
A. Life Goals 1. I equate my personal success in life with the development and success of the organization for which I work, I enjoy a sense of belonging, responsibility, and loyalty to an organization. If it were best for my organization, I would be satisfied with my career if I progressed no higher than a junior or middle management level. How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? ______ 5____ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)?_____ 5_____ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)?__ 4_____ 2. I have two major goals in life to do my job well and to be committed to my family. I believe strongly in the work ethic and want to succeed by skillfully and creatively accomplishing goals and tasks. I also want to be good family persons. Work and family are equally important. How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? ___ __6_________ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)? _____7______ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)? ____4______ 3. My goal in life is to acquire power and prestige, success for me means being involved in a number of successful, diverse enterprises. I generally experience life and work as

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A. Life Goals

1. I equate my personal success in life with the development and success of the organization for which I work, I enjoy a sense of belonging, responsibility, and loyalty to an organization. If it were best for my organization, I would be satisfied with my career if I progressed no higher than a junior or middle management level.

How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? ______ 5____ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)?_____ 5_____ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)?__ 4_____

2. I have two major goals in life to do my job well and to be committed to my family. I believe strongly in the work ethic and want to succeed by skillfully and creatively accomplishing goals and tasks. I also want to be good family persons. Work and family are equally important.

How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? ___ __6_________ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)? _____7______ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)? ____4______

3. My goal in life is to acquire power and prestige, success for me means being involved in a number of successful, diverse enterprises. I generally experience life and work as a jungle, like it or not, it’s a dog-eat-dog world and there will always be winners and losers. I want to be one of the winners.

How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? _________3________ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)? ___4________ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)?___4______

4. I tend to view life and works as an important game. I see my work, my relations with others, and my career in terms of options and possibilities as if they were part of a strategic game that I am playing. My main goal in life is to be a winner at this game while helping others to succeed as well.

How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? _______6_____ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)? ______ 7_______ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)? ___ 5_____

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B. Motivation

1. My interest in work is in the process of building something. I am motivated by problems that need to be solved; the challenge of work itself or the creation of a quality product gets me excited. I would prefer to miss a deadline rather than do something halfway—quality is more important to me than quantity.

How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? _________6_________ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)?_____7______ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)?___5_____

2. I like to take risks and am fascinated by new methods, techniques, and approaches. I want to motivate myself and others by pushing everyone to the limit. My interest is in challenge, or competitive activity, where I can prove myself to be a winner. The greatest sense of exhilaration for me comes from managing a team of people and gaining victories. When work is no longer challenging, I feel bored and slightly depressed

How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? _____7______ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)?_____7______ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)?__4______

3. I like to control things and to acquire power. I want to succeed by climbing the corporate ladder, acquiring positions of greater power and responsibility. I want to use this power to gain prestige, visibility, and financial success and to be able to make decisions that affect many other people. Being good at “politics” is essential to this success.

How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? ________5_____ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)? ___6________ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)? __ 5__________

4. My interest in work is to be derive a sense of belonging from organizational membership and to have good relations with others. I am concerned about the feelings of people with whom I work, and I am committed to maintaining the integrity of my organization. As long as the organization rewards my efforts; I am willing to let my commitment to my organization take precedence over my own narrow self-interest.

How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? ______6___ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)?_______7____ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)?____5___

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C. Self-Image

1. I am competitive and innovative. My speech and my thinking are dynamic and come in quick flashes. I like to emphasize my strengths and don’t like to feel out of control. I have trouble realizing and living within my limitations. I pride myself on being fair with others; I have very few prejudices. I like to have limitless options to succeed; my biggest fears are being trapped or being labeled as a loser.

How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? _______6______ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)?__7_______ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)?__5_____

2. My identity depends on being part of a stable, noteworthy organization. I see myself as a trustworthy, responsible, and reasonable person who can get along with almost anyone. I’m concerned about making a good impression on others and representing the organization well. I may not have as much toughness, aggressiveness, and risk-taking skill as some, but I make substantial contributions to my organization.

How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? _______7___ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)?_____7______ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)?___3_____

3. My sense of self-worth is based on my assessment of my skills, abilities, self-discipline, and self-reliance. I tend to be quiet, sincere, and practical. I like to stay with a project from conception to completion.

How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? ________5___ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)?__ _7________ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)?__4____

4. I tend to be brighter, more courageous, and stronger than most of the people with whom I work. I see myself as bold, innovative, and entrepreneurial. I can be exceptionally creative at times, particularly in seeing entrepreneurial possibilities and opportunities. I am willing to take major risks in order to succeed and willing to be secretive if it will further my own goals.

How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? _________4____ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)?______6_____ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)?___4_____

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D. Relations with others

1. I tend to dominate other people because my ideas are better. I generally don’t like to work closely and cooperate with others; I would rather have other people working for me, following my directions. I don’t think anyone has ever really helped me freely; either I controlled and directed them, or they were expecting me to do something for them in return.

How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? ____1____ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)? ____ 1____ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)?____2___

2. My relations with others are generally good. I value highly those people who are trustworthy, who are committed to this organization, and who act with integrity in the things that they do. In my part of the organization, I attempt to sustain an atmosphere of cooperation, mid excitement, and mutuality. I get “turned off” by others in the organization who are out for themselves, who show no respect for others, or who get so involved with their own little problems that they lose sight of the “big picture”.

How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? _________5_________ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)?__ _6________ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)?__5______

3. At times, I am tough and dominating, but I don’t think I am destructive. I tend to classify other people as winners and losers. I evaluate almost everyone in terms of what they can do for the team. I encourage people to share their knowledge with others, trying to get a work atmosphere that is both exciting and productive. I am Impatient with those who are slower and more cautious, and I don’t like to see weakness in others.

