a short history of hla

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  • Tissue Antigens ISSN 0001-2815


    A short history of HLAE. Thorsby

    Institute of Immunology, Rikshospitalet University Hospital and University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway

    Key words

    human leucocyte antigens; histocompatibility

    antigens; H-2 complex; human leucocyte

    antigens complex; international

    histocompatibility workshops (IHWSs); major

    histocompatibility complex; major immune

    response complex


    Erik Thorsby MD

    Institute of Immunology

    Rikshospitalet University Hospital

    N-0027 Oslo


    Tel: 147 2307 3500

    Fax: 147 2307 3510

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Received 23 April 2009; accepted 23

    April 2009

    doi: 10.1111/j.1399-0039.2009.01291.x


    In 1958, just a littlemore than 50 years ago, analloantigenpresent onhuman leucocytes

    wasdetected,whichwas to become the first human leucocyte antigen (HLA);HLA-

    A2. Since then, we have seen a tremendous development of theHLA field, which has

    moved fromhistocompatibility to become one of themost central fields in basic and

    clinical immunology. This development is briefly reviewed in this article, focusingon

    some highlights of the history of HLA class I and II molecules and their role in

    immune responses. It is emphasized that the quick and extensive development of the

    HLA field is the result not only of excellent individual contributions by outstanding

    pioneers in the field, but also of an extensive international collaboration, in

    particular through the many international histocompatibility workshops. Admit-

    ting that it is too late to change the name now, it is concluded that instead of calling

    the HLA complex and similar complexes in other species the major histocompat-

    ibility complex, these gene complexes should better have been named the major

    immune response complex, theMIRC.

    Last year was 50 years since a human leucocyte antigen

    (HLA) was first described as MAC, later to become HLA-

    A2 (1). In the following, a short account of the development

    of the HLA field is given, focusing on some highlights of the

    history of HLA class I and II antigens, or molecules as they

    should be called now,which I consider to be among themost

    important. The review is based on an invited lecture given at

    the opening of the 15th International Histocompatibility

    and Immunogenetics Workshop Conference in Rio de

    Janeiro on 17 September 2008. It is impossible in this short

    historical review to mention all who have participated in

    unravelling the structure and function of the HLA

    molecules. Thus, Imust apologize to those whose important

    contributions could not be included due to lack of space.

    For a more comprehensive treatment of the subject, the

    reader is referred to earlier extensive reviews by others (24).

    It started in the mouse: discovery ofhistocompatibility antigen II and the H-2complex

    Allogeneic tumour transplantation was often used in early

    experiments to study tumour biology. In the early 1900s,

    two US geneticists, Ernest E. Tyzzer and Clarence C. Little,

    performed some crucial tumour transplantations in the

    offspring of crosses between mice that were susceptible or

    resistant to an allogeneic tumour. Based on the results, they

    arrived at the conclusion that susceptibility to the growth of

    allogeneic tumours was genetically determined, possibly by

    asmany as 15 genes [references in (2, 3)]. The nature of these

    susceptibility (or rather resistance) genes and their products

    was, however, unknown.

    An antigen responsible for rejection was first discovered

    by the British physician and pathologist Peter A. Gorer

    (Figure 1) in 1936,workingat that time in theLister Institute

    for Preventive Medicine in London. Following a suggestion

    from the British geneticist J. B. S. Haldane, he studied

    whether resistance factors to the growth of allogeneic

    tumours might be associated with some blood group

    antigens. First, he found that his own serum contained

    natural antibodies that could distinguish between eryth-

    rocytes of three inbred strains of mice (5). He next

    immunized rabbits with erythrocytes from the same three

    strains of mice and obtained antisera with which he could

    distinguish three different blood group antigens in mice (6):

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  • Antigen I: shared by strains A and CBA, weakly

    expressed in C57BL;

    Antigen II: expressed strongly in strain A, weakly in

    CBA but not in C57BL;

    Antigen III: shared by strains A, CBA and C57BL.

    The rabbit antiserum-recognizing antigen II behaved

    similar to his own serum.

    He then grafted a tumour from a mouse of strain A

    (carrying antigen II) into mice of strain C57BL (lacking

    antigen II) and into offspring of crosses between these

    strains. He found that mice lacking antigen II quickly

    rejected the tumour, while it grew well in strain A and first-

    and second-generation crosses between A and C57BL that

    expressed antigen II. Furthermore, he made the important

    observation that sera ofmice rejecting the tumour contained

    antibodies against antigen II (7). Thus, antigen II, shared

    between malignant and normal cells, apparently was an

    important resistance factor to the growth of an allogeneic

    tumour when present in the donor and absent in the

    recipient. Note that these findings were made before Peter

    Medawar first established in 19441945 that rejection of

    allogeneic transplants was caused by an immune response

    against the graft (8, 9), a discovery for which he received the

    Nobel Prize in 1960 (sharedwith FrankMcFarlane Burnet).

    After World War II, Gorer visited the mammalian

    geneticist George D. Snell (Figure 2) at the Jackson

    Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME. Snell was studying tumour

    resistance genes, which he called histocompatibility or H

    genes. He had previously found that mice carrying the Fu

    gene (causing mice to develop a deformed tail), were

    resistant to the growth of tumours from strain A. Thus, he

    concluded that there was a strong linkage between an H

    gene and the Fu gene. During his visit, Gorer tested various

    backcross strains segregating for the Fu gene with his

    antiserum against antigen II and found that erythrocytes of

    almost all mice carrying the Fu gene tested negative with his

    antiserum. In contrast, the presence of antigen II on

    erythrocytes of the host was strongly associated with

    growth of the tumour from strain A (10). This was further

    strong evidence that antigen II was encoded by a gene at an

    H locus in strain A and that the mice carrying the Fu gene

    probably carried another allele at the same locus. Their

    combined results indicated three alleles at this H locus (10).

    BecauseGorers antiserum against antigen II was the first to

    detect an allele at this H locus, it became histocompatibility

    locus 2 or H-2.

