."

`Umayr ibn Hâni' al-`Anasî narrated that Abû Hurayra used to walk in the marketplaces and say: "Hold on to the two temples of Mu`âwiya [i.e. his head]! O Allâh, do not let me reach the year 60!"

"Seek refuge in Allâh from the turn of the year 60 and from the rule of young boys" (imârat al-s.ibyân).

Abd Allâh ibn `Amr ibn al-`As. stood weeping before the Ka`ba which had been destroyed and burnt by the army of Husayn ibn Numayr al-Sakûnî1 in the year 63 and said: "People! By Allâh, if Abû Hurayra had informed you that you would be fighting the

grandson of your Prophet - Allâh bless and greet him and his Family - and burn the House of your Lord, you would have said

there is no worse liar than Abû Hurayra! And now you know, therefore, expect Divine revenge."

Page 8: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

The great Imam was poisoned and when al-Hassan ibn Ali began to feel its mortal effects the news

reached his beloved younger brother who immediately rushed to his side. He sat at his bedside and

requested from the presiding Imam, “Who is it that has poisoned al-Hassan?”

“If it is the one that I think it is then Allah most High will take a great retribution and if it is not whom

I think it is, then I do not wish to take something from one who is innocent”, was the reply of the son

of Ali ibn Abu Talib. 23

Another narration states this, “My dear brother! People have hope that on the day of reckoning, we

(Ahl al-Bait), would be able to help them by interceding for them and not that we seek retribution or

justice against them.”

It was then that the Imam who was soon to depart offered his blessed advice to the Imam who was

soon to arrive. Said he, “al-Husayn! Be careful of the people of Kufa. There is a possibility that they

may capture you with their words and then abandon you at the most crucial of times. There would

then be regret in you as the time to save yourself would have been long gone.” 24

There is no doubt that these wise words of the great Imam were words that could be weighed in gold

and pearls that which could have been inscribed onto the heart. However, who could halt that which

was to happen? That incident which the Allah most High had made famous many years ago!

The Martyrdom of the Chief of the Martyrs, al-Husayn ibn Ali and the episode

of Karbala was known even prior to its occurrence

It is reported that nearly three hundred years before the arrival of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu

Alayhi Wasallam), these words were mysteriously found written on a rock. It read:

23 Hulyatul Awliya, al-Hassan ibn Ali. Hadith no. 1438. Vol.2. page 47 24 Imam Jalaluddin as-Suyuti writes the following in his famous work ‘Tariq al-Kulafa’ regarding the final moments of the blessed Imam,

Sayyiduna Al Hassan ibn Ali ibn Abu Talib.

“It is in at-Tuyurat from Sulaym ibn Isa, the Qari of the Kufans: When al-Hassan was about to die, he was anxious and anguished. Al-

Husayn said, ‘Brother, why are you anxious? You retire towards Rasulullah (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) and Ali, them being your fathers; towards Khadija and Fatima, your mothers; Qasim and Tahir, your [maternal] uncles; Hamzah and Jafar, your [paternal] uncles.’ He

replied, ‘Nay my brother, I am [anxious] since I enter a place, which I have not seen before; and I see a creation, I have not seen before.’

Ibn Abd al-Barr says, When al-Hassan was about to die, he said to his brother, ‘My dear brother, your father would have inherited the noble

title [kilafah], but Allah most High decreed that Abu Bakr inherit instead. And then it passed to Umar. There was no doubt that he would

inherit [now] when the council met; but it passed to Uthman. Only thereafter did Ali inherit that post. But then he inherited hostility and war; by Allah, in my estimation, prophethood and caliphate shall not unite in our family. I know not what fools in Kufa, I leave behind for

you; [beware] that you may not be deceived and go out for their word [and put yourself in peril]. I have asked, Sayyidah Aayishah

(radiAllahu Anha) that I be buried with Rasulullah (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam). She has agreed to it. After I die, seek her permission [once more]. But I think that these people [the Umawis] shall prevent you from doing so. If they resist, desist.

When he died, al-Husayn came to the Mother of the Believers, Aayishah (radiAllahu Anha) and sought her permission. She agreed and said, ‘It is an honour’. Marwan objected to it, and al-Husayn stood his ground with his followers and drawn swords. Abu Hurayrah (RadiAllahu

Anhu) interfered and [stopped the fight]. Al-Hassan was then buried in Baqi alongside his mother (RadiAllahu Anhuma).”

Imam al-Hassan travelled to the hereafter in the year 49 AH. It is said that it was on the 5th of Rabi al-Awwal, 50 AH. It is also said that it

was in 51 AH.

Page 9: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

“Does the murderer of Husain have this expectation that his grandfather would intervene for him on

the Day of Judgment?” 25

This stone was found in a church in Rome and no one knew the person who had written this.

In a number of Ahadith, it is recorded that the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) was

once seated with his wife, Sayyidah Umme Salmah when a certain Angel 26

appeared which had never

been seen before. On receipt of permission from the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam),

this angel entered the room. The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) then instructed

Sayyidah Umme Salmah to watch the door and to bar anyone from entering. Suddenly, Imam Husain

entered and then jumped onto the lap of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam).

The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) then began to shower much love on him, when this

Angel stated, “Does the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) love him?” The Holy Prophet

(Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) replied in the affirmative. The Angel then said, “That time is near

when the Ummah of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) would kill him and if the

Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) wishes, I can show him that land on which he would be

martyred”. It is recorded that this angel then brought some sand, or mud or some stones and presented

it to the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam).

When the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) placed these things near his blessed nose, he

remarked, “Ree hin, Karbiw wa balaa’in” which roughly means, “From it, emanates the smell of

disquiet and calamity”. The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) then handed this sand to

Sayyidah Umme Salmah and told her, “When it becomes blood, then remember that Husain has been


She thereafter kept this sand in a glass bottle and she continues, “I used to say that when this sand

becomes blood, what a disturbing day it would be.” 27

It is also recorded that whilst Sayyiduna Ali was traveling to the battle of Siffin through Karbala, he

asked the people for the name of this place. They replied that it was called “Karbala”. It is reported

25 Sayyidi Abdur Rahman Jami (may his secret be sanctified) mentions the same report in his work Shawâhid al Nabuwwah.


Imam Yusuf al-Nabhani (May the mercy of Allah most High be upon him) mentions a similar Hadith in his esteemed work consisting of

approximately 900 pages referencing 80 Hadiths on the Sayyiduna Rasulullah’s (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) knowledge of the Unseen. He references this Angel has the Angel of Rain.

27 Al Mu’jamul Kabeer. Hadith no. 2817/2818/2819. Vol. 3. Page 108.

In the narration of Mullâ al-Mawsilî Umm Salama says, "The Prophet handed me a handful of red earth, saying: 'This is from the ground on which he [al-Husayn] shall be killed. When it turns to blood, know that he has been killed.'" Umm Salama said that she placed it "in a jar

that I had, and I used to apprehend the terrible day when it would turn to blood."

Al-Husayn was martyred as he had said, in Karbalâ', in Iraq, near al-Kûfa, in a place also known as al-Taff. This hadîth contains another

stunning miracle of his, namely, the disclosure that Umm Salama would live beyond the time when al-Husayn would be killed, as took


Page 10: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

that he wept so much that even the ground became wet. He then declared, “I entered the blessed court

of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam)

and found him weeping. When I asked the reason, he replied, ‘Just now, Jibraeel al-Ameen

approached me and informed me that my son al-Husayn would be martyred on the banks of the Tigris.

Jibraeel al-Ameen then made me smell the sand of this place”

In another report it is said that Sayyiduna Ali passed by that place on which today is the grave of

Imam al-Husayn. He then said, “On this place, his horse would be made to sit. At this place, his

saddles would be kept and at this place, his blood would be spilt. The family of the Holy Prophet

(Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) and some young people would be killed here and for whom the

heavens and earth would weep.” 28

After the demise of Ameer Mu’awiya (RadiAllahu Anhu), Yazeed dispatched couriers throughout the

Islamic empire informing the governors of the various countries of the passing away of his father, that

he had now assumed leadership and that they should draw together the populace to swear allegiance

to him.

He wrote a letter to the governor of Al Madinah al-Munawarra, Al Waleed ibn Utba, instructing him,

“Inform Husain, Abdullah ibn Omar and Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr to swear allegiance to me. Ibn Omar

is one who only sits in the Masjid, ibn al-Zubayr [as long as he does not find the opportunity], will

remain silent. Yes, most important is to seek the allegiance of al-Husayn ibn Ali which is of great

necessity. The reason is that he is a lion and the son of a lion.”

Once he had received and read the letter he immediately carried out his instructions. He sent for both

Imam al-Husayn and ibn al-Zubayr, hoping to secure their allegiance. His messenger found them

seated together in Masjid al-Nabawi al-Shareef and presented the governor’s invitation for them to

meet him. Being very late at night, they became apprehensive and informed the messenger that they

28 Dalaa’ilun Nubuwah. Abi Naeem Asbahani. Vol. 2. Page 147.

Page 11: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

would join him shortly. On the messenger’s leave, al-Husayn ibn Ali said to ibn al-Zubayr, “This is

not the time to visit the court. It seems as though we have been called in a most unusual time.” He

stated that he thought that Ameer Mu’awiya had passed away and that they had been called in to

swear allegiance to Yazeed ibn Mu’awiya and the son of al-Zubayr affirmed that he thought the same.

Then the son of the Lion of Allah informed him that he would be attending the court of the Governor

during that very night. Ibn Al-Zubayr feared that the Imam might be assassinated, so he suggested that

the Imam not go, to which al-Husayn replied that he would not be harmed.

The Imam proceeded to his home, gathered a group of his male family members, servants and

followers and proceeded to al-Waleed. He instructed them to position themselves at the entrance of

the governor’s residence and to only enter if he called out for them or raised his voice out aloud in


Al-Waleed who was with Marwan al-Hakam, welcomed the Imam and once greetings were conferred,

the Imam seated himself. Al-Waleed read out the letter from Yazeed. It contained the message feared

by the Imam and it further continued to the issue of allegiance to Yazeed. On his notification to

pledge allegiance to Yazeed, al-Husayn ibn Ali replied, “I am not one who swears allegiance in

private.” He informed the governor to gather folk of al-Madinah together for this purpose and that he

should be requested to swear allegiance in this gathering.

Al-Waleed, desiring peace, replied, “Yes, you may leave”, but al-Marwan burst out, “If you leave him

at this moment, you will not be able to obtain the allegiance from him until the blood of many young

men is spilt. There is no better time than this is to come. Stop him now and take his allegiance, or else,

cut off his head.” When he heard this, the Imam replied, “Ibnul Zarqah, will it be you or him? Can

you kill me? By Allah, you speak a lie and have spoken silly words.” Saying this, he departed.

And to Al- Waleed did Al-Marwan proclaim, “By Allah! You would never get a chance like this.”

Al-Waleed replied, “I do not wish that al-Husayn be killed for the reason that he does not swear

allegiance. I do not accept all the wealth and all the kingdoms for the blood of al-Husayn. To me, on

the Day of Judgment, the one who would spill the blood of al-Husayn, his (good) deeds would be very

light in front of the Divine Wrath of Allah.” And as a typical hypocrite, al-Marwan replied, “You

have spoken correctly”. 29

The Martyr of Karbala decided to migrate to Al Makkah Al-Mukarrama.30

He proceeded to Masjid of

the Beloved Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam). The noble Imam realized that this would be his

last night in the city of Al Madinah and who knew if this opportunity would come again.31

So, he

29 Al Kaamil fit Taarikh. Zikr-e-Bait Yazeed. Vol. 3. Page 377. 30 It is the sacred city that is the birth place of Sayyiduna Rasulullah (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam). It is regarded as the place of sanctity

and refuge. 31 At his home, the Imam met his brother, Imam Muhammad ibn al-Hanifiya. Ibn al-Hanifiya advised his elder brother, “Send your

emissaries to the various cities to persuade them to swear allegiance to you. If they do pledge their allegiance to you, then thank Allah most high for it, and if they choose another, your creed or wisdom will not be lessened and neither will your respect be wasted. I fear that if you

Page 12: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

spent his last night in the sacred court of his beloved grandfather, Sayyiduna Rasulullah (Sallal Laahu

Alayhi Wasallam).32

After some time of prayer at the blessed grave, he fell asleep. While asleep, he saw the Holy Prophet

(Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) in his dream. The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam)

warmly embraced him and then said to him, “Husain! The time has drawn near when you would be a

martyr while you are thirsty. In paradise, the martyrs have a lofty status.” When he saw this, he

immediately opened his eyes and approached the blessed grave to present his request to leave.

O Muslims! This was the last time that the great Imam was to present himself at this blessed domain.

After reciting the salaam and salutations with his head humbly bowed, sadness overtook him. His eyes

became tearful. His body began to tremble. His entire body and spirit urged him not to leave and not

to depart from this area. It was early in the morning and he took two steps to leave but he again

returned and stood silently in the magnificent court. He remained so for a long time.

Three thirds of the night in the month of Shabaan has already passed by and the last part of the night

appears and one can see the whiteness in the sky. The dark of the night wishes to fold away its

darkness and this blessed city remains silent. No conversation can be heard and no footsteps are

heard. All the doors of the city are closed.

Yes, only the blessed family of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) stirs at this time and

prepare their merchandise for their travel. All that is required is already outside. The horses and

camels are also prepared and so are the veiled coverings for the females who are about to appear.

On one side, the sons, the nephews and the cousins of the great Imam are busy mounting onto their

horses and on the other side, the great Imam leaves Masjid An-Nabawi Al-Shareef. Even the mehraab

seems to greet him and the minaarah seems to stand up in respect for him. The only ones who remain

in Madina Al-Munawwara from this blessed family is Sayyidah Sughrah, the daughter of the great

Imam and Muhammad ibn Hanafiyyah, the other son of Hadrat Ali.

