a surfing safari from ireland to africa

A surfing safari from Ireland to Africa A first dip in the elearning ocean

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. A surfing safarifrom Ireland toAfricaA first dip in the elearning ocean
  2. 2. LisaDonaldson,DCUCOSYST-MNCH ProjectM.Sc. component Play
  3. 3. Project Background
  4. 4. MultipleNeedsDifferingCapacitiesEmergingStrategiesMultiple Partner NeedsBuilding inhouse expertise for Irish and AfricanpartnersA showcase for elearning innovation for IrishpartnersPotential new programme for University ofMalawiUpskilling of students from NGO andGovernmentCollaboration opportunity for allProject Complexities
  5. 5. MultipleNeedsDifferingCapacitiesEmergingStrategiesCapacitiesDiffering technicalinfrastructureincluding Moodle andInternet capabilitiesDifferingtechnicalexpertise
  6. 6. MultipleNeedsDifferingCapacitiesEmergingStrategiesStrategiesTo develop and support a digitally-richteaching and learning ecosystem to extendand enhance the effectiveness andreputation of the RCSI teaching andlearning community.To design, implement and evaluatetransformative models of teaching andlearning by providing strategic leadership,enabling and contributing to world-classresearch, and promoting academic andoperational excellence.New and still changing
  7. 7. Where did we start?Our own simple strategy!Design a simple andstreamlined processFor technology toadd value to thelearningexperience as wellas support newmodes of learningand teachingto developpedagogicallyappropriate coursecontent - acrossinstitutions andspecialities Improve thetechnicalcompetencies oflecturers andstudents whilstavoiding technicalanxietyEnable theredefinition ofactivities throughthe use oftechnology tocreate innovativeand effectivelearningexperiences.
  8. 8. Next stepsLogoTechnologyChoicesWebsite
  9. 9. What would you choose?Vote now at http://alt.participoll.comA. Adobe CaptivateB. Articulate StorylineC. Articulate StudioD. CamtasiaE. Moodle BasedF. Open and Social Wiki/Wordpress/Facebook0 A B C D E F
  10. 10. Synchronous? Asynchronous?Given the technical infrastructure inAfrica, would you plan for a synchronousclassroom?
  11. 11. Dive in and Vote now athttp://alt.participoll.comA.SynchronousB.Asynchronous0 A B
  12. 12. Building a class communityValuable real world exercisesand activitiesMany Web 2.0 toolscould help
  13. 13. How to decide from theocean of possibilities,what tools could supportthe learning experiencesof our M.Sc. Students?
  14. 14. What would you choose?Vote now at http://alt.participoll.comA. FacebookB. TwitterC. Blogging Wordpress or otherD. WikisE. Google HangoutF. Voicethread0 A B C D E F
  15. 15. Compare your technicalchoices with the pathchosen
  16. 16. Faculty and studentfamiliarity Institution precedent Relative ease of use Tight timelines Tools work in harmonyRationale for Technology Choices
  17. 17. Faculty familiar withPowerpoint & Moodle Technically confidentstudentsFaculty and student familiarityBACK
  18. 18. Differing versions ofMoodle used in 2/3institutions Articulate Studio 09 usedin 2/3 institutionsInstitution PrecedentBACK
  19. 19. Relative ease of useBACK
  20. 20. Project Start Aug 2013First Module live March2013Tight timelinesBACK
  21. 21. Moodle, Articulate &other Web 2.0 toolsinter-relateTools work in harmonyBACK
  22. 22. What would you say wasthe No. 1 challenge withdeveloping and deliveringthe M.Sc.?A. SkillsetsB. Development SoftwareC. InternetD. TimeE. Student Engagement0 A B C D EVote now at http://alt.participoll.com
  23. 23. All of the belowInternet Time Technology
  24. 24. EnthusiasmPlan BStudentSupportWhat we did wellEnthusiasmHad a Plan BComprehensive student supportProvided practical technical trainingTechnicalTraining
  25. 25. EnthusiasmPlan BStudentSupportEnthusiasmTechnicalTrainingWith the right attitude, thetraditional obstacles of a lackof time, lack of resources andlack of skills, can often beconqueredTechnology take-up depends largely onteachers personal feelings, skills andattitudes to IT in general(Mumtaz, 2000)
  26. 26. EnthusiasmPlan BStudentSupportPlan BTechnicalTrainingLack of infrastructure (particularlyconnectivity, and especially in ruralareas)Survey of e-Learning in Africa(2007)
  27. 27. EnthusiasmPlan BStudentSupportStudent SupportTechnicalTrainingGilly Salmon
  28. 28. EnthusiasmPlan BStudentSupportTechnical TrainingTechnicalTrainingOnline & Face to Face trainingfor StudentsOne to one and group trainingfor Faculty
  29. 29. OurStudentssay
  30. 30. More to doConsider building block approachfor reusabilityExamine summatively assessing onlineengagementGetting the balance rightExpand the limited set of toolsFocus on E-moderatingDevelop learning design guidelines
  31. 31. Thanks for joining meon the journey.