a> l25-pr20 pt16 2020-09-20 ds...sep 20, 2020  · springtime and harvest, sun, moon, and stars...


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Page 1: A> L25-PR20 PT16 2020-09-20 DS...Sep 20, 2020  · springtime and harvest, Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness,


Page 2: A> L25-PR20 PT16 2020-09-20 DS...Sep 20, 2020  · springtime and harvest, Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness,

____________________________________________________________GATHERED BY THE LONG ARMS OF THE CROSS____________________________________________________________

St. John the Baptist Tide – 16th Sunday After Pentecost(Lectionary 25/Proper 20)

September 20, 2020

Click HERE to join Livestream Worship at 10:15 am

IN-PERSON WORSHIPSign-Up Genius is NO LONGER required.

Capacity is 30 Household Groups (approximately 90-100 people)(1) Sanctuary and (2)Video provided in Fellowship Hall and Sunday School Wing

Use the blue crosses on the pews for distancing guidance when being seated.


THE LONG SEASON OF SUNDAYS AFTER PENTECOST – ORDINARY TIMEThe Sundays after Pentecost, the long second half of the church year, depicts the life of the church. These Sundays are also referred to as the Ordinary Time of the church year. A helpful approach to capturing the ebb and flow of this long season is to frame these Sundays by dividing them into four little seasons shaped by four feast days: (1) Pentecost; (2) the Nativity of St. John the Baptist on June 24; (3) St. Michael and All Angels on September 29, and (4) All Saints Day on November first.

The second of these little seasons may be referred to as St. John the Baptist Tide which emphasizes baptismal life as it is nourished by the gifts of the church and lived out in our daily vocations. It is bookended by the Sundays between June 24, “The Nativity of St. John the Baptist” and “St. Michael and All Angels” on September 29. In this little season, we are reminded that as John the Baptist’s ministry was one of pointing to Jesus, the coming Messiah, so does the church today point to Jesus, the Savior of the world. In comparing himself to Jesus, John once said, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30). There is a great commission texture to these Sundays as the Holy Spirit continues to be “poured out” into our lives and into the world.


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Page 3: A> L25-PR20 PT16 2020-09-20 DS...Sep 20, 2020  · springtime and harvest, Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness,


✠ In the Name of Jesus ✠�



P In the name of the Father and of the T Son and of the Holy Spirit.C Amen. Matthew 28:19b; [18:20]

P Before God and in the company of our sisters and brothers, let us confess our sin.Kneel/Sit

Silence for reflection and for self-examination.

P God and Father of all, C we confess that we have sinned against You

in thought, word, and deed.We have thought better of ourselves than others.We have told lies, said hurtful things,acted in ways we wish we could take back,and looked the other way when action was needed.In Your mercy, O God, forgive us, cleanse us, and heal us,for the sake of Jesus, our Savior. Amen.


PREPARING FOR WORSHIPMatthew narrates one of Jesus’ controversial parables in which Jesus says that the reign of God

is like that of a landowner who pays his workers the same wage no matter what time of day they began to work. When God changes God’s mind about punishing Nineveh for their evil ways, Jonah is angry. Yet God is gracious and merciful, abounding in steadfast love. We find it hard not to notice others—what they have, what they earn, and how they live. What is worse, however, is that we constantly compare ourselves to others. Most of the time we figure that we are on the short end of the stick. But when it comes to the kingdom of God, there is no room for quick comparisons. We are tempted to ask God for equity and what we deserve, but God is determined to give us so much more in Christ. Only in faith can we learn to let God be God, to honor His generosity with the only response He desires: faith and thanksgiving. In baptism we receive the grace of God that is freely given to all. As Martin Luther wrote, in the presence of God’s mercy we are all beggars. Today we pray the Lord to break through to our hearts and minds with His abundant grace and to rejoice that He is more than fair—He is merciful!

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Page 4: A> L25-PR20 PT16 2020-09-20 DS...Sep 20, 2020  · springtime and harvest, Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness,

P If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation: the old has passed away and everything has become new! As a called and ordained servant of Christ and by His authority, I declare to you in the name of the Father and of the T Son and of the Holy Spirit, that, you are forgiven and are a new creation: your sins are taken away and you are made new.

C Amen.

Stand GATHERING HYMN Great Is Thy Faithfulness – LSB 809

1 Great is Thy faithfulness,O God my Father; There is no shadow

of turning with Thee.Thou changest not:

Thy compassions, they fail not;As Thou hast been,

Thou forever wilt be. R/

REFRAIN:Great is Thy faithfulness!Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning

new mercies I see; All I have needed.

