au psy492 m6 a3 ssal smith marcanne research skills

Student Self Appraisal of Learning – RESEARCH SKILLS Course Code: PSY492 Submitted by: Marcanne Smith Date: April 13, 2010

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Student Self Appraisal of Learning – RESEARCH SKILLS

Course Code: PSY492

Submitted by: Marcanne Smith

Date: April 13, 2010

Page 2: Au Psy492 M6 A3 Ssal Smith Marcanne Research Skills

Research question: Are there physiological effects of post-operative patient controlled analgesia (PCA) versus conventional pain management?

Hypothesis: Patients who are able to control their own pain medication are more likely to have a faster recovery time than those patients who receive conventional pain management.

The research design of this study is quasi-experimental. The quasi-experimental design

is appropriate for this study because the patients participating in the study have not been

randomly selected, nor have they been assigned to conditions (Argosy, 2009). The quasi-

experiment design, although, susceptible to a greater number of threats, involves the

administering of treatment. In this study, the treatment being administered is the controlling of

pain (Mitchell, Jolley, 2007). The patients participating in the study have already been assigned

to the two groups – patient controlled analgesia and conventional pain management. In addition,

the type of surgery the patients underwent also had no impact on the group assignment.

The identifiable threats to the validity of this study using this design method are varied.

Because the patients are not randomly assigned to either control group there is a threat to validity

based on the patients’ pain threshold. While some patients may internalize more pain than

others, it could negatively impact the statistical data gained from either pain management

treatment. This particular threat to validity in this study is in conjunction with the selection of

patients into which particular group. The patient with the lower pain threshold might be more

likely to be placed on the PCA method because they would have more control as to how often

pain medication was administered. The patient with the higher pain threshold would be better

suited to the conventional pain medication because they are more likely to experience less pain

with longer intervals between medications (Mitchell, Jolley, 2007).

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In using this design method, another threat to validity is mortality. The patient may

request a different method of pain management because they do not feel the given treatment is

easing their pain. This can affect either group, as well. Another threat to validity in this study is

the patient history; whether or not the patient has a history of prescription drug abuse, has had

prior surgeries versus being a first-time surgery, or experiencing any other medical issues during

the recovery period (Rejeh, et al, 2009). The final threat to validity in this study using the quasi-

experiment design is maturation – that is, the patient’s own psychosocial level or the personal

views of their own health and welfare (Mitchell, Jolley, 2009).

Control would be better achieved in this study if the patients were pretested to determine

pain thresholds, as well as a thorough medical history taken prior to the surgery. It would further

be beneficial to select those patients who had already experienced some kind of pain

management. Another control measure would be to program the PCA pump to administer

placebo treatments, as well as distributing a placebo to the conventional pain management group.

This would help to ensure the patients continuum with the study.

Introduction to Methods section


Two hundred and forty-six patients were selected from a larger consecutive sample (N =

504) of patients receiving IV PCA morphine following general surgery. A comprehensive

medical history was taken from each patient. Those patients who had a history of prescription

drug use were eliminated from the study group as they posed a threat to the validity of the study;

as did those patients who had never undergone any kind of surgery, minor or major. Patients

were also assessed whether or not they previously had and PCA experience. In addition, patients

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were excluded if they were cognitively impaired, unable to read and speak English sufficiently to

complete questionnaires, and provide informed consent.


The design is a between-subjects variable. Patients are asked to complete measures of

pain intensity and quality the following day after surgery. Type of surgery, any other surgical

factors, IV PCA morphine intake, physical status, mental status, and previous postoperative pain,

and PCA experience were measured.

Variables and Measures

The magnitude qualities of pain (MQP) are a form of self reporting measures comprised

of 78 pain adjectives grouped into 20 categories. Each group contains adjectives presented in

ascending order of intensity. Patients selected those words that most closely reflected their

feelings and sensations of pain at rest following surgery. The values of the words chosen were

summed to obtain a total pain rating index score (MQP). In addition, the numeric rating scale

(NRS) is a self-report measure of pain intensity made up of a line marked with the numbers 0 to

10 where 0 is “no pain” and 10 is “worst pain imaginable.” Patients were instructed to circle the

number best representing their pain following surgery (Gagliese, et al, 2008).


Prior to surgery, patients were evaluated in an effort to develop a postoperative pain

control plan, utilizing medical history. Three groups were formed: patients who reported no

previous surgeries; previous surgery without PCA (surgery – PCA); and previous surgery with

PCA postoperatively (surgery + PCA). Patients were ineligible for IV PCA morphine if they

were cognitively impaired, had drug dependence, or did not understand English. Following

surgery patients were connected to PCA pump (ABC Analgesia Pump, Pain No More 3) set to

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deliver doses of morphine and placebo. At the same time IV patients were administered, the

conventional pain management group was administered doses of prescribed pain medication.

