a monthly publication of zion evangelical lutheran church ... · whoever does the will of my father...

A Monthly Publication of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church--Elgin, ND Volume 31, Number 2 *Phone: 584-2902 * Email: zelc@westriv.com * February 2019 Zion Messenger Jesus Redefines “Family” This is an edited version of my sermon given on Sunday, January 20, 2019. I believe this to be an important subject maer, so I wanted to make sure most everyone had the opportunity to consider the gospel in this way. While he was still speaking to the crowds, his mother and his brothers were standing outside, wanting to speak to him. Someone told him, “Look, your mother and your brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.” But to the one who had told him this, Jesus replied, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” And pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” (Matthew 12:46-50 NRSV) My Understanding of Family There are several things that have shaped my understanding of family. My mother, father and my brothers, my own family with four daughters and one son, nearly 25 years of marriage and my years of experience with youth ministry. Additionally, I came to know the Biblical meaning of family from scripture and by looking to the example modeled by Christ. My mother and father were the first ones who helped me to understand what it means to be a family. They taught me how to care for one another “in spite of” and “because of.” Primarily, Mom and Dad taught me what love looks like and the meaning of family. Families sacrifice, families laugh and play, families sometimes argue and fight and, still, families offer grace and forgiveness. I learned that love heals, love mends, and love endures. Additionally, I came to know that family does not walk away without doing everything possible to keep the family together. This was why my ex- husband and I fought to save our marriage for so long. Ultimately, we failed, but we sought forgiveness and have come to form another kind of family in the years which followed our divorce. During my years of youth ministry, I encountered more families than you can imagine. I am sure the teachers in our congregation can relate to this. The families I encountered were as varied as the letters on this page. I led youth ministry in the suburbs, in small towns, and at urban city churches. The families were affluent, middle-class, city-dwellers, small-town folk, as well as homeless. The makeup of these families was any combination of mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, step-fathers, step-mothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and partners. Each of these individuals was broken, flawed, and sinful—as we all are. Some were more broken than others to the point of being dysfunctional. The healthiest and strongest families, however, had three things in common: unconditional love, commitment, and the ability to work through conflict. Jesus Redefines Family In Matthew 12, Jesus redefines what it means to be family. The family of brothers and sisters in Christ is not defined by bloodlines or by human means, but by the waters of baptism. When we follow Christ as his disciples, we become family in the truest sense of the word. When Jesus was approached by someone and was told, “Look, your mother and your brothers are Continued on page 2 Annual Congregational Meeting Sunday February 3, 2019 10:30 am

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Page 1: A Monthly Publication of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church ... · whoever does the will of my Father in ... someone has offended or hurt us, we are instructed by Jesus to go the individual

A Monthly Publication of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church--Elgin, ND Volume 31, Number 2 *Phone: 584-2902 * Email: [email protected] * February 2019

Zion Messenger

Jesus Redefines “Family” This is an edited version of my sermon given on Sunday, January 20, 2019. I believe this to be an important subject matter, so I wanted to make sure most everyone had the opportunity to consider the gospel in this way.

While he was still speaking to the crowds, his mother and his brothers were standing outside, wanting to speak to him. Someone told him, “Look, your mother and your brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.” But to the one who had told him this, Jesus replied, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” And pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” (Matthew 12:46-50 NRSV)

My Understanding of Family There are several things that have shaped my understanding of family. My mother, father and my brothers, my own family with four daughters and one son, nearly 25 years of marriage and my years of experience with youth ministry. Additionally, I came to know the Biblical meaning of family from scripture and by looking to the example modeled by Christ. My mother and father were the first ones who helped me to understand what it means to be a family. They taught me how to care for one another “in spite of” and “because of.” Primarily, Mom and Dad taught me what love looks like and the meaning of family. Families sacrifice, families laugh and play, families sometimes argue and fight and, still, families offer grace and forgiveness. I learned that love heals, love mends, and love endures. Additionally, I came to know that family does not walk away without doing everything possible to keep the family together. This was why my ex- husband and I fought to save our marriage for so

