a2 pitch - adam film

A D A M C A N Y O U H E A R T H E M T O O ?

Upload: owenmaers

Post on 09-Jan-2017




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A D A MC A N Y O U H E A R T H E M T O O ?

TitleThe reason we’ve gone with Adam because felt that the focus of the short film is the child suffering

from the mental illness.

We purposely chose not to include anxiety in the title or tagline as we didn’t want to give away the

key narrative in the title of the film.

We used the tagline of “Can you hear them too” because we wanted something that was vague but also implied the person suffers with some sort of issue. The vagueness of the tagline makes people want to find out what the voices are and thus gets people

interested in our film. The tagline plays an important role in the narrative also.

Our Narrative

Anxiety Research• Social Anxiety is defined as the intense fear of what others think about you and the constant feeling of being watched and judged.

• The impaired ability to function in at least some parts of daily life.

• Extreme distress over everyday activities such as reading in class, eating in public or speaking to others.

• Difficult to determine the difference between social anxiety and basic shyness.

• Automatic negative thoughts followed by “What Ifs” will lead to avoidance of the social situation all together.

• Can lead to problems with education, depression, eating disorders, substance abuse and even suicidal ideation.

Inspirations and Influences

Characters • The main character (Adam) is a

young teenage male, roughly 15/16 in his later years at school. We chose to have a character this age as we feel that is an experience we can both relate to and the best writers write what they know. The boy struggles with social anxiety meaning day-to-day tasks become difficult. We will demonstrate his social anxiety by using voices in his head that argue with one another and put doubts in his mind which causes the anxiety.

• The focus will be on his anxiety mostly as the main narrative technique.

• Extra 1- The other character is only minor, as we want to focus on Adam. She will be a motherly figure to him that comforts him and calms his social anxiety. This could be to fill the void of a parental figure in his life and add further to the narrative. Depending on location she could be a waitress, shopkeeper or teacher.


Style & Form

• Documentary/ Drama that uses voiceovers and sound bridges as the main narrative technique.

• It will be a serious film given the subject matter as we have taken inspiration from various other genres and specific films.

Contingency plan

• Originally, me and greg researched into doing a documentary on a band/artist so this would be our backup plan. However, this would take much more planning and it would be hard to tell a compelling story through the documentary style.

Costs• Our film will very low cost, travelling would not be an issue as Greg can drive. We will rent out the equipment for free from the hatch at college. The only main costs may be food and drink on the day of filming.

• Expenses will potentially need to be paid for our actors.

PRODUCTION SCHEDULE MeMe and Me and Greg have discussed how to evenly distribute work between us, given how we researched each genre separately. This is why during the production I will be taking a focus on editing while Greg will be the lead on cinematography and directing the filming.