Allah Akbar! There was a day in which the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) had

actually left Mecca due to the persecution and difficulties that the Muslims faced in Mecca. When the

people of Madina Al-Munawwara heard this news, their hearts were filled with joy and their eyes

were filled with happiness seen in the days of Eid. Waiting expectantly, people used to leave their

houses and go onto the mountains waiting for the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam).

They watched the road from Mecca and only returned when it was too hot to remain outside any

longer. One day, whilst returning to their homes, a Jew called out, “O watchers of the path! Return,

enter any of these cities and the people split into differing groups, some with you and some against you, then you will be the first person

sought by their spears. You will either remain as the best of this community and in lineage, or you will be the one whose blood is spilled most vainly. When al-Husayn asked him where to go, Muhammad ibn al-Hanifiya replied, “Settle in Makkah”

During that night many folk, kin and friend came to visit the Imam with sadness in their hearts with some beseeching him not to leave the sacred city but his decision was final.

32 There are also reports from the historians that the beloved Imam visited the graveyard of Al-Baqi and spent some time at the blessed graves of both his spotless Mother, Sayyidah Fatimah and his elder brother, the Imam al-Hassan ibn Ali (RadiAllahu Anhuma). I ask you to

try and ponder in your hearts, what the feelings of the beloved Imam al-Husayn must have been as he left the holy grave of his own beloved

mother never to return?

Page 13: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

your objective has arrived and your wishes have been fulfilled.” Suddenly they stopped. Those eyes

which had fallen were suddenly raised and those hearts which were down were suddenly lifted. In

extreme joy and elation, they ran from their homes and even out of their town. Those veiled covered

girls began to beat their Duff and sing.

“From the valley of Wadaa, a moon has arisen, as long as a person calls to Allah, it is Waajib upon us

to give thanks for this.”

The girls of the Bani Nujaar sang this poem: “We are the children of the Bani Nujaar, how pleasant is

Muhammad as a neighbor”.

In brief, the air was filled with happiness and joy. The wall were dripping with elation yet today, is

that day when Imam Husain has to leave this very same city. Not only this blessed city, but all ease

and comfort. Each one of them, he has to say goodbye to. Most of all, he has to say farewell to that

blessed grandfather of his, who had actually sacrificed his own son for him. Is it an easy place from

which to turn away your eyes?

If it was possible for the great Imam to be martyred in Madina Al-Munawwara, he would have gladly

accepted this and never moved his feet away from Madina Al-Munawwara. Yet, what can Imam

Husain do? His camel drives him to that location wherein his destiny lies in wait. To that location

wherein his brave companions would be slain. Even the sands of Madina Al-Munawwara ask as to

where this beloved and blessed son of Sayyiduna Ali and Sayyidah Fatima goes to when he had spent

his youth and life in Madina Al-Munawwara. As this blessed caravan departs from Madina Al-

Munawwara, in the same way, the dunes and minaarats of Madina Al-Munawwara continue to raise

their heads and look regretfully at these blessed souls until finally this blessed caravan disappears and

once more, there is an eerie silence in Madina Al-Munawwara.

On the journey to Makkah, he met Hadrat Abdullah ibn Matee who inquired as to where the great

Imam was journeying to. Imam al-Husayn replied, “For the now, towards Makkah”. Hadrat Abdullah

ibn Matee then remarked, “Do not set your mind to proceed to Kufa. It is an unreliable city. That is

the place where your father was martyred and where your brother was deceived. You are the leader of

the Arabs. Whoever has love and respect for you will come to you. If they kill you then they [Yazeed

and his governors] will know no fear. Please do not leave Makkah or the area around Makkah under

any circumstances.”

Abdullah ibn Matee stated that they would have none to turn to should the noble Imam be killed.

Finally, Imam al-Husayn stayed in Makkah33

until the 7th of Zil Hajj in relative peace and security.




33 The Imam, in Makkah is reported to have resided at the quarters of Sayyiduna Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib where the folk of Makkah, those

arriving for the Umra and the folk from the surroundings of Makkah came in their crowds to meet and welcome him.

34 Al Kaamil fit Taarikh. Vol. 3. Page 381.

Page 14: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

When the Ahl Al Kufa heard about the rise to power of Yazeed, his request for the great Imam to

swear allegiance to him and of the Imam’s migratory journey to Makkah, their old habits of deceit re-

emerged. They gathered at the abode of Sulayman ibn Khuzaa’i for a meeting wherein discussions

where held regarding their need for Imam al-Hussayn to help them against Yazeed. They decided to

write to the Noble Imam with the request for aid against the oppression of Yazeed. After the receipt of

approximately two hundred and fifty requests, al-Hussayn wrote to them, informing them that, “I will

be sending my trusted cousin, Muslim ibn Aqeel who will assess you. If I receive information from

him regarding your sincerity, then I will immediately come to you.” 35

On Imam Muslim’s arrival in Kufa36

, a great many people came to him and swore allegiance on his

hand to Imam al-Hussayn with guarantees of support to the great Imam. In fact, almost eighteen

thousand of the Ahl Al Kufa consisting of various tribes swore the oath of allegiance to Imam


With assurances of support from them, Muslim ibn Aqeel wrote to al-Hussayn affirming

that he should immediately leave for Kufa.

While Imam Muslim was gathering the pledges from the city folk, some among them wrote to Yazeed

informing him that al-Husayn had sent Muslim ibn Aqeel as his representative to Kufa and that large

groups were swearing allegiance to him. Yazeed was also informed of the extreme leniency of the

Governor [Numaan ibn Basheer] on Imam Muslim. The letter also stated that should Yazeed require

the city of Kufa then a governor who would be firm in the implementation of Yazeed’s commands of

as well as one who would be able to keep his enemies at bay should be appointed. 38

35 Muslim ibn Aqeel left for Kufa using the route through Al-Madina al-Munawwara. When he reached Al-Madinah, he went to the Mosque

of the Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) and prayed therein. He thereafter bade farewell to his family members and hired two guides

to help him on his journey to Kufa. On the way to Kufa, during the night, the guides lost their way, ran out of water and passed away due to dehydration. Muslim ibn Aqeel continued on his journey until he reached a water source.

At the water source Muslim ibn Aqeel came across a settlement. He hired a courier from the settlement and sent a letter to al-Husayn in Makkah al-Mukarramah. He informed the Imam of the death of the two guides and the hardships of the journey and that he was requesting

further instructions from Imam al-Husayn. The Imam ordered him to continue on his journey to Kufa without further delay.

36 Muslim ibn Aqeel settled at the quarters of Al-Mukhtar and sent word to different parts of the city of his arrival.

37 When the present governor of Kufa, Numan ibn Basheer, received information that the people of Kufa were pledging their allegiances to Imam Muslim, the representative of Imam al-Husayn, he called the city folk together and addressed them. He warned them of the severe

penalty for rebelling against the government. He cautioned them that he would do all that he could to protect the rule of Yazeed ibn

Mu’awiya, even if he had to personally take up arms against them. 38 When this letter reached Yazeed (who was in Syria at that time), he sought advice from one of his counsellors named Sarjoon. Yazeed

was advised to appoint Abdullah ibn Ziyad as the new governor. Ibn Ziyad was the governor of Basra during that period. Yazeed immediately appointed him as both the governor of Basra and Kufa and immediately dispatched him to Kufa. His instructions were that in

view of the fact that Muslim ibn Aqeel was in Kufa gathering allegiances for Imam al-Husayn, this situation demanded his most urgent


Page 15: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

When ibn Ziyad received this letter, he gathered the people of Basra together and informed them of his governorship of Kufa. He appointed his brother, Uthman, as his deputy governor of Basra and he thereafter urgently set off for Kufa.

He was escorted by an entourage of armed guards and family members. On the outskirts of Kufa, ibn Ziyad decided to enter the city alone and unescorted. On his arrival in Kufa he was thought to be Great Imam and was heralded with chants of ‘Welcome, O son of the Prophet

(Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam). He allowed this continue while he rode to the governor’s mansion. At the mansion, the governor [also

thinking that he was al-Husayn ibn Ali] secured himself inside and refused ibn Ziyad entry. Ibn Ziyad threatened the governor and when he spoke he was recognized and the governor immediately allowed him entry.

Numan, under instruction from ibn Ziyad, summoned the city folk to hear the first address ibn Ziyad’s first address to them. Ibn Ziyad stated that he was appointed as the new governor of Kufa by Yazeed and thereafter delivered that cultivated fear into their hearts, stating that,

“Anyone found guilty of being disloyal to Yazeed will be arrested and punished! They will experience my sword upon their necks!”

This speech struck so much fear into their hearts that even those who had pledged allegiance to Imam Muslim felt its effect.

When this information reached Muslim, he thought it safer to leave his current residence for another. He set out for the quarters of Hani ibn

Hurwa who was one of Kufa’s notables and a leader of the tribe of Murad. It is said that he could easily raise four thousand armed troops but

he initially refused Muslim accommodation fearing for his life and that of his family but he eventually allowed the Imam to live with him as

his guest.

Reports circulated throughout the city that Imam Muslim had gone underground. With Muslim’s whereabouts being unknown, ibn Ziyad decided to personally track him down [using his own set of deceptive methods]. He employed the services of one of his slaves for this task.

Armed with a substantial amount of money from Ibn Ziyad that would serve useful to the resistance, he began tracking down the Imam. He

came into contact with a known ally of Muslim ibn Aqeel by the name of Muslim ibn Awsaja-Asdi.

The spy befriended him by passing himself off as a traveller from Syria who a lover of the Ahl al-bait. At times when Awsaja-Asdi would

visit the Imam, he would take the slave along with him.

There came a time when Hani was ill and received a visit from the governor [ibn Ziyad]. Hani was advised by one of his friends who

happened to be with him during that visit that it was a most opportune time to assassinate ibn Ziyad. Hani refused.

Once this had passed, a couple of days later, Hani brought another guest to live with him who was also in ill health. He was Al Shareek, a

prominent figure amongst the city folk. This encouraged ibn Ziyad to pay him a visit. When the news of this forthcoming visit reached Shareek, he informed Muslim. He proposed that ibn Ziyad be killed so that Muslim ibn Aqeel could establish himself as the new governor of

Kufa. Hani once again refused.

Once ibn Ziyad had visited Shareek and departed, Imam Muslim was told by Shareek that he should have killed ibn Ziyad. Muslim was of

the view that Hani had refused any assassination in his home, and that the beloved prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam) had forbade that

a Muslim kill another Muslim.

Shareek passed away after a few days of this visit, causing a lot of folk to visit the residence to pay their respects and to also visit the Imam.

Muslim ibn Awsaja-Asdi came along and brought with him the spy slave of ibn Ziyad who had been passing off information pertaining to the activities of Imam Muslim throughout his visits to ibn Ziyad.

Once Hani had regained his health, he began to once again attend the daily customary assemblies at the governor’s residence. This was his common practice prior to Imam Muslim’s arrival. However, Hani stopped attending the assemblies after a short period, with the excuse that

he was ill. However, ibn Ziyad received reports from his informants that Hani was in reality conducting his meetings in his home with the

objective of persuading the Ahl al Kufa to oppose Yazeed.

Hani was arrested and brought into the presence of ibn Ziyad who questioned him on these matters and on the issue of allowing Muslim ibn

Aqeel refuge at his home so that he could conduct revolutionary activities. Hani denied this but was told by ibn Ziyad that all these accusations could be verified. He then called his informant [the spy slave] to come forward. Hani, on seeing the informant admitted that

Imam Muslim stayed at his quarters.

He swore that he had not invited Muslim ibn Aqeel into his but had rather; he could not turn him away when he extended himself as Hani’s

guest. He promised to immediately notify Muslim to leave his residence. Ibn Ziyad had other plans. He wanted Hani to hand over Muslim

ibn Aqeel to him and refused to free him until he did so.

Page 16: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

Once reports of the initial uprising against ibn Ziyad reached Muslim ibn Aqeel, he felt that it was the

most opportune time to begin the real uprising [which had been scheduled for a later date]. He

gathered together approximately eighteen thousand of those who had pledge allegiance in his hands

and strategised the revolt. He segmented the thousands into divisions, each with their respective

commanders. They marched together to the governor’s mansion and surrounded it. Ibn Ziyad, fearful

because of his still small group of armed guards, locked all entrances and fortified himself in the


He knew that he could not resist by any military means so he decided to use the treacherous traits of

the folk of Kufa against them. He called for some of the leaders to meet him and threatened them with

the might of the approaching Syrian army under his command. Ibn Ziyad managed to influence them

with promises of pardon from Yazeed for those who acceded to his requests and threats of severe

punishment for those who revolted. This strategy proved successful and the huge group broke up and

spread out into the city.

Only a few from amongst them remained with Muslim ibn Aqeel who decided to proceed to the

Masjid 39

to offer his prayers. As Imam Muslim reached the door to the Masjid he noticed, as he

turned around to look behind him, that none who pledged their allegiance to him remained.

The search for Imam Muslim ibn Aqeel:

Abandoned and deserted by the folk of Kufa, Imam Muslim found refuge at a certain part of the city.40

A report of his whereabouts reached Abdullah ibn Ziyad who dispatched members of his armed forces

Hani refused [he would not handover a guest who sought refuge in his home]. This led to both him and ibn Ziyad becoming engaged in n

argument where ibn Ziyad threatened him with death. Hani reminded him of his tribe who would not let the governor get away with this. Ibn ordered that Hani be imprisoned which resulted in a rumour that he had been killed. This rumour spread to Hani’s tribesmen, who in

their anger, marched to the governor’s mansion.

They surrounded the mansion and threatened ibn Ziyad. Ibn Ziyad, who at that period had only a small group of armed guards with him,

had to resort to bringing in the Qadi of Kufa to diffuse the situation by explaining to the tribesmen that Hani was still alive and that he had

personally verified this. On hearing this, the tribesmen dispersed.

39 The Imam proceeded to the Grand Kufa Mosqe

Page 17: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

to arrest the Imam. They reached the refuge quarters and remained on the outside while they called

out to him, demanding that he hands himself to them.