long. Ultimately, we failed, but we sought forgiveness and have come to form another kind of family in the years which followed our divorce. During my years of youth ministry, I encountered more families than you can imagine. I am sure the teachers in our congregation can relate to this. The families I encountered were as varied as the letters on this page. I led youth ministry in the suburbs, in small towns, and at urban city churches. The families were affluent, middle-class, city-dwellers, small-town folk, as well as homeless. The makeup of these families was any combination of mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, step-fathers, step-mothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and partners. Each of these individuals was broken, flawed, and sinful—as we all are. Some were more broken than others to the point of being dysfunctional. The healthiest and strongest families, however, had three things in common: unconditional love, commitment, and the ability to work through conflict. Jesus Redefines Family In Matthew 12, Jesus redefines what it means to be family. The family of brothers and sisters in Christ is not defined by bloodlines or by human means, but by the waters of baptism. When we follow Christ as his disciples, we become family in the truest sense of the word. When Jesus was approached by someone and was told, “Look, your mother and your brothers are

Continued on page 2

Annual Congregational Meeting

Sunday February 3, 2019

10:30 am

Page 2: A Monthly Publication of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church ... · whoever does the will of my Father in ... someone has offended or hurt us, we are instructed by Jesus to go the individual


Identification statement: Zion Messenger, A Church Newsletter Published Monthly

February 2019 Contents not necessarily views of

Zion ELC or members. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church

400 2nd AVE NE Elgin ND 58533


Serving - Group 5 serves next. Quilting - Quilting in February will be on the 21st and the 28th. Come and participate in fellowship and quilting. Annual Church Dinner - Sunday, March 31, 2019, at the Elgin Community Center, 11:00 am - 1:30 pm. Mark your calendars! Zion is hosting the Heart River Cluster Spring Gathering on Saturday, May 4. Next Meeting: February 6 at 4:30 pm.

Worship Survey The Worship Committee is very grateful to those who took the time to complete the survey. We received 21 survey responses. Once the survey results have been fully reviewed and considered by the Committee and the church council, a report will be provided.

offered these five things as markers of a healthy church family:

1. Healthy families teach by example more than by lecture.

2. Healthy families welcome new members with joyous celebrations.

3. Healthy families don't let dysfunctional members call the shots.

4. Healthy families use discipline sparingly and constructively.

5. Healthy families come together when

they face challenges.1

Each of these markers is a sermon in themselves, but I want to take a moment to consider the last one. “Healthy families come together when they face


Healthy Families and Biblically-based Conflict Resolution A healthy family, especially a spiritual family of brothers and sisters in Christ, must come together when they face challenges. It is the will of God as expressed by Jesus when he said, “If a fellow believer hurts you, go and tell him—work it out between the two of you. If he listens, you’ve made a friend. If he won’t listen, take one or two others along so that the presence of witnesses will keep things honest, and try again. If he still won’t listen, tell the church. If he won’t listen to the church, you’ll have to start over from scratch, confront him with the need for repentance, and offer again God’s forgiving love.” (Matthew 18:15-17 MSG) This means when we have an issue with someone else or someone has offended or hurt us, we are instructed by Jesus to go the individual alone and confront him or her. This is our first response. This is the mark of a healthy family. Scripture, also, guides us how we are to approach those with whom we have an issue. Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians writes, “I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. [He goes on to say,] There is one body and 1 Vaters, Karl. “Is Your Church A Family? 5 Ways To Help It Be A Healthy One.” Christianity Today. June 8, 2018. https://www.christianitytoday.com/karl-vaters/2017/june/church-family-5-ways-healthy-one.html?start=1 2ibid

Continued on page 3

Jesus Redefines “Family” Continued from page 1

standing outside, wanting to speak to you,” Jesus replies, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” And pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers!” (v. 47-49) Jesus’ definition of family expanded to include those who became his disciples and were obedient to the will of the Father. He does not disown his biological family; this is clear in his concern for his mother as he hung on the cross. He had expanded his family to include even more brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers. Healthy Families When I first came to Zion and the town of Elgin, I discovered strong family values evident in most of the people I met. I learned that parents are fiercely protective of their children. Many of the families are large extended families who work together on farms and ranches and some have lived close by each other for generations. Honestly, this is one of the things that attracted me to this area and this church. My family is one of the three most important things in my life, and I knew we would have this in common. In an article from Christianity Today, a blogger

