
abase v To lower; degrade; humiliate; to bring from a higher to a lower state; to depress; to hurt the pride of. abash ad j To embarrass. abasia n The inability to walk due to a lack of muscular coordination. abate v To subside or moderate. abbreviate v To shorten; to make smaller. abdicate v To renounce under oath a right, position, or responsibility. abdication n A formal giving up of control or authority. aberrant ad j Abnormal or deviant. aberration n Something that is abnormal; a departure from the ordinary. abhor v To detest; to hate; to loathe. abjure v Promise or swear to give up; to renounce upon oath. ablution v A washing, usually referring to the cleaning of ritual items. abnegation n Renunciation; to self-sacrifice; to give up or renounce. abolish v To cancel; to put an end to; to eradicate. abominate v To loathe; to hate. aboriginal ad j Primitive; original; native. abraded ad j Worn away; overused and worn-down. abrasive ad j Rubbing away; causing irritation; harmful. abscess n A swelling on the body where pus has gathered and where an infection is occurring. abscission n A cutting off; a separation. abscond v To go away suddenly; to leave secretly in an attempt to hide or evade a person or a thing. absolve v To officially pardon; to forgive for an offense. absquatulate v To run away quickly; to leave in a hurry; to abscond. abstain v To refrain from use; to withdraw from participation. abstemious ad j Sparing and moderate in eating and drinking; temperate. abstinence n Restraint from pleasurable things or experiences. abstruse ad Obscure; profound; hard to understand; understood by

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abase v To lower; degrade; humiliate; to bring from a higher to a lower state; to depress; to hurt the pride of.

abash adjTo embarrass.abasia n The inability to walk due to a lack of muscular coordination.abate v To subside or moderate.abbreviate v To shorten; to make smaller.abdicate v To renounce under oath a right, position, or responsibility.abdication n A formal giving up of control or authority.aberrant adjAbnormal or deviant.aberration n Something that is abnormal; a departure from the ordinary.abhor v To detest; to hate; to loathe.abjure v Promise or swear to give up; to renounce upon oath.ablution v A washing, usually referring to the cleaning of ritual items.abnegation n Renunciation; to self-sacrifice; to give up or renounce.abolish v To cancel; to put an end to; to eradicate.abominate v To loathe; to hate.aboriginal adjPrimitive; original; native.abraded adjWorn away; overused and worn-down.abrasive adjRubbing away; causing irritation; harmful.abscess n A swelling on the body where pus has gathered and where an infection is

occurring.abscission n A cutting off; a separation.abscond v To go away suddenly; to leave secretly in an attempt to hide or evade a

person or a thing.absolve v To officially pardon; to forgive for an offense.absquatulate v To run away quickly; to leave in a hurry; to abscond.abstain v To refrain from use; to withdraw from participation.abstemious adjSparing and moderate in eating and drinking; temperate.abstinence n Restraint from pleasurable things or experiences.abstruse adjObscure; profound; hard to understand; understood by only a few people.abusive adjInsulting; physically or psychologically harmful.academic adjNot practical; not useful; not directly applicable.acarpous adjEffete; no longer fertile; producing no fruit.access n A sudden outburst, often emotional in nature.accessible adjEasy to approach; obtainable; within reach.accessory n An additional object; a useful but not essential component of a whole.acclimate v To adjust to a climate or environment; to adapt to a new area, situation,

conditions, etc.acclivity n A sharp upslope; an upward slope.accolade n An award of merit; praise; approval.accommodate v To help someone; to oblige; to bring into harmony; to adapt.accomplice n A partner in crime.accost v To approach and speak boldly to a person.accountable adjResponsible; honorable and honest.accrue v To accumulate over time; come about by addition.acerbity n Bitterness in tempter;.acetic adjVinegary.acidulous adjSour in attitude; sharp; bitter.acolyte n An attendant who helps a priest to perform religious ceremonies; an

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ardent follower.acoustics n The science of sound; the sound characteristics of a singular room or

venue.acquiesce v To assent; to give in without argument or objection; to agree passively.acquittal n A verdict by a jury that a person is not guilty.acrid adjBitter; sharp; biting.acrophobia n The fear of heights.actuary n A statistician who advises insurance companies.acumen n Mental keenness; acuity of judgement and mind.acute adjSharp; biting; quickly perceptive; keen.adamant adjInflexible; unwilling to change; hard.adamantine adjUnyielding; firm; not able to be changed in opinion or purpose; unable to

be cut.addendum n An addition; something that is added.addiction n A compulsive, often habitual need; a feeling of necessity for an item that