When no reply was received from the Imam, they decided to enter the residence. They were

confronted by the son of Aqeel with his sword in his hand who easily drove them out. This, did they

try for a few times and the result was still the same.

They were driven out again. Re-enforcements were sent for and they tried again and they were driven

out again. After all this was the nephew of Ali, the Lion of Allah! Assessing the difficulty of face to

face combat with this valiant warrior of Islam, they changed their tactical strategy. 41

They climbed

onto the roof of the house and began to throw rocks and fireballs in his quarters. This injured the

Imam. He left the house and took the combat outside. He burst upon these cowards like a hurricane

and scattered them and he had them fleeing like rabbits.

Upon the spectacle of this combat skill, ibn Ash’as, one of his assailants declared to the Imam, “There

is protection for you, you will not be killed nor will you be dishonoured!” At this point, extreme

physical weariness, due to the rigours of physical combat, set in. He decided to rest against a wall.

Seeing this, the attackers brought a donkey for him to sit upon so that he could be taken to the

governor’s mansion. As Muslim climbed onto the donkey, an attacker grabbed his sword that caused

the Imam to declare, “This is the first betrayal!”

“Fear not!” was the reply of ibn Ash’at. “Fear not! Where is that protection?” retorted the Imam and

thereupon tears began to flow from his eyes. From amongst the enemy he was asked, “A brave man

like you weeps?” Imam Muslim replied, “I weep not for myself, but, I weep for al-Husayn and his

kinfolk who will arrive because of his (conceived) satisfaction in you people. Al-Husayn has no idea

40 Once the Imam had completed his prayers, he left the Masjid in search of refuge. The Imam wandered through the city all alone (feeling

like a stranger in a strange city). Overcome with thirst, he wandered to the area of the tribe of Kinda. He found himself at the door of Tu’ah, a freed bondmaiden. He requested water from her which she gave to him.

He thereafter requested a place to stay, explaining to her that he was a stranger in the city without any kin or tribe. She took him in and allowed him to stay in the guest quarters. Tu’ah asked him his identity a number of times. He finally explained revealed his identity to her,

stating that he was Muslim ibn Aqeel and that he was deserted by the folk of Kufa. Tu’ah had a son (Bilaal) who returned home later that


His mother kept Muslim’s stay a secret but he got curious when he noticed that she kept frequenting the guest area of the home and asked

her about it. She initially refused but he persisted and she finally revealed the sacred identity of their guest.

Once those who had surrounded the governor’s house had dispersed, ibn Ziyad summoned the folk of Kufa to assemble in the Masjid so that

he could address them. He ascended the pulpit and declared, “Muslim ibn Aqeel has caused dissention and disunity. There is not security in the house of the one that we find him in.” He then promised a reward for his capture. Ibn Ziyad ordered the Chief of the police force to

search all homes and exits. All exits from the city were sealed and a door to door search was tasked to begin the next morning.

Once Bilaal learned of the sacred identity of their guest, he immediately proceeded to the governor that subsequent morning and betrayed

the trust of his mother in providing shelter and refuge to a most special guest and sacred guest, a guest capable of intercession on the Day of

Qiyamah, a guest who could provide refuge and shelter on the day of Qiyamah!”

41 There is a report that Imam Muslim ibn Aqeel he recited the following poem during combat,

I swore not to be killed except as a free man,

Though I found death something repelling; …

I fear only being charged with lying or being tempted

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of your treachery and deceit.” Turning to ibn Ash’at, the Imam declared, “I can see that you will be

helpless in your grant of protection to me and even then your protection will be of no benefit to me. If

possible, then at least accede to this and send a message to al-Husayn ibn Ali, notifying him of my

condition so that he can return instead of being trapped by the deceit of the folk of Kufa.”

They then proceeded to the residence of the Governor (ibn Ziyaad). When they reached the residence,

Imam Muslim was taken to ibn Ziyaad. At this point ibn Al Ash’as conversed with Ibn Ziyaad on the

Issue of the promise of protection to Imam Muslim. “I have granted him protection”, said Ibn Al

Ash’as whereupon the despicable ibn Ziyaad replied, “What is your connection with protection? You

were sent to bring him here under arrest and not for you to offer him the grant of protection!” Ibn

remained silent.

During this moment, Muslim ibn Aqeel, due to the severe injuries and wounds suffered in the battle

felt extreme thirst. His eyes fell upon a container of water and he requested that he be given some

water from it.

At this request a person by the name of Ibn Amar Baahili remarked, “Look at how cool the water is.

You will not even be given a drop to taste until you finally drink (Allah forbid) from the hot wells of

Hell.” Imam Muslim angrily replied, “O unfortunate and despicable one! You are the one who is

rightfully entitled to Hell” Amaara bin Uqba who felt pity for the Imam, asked for some water. He

then presented it to Imam Muslim. Yet, as Imam Muslim took it to his mouth, he noticed that it had

turned to blood! Three times did this occur and finally Imam Muslim declared, “This is what the

Almighty Allah has divinely decreed!”

When he was brought to stand before ibn Ziyaad, Imam Muslim offered him no greetings and because

of this, ibn Ziyaad angrily declared, “you will certainly be killed!” Imam Muslim then asked that he

be given a chance to make his final will and testament. Ibn Ziyaad allowed him this.

The Imam looked around at this point and his eye caught sight of an individual called bin Sa’ad who

bore some relation of kinship to him. Imam Muslim said to him, “There is some connection between

you and me. I have some private matters to discuss with you.”

Amar, being a hard hearted individual replied, “I do not wish to hear it!” A demand was then issued

by Ibn Ziyaad for the private requests of the Imam to be heard by him as there was a relationship

between them through an Uncle. When in private, Imam Muslim declared, “I have taken a loan of

seven hundred dinaars in Kufa, please settle it accordingly. Secondly, once I am killed, please take my

body away from Ibn Ziyaad and have it buried and thirdly, please send a notification to Imam Hussain

forbidding him from coming to this area”

On completion of these private requests, they returned to the gathering of Ibn Ziyaad. At this juncture,

Ibn Sa’ad related in its entirety the private conversation to Ibn Ziyaad who surprisingly exclaimed to

him, “Can a trust be placed upon one so deceitful?” In other words that even though the request by

Imam Muslim was to keep these facts private, Ibn Sa’ad shared them publicly.

Ibn Ziyaad then informed Ibn Sa’ad, “Your wealth is in your charge, you may do as you wish with it.

As for Hussain, if he does not intend to come to us then we will not go to him, but we will not spare

him. Regarding the janazah (burial) of Muslim, this request will not be acceded to. Upon this

command by Ibn Ziyaad, Imam Muslim was taken out and during this entire period the Imam

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continued with the praise of Almighty Allah and the seeking of the Divine Pardon until he was finally


His head was taken to Yazeed. 43


It is the final month of the 60th year of the Hijrah and it is also the season of the Hajj. Thousands have

turned their backs on their beloved ones and have presented themselves at the blessed House of the

Almighty. Due to this, there is tremendous happiness in the hearts of many. Their heads spin in

delirium as there is only one night that remains and tomorrow is the ninth of Zil Hijjah. It is a date

that culminates many a month of hardship and will be a blessed time. The Muslims circumambulate

the Kabah, sacrificing themselves at this opportunity. In Makkah, by moving around this blessed city,

one finds that the days have become like the day of Eid and the nights have become like the reflection

of the Shab-e-Baraat. The full image of the Kabah has created such a visual impact that it acts as a

form of magnetism in drawing people to be continuously fixated upon it. It seems to be a beloved

object that every now and then reveals its beauty and exquisiteness. This is the beautiful sight that

causes those true devotees to forget all difficulties and trials that stood in the way of reaching this

ennobled area. Many thanks and displays of appreciation are seen due to the blessings of the great gift

of reaching this magnificent domain. Their hearts seem to echo the words:

“It is a point of ecstasy, that O heart; you have come to the axis of the beloved, You have arrived in a

major court, in the presence of a Great One.”

In brief, today is the day in which many folk from many walks congregate in front of the house of the

Beloved. They are extremely ecstatic in their success. However, looking at the hallowed face of al-

Husayn ibn Ali, it seems that there is another reason due to which he is not part of this congregation,

or perhaps, the veil from his face has been lifted and he looks at another world and because of this, he

does not have the time to look at this world.

And if he begins to feel sadness at missing this Nafl Hajj, then perhaps a hidden voice discloses to

him, “O al-Husayn! Do not sadden yourself! If you are sad at missing the Hajj this year, then the

goods for performing the real Hajj al-Akbar have been prepared for you. Therefore, tie around you the

Ihram of strength and bravery. If I have prepared for the people in Makkah a small strip of land

wherein they can perform the Sa’ee (between Safa and Marwa), then for you, the expanse of the land

between Makkah and Karbala has been prepared. If the people are drinking water from Zam Zam at

this place, then I will keep you thirsty for three days and then let you drink the sweetness of My

42 Hani was killed in the same manner as Imam Muslim ibn Aqeel.

43 Al Kaamil fit Taarikh. Vol. 3. Page 395/397

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Divine sight until you are satisfied. If the Hujjaj are slaughter animals on the tenth of Zil Hajj, then on

the tenth of Muharram, on the plains of Karbala your lap shall be filled with the bodies of those you

loved (as a sacrifice).

If the Hujjaj have spent wealth on the journey to Makkah, then on the plains of Karbala, you shall

sacrifice your life and everything you own. If the people in Makkah have opened shops, on the banks

of the Tigris, for the sake of your friends, you will open your doors. At this place, the traders are

selling goods, there, (in Karbala); you will be selling your lives. Here, the Hujjaj are come to buy and

sell, then there in Karbala; your true friends will sell their lives and souls for you.

The Quran has already declared in Surah Taubah, verse 111, that,

“No doubt. Allah has purchased from the Muslims their lives and their belongings against this return,

in that for them is Paradise, they fight in the way of Allah, then they kill and are killed; true promise

on His generous responsibility in the Taurah and the Injeel and the Quran. And who is true to his

words than Allah? Rejoice then in your trade which you have done with Him. And it is this which is

the great triumph”

Such were the circumstances that were created when Imam al-Husayn decided to commence his

journey towards Kufa. When news of this departure became established, Hadrat Omar ibn Abdur

Rahman completely objected to this and tried to stop his departure. Al-Husayn replied, “What is to

occur will occur.”

Hadrat Abdullah ibn Abbas also tried to stop him and advised him, “Wait for a few more days. If the

folk of Kufa kill ibn Ziyaad or drive out the enemy, then you will know that they are sincere in their

call to you. If however, (ibn Ziyaad) has gained control over them and the enemy is still present in the

city, then their call for you is not towards any goodness. I sincerely believe that these people, who call

you, will also oppose you.”

Al-Husayn replied, “I will make Istikhaarah”. Again, after a while Hadrat Abdullah ibn Abbas

arrived, “My brother! I wish to partake in patience; yet, patience does not seem to find me. I believe

that you will be martyred if you leave. The people of Iraq are treacherous, so do not go near them.

Stay in this land for you are the leader of the Arabs. If their claim in wanting you is true, then let them

unseat their governor and the enemy. If this happens, then you should leave. They have even martyred

your father and did not side with your brother. Either stay in Arabia or write to the people of Iraq to

remove ibn Ziyaad. If this happens, then you may leave. On the other hand, if you wish to depart, then

go to Yemen for it has fortresses and valleys. It is a wide and spacious land and your father has many

supporters there. You will be well protected there and you can write to the people, send your

emissaries to them and disseminate your message. 44

Imam al-Husayn replied, “My dear brother! I swear by Allah that your concern is true, however, I

have made my decision.” He was then asked to leave the women and children behind, and even to

this, he did not agree.

44 Sayyiduna Ali was granted the Judgeship of Yemen by Sayyiduna Rasulullah (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam)

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Hadrat Abdullah ibn Abbas then began to weep. In a like manner, Hadrat Abdullah ibn Omar also

tried to stop him, but yet again, he did not agree. Hadrat Abdullah ibn Omar then kissed his forehead

and declared, “O Martyr! I leave you in the Divine Care of Allah.”

And so did Hadrat Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr also try to stop him. Al-Husayn replied, “I have heard from

my father that because of a single ram, the sanctity of Makkah would be violated, (invaded and

dishonored), I do not wish to be that ram.”

While on the journey, he received a letter from his cousin, Hadrat Abdullah ibn Jafer at-Tayyaar who

informed him that he would also be joining them.45

Hadrat Abdullah also requested the governor of Makkah, Amar ibn Saeed to personally write to Imam

al-Husayn and inform him that (as governor) he pledged the safety of al-Husayn so long as he

remained in Makkah. He also sent his brother Yahya ibn Saeed to urge the Imam to return. Yet, both

proved unsuccessful. The Martyr of Karbala also declared to them, “I have seen the Holy Prophet in a

dream and I have been given a directive which I have to obey. When they asked him about this dream,

he replied, “I shall not reveal this anyone till I meet my Lord.” Thereafter, he continued on his

journey. 46

It is stated that when the report of the Imam’s departure was heard by his younger brother, Imam

Muhammad ibn Hanafiyyah, who at that time was making Wudhu using water from a dish. It is stated

that the entire dish was then filled with his tears.

As son of Sayyiduna Ali continued on his journey, a little further along the way, he met the famous

poet called “Faraz-waq” who was on a return journey from Iraq. He was asked about the folk of Kufa.

To which he replied, “O beloved of the Messenger of Allah! Their hearts are with you, but their

swords are with them [Yazeed ibn Mua’wiya and his governors]. However, destiny comes from Allah

and whatever Allah wills, will happen.”47


News of the Imam’s march to Kufa reached ibn Ziyaad who decided to blockade a vast area of

Qaadisiyah including various wells with a large contingent of soldiers. In this manner, he prepared a

scenario which would tear at the hearts of Muslims until the Day of Judgment.

