a matter of opinion_dog whisperer or old yeller

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  • 8/3/2019 A Matter of Opinion_Dog Whisperer or Old Yeller


    Dog Whispereror Old Yeller?

    The term whispererconjures an imageof connection with the object of the

    whisperers attention and, most of all, ofbenevolence, so it is disappointing that the termtoday has become associated with the use ofphysical and psychological force in dog training.

    As veterinarians, we are faced with a dilemma whenit comes to changing the behavior of our patients.Owners might seek advice directly from us but maybe more likely to obtain information from othersources.1The variety of training techniques and recom-

    mendations available on the Internet, on television, inbooks, and by word of mouth are not always based in sci-ence.2 In contrast, appropriate training methods not onlyconsider issues of welfare and ethical handling but alsomake use of the science of learning.

    A Matter of Opinion / NAVC Clinicians Brief / September 2011 ..........................................................................................................................................................77

    Ilana R. Reisner, DVM, PhD,

    Diplomate ACVB

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    C A N I N E B E H A V I O R / T R A I N I N G

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    A M a t t e r o f O p i n i o n


  • 8/3/2019 A Matter of Opinion_Dog Whisperer or Old Yeller


    It is difficult to know what training methods

    have been used by pet owners unless we specifi-

    cally ask them. Herron and coworkers utilized a

    survey to log both aversive and nonaversive

    training methods used in dogs.1 Most of the

    interventions had been recommended by a local

    trainer, by self, or from a television program,

    again indicating that pet owners often seek

    information about training from nonveterinary

    sources. In this study, dogs that had been pre-

    sented for aggression to familiar people (a

    category of misbehaving dogs that might be

    subjected to corrections with some frequency)

    were significantly more likely to respond

    aggressively to confrontational methods such asthe alpha roll or dominance down. Shock

    collars, which are widely available and com-

    monly used, have been linked to stress and pain

    and have long-term consequences, even in situ-

    ations that do not involve shock.3,4

    A M a t t e r o f O p i n i o n C O N T I N U E D

    Because inappropriate training methods may

    increase the risk for biting, anxiety, and other

    behavior problems, thereby increasing the poten-

    tial for relinquishment or euthanasia of pets,5

    there are compelling reasons to address the issue

    of training methods with veterinary clients.


    At least one widely available resource emphasizes

    changing dog behavior through a combination of

    punishment and flooding.6 While either might

    be useful in specific, carefully applied settings,

    punishment and flooding are not recommended

    for pet owners as a first intervention for behavior


    In learning terms, punishment is any stimulus

    change that reduces the probability of occurrence

    of the behavior preceding it. For purposes of this

    column, punishment refers to positive punish-

    ment, that is, when an aversive stimulus is

    applied to the animal, in contrast to negative

    punishment, which refers to the removal of a

    desirable stimulus.

    From a popular viewpoint (see A ClockworkOrange), floodingis a conditioning technique that

    forces the exposure of individuals to a source of

    fear or arousal without allowing escape from the

    stimulus. While flooding can be a useful tool in

    select circumstances and when applied by trained

    professionals, it is promulgated to pet owners

    as the answer to everyday fears when a more

    78 ..........................................................................................................................................................NAVC Clinicians Brief / September 2011 / A Matter of Opinion

    G As veterinarians, we have a professional responsibility

    to promote standards of humane care, including behavior

    modification and training.

    G Confrontational training is associated with increased

    anxiety, aggression, and deterioration of the familypet

    relationship.7 When intervention fails or results in

    worsening of the problem, euthanasia or relinquishment

    may be the next course of action.5

    A ClockworkOrange

    If you have

    seen the

    movie or read

    the book, A Clockwork

    Orange, you are familiar with

    its popular interpretation of

    floodingforced exposure to

    stimuli that cause a response

    of fear or arousal. This

    fictional Ludovico technique

    involved treating the patient

    with an emetic and then

    exposing the patient to

    previously pleasurable

    stimuli in a manner that

    created aversion to those

    stimuli. The effectiveness

    of this approach is


    Why Approach

    Clients About

    Their Pets


  • 8/3/2019 A Matter of Opinion_Dog Whisperer or Old Yeller


    graduated program of desensitization and coun-

    terconditioning might sufficeand would almost

    certainly be more humane.