Thy hand hath provided;Great is Thy faithfulness,Lord, unto me!

2 Summer and winter andspringtime and harvest, Sun, moon, and stars in

their courses aboveJoin with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness,

mercy, and love. R/

3 Pardon for sin and apeace that endureth, Thine own dear presence

to cheer and to guide;Strength for today

and bright hope for tomorrow,Blessings all mine,

with ten thousand beside! R/

Text: Public domain

KYRIE ~ Lord, Have Mercy Mark 10:47

A In peace, in peace, (Refrain)REFRAIN:


& # 42In

Œ œ



peace, in

.œ jœpeace, let us

œ œ œpray to the

œ œ œ œ .œ jœLord, have


œ œmer-cy,

& # .œ jœChrist, have

œ œ œmer - cy,

.œ jœLord, have

œ œmer -


to Verses

œ Œ

& #



save and de -

œ œ œfend us,

œ œO

œ œ

& #



˙A -


œ œ ˙men.

Assistant: For the Reign of God, and for peace throughout the world, for the unity of all . . . (to Refrain)

Assistant: For your people here, who have come to give you praise, for the strength to live your Word . . . (to Refrain)

Text and Music: Marty Haugen, © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # 42In

Œ œ



peace, in

.œ jœpeace, let us

œ œ œpray to the

œ œ œ œ .œ jœLord, have


œ œmer-cy,

& # .œ jœChrist, have

œ œ œmer - cy,

.œ jœLord, have

œ œmer -


to Verses

œ Œ

& #



save and de -

œ œ œfend us,

œ œO

œ œ

& #



˙A -


œ œ ˙men.

Assistant: For the Reign of God, and for peace throughout the world, for the unity of all . . . (to Refrain)

Assistant: For your people here, who have come to give you praise, for the strength to live your Word . . . (to Refrain)

Text and Music: Marty Haugen, © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

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Page 5: A> L25-PR20 PT16 2020-09-20 DS...Sep 20, 2020  · springtime and harvest, Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness,

A For the Reign of God, and for peace throughout the world, for the unity of all…C REFRAIN

A For Your people here, who have come to give You praise, for the strength to live Your Word…C REFRAIN

A Help, save and defend us, O God…


HYMN OF PRAISEGloria in Excelsis ~ Glory to God in the Highest Luke 2:14; John 1:29

REFRAIN: (Sung once by A–CANTOR, then repeated by C–CONGREGATION, then sung by C–CONGREGATION where indicated by the symbol R/.)

VERSES: (Sung)A & C You are God; we praise You. You are Lord; we acclaim You.

You are God eternal; all creation worships You. R/

A & C All the angels in the heavens chant Your praise in endless song!Holy, holy, holy, God of power and might. R/

A & C The apostles all praise You. All the prophets acclaim You.All the martyrs and Your faithful people worship You. R/

A & C God, creator, we praise You. Jesus the Christ, we adore You.Spirit of the living God, we worship You. R/

& # 42In

Œ œ



peace, in

.œ jœpeace, let us

œ œ œpray to the

œ œ œ œ .œ jœLord, have


œ œmer-cy,

& # .œ jœChrist, have

œ œ œmer - cy,

.œ jœLord, have

œ œmer -


to Verses

œ Œ

& #



save and de -

œ œ œfend us,

œ œO

œ œ

& #



˙A -


œ œ ˙men.

Assistant: For the Reign of God, and for peace throughout the world, for the unity of all . . . (to Refrain)

Assistant: For your people here, who have come to give you praise, for the strength to live your Word . . . (to Refrain)

Text and Music: Marty Haugen, © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.


& # 42In

Œ œ



peace, in

.œ jœpeace, let us

œ œ œpray to the

œ œ œ œ .œ jœLord, have


œ œmer-cy,

& # .œ jœChrist, have

œ œ œmer - cy,

.œ jœLord, have

œ œmer -


to Verses

œ Œ

& #



save and de -

œ œ œfend us,

œ œO

œ œ

& #



˙A -


œ œ ˙men.

Assistant: For the Reign of God, and for peace throughout the world, for the unity of all . . . (to Refrain)

Assistant: For your people here, who have come to give you praise, for the strength to live your Word . . . (to Refrain)

Text and Music: Marty Haugen, © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.