Al-Husayn then sent Qais bin Mash-har to Kufa to notify the leaders of the tribes of Kufa of his

impending arrival. When Qais bin Mash-har arrived in Qaadisiyah, the soldiers of ibn Ziyad managed

45 The letter contained the following wording, “I plead with you in the name of Allah to return. I fear that may be killed and your family

eliminated. And if you are martyred, then your light on this earth will be extinguished, for you are the standard of guidance and the centre of the faithful. Do not hurry in going forth, for I shall see you shortly after you read this letter.”

46 Al Kaamil fit Taarikh. Vol 3. Page 399 47 Al-Husayn replied, “If destiny is with that seek, we shall praise Allah for his blessings, and it is His help that we seek so that we may

thank Him. But if we are destined not to attain our wishes, then none whose intention is to achieve justice, and whose heart is full of

devoutness, has disobeyed.

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to capture him and took him to the despicable ibn Ziyaad. Ibn Ziyaad then informed him, “If you wish

to survive, then climb onto this roof and publicly insult al-Husayn”.

When he heard this, this man who had traded his life and soul for the blessed family of the Beloved

Prophet climbed onto the roof of the house and after praising the Almighty, publicly declared,

“Today, al-Husayn is the best of creation that lives. He is a portion of the heart of the blessed daughter

of the Holy Prophet, Nabi Muhammad (salal laahu alaihi wa sallam), namely Fatima Az-Zahrah. He is

the coolness of the eyes of Sayyiduna Ali and a means of tranquility for his heart. I am his

representative. Therefore, obey him and his command.”

He then declared, “May there be a curse on ibn Ziyad and his father.” Finally, at the command of ibn

Ziyaad, he was thrown of the roof and reached the ranks of the Martyrs.48

At that time, it seemed as though this oppressed individual declared to Imam al-Husayn in his final

moments the following prayer:

“I am been killed because of the crime of loving you, because of this, there is commotion and turmoil,

You also come on the roof and see what a beautiful sight it is”



As the journey progressed on the route to Kufa, the Imam met with Zuhayr ibn al-Qayn.49

Zuhayr was

on his return journey from the Hajj and was with a group of his companions and family members.

Zuhayr was one who bore some resentment in his heart towards the Lion of Allah, Sayyiduna Ali. His

caravan remained with that of the Imam during the day but at night, he separated himself from the

Imam. Once, while Zuhayr was with his family, the Noble and merciful Imam sent a messenger to

him, inviting him for a meeting. Zuhayr accepted the invite and went over to the Imam’s camp. Who

knows what transpired between the Son of Ali and Zuhayr for he returned elated and excited,

enjoining that all his belongings be sent over to the Imam’s caravan.

He addressed his companions, “Those who wish to remain with me, may remain, else, this is our final

meeting” Then he explained as to why he was giving up his goods and was joining the group of Imam

al-Husayn. He narrated, “When the city of Balanjar was attacked by us and we defeated its army, a

large amount of booty was captured. We were very happy due to this and at that moment, Hadrat

Salman al-Farsi who was among us, seeing how ecstatic we were, he declared, ‘When you eventually

find the leader of the youth from the progeny of the Holy Prophet, then you should become even more

joyous than this in fighting with him against his enemies.’ That time has now come.


Al Kaamil fit Taarikh. Vol. 3. Page 402.

49 Some historians report that the meeting was at a place called Zarud.

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I therefore leave all of you in the care of the Almighty.’” He then divorced his wife and told her to

return home by saying, “I do not wish any harm to come to you because of me.” 50

Who knows what hidden amazing sights from Qiyaamah attracted these beautiful people to do this.

When the Leader of the youth of Paradise is seen only once by them, they seem to break ranks from

all directions and join him and thereafter there is only care for him with no thought of their own

children or family.

After all, this was the same Zuhayr who bore a portion of resentment towards Sayyiduna Ali and slept

apart from the group of Imam al-Husayn. What has happened to him? Whose actions have made him

leave his family and friends? What caused him to divorce his wife and embrace the hardship and

calamity that was to occur during the martyrdom?


As this caravan continued on its journey, they met a representative from Ibn Ash’as who was sent

with the specific purpose of fulfilling the final requests of Imam Muslim.51

He informed the Imam of

the martyrdom of Imam Muslim ibn Aqeel. This was the cause of much sorrow and sadness. Some in

the caravan advised the Imam that he should immediately return. However, the members of the

family of Imam Muslim replied, “We will never return! We will either avenge this or we will finally

meet with him”. Al-Husayn ibn Ali replied, “Without you, what is the value of life?”

He thereafter addressed those who were with him, “The folk of Kufa have deserted us, therefore,

whoever from amongst you, who wishes to take his leave, may do so. We will not feel aggrieved by

this”. The reason for this advice was due to the circumstance that when they had joined him on his

journey from Makkah,52

they were of the opinion that the folk of Kufa had already sworn allegiance to

him. Most of them dispersed, leaving him with those who had originally joined him in Makkah.

On the return of those who had left the Imam, they met a Bedouin Arab who informed them, “We

should be going towards the sword and battle, by the life of al-Husayn, return to him.” They replied,

“Whatever is to happen, will happen.” 53

50 Al Kaamil fit Taarikh. Vol 3. Page 403.

51 The messenger met the Imam at a place Tha‘labiyya. 52 There were many people who joined the Imam along the route to Kufa.

53 Al Kaamil fit Taarikh. Vo. 3. Page 403.

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At midday, as the blessed caravan passed by the area of Sharaaf, the Imam heard a man from amongst

his companions cry out aloud, “Allahu Akbar!” When asked by al-Husayn, his reason, he said, “I did

so upon seeing date orchards.”, but there were two from the Bani Asad who disagreed with this. They

thought that it could be riders. The Imam shared their view and asked them if there was any place that

they could find shelter in against an attack.

A place called Zu Hasam was suggested and the Imam quickly moved to this area to setup camp. The

riders soon arrived and they were an army of a thousand, lead by al-Hurr who was dispatched from

Kufa by ibn Ziyad. He was under orders to prevent al-Husayn from returning should he want to, to

arrest him and bring him to Kufa. Being an extremely hot day, they arrived thirsty and in need of


The Grandson of the Distributor of the Pond of al-Kauthar immediately ordered that water from his

own group be given to that of al-Hurr and also to their animals. So, al-Hurr also setup camp here and

surrounded the Imam and his group to prevent any attempts at escape. At the onset of the salah of

Dhohr, al-Husayn ordered the Muadhin to call the Adhaan. It was then that he addressed al-Hurr and

his men.

“I have not come on my own accord but through the request of the folk of Kufa through numerous

letters and representatives. If you are satisfied with this, then let me enter your city or allow me to

return. There was no reply so the Imam ordered that the Iqaamah be given. Then he asked al-Hurr to

lead the prayers of his own men to which al-Hurr replied, “No, you lead the salah and we will all


Al-Husayn decided to address them again once the prayers were completed. He praised and glorified

Allah, then sent blessings upon Sayyiduna Rasulullah (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam), then declared,

“if you fear Allah and understand the truth from Him, then the Pleasure of Allah is in this, that you

consider the family of the Holy Prophet as the true ones in command above those who currently hold

power in their hands [Yazeed and his governors].

However, if you have dislike for us or you not understand our right or if you wish to go against what

has been written in your letters and what was said by your representatives, then I will return from

where I have come.”

Al-Hurr replied, “By Allah! We know of no letter nor do we have knowledge of any representative”.

The Imam then placed two sacks of letters in front of him and al-Hurr declared, “I am not from

amongst those who have sent a letter. I have been given instructions that when I do find you, I am to

arrest you and bring you to Kufa to Ibn Ziyaad.” Al-Husayn angrily replied, “Your death is near and

you speak like this!”, and instructed his companions to return to Makkah and al-Hurr tried to stop


The son of Ali again angrily replied, “May your mother cry over you, what do you desire?” Al-Hurr

replied, “By Allah! If there was anyone else in Arabia who had used these words against me, I would

have retaliated using the same words against his own mother; but, I cannot take the blessed name of

your mother on this occasion.” Al-Hurr was then questioned on his intention, and he replied, “I have

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to take you to Ibn Ziyaad” The Imam replied that he would never go and al-Hurr replied that he would

never leave him.

As this dialogue developed, al-Hurr finally informed the blessed Imam, “I cannot separate myself

from your party during the day but during the night, you could excuse yourself to a distance because

of the females and while it is still night, you could escape. I will write some excuse to Ibn Ziyaad.

Perhaps, in this manner, I will be saved from committing any unpleasant acts.54

The Imam then continued on his journey, riding in one area while al-Hurr followed, riding in




On the journey towards Kufa, at “Uzaibul Hajanat”, they met four people who approached them from

the direction of Kufa. When asked about the latest conditions in Kufa, one of the four, Majma bin

Ubaidullah Aamiri replied, “The support of the affluent has been broken with substantial amounts of

bribery. Their coffers have been filled with money and they have banded together to become your

enemies. As for the commoners, their hearts are still with you, but their swords will be drawn against


The Imam asked about the condition of his representative Qais and they informed him that he had

been martyred. When he heard this, al-Husayn wept and then declared, “Some have fulfilled their

pledge and some are waiting to fulfill their pledge. O Allah! Let us join together in Paradise”

54 ”. Al Kaamil fit Taarikh. Vol.3. Page 407.

55 There is a historic sermon delivered by the Great Imam to al-Hurr and his companions.

"O people! Our Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam has said that whosoever comes across a cruel and wicked ruler who does not

follow the commands of Allah most Highand his Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam); who makes Halal (permissible in Islam) that which Allah has declared Haram (not permissible in Islam) and vice versa; who oppresses people and commits sins and does nothing to

prevent the wrongs being committed, if that person does not oppose the ruler with his words and actions, he will have to account for his

deeds in the same way that the ruler will have to account for his deeds.

Look! The ruler and the governors have stopped following the commands of Allah Most High and have started to follow the ways of Satan

and have no respect for Islam, for this reason the Prophet’s family have a greater right to rule than the king.

I repeat that I have not come here of my own accord, I have been asked to come to Kufa, so that the people can swear their allegiance to me

so do not be in contempt of me. If you fulfil your promises then Allah Most High will be pleased with you. As you are well aware, I am the son of Ali, may Allah Most High be pleased with him, and my mother, Fatima, may Allah Most High be pleased with her, is the daughter of

our Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam).

My family and I are with you and you should not break your promises by treating us badly. However, breaking promises would be nothing

new to me as you have broken promises made to my father and my brother Hasan, and Muslim bin Aqeel, may Allah Most High be pleased

with all of them. It is a shame that you are not acting in accordance with your religion. Promise breakers are only a loss to themselves, and I

hope and pray that Allah Most High will protect me from your evil ways."

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At that moment, another from the group of four by the name of Tamah bin Adi said to the Imam,

“You have only a few men. They would be sufficient to fight against the army of al-Hurr, however, it

would certainly not be sufficient against those masses of soldiers that I have seen in Kufa a day earlier

who are preparing to march against you. I have never seen so large an army before. I swear that if you

can, it would be better to be away from them. However, if you desire a place wherein we can find

protection and safety, then I would recommend that you join me at a mountain named “Ajaa”.

At this place, we will be protected from the attacks of even the tribes of the Ghasaan, the Humair and

the Numan ibn Manzar. In fact, we will be protected from all attacks of both the Arab and the non-

Arab. Please retire to this place and write a letter to people of the tribe of Salma. By Allah! The

people of this area would come walking and riding to you. Then, if you wish to stay, you may stay, or

if you wish to leave, I pledge that nearly twenty thousand young men would stand in front of you,

ready to defend you with waving swords. As long as their eyelids blink, they will never allow any of

your enemies to attack you”.

After hearing this pledge, al-Husayn replied, “May Allah reward you for this. However, there is

something which has already been destined between us and the folk of Kufa from which we cannot

turn back” After saying this, he allowed this person to leave and to proceed on onward journey. 56


It is recorded that during this journey,57

the Imam saw a dream and awoke reciting, “To Him do we

belong and to Him is our return”. Imam Zainul Aabiden asked, “O father, may I be sacrificed for you,

what is it that you have seen?” His father replied, “I saw a rider in my dream and who said, ‘People

are in travel, yet their destiny travels towards them.’ I immediately understood that it was news of our


Imam Zainul Aabideen then asked, “Allah will not allow you to be harmed, are we not on truth?” The

Imam replied, “Certainly” Imam Zainul Aabideen then said, “When we are to give our lives and be

sacrificed for the truth, then why should we be concerned?”

To this, the father of Zainul Aabideen declared, “May Almighty Allah reward you with the most

supreme of possessions which have been handed from a father to a son.” 58



56 Al Marji-us Saabiq. Page 409

57 It is reported that the dream took place at an area called Qasr Bani Muqaatil. The Imam ordered his companions to stop here and fill their

water bags.

58 Al Marji-us Saabiq. Page 411.

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Still travelling towards Kufa, at a place called Ninawaa, they met a rider from the city who handed

over a letter from Ibn Ziyaad to al-Hurr. This letter read, “Be firm against al-Husayn, wherever he

alights, you also alight. Keep them away from any water. This representative would continue to

remain with you until he informs me if my instructions have been obeyed or not.” Al-Hurr then

showed al-Husayn this letter and also informed him that he could not disobey the contents and that

this courier of ibn Ziyaad was also sent as a spy against him.

Zuhayr bin Qayn (from the Imam’s group) suggested that since his village was nearby, they should

travel to it and that they should start a battle with al-Hurr and his men now as it would be easier to

defeat them than when the governor sent more men. Zuhayr informed the Imam, “By Allah! Whatever

is to come would be much more severe, it would be easier to kill these people than the other army?”

The Noble son of the Lion of Allah replied that he would not be the first to start the battle. While they

proceeded with this conversation, the sun began to set and the moon during the second night of

Muharram began to display its little radiance. Both armies then camped separately. 59


Now, even the western part of the sky started to darken and the stars became brighter. It seems like

destiny was becoming dark and even free creatures like birds also became silent. As the darkness

intensified it suddenly became impossible to see even a few yards ahead even though a few minutes

ago, it was possible to see for miles around. The darkness was such that even though it was possible to

be aware of objects in the midst of the group, it was almost impossible for total recognition. The night

became silent and every creature was also still and quiet. The night itself became even more

frightening. Those who slept took long breaths and the enchantment of sleep seemed to have

overtaken one and all. The troops under the command of al-Hurr were also soundly asleep.

