a walk through my writings

May 10,2013 Maddie Tvrz 1 A Walkthrough My Writings

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Page 2: A walk Through My Writings

May 10,2013 Maddie Tvrz


A Walk Through My Writings

Maddie Tvrz

Wizard Publisher

Huntsville, Arkansas

May 10, 2013

Page 3: A walk Through My Writings

May 10,2013 Maddie Tvrz


Table of Contents

Part 1: How do you Feel about farm animals?

1. Llamas in Life 2. J.J finds his Treasure 3. A Bright Idea 4. Jasper’s eyes get opened 5. The Jump 6. Jasper’s Plan

Part 2: My Funny Side :P

1. Paco Goes Rogue 2. A strange Train ride 3. A Hobo’s Creative side

Part 3: I ‘m making a point… so You better Listen!

1. Sam: The new Robin Hood 2. Resolution 3. Take a look:12 Angry Men 4. Getting down and Dirty 5. Safe or Not? 6. Lesson Learned

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Dedication Page My thanks, love, and admiration goes out to my Grammy. She works so hard and never complains. She really gave me the love for writing. Grammy told us so many stories when we were little, She painted colorful pictures of dancing ants at a party to home sick skunks in the city. I really love Grammy so much and I wish I could be with her in Nebraska. To end this dedication, thank your Grammy, Grandma, or Grandmother, because you really just don’t know what they have done for you. They could have given you the key to life, now just put it in the lock.

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How do you feel about farm animals?- bio sketch Growing up on a farm I am always around many kinds of animals. They inspired me to write about what they do. Not what actually do, but the adventures they have while I am away at school. Jasper and J.J (Jasper Jr.), his look alike, really made writing the most fun. Being goats I imagine them doing all sorts of wacky things. My llamas are another story, they are never boring. Dolly is constantly spitting at Jake and vice versa. Inspiration comes from everywhere, but I think animals give them most.

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Llamas in Life

Llamas are frivolous creatures.

Creatures that need tons of attention!

Attention is what they get ‘cause I don’t like it when they spit.

Spit is not good, especially if it’s directed at me.

Dolly and Jake are my llamas.

Llamas are my favorite kind of pet.

Pet them too much and they get kinda spazzy.

Spazzy is my only baby llama.

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J.J finds his Treasure Once upon a time, there was a goat named J.J. and he lived in the woods with

his mother Jill. They were munching on some grass when a witch appeared and stole

J.J.’s twin brother Snowball. J.J. and his mother searched all night but Snowball had

just vanished.

Soon J.J. turned into a fine buck and decided to find the witch who took his

only brother. His mother told him be careful and she kissed him goodbye. J.J. never

knowing his father, wished that he was there to give him advice. J.J. only knew his

father’s name because he was named after him (Jasper Jr.). He soon happened upon

a buck about his age drinking from a spring. He went up to him and talked about the

weather and politics. J.J. soon realized that this goat and he shared a birthmark. He

had found his brother! But, just as J.J. had begun to tell him, Dolly llama the witch

came! J.J. had been practicing karate so he easily took her down. Then the boys

drowned her in the spring and went home to their mother. At least J.J. did not have

and more siblings…… or did he?

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A Bright Idea

Once upon a time there lived a hobo named Mark and his goat named Jasper.

They lived together in a cave on hill behind a beautiful waterfall. Mark was never

really happy being a hobo, so he would come up with get rich quick schemes that

would always fall through the roof. Jasper however, was content with the way

things were and had no desire to change them. Jasper really never considered them

homeless; he knew they always had a cave to come back to after a day of begging.

Mark was a fairly young hobo with big dreams. After another day of planning to get

rich Mark said, “I’ve got it!” His plan was to make an internet site called Facebook

were people could talk to others at no charge. In the end he was the single richest,

youngest man in the world. Jasper of course got very fat off of all the carrots,

hay, and grain he was getting each day.

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Jasper gets his eyes opened

In the land of the goats there lived a little goat named Jasper. He was a very

fat goat because he was got over fed by his owner Maddie. He was not willing to

give up his lifestyle for anything in the world. This is how Jaspers day usually went;

he would stand on the hill and eat grass and weed s, then he would go down to see if

his owners give him any grain to eat (you can see why he’s fat).After they gave him

some he went down to get a refreshing drink. Jasper was the happiest goat known

to man. One day Jasper was even more happy than usual because Maddie had

brought him home a girl goat named Poppy. He thought Poppy would immediately fall

for him because he was the only boy got for miles around. Poppy did not though.

Jasper found out that he had to be nice instead of being his usually cocky self.

