a3 artists research

A3:Artist research, development and links. Guidance, support and help for AO1 & AO4 www . twava . co . uk

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Guidance, support and help for students at the Wellington Academy


Page 1: A3 Artists Research

A3:Artist research, development and links.

Guidance, support and help for AO1 & AO4


Page 2: A3 Artists Research

A3:Artist research, development and links. Overview:

● For this assignment you are required to conduct a range of

tasks (below). The purpose of this assignment is to help you prepare for future projects (coursework/ exams).

● The outcome of this assignment will help you gain evidence for at least two of your assessment objectives (AO1 & AO4).

● CLICK HERE to learn more about the assessment objectives.

Task 1: Research and explore 'Portrait' artists and artwork. You can perform a search for relevant artists in a number of ways:

○ Visit the library and explore the 'Portrait' section of

available art books. ○ Visit a gallery or exhibition showing 'Portraiture' work on

display. ○ Conduct a web-search using a popular search engine


Page 3: A3 Artists Research

A3:Artist research, development and links.

● During your exploration, try to find examples of art work which you find interesting/ inspiring. With a little more research you should identify and record some 'key' facts and information about the work you source:

○ Who made the work?

○ What is the work about?

○ What is/was the work made from (materials/ medium).

For example is it a painting/ print/ collage/ sculpture etc.

○ When was the work created/made?

○ Save copies of the work(s) for your presentation and


● You should also find and record your knowledge and understanding of the artist(s) that you source. Try to include:

○ Where the artist(s) lived

○ When the artist(s) lived/ work

○ What 'style' or 'period' of art the artist is known for.


Page 4: A3 Artists Research

A3:Artist research, development and links.

● More importantly, you need to include your OWN thoughts and opinion about the artist(s), and, their work.

○ How does the work make you feel?

○ What do you think the work is about?

○ Does the work hold any symbolism, or deeper meaning?

○ Was the artist happy in their life?

○ Try to form arguments for, and against your opinion(s)

to give your work depth.


Page 5: A3 Artists Research

A3:Artist research, development and links. Task 2: Presenting your research

● After you have conducted ‘thorough’ research and exploration, you need to 'present' your findings inside your sketchbook/ journal.

● Consider:

○ Making a title-page ○ A Mind-Map to illustrate your initial research/

investigations. ○ An introduction page (what your research/ work is about)

○ An information page (to provide facts and knowledge

about the artist(s). ○ Examples of work page - To provide examples of artwork

created by the artist. ○ A 'Link/ Connection' page - To explain how/ why you

believe that your chosen artist(s) 'fit in' with your current project (Portraiture).

○ A conclusion page - Providing a short 'summary' of what

you have learnt/ discovered during your research, and how your own work may develop because of this.


Page 6: A3 Artists Research

A3:Artist research, development and links.● Before you present any of your work, try to make your

sketchbook/ pages interesting by using background effects, colours etc.

● Give some thought and care to how your information is

displayed. Task 3: Working from your artist(s) examples.

● Select 3-4 examples of artwork created by your chosen artist(s), using a page for each example try to replicate the work.

● This can be done by:

○ Drawing

○ Painting

○ Collage

○ Pastels

○ Inks

○ ICT/ Photoshop

● Place your examples on the page, and then along-side or

near-to, include your own version.

● Develop your own work further by using your chosen artist(s) style, technique, subject and/ or medium to create an original development piece.


Page 7: A3 Artists Research

A3:Artist research, development and links.● Produce 2-3 alternative development pieces, exploring

different possible outcomes.

● Try to include at least one alternative development using ICT/ software, for example 'image manipulation' using Adobe Photoshop.

● All development work should include a strong level of

annotation/ comments. This is to show that you understand what you have done, how you have done it, and why you did it the way that you did.


Page 8: A3 Artists Research

A3:Artist research, development and links.

Analysing Artists’ WorkFormMedium (plural Media)ColourShapeFormMarksTechniqueSurfaceTexture ProcessMaterialToolsDevelopmentLayerMarkmakingSculptingMouldingEvidence

ContextSubjectPortraitLandscapeAbstractFigurativeRealisticExaggerateDistortTitleThemeMessagePurposeArtistic MovementMoodToolsDevelopmentLayerMarkmakingSculptingMouldingEvidence

Artistic Movements


Page 9: A3 Artists Research

A3:Artist research, development and links.15th & 16th CenturiesRenaissanceMannerism 17th & 18th CenturiesBaroqueRococoNeoclassicism 19th CenturyRomanticismRealismPre-raphaelitesFrench AcademicImpressionismNeo-impressionismPostimpressionismThe NabisSymbolismArt Nouveau

Early 20th CenturyFauvismExpressionismCubismFuturismRayonismOrphismEarly ModernismConstructivismDadaSurrealismBauhausAvant-Garde

Post WW2 20th Century- PresentAbstract expressionismMinimalismPop ArtOp ArtKinetic ArtAssemblage ArtLand artConceptual ArtFigurativeFeminismNeo-expressionismGraffiti ArtNew Media


Page 10: A3 Artists Research

A3:Artist research, development and links. Do you have a smart phone?If so you can use the camera on your phone to access online resources to help you with this assignment.

All you need is a QR code reader app, point your phone web browser to one of readers below:

● http://reader.kaywa.com● http://get.beetagg.com● http://www.quickmark.com.tw/En/basic/download.asp● http://europe.nokia.com/support/product-support/nokia-n80/phone-software/smartphone● For iPhone users. Go to iTunes and search for: QR Code reader

Once you have a reader/ app on your smart phone. Simply take a quick snap of the code(s) below, and you will be redirected to the department site where this and other resources can be found, directly on your phone.