At that moment al-Husayn, who was anxiously awake, decided to prepare for his journey. Many items

for the journey were readied during the early part of the afternoon. The children and females were

then mounted onto the animals.

This blessed caravan then decided to leave in the darkness of the night, thinking that while the enemy

was sound asleep, they would find themselves far away during the morning. The entire night was

spent travelling as fast as possible.


59 Al Marji-us Saabiq.

Page 28: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

But, look at the destiny of these oppressed ones. In the morning, they found themselves on the plains

of Karbala. It is the 2nd

of Muharram 61 AH. and Umar ibn Sa’ad 60

has also reached to attack the

Blessed Imam with his army.

Umar ibn Sa’ad had been nominated and dispatched by Ibn Ziyaad to kill and destroy the caravan of

Imam al-Husayn. He had initially been charged with the task of suppressing a rebellion against

Yazeed in Dalam and was given the commandership of 4000 soldiers to achieve this. His reward for

this would have been the governorship of the province called Rayy.

When news of the impending arrival of Imam al-Husayn (who camped at that time in Karbala) into

Kufa was established, he was instead ordered by Ibn Ziyaad to cancel his trip and to leave for

Karbala. Amar initially informed Ibn Ziyaad that he was not willing to do this. Upon this refusal Ibn

Ziyaad informed him that his forthcoming governorship would be revoked.

Umar bin Sa’ad then requested Ibn Ziyaad to grant him a day to ponder over this decision and to

confer with his people. When this was done, all of his companions objected negatively to attacking

the Imam. This also included his nephew, Hamza bin Mughayrah bin Sha’bah who told him, “O

uncle! I swear that you would become a sinner by killing al-Husayn.

By Allah! Even if every kingdom became yours it would be easier to leave them all than to meet

Allah as the killer of al-Husayn ibn Ali!” Umar promised that he would not go; however, his infected

heart began to have doubts.

During that night, he heard a voice which declared: “Are you leaving the kingdom of Rayy, even

though it is a sweet thing or would you endure the contempt of killing al-Husayn? Because of killing

him, there is that fire which knows no end even though the governorship of Rayy is coolness to the

eyes.” 61

Unfortunately, he decided to attack the blessed Imam instead and proved to be one who had traded his

religion for this world.


Umar ibn Sa’ad then sent nearly five hundred soldiers to the banks of the Tigris making sure that he

closed all openings to the river for the one who is the Grandson of the Prophet who controls the

fountains in Paradise. 62

60 He is the son of the Great Lover and companion of the Sayyiduna Rasulullah (salal laahu alaihi wa sallam), Sayyiduna Sa’ad .

61 Marji-us Saabiq Page 412 62 On the 7th of Muharram, as the siege intensified the water supply of the Imam was completely depleted. With the women and children

suffering thirst, the merciful Imam dispatched his brother, al-Abbas to bring back water for the women and children. Al-Abbas ibn Ali was s given the command of twenty men for this task. They left at night and filled their water bags with water from the Euphrates but were

attacked by the enemy.

It was after this incident that meetings between the two camps were called for.

Page 29: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

One night, they called Imam al-Husayn to the centre of the plain and decided to discuss the issue. The

Imam advised them to leave the side of the oppressor and the one who was openly corrupt. Umar ibn

Sa’ad informed him that his house would be destroyed.

To this, al-Husayn replied, “In its place, I would build a much better house for you, (in Paradise).”

Amar bin Sa’ad replied that his entire belongings would be confiscated. Al-Husayn replied that he

could be given even more than this. 63



These meetings between the two continued for nearly three to four nights. With the result that Umar

ibn Sa’ad sent a letter to ibn Ziyaad informing him that, “Al-Husayn’s requests is that he is allowed to

either return to Makkah, or be taken to Yazeed for talks or be left alone to travel to some far flung

area. You can draw your own conclusion from these requests.”

It must be remembered that Imam al-Husayn had never ever requested that he be allowed to visit

Yazeed to pledge allegiance to him!

When ibn Ziyaad read this letter, he initially agreed to these requests, with the view that it was from

one who had the good of the government and its people in mind, however, al-Shimr zil Joshan (who

was present when this letter was read out) loudly asserted, “Do you accept such advice? By Allah! If

al-Husayn leaves without adhering to any of your commands, then he would become powerful and

strong and for you, there would be disgrace and ignominy. Not only this, he would also leave your

area of control. However, if you forgive, it is your mercy and if you punish him, you are in charge. I

have also heard that every night there is a private meeting between Umar ibn Sa’ad and alHusayn.”

Ibn Ziyaad then informed him, “Your advice seems to be correct. Take my letter to ibn Sa’ad, if he

obeys then he is your leader, if not, then you assume leadership of the army. Should this happen, then

cut off the head of ibn Sa’ad and have it sent to me.”

Then he sent a letter to ibn Sa’ad instructing him, “I did not send you to al-Husayn so that you could

favor him, or give him hope, give him an opportunity or to intercede for him. Pay attention, tell al-

Husayn to obey me, if he accepts, then allow him to come here in my obedience, or else, kill him and

his companions. If you obey my command, then the agreement we have will be granted to you as a

reward, if not, the command of my army will be handed over to al-Shimr”.

Al-Shimr was with a person called Abdullah ibn Abi bin Hazaam when this letter was given to him by

Ibn Ziyaad to handover to ibn Sa’ad. Ummul Baneen bint al-Hazaam was the mother of Hadrat

Abbas, Hadrat Uthman, Hadrat Abdullah and Hadrat Jafer and she was also the aunt of Abdullah ibn

Abi ibn al-Hazaam. He requested that Ibn Ziyaad give his cousins who had joined Imam al-Husayn


63 Al Marji-us Saabiq. Page 413.

Page 30: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

Ibn Ziyaad agreed to this and wrote a letter guaranteeing this, however, when these blessed

individuals heard about this, they declared, “we have no need for your security. The security of

Almighty Allah is much better than the security of ibn Sumayyah”. 64


When al-Shimr handed ibn Sa’ad the letter from ibn Ziyaad, ibn Sa’ad cursed him by saying, “May

there be no goodness for you, you have turned away the attention of ibn Ziyaad from my advice in the

letter and have damaged the issue even further. I had absolute hope that there would be peace. Bear in

mind that al-Husayn will never ever accept obedience (to Yazeed). By Allah! The heart of his father is

in his lap.”

“Should I cut off your head or are you going to obey the orders of Ibn Ziyaad?” was al-Shimr’s reply.

Ibn Sa’ad replied that he would accede to the commands of Ibn Ziyaad. Then Al-Shimr called out to

al-Abbas and his brothers.

He said to them, “O nephew! There is safety for you.” Their reply to this was, “May the curse of

Allah be upon you and your safety. You act as an uncle and offer us safety and yet, you do not offer

safety to the grandson of the Holy Prophet.!” 65



It is the 9th of Muharram, 61 AH and the army of hell stirs. At the same time, the true inheritor of

martyrdom, the lion of Ali stands firmly in front of his tent. He suddenly falls asleep and sees his

beloved grandfather in his dream. The Holy Prophet, Nabi Muhammad (salal laahu alaihi wa sallam)

places his blessed hand onto the chest of Imam Husain and prays ‘O Allah! Give Husain patience and

reward.’ The Holy Prophet then also informs him, ‘Very soon you will meet us and you will perform

your Iftaar with us.”

In this ecstasy, Imam al-Husayn opens his eyes. He sees that the enemies are preparing to attack. Due

to the fact that it was the eve of Juma, Imam al-Husayn requested one more day. Amar bin Sa’ad

asked for advice and he was told by Amar bin Hujjaj Zubaidi that, “Even if the disbelievers asked you

for one more night, you should give it to them.” In short, he was given another night. 66

64 Al Marji-us Saabiq. Page 414.

65 Al Marji-us Saabiq. Page 414.

66 Al Marji-us Saabiq. Page 415.

Page 31: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn


It was then agreed that all the tents be put together. The poles were joined and a trench was dug

behind the tents and filled with sticks of coconut. When the Muslims had completed these tasks, they

approached Imam Husain. Imam Husain then addressed them, “Tomorrow I will meet the enemies. I

hereby give all of you clear permission to leave. The night is still young. Wherever you can find a

place, you should go to that place. Each one of you should also take a member of my family with him.

May Allah reward all of you. Spread out into the various villages and towns until Almighty Allah

decides. When the enemies find me, they will not follow you”.

When this was heard, the Imam’s cousins, his sons, his nephews and the sons of Abdullah ibn Jafer

replied, “Must we do this so that we can remain alive after you? May Allah never let us see that

cursed day in which you will not be here while we will be alive.”

He then turned to the brothers of Imam Muslim and said to them, “It is sufficient that your brother has

been martyred. I give you permission that you may also leave.” They replied, “What shall convey to

people? Shall we convey this to people that we left our leader, our master and our most honored

brother alone in the clutches of the enemies? And that we did not even shoot an arrow, or throw a

spear, or use a sword and that we have no knowledge of what happened to him once we had left? By

Allah! We can never do this. In fact, our lives and the lives of our children are ready to be sacrificed

at your feet. We prefer to die for you than to live in that dreadful life after you.”

The following thoughts were being echoed by them:

“That firmament would certainly be beautiful when we shall go all around you in this state, In that,

our faces would be smeared in blood and our chest would be in pieces”

Muslim bin Ausja declared, “Can we depart from you even though we have not yet fulfilled our rights

which we owe to you and thereby create an excuse (for our sins) in front of Allah? By Allah! I shall

never leave you until I do not break my spear in the chest of the enemy and as long as the sword

remains in my hand, I will continue to defend you. Allah is a Witness to this, that even if I do not have

a weapon in my hand, I will throw stones until I finally meet you.”

In this manner, so did all his companions speak. Almighty Allah reward all of them. May Almighty

Allah bless all of them in Jannah with the shadow of Hadrat Ali and Imam al-Husayn. May He also

make us successful in this world and in the next through their barakah. Ameen.

During that same evening, the Imam continued to read verses which gave a clear indication of the

tragedy to unfold. When this was heard by his beloved sister, Sayyidah Zainab, she could no longer

hold her patience. She began to loudly weep and exclaimed, “If only I had breathed my last prior to

this day. O al-Husayn! One who is the sign of remembrance for those who went before…” She

continued in this manner until she fainted.

Look the state of sadness of this household in whose dominion is the fountain of al-Kauthar in

Paradise, in that, they do not even have a droplet of water to sprinkle on the face of this pious lady to

revive her. When she regains consciousness, he brother tells her, “O sister! Fear Allah and have

Page 32: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

patience. Remember that everyone in the world has to leave and those in the heavens also. Besides

Allah, everything would be ultimately destroyed. My father, my mother and my brother were better

than me. Every Muslim should follow the path of the Holy Prophet.” 67



When the morning of Ashoorah appears, then on this morning of Juma, the day of judgement for that

moment also appears. The Lion of Ali appears from his tent to straighten the lines of his seventy two

companions. Among them, only 32 are on horseback while 40 of them are without any mode of

transport except being on foot.

On his right, stands Zuhayr ibn Qain and on his left stands Habeeb ibn Mathar, the commanders of

their respective divisions. Hadrat al-Abbas has been allocated the task of carrying al-Husayn’s

standard. The great and noble Imam orders that the wood which has been placed in the trenches be

burnt so that no enemy can get through them. Then he returned to his tent to cleanse himself in

preparation for martyrdom.

Abdur Rahman ibn Abd al-Rabbihi and Yazeed ibn Husayn al-Hamdani are also await at the doorway

so that they can also fulfil this Sunnah once the Imam has completed.

At that moment, suddenly ibn Husayn says something which sounds like a joke to Abdur Rahman to

which Abdur Rahman asks surprisingly, “Is this a moment to be laughing?” ibn Husayn replies,

“Allah is a witness and even the members of my tribe know that I was never ever in the habit of

laughing even while I was young. I am only happy in the thought of what we are about to receive in a

few moments. Can you see that army which has been amassed against us? By Allah! The time when

we shall meet the maidens of paradise is only as little as the moment when that army is going to attack

us with their swords!”

At that moment, al-Husayn appears from his tent then climbs onto his camel. He rides towards the

enemy to complete the final proof against them. When he nears them, he loudly declares, “O People!

Listen to my words carefully and do not be hasty. If you display justice, there would be a blessing,

otherwise, gather your army and do what you have to do. I do not ask for a break. My Creator who

has revealed the Holy Quran and who is a Friend of those who do good is sufficient for me.”

When these words reach the ears of his blessed sister, she began to weep. Al-Husayn then instructed

al-Abbas and Zainul Aabideen to keep her quiet, however, they returned to inform him that she was

weeping excessively.

The Imam again turned to the enemy and explained, “Explain to me my family lineage and think

about whom I am. Look into your hearts, would my murder be correct for you? Would disgracing me

be Halaal to you? Am I not the grandson of your Prophet? Have you not heard that the Holy Prophet

has declared that, ‘I and my brother are the leaders of the young people in Paradise?’ Are these words

not sufficient for you to prohibit you from killing me?”

67 Al Marji-us Sabiq. Page 416.

Page 33: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

The tyrant al-Shimr replied, “We do not know of what you speak” To this, Habeeb ibn Mathar

replied, “Allah has set a seal on your heart which is why you do not know anything.” The Imam

continued, “By Allah! Besides me, there is no grandson of any Prophet in the world at this moment.

Tell me, have I killed any of your men? Have I stolen anything from any of you or injured any one of

you? Finally, what grudge do you have against me?” No one replied to these questions.