is not strictly required to maintain health and longevity.addle v To make or become confused; to muddle.address v To speak to; to focus ones attention on; to deal with and to contemplate.adduce v To provide as evidence;adherent n A supporter; a follower; an advocate.adjoin adjTo be next to.adjourn v To suspend momentarily; to stop for the time being; to place into a state

of recess.adjunct adjAcquired or having an inferior position.adjure v To entreat; to command earnestly.adjutant n A helper; an assistant.admonish v To warn or speak to with gentle disapproval; to caution.adulterate v To make impure; to reduce the quality of by the introduction of something

inferior.adumbrate v To give an incomplete or faint idea of; to foreshadow; to give a sketchy

outline.advent n An arrival.adventitious adjAccidental; happening by chance; not natural.adversary n An opponent; the enemy; someone or something that offers opposition.adverse adjGoing against; opposing; unfavorable.advert v To remark; to turn the attention to.advocate v To speak in favor of; to support; to encourage.aegis n A shield; protection; a defense.aerate v To put air into; to expose to fresh air; to supply with air.aesthetic adjArtistic; dealing with or capable of appreciating the beautiful; appealing to

the sense of sight.affable adjFriendly; easily approachable; warm and considerate.affected adjSometime that is acted up; any entity under the influence of something

else.affirmation n An assertion in the positive; a confirmation.affliction n A condition of distress; a disease; the cause of suffering.affluence n Abundance; wealth.affray n A fray; a noisy quarrel in a public.affront v To insult; intentional act of disrespect; to intentionally hurt the feelings of

another person.aficionado n A fan; a devotee; an advocate or supporter of a certain ideal, way of

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doing things, or activity.agape adjWith an open mouth.agenda n The items or list of items to be covered during a meeting; the plan of

action.agglomeration n A heap; a collection.aggrandize v To make more great; to increase in power, wealth, rank, etc.aggravate v To make worse; to irritate.agility n The ability to move in a coordinated and quick manner.agitate v To stir up; disturb; to cause to move from a place of rest or peace.agnostic adjBeing skeptical of the existence of a god or any supreme being.agog adjEager and excited; driven by anticipation.agrarian adjPertaining to land or its cultivation.agronomy n The broad science of crop rotation and crop maintenance, including soil

management, cultivation, fertilization, irrigation, etc.alacrity n Cheerful promptness; eagerness to perform a specific deed, usually

without hesitation.alcove n A nook; a cranny; a recess; an enclosed space.aleatory adjUncertain and unpredictable; dependent on luck.alimentary adjSupplying or referring to nourishment.alimony n Payments made on a regular basis, most often to a spouse of a former

engagement or marriage.allay v To calm; to make peaceful.allegiance n Support; a sense of loyalty; duty towards an individual or specific cause.allergy n A condition where a person is very sensitive to certain chemicals or

substances in the environment; an exaggerated immune response to otherwise harmless stimuli.

alliteration n A poetry term referring to the repetition of beginning sounds of two or more words; the commencement of two or more words of a word group with the same letter.

allocate v To assign; to set aside for a particular purpose.allude v To refer indirectly to; to imply.allure v To entice; attract; to tempt; to entice.alluvial adjReferring to soil deposits left by running water.alms 2 Money or goods that are given to the poor; contributions that are given in

an effort to help the poor.aloof adjReserved; indifferent; not affected.altercation n A noisy fight; a heated argument that involves yelling.amalgam n A combination of different things; a mixture of metals.amalgamate v To combine; to form into a clump; to unite.amass v To collect over time; to gather in large n A female warrior; the jungle region in South America in the vicinity of the

river by the same name.ambidextrous adjAble to use the left hand or the right hand equally well; equally skilled.ambience n The environment; the atmosphere; the mood.ambiguous adjUncertain; hard to understand.ambrosia n Food for the gods; divine nourishment.ambulatory adjAble to move; in motion.ambush n A sudden attack made from a concealed position.ameliorate v To improve; to lessen discomfort.amenable adjObedient; readily managed; responsive; dutifully complying.amend v To correct; to make a positive change; to right a wrong.