How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? _________5_______ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)?____ 6_______ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)?___5____

4. My relations with others are generally determined by the work that we do. I feel more comfortable working in a small group or on a project with a defined and understandable structure. I tend to evaluate others (both peers and managers) in terms of whether they help or hinder me in doing a craftsman like job. I do not compete against other people as much as I do against my own standards of quality.

How characteristic is this of you (1-7)? ________6_______ How much would you like to be like this (1-7)?_____ 7______ How characteristic is this of most managers (1-7)?___5__________________________________________________________________________________

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Scoring key for career style Inventory

To calculate scores for each of the four primary career orientations, add up your scores for individual paragraphs as shown below. For example, to obtain your “characteristic of me’’ score for the orientation known as “craftsperson” add your “characteristic of me” scores for paragraphs 2 under life goals, paragraphs 1 under motivation, paragraphs 3 under self-image, and paragraphs 4 under relations with others. Score can range from 4 to 28, A score of 23 or higher can be considered high. A score of 9 or lower can be considered low.

Characteristic would like to characteristic Of me be like this of most managersCraftsperson OrientationLife Goals—paragraphs 2 _______6______ _____7_______ _______4_______Motivation—paragraphs 1 ______ 6_______ ___ 7______ ____ _ 5_______Self Image—paragraphs 3 ______ 5_______ _____7____ _______4_____Relations with others—paragraphs4 _____6_______ _____7_______ _______5_______TOTAL scores for Craftsperson ______23_______ _____28______ _______18______

Company OrientationLife Goals—paragraphs 1 ______ 5_________ _____5______ ______ 4______Motivation—paragraphs 4 _______6________ _____7______ ______ 5_____Self Image—paragraphs 2 _______7________ _____7______ _______3______Relations with others—paragraphs2 ______5_______ ______6_____ _______ 5______TOTAL scores for Company man/woman __23____ _______ 25____ _______ 17______

Jungle Fighter OrientationLife Goals—paragraphs 3 ______ 3_________ ______4_____ ______4______Motivation—paragraphs 3 _______5________ ______6_____ ______5______Self Image—paragraphs 4 _______4________ ______6______ ______4______Relations with others—paragraphs1 ______1________ _______1____ ______2______TOTAL scores for Jungle Fighter ______13______ ________ 17___ _____15_____

Strategic Game OrientationLife Goals—paragraph 4 _______6_______ ________7____ _______5____Motivation—paragraph 2 _______7_______ ________7____ _______ 4____Self Image—paragraph 1 _______6_______ ________7___ _______ 5____Relations with others—paragraph 3 ______5________ ______ 6____ ______ 5____TOTAL scores for Gamesman/Games woman 24______ ______ 27____ ______19____

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A Strategic Organizational Behavior Moment


Marian could feel the rage surge from deep within her. Even though she was usually in control of her behavior, it was not easy to control her internal emotions. She could sense her rapid pulse and knew that her face was flushed. But she knew that her emotional reaction to the report would soon subside in the solitary confines of her executive office. She would be free to think about the problem and make a decision about solving it.

Marian had joined, the bank eight months ago as manager in charge of the consumer loan sections. There were eight loan sections in all, and her duities were both interesting and challenging. But for some reason there had been a trend in the past six months of decreasing loan volume and increasing payment delinquency. The month-end report to which she reacted showed that the past month was the worst in both categories in several years.

Vince stoddard the president, had been impressed by her credentials and aggressiveness when he hired her. Marian had been in the business for 10 years and was the head loan officer for one of the bank’s competitors. Her reputation for aggressive pursuit of business goals was almost legendary among local bankers. She was active in the credit association and worked long, hard hours. Vince believed that she was the ideal person for the position.

When he hired her, he had said, “Marian you’re right for the job, but I know it won’t be easy for you. Dave Katter who heads one of the loan sections also wanted the job. In fact, had you turned down our offer, it would have been Dave’s. He is well liked around here, and I also respect him. I don’t think you’ll have any problems working with him, but don’t push him too hard at first. Let him get used to you, and I think you’ll find him to be quite an asset.”

But Dave was nothing but a “pain in the neck” for Marian. She sensed his resentment from the first day she came to work. Although he never said anything negative, his aggravating way of ending most conversations with her was, “Okay, boss lady, whatever you want is what we’ll do.”

When loan volume turned down shortly after her arrival, she called a staff meeting with all of the section heads. As she began to explain that volume was off, she thought she noticed several of the section heads look over to Dave. Because she saw Dave only out of the corner of her eye, she couldn’t be certain, but she thought he winked at the other heads. That action immediately angered her--- and she felt her face flush. The meeting accomplished little, but each section head promised that the next month would be better.

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In fact, the next month was worse, and each subsequent month followed that pattern. Staff meetings were now more frequent and Marian was more prone to explode angrily with threats of what would happen if they didn’t improve. So far she had not followed through on any threats, but she thought that “now” might be the time.

To consolidate her position, she had talked the situation over with Vince, and he had said rather coolly, “whatever you think is necessary.” He hadn’t been very friendly toward her for several weeks, and she was worried about that also.

“So,” Marian thought to herself, “I wonder what will happen if I fire Dave. If I get him out of here, will the others shape up? On the other hand, Vince might not support me. But may be he’s just waiting for me to take charge. It might even get me back in good graces with him.”

Discussion Questions

1. What role did personality play in the situation at the bank? Which of the Big Five personality traits most clearly influenced Marian and Dave? Which of the cognitive and motivational aspects of personality played a role?

2. Working within the bounds of her personality, what should Marian have done when trouble first seemed to be brewing? How could she have maintained Dave’s job satisfaction and commitment?

3. How should Marian proceed now that the situation has become very difficult?