After asking and asking she finally went on a date with him. So they went to the

pond were Mr. Croc lived and they floated on his back (due to a previous

agreement).They fell in love and lived happily ever after.

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The Jump

Theme: You should embrace change and not be afraid of it. Once upon a time a llama named Dolly was crying. She was upset because she

did not want to move to the Tvrz’s farm. Dolly was going to miss her mother and

father, but mostly she was afraid of the other animals. She had never been round

donkeys, geese, ducks, cows, chickens, and goats before. All that night she thought

about these animals and wondered if they would be friendly or not. The next day she

was loaded up in trailer that was painted like a tree. When the family finally let her

out of the trailer after a long bumpy ride she saw that she was in the woods on a

big farm. Dolly saw that there was another llama and she went over to him and he

said his name was Jake. Then Dolly thought this isn’t so bad I could be happy here.

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Jasper’s Plan One day Jasper, the goat, walked over to the pond to get a drink. He had all

but forgotten that Mr. Croc lived in those waters. When he got there he saw a

bumpy green log, but he thought nothing of it and he jumped on it.

“I don’t remember seeing this here before”, Jasper noted as he drank some

refreshing water. Then all of the sudden the log started to shake and quake and

rumble, as fast as lightning Jasper was off that log and well away from the pond.

Then Mr. Croc said,” Why do people think they can just walk and jump on my

back. I have terrible back pains!” So Jasper came up with a plan lickitly split. He

would help Mr. Croc so that nobody would prance on his back anymore and then Mr.

Croc would have incentive not to eat him. So Jasper dressed Mr. Croc up as a

flamingo and no one ever bothered him ever again. Mr. Croc true to his deal never

tried to eat Jasper.

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My Funny Side :P -bio sketch My friend Leigh and I are always coming up with crazy stories or wacky

scenarios. When we were little we did it, and it hasn’t changed since we’ve gotten

to middle school. I guess it is part of what makes us….us. It is not always easy

being funny by yourself, so that is why Leigh and I are perfect for each other.

These are some of the ideas I get from our mental conversations…

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Paco goes Rogue

I am sailing along in the Pacific Ocean, not really caring, just having fun.

Suddenly I hear a crack and a snap. I am sinking I think calmly. I start to run

around screaming. I am pretty close to an island, about 30 yards away. I try and

steer the boat that way. I make it with the boat almost all the way on shore.

“Wow,” I think, “I am alive.” My pet bird, Paco, and I walk around the island. It only

takes about 3 hours which means the island isn’t very big. It is getting awful dark,

so Paco and I go on the ship to sleep for the night. But as I fall asleep I cannot

help but worry that we are going to die on that island. We wake up to see what kind

of food we have, but it does not matter….because I swear I just saw a giant snake!

I look for Paco, but can’t find him. “He is just flying,” I say to myself. Then I see a

colorful bird coming and I think it’s Paco. But this bird comes and pecks out one of

my eyes! I finally swat the bird away and realize that I can’t see out of my left

eye anymore. I go below deck and find some cloth to make an eye patch out of.

Then the boat collapses and well…you get the picture.

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A Strange Train Ride

“I didn’t know exactly where the train was going. After paying my fare I

simply stood on the platform waiting for it to whisk me away to somewhere,

anywhere but here. And that’s when it happened. They all started dancing.” Then I

realized that I was in the middle of a flash mob. When I finally got onto the train a

man in a black suit pointed a potato gun at me and told me to give him all my gum

and pocket lint. I was having a very strange day and to make matters stranger, a

clown on a unicycle asked me to give him a haircut with a rubber chicken.

This seemed like on crazy thing after another. After getting off the train in

England (don’t ask me how that happened) I thought I could use a meal. But when I

went to go eat the man in the black suit showed up and demanded more pocket lint.

I told him that I did not have any and he shot me in the leg with the potato gun

leaving a giant bruise that was potato shaped. Well I won’t tell you anymore as not

to freak you out.

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A Hobo’s Creative Side One day I was walking home from school when a hobo jumped out and

spattered me with a can of pain. I am like, “What the heck!”, but he laughs and

walks away. He did it again at the next turn! This time I really yell at him, but all he

says is, “I am just trying to be artistic.” Then I say, “How did you even have money

to buy paint? You are just a hobo.” He says, “Come with me.” But I am a little

wary. I end up following him anyway and he shows me his mountain of money. Then

I ran away never to see the hobo ever again. Two days ago I got splashed with

paint again. After 4 years it did not seem like it would happen again. Then I hear,

“Don’t stifle my creativity!” and I know who it is. I great the hobo as my old friend

and we have lunch together.