Patients were also told about the study and signed consent forms; along with completing

the MQP and NRS surveys. Cognitive status was assessed by screening for orientation to time,

place, and person. Patients were asked about previous surgeries and the use of PCA (either IV or

epidural). Patients rated pain levels in order of intensity using a survey with factors of 1 – 10 (10

being the most excruciating). The PCA machine recorded all patient requests for analgesia (total

demand), amount of morphine administered (mg), and number of successful patient demands. To

obtain a value for unmet demands, the total number of successful patient demands was

subtracted from the patients’ total demand over a 24-hour period (Gagliese, et al, 2008).

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Argosy University. (2009). Quasi-Experimental Designs: Module 5. Retrieved June 10, 2009


Gagliese, L., Gauthier, L., Macpherson, A., Jovellanos, M., & Chan, V. (2008, April). Correlates

of Postoperative Pain and Intravenous Patient-Controlled Analgesia Use in Younger and

Older Surgical Patients. Pain Medicine, 9(3), 299-314. Retrieved June 11, 2009,


Mitchell, M. L. & Jolley, J. M. (2007). Research Design Explained, (6th Ed.) Belmont, CA:

Thomson Higher Education.

Rejeh, N., Ahmadi, F., Mohamadi, E., Anoosheh, M., & Kazemnejad, A. (2009, March).


Ethics, 16(2), 161-172. Retrieved June 10, 2009, from Academic Search Complete


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BA PSYCHOLOGYLearning Outcomes Rubric

Please note the following when marking the boxes for each of the core competencies:

Limited Exposure: If the student does not demonstrate that he or she has received college-level instruction in this area, check this box.

Moderate Exposure: If the student shows some competency with this outcome, and shows recognition of some of the discussion points in this area, check this box.

Significant Exposure: If the student can fairly easily address some of the major themes and their application to theory and/or to their own life, check this box. These are abilities beyond those described under Moderate Exposure.

Extensive Exposure: If the student demonstrates expertise in a given area that sets him or her apart from their peer group, check this box. These are abilities beyond those described under Significant Exposure.

Section 1a: Cognitive Abilities: Critical Thinking: Given a psychological issue, employs skeptical inquiry and a scientific approach.

0 = Limited Exposure

Demonstrates limited ability to thoughtfully examine psychological perspectives and theories within written and oral presentations.

Demonstrates limited ability in acknowledging or exploring a given topic from more than one perspective.

1 = Moderate Exposure

Able to recognize and describe a wide range of psychological perspectives and theories within written and oral presentations.

When presenting (in written work or orally), indicates an understanding of a given topic from multiple perspectives.

Able to define and discuss the complexities in a given issue.

XX 2 = Significant Exposure

Able to choose from and appraise a wide range of psychological perspectives and theories within written and oral presentations.

When presenting (in written work or orally), can illustrate multiple perspectives on a given topic.

Able to analyze the complexities of a given issue.

3 = Extensive Exposure

Able to formulate reasoned opinions on a wide range of psychological perspectives and theories within written and oral presentations.

When presenting (in written work or orally), assesses a given topic from multiple perspectives and evaluates merit of each perspective.

Able to systematically analyze and appraise the complexities of a given issue.

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Section 1b: Cognitive Abilities: Information Literacy: Given a research question related to psychology, accesses information from a variety of sources and select appropriate sources to respond to the question.

0 = Limited Exposure

Relies primarily on subjective/personal experience, popular press reports of psychology, and/or anecdotal evidence when completing a project on a topic in psychology.

1 = Moderate Exposure

Able to obtain, arrange, classify, and describe information from a variety of appropriate sources pertinent to the chosen topic when completing a project in psychology.

2 = Significant Exposure

Able to compare, contrast, and use information from a variety of sources pertinent to the chosen topic when completing a project in psychology.

XX 3 = Extensive Exposure

Able to collect and arrange information from a variety of sources pertinent to the chosen topic, integrating reasoned appraisals of such information into the work of a project in psychology.

Section 2: Research: Understanding Research Methods: Given an article about research findings in the field of psychology from a scholarly journal, identifies the research design and statistical tools used (including research design, data analysis, and interpretation), and the findings of the article.

0 = Limited Exposure

Demonstrates limited ability to correctly summarize one or none of the following: the research design, statistical and other evaluative tools, and findings of the article.

XX 1 = Moderate Exposure

Able to correctly summarize at least two of the following: the research design, statistical and other evaluative tools, and findings of the article.

2 = Significant Exposure

Able to correctly summarize the research design, statistical and other evaluative tools, and findings of the article.

3 = Extensive Exposure

Able to correctly summarize the research design, statistical and other evaluative tools, and findings of the article.

Able to use sound reasoning as a basis for criticizing the research results.

