aaa facets of understanding

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  • 8/7/2019 AAA FACETS of understanding



  • 8/7/2019 AAA FACETS of understanding



    Explanation: sophisticated and aptExplanation: sophisticated and aptexplanations and theories which provideexplanations and theories which provideknowledgeable and justified accounts ofknowledgeable and justified accounts ofevents, actions, and ideasevents, actions, and ideasFacet 1 involves the kind ofFacet 1 involves the kind ofunderstanding that emerges from a wellunderstanding that emerges from a welldeveloped and supported theory, andeveloped and supported theory, an

    explanation that makes sense ofexplanation that makes sense ofpuzzling or opaque phenomena, data,puzzling or opaque phenomena, data,feelings, or ideas.feelings, or ideas.

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    It is understanding revealedIt is understanding revealed

    through performance andthrough performance andproducts that clearly, thoroughly,products that clearly, thoroughly,and instructively explainand instructively explain

    how things work,how things work,

    what they imply,what they imply,

    where they connect, andwhere they connect, andwhy they happen.why they happen.

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  • 8/7/2019 AAA FACETS of understanding


    To understand in this sense is to connect factsTo understand in this sense is to connect factsand ideasand ideas--often seemingly odd, counterintuitive,often seemingly odd, counterintuitive,

    or contradictory facts and ideasor contradictory facts and ideas--into a theoryinto a theorythat works.that works. As Dewey (1933) explained, to understandAs Dewey (1933) explained, to understand

    somethingsomething is to see it in itsis to see it in its relationsrelations to otherto otherthings: to note how it operates or functions,things: to note how it operates or functions,

    what consequences follow from it, and whatwhat consequences follow from it, and whatcauses it.causes it. Understandings in this sense thus go beyondUnderstandings in this sense thus go beyond

    true or borrowed opinions (mere right answers)true or borrowed opinions (mere right answers)toto warrantedwarranted opinionsopinions a student s ability toa student s ability toexplain an answer so that he/she can justify howexplain an answer so that he/she can justify howhe/she arrives at that answer and why it is right.he/she arrives at that answer and why it is right.We call upon such students to reveal theirWe call upon such students to reveal theirunderstanding by using such verbs asunderstanding by using such verbs as explain,explain,justify, generalize, predict, support, verify, provejustify, generalize, predict, support, verify, prove,, andand substantiate.substantiate.

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    Thus, a student who can explain whyThus, a student who can explain whysteam, water, and ice though superficiallysteam, water, and ice though superficially

    different, are the same chemicaldifferent, are the same chemicalsubstance has a better understanding ofsubstance has a better understanding ofwater (H20) than someone who cannot.water (H20) than someone who cannot.

    Regardless of the subject matter/contentRegardless of the subject matter/content

    or the age or the sophistication of theor the age or the sophistication of thestudent, when the student understands instudent, when the student understands inthe sense of FACET 1, that student hasthe sense of FACET 1, that student hasthe ability to the ability to show his/her work: explainshow his/her work: explainwhy an answer is right or wrong, givewhy an answer is right or wrong, givevalid evidence and argument for a view,valid evidence and argument for a view,and defend that view against other views,and defend that view against other views,if neededif needed

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    Instructional ImplicationsInstructional Implications

    Facet 1(Explanation) suggests that weFacet 1(Explanation) suggests that wedeliberately seek a better balancedeliberately seek a better balancebetween knowledge transmission (throughbetween knowledge transmission (through

    the teacher and the text) and studentthe teacher and the text) and studenttheory building and testing. A simpletheory building and testing. A simplestrategy to accomplish this goal is to focusstrategy to accomplish this goal is to focuson theon the 5 W questions at the heart of5 W questions at the heart of

    journalismjournalism--who, what, where, when, whywho, what, where, when, why--both in instruction and assessment.both in instruction and assessment.

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    From a design point of view, Facet 1From a design point of view, Facet 1calls forcalls for building units aroundbuilding units aroundoverarching (essential and unit)overarching (essential and unit)questions, issues, and problems thatquestions, issues, and problems that

    demand student theories anddemand student theories andexplanationsexplanations such as, those found insuch as, those found inproblemproblem--based learning and effectivebased learning and effective--

    handshands--ob and mindsob and minds--on scienceon scienceprograms.programs.

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    The implications for assessment areThe implications for assessment arestraightforwardstraightforward--use of assessments (e.g.,use of assessments (e.g.,performance tasks, projects, prompts, andperformance tasks, projects, prompts, andtests) that ask studentstests) that ask students to explain, notto explain, not

    simply recall, to link facts with larger ideassimply recall, to link facts with larger ideasand justify the connections, to show theirand justify the connections, to show theirwork, not just give an answer, and towork, not just give an answer, and to

    support their their conclusions.