    The work of Gorer and Snell, extended by Snell and

    coworkers and others later [references in (2)], established

    that the H-2 locus encoded strong or major histocompat-

    ibility antigens, inducing quick rejection, compared with

    weaker histocompatibility antigens encoded by other loci.

    The H-2 locus therefore became the major histocompatibil-

    ity locus in mice. Other H loci became minor H loci.

    Snell received the Nobel Prize in 1980 for his contribu-

    tions.At that time,Gorer had passed away (he died in 1961).

    If not, he would no doubt have shared the prize with Snell.

    Later, the H-2 locus became more and more complex,

    seemingly consisting of several different subdivisions and

    where each allele apparently determined many different

    antigens. In 1970, I first suggested that the hitherto knownH-

    2 genes belonged to two segregant series, encoded by two

    different loci, D and K respectively, similar to the, at that

    time, two known loci in the HLA complex (11). Snell et al.

    arrived at a similar conclusion (12). The two-locus model for

    the H-2 antigens known at that time turned out to be correct.

    Subsequently, many additional H-2 loci were found,

    including those encoding the immune-response-associated

    (Ia) antigens. The H-2 locus became the H-2 complex, or the

    major histocompatibility complex,MHC, in the mouse.

    Discovery of the first HLA antigens

    Three papers appeared in 1958 by Jean Dausset, Jon van

    Rood and Rose Payne and their associates, respectively (1,

    13, 14), which laid the foundation of what was later to

    become the HLA complex. All three papers described

    antibodies in human sera from multitransfused patients or

    multiparous women, sera that reacted with leucocytes from

    many but not all individuals who were tested. Thus,

    antibodies in these sera detected a polymorphic system of

    antigens on human leucocytes.

    The credit for discovery of the first HLA antigen goes to

    Dausset (Figure 3). Studying sera from patients who had

    Figure 1 Peter A. Gorer (19071961).

    Figure 2 George D. Snell (19031996).

    A short history of HLA E. Thorsby

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  • received multiple blood transfusions, he found seven sera

    that behaved quite similarly, in that they agglutinated

    leucocytes from 11 of 19 individuals tested (1). Because

    leucocytes from the donor of the sera were also not

    agglutinated, the antisera obviously detected an alloantigen

    present on human leucocytes. He gave the name MAC to

    this antigen to honour three individuals who had been

    important volunteers for his experiments and whose names

    began with the initials M, A and C, respectively [Dausset

    in ref. 4]. Antigen MAC (later to become HLA-A2) was

    present in approximately 60% of the French population. At

    the end of the paper, Dausset wrote that Finally, in a more

    long time perspective, the study of leucocyte antigens might

    become of great importance in tissue transplantation, in

    particular in bonemarrow transplantation (translated from

    French). Thus, he was very foresighted! For his discovery,

    Dausset received the Nobel Prize in 1980 (shared with Snell

    and Baruch Benacerraf).

    Both vanRood and Payne followed up their initial findings

    of alloantigens on human leucocytes (13, 14). Using (at that

    time) a sophisticated computer analysis of the reaction

    patterns of 60 sera from multiparous women against

    leucocytes from a panel of 100 donors, van Rood (Figure 4)

    found some sera that apparently detected a diallelic system of

    leucocyte antigens, which he called 4a and 4b (later to become

    HLA-Bw4 and -Bw6, respectively). The results were reported

    in his PhD thesis from 1962 (15) [see also (16)]. Two years

    later, Payne (Figure 5), together with Julia and Walter

    Bodmer (Figure 9), also using sera frommultiparous women,

    not only detected two leucocyte antigens, LA1 (later HLA-

    A1) andLA2 (laterHLA-A2), apparently controlledbyalleles

    but also postulated at least one additional antigen, LA3,

    determined by an additional allele at the same locus (17).

    Several other investigators also made original or first

    identifications of leucocyte antigens in these early days of

    HLA. They included, among others, BernardAmos, United

    States; Richard Batchelor, UK; Ruggero Ceppellini, Italy;

    Paul Engelfriet, the Netherlands; Wolfgang Mayr, Austria;

    Flemming Kissmeyer-Nielsen, Denmark; Ray Shulman,

    United States; Paul Terasaki, United States; Roy Walford,

    United States; and myself [references in (18)].

    Solving the complexity through internationalcollaboration: role of the InternationalHistocompatibility Workshops (I)

    The relationship between the different leucocyte (later

    HLA) antigens that had been identified and their poly-

    morphism and genetics were difficult subjects to solve. No

    Figure 4 Jon J. van Rood (1926) in the centre,

    with his long-time associate Aad van Leeuwen

    (19292009) to the left and his statistician Joe

    dAmaro (1928) to the right, at one of the earlier

    International Histocompatibility Workshops.

    Figure 3 JeanDausset (19162009) discussing the complexity of human

    leucocyte antigens at one of the earlier International Histocompatibility


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    E. Thorsby A short history of HLA

  • single laboratory could have carried out this alone.

    Therefore, very early International Histocompatibility

    Workshops (IHWSs) were established, where investigators

    in the field met to compare their reagents, techniques and

    results and communicate new findings.

    The first three IHWSs were wet workshops where the

    investigators carried out their experiments together in the

    same laboratory using the same panel of cells. The first

    IHWSwas organized byAmos (Figure 6) as early as in June

    1964 at Duke University, Durham, NC. Amos should be

    considered the father of theworkshops.Hewas also able to

    obtain funds from National Institutes of Health (NIH) to

    organize the first workshops. The major aim of the first

    IHWS was to compare different techniques to detect

    leucocyte antigens because a variety were in use by different

    investigators (leucoagglutination, the indirect antiglobulin

    consumption test, mixed agglutination, complement fixa-

    tion, microcytotoxicity, etc). Twenty-three investigators

    attended the workshop testing the same sera and cells with

    their own techniques. Much to their dismay, most of the

    results were discordant (19).