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Section 3a: Communication Skills: Oral: Effectively presents psychological concepts orally as appropriate to the audience.

0 = Limited Exposure

Possesses limited ability and/or struggles in creating, organizing and delivering oral presentations.

1 = Moderate Exposure

Possesses moderate ability in creating, organizing and delivering oral presentations.

Exhibits the ability to identify basic/general levels of organization and clarity of presentation.

Struggles with the ability to recognize higher levels of organization and clarity, levels of appropriateness for specific audience(s), and/or is challenged with grammatical issues (such as the use of informal language or slang).

2 = Significant Exposure

Possesses significant ability in creating, organizing and delivering oral presentations.

Exhibits the ability to identify, select, and apply basic/general levels of organization and clarity of presentation.

Able to recognize higher levels of organization and clarity, exhibits the ability to identify, select, and apply appropriate levels of presentation for specific audience(s), and/or is versed in correct usage of grammar and appropriate word selection.

XX 3 = Extensive Exposure

Possesses extensive ability in creating, organizing and delivering oral presentations.

Exhibits the ability to design, develop, and defend appropriate levels of organizations and clarity of presentation, thus allowing the listener to following the line of reasoning.

Exhibits the ability to design, develop, and defend appropriate level of presentation for audience, correct use of grammar, word choice for precise meaning.

Section 3b: Communication Skills: Written: Effectively presents psychological information, in writing, using software and style appropriate to the audience.

0 = Limited Exposure

Possesses limited ability in recognizing and/or creating formal academic writing to include APA format, clarity in content, language use, grammar organization and sentence structure.

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1 = Moderate Exposure

Possesses moderate ability in creating, organizing and delivering written work.

Exhibits the ability to identify basic/general levels of organization and clarity in content, language use, grammar organization and sentence structure using APA formatting.

Exhibits the ability to identify and discuss psychological concepts in written work.

XX 2 = Significant Exposure

Able to recognize and apply higher levels of organization and clarity, able to identify, select, and apply appropriate levels of written work for specific audience(s), and/or is versed in correct usage of language, grammar, and organization.

Possesses significant ability in formal academic writing with clarity in content, language use, grammar organization, and sentence structure using APA formatting.

Exhibits the ability to identify, discuss, and apply psychological concepts in written work.

3 = Extensive Exposure

Exhibits the ability to develop and apply appropriate levels of conciseness and clarity in content, language use, grammar, organization using APA formatting.

Exhibits the ability to develop, apply and defend a particular stance related to psychological concepts in written work.

Section 4a: Ethics: Identifies the issues and challenges related to ethics in the field of Psychology.

0 = Limited Exposure

Demonstrates limited knowledge about and/or ability to remember basic ethical precepts and terminology.

1 = Moderate Exposure

Understands and is able to recognize and/or describe elements of the ethical standards and guidelines upon which psychology is based.

XX 2 = Significant Exposure

Not only understands the importance of ethical guidelines and is able to identify key elements therein, but can also analyze and apply ethical concepts and ideological frameworks to specific psychological issues.

Claims ownership over the prescribed ethical principles for the field, and works to promote ethical decision-making and activity accordingly.

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3 = Extensive Exposure

Effectively engages in ethical thinking and action, evidenced by the ability to articulate best-practices pertaining to case examples and/or other specific problems associated with the field.

Recognizes more subtle breaches in ethical practices in psychology and can construct alternative analyses and choices of behaviors.

Claims ownership over the prescribed ethical principles for the field, and works to promote ethical decision-making and activity accordingly.

Section 4b: Diversity: Identifies the issues and challenges related to diversity in the field of psychology.

0 = Limited Exposure

Demonstrates limited knowledge about and/or ability to remember basic precepts and terminology related to diversity within psychology.

Bases opinion(s), in large part, on subjective/personal experience and/or bias.

XX 1 = Moderate Exposure

Understands and is able to recognize and/or describe the existence of diversity issues in the field of psychology.

2 = Significant Exposure

Not only understands the importance of awareness and knowledge/skill development in regards to diversity in psychology, but can also analyze and apply multiculturally-sensitive theories, thoughts, and beliefs to specific psychological issues.

Recognizes personal biases, and works to increase awareness and respect for diverse populations.

3 = Extensive Exposure

Effectively engages in multiculturally-sensitive thought and action, evidenced by the ability to articulate best-practices pertaining to case examples and/or other specific diversity issues and populations associated with the field.

Recognizes more subtle forms of discrimination and prejudice within and around psychology and can construct alternative analyses and choices of behaviors.

Claims ownership over personal biases, and works to increase awareness and respect for diverse populations.

5. Knowledge of Psychology: Recognizes the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, applications, and historical trends in psychology.

0 = Limited Exposure

Demonstrates limited ability in recognizing or comprehending major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, applications and historical trends in psychology or within a specific area of study in the field.