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    Interpretation: interpretations, narratives, andInterpretation: interpretations, narratives, andtranslations that provide meaningtranslations that provide meaning

    The object of interpretation isThe object of interpretation is understanding,understanding,not explanation, hence, an interpretation couldnot explanation, hence, an interpretation couldbe relative.

    Understanding occurs when we organizeUnderstanding occurs when we organize

    essentially contestable but incompletelyessentially contestable but incompletelyverifiable propositions in a disciplined wayverifiable propositions in a disciplined way(Bruner, 1996).(Bruner, 1996).

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    Meaning TransformsMeaning Transforms

    UnderstandingUnderstanding The meanings we ascribe to all events, bigThe meanings we ascribe to all events, big

    and small, transform our understandingand small, transform our understanding

    and perception of particular facts.and perception of particular facts.

    The student possessing this understandingThe student possessing this understandingcan show an events significance, revealcan show an events significance, reveal

    an ideas importance, or provide anan ideas importance, or provide aninterpretation that strikes a deep chord ofinterpretation that strikes a deep chord ofsignificance and resonance.significance and resonance.

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    Meaning is in the eye of theMeaning is in the eye of the

    beholder.beholder. Consider how differently a mother, aConsider how differently a mother, a

    police officer, or an adolescent in a fosterpolice officer, or an adolescent in a foster

    home might perceive the same newspaperhome might perceive the same newspaperaccount of severe child abuse.account of severe child abuse.

    Social workers and psychologists mightSocial workers and psychologists might

    well have an accepted theory of childwell have an accepted theory of childabuse in the sense of FACET 1.abuse in the sense of FACET 1.

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    But the meaning of the event, hence anBut the meaning of the event, hence anunderstanding of it may have little to dounderstanding of it may have little to dowith the theory; the theory may be only awith the theory; the theory may be only ascientific account with no bearing, forscientific account with no bearing, for

    example, on the abused persons view ofexample, on the abused persons view ofthe event.the event.

    How do you interpret Pacquiaos victoryHow do you interpret Pacquiaos victory

    over Hatton?over Hatton?

  • 8/7/2019 AAA FACETS of understanding


    Explanation and interpretation are thusExplanation and interpretation are thus

    related but different.related but different. A jury trying to understand a case of childA jury trying to understand a case of child

    abuse seeks significance and intent, notabuse seeks significance and intent, not

    generalizations from theoretical science.generalizations from theoretical science. The theorist builds objective and generalThe theorist builds objective and general

    knowledge about the phenomenon calledknowledge about the phenomenon calledabuse.abuse.

    But the novelist or journalist may offer asBut the novelist or journalist may offer asmuch or more insight into the why.much or more insight into the why.

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    We may know the relevantWe may know the relevantfacts and theoreticalfacts and theoreticalprinciples, but we can andprinciples, but we can andmust still always ask:must still always ask: WhatWhatdoes it all mean to me, todoes it all mean to me, to


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    The narrative building (as well as theThe narrative building (as well as the

    theory of FACET 1) is the true meaning oftheory of FACET 1) is the true meaning ofconstructivism.constructivism.

    When we say that students must makeWhen we say that students must maketheir own meaning, we mean thattheir own meaning, we mean thatit isit iscounterproductive to hand studentscounterproductive to hand studentsprepackaged significance orprepackaged significance orinterpretations without letting theminterpretations without letting them

    work through the problem to where theywork through the problem to where theysee these explanations and interpretationssee these explanations and interpretationsas valid.

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    Application:Application: ability to use knowledgeability to use knowledgeeffectively in new situationseffectively in new situations

    Understanding involves matching onesUnderstanding involves matching onesidea or action to context.idea or action to context.

    We show our understanding of somethingWe show our understanding of something

    by using it, adapting it, and customizing using it, adapting it, and customizing it.

  • 8/7/2019 AAA FACETS of understanding


  • 8/7/2019 AAA FACETS of understanding



    Perspective: critical and rightful points ofPerspective: critical and rightful points ofviewview

    An important symptom of an emergingAn important symptom of an emergingunderstanding is theunderstanding is the capacity to representcapacity to representa problem in a number of different waysa problem in a number of different ways

    and to approach its solution from variedand to approach its solution from variedvantage points; a single, rigidvantage points; a single, rigidrepresentation is unlikely to suffice.representation is unlikely to suffice.