Then he continued taking the name of each person, “O Sabas bin Rabi, O Hijaaz bin Abjar, O Qais

bin Ashas, O Zaid bin Haarith, did you not write letters to me?” In a gesture of fraud, most of them

denied this. The Imam continued, “Certainly you had written these letters. If you do not like me, then

allow me to return” They completely refused to even accept this. Finally, he declared, “I seek refuge

in my Lord and your Lord in that I be hanged and I seek protection from that boastful person who

does not believe in the Last Day.” After saying this, he then returned and alighted from his camel.

Zuhayr ibn Qain then went forward with his sword withdrawn. He declared, “O People of Kufa! The

punishment of Almighty Allah certainly comes quickly. It is the right of a Muslim to advise another

Muslim. At this moment, we are your Islamic brothers, yet, when the swords are unsheathed, then at

that moment, you would be another group and we would be another group. Almighty Allah has tested

you and me on how we behave with the family of the Holy Prophet. I call you to help and support

Imam Husain and that you should stop obeying the treacherous ibn Ziyaad. Besides oppression and

tyranny, you will see nothing else from him.”

The people who were from Kufa replied, “As long as we do not kill you and your leader or make you

both subservient to ibn Ziyaad, we will not move from here.”

Zuhayr (radi Allahu anhu) replied, “By Allah! The son of Fatimah is more entitled to be helped and

loved than the son of Sumayyah. If you cannot even help him, then at least do not murder him”

At that moment, Shimr shot an arrow and screamed, “Stop, for too long now, you have eaten away at

our heads.” Zuhair replied, “O that person who has been urinated upon and the son of a slave! I am

not speaking to you. You are indeed a complete Jaahil. I am of the opinion that you do not even know

two verses from the Holy Quran. There is dire warning for you of a severe punishment on the Day of

Judgment and a great disgrace.”

Shimr replied, “Time is passing by while you and your leader should have been killed.”

Zuhair declared, “Are you trying to frighten me with death? By Allah! Dying at his feet is better than

living with you people” He then loudly declared to everyone who was present that, “O People! This

despicable person wishes to deceive you and wishes to blind you about the true religion. Those who

murder the blessed family of the Holy Prophet or their companions, by Allah! The intercession of the

Holy Prophet would never reach them” Imam Husain then called him back. (Al Marji-us Saabiq. Page


Page 34: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

At that moment, the despicable ibn Sa’ad then moved his army towards Imam Husain. Hurr then came

forward and screamed, “May the Almighty punish you, are you actually going to fight against Imam

Husain?” ibn Sa’ad replied, “Yes, most certainly, and we will fight to such an extent that the minor

part of the battle would be the flying of heads and limbs” Hurr asked him, “The three points which

have been presented by Imam Husain, none of them are acceptable to you?”. He replied, “If it was

within my power, then I would have accepted them.” (Al Kaamil fit Taarikh. Vol. 3. Page 420).


At that moment, Hurr moved towards Imam Husain in such a state that his entire body was trembling.

Even his heart beat was heard by that person who was nearest him. When they saw this, one person

from his tribe asked, “Your action is putting us in doubt. I have never seen you in this state in any

battle. If anyone had asked me as to who was the bravest person in Kufa, I would have taken your

name without any hesitation.”

Hurr replied, “I am thinking that on one side is the sweet smelling fragrance of the flowers from

Paradise and on the other side are the flames from the fire of hell which are rising and even if I am

burnt to little bits, yet, I would never give up the hope of leaving Paradise.”

Saying this, he turned his horse and headed towards the direction of Imam Husain. After presenting

himself in front of Imam Husain, he sincerely declared, “May Almighty Allah allow me to be

sacrificed for you. I am that person who had initially restricted you from returning. I am that person

who had initially accosted you. By Allah! I had no idea that these despicable people would not even

listen to you and that we would be at this stage. I had thought that perhaps they would listen to some

of your words all the while thinking that you had still not refused to obey them. Yet, even this has not

been acceded to. Right now, I seek forgiveness from you and wish to sacrifice my life for you. Would

my forgiveness be accepted?” Imam Husain replied, “Yes, most certainly. Almighty is Most

Pardoning and Most forgiving.”

When Hadrat Hurr heard this, he returned to his tribe and declared, “Are those things not acceptable

which have been presented by Imam Husain?” ibn Sa’ad replied, “Accepting them is not within our

power.” Hadrat Hurr then declared, “O people of Kufa! May your mothers become barren. May your

mothers weep over you. Have you been called so that you can give your hands to the enemies of

Imam Husain? Did you not promise that you would sacrifice your lives for him and yet, now you are

prepared to murder him? You do not even accept the fact that he be allowed to leave to some far off

place where he can live in peace with his family and children. You have imprisoned and captured him.

You have actually restricted the water of the river Tigris to Imam Husain and his family and yet, the

enemies of Allah and even dogs are allowed to drink from it! Immense thirst has even lowered their

backs. How badly you have treated the family of the Holy Prophet and those who stand with them. If

you do not repent from your actions, then on the day of judgement, Almighty Allah would certainly

keep you thirsty.” (Al Marji-us Saabiq. Page 421).


Page 35: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

In reply to this, the enemies began throwing stones at Hadrat Hurr. He then returned and stood in front

of Imam Husain.

At that moment, the slave of the despicable Ziyaad and the son of Ziyaad, namely Yasaar and Saalim

respectively came onto the battle field. They then challenged the people of Imam Husain to a single

combat. Hadrat Abdullah ibn-e-Umair Kalbi came forward and both of them replied that they did not

recognize him. They then proudly demanded that either Zuhair bin Qain or Habeeb bin Mathar or

Bareer bin Khuzair should come forward to do combat with them.

Hadrat Abdullah ibn-e-Umair then replied, “O the sons of a vile woman! You are not prepared to do

battle with me and wish that eminent people come forward?” He then killed the despicable Yasaar

with one single blow. Saalim, who was watching this, then attacked Hadrat Abdullah. He blocked this

attack with his right hand with the result that he lost his fingers and then killed Saalim with his left


This is the same Abdullah who had joined Imam Husain and who had come all the way from Kufa.

His wife, Umm-e-Wahb had also joined him. She even joined him in the battle field by taking a tent

pole as her weapon. While he was defending himself against some of the enemies, she kept

encouraging him by saying, “May my parents be sacrificed for you. Kill them for the sake of the pure

and blessed family of the Holy Prophet”. He then advised her to return to the women, but she refused

and declared that she was prepared to be martyred with him. Finally, Imam Husain had to call to her

by declaring, “O dear lady! May Almighty Allah bless you. Please come back because Jihaad has not

been made obligatory upon women.” When she heard the blessed voice of Imam Husain, only then

did she come back to the tent where the females were camped.

From the army of ibn Sa’ad, a person named Amar bin Al Hujjaj came forward on horse back to

attack Imam Husain. The companions of Imam Husain went on their knees and placed their lances

forward as a defence. He then retreated and was shot with an arrow. So many of these people who

were enemies of Imam Husain were then killed or injured.

Another person then came forward and demanded, “Is there a person named Husain among you?” He

asked this question three times and three times no one gave him an answer. When they asked him the

reason for this question, he proudly boasted, “O Husain! I give you news that you would be in the fire

(of hell)”. Imam Husain then replied, “You are indeed a liar. I will return to my merciful Lord” He

was then asked his name and he replied that his name was Ibn Huza. Imam Husain then declared, “O

Allah! Let him return to the fire.” He then became angry and rushed towards Imam Husain. Suddenly

his horse tripped and he also fell getting trapped in the reins of the horse. His one leg became

entrapped in the saddle and in panic, the horse began to bolt. His knees and leg were broken and his

head was smashed to pieces by been continuously hit by stones which were on the ground. Finally,

this is the condition in which he died and entered Hell.

In the meantime, Masrooq bin Waa’il who had left home with the intention of killing Imam Husain,

when he saw what had happened to ibn Huza, he declared, “By Allah! I will never fight against the

Ahle Bait.”

Page 36: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

At that moment, Yazeed bin Ma’qil said to Hadrat Bareer, “What has Allah done with you?” Hadrat

Bareer replied, “He has done good to me.” Yazeed bin Ma’qil replied, “You have spoken a lie and I

did not know you to be liar before this. I bear witness that you are liar.” Hadrat Bareer replied, “Then

come, let us take a pact to the death seeking the Divine Curse of Allah upon the liar and that the one

who is on the truth will kill the one who is on falsehood.” Yazeed agreed to this.

Suddenly Yazeed attacked and his sword went past without any damage to Hadrat Bareer. Hadrat

Bareer counter attacked and managed to cut open the stomach of Yazeed bin Ma’qil. When they saw

what had happened to Yazeed, Radi bin Munqiz Abdi cunningly attacked Hadrat Bareer from behind

and they both began to wrestle. Hadrat Bareer managed to overpower him and then sat on his chest.

However, Ka’ab bin Jaabir Azdi threw a spear from the back and this disappeared into his chest

appearing from the front of his chest. When this happened, he got off the chest of Radi but still

managed to sever the nose of Radi. Ka’ab then attacked him with a sword while he was severely

injured and finally, Hadrat Bareer was martyred.

It is said that when Ka’ab returned to his camp, his wife said to him, “I will never speak to you again.

Even though the son of Fatima is still present, you continue to aid and assist his enemy and have

killed the leader of the Ulama, namely Hadrat Bareer?” (Al Kaamil fit Taarikh. Vol. 3. Page 421).

After this, from the side of Imam Husain, Hadrat Amar bin Qarza Ansaari fought furiously against the

enemies and was finally martyred. After this, Hadrat Hurr also fought very bravely and killed a person

called Yazeed bin Sufyaan. After this, Naaf’i bin Hilaal Muraadi came forward and Mazaahim bin

Hareeth came against him. The latter was quickly killed. When the enemies saw all of this, Amar bin

Al Hujjaaj shouted, “O people! Do you know against whom you are fighting? You are fighting against

those people who love death. Do not go against them one at a time. They are very little. By Allah! All

of you should get together and throw stones against them collectively.”

Ibn Sa’ad liked this suggestion and thereafter stopped his army from going against the companions of

Imam Husain on a single combat basis. Thereafter, Amar bin Al Hujjaaj attacked Imam Husain’s

companions from the direction of the Tigris and in this attack, Muslim bin Ausjah Asadi was

martyred. When Amar returned, at that moment, Hadrat Muslim bin Ausjah still had a little life in

him. Hadrat Habeeb bin Mathar then said to him, “There is the glad news of Jannah for you. I have

become sad by your falling. Very soon, I shall also be meeting you. Please give me some last minute

advice.” Hadrat Muslim bin Ausjah pointed towards Imam Husain and advised Hadrat Habeeb, “You

must sacrifice yourself for him.” Hadrat Habeeb promised to do this. At that moment, at the command

of ibn Sa’ad, nearly five hundred arrows were shot at the companions of Imam Husain and they

decided to walk instead of being on horseback. Yet, the miracle of it was that none of these five

hundred arrows could do any damage to these thirty blessed companions of Imam Husain.

When the despicable ibn Sa’ad saw that there was no frontal attack possible, he decided to send some

of his troops on the right and left flank so that this flanking movement could attack Imam Husain and

his dedicated companions. However, three or four companions of Imam Husain were already

stationed there from the beginning and whoever attacked was immediately killed. Ibn Sa’ad then

decided to set some of the houses alight near these areas and Imam Husain decided that this was better

for them because now the troops of ibn Sa’ad would not be able to attack from this direction. (Al

Marji-us Saabiq. Page 423).

Page 37: Aaina e Qiyamat Husayn

At that moment, Shimr decided to set the tents on fire in which the females were. However, his

companions, Hameed bin Muslim declared, “It is not proper to set the tents alight and to kill the

women and children.” At that precise moment, Hadrat Zuhair bin Qain with ten of his companions

attacked the soldiers under the command of Shimr so furiously that they decided to turn and run

instead. In this attack, Abu Uzzah was killed. The despicable people again attacked and because they

were so large in numbers, whenever any of them were killed it seemed larger in number. On the other

hand, whenever any blessed companion of Imam Husain was martyred, it became apparent to

everyone that someone brave and powerful had passed away.

It was now the time of Zohar salah when Hadrat Abu Sumaamah As Saa-idi mentioned to Imam

Husain, “I wish that my life be sacrificed for you and I also see that the enemy has come closer. By

Allah! As long as I do not sacrifice my life for you, you will never become martyred. However, I wish

that I could perform the Zohar salah and then meet the Creator” Imam Husain replied that indeed this

was the beginning of the time of Zohar salah and that he should request the enemy to give them time

to perform the Zohar salah. It was a miracle of Imam Husain that these enemies agreed to this request.

Ibn Numair then said to Imam Husain, “this salah would not be accepted.” Hadrat Habeeb bin Mathar

replied, “Is it possible for the salah of the Prophets family not to be accepted and possible for your

salah to be accepted O donkey?” He then attacked Hadrat Habeeb who successfully defended himself.

Hadrat Habeeb then killed Badeel bin Sareem from the Bani Tameem. When they saw this, the other

members of the Bani Tameem then threw a spear at him and he was finally martyred at the hands of

ibn Numair. Imam Husain was greatly saddened at his martyrdom.

Thereafter, Hadrat Hurr and Hadrat Zuhair bin Qain decided to attack the enemy together. When one

became tired, the battle was taken over by the next. In this manner, they managed to kill many of the

enemy. This continued for a long time until finally, the foot soldiers attacked Hadrat Hurr in one large

group and martyred him. (Al Kaamil fit Taarikh. Vol 3. Page 425).

In the book “Roudatush Shuhadah” it is mentioned that when Hadrat Hurr was severely injured, he

called out to Imam Husain. Imam Husain went to him and after pushing back the enemy single

handily, he carried Hadrat Hurr. He then placed Hadrat Hurr on the ground and placed his head on his

thigh. He then wiped away the blood from the forehead and face of Hadrat Hurr. Hadrat Hurr then

opened his eyes and when he saw that his head was on the blessed thigh of Imam Husain, he smiled

and said, “Are you now pleased with me.?” Imam Husain replied, “I am pleased with you and

Almighty Allah is also pleased with you.” When he heard these words, Hadrat Hurr then took his final

breath so that he could walk on the path towards Paradise.