! # # # # "#Refrain (may be sung continuously)


$ $ $Glo - ry to

$ $ $God in the

%$high -

$ &$est, and

! # # # # %$ $ $peace to God’s

$ $ $npeo - ple on


to Verses

$ 'Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

! # # # # "#Refrain (may be sung continuously)


$ $ $Glo - ry to

$ $ $God in the

%$high -

$ &$est, and

! # # # # %$ $ $peace to God’s

$ $ $npeo - ple on


to Verses

$ 'Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

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Page 6: A> L25-PR20 PT16 2020-09-20 DS...Sep 20, 2020  · springtime and harvest, Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness,

APOSTOLIC GREETING AND PRAYER OF THE DAYP The grace of our Lord T Jesus Christ, the love of God,

and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.C And also with you. 2 Timothy 4:22P Let us pray. Lord God, heavenly Father, since we cannot stand before You relying

on anything we have done, help us trust in Your abiding grace and live according to Your Word; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

C Amen.


FIRST LESSON – Jonah 3:10 – 4:11After Jonah’s short sermon in 3:4, the Ninevites all repented and God decided to spare the city. Jonah objected to this and became even more angry when God ordered a worm to destroy a plant that was providing shade. The book ends with a question that challenges any who are not ready to forgive: You, Jonah, are all worked up about a bush, but shouldn’t I be concerned about a hundred and twenty thousand Ninevites?

L The Word of the Lord:C Thanks be to God.

PSALM 145:1-8 setting by Michael Guimont

Antiphon sung once by the A-CANTOR/CHOIR; repeated byC–CONGREGATION and then sung by the C–CONGREGATION as indicated by R/

�Psalm Refrain © 1969, 1981, ISEL. All Rights Reserved

Palm Verses © 1963, 1993, The Grail, GIA Publications, Inc., agent.Music Copyright © 2001 by GIA Publications, Inc.

Used by permission of OneLicense.net Lic. # A-707328

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Page 7: A> L25-PR20 PT16 2020-09-20 DS...Sep 20, 2020  · springtime and harvest, Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness,

SECOND LESSON – Philippians 1:21-30Paul writes to the Philippians from prison. Though he is uncertain about the outcome of his imprisonment, he is committed to the ministry of the gospel and calls on the Philippians to live lives that reflect and enhance the gospel mission.

L The Word of the Lord:C Thanks be to God.

StandVERSE John 20:31

HOLY GOSPEL – Matthew 20:1-16Jesus tells a parable about God’s generosity, challenging the common assumption that God rewards people according to what they have earned or deserve.

P The Holy Gospel according to Saint Matthew, the 20th chapter:C Glory to You, O Lord.

The Gospel is read.

P This is the Gospel of the Lord:C Praise to You, O Christ.


& # # # # 86 ‰ œ œ œ jœAl-le- lu - ia,

Congregation: ‰ œ œ œ jœal - le- lu - ia.

‰ œ œ .œ œ œLord, to whom shall we

& # # # # .œ œ ‰go?

.œ œ jœYou have the

œ œ œ œ jœwords of e - ter - nal

& # # # # ...˙life.

‰ œ œ œ œ œAl - le - lu -


Optional Repeat.œ Œ .Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # # # # 86 ‰ œ œ œ jœAl-le- lu - ia,

Congregation: ‰ œ œ œ jœal - le- lu - ia.

‰ œ œ .œ œ œLord, to whom shall we

& # # # # .œ œ ‰go?

.œ œ jœYou have the

œ œ œ œ jœwords of e - ter - nal

& # # # # ...˙life.

‰ œ œ œ œ œAl - le - lu -


Optional Repeat.œ Œ .Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # # # # 86 ‰ œ œ œ jœAl-le- lu - ia,

Congregation: ‰ œ œ œ jœal - le- lu - ia.

‰ œ œ .œ œ œLord, to whom shall we

& # # # # .œ œ ‰go?

.œ œ jœYou have the

œ œ œ œ jœwords of e - ter - nal

& # # # # ...˙life.

‰ œ œ œ œ œAl - le - lu -


Optional Repeat.œ Œ .Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

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StandHYMN OF THE DAY Salvation unto Us Has Come – LSB 555

Verses 1, 4, 6, 9, 10

1 Salvation unto us has come By God’s free grace and favor; Good works cannot avert our doom, They help and save us never.Faith looks to Jesus Christ alone,Who did for all the world atone; He is our one Redeemer.

4 From sin our flesh could not abstain, Sin held its sway unceasing;The task was useless and in vain, Our guilt was e’er increasing.None can remove sin’s poisoned dartOr purify our guileful heart— So deep is our corruption.