    These disappointing results, coupled with the fact that

    van Rood at the first IHWS had also presented evidence for

    other clusters of leucocyte antigens in addition to 4a and 4b,

    prompted van Rood to organize the second IHWS which

    was held in August, 1965 at the University of Leiden, the

    Netherlands. Here, investigators from 14 different groups

    tested their own antisera, using their own techniques, on cells

    froma commonpanel of 45 individuals. Themain aimwas to

    see if local specificities defined in one laboratory correlated

    with those defined in other laboratories.Most encouragingly,

    it was now found that several local specificities were indeed

    identical or almost identical (20). These included the

    specificities MAC (of Dausset), LA2 (of Payne and the

    Bodmers), 8a (of van Rood), B1 (of Shulman) and Te2 (of

    Terasaki), later to become HLA-A2. Furthermore, Dausset

    et al. (21) and van Rood et al. (22) also presented work

    suggesting that most of the antigens they could identify were

    controlled by a single chromosomal complex.

    The third IHWSwas organized by thewell-knownhuman

    geneticistRuggeroCeppellini (Figure 7) at theUniversity of

    Turin, Italy, in June 1967. The main aim was to study the

    genetics of the hitherto identified leucocyte antigens. Thus,

    the organizers included blood from 11 families, including

    monozygotic twins, thatwere tested blindly by the different

    investigators with their own typing antisera and techniques.

    Several investigators were now using the quicker and more

    reliable microcytotoxicity test, initially developed by Ter-

    asaki (Figure 10) and McClelland (23), which later became

    the standard serological typing technique forHLAantigens.

    Figure 5 Rose Payne (19091999), together

    with the author (1938) of this review just after

    the fourth International Histocompatibility

    Workshop in 1970.

    Figure 6 Bernard Amos (19232003).

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    A short history of HLA E. Thorsby

  • The results showed strong correlations between 13 local

    specificities. But more importantly, it was now fully

    established that most of these specificities were encoded by

    closely linked genes at one chromosomal region. This led to

    the designation HL-A for this chromosomal region, that is

    human leucocyte, locus A (24). This was later changed to

    HLA (without the hyphen), where A is now interpreted to

    mean antigen.

    Just after the third IHWS, in 1968, anHLANomenclature

    Committee was established (first sponsored byWorldHealth

    Organization, (WHO)) consisting of leading investigators in

    the field. This committee, which still exists, is responsible for

    giving official names to HLA specificities and loci. In the

    early days, an officially recognized or accepted HLA

    specificity was a specificity that could be recognized by

    several different investigators using their own serological

    reagents. An account of the lively discussions at their first

    meeting in NewYork in September 1968 is given byWalford

    in ref. 4. By quickly establishing a common uniform nom-

    enclature and thus avoiding a long list of various local

    specificities, the committee has played a major role in

    unravelling the complexity ofHLA genes and their products.

    Several loci in the HLA chromosomal region

    The first to propose two HLA loci were Bodmer and Payne

    and their associates (25). They called the two loci LA

    (adapted from the LA antigens of Payne and coworkers)

    and 4 or four (adapted from the 4a and 4b antigens of van

    Rood). At the third workshop in Turin, Ceppellini et al. also

    proposed that there were two different mutational sites

    within the HLA chromosomal region (26). It was, however,

    the work of Kissmeyer-Nielsen (Figure 12) and associates,

    which firmly established that there were two HLA loci (27).

    In extensive studies of unrelated individuals and families,

    they showed that the two loci,LA (later namedHLA-A) and

    4 (later named HLA-B), were closely linked and contained

    at least seven and eight alleles, respectively.

    There had been suggestions in 1969 from Dausset,

    Terasaki and Walford and their associates also of a third

    locus in the HLA chromosomal region. The strongest

    evidence came, however, from the studies by a Scandinavian

    group of an antiserum detecting a new leucocyte antigen,

    AJ, which in population and family studies behaved as if it

    was encoded by anotherHLA locus separate fromLA and 4

    (28). Later, we were able to show in cell membrane capping

    experiments that antigen AJ indeed was independent of

    antigens encoded by the LA and 4 loci, which firmly showed

    the existence of a third HLA locus (29). This was first called

    the AJ locus (from its first antigen) but was later named


    In 1964, two groups, Bach and Hirschorn (30) and Bain

    et al. (31), independently described morphological transfor-

    mation and cell division if leucocytes from two different

    individuals were mixed. This was to become the mixed

    lymphocyte culture (MLC) reaction. Fritz Bach (Figure 8)

    togetherwithAmos then showed that theMLCreactionwas

    governed by the HLA chromosomal region. Cells from

    siblingswhowere genotypicallyHLA identical generally did

    not respond to each other in reciprocal MLC tests (32).

    Later, Amos and Bach also obtained results indicating that

    the HLA determinants stimulating in the MLC test might

    not be identical to the serologically defined HLA-A and -B

    antigens (33). This was fully confirmed by Yunis and Amos

    (34) who showed that there was a separate MLC locus in

    the HLA chromosomal region responsible for the determi-

    nants inducing the MLC response. From their studies in

    mice, Bach et al. (35) then proposed that there were two

    Figure 7 Ruggero Ceppellini (19171988),

    giving a talk at one of the earlier International

    Histocompatibility Workshops.

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    E. Thorsby A short history of HLA

  • different types of determinants encoded by genes in the H-2

    complex, serologically defined (SD) and lymphocyte-

    defined (LD) determinants, the latter being responsible for

    stimulation in the MLC test, a concept that was also

    adapted for man.

    This started an extensive hunt for the LD determinants in

    man. It was Mempel et al. (36) who first suggested that

    MLC-stimulating cells that were homozygous at the LD

    locus could be used to type for LD determinants in man, in

    that non-responsiveness of the responding cells would

    indicate that the stimulating and responding cells shared

    the same LD determinant(s). Several investigators showed

    that this indeed was possible, andmultiple LDdeterminants

    were identified by what was generally called MLC typing.