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amenities n Niceties; features or components that help to make life pleasurable and easier.

amenity n A pleasantness; a civility; a courtesy.amiable adjAgreeable; friendly; lovable.amicable adjpeaceful; friendly.amity n Friendship; accord between two nations.amnesia n Loss of memory.amnesty n A time when a criminal is exempt from punishment; an official pardon that

is mandated by a government and usually extended to political offenders.amoral adjWithout morals; unable to distinguish between right and wrong.amorous adjMoved or marked by sexual attraction or love.ample adjEnough; abundant; sizable; opportune.amplify v To increase in size, effect, volume, etc. to expand; to broaden or clarify.amputate v To cut off part of a body; to prune.amulet n A charm or talisman; an object that is worn to protect against evil or to

shun away bad luck.anachronism n An error with the timeline; something or someone misplaced in time.anacoluthia n An incorrect grammatical construction.analgesia n The condition of being unable to feel pain; the absence of sense.analogous adjComparable; having a similar form or shape.anathema n Solemn curse; a person or something regarded as a curse; something

that is polluted; excommunication.anatomy n The scientific study of the structure of animals; the dissection and study

of the body.ancestry n Family descent; inherited properties that are shared among people with a

past common family member.anchorite n A person who has decided to devote his or her life to secluded study.ancillary n An accessory; acting as someone or something auxiliary.anecdote n A short story of an amusing event; a quick tale meant to entertain or to

invoke laughter.anesthetic n Something that causes the loss of sensation.anile adjOf or resembling a foolish, old woman.animadversion n Censure; severe criticism.animus n Hostile feeling or intent; animosity.annals n Official records, arranged in chronological order; the recorded history of

year-by-year events.anneal v To increase the integrity of; to make more hard by repeated heating and

cooling.annex v To attach; to acquire or take possession of; to incorporate into an existing

larger part.annihilate v To destroy completely; to erase all memory of.annuity n A yearly or periodic allowance or payment.annul v To clear; to make void; to remove.anodyne n A drug that relieves pain; a product that soothes the nerves.anoint v To consecrate; to pour oil onto as part of a religious ceremony.anomalous adjAbnormal; irregular; unexpected.anomaly n An irregularity; something that is out of place.anomie n Absence of accepted social values or norms; a feeling of loneliness.anonymity n State or condition of not having a name or identity.antediluvian adjAntiquated; extremely ancient.anthology n A collection of various pieces of writing, all from different authors.

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anthropomorphic adjPossessing human characteristics.antibiotic n A drug, ointment, or medicine that destroys bacteria or pathogens.antibody n An immune body; something that prevents or blocks another; a protein

produced as an immune response to a specific virus or bacteria.anticipate v To act in advance; to prevent; to predict; to realize beforehand.antidote n A remedy; a magic potion; something that counteracts a disease or

poison.antihistamine n A medicine for treating the symptoms of a cold or for alleviating

discomforts associated with allergies.antipathy adjStrong aversion; dislike.antiquated adjObsolete, outdated, run-down.antique n Something from a previous time; something made previously which is

now of great worth.antithesis n The direct opposite; opposition; contrast.antithetical adjDirectly opposed.apathy n A lack of caring or interest; indifference; a lack of concern or interest in

important affairs.aperture n An opening; a hole; the adjustable opening in a camera that limits the

amount of light that can enter.apex n To top; the summit; the ultimate goal; a climax.aphasia n Loss of speech due to injury or illness; an inability to speak.apiary n A place where bees are kept.aplomb n Poise; composure; assurance.apocalyptic adjProphetic; pertaining to revelations of disaster.apocryphal adjWidely believed but untrue; of dubious authenticity.apogee n The highest point; the pinnacle.apologist n A person who writes in defense of a cause or institution.apostate n A person who abandons long-held religious or political convictions.apotheosis n An ideal example of something.appall v To shock; to disgust; to dismay.apparent adjEvident; easily perceived.appease adjTo make quiet; to soothe; to calm.appellation n A name; a designation; the words by which someone or something is

classified.apposite adjAppropriate; fitting; adequateappraise v To estimate the value of; to determine worth or condition.appreciate v To be understanding of; to be thankful; to be conscious of.apprehend v To arrest a criminal; to perceive.apprise v To inform; to give notice to.approbation n Approval; praise; sincere and warm acceptance.appurtenance n Something that is added to another, more important thing; adjunct; an

accessory.apropos adjAppropriate to the situation; apt.apse n A semicircular domed projection of a building, most often a church.aptitude n Fitness; talent.aquiline adjCurved and/or hooked, like an eagle's beak.arable adjLand that is fertile; fit for growing crops.arbitrate v To act as judge; to preside over.arboreal adjRelated to trees.arboretum n A place where different types of trees and shrubs are studied and

exhibited; a place where a large variety of woody plants are kept for

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ornamental purposes.arcade n A covered passageway, usually lined with shops or little stores.arcane adjMysterious; known only to the initiated; hard to grasp.archaic adjAntiquated; out of date; no longer used; of or belonging to the past.archaism n A word or phrase that is no longer in use; an archaic expression;