6 Since Christ has full atonement made And brought to us salvation,Each Christian therefore may be glad And build on this foundation.Your grace alone, dear Lord, I plead, Your death is now my life indeed, For You have paid my ransom.

9 Faith clings to Jesus’ cross alone And rests in Him unceasing;And by its fruits true faith is known, With love and hope increasing.For faith alone can justify; Works serve our neighbor and supply The proof that faith is living.

D10 All blessing, honor, thanks, and praise To Father, Son, and Spirit,The God who saved us by His grace; All glory to His merit. O triune God in heav’n above,You have revealed Your saving love; Your blessèd name we hallow.

Text: Public domain

APOSTLES’ CREEDP God has made us His people through Baptism into Christ.

Living together in trust and hope, we confess our faith:C I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit

and born of the virgin Mary.He suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died, and was buried.He descended into hell.

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On the third day He rose again.He ascended into heaven,

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy *catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life T everlasting. Amen.

*The ancient text reads “catholic,” meaning the wholeChurch as it confesses the wholeness of Christian faith.

SitPRAYERS OF THE CHURCH [1 Timothy 2:1-4]After each petition is said:

P Lord, in Your mercy.C Hear our prayer.

At the conclusion of the prayers, all say: Amen.

GREETING OF PEACE Matthew 5:22-24; Ephesians 4:1-3P The peace of the Lord be with you.C And also with you.

We greet one another in the name of the Lord by saying,“Peace be with you,”as a sign of forgiveness and reconciliation

in preparation for reception of the Holy Supper.

OFFERTORY(Please STAND as as the pastor sets the gifts on the altar.)

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Page 10: A> L25-PR20 PT16 2020-09-20 DS...Sep 20, 2020  · springtime and harvest, Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness,

GREAT THANKSGIVINGPREFACE (spoken responses) 2 Timothy 4:22; [Colossians 3:1]; [Psalm 136]

PROPER PREFACEIt is indeed right and salutary… we praise Your name and join their unending hymn:

SANCTUS ~ Holy, Holy, Holy Isaiah 6:3, Matthew 21:9

& # # # # 44The

œ œPresider:

Lord be with

˙ œ œyou.


œ œAnd

œ ˙ œal - so with


& # # # #Lift up your

œ ˙ œPresider:


.˙ œWe

Congregation:œ œ œ œlift them to the

.˙ ŒLord.

& # # # #Let us give

œ ˙ œPresider:

thanks to the

˙ œ œLord our

˙ ˙God.

˙ œ œIt is


& # # # # œ œ œ œright to give God

˙ ˙thanks and


Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # # # # 44The

œ œPresider:

Lord be with

˙ œ œyou.


œ œAnd

œ ˙ œal - so with


& # # # #Lift up your

œ ˙ œPresider:


.˙ œWe

Congregation:œ œ œ œlift them to the

.˙ ŒLord.

& # # # #Let us give

œ ˙ œPresider:

thanks to the

˙ œ œLord our

˙ ˙God.

˙ œ œIt is


& # # # # œ œ œ œright to give God

˙ ˙thanks and


Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # # # # 44The

œ œPresider:

Lord be with

˙ œ œyou.


œ œAnd

œ ˙ œal - so with


& # # # #Lift up your

œ ˙ œPresider:


.˙ œWe

Congregation:œ œ œ œlift them to the

.˙ ŒLord.

& # # # #Let us give

œ ˙ œPresider:

thanks to the

˙ œ œLord our

˙ ˙God.

˙ œ œIt is


& # # # # œ œ œ œright to give God

˙ ˙thanks and


Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # # # # 44The

œ œPresider:

Lord be with

˙ œ œyou.


œ œAnd

œ ˙ œal - so with


& # # # #Lift up your

œ ˙ œPresider:


.˙ œWe

Congregation:œ œ œ œlift them to the

.˙ ŒLord.

& # # # #Let us give

œ ˙ œPresider:

thanks to the

˙ œ œLord our

˙ ˙God.

˙ œ œIt is


& # # # # œ œ œ œright to give God

˙ ˙thanks and


Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.






& # # # # 44The

œ œPresider:

Lord be with

˙ œ œyou.


œ œAnd

œ ˙ œal - so with


& # # # #Lift up your

œ ˙ œPresider:


.˙ œWe

Congregation:œ œ œ œlift them to the

.˙ ŒLord.

& # # # #Let us give

œ ˙ œPresider:

thanks to the

˙ œ œLord our

˙ ˙God.

