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4 Living Water - January 16, 2015 PLEASE WEAR YOUR BLD ID EVERY FRIDAY A N N O U N C E M E N T S START OF THE YEAR RETREAT “Ascent to the Pure Love of God” by Fr. Charles Anang, St. Augustine Seminary Saturday, January 17, 2015 OLA Basement Hall From the Life in the Spirit Ministry LSS No. 31 is scheduled on April 11 12. Invited participants are: Graduates of ME#37 and Previous graduates of ME, SPE and SE who have not yet taken the LSS. Non- encountered Singles, Solo Parents and Couples are also welcome to join the LSS. For previous encounter graduates and non-encountered candidates, orientations are sched- uled on Fridays, January 16, 23 and 30 after the Praise and Worships, and on February 6 after the mass. Please note all orientations are held at the Mark 10 room. Salubong will be on Friday, February 13, 2015. Registration Forms are available through any member of the Life in the Spirit Ministry. For more information, please contact the LSS#31 Coordinators or any member of the Life in the Spirit Ministry. YOUTH MINISTRY KORNER Registration is on-going for the 2015 YLSS # 16 on January 16, 23, 30 and Feb. 6, 2015. Non -BLD youth are welcome to attend YLSS # 16. Please visit the Youth Ministry desk in the basement hall for registration or e-mail Froilan and Charito Piamonte at [email protected] for more information. Welcome/Salubong will be held on Friday, February 13, 2015 JANUARY 2015 LECTORS January 16 1st reading.........Ling and Bing Brinas Psalm..................Edmar Aquino 2nd reading........Willie and Vivian Saguil January 23 1st reading..........Bert and Cecile Cruz Psalm...................Marife Capistrano 2nd reading........Gusty and Annie Andino January 30 1st reading..........Charlie and Jo Gonzales Psalm...................Linda Canaria 2nd reading........Espei Cosme Living Water - January 16, 2015 January 16, 2015 BUKÁS-LOÓB SA DIYÓS OPEN IN SPIRIT TO GOD www.bldworld.org www.bldtoronto.com THEME We are guided by the Star in our journey of faith when we follow and remain with Jesus. WORD 1 Sam 3:3 -10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10; 1 Cor 6:13-15, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 ORDER “Glorify God in your body.” (1Cor 6:20) “Come and see.” (Jn 1:39) DIRECTION Come and see the Lord through our Disci- pleship Formation program through teach- ing and service in ministry. Take care of your body physically and spiri- tually. REFLECTION This week’s Readings remind us of the differ- ent phases we go through as we journey with our Lord and with our community towards our Discipleship. The First Reading relates to how the Lord calls His Disciples, His chosen ones, those He hand- picked to continue His mission and work here on earth. Here we found Samuel going to Eli a few times: “Here I am for you called me.” Finally, the realization of what is happening dawned on Eli and he instructed Samuel that when the call comes again, to say: “Speak, for your servant is listening. “ This is our story before we joined the BLD/ OSG. We heard so many calls from the Lord but then, it just got drowned with the noise around us. Sometimes, we miss God’s call, even if He is talking to us directly. By the grace of God, we finally heeded the call Second Sunday in Ordinary Time www.bldworld.org www.bldtoronto.com

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  • 4 Living Water - January 16, 2015


    A N N O U N C E M E N T S


    “Ascent to the Pure Love of God” by Fr.

    Charles Anang, St. Augustine Seminary

    Saturday, January 17, 2015

    OLA Basement Hall

    From the Life in the Spirit Ministry

    LSS No. 31 is scheduled on April 11 – 12. Invited participants are: Graduates of ME#37

    and Previous graduates of ME, SPE and SE who have not yet taken the LSS. Non-

    encountered Singles, Solo Parents and Couples are also welcome to join the LSS.

    For previous encounter graduates and non-encountered candidates, orientations are sched-

    uled on Fridays, January 16, 23 and 30 after the Praise and Worships, and on February

    6 after the mass. Please note all orientations are held at the Mark 10 room.

    Salubong will be on Friday, February 13, 2015. Registration Forms are available through

    any member of the Life in the Spirit Ministry. For more information, please contact the

    LSS#31 Coordinators or any member of the Life in the Spirit Ministry.