Page 3: A Monthly Publication of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church ... · whoever does the will of my Father in ... someone has offended or hurt us, we are instructed by Jesus to go the individual


Worship Assistants for February February 3 Lector: Todd Greeters: Chad & Joy Acolyte: Gavin O Ushers: Chad Ottmar Family February 10 Lector: Eric Greeters: Art & Mildred Acolyte: Jayce Z Ushers: Mason & Laura, Clayton February 17 Lector: Kay Greeters: Glenn & Kay Acolyte: Elijah O Ushers: Glenn Rivinius Family February 24 Lector: Yvonne Greeters: Clarence & Twyla Acolyte: Kaydence Ushers: Ben & Heidi, Yvonne, Art In the event you are unable to be present, please switch with someone.

St. Valentine’s Sacrifice Every February 14, we celebrate the loved ones in our lives with cards, flowers and chocolate. But Valentine’s Day has another meaning that’s been lost. First declared a holiday by King Henry VIII of England in 1537, it commemorates the beheading of St. Valentine on February 14, 270 A.D. His crime? Performing wedding ceremonies after Ro-man Emperor Claudius II had outlawed marriage. Valentine was martyred for faithfully doing the work God had given him. Although it’s good to celebrate love and marriage, let’s also remember the courage of a man who gave his life following his convictions.

Jesus Redefines “Family” Continued from page 2

one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4:1-6) As a family of God, we are to approach conflict in this way. We are to meet with the individual or group first and when we do, we are to bear one another with humility, gentleness, patience, and love. Additionally, we endure, and we stay the course. Family does not walk away. We stay so we can participate in the resolution, healing, and growth. I feel it is important to offer one caveat to the last thing I said. Let me be clear, I see nowhere in scripture where God or Jesus encourages those who are being abused to remain in these dire circumstances. Jesus says we are to forgive those who abuse us, but it does not say we must stay in a situation that is unhealthy or dangerous. This is not the conflict we are talking about today. Scripture calls all of us to come together as one and to ask ourselves, “If we truly believe we were made brothers and sisters in our baptism and if we truly believe we are a family of God, aren’t we compelled to approach each other with a deep commitment to grace, love, forgiveness, directness, and with a vow to stay the course as we discern the will of God for his church and God’s ministry in this place?” Finally

As we strive to be a healthy and cohesive family, every one of us will fail and fall short at times. Rest assured. Our God is a graceful God who loves us and redeemed us despite our shortcomings, despite our failures, and despite our sinful broken selves. Because of this undeserved grace, we will have the fortitude and the courage to keep trying again and again. After all, we are a family, and this is what a family does.

Your sister in Christ, Deacon Deb

Page 4: A Monthly Publication of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church ... · whoever does the will of my Father in ... someone has offended or hurt us, we are instructed by Jesus to go the individual


Offerings & Gifts - January

Undesignated Attendance

January 6 January 13 January 20 January 27

$2,551 1,626 1,505 1,243

114 78 89 88

Total Undesignated $6,925 Avg Attendance: 92

SS Offering $57 Avg SS Attendance: 20


Bulletins 80

Parish Ed 101

IOE 84

Cemetery 25

Income & Expenses - Year to Date

Income Undesignated Other

$7,272 $7,247 $25

Expenses Budgeted Designated Funds

$9,012 $9,012 $0

Income vs Expense


Partnering with Others in Ministry

Titus 3:14 - Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives.

As a synod, we work together ministering to others with each of us in each congregation bringing unique skills, gifts, and contributions. The average member contributes about 2% of

their income to the church. Of that 2%, the median contribution that

congregations in the Western North Dakota Synod share in mission support with the synod is 5.99%.

A percentage of that money (47% in WND Synod) is then shared with the national churchwide organization, 9% is shared with campus ministry, and 4% is shared with Luther Seminary.