˙ œ œIt is


& # # # # œ œ œ œright to give God

˙ ˙thanks and


Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # # # # 44The

œ œPresider:

Lord be with

˙ œ œyou.


œ œAnd

œ ˙ œal - so with


& # # # #Lift up your

œ ˙ œPresider:


.˙ œWe

Congregation:œ œ œ œlift them to the

.˙ ŒLord.

& # # # #Let us give

œ ˙ œPresider:

thanks to the

˙ œ œLord our

˙ ˙God.

˙ œ œIt is


& # # # # œ œ œ œright to give God

˙ ˙thanks and


Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # # # # 44The

œ œPresider:

Lord be with

˙ œ œyou.


œ œAnd

œ ˙ œal - so with


& # # # #Lift up your

œ ˙ œPresider:


.˙ œWe

Congregation:œ œ œ œlift them to the

.˙ ŒLord.

& # # # #Let us give

œ ˙ œPresider:

thanks to the

˙ œ œLord our

˙ ˙God.

˙ œ œIt is


& # # # # œ œ œ œright to give God

˙ ˙thanks and


Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # # # # 44The

œ œPresider:

Lord be with

˙ œ œyou.


œ œAnd

œ ˙ œal - so with


& # # # #Lift up your

œ ˙ œPresider:


.˙ œWe

Congregation:œ œ œ œlift them to the

.˙ ŒLord.

& # # # #Let us give

œ ˙ œPresider:

thanks to the

˙ œ œLord our

˙ ˙God.

˙ œ œIt is


& # # # # œ œ œ œright to give God

˙ ˙thanks and


Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.






& # # # # 44The

œ œPresider:

Lord be with

˙ œ œyou.


œ œAnd

œ ˙ œal - so with


& # # # #Lift up your

œ ˙ œPresider:


.˙ œWe

Congregation:œ œ œ œlift them to the

.˙ ŒLord.

& # # # #Let us give

œ ˙ œPresider:

thanks to the

˙ œ œLord our

˙ ˙God.

˙ œ œIt is


& # # # # œ œ œ œright to give God

˙ ˙thanks and


Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # # # # 44The

œ œPresider:

Lord be with

˙ œ œyou.


œ œAnd

œ ˙ œal - so with


& # # # #Lift up your

œ ˙ œPresider:


.˙ œWe

Congregation:œ œ œ œlift them to the

.˙ ŒLord.

& # # # #Let us give

œ ˙ œPresider:

thanks to the

˙ œ œLord our

˙ ˙God.

˙ œ œIt is


& # # # # œ œ œ œright to give God

˙ ˙thanks and


Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # # # # 44The

œ œPresider:

Lord be with

˙ œ œyou.


œ œAnd

œ ˙ œal - so with


& # # # #Lift up your

œ ˙ œPresider:


.˙ œWe

Congregation:œ œ œ œlift them to the

.˙ ŒLord.

& # # # #Let us give

œ ˙ œPresider:

thanks to the

˙ œ œLord our

˙ ˙God.

˙ œ œIt is


& # # # # œ œ œ œright to give God

˙ ˙thanks and


Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # # # # 44The

œ œPresider:

Lord be with

˙ œ œyou.


œ œAnd

œ ˙ œal - so with


& # # # #Lift up your

œ ˙ œPresider:


.˙ œWe

Congregation:œ œ œ œlift them to the

.˙ ŒLord.

& # # # #Let us give

œ ˙ œPresider:

thanks to the

˙ œ œLord our

˙ ˙God.

˙ œ œIt is


& # # # # œ œ œ œright to give God

˙ ˙thanks and


Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.






& # # # # 44The

œ œPresider:

Lord be with

˙ œ œyou.


œ œAnd

œ ˙ œal - so with


& # # # #Lift up your

œ ˙ œPresider:


.˙ œWe

Congregation:œ œ œ œlift them to the

.˙ ŒLord.

& # # # #Let us give

œ ˙ œPresider:

thanks to the

˙ œ œLord our

˙ ˙God.

˙ œ œIt is


& # # # # œ œ œ œright to give God

˙ ˙thanks and


Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # # # # 44The

œ œPresider:

Lord be with

˙ œ œyou.


œ œAnd

œ ˙ œal - so with


& # # # #Lift up your

œ ˙ œPresider:


.˙ œWe

Congregation:œ œ œ œlift them to the

.˙ ŒLord.

& # # # #Let us give

œ ˙ œPresider:

thanks to the

˙ œ œLord our

˙ ˙God.