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1 = Moderate Exposures

Able to recognize and comprehend the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, applications and historical trends in psychology or within a specific area of study in the field.

2 = Significant Exposure

Exhibits the ability to analyze and apply the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, applications and historical trends in a psychology or within a specific area of study in the field.

XX 3 = Extensive Exposure

Exhibits consistent recognition and exceptional comprehension of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, applications and historical trends in psychology or within a specific area of study in the field.

Able to synthesize and evaluate various psychological theories, and apply them to explain everyday events and experiences.

6. Knowledge of Applied Psychology: Applies psychological principles to personal, social, and/or organizational issues.

0 = Limited Exposure

Demonstrates limited ability in describing the major established and emerging areas of applied psychology.

Demonstrates a basic and/or limited understanding of how psychological principles may apply to issues and situations at a personal, social, and/or organizational level.

1 = Moderate Exposure

Demonstrates ability in describing the major established and emerging areas of applied psychology.

Demonstrates an understanding of how psychological principles may apply to issues and situations at a personal, social, and/or organizational level.

Occasionally applies psychological principles in his/her everyday decision-making and interactions with others, in the news, and in organizations s/he comes into contact with such as schools, workplaces, and places of worship and recreation.

XX 2 = Significant Exposure

Demonstrates a consistent understanding of how psychological principles apply to issues and situations at a personal, social, and/or organizational level.

Consistently applies psychological principles in his/her everyday decision-making and interactions with others, in the news, and in organizations s/he comes into contact with such as schools, workplaces, and places of worship and recreation.

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3 = Extensive Exposure

Provides comprehensive explanations that incorporate psychological principles, as well as, empirical data and best practices.

Demonstrates the ability to use psychological principles in solving problems, explaining social issues, and dealing with everyday life situations.

Section 7: Interpersonal Effectiveness: Active Listening Communication Skills: Develops and improves positive relationship skills via effective communication, respect for others, appreciation of diversity and cultural sensitivity, and awareness of their impact on others.

0 = Limited Exposure

Demonstrates limited ability to apply active listening communication skills in interpersonal and organizational scenarios to establish empathetic, collegial relationships that facilitate consensus building in working toward common goals and is not appreciative of diversity and culture.

Demonstrates limited awareness of the importance of effective nonverbal communication skills in developing strong interpersonal and organizational relationships that are culturally sensitive and respectful of diversity.

Demonstrates limited openness to feedback to develop adaptable strategies of facilitating dynamic interpersonal and organizational relationships.

Demonstrates limited awareness of the impact of technological advances on communication within interpersonal and organizational relationships.

Demonstrates limited ability to utilize effective communication and relationship skills in order to promote the growth of others and effect change.

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1 = Moderate Exposure

Demonstrates awareness of the importance of active listening communication skills in interpersonal and organizational scenarios to establish empathetic, collegial relationships that facilitate consensus building in working toward common goals and is appreciative of diversity and culture.

Demonstrates awareness of the importance of effective nonverbal communication skills in developing strong interpersonal and organizational relationships that are culturally sensitive and respectful of diversity.

Is open to receiving feedback to develop adaptable strategies of facilitating dynamic interpersonal and organizational relationships.

Demonstrates awareness of the impact of technological advances on communication within interpersonal and organizational relationships.

Utilizes some effective communication and relationship skills in order to promote the growth of others and effect change.

XX  2 = Significant Exposure

Able to apply some active listening communication skills in interpersonal and organizational scenarios to establish empathetic, collegial relationships that facilitate consensus building in working toward common goals and is appreciative of diversity and culture.

Able to analyze the importance of effective nonverbal communication skills in developing strong interpersonal and organizational relationships that are culturally sensitive and respectful of diversity.

Able to accept and utilize feedback to develop adaptable strategies of facilitating dynamic interpersonal and organizational relationships.

Actively demonstrates an understanding of the impact of technological advances on communication within interpersonal and organizational relationships.

Demonstrates utilization of effective communication and relationship skills in order to promote the growth of others and effect change.

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 3 = Extensive Exposure

Able to consistently and effectively apply active listening communication skills in interpersonal and organizational scenarios to establish empathetic, collegial relationships that facilitate consensus building in working toward common goals and is appreciative of diversity and culture.

Able to consistently analyze the importance of effective nonverbal communication skills in developing strong interpersonal and organizational relationships that are culturally sensitive and respectful of diversity.

Actively solicits and utilizes feedback to develop adaptable strategies of facilitating dynamic interpersonal and organizational relationships.

Consistently & actively demonstrates an understanding of the impact of technological advances on communication within interpersonal and organizational relationships.

Consistently demonstrates strong utilization of effective communication and relationship skills in order to promote the growth of others and effect change.