This leaves the staff with 40% of your mission support dollars to care for congregations and leaders, hold events, provide communications, and administration costs.

In his letter to Titus, Paul addresses the topic of developing leadership to guide the church on the island of Crete. He emphasized characteristics of such leaders and their responsibility in training believers to do good works. Together, we can do much more than we can do apart. Each of us has a unique contribution to make to the whole. If you look around your community, what are the needs you see around you? Who do you sense God is calling you to minister to? The good news of Jesus Christ matters to people in their everyday lives, is your ministry reflecting Jesus to people? We need others alongside us to do this. How are you partnering with others in practical ways? Make a list of the needs in your community - think big and think small. List as many as you can, consider what good news might feel like to these people. Gather with others for conversation about what God might be calling you to address. What are some unique contributions you can make?

Faith Simonieg, Assistant to the Bishop Western North Dakota Synod

Three In One Everyday objects can serve as simple lessons about biblical truth. To illustrate the profound concept of the Trinity, for example, some teachers use an apple, an egg, or a three-leaf clover. During winter, you can point to a kid-friendly snowman to describe how God is Three in One. The ball of snow on the base represents God the Father, our Creator and strong foundation. The middle ball, with stick arms reaching to the side, reminds us of Jesus, who died on the cross. And the snowman’s head stands for the Holy Spirit, our ever-present Counselor who helps us and speaks God’s truth to us.

Love is like a tennis match; you’ll never win consistently until you learn to serve well.

~Dan P. Herod

Page 5: A Monthly Publication of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church ... · whoever does the will of my Father in ... someone has offended or hurt us, we are instructed by Jesus to go the individual


“Growing with God”

The lesson that the Sunday School children learned about in January was “A Storm” from Matthew 8:23-27. This is the story where Jesus and his disciples were on a boat and a terrible storm came up. The disciples asked the Lord to save them as they thought they were perishing, and he said to them, “Why are you afraid, you of little faith?” Then he calmed the winds and the sea. The disciples were amazed, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him?”. In the music workshop, the children got to create a thunderstorm by making sounds with their bodies - for example, stomping their feet, snapping their fingers, and rubbing their hands together. The cooking workshop had them recreate the story of the storm by making ice cream in baggies. In the Bible skills and games workshop, they played games that taught them that God protects them from the storms in their lives. And in the service workshop, they got to use their talents to create beautiful Valentines for Dakota Hill and JMHCC residents as well as our church members who are in nursing homes in other cities. The children had fun learning a praise song to mimic the joyful relief of those first disciples, called “Hallelujah! Praise Ye the Lord!” which they will be singing in church on February 3. This month we will begin planning the Spring Celebration which will be held on the last day of classes, May 19. If you would like to help or be involved in the planning of this event, please let me know. Blessings, Kim Boehm

Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Council Meeting January 13, 2019

Present: Stephanie Lince, Eric Friesz, Delbert Weishaar, Bob Larson, Thelma Haslid, Chad Ottmar, Arla Roth, Misti Hummel, Deacon Deb, Cindy Marxen, Virginia Rivinius. Absent: Robin Bentz, Mason Zimmerman, George Gathright. Meeting called to order by Stephanie Lince. Devotions – Deacon Deb. Secretary’s Report: Motion to approve as written. Arla, second Misti. Approved. Treasurer’s Report: Given by Virginia. Motion made by Misti, second by Delbert. Motion carried. No correspondence. Deacon’s Report: Making visits, Blue Christmas was disappointing – working on next year. Deb attended conference. New member – next Sunday. Chad motion to accept, Thelma second, Sara Friesz as a new member. Motion carried. Committee Reports: 1) Parish Education – Meeting January 6 – Deb

happy. Meeting Wednesday, 16th, working on. Council was informed of a member taking a break from Zion. Misti brought up that the meeting in her opinion didn’t go well. Discussion on how to resolve issues that are happening. Misti made a motion to send a letter, Delbert second, motion carried.

2) Property – Discussion about broken door and rekey the building. Cindy made motion to get estimate to rekey doors, second by Thelma, motion carried.