˙ œ œIt is


& # # # # œ œ œ œright to give God

˙ ˙thanks and


Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # # # # 44The

œ œPresider:

Lord be with

˙ œ œyou.


œ œAnd

œ ˙ œal - so with


& # # # #Lift up your

œ ˙ œPresider:


.˙ œWe

Congregation:œ œ œ œlift them to the

.˙ ŒLord.

& # # # #Let us give

œ ˙ œPresider:

thanks to the

˙ œ œLord our

˙ ˙God.

˙ œ œIt is


& # # # # œ œ œ œright to give God

˙ ˙thanks and


Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # # # # 44The

œ œPresider:

Lord be with

˙ œ œyou.


œ œAnd

œ ˙ œal - so with


& # # # #Lift up your

œ ˙ œPresider:


.˙ œWe

Congregation:œ œ œ œlift them to the

.˙ ŒLord.

& # # # #Let us give

œ ˙ œPresider:

thanks to the

˙ œ œLord our

˙ ˙God.

˙ œ œIt is


& # # # # œ œ œ œright to give God

˙ ˙thanks and


Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.





CC& # # # # 86 œ jœ œ jœ

Ho - ly, ho - ly,

Congregation: œ œ œ .œho - ly are you,

œ Jœ .œ œ œGod of pow - er and

& # # # # 83 86.œ œ ‰might;

œ œ œ œ jœHeav - en and earth are

œ œ œfilled with your

& # # # # 86 .œ œ Jœglo - ry. Ho -

œn Jœ œ jœsan - na in the

.œ .œhigh - est!

& # # # # œ jœ œ jœBless - ed is the

œ jœ œ œ œOne who comes in your

.œ œ Jœname. Ho -

& # # # # œn Jœ œ jœsan - na in the

.œ œ Jœhigh - est, ho -

œn Jœ œ jœsan - na in the

.œ .œhigh-est!

Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # # # # 86 œ jœ œ jœHo - ly, ho - ly,

Congregation: œ œ œ .œho - ly are you,

œ Jœ .œ œ œGod of pow - er and

& # # # # 83 86.œ œ ‰might;

œ œ œ œ jœHeav - en and earth are

œ œ œfilled with your

& # # # # 86 .œ œ Jœglo - ry. Ho -

œn Jœ œ jœsan - na in the

.œ .œhigh - est!

& # # # # œ jœ œ jœBless - ed is the

œ jœ œ œ œOne who comes in your

.œ œ Jœname. Ho -

& # # # # œn Jœ œ jœsan - na in the

.œ œ Jœhigh - est, ho -

œn Jœ œ jœsan - na in the

.œ .œhigh-est!

Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

Page �9

Page 11: A> L25-PR20 PT16 2020-09-20 DS...Sep 20, 2020  · springtime and harvest, Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness,

EUCHARISTIC PRAYER Matthew 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24;Luke 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-25

P Blessed are You, O Lord, our God, King of all creation, for You have had mercy on us and given Your only-begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life… and made His cross a life-giving tree for all who trust in Him.

Words of Institution (see LSB 209)We give You thanks for the redemption… Grant us Your Holy Spirit that we may faithfully eat and drink of the fruits of His cross and receive the blessings of forgiveness, life, and salvation that come to us in His body and blood.

C Amen.

LORD’S PRAYER Matthew 6:9-13P Lord, remember us in Your kingdom and teach us to pray.C Our Father who art in heaven,

hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses

as we forgive those who trespass against us;and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the gloryforever and ever. Amen.

INVITATION TO THE LORD’S TABLE [John 6:35]P Jesus said, “Whoever comes to Me will never be hungry,

and whoever believes in Me will never be thirsty.”C Amen.

& # # # # 86 œ jœ œ jœHo - ly, ho - ly,

Congregation: œ œ œ .œho - ly are you,

œ Jœ .œ œ œGod of pow - er and

& # # # # 83 86.œ œ ‰might;

œ œ œ œ jœHeav - en and earth are

œ œ œfilled with your

& # # # # 86 .œ œ Jœglo - ry. Ho -

œn Jœ œ jœsan - na in the

.œ .œhigh - est!

& # # # # œ jœ œ jœBless - ed is the

œ jœ œ œ œOne who comes in your

.œ œ Jœname. Ho -

& # # # # œn Jœ œ jœsan - na in the

.œ œ Jœhigh - est, ho -

œn Jœ œ jœsan - na in the

.œ .œhigh-est!

Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # # # # 86 œ jœ œ jœHo - ly, ho - ly,

Congregation: œ œ œ .œho - ly are you,

œ Jœ .œ œ œGod of pow - er and

& # # # # 83 86.œ œ ‰might;

œ œ œ œ jœHeav - en and earth are

œ œ œfilled with your

& # # # # 86 .œ œ Jœglo - ry. Ho -

œn Jœ œ jœsan - na in the

.œ .œhigh - est!

& # # # # œ jœ œ jœBless - ed is the

œ jœ œ œ œOne who comes in your

.œ œ Jœname. Ho -

& # # # # œn Jœ œ jœsan - na in the

.œ œ Jœhigh - est, ho -

œn Jœ œ jœsan - na in the

.œ .œhigh-est!

Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

& # # # # 86 œ jœ œ jœHo - ly, ho - ly,

Congregation: œ œ œ .œho - ly are you,

œ Jœ .œ œ œGod of pow - er and

& # # # # 83 86.œ œ ‰might;

œ œ œ œ jœHeav - en and earth are

œ œ œfilled with your

& # # # # 86 .œ œ Jœglo - ry. Ho -

œn Jœ œ jœsan - na in the

.œ .œhigh - est!

& # # # # œ jœ œ jœBless - ed is the

œ jœ œ œ œOne who comes in your

.œ œ Jœname. Ho -

& # # # # œn Jœ œ jœsan - na in the

.œ œ Jœhigh - est, ho -

œn Jœ œ jœsan - na in the

.œ .œhigh-est!

Text and Music: Marty Haugen; © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.

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Page 12: A> L25-PR20 PT16 2020-09-20 DS...Sep 20, 2020  · springtime and harvest, Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness,

Please remain standing for the Agnus Dei.AGNUS DEI ~ Lamb of God John 1:29

Distribution NotesThe Lord’s Supper is joyfully received here today. At the altar, our Lord Jesus Christ gives us a tremendous gift. His body and blood in, with, and under the bread and wine forgives our sins, strengthens our faith, binds us to the Lord and embodies our unity with one another. Accordingly, in 1 Corinthians 11, St. Paul cautions Christians to receive the Supper together only when they are united in a common faith and love. If you are new to our congregation please see the pastor before communing.The Eucharist will be distributed in a continuous manner from the center aisle. At the ushers direction, please proceed down the center aisle (wearing masks) and spaced at 6 foot intervals.

✤ Those not communing are invited to come forward for a blessing indicating so by crossing your arms over your chest.

✤ Those communing receive the host from the pastor and then may receive the consecrated wine by Common Cup OR Individual Cup.➡ Common Cup: Please proceed to the second elder and receive the Common Cup normally,

assisting the elder by guiding the base of the cup with your hand.➡ Individual Cup: Please take an empty Individual Cup from the chalice dispenser, then hold

the base of the individual cup with BOTH hands for the first elder to pour the consecrated wine from the pouring chalice into your cup. Place used individual cup in collection basket.

After receiving the elements, the center pews will exit along the side aisles and the side pews will exit along the brick walls. Please inform an usher if you want the elements to be brought to you.


! ♭ ♭ 44 ##2 $ $ $ $ % &$1. Lamb2. Lamb3. Lamb4. Lamb




$ $ $ $ '$ $ &$takebreakareare

a -thethethe



sinha -jus -mer -




! ♭ ♭ 42 44 ## ♮ ♮% &$have

$ $ $ (mer-cy on us,

$ $ $ (mer-cy on us,

$ $ $ $mer-cy on

( #$ %us.

! ♮ ♮ $ $ $ $ % &$Lamb of God, you

$ $ $ $ '$ $ &$take a -way the sin of the

#( *world:

! #$ &$ (grant us peace,

#$ &$ (grant us peace,

( (grant us


Text: ICET; additional text by Marty Haugen, © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.Music: Now the Feast and Celebration, Marty Haugen, © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.



! ♭ ♭ 44 ##2 $ $ $ $ % &$1. Lamb2. Lamb3. Lamb4. Lamb




$ $ $ $ '$ $ &$takebreakareare

a -thethethe



sinha -jus -mer -




! ♭ ♭ 42 44 ## ♮ ♮% &$have

$ $ $ (mer-cy on us,

$ $ $ (mer-cy on us,

$ $ $ $mer-cy on

( #$ %us.