Now the battle became even more severe and hundreds of enemies began to attack Imam Husain and

his companions. At the same time, thousands of arrows were also raining upon Imam Husain and his

companions. When Hadrat Hanafi saw this, he stood in front on Imam Husain so that he could face

this barrage of arrows and in the process became severely injured. This brave act of such a dedicated

admirer of Imam Husain brought the memory of the battle of Uhud to all who saw it.

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It was in this battle that when the Muslims became confused, then a true devotee of the Holy Prophet

did something which had never been seen before. He stood in front of the Holy Prophet and faced the

enemy head on and refused to allow any harm to come to the Holy Prophet. This brave soul was none

other than Hadrat Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas. At that moment, the Holy Prophet was handing out arrows

to him to shoot at the enemy and with every arrow given to him, the Holy Prophet declared to him,

“Shoot the arrow O Sa’ad, may my mother and father be sacrificed for you.” Look at this amazing

scene in that in the battle of Uhud, Hadrat Sa’ad never allowed any enemy to come near the Holy

Prophet or to even harm him and in Karbala, how tragic it is in that it was the son called ibn Sa’ad

who had brought the enemy to attack Imam Husain and his blessed companions.

The arrows of the blessed father was shot against the enemies of Islam and the arrow of the son was

been shot against the present leader of the Muslims.

A poet has declared: “Look at the road, from where to where it is.”

Hadrat Hanafi faced so many arrows that he actually fell and became martyred. Hadrat Zuhair also

fought bravely against all odds and was also finally martyred. Hadrat Naaf’i also killed numerous

enemies and was also finally martyred. It is said that before he became martyred, both his hands were

severed and in this sad state, he was captured. The despicable Shimr then took him to ibn Sa’ad. At

that moment, this brave soldier declared to ibn Sa’ad. “I have killed nearly twelve of your soldiers and

have injured numerous others. If my arms were not severed, I would have never been captured”.

Shimr then came forward with his sword and Hadrat Naaf’i declared, “If you were a Muslim, you

would not want to meet the Creator by killing me. However, I praise the Almighty that he has allowed

me to be killed by the most despicable of creation.” Shimr then martyred him.

The enemy then attacked the rest of the blessed companions of Imam Husain and most of them

became Shaheed with the fear that they would still be alive while Imam Husain became martyred.

It is stated that Saif bin Haarith and Maalik bin Abd then approached Imam Husain and began to

weep. Imam Husain said to them, “Why do you weep, very soon, your eyes would become cooled by

Allah.” They replied, “By Allah! We are not weeping for ourselves. We are weeping because we do

not have the strength anymore to defend you.” Imam Husain then made dua for them and after leaving

him, they soon became martyred.

Hadrat Hanzala bin Asad then read a few verses of the Holy Quran in front of Imam Husain and also

tried to change the mind of the enemy, yet, at that moment, none of them were prepared to listen. He

then finally greeted Imam Husain and after fighting bravely, he was also martyred. Hadrat Shozab bin

Shaakir also became martyred. Hadrat Aabis then approached the enemy and they became so fearful

of him when he approached them that they actually fell back. Ibn Sa’ad then instructed his soldiers to

collectively attack him and still he pushed them back. Finally, he was also martyred.

Yazeed bin Abi Ziyad Kandi who had left the companions of the fire and had joined the companions

of light also began to fearlessly attack the enemy with his arrows. Every time he shot an arrow, Imam

Husain made dua, “O Allah! Do not let his arrow miss and please bless him with Paradise.” It is said

that he shot nearly a hundred arrows and not even five arrows missed their target. Finally, he was also

martyred. Blessed individuals such as Amar bin Khaalid, Jabbaar bin Haarith, Majmu’a bin

Ubaidullah and Hadrat Abbas also fought bravely and became martyred.

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Now, there remained no one except a few members from the blessed family of Imam Husain. The first

person to come forward to meet the enemy was the son of Imam Husain, namely Hadrat Ali Akbar.

(Interesting to note that his mother was actually Hadrat Layla bint-e-Abi Marra and not Hadrat Sher

Banu as is famously known). The fighting spirit of a true lion is certainly famous and you can imagine

this lion that was the lion from the blessed family of the Holy Prophet. His fighting spirit was such

that wherever he turned, his enemies were forced to lower their heads.

Wherever he attacked, the enemy ran to all directions. He fought for a long time and finally was over

taken by thirst and tiredness. He rested a while and again entered the battlefield. He continued in this

fashion for a long time, until finally the spear of Marra bin Munqiz Abdi severly injured him. He

became martyred soon after this. Imam Husain then carried the blessed body of his son and declared,

“O my son! May Allah destroy your killer. After you, the world seems dark. How disobedient are

these people against Almighty Allah and how brave they seem in attacking and humiliating the family

of the Holy Prophet.” He then placed the blessed body near one of the tents. Thereafter, Hadrat

Abdullah bin Muslim went forward and after fighting bravely, he also became Shaheed. (Al Kaamil

fit Taarikh. Vol 3. Page 428).

The enemy again attacked in their hundreds and in this attack, Hadrat Oun bin Abdullah bin Hadrat

Jafer bin Tayyar and Hadrat Abdur Rahman and Jafer, the sons of Hadrat Uqail became martyred.

Thereafter, the beloved son of Imam Hasan went forward and after been attacked by the despicable

Amar bin Sa’ad bin Nufail, he also fell. While he was falling, he called out to his uncle Imam Husain.

When Imam Husain heard the call of his nephew, in a fit of rage he attacked ibn Nufail and severed

his hands. When his companions came to his aid, in the clamour, they actually rode their horses over

him. When the final cloud of smoke had cleared, Imam Husain was heard saying to his beloved

nephew, “O Qasim! Your killer is far away from the Mercy of Allah. By Allah! Your uncle is

extremely pained that when you called, he could not come to your aid”. He then took his beloved

nephew and placed his body next to his son Hadrat Ali Akbar. In this manner, finally Hadrat Abbas

and his three brothers and the second son of Imam Husain, namely Hadrat Abu Bakr and all his

nephews were martyred.

May Almighty Allah reward them with the greatest of blessing and through them, may He also bless


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Imam Husain then entered his tent and taking his youngest son, Hadrat Abdullah who is famously

known as Ali Asghar, he went outside. Suddenly an arrow was shot by one of the enemies and this

youngest Mujaahid became martyred in the blessed hands of Imam Husain. When his innocent blood

fell on the ground, Imam Husain declared, “O Allah! If help from the heavens have been restricted to

us, then let the end be good for us and take revenge from these people.” (Al Marji-us Saabiq. Page



For those who are the true lovers, only they can understand that they love meeting their beloved even

more than their own lives.

They also understand that this cannot be achieved without facing tribulation and difficulties.

“In other words, the heart can never become beautified,

As long as it does not taste sadness.

And sadness can never be achieved

Until you are smashed under stone like Mehndi

And as long as this does not happen

You will never be able to enter the court of the beloved”

It is said that the heart and chest is torn to shreds and,If by chance the word ‘Uf” (complaint) appears

from your lips then, You would be permanently removed from the register of true devotees.

This is not a new thing or a new experience; it has always been displayed by those who are the true

devotees. In surah Baqarah, verse 155, the Almighty declares,

“And certainly, We shall put you to test with something of fear and hunger and with some loss of

wealth and lives and fruits; and give glad tidings to those who are patient.”

When these tests, tribulations and trials are obeyed and adhered to, then what can be said about the

ultimate result? Immense beauty is seen by the eyes and years of longing are finally ended. The heart

is at peace and true tranquillity is experienced. It is for this reason that Imam Husain had left his home

and hearth to come to Karbala. On this morning he had seen his family and companions martyred and

he even took some of his companions in his blessed hands to be sacrificed.

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His eyes are filled with the blood of his companions. Beautiful flowers are now lying on the ground.

Yet, none of these things affect him. He only has this thought in his mind that it is because of this day,

that he had left Madina shareef. It is because of this day that he had sacrificed all those he knew and

had even presented his own son as a sacrifice.

We ask, where are those Angels who had complained when man was been created? We ask those

Angels to wake up from their places of worship and look at the plains of Karbala! Most certainly, they

would understand the Divine statement of Allah when He declared to them about the reason of man’s

creation, when He declared, “I know that, which you do not know.” On the plains of Karbala, a living

example of this Divine Statement is been enacted.

Everyone was prepared to be sacrificed for the truth, yet, the martyrdom of Husain was the real

example and the examples of those who came later were merely a reflection of this original

martyrdom. If this did not happen, then the enemies would have been satisfied with merely the blood

of Imam Husain.

By Allah! What an amazing and heart rendering sight is been enacted by Imam Husain as he leaves

his household alone to face these enemies. It is a sight of helplessness, of loneliness and where he has

remained thirsty for three days. He has numerous injuries on his body and he is preparing to meet over

a thousand enemies.

His innocent and blessed daughters are weeping while they are watching as he prepares to do battle all

alone. Their eyes are also full of tears in that by his leaving would also mean the end of their comfort

and peace.

At this moment, if there could be anyone who could ask Imam Zainul Aabideen of what tragedy his

beloved father had to endure on this day. He is not well, he is a stranger in this land and he has seen

his beloved companions been martyred in front of him. Imam Zainul Aabideen has also seen his

innocent brothers been martyred in front of him. What must be going through his mind at this

moment? Even at this moment, he is about to lose the merciful shadow of his beloved father and there

is no one to ask him about his loss.

Imam Husain finally embraces his family and gives a last minute advice to be patient to the females

and departs from the tent.

There is no one to even accompany him on this final journey. The only thing which accompanies him

on this last journey is the regretful and sorrowful eyes of his family. It is as if these eyes are

accompanying him on every step he takes.

“Please include the poem which you had sent me, I think that it is the same poem”

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“O the fountain of Kauther! Keep your sweet scented water prepared because a beloved who has

remained thirsty for three days continuously is about to arrive on your shores”

“O the trees of Paradise, keep your shadow ready because the one who has endured extreme and

severe heat and thirst on the plains of Karbala is about to enjoy your shadow”

Today, the maidens of Paradise have arrived on the plains of Karbala with sweet and cool water. It is

as if the heavens are filled with the Angels who are watching this amazing moment. The pure souls of

Paradise have beautified the mansions of paradise in preparation. It seems as if even the Holy Prophet

has arrived from Madina shareef to retrieve the blessed body of his beloved grandson. His face and

eyes are filled with tears and the little bottle which he has, is filled with the blood of the martyrs.

Now, it is time for the blood of Husain to be also added to this.

In brief, today is that day when the plains of Karbala are beautified with the blood of Husain. Tell the

maidens of Paradise to open their hair and clean the ground of Paradise because today, your leader

who is the beloved of Bibi Fatima is about to fall on this land.

Imam Husain then sees that the despicable Shimr is about to attack the tent where the females are and

he warns him of the dire consequences of this cruel act. Suddenly, numerous of his enemies are

attacking him from all direction. When he defends himself on the right flank, there are countless

bodies which are seen lying on the ground. When he defends the left flank, the only reaction from the

enemy is to turn and run.

By Allah! It seems that the reaction of the enemy in the face of this bravery of Imam Husain is the

same reaction displayed by the sheep when they see a lion. The battle continues for a long time and

many of his enemies are killed. Finally, even his horse collapses, yet he continues to fight even more

furiously than those of his enemies on horseback.

Suddenly a wretched person declares to him, “Can you see that Tigris River, you would never drink

from it.” Imam Husain replies, “May Allah annihilate you while you are thirsty”. Suddenly this

person is overtaken by thirst. As much as he drinks, he is still not satisfied and finally dies of thirst.

While Imam Husain battles with these despicable people, he continues to declare, “You have gathered

here to murder me? By Allah, after today, there will never be someone like me whose murder would

displease Allah so much. I have faith that my respect would increase as much as your disgrace and

that Almighty Allah would take such retribution from you which you had never ever thought about.

When you finally murder me, Almighty Allah would create disunity among you and would have you

killed and would not be pleased until He does not show each one of you a severe punishment before

each of you dies.” (Al Kaamil fit Taarikh. Vol 3. Page 431).

When Shimr noticed that his army was not achieving anything, he called out to them, “What are you

waiting for, kill Husain.” Suddenly, the enemies of Imam Husain attacked him from all directions.

The despicable Zar’a bin Shareek Tameemi cut open his right shoulder with his sword. Imam Husain

becomes tired. His body displays thirty three wounds from spears which have been thrown at him and

thirty four wounds from swords which have attacked him. The injuries sustained from arrows which

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have been fired at him cannot even be counted! As he tries to wake up, he again falls to the ground. In

this critical state, the dweller of hell, named Sinaan bin Anas Nakhi throws a spear at him. Imam

Husain finally falls to the ground. Sinaan then orders Khuwaili bin Yazeed to cut off the head of the

blessed Imam. However, Khuwaili’s hands are trembling. Finally, Sinaan himself jumps off his horse

and severs the blessed head of Imam Husain.

Even this did not satisfy them. They then removed the clothing of Imam Husain and shared it among

themselves. They then attacked the tent where the females were and stole all their belongings. May

Almighty curse them; they even stole the scarves from the head of these blessed females. Even this

did not satisfy them; they then ran their horses over the blessed body of Imam Husain and broke every

bone in his blessed body. (Al Marji-us Saabiq. Page 432).


The despicable Shimr also wanted to martyr Imam Zainul Aabideen, however, Humaid bin Muslim

advised him against this and informed him that children should not be killed.

[Shimar bin Zil Jawshan saw that Ali bin Husain, the son of Imam Husain, who was sick at the time,

was in the tent . He looked much younger in appearance than he actually was. When Shimar saw him

he said, “Kill him also.” Humaid bin Muslim stopped him and said “Are you trying to kill little

children as well?” When he heard this he stopped himself from killing Ali.]