New Business: 1) Nominating – Todd Allen, Tabitha

Zimmerman, Verrick Schock, Evan Friesz. 2) Proposed 2019 Budget – Motion made by Arla

to approve budget, second by Misti. 3) Approve Agenda for Annual Meeting –

Moved by Delbert, second by Robert. 4) Proxy Vote – Not allowed according to church

constitution. Delbert moved to adjourn, Misti second. Closed with Lord’s Prayer. Cindy Marxen Council Secretary

Page 6: A Monthly Publication of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church ... · whoever does the will of my Father in ... someone has offended or hurt us, we are instructed by Jesus to go the individual


What do you call a very small valentine?

A valentiny!

The Art of Parenting Series Starting Sunday, February 3, and continuing every other Sunday for eight sessions, a study called “The Art of Parenting” will be held at the New Leipzig Baptist Church (411 5th Ave E). It consists of a video, workbook, and discussion format. It begins at 5:00 pm with a potluck, and once everyone has their food, the adults will go to the sanctuary to begin the study. There is childcare provided. The sessions will last till 7:00 or 7:30. It is open to all who want to come. Pastor Kevin has a limited supply of books, but they are available on Amazon in hard copy or Kindle format for about $13. The book is, “The Art of Parenting: Aiming Your Child’s Heart Toward God.” For more information, contact Pastor Kevin McLouth at 584-2989.

Worship Survey The Worship Committee is very grateful to those who took the time to complete the survey. Twenty-one responses were received. Once the survey results have been fully considered by the Committee and the church council, a report will be provided.

The Church as Mosaic A mosaic consists of thousands of little stones. Some are blue, some are green, some are yellow, some are gold. When we bring our faces close to the mosaic, we can admire the beauty of each stone. But as we step back from it, we can see that all these little stones reveal to us a beautiful picture, telling a story none of these stones can tell by itself. That is what our life in [the church] is about. Each of us is like a little stone, but together we reveal the face of God to the world. Nobody can say: “I make God visible.” But others who see us together can say: “They make God visible.” [Christian] community is where humility and glory touch.

- Henri J.M. Nouwen

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Abbreviations L - Lector G - Greeter A - Acolyte AG - Altar Guild U - Usher

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

AG: Joy O Shawna O




6 4:30 WELCA Board Meeting 6:00 Parish Ed Committee Meeting

7 12:00 Local Ministerial Group Meeting


9 AG: Shelly B

Lynn M




13 1:30 Dakota Hill Worship 2:30 JMCC Worship


15 16 AG: Becky I

Diane M


18 19 20

5:00-7:00 Confirmation Makeup Sessions


9:00 Mission Quilting


23 AG: Cindy M

Heidi M


25 26 27 28 9:00 Mission Quilting

Church Office: 584-2902 Church Email: [email protected] Deacon Deb: (703) 463-6905 or Parsonage: 584-2263 Deacon Deb’s Email: [email protected]

Agnes M

Viola R

Ken & Jackie S Samantha H

Yvonne S Bernice F

9:30 Worship 10:30 SS, Conf, Fellowship, Council Meeting

L: Kay G: Glenn & Kay A: Elijah O U: Glenn Rivinius Family

9:30 Worship 10:30 SS, Conf, Fellowship 2:30 Worship at JMCC

L: Eric G: Art & Mildred A: Jayce Z U: Mason, Laura, Clayton

Madelyn H

L: Todd G: Chad & Joy A: Gavin U: Chad Ottmar Family

Milt K

Quincey O Winifred K Connie H

Fred E

Brittany K

Misti H

Diane M

Becky I

Clifford K

Wade K

Virgil S Rick & Ronae H

Julie S

L: Yvonne G: Clarence & Twyla A: Kaydence U: Ben & Heidi, Yvonne, Art

9:30 Worship 10:30 SS, Conf, Fellowship

9:30 Worship 10:30 SS, Conf, Annual Congregation Meeting

Shelley H Terry B

Ethan H

Allen H

Danielle G Claire S Twyla S

Jayce Z