    --Gardner, 1991Gardner, 1991

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    To understand in this sense is toTo understand in this sense is to seesee

    things from a dispassionate andthings from a dispassionate anddisinterested perspective.disinterested perspective.

    This type of understanding is not aboutThis type of understanding is not aboutany students particular point of view butany students particular point of view butabout the mature recognition that anyabout the mature recognition that anyanswer to a complex question typicallyanswer to a complex question typicallyinvolves a poiny of view.involves a poiny of view.

    Hence , an answer is often one of manyHence , an answer is often one of manypossible plausible accounts.possible plausible accounts.

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    A student with perspective is alert toA student with perspective is alert towhat is taken for granted, assumed,what is taken for granted, assumed,overlooked, or glossed over in an inquiryoverlooked, or glossed over in an inquiryor theory.or theory.

    Perspective involves making tacitPerspective involves making tacitassumptions and implications explicit.assumptions and implications explicit.

    It is often revealed through an abilty toIt is often revealed through an abilty to

    ask. What of it? And to see an answerask. What of it? And to see an answer--even a teachers or textbookss answereven a teachers or textbookss answer-- asasa point of view.a point of view.

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    This type of perspective is aThis type of perspective is apowerful insight,powerful insight, because bybecause by

    shifting perspective and castingshifting perspective and castingfamiliar ideas in a new light, onefamiliar ideas in a new light, onecan create new theories, storiescan create new theories, stories

    and applications.and applications.

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    Empathy:Empathy: the ability to get inside anotherthe ability to get inside anotherpersons feelings and worldviewpersons feelings and worldview

    How does it seem to you? What do theyHow does it seem to you? What do theysee that I dont? What do I need tosee that I dont? What do I need toexperience if I am to understand? Whatexperience if I am to understand? What

    was the performer feeling, seeing, andwas the performer feeling, seeing, andtrying to make me feel and see?trying to make me feel and see?

  • 8/7/2019 AAA FACETS of understanding


    Empathy, the ability to walk in anothersEmpathy, the ability to walk in anothersshoes, to escape ones own emotionalshoes, to escape ones own emotionalreactions to grasp anothers, is central toreactions to grasp anothers, is central to

    understanding.understanding. When we try to understand anotherWhen we try to understand another

    person, people, or culture, we strive forperson, people, or culture, we strive forempathy. It is not simply an affectiveempathy. It is not simply an affective

    response or sympathy.response or sympathy.

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    Empathy is a learned ability to grasp theEmpathy is a learned ability to grasp theworls from someone elses point of view.worls from someone elses point of view.It is the discipline of using onesIt is the discipline of using onesimagination to see and feel as others seeimagination to see and feel as others see

    and feel.and feel.

    Empathy is a form of insight because ittEmpathy is a form of insight because ittinvolves the ability to go beyond odd,involves the ability to go beyond odd,

    alien, seemingly weird opinions or peoplealien, seemingly weird opinions or peopleto find what is meaningful in find what is meaningful in them.

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    Students have to learn how toStudents have to learn how to

    openmindedly embrace ideas,openmindedly embrace ideas,experiences, and texts that might seemexperiences, and texts that might seemstrange, offstrange, off--putting, or just difficult toputting, or just difficult toaccess as if they are to understand themaccess as if they are to understand them

    and their connection to what is moreand their connection to what is morefamiliar.familiar.

    They need to see how weird or dumbThey need to see how weird or dumb

    ideas can be insightful or sophisticatedideas can be insightful or sophisticatedonce they have overcome habitualonce they have overcome habitualresponses.responses.

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    SelfSelf--knowledge:knowledge: the wisdom to know onesthe wisdom to know onesignorance and how ones patterns ofignorance and how ones patterns ofthought and action infom as well asthought and action infom as well asprejudice understanding.prejudice understanding.

    How does who I am shape my views?How does who I am shape my views?What are the linits of my understanding?What are the linits of my understanding?

    What are my blind spots? What am IWhat are my blind spots? What am Iprone to understand because of prejudice,prone to understand because of prejudice,habit, or style?habit, or style?

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    Deep understanding is ultimately relatedDeep understanding is ultimately relatedto what we mean by what we mean by wisdom.

    To understand the world we must firstTo understand the world we must first

    understand ourselves. Through selfunderstand ourselves. Through self--knowledge we also understand what weknowledge we also understand what wedo not not understand.

    Socrates is the patron saint ofSocrates is the patron saint of

    undertsanding. He knew he was ignorant,undertsanding. He knew he was ignorant,whereas men did not realize they werewhereas men did not realize they were..

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    If understanding isIf understanding iscomposed of six facets,composed of six facets,what do they look like inwhat do they look like inpractice?practice?