    This was also a major topic at the sixth IHWS in 1975,

    organized by Kissmeyer-Nielsen in Aarhus, Denmark. By

    exchange of 62 LD homozygous typing cells, eight different

    LDdeterminantswere clearly defined byMLC typing by the

    different participating laboratories, of which six LD

    determinantswereacceptedby theNomenclatureCommittee

    and provisionally (by the prefix w workshop) namedHLA-Dw16 (37). The corresponding locus was named

    HLA-D. Sheehy et al. (38) reported that LD (or Dw)

    determinants could also be identified by priming lympho-

    cytes against givenLDdeterminants,whichwas calledprimed

    LD typing. Later studies showed that the provisionalHLA-D

    locus consisted of several different closely linked loci, which

    encoded three different series of determinants, DR, DQ

    (previously called DC) and DP (previously called SB).

    In the early 1970s, several groups reported that some sera

    containing HLA antibodies were able to inhibit the MLC

    reaction [(39) and refs therein]. This was confirmed by van

    Leeuwen et al. who also obtained suggestive evidence that

    the responsible antibodies recognized antigens present on B

    cells but not on T cells or platelets (40). Thus, these antisera

    might serologically detect HLA-D determinants. This was

    therefore made a major topic at the seventh IHWS in 1977,

    organized by Julia and Walter Bodmer (Figure 9), in

    Oxford, UK. Using 177 selected antisera recognizing

    antigens on B cells, antisera that had been exchanged

    between the participating laboratories, it was possible to

    convincingly identify seven different B-cell antigens that

    correlated closely to the HLA-Dw17 determinants and

    that therefore were named HLA-DRw1-7 (DR DRelated) (41).

    In the early 1980s, the overall picture was that the HLA

    chromosomal region, found to be present on the short arm

    of chromosome number 6, encoded six different very

    polymorphic series of determinants, A, B and C that were

    present on most nucleated cells and DR, DQ and DP that

    weremainly present onB cells, monocytes anddendritic cells.

    In 1967, Ceppellini had introduced the term HLA haplotype

    for the genetic information carried by each of the two HLA

    chromosomal regions of an individual. Klein (42) introduced

    the terms class I to describe the A, B and C antigens and

    class II to describe the DR, DQ and DP antigens (and the

    corresponding antigens in other species), a nomenclature that

    has since been followed. Furthermore, after the discovery of

    additional class I antigens, HLA-G, -E and -F, with a more

    limited tissue distribution, the latterwere named non-classical

    HLA class I antigens, while the HLA-A, -B and -C antigens

    were named classicalHLA class I antigens.

    Later, many additional loci were detected in the HLA

    chromosomal region or theHLAcomplex as it is called now.

    As a matter of fact, in the extended HLA complex covering

    a total of 7.6 Mb, as many as 252 genes have been found

    Figure 9 Julia (19342001) and Walter Bodmer (1936). Dancing has

    been one of the highlights at the farewell dinner of all International

    Histocompatibility Workshops.

    Figure 8 Fritz H. Bach (1934).

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    A short history of HLA E. Thorsby

  • expressed, of which approximately 28% may have immune

    functions (43). A further treatment of this development of

    the HLA complex, including the finding of some comple-

    ment genes, cytokine genes, RING (really interesting new

    genes), BING (bloody interesting new genes) and many

    others, is outside the scope of this short review (see Horton

    et al. (43) for a complete gene map of the extended HLA


    The HLA class I and II antigens are stronghistocompatibility antigens

    From skin grafting experiments in the early 1960s, both

    Dausset and coworkers and van Rood and coworkers

    had obtained evidence that the HLA antigens are strong

    histocompatibility antigens. This was confirmed and

    extended in studies by Ceppellini et al. (44) and Amos

    et al. (45). They showed that first-set skin grafts between

    HLA-identical siblings (who had inherited the same HLA

    haplotypes from both parents) had a significantly longer

    survival time than skin grafts between siblings differing for

    one or two HLA haplotypes. Because skin grafting resulted

    in the production of antibodies against HLA antigens of the

    donor, this was also an evidence that theHLAantigens were

    important histocompatibility antigens [references in (46)].

    The first data suggesting a correlation between HLA

    matching and kidney allograft survival were presented by

    Terasaki (Figure 10) and coworkers as early as in 1965 (47).

    These early results are quite remarkable, given the broadly

    reacting typing reagents available at that time and just

    typing for a fewHLA-Aand -B antigens.Other references to

    early work on the impact of HLA matching on clinical

    kidney transplantation are found in Brent (3) and Kiss-

    meyer-Nielsen andThorsby (46). Taken together, the results

    from skin and clinical kidney grafting, together with other

    evidence [references in (46)], showed that the HLA complex

    indeed was the MHC in man, as it had been previously

    shown for H-2 in mice.

    At the start of the 1970s, it had become accepted that the

    survival of kidneys transplanted between HLA-identical

    siblings was superior to all other combinations. HLA typing

    to obtain such or other well-matched combinations in

    kidney transplantations from living-related donors became

    of general use. Following several reports of better survival

    also of HLA-matched compared with HLA-mismatched

    kidneys from cadaveric donors [references in (46)], HLA

    typing to obtain well-matched kidneys in such unrelated

    combinations was also used in many centres. However, the

    benefits of the latter application were hit hard by a pre-

    sentation by Terasakis group at the Third Congress of the

    International Transplantation Society in Hague, the Neth-

    erlands, in 1970. While HLA matching was found to be of

    great importance using living-related donors, they reported

    no effects of HLAmatching when instead cadaveric donors

    were used. The results raised such a storm at the congress

    that their paper was not included in its proceedings. Instead,

    it was published separately in this journal (48), accompanied

    by comments by its editor at that time, Kissmeyer-Nielsen

    (49), discussing reasons for the discrepancy between the

    disappointing results reported by Terasakis group com-

    pared with the beneficial effects of HLA matching in

    cadaveric donor transplantation as reported by several

    others. The result was, however, that HLA matching in

    cadaveric donor transplantation went into a state of limbo.

    The differences in survival found between grafts fromHLA-

    matched and HLA-mismatched cadaveric donors were

    considered by many surgeons to be too small to matter.