    Registration is on-going for the 2015 YLSS #

    16 on January 16, 23, 30 and Feb. 6, 2015. Non

    -BLD youth are welcome to attend YLSS # 16.

    Please visit the Youth Ministry desk in the

    basement hall for registration or e-mail

    Froilan and Charito Piamonte at

    [email protected] for more information.

    Welcome/Salubong will be held on

    Friday, February 13, 2015


    January 16

    1st reading.........Ling and Bing Brinas

    Psalm..................Edmar Aquino

    2nd reading........Willie and Vivian Saguil

    January 23

    1st reading..........Bert and Cecile Cruz

    Psalm...................Marife Capistrano

    2nd reading........Gusty and Annie Andino

    January 30

    1st reading..........Charlie and Jo Gonzales

    Psalm...................Linda Canaria

    2nd reading........Espei Cosme

    Living Water - January 16, 2015

    January 16, 2015


    www.bldworld.org www.bldtoronto.com


    We are guided by the Star in our journey of

    faith when we follow and remain with Jesus.


    1 Sam 3:3 -10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10;

    1 Cor 6:13-15, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42


    “Glorify God in your body.” (1Cor 6:20)

    “Come and see.” (Jn 1:39)


    Come and see the Lord through our Disci-

    pleship Formation program through teach-

    ing and service in ministry.

    Take care of your body physically and spiri-



    This week’s Readings remind us of the differ-

    ent phases we go through as we journey with

    our Lord and with our community towards

    our Discipleship.

    The First Reading relates to how the Lord calls

    His Disciples, His chosen ones, those He hand-

    picked to continue His mission and work here

    on earth.

    Here we found Samuel going to Eli a few

    times: “Here I am for you called me.” Finally,

    the realization of what is happening dawned

    on Eli and he instructed Samuel – that when

    the call comes again, to say: “Speak, for your

    servant is listening. “

    This is our story before we joined the BLD/

    OSG. We heard so many calls from the Lord

    but then, it just got drowned with the noise

    around us. Sometimes, we miss God’s call,

    even if He is talking to us directly. By the

    grace of God, we finally heeded the call

    Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

    www.bldworld.org www.bldtoronto.com

    mailto:[email protected]

  • 2 Living Water - January 16, 2015

    through our Encounter Programs, ME, SE, YE,

    SE, SPE and LSS.

    Interestingly, just like us, Samuel was called by

    the Lord, and was perceived to be not suitable

    for the task ahead. It is truly amazing how God

    calls the most unlikely people to do His job.

    They do not seem to fit the image and the quali-

    fications at first.

    With the calling comes the abiding, “Here I am

    Lord, I come to do your will. “ Similarly, with

    our story, once we recognized that the call is

    really for us, we started attending our Praise

    and Worship, and got involved doing Ministry

    work and helping build communities.

    From the calling, we went on with the offering

    of self, as Psalm 40 tells us: “I waited patiently

    for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my

    cry. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of

    praise to our God. “ The exhortation from the

    Lord followed, which is in the Second Reading,

    where we are admonished to keep ourselves

    holy and acceptable to His sight.

    ”Do you not know that your body is a temple of

    the Holy Spirit within you, which you have

    from God, and that you are not your own? We

    are exhorted to keep ourselves holy and accept-

    able to His sight. For you were bought for a

    price: therefore glorify God in your body” (1 Cor


    As we go deeper with our commitment and we

    finally realize the value and joy of serving the

    Lord not only in our community, but, in the

    greater church, there is a need for us to be Christ

    like, testifying to the holiness and purity of our

    Lord. For if we want to serve God, we have to

    emulate Him. We are being exhorted, that our

    body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that

    we are not our own, we are bought for a price,

    therefore we should glorify God in our body.

    Finally, the Gospel of John confirms the expec-

    tation from us as Disciples of the Lord: That

    of being a pointer for Jesus. Here we are being

    invited to testify to everyone to “Come and


    John the Baptist, standing by the road with two

    of his Disciples, watching Jesus walk by, ex-

    claimed: “Look here is the Lamb of God.”