Thereafter, the blessed head of Imam Husain and his beloved remaining family were taken to ibn

Ziyad under the escort of Khuwaili bin Yazeed and Humaid bin Muslim. When they arrived in Kufa,

they noticed that the house of ibn Ziyad was closed and Khuwaili decided to take the blessed head of

Imam Husain to his house. When he entered, he said to his wife, “I have brought something for you

who would make you rich forever.” When she asked what it was and when he replied that it was the

head of the Prophets grandson, she shouted to him, “May you be destroyed. People bring gold and

silver, and yet, you have brought the blessed head of the Prophet’s son? By Allah, I refuse to live with

you.” This same female declares that during the entire night, she saw a light appearing from this

blessed head which went up to the heavens and that white beautiful birds were been sacrificed within

this light.” (Al Marji-us Saabiq. Page 434).

When this blessed head was brought in front of ibn Ziyaad, the walls and floors of his house began to

ooze with blood. This despicable person then began to strike the blessed teeth of Imam Husain with

his stick and said, “I have never seen such beautiful teeth.” Zaid bin Arqam who was present suddenly

shouted at him, “Take away your stick. By Allah! I have seen the Holy Prophet for many years

actually kissing those lips in love and adoration.” After saying, he began to weep. Ibn Ziyad then told

him, “You are weeping? If you do not stop, then your head would be removed also.”

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Zaid bin Arqam did not become fearful; instead he stood up and addressed those people who were

present. He declared, “You have murdered the son of Bibi Fatima thinking that living is more

valuable than death? From today, you will be slaves. By Allah! The best among you would be killed

and whoever would be spared would be made a slave. May you remain far (from me) who have

chosen disgrace and ignominy”. He then continued, “O ibn Ziyad! I will most certainly reveal to you

that Hadith shareef which would make you angry and full of rage. I once saw the Holy Prophet sitting

with Hasan on his right thigh and Husain on his left thigh and placing his blessed hands on their

heads, he prayed, ‘O Allah! I leave them in Your care and in the care of those Muslims who are pious.

O ibn Ziyad! Look at what you have done with the trust of the Holy Prophet?’”

On the other side, the prisoners were tied with chains around their necks and hands and the females

were placed on camels. As this procession went passed the bodies of those who had been martyred

and they saw that these martyrs were laying on the ground without even a coffin cloth around them,

Hadrat Zainab cried out, “Ya Rasoolullah! May the greetings of the Angels be upon the Prophet! Ya

Rasoolullah, this is Husain who lies on the ground. His entire body is covered in blood. His whole

body is broken and the daughters of the Holy Prophet are in chains. The children of the Holy Prophet

have also been killed and their bodies are been covered with sand which flies through the wind.” (Al

Marji-us Saabiq).

When this caravan appeared in front of ibn Ziyad, he began to debate with Imam Zainul Aabideen and

was completely defeated in this debate. When they asked whether Imam Zainul Aabideen was of

mature age, a person called Marri bin Mu’az looked carefully at Imam Zainul Aabideen and replied

that he looked mature. Ibn Ziyad then commanded that he also be murdered. When she saw this,

Hadrat Zainab immediately grabbed Imam Zainul Aabideen and informed ibn Ziyad that if he wanted

to kill Imam Zainul Aabideen, then she was also prepared to die with him. Finally, both of them were

spared. (Al Marji-us Saabiq. Page 435).

[They were taken to the governor’s house in Kufa. Ibn Ziyad pointed towards Sayyiduna Zaineb and

asked, “Who is she?” as he did not know who Sayyiduna Zaineb was. He asked two or three times.

Someone answered and said, “This is Zaineb, Sayyiduna Fatimah’s daughter, the granddaughter of

the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace).” Ibn Ziyad said to Zaineb “I thank Allah Most

High that your brother, who was a liar, has been punished.” Zaineb said “I thank Allah Most High

for giving us birth in the house of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), and for revealing

the Holy Qur'an in our house. This world is only for a few days and you are wrong to think that we

should be ashamed or embarrassed because in the Hereafter we will be the respected ones, and Allah

Most High will punish those who are evil.” Ibn Ziyad said, “Did you not see how I killed all your

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relatives, and how I mutilated their bodies.” Zainab could not hold back the tears as she had

witnessed these events before her own eyes and she began to weep. ]

[Ibn Ziyad then looked at Zain-ul- ‘Abidin and and asked him who he was. He replied, “My name is

Ali bin Husain.” Ibn Ziyad said, “Has not Allah Most High had Ali bin Husain killed yet?” When no

reply came he said, “Why don’t you answer me, I heard that Ali bin Husain had been killed.” Zain-ul-

‘Abidin said “I had a brother called Ali Akbar and the people at Karbala martyred him.” Ibn Ziyad

started to laugh and said, “Yes Allah Most High had him killed.” No one responded to this, so Ibn

Ziyad said again, “Why don’t you speak?” Zain-ul- ‘Abidin said, “Allah Most High has said everyone

must die no matter who they are.” Ibn Ziyad replied, “Are you from amongst them too?” Then he

turned to one of his men and said, “He has grown up now so why don’t you kill him.” Zain-ul-

‘Abidin said, “If you kill me, look at all these women, who are they going to go to Madina with? They

have no Mehram other than me who will go with them.” Sayyiduna Zainab could not hold her self

back and started to cry again and hugged Zain-ul-Abidin and said, “Have your desires not been

fulfilled yet? Why do you want to kill my last nephew as well? Do you not want to see any man alive?

If you want to kill him then you have to kill me first. If you have any shame then do not kill him as he

will go with us as a guardian to Madina.” Ibn Ziyad said, “I feel sorry for you but if I had really

wanted to kill Zain-ul’Ahbedeen, I would kill both of you.” ]

[After this Ibn Ziyad ordered that all the people should be gathered together. One person stood up

and called all the people and they gathered in the Mosque. Ibn Ziyad stood on the pulpit and gave a

speech. In the speech he abused Sayyiduna Ali, may Allah Most High be pleased with him, and

abused Imam Husain. Abdullah bin Afeef Azdee Waleabee was one of the companions of our Prophet

(Allah bless him and give him peace). He was a person who spent much of his time in the Mosque.

When he heard this speech and the abuse that Ibn Ziyad was directing towards Sayyiduna Ali, he

could not take it and said, “ O liar, your father was a liar too, how can you say such evil lies about

Sayyiduna Ali, may Allah Most High be pleased with him. May Allah Most High send His wrath upon

you. You have martyred the grandson of the Prophet, and you are talking like you have done a good

deed.” Ibn Ziyad said, “Bring him to me.” Some of his men tried to bring him to Ibn Ziyad and there

was a struggle. He ordered more of his men to arrest Abdullah. In the end Ziyad crucified Abdullah in

the Mosque and he was also martyred.]

[After the speech, ibn Ziyad ordered that the heads of Imam Husain, and some of the people who were

martyred should be placed on top of long spears and taken around the streets of Kufa so everybody

could see what had happened to the people who turned against the government. The next day he

called all the women, Zain-ul-'Abidin and the two slaves and asked them to mount the camel’s bare

backs and shackled everyone. He even made the women remove the veils from their faces so that the

people could see them, and sent them all to King Yazid. Before they all arrived there Ibn Ziyad had

sent the head of Imam Husain, so that the King could see for himself that he had obeyed his



Finally, this caravan left under the escort of ibn Ziyad’s men. The blessed head of Imam Husain was

actually stuck on a spear. During the journey, a person read verse 9, from Surah Kahf, which was,

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“Did you know that the men of the cave and of the forest's were of ours, a wonderful sign?” When he

had completed reading this verse, the blessed head of Imam Husain replied, “O that person who reads

the Holy Quran, even more amazing than the companions of the cave is this, that I have been

murdered and that my head is paraded on a spear.” Wherever these despicable soldiers camped, they

paraded the blessed head of Imam Husain for all to see. (Sharahus Sudoor. Page 212).

It is reported that once during this journey; a Christian monk saw this procession going through and

asked them whether they would be happy to accept ten thousand Ashrafis as a reward so that he could

keep the head for that night in his house. These dogs of the world accepted this offer. It is said that

this monk then washed the blessed head and applied sweet scent to it. He then spent the entire head

with the blessed head on his lap continuously looking at it. He also noticed that there was a light

which appeared from it. He spent the entire night in this fashion and in the morning, he accepted

Islam. He then gave away whatever he had in the monastery and became a servant of the Ahle Bait.

In the morning when this despicable people opened the bag to share the Ashrafis among themselves,

they noticed that all of them had become small insignificant pieces. More amazing is that on one side,

the following words of surah Ebrahim which is the 42nd

verse, “And never consider Allah unaware of

the deeds of the unjust. He is not letting them loose but to a day in which their eyes shall remain

staring” was recorded And on the other side was written the 227th verse of Surah Shurah which is,

“And now, the unjust will soon know as to which side they shall return.”


It is recorded that when this blessed head arrived before the unclean Yazeed, he began to touch it with

his cane. At that moment, a Christian ambassador from Rome was also present. When he saw this, he

remarked surprisingly, “In a church on one of our islands, there a hoof which is said to belong to Nabi

Esa’s donkey. Every year, people come from far and wide to see this hoof and also take oaths through

it. We also respect it as you people respect the Kaba. However, what have you done with the son of

your Prophet? I bear witness that you people are indeed misguided.”

Another Jew remarked that, “there were seventy generations which separated me from Nabi Daud (as

family) and yet, the Jews still respected me. And yet, you people have yourselves killed the son of the

Holy Prophet.”

In the evening, this caravan travelled onwards towards Madina shareef. On arrival in Madina shareef,

it brought with it a scene from Qiyamat. Every house was filled with grief and sadness.

It is said that immediately after the martyrdom of Imam Husain, blood actually rained down from the

sky. A person called Nasra Azdayah admits that, “When we awoke in the morning, every container in

the house was filled with blood. The sky was so dark during the day that even the stars could be seen.

Whatever stone was turned in Syria, below it was blood.”

In one narration it is stated that this darkness in the sky lasted for nearly seven days and the walls

seemed like it was covered by red colour similar to a flame. It seemed like there was a continuous

storm among the stars and they were also smashing against each other.

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Abu Saeed says that whatever stone was overturned in the world, below it was fresh blood. The sky

rained blood. In the lands of Khurasan, Kufa and Syria, the houses and walls were dripping with


The Ulama declare that this redness which is seen during the dawn was never present before the actual

Shahaadat. This redness remained in the corner of the sky, then become apparent everywhere.

The frightful end of those who took part in the martyrdom of Imam Husain

Abu Shaikh narrates that whoever took part or assisted in the martyrdom of Imam Husain, each and

everyone became victims of some tragedy. Once, an old man proudly boasted that nothing had ever

happened to him. When he was trying to set a light, suddenly fire engulfed him. He began to scream,

“Fire, fire” and jumped into the Tigris. However, he could not manage to put off the fire until finally

he went to his final destination which was the fire of hell.

Mansoor bin Ammar narrates that the killers of Imam Husain became victims of such immense thirst

that no matter how much they drank, they could not quench their thirst.

Sadmi narrates “that a person once invited him to Karbala and people were speaking among

themselves that whoever was responsible for the martyrdom of Imam Husain had died a disgraceful

death. The person who had invited me declared that he had also been involved in this and that nothing

had ever happened to him. The following night, while he was preparing a fire, suddenly the fire

engulfed him and he was burnt beyond recognition”. The narrator admits that when he saw the body,

it was burnt to ashes.

Imam Zuhri admits that, “Some were killed, some became blind and the faces of some became black.”

Imam Waaqidi narrates that, “there was once an old man who was present during this incident but was

not involved. Suddenly he became blind. When he was asked the reason for this, he replied that he

had seen the Holy Prophet in his dream. The sleeve of the Holy Prophet was folded and in his blessed

hand was a sword. In front of the Holy Prophet, ten of the killers of Imam Husain lay dead. He then

turned to the old man and said angrily, “By been present, you had increased their numbers. He then

placed a drop of the blood of Imam Husain on my eye and when I awoke, I found that I was blind.”

Sabat ibnul Joza narrates that, “The person who had hung the blessed head of Imam Husain on his

horse, after a few days, his face became blacker than coal. When people asked him the reason for this

and also mentioned to him that his face used to always look bright and fresh, he replied that, ‘Every

night, two people approach me and grabbing me by my shoulders, they throw me into a flaming fire

with my head over the fire. The flames continue to lick away at my face.’” It is said that he had a very

bad death.

An old man admits that once he saw the Holy Prophet in a dream in front of which there was a tray of

blood. People were then presented to the Holy Prophet and each person is stained with this blood.

When this old man approached the Holy Prophet, he admitted that, “I was not present.” However, the

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Holy Prophet replied, “But this is what you wished in your heart.” The Holy Prophet then pointed at

him with his right index finger and in the morning, he found that he was blind.

Imam Haakim narrates that once the Holy Prophet declared to Jibareel Ameen, “Almighty Allah has

declared that in retaliation for the death of Nabi Yahya bin Zakariyah, I have killed seventy thousand

and in revenge for Husain, I have killed seventy thousand and another seventy thousand.” (Al

Mustadrak. Hadith no. 4207. Vol 3. Page 485).

All praise is due to Almighty Allah in that He has taken his retribution from ibn Ziyad for the sake of

Imam Husain. It is stated that when he was killed with his companions, all their heads were placed

and people came to see. The narrator declares that, “I saw a snake suddenly appear. After going

through all the heads, it finally came to the unclean head of ibn Ziyad. It went through one nostril

opening and appeared through the other nostril. This continued for a few times.”

Mansoor narrates that, “I saw a person in Syria once whose face resembled that of a pig. When I

asked him the reason, he replied, that, ‘I used to curse Hadrat Ali and his pure family. One night, I

saw the Holy Prophet in my dream and Imam Hasan complained about him. The Holy Prophet cursed

him and spat on his face. Suddenly his face took the shape of a pig.”