    Following the identification of the HLA-DR antigens,

    the picture changed. Three independent studies, published

    in 1978, one by Ting and Morris (50), the second from our

    own group in Oslo (51) and the third from the group in

    Leiden (52), all showed beneficial effects ofmatching for the

    HLA-DRantigens in cadaveric kidney transplantation.Our

    own studies (53) also showed that the HLA-DR matching

    effectwas seen irrespective ofmatching for theHLA-Aand -

    B antigens (Figure 11). The impact of HLA-DR matching

    was later also confirmed in studies by many others.

    The further developments in this area and the present use of

    HLA matching in clinical organ transplantation are outside

    the scopeof this shorthistorical review. It suffices to say that in

    many centres the best possible match between donor and

    recipient for HLA-A, -B and -DR antigens is an important

    factor considered, when using both living and cadaveric

    donorsofkidneys. In sensitizedpatientswithHLAantibodies,

    it is generally accepted that the crossmatch between serum

    from the recipient and lymphocytes from the organ donor

    must be negative, as tested by the microcytotoxicity test.

    While the role of HLA matching in clinical organ

    transplantation, in particular using cadaveric donors, has

    continued to be a much discussed issue, the role of optimalFigure 10 Paul I. Terasaki (1929).

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    E. Thorsby A short history of HLA

  • HLA matching in bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is

    universally accepted. Graft-vs-host disease is a major

    barrier to successful BMT. Early successful BMTs to

    children with inborn immunodeficiencies (54, 55) and

    patients with aplastic anaemia (56) were obtained by using

    HLA-identical siblings as donors. It was also shown that it

    was particularly important that the MLC test between

    donor and recipient was negative (57), that is their class II

    antigens had to be matched. Together, this has resulted in

    the formation of large international registries ofHLA-typed

    volunteer bone marrow donors and banks of HLA-typed

    cord blood, which have made it possible to offer HLA-

    matched BMTs to most patients in need of this treatment.

    The more recent developments in this area, that is

    intelligent mismatching to promote graft-vs-leukaemia

    effects, is outside the scope of this short review.

    HLA antigens are associated with diseases

    Already at the third IHWS in 1967, Amiel reported that an

    HLA antigen, 4C (later shown to be a broad antigen

    including several different HLA-B locus antigens), was

    found significantly more frequently in patients with Hodg-

    kins disease (51%) than among healthy individuals (27%)

    (58). The association was not strong, the relative risk, RR

    (i.e. how much more frequently the disease occurs among

    individuals carrying the antigen under study compared with

    those lacking it) was just 2.8 and the observation has been

    hard to reproduce by others. It led, however, to an extensive

    hunt for other HLA-associated diseases.

    In 1973, came the big bang. Brewerton et al. (59) and

    Schlosstein et al. (60) independently reported a very strong

    association betweenHLA-B27 and ankylosing spondylitis.

    The studies found that 88%96% of the patients carried

    HLA-B27 compared with 8%4% of healthy controls,

    respectively. These data were later confirmed by many

    other groups, giving an RR of>100 to develop ankylosing

    spondylitis in individuals being positive for HLA-B27. The

    reason for this very strong association was unknown, but

    the authors of one of these papers (60) speculated that

    because the association was so strong, either an immune

    response (Ir) gene in strong linkage (disequilibrium) to

    HLA-B27 was involved or there was a cross-reaction

    between HLA-B27 and the aetiologic agent causing the

    disease. Later, the same year, Jersild et al. (61) first

    reported a strong disease association to an HLA class II

    antigen. Multiple sclerosis was found to be more strongly

    associated to a determinant as established byMLC typing,

    LD-7a (later to becomeHLA-Dw2, nowHLA-DR2), than


    Since then, many diseases have been found to be

    associated to given HLA antigens, in particular autoim-

    mune diseases (62). Autoimmune diseases are the combined

    result of predisposing genes and precipitating environmen-

    tal factors, and in almost all autoimmune diseases, the

    strongest genetic predisposition is associated to one ormore

    HLA antigens. Fine mapping of the HLA complex genes

    involved in these diseases and the possible mechanisms

    behind the associations are therefore now major research

    fields [see a recent review in this journal (63)].

    Figure 11 Influence of HLA-DR matching in 96

    transplants from a cadaveric donor. Left part

    shows the overall data, and the right part shows

    the data for transplantsmismatched for one or two

    HLA-A or -B antigens. Reprinted from Albrechtsen

    et al. (53), copyright 1978, with permission from

    Elsevier. HLA, human leucocyte antigen.

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    A short history of HLA E. Thorsby

  • Role of the IHWSs (II)

    Science is of course to a large extent driven by competition

    between individual investigators. This has also been the case

    in the HLA field. However, there must be very few other

    scientific fields where international collaboration has played

    such a major role for the progress, mainly through the many

    IHWSs. They have had an extremely important unifying

    influence on the HLA field. They laid the ground for

    a continuous open and friendly collaboration between

    involved investigators all over the world, which is an

    importantmark distinguishing this research field frommany

    others. As reported above, the first three IHWSs were wet

    workshops where the investigators carried out their inves-

    tigations in the laboratory of the workshop chairman. From

    the fourth IHWS, however, the project studies have been

    carried out locally in the laboratories of the investigators, to

    a large extent using exchanged reagents, followed by a joint

    workshop meeting to discuss the results (Figure 12). More

    recently, a conference for a broader audience has also been

    arranged in conjunction with the workshopmeetings, where

    not only the workshop results have been summarized but

    also individual scientists have presented their most recent

    research on HLA, its applications and related topics.