    Hearing John’s word, the disciples followed


    Realizing the two men were following Him,

    Jesus asked, “What are you looking for?” In-

    stead of answering the question, the Disciples

    asked, “Where are you staying? “ For which

    Jesus answered, “Come and see”. And finally,

    the confirmation from the Disciples: “We have

    found the Messiah.”

    The above Readings, especially the Gospel,

    convey the story of every Christian follower of

    Jesus, most especially members of BLD/ OSG.

    It tells us that the essence and true meaning of

    being a Disciple of Jesus is to take our main

    responsibility, that of being a Pointer for Jesus,

    testifying in our life that, “we have found the


    Who is Jesus to you? What are you looking

    for? Where are you staying?

    All of these questions found in the Gospel are

    answered by belonging and staying with the

    BLD Covenant Community.

    Who is Jesus to you? He is the Lord of our life,

    our friend, and our saviour.

    What are you looking for? We found Jesus

    enthroned in our hearts, and we found Him in

    Living Water - January 16, 2015

    the BLD/OSG community. Ours is a community

    of disciples who are “Pointers” for Jesus. As

    Disciples of Jesus, we need to stay focused, mak-

    ing sure that our hearts rest on Jesus alone.

    Where are you staying? Jesus in not only in the

    tabernacle of the Church, but He is everywhere.

    Jesus rests in our heart; we are the temples of the

    Holy Spirit – pointers towards Jesus, workers of

    His vineyard. For we have found the Messiah,

    through our community and its formation and

    evangelization programs.

    “We have found the Messiah!” - when we dis-

    cover something valuable, important and excit-

    ing, we find a need to share it with everyone.

    The joy of sharing Jesus is something inherent in

    all of us. This is what Shepherds feel and cher-

    ish. This is why we evangelize and spread the

    good News.

    That is why we go out as a community, we build

    Prayer Groups and DIPs, we evangelize, and we

    give LSS and encounter programs.

    How do we repay those who helped build us up

    as a Disciple of the Lord? By doing what they

    did to us and by giving what they gave us.

    Examples of these are serving as Shepherds dur-

    ing LSS; Continually forming ourselves spiritu-

    ally by attending teachings and Praise and Wor-

    ship; Sharing the Word of God during our LWG;

    Praising the Lord through our voice and gift of

    music; Praying for everyone during Intercessory

    Sessions; and, offering of service to the commu-

    nity. All of us have a deep longing to feel closer

    to Jesus, and to be given this opportunity is a

    gift in itself.

    We should all be like St. John the Baptist, full of

    humility, staying in the sideline, pointing to Je-

    sus as the light and the source of light. We are

    not the light, our Lord Jesus is the light of the

    world, and our calling besides pointing to Jesus

    is to reflect the light of God into our life. Praise

    the Lord.


    "But anyone united to the Lord becomes one spirit

    with him.” (1 Cor 6:17)

    Baptism of the Lord “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well

    pleased.” (Matthew 3:17)

    Because Jesus humbled himself so completely, his

    Father proclaimed how delighted he was in him

    (Mark1:11). At his baptism, Jesus became the source

    of the Spirit for all who would believe in him. The

    heavens were opened, the Spirit fell, and a new crea-

    tion was inaugurated.

    If we want to experience the power and grace of this

    new creation in our lives, we must follow Jesus’ ex-

    ample. St. Gregory of Nazianzus, a fourth-century

    church Father, gives us this advice: “Let us be buried

    with Christ by baptism, in order to rise with him. Let

    us go down with him in order to be raised with him.

    Let us rise with him in order to be glorified with

    him.” If we want to experience the transformation

    Gregory wrote about, we need to ask the Holy Spirit

    to forge the same humility in our hearts that Jesus

    showed at his baptism.

    Jesus is ever ready to renew us in his Spirit and to

    anoint us for our mission. He wants to make us

    “light” and “salt” to those around us (Matthew 5:13,

    14). He wants his love and truth to shine through us

    so that others will be touched by his goodness. Ask

    the Lord to fill you with his Holy Spirit so that you

    may radiate the joy of the gospel to those around

    you. As you do, heaven will open for you as well.

    Source: A Year of Celebration: Experiencing God through the Feast Days

    of the Church by Patricia Mitchell (The Word Among Us Press, 2001..