    Why is it inadvisable for clients to use punish-

    ment or flooding? First, punishment must be

    sufficiently aversive to be effective. Pain, for

    example, is universally aversive, while saying No

    is almost never so. Second, it must be applied

    every time the behavior arises and, finally, it must

    occur during or immediately after the behavior


    The two latter conditions are difficult for dog

    owners to apply consistently, but the first condi-

    tion involves the highest risk for both the dog

    and the trainer. Furthermore, punishment-based

    training has been associated with an increased

    incidence of problem behaviors.7

    The other technique in question, flooding, may

    place the dog (and owner) in a situation of high

    risk because the stimulus being forced on the dog

    is often frightening. Although flooding may beused effectively in some situations, it requires the

    elicitation of fear (with the objective of extin-

    guishing it).

    A Matter of Opinion / NAVC Clinicians Brief / September 2011 ..........................................................................................................................................................79

    G The dogs handler or other family members,

    including children, may be at risk for injury if

    aversive training methods are continued.

    G Inappropriate or incomplete advice about

    behavior modification may ultimately lead to

    dog-bite liability for owners or even the per-

    son providing advice to them.13


    The concept of canine dominance is given some

    credence by the popular media and, unfortu-

    nately, frustrated (but well-meaning) dog owners

    are easily convinced of its truth.8,9 It is now clear,

    however, that much of dominance theory is

    based on incorrect conclusions drawn from the

    behavior of captive wolves living in unnatural

    conditions and groups.10

    Similarly, aversive training methods are often

    rooted in the assumption that, given free reign,

    dogs will naturally try to dominate their human

    owners unless they assert their own dominance to

    control each dogs behavior.2,11 In fact, manycommon behavior problems in dogsaggression,

    fearfulness, destructiveness, inappropriate elimi-

    nation, excessive vocalization, and inappropriate

    attention-seekingare associated not with domi-

    nance but with anxiety.12 Observing and video-

    taping these dogs or asking owners some simple

    questions will frequently reveal conflict signals

    (eg, yawning, lip-licking) and anxious or ambiva-

    lent posturing. Aggressive dogs or those whose

    behavior might appear confident often show fear

    during thunderstorms, confinement, or in othercontexts, supporting the diagnosis of an underly-

    ing generalized anxiety.


  • 8/3/2019 A Matter of Opinion_Dog Whisperer or Old Yeller


    One of the more important concepts veterinari-

    ans can teach clients is that short-term inhibition

    of behavior does not indicate that the underlying

    motivation has changed. Owners who simply

    understand that undesirable behavior may stem

    from a state of worry are less likely to respond

    with punishment or rough handling. Moreover,

    responding harshly to a dogs inappropriate

    behavior can increase its fear and reactivity and

    associate that fear with the owner, further

    increasing the dogs reactivity in the future.


    It is possible, perhaps easier, to have a well-trained and well-behaved companion dog with-

    out asserting dominance. People who live with

    dogs need and want to have some control over

    their behavior and activitysome degree of con-

    trol is what makes our shared lives work. There

    is a difference, however, between controlling an

    animals behavior through training (with some

    accommodation for its needs) and controlling it

    through confrontational handling. Controlling

    A M a t t e r o f O p i n i o n C O N T I N U E D

    behavior through training is more effective

    because the interactions between owner and dog

    do not elicit fear. Furthermore, owners them-

    selves are likely to find it easier and more gratify-

    ing to use humane training methods; they often

    express relief when reassured that harsh training

    is not recommended.


    As animal professionals, we have an obligation to

    first do no harm. We have an opportunity to

    correct the misinformation about training meth-

    ods and to support the clients bond with the

    dog. Taking the time to discuss training methodscan enrich the veterinarianclientpet relation-

    ship of trust and safety, leading to a greater

    chance of training success and keeping the dog

    for life.

    80 ..........................................................................................................................................................NAVC Clinicians Brief / September 2011 / A Matter of Opinion

    See Aids & Resources,back page, for references& suggested reading.

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