    The role of someof the earlierworkshops for identification

    of the first HLA-A, -B and -D/DR antigens has been

    mentioned above. However, all workshops have been

    instrumental for the development of the HLA field and its

    application in researchand clinicalmedicine.To justmention

    a fewachievements, the fifth IHWS showed thatHLA typing

    would become an important tool in anthropology; in the

    eighth IHWS, the role of HLA matching in clinical renal

    transplantation was an important aim; the ninth IHWS

    introduced various new techniques for studies of the poly-

    morphism of HLA; as a result of the 10th IHWS, a reference

    panel of well-typed cell lines was established, which has been

    of great help for many investigators; and as a result of the

    13th IHWS, a publicly accessible database was established,

    which now contains a huge amount of data for future

    research.Andsoon, the list ofwhathasbeenaccomplished in

    the 15 workshops so far organized is long, very long. The

    work laid down by the workshop chairmen and their

    associates in organizing these workshops has been extensive

    and so has also been the work of the participants. It is,

    however, impossible in this short review to give a compre-

    hensive account of all projects that has been studied in these

    workshops and the results obtained, for which I apologize to

    all workshop organizers and participants. Table 1 just gives

    a very short and incomplete summary of some important

    aims and results. For more details, the reader should consult

    the proceedings from the various workshops (listed in

    Table 1), which not only contain the Joint reports that

    summarize the results of the various workshop projects but

    also containmany important results of research onHLAand

    its applications by individual investigators, presented at the

    workshop conferences. These proceedings are thus a rich

    source of information and also show the extensive develop-

    ment that has taken place during the 45 years since the very

    first workshop was organized.

    If I should try to very briefly summarize some important

    achievements of the workshops, I would list the following:

    1. They have been instrumental for solving the com-

    plexity of HLA. This has been the case for all

    workshops, but in particular the early ones.

    2. They have been necessary in order to carry out in-

    vestigations that need large international collaboration

    Figure 12 Somemembers of the Scandinavian

    group studying their data at the fourth Interna-

    tional Histocompatibility Workshop meeting in

    1970. The leader of the group, Flemming

    Kissmeyer-Nielsen (19211991), is seen (with

    glasses) in the centre.

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    E. Thorsby A short history of HLA

  • Table 1 Some major aims and results from the IHWSsa

    WS number Date Place Chairman Some important aims and results Reference

    1 June 1964 Durham, NC, USA D. Bernard Amos Comparison of different typing techniques 64

    Results: very little consistency!

    2 August 1965 Leiden, Holland Jon J. van Rood Comparison of different local specificities 65

    Results: strong correlations between several

    3 June 1967 Turin, Italy Ruggero Ceppellini Establish the genetics of leucocyte antigens 66

    Results: strong correlations between more

    local specificities; most are encoded

    by genes at one chromosomal region; HLA

    4 January 1970 Los Angeles,

    CA, USA

    Paul I. Terasaki Further definition of HLA specificities 67

    Eleven HLA specificities accepted

    5 May 1972 Evian, France Jean Dausset Use of HLA in anthropology 68

    Established HLA frequencies in different populations

    6 June 1975 Aarhus, Denmark Flemming


    Focus on HLA LD antigens by exchange of

    homozygous typing cells. HLA-Dw1-6 accepted


    More HLA-A and -B antigens and five -Cw

    antigens accepted

    7 September 1977 Oxford, UK Julia and Walter

    F. Bodmer

    Focus on antigens expressed on B cells 70

    HLA-DRw1-7 accepted, strong correlations to

    corresponding HLA-Dw antigens

    8 February 1980 Los Angeles,

    CA, USA

    Paul I. Terasaki Focus on applications 71

    A possible beneficial effect of HLA matching in

    renal transplantation from unrelated donors

    Strong HLA-DR associations to some diseases

    9 May 1984 Munich, Germany Ekkehard D. Albert and

    Wolfgang R. Mayr

    Further dissection of HLA polymorphism by

    family studies, also using monoclonal

    antibodies and biochemistry


    More HLA specificities accepted

    Beneficial effects of both HLA-A, -B and -DR matching in

    renal transplantation from unrelated donors

    10 November 1987 Princeton, NY, USA Bo Dupont Theme: Molecular genetic basis of HLA polymorphism 73

    Comparison of HLA specificities detected by

    different assays

    Established a IHWS reference cell line panel

    11 November 1991 Yokohama, Japan Kimiyoshi Tsjui, Miki

    Aizawa, and Takehiko


    Establishment of DNA typing of HLA (PCR SSO) 74

    New data on the role of HLA in transplantation, disease

    associations, anthropology, etc.

    12 June 1996 Saint-Malo, France Dominique Charron Theme: Genetic diversity of HLA 75

    Extensive DNA typing, many new HLA variants detected

    More data on applications

    13 May 2002 Victoria, BC, Canada John A. Hansen Theme: immunobiology of the human MHC 76

    New data on applications

    Establishment of different IHWGs

    Establishment of a publicly accessible MHC database

    14 November 2005 Melbourne, Australia Jim McCluskey New results of work by the different IHWGs and others 77

    New data on KIRHLA and applications, in

    particular in BMTs

    15 September 2008 Buzios, Brazil Maria Elisa Moraes and

    Maria Gerbase-DeLima

    Further results of the work by the different

    IHWGs and others


    New data on applications in clinical medicine,

    anthropology, etc.

    BMT, bone marrow transplantation; HLA, human leucocyte antigen; IHWGs, International Histocompatibility Working Groups; IHWSs, International

    Histocompatibility Workshops; MHC, major histocompatibility complex.a The first three IHWSswere wet workshops,where participants carried out their investigations together in the laboratory of theworkshop chairman.

    From the fourth IHWS, the participants carried out their investigations locally in their own laboratories, often using exchanged reagents. The

    investigators then met at the workshop meeting to discuss the results.

    A short history of HLA E. Thorsby

    110 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S Tissue Antigens 74, 101116

  • involving many different centres. These projects include,

    among many others, the role of HLA matching in renal

    transplantation and in BMTs, the role of antibodies in

    chronic rejection, studies of HLA-associated diseases

    and use of HLA in anthropology.

    3. They have been biobanks long before this term was

    coined, that is for collection of reliable typing

    reagents, important patient sera, reference cell line

    panels, oligonucleotides and complementary DNA

    probes and for generation of publicly accessible HLA

    databases, all of which have been instrumental for

    workers in the field.

    4. They have been platforms for further research and

    developments in individual laboratories. Many new

    and original contributions by individual investigators

    have been based on workshop results or reagents

    provided by the workshops.