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Making a Point…So You’d Better Listen:

We all have things in life that we feel strongly about; it could be politics,

racism, or anything. Being in a big family I have had my fill of opinions and hearing

people say, “Well, I am right!” Inspiration does not just come from what you think is

right, it comes from what other people think. We all have to be open minded. This

gives an insight into not just what I think, but what others close to me think as well.

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Sam: The New Robin Hood

Once upon a time in a faraway land there lived a hobo named Sam. Now Sam had been to his fair share of places, but the place he liked to go to the best was inside a book. Being a hobo he did not have money to buy very many books. I mean have you SEEN these book prices? Sam however saved up for a new book that was coming out, Robin Hood. It was something about stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. He could think of nothing else but getting that book. Then he saw a little girl who had nothing. He saw a man with a fat wallet and Sam stole it to give to the little girl. Though Sam had nothing the little girl had far less than he. So Sam decided that he did not need a reward such as a book that doing good was its own reward.

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Resolution: Being nicer to people.

Background: My brother always calls me mean and my mom does not

like when my brother and I fight.

Plan: I am willing to let him try to explain before I get angry.

Academic Performance

Resolution: Algebra I

Background: I only get B’s in that class and I want to make an A for

the semester.

Plan: I am going to work extremely hard and go to tutoring at the high



Resolution: Texting and driving

Background: It makes me nervous to ride with my sister when she


Plan: Every time I see anyone in my family texting and driving I will get

after them and tell them the dangers of texting while driving.

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Take A Look

This boy is no more a murderer than you or I. He is a hard working boy that has been beaten all his life. This boy is not guilty in any way, shape, or form. First of all there is no possible way he could have done it, because he was at the movies at the time the murder of his father took place. When he came home the police were there. So if the boy had killed his father why would he come back to the scene of the crime? Also the man who sold the boy the knife said there was not another one like it. But there had been another knife found that looked identical to the knife in question. Is it not possible someone else had the same knife and killed him? Or that someone else picked up the knife that fell out of the boy’s pocket? Next, the old man that lived in the apartment below them said he heard someone say, “I’m going to kill you!”, and then he heard the body fall to the floor. When he walked over to the door he saw the boy running down the stairs. He swore it only took him 15 seconds to get to the stairs. To start off with, the old man could not have possibly heard the screamed phrase of the body hit the floor because an el train was passing just then. Also, there is no way it would take an old man just 15 seconds to get to the stairs. It would have taken at least 40. The old man probably just wanted attention. He had never been recognized for anything in his whole life. Furthermore, the lady across the el tracks said she woke up, looked out the window and through the windows of an empty moving el train she saw the boy murder his father. The woman wore glasses, so that means when she woke up she had her glasses on. No. What she saw was only a blur because nobody wears their glasses to bed. Lastly, the knife was used wrong. The boy was an experienced knife fighter. The murder victim was stabbed at a downward angle, but it would be awkward for a switchblade user to pop open the blade, and then turn the knife around. As you can see, there is no way this boy killed his father. The facts are before you; the lady wore glasses, the old man could not move that fast and could not hear over the el train noise, the knife was not used correctly, the boy was at the movies, and the knife fell out of his pocket.

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Getting Down and Dirty Once when I went over to Leigh’s house it was really cold, but we decided to canoe

on the pond anyway. We got our warm clothes on and went canoeing. Then when

we were in the pond we started throwing wet moss at each other. We all got

soaking wet and we had moss juices on us. Our hands turned purple and blue. We

had to go take showers to get clean and warm up. It was so worth getting dirty.

Sometimes that is the best kind of fun.

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Safe or Not?

I think most people act out of fear for their safety. I believe that if people

act out of fear, then they just want to be safe.

The difference between seeking justice and the desire to punish is that for seeking

justice you just want the person to be punished for their crime. But the desire to

punish is always there. I think that you don’t care what the crime is, but you want

them to get into trouble.

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Lesson Learned

In a far off land it was always storming. The locals blamed Mother Nature

as the reason. Mother Nature had good reason. The people on the island were

horrible. They killed for fun and took things they weren’t supposed to. But this

time they had gone too far. They had stolen of Hera’s golden apples. Mother

Nature being Hera’s sister was sent to get them back.

First she had tried to reason with them in her human form. Then, when that

did not work, she told them that the island would always be cursed with storms.

So month after month rain and snow fell on the island. Finally 3 sisters got

tired of the rain. They missed the sun. Plus they had said to give the apples back in

the first place. So they snuck into the king’s castle and stole the apples. They ran

to the temple of Mother Nature and returned the apples.

The clouds cleared immediately and Mother Nature brought them to Mount

Olympus to accept their awards for doing the right thing. They each got to pick

one thing they wanted from the gods. They picked to be immortal because they

never want to be apart.

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