something that is outdated.archetype n A prototype; a primitive pattern; something that is the first and original.archives n Public records; a place where public records are maintained.ardor n Heat and/or excitement; passion; zeal.arduous adjHard; strenuous; labor-intensive; difficult.arduous adjDifficult; steep; laborious; requiring great effort.arenaceous adjContaining or derived from sand.argosy n A rich supply.aria n A operatic solo; a song sung by one person in an opera.arid adjDry; barren; unproductive; forgotten.aristocracy n A form of government in which nobility and power is based on heredity

only; the privileged class.armada n A fleet of navy warships.aromatic adjFragrant; sweet smelling.arraign v To officially charge, as in court; to indict.arrant adjNotorious; thorougharray v To marshal; to arrange in order.arrears n The condition of being in debt; an accumulated debt.arrogance n Proud superior mannerisms; behavior that is snobbish.arrogate v Attribute unjustly; take without right.arroyo n A gully; a narrow channel formed by rainwater, prevalent in the southwest

of the United States and other such similar near-desert regions where there are sporadic heavy downpours.

arsenal n A storage place for military equipment; the available military weapons at one's disposal.

artery n A large blood-vessel; a main blood vessel in the body.artifice n A prank or deception; trickery.artless adjHonest; without guile; grossly open.ascend v To go up; to climb.ascendancy n Controlling influence; the condition of one person having influence over

another; superiority.ascertain v To find out; to make certain; to clarify and finalize.ascertain v To receive information about; to judge; to gauge.ascetic adjPracticing self-denial; promoting self-discipline; austere.aseptic adjPreventing infection; having a cleansing effect.asperity adjSharpness; severity; acerbity.aspersion n Slander; a damaging remark.aspirant n Somebody who seeks a certain status or covets a position.assail v To assault.assay v To analyze; to measure with great detail; to scrutinize with the intent of

arriving at a precise truth.assent v To agree; accept.assertive adjHaving and expressing strong opinions; exhibiting a confident belief in

one's own abilities.assiduous adjDiligent; hard-working; persevering; following rules.assimilate v To absorb; to take in; to grasp and to make one's own; to fully

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understand.assort v To classify into different sorts; to arrange: to match.assorted adjOf various types; matched; of many origins; not of the same variety.assuage v To ease or lessen pain; to make less severe.assurance n A promise or a pledge; a statement of authenticity; certainty.astigmatism n A defect in the eye which prevents proper focus.astonish v To astound; to surprise.astral adjOf or pertaining to the stars, related to the stars.astringent n Something that causes contraction or that shrinks tissue.astronomical adjEnormously large; gigantic.astute adjShrewd, wise, and keen.asunder adjInto parts; apart; widely separated.asylum n A refuge or a shelter; political protection.atheistic adjDenying the existence of God or of a supreme being.atonement n Reparation for having done something wrong; remorse.atrophy n The wasting away of tissue, an organ, or any part of a living organism

due to a lack of food.attentive adjAlert; listening carefully; at full attention; considerate.attenuate v To make more thin; to weaken.attest v To swear and testify; to bear witness to.attribute n A quintessential component; an essential quality.attrition n The rubbing away or decrease by friction; a graduation decrease in

number or strength.attune v To bring into harmony; to bring into balance.atypical adjNot normal; out of the ordinary.aubade n A song sung at dawn, greeting the morning.audacious adjDaring and bold.augment v To increase; to add to; to compound.augury n An omen; a sign; an indication of something to come in the future.august adjImpressive; majestic; grandiose.aureole n A halo; a bright circle of light; a radiance surrounding an object or a whole

figure to represent sacredness.auroral adjPertaining to the morning; pertainig to the dawn.auspicious adjSuccessful; favorable circumstances.authenticate v To verify as genuine; to prove.autocratic adjHaving absolute unchecked power; like an absolute dictator.autonomous adjNot needing support; being able to function without outside influence or

help; self-governing.autopsy n An examination of a dead body; the identification of the case of death.auxiliary adjAdditional; secondary; in a supportive role.avalanche n A great mass of falling snow and ice.aversion n A strong dislike; a hatred for.avert v To prevent; to hold back; to avoid or to stymie.avid adjEager; very willing.avocation n A secondary or minor occupation; a hobby.avouch v To vouch; to guarantee; to positively affirm.avuncular adjOf or like an uncle.awl n A pointed spike-like tool used for piercing leather, wood, or other

materials.axiom n A self-evident truth requiring no proof; a basic, unalienable principle.