    5. They have played an important educational role,

    making quick technology transfer possible. Many less

    experienced laboratories have by participation been

    actively trained and learned new techniques.

    The bottom line is that, without these workshops, we

    would not have been where we are today with respect to our

    knowledge of the HLA complex and its applications in

    research and clinical medicine.

    Immunobiological function of the HLA class Iand II antigens

    But what was the immunobiological function of the HLA

    class I and II antigens? It was clear very early that they were

    strong histocompatibility antigens, hence the name MHC

    for theHLA and analogous complexes in other species. But,

    this could not be their real immunobiological function! The

    first answers mainly came from studies in the mouse.

    First, Benacerraf and colleagues reported in 1963 that the

    antibody response in guinea pigs to a particular synthetic

    polypeptide antigen (PLL) was controlled by a single gene

    (79).Genes controlling specific immune responseswere later

    called Ir genes. Benacerraf received the Nobel Prize in 1980

    (shared with Snell and Dausset) for his contributions on Ir

    genes. Then, in 1968, came the first data that would lead to

    an understanding of the immunobiological function of the

    MHC antigens. Hugh McDevitt (Figure 13) together with

    Marvin Tyan then first showed that the ability of mice to

    make an antibody response to a series of synthetic

    polypeptide antigens was a genetic trait that was closely

    linked to the H-2 complex (80). These results were

    confirmed and extended in further experiments by McDe-

    vitt and Chinitz the next year (81). Using 33 different inbred

    strains of mice that were of eight different H-2 types but

    where mice having the same H-2 type had different genetic

    backgrounds, they showed that all strains being H-2b

    responded strongly to the synthetic antigen (T,G)-AL,

    while strains of other H-2 types did not respond or

    responded much more weakly. In contrast, when they

    instead used another synthetic antigen, (H,G)-AL, differ-

    ent mouse strains being H-2a or H-2k responded strongly,

    strains being H-2b responded poorly and strains having

    other H-2 types did not respond or responded variably.

    Thus, genes closely linked to the H-2 complex controlled

    specific immune responses! The authors concluded that

    their results were compatible eitherwithmultiple Ir gene loci

    or with a single Ir gene locus withmultiple alleles but in both

    cases closely linked to the H-2 complex.

    MHC-linked Ir genes were later identified in several

    species, and the mechanism of their function became much

    discussed. Itwas speculated that theymight be identical to the

    MHC genes themselves, that is the genes encoding theMHC

    class I antigens, and that the MHC antigens on immuno-

    competent cells in one way or another might modify the

    antigen receptors on these cells. Alternatively, the Ir genes

    might be different from the genes encoding the MHC class I

    antigens and represent a new set of antigen receptors on T

    cells (82). Later studies showed that the murine Ir genes were

    separate from and mapped to a position between H-2D and

    H-2K and that some antisera recognized the corresponding

    gene products called Ia antigens [references in (83)]. These

    antigens were later shown to be encoded by two different loci

    in the H-2 complex, I-A and I-E, corresponding toHLA-DQ

    and -DR, respectively, that is the class II antigens of mice.

    In 1972, it was first shown that cooperation between T

    and B cells required MHC compatibility between the

    interacting cells (84). The next year, it was shown that the

    same was true for the interaction of macrophage-associated

    antigen with T cells (85). That the MHC antigens were

    directly involved in T-cell recognition of antigens was,

    however, first shown in 1974 by Rolf Zinkernagel and

    Peter Doherty, when they worked together in Canberra,

    Australia.A very interesting account of how theydiscovered

    Figure 13 Hugh McDevitt (1930).

    E. Thorsby A short history of HLA

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  • this was given by Zinkernagel and Doherty (86). The results

    of their initial experiments were reported in two short and

    yet momentous letters in Nature (87, 88).

    Very briefly, using mice infected with lymphocyte

    choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), they observed that T cells

    from the H-2k strain were only able to kill LCMV-infected

    target cells from the H-2k strain and not LCMV-infected

    target cells from the H-2d strain. The reverse was true when

    they instead used T cells from LCMV-infected H-2d mice,

    which were only able to kill LCMV-infected target cells

    from H-2d mice and not LCMV-infected target cells from

    H-2k mice. Thus, T-cell recognition of antigen from the

    virus was restricted by the MHC antigens of the T-cell

    donor, which was called MHC restriction. They proposed

    two explanations for their results, either the antigen-specific

    receptor on T cells, the T-cell receptor (TCR), recognizes

    MHC antigens that have been modified by the virus or the

    TCR recognizes a complex formed between virus andMHC

    antigens. They later proposed a unifying hypothesis that

    T-cell recognition by cytotoxic (CD8) T cells and by helper

    (CD4) T cells involved similar mechanisms, involvingMHC

    class I and class II antigens, respectively, and that this may

    explain the experiments summarized above on Ir gene

    effects and the need for histocompatibility between inter-

    acting immune system cells. Furthermore, they proposed

    that this may also explain how theMHCantigens are strong

    histocompatibility antigens and may predispose to diseases

    (89). Although the exactmechanism how theMHCantigens

    were involved in T-cell recognition could not be shown by

    their experiments, Zinkernagel andDoherty came very close

    (see subsequently). They received theNobel Prize in 1996 for

    their seminal observations (Figure 14).

    In 1986, it was first shown that MHC restriction, not sur-

    prisingly, was also the case for human T-cell-mediated im-

    mune responses, as shown by Goulmy et al. for cytotoxic

    T cells (90) andbyBergholtz andmyself for helperT cells (91).

    Structure of HLA resolved; the pieces cometogether

    During the 1960s and 1970s, many studies on the structure

    ofMHC antigens, bothH-2 andHLA, appeared [references

    in (2, 3)]. By the early 1980s, it had been established that the

    class I antigens are composed of two chains, a glycoprotein

    heavy chain anchored in the cell membrane of molecular

    weight (mw) of approximately 45 000, varying in its

    membrane distal part between different class I molecules,

    which is non-covalently associated with b-2 microglobulin(mwabout 12 000), which is constant in all class Imolecules.

    In contrast, the class II antigens consist of two glycoprotein

    heavy chains (a and b) of mw of approximately 34 000 and29 000, respectively, both anchored in the cell membrane

    and where the b chain varied between different HLA-DRantigens.

    The studies by Zinkernagel and Doherty summarized

    above, and studies by many others later, had shown that

    T cells recognize foreign antigens associated with MHC

    antigens or MHC molecules as we should call them from

    now on. It was shown by Ziegler andUnanue (92) that CD4

    T cells recognize fragments of antigens in association with

    MHC class II molecules in macrophages and by Townsend

    et al. (93) that CD8 T cells recognize peptide fragments of

    antigen in association with MHC class I molecules in target

    cells. But what was the mechanism?

    In 1987, two papers by the Strominger/Wiley group were

    published back to back in Nature, which provided the

    explanation and caused a paradigm shift not only in the

    HLA field but also in immunology in general. In an article to

    the memory of Don Wiley (19442001), Strominger has

    given a very interesting account on how the group arrived at

    their results (94). In the first Nature paper, Bjorkman et al.

    (95), using X-ray crystallography, showed that the part of

    the HLA-A2 molecule proximal to the cell membrane

    contains two domains with immunoglobulin folds that are

    paired in a novel manner. However, more importantly, they

    also showed that the membrane distal domain is a platform

    of antiparallel b-strands topped by two a-helices, whichtogether form a large grove that provides a binding site for

    processed antigen, probably a peptide. They also showed

    that an unknown peptide material was found in this site in

    crystals of HLA-A2 (Figures 15 and 16, which for many

    years were the most frequent shown pictures in any lecture

    on HLA or immunology). Thus, HLA molecules were

    peptide-presenting molecules!

    In the accompanying paper, Bjorkman et al. (96)

    discussed how some of the polymorphic amino acid residues

    in the groove of HLA class I molecules, and by inference

    Figure 14 Peter Doherty (1940-) left and Rolf Zinkernagel (1944-)

    receiving the Nobel Prize in 1996.

    A short history of HLA E. Thorsby

    112 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S Tissue Antigens 74, 101116

  • also in the groove of class II molecules [which was, however,

    first shown 6 years later (97)], would interact with a peptide,

    while other polymorphic residues of HLA molecules would

    interact with the TCR.

    This explained the phenomenon of MHC or HLA

    restriction, that is a given T cell recognizes a particular

    peptideHLA complex, where both the peptide and the

    presenting HLA molecule constitute the ligand. This would

    also explain allorecognition, which might involve T-cell re-

    cognition of complexes of allogeneic peptides bound by self

    HLA-molecules but also of allo-HLA molecules and their

    bound peptides. The data also suggested that there would be

    limitations in the ability of a given HLAmolecule to bind all

    types of peptides [which were amply confirmed in later

    studies by others of peptide binding to HLAmolecules (98)].

    The MHC or HLA class I and II molecules of an individual

    will to a large extent determine which peptides will be bound

    and displayed and therefore recognized by his or her CD8 or

    CD4 T cells, respectively. This explained theMHC-linked Ir

    gene effects caused by different peptide-binding repertoires

    of various MHC molecules. It also provided a probable ex-

    planation for many HLA-associated autoimmune diseases.

    The strongHLAassociationsmight be causedbypreferential

    binding by the disease-associated HLA molecules of parti-

    cular immunogenic peptides, which would be able to trigger

    an autoimmune response, given the necessary precipitating

    environmental factors. The pieces had come together.

    It is interesting to note that the first HLAmolecule whose

    structurewas fully shownwas the same as the very firstHLA

    molecule discovered in man, that is MAC or HLA-A2,

    discovered by Dausset 29 years previously (1).

    Concluding remarks

    It is now just a little more than 50 years since Dausset first

    discovered a leucocyte antigen in man, which became the

    firstHLAantigen,HLA-A2. Since then, the field hasmoved

    from histocompatibility to become one of the most central

    fields in basic and clinical immunology in general. As

    a matter of fact, the term MHC for the HLA complex and

    similar genetic complexes in animals should rather be

    considered a misnomer because the role of the HLA class I

    and II molecules as histocompatibility antigens is more

    Figure 15 Schematic representation of the four domains of human

    leucocyte antigen HLA-A2. Reprinted with permission from Macmillan

    Publishers Ltd, copyright 1987 (95).

    Figure 16 Surface representation of the top of the human leucocyte

    antigen HLA-A2 molecule, showing (a) the deep groove identified as the

    antigen recognition site and (b) the electron density found in this site,

    probably a peptide. Reprintedwith permission fromMacmillan Publishers

    Ltd, copyright 1987 (95).

    E. Thorsby A short history of HLA

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  • a side-effect of their immunobiological function. Given the

    instrumental importance of class I and II molecules, and

    adding the function of many other HLA complex gene

    products, both in innate and in adaptive immune responses,

    a better name for the complex would be the major immune

    response complex; the MIRC. But, it is too late to change

    this now!

    There are several reasons for the quick and extensive

    developments of the field. First and foremost are the

    instrumental contributions by its many pioneers. Some of

    them have received the Nobel Prize (Snell, Dausset,

    Benacerraf, Zinkernagel and Doherty), but several others

    would also have been excellent candidates. That such

    a relatively large number of Nobel Prizes has gone to

    pioneers in this field witnesses its importance. But

    another factor that must not be underestimated is the

    extensive international collaboration, which has taken

    place since the early days of HLA, in particular the

    IHWSs. Together, the pioneers and the extensive inter-

    national collaboration are responsible for the giant

    progress we have seen in this field during the past

    50 years.


    I am grateful to Walter Bodmer, Jon van Rood and Paul

    Terasaki for helpful comments to parts of this review

    dealing with the early history of HLA, to Hugh McDevitt

    for helpful comments concerning the part describing the

    immunobiological function of HLA antigens and to

    Torstein Egeland, Ludvig Sollid and Frode Vartdal for

    careful reading of the manuscript.


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