! ♮ ♮ $ $ $ $ % &$Lamb of God, you

$ $ $ $ '$ $ &$take a -way the sin of the

#( *world:

! #$ &$ (grant us peace,

#$ &$ (grant us peace,

( (grant us


Text: ICET; additional text by Marty Haugen, © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.Music: Now the Feast and Celebration, Marty Haugen, © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.



! ♭ ♭ 44 ##2 $ $ $ $ % &$1. Lamb2. Lamb3. Lamb4. Lamb




$ $ $ $ '$ $ &$takebreakareare

a -thethethe



sinha -jus -mer -




! ♭ ♭ 42 44 ## ♮ ♮% &$have

$ $ $ (mer-cy on us,

$ $ $ (mer-cy on us,

$ $ $ $mer-cy on

( #$ %us.

! ♮ ♮ $ $ $ $ % &$Lamb of God, you

$ $ $ $ '$ $ &$take a -way the sin of the

#( *world:

! #$ &$ (grant us peace,

#$ &$ (grant us peace,

( (grant us


Text: ICET; additional text by Marty Haugen, © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.Music: Now the Feast and Celebration, Marty Haugen, © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.



! ♭ ♭ 44 ##2 $ $ $ $ % &$1. Lamb2. Lamb3. Lamb4. Lamb




$ $ $ $ '$ $ &$takebreakareare

a -thethethe



sinha -jus -mer -




! ♭ ♭ 42 44 ## ♮ ♮% &$have

$ $ $ (mer-cy on us,

$ $ $ (mer-cy on us,

$ $ $ $mer-cy on

( #$ %us.

! ♮ ♮ $ $ $ $ % &$Lamb of God, you

$ $ $ $ '$ $ &$take a -way the sin of the

#( *world:

! #$ &$ (grant us peace,

#$ &$ (grant us peace,

( (grant us


Text: ICET; additional text by Marty Haugen, © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.Music: Now the Feast and Celebration, Marty Haugen, © 1990, GIA Publications, Inc.


Page �11

Page 13: A> L25-PR20 PT16 2020-09-20 DS...Sep 20, 2020  · springtime and harvest, Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness,

SitCONGREGATION HYMN DURING DISTRIBUTIONHow Can I Thank You, Lord – LSB 7031 How can I thank You, Lord,

For all Your loving-kindness,That You have patiently Borne with me in my blindness!When dead in many sins And trespasses I lay,I kindled, holy God, Your anger ev’ry day.

2 It is Your work alone That I am now converted;O’er Satan’s work in me You have Your pow’r asserted.Your mercy and Your grace That rise afresh each morn Have turned my stony heart Into a heart newborn.

3 Lord, You have raised me up To joy and exultation And clearly shown the way That leads me to salvation. My sins are washed away; For this I thank You, Lord.Now with my heart and soul All evil I abhor.

4 Grant that Your Spirit’s help To me be always given Lest I should fall again And lose the way to heaven.Grant that He give me strength In my infirmity;May He renew my heart To serve You willingly.

D 5 O Father, God of love, Now hear my supplication;O Savior, Son of God, Accept my adoration; O Holy Spirit, be My ever faithful guideThat I may serve You here And there with You abide.

Text: Public domain

Meditation: Imagine That – : Jesus is the Giver of good gifts. Great Is the Lord who meets us today in Word and Sacrament and gives us everything. Imagine that, everything! What is the “everything” you receive from the Lord today? Is it being found in lostness, escape through the Door, forgiveness in the Redeemer, life where there is death, joy amidst sadness, or is it patience, endurance, trust, or something more, or something less. No matter what the “everything” is we learn from Moses Song, David’s psalms, Zechariah benedictus, Mary’s Magnificat, Simeon's song, and the countless other witnesses that our first move in prayer is to bless the Lord especially in the midst of our “everything”. Imagine that, wherever we find ourselves, let us then bless the Lord…

Great is the Lord and worthy of glory. Great is the Lord and worthy of praise.Great is the Lord Now lift up your voice. Now lift up your voice. Great is the Lord! Great is the Lord!

Citation from Michael W. Smith’s song Great Is the Lord.

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Page 14: A> L25-PR20 PT16 2020-09-20 DS...Sep 20, 2020  · springtime and harvest, Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness,

God Whose Giving Knows No Ending

�Text: Robert L. Edwards, 1915-2006 Music: RUSTINGTON, C. Hubert H. Parry;Text © 1961, ren. 1989 The Hymn Society, admin. Hope Publishing Company, Carol Stream, IL 60188.Used by permission of OneLicense.net License # A-707328. Source: LBW 408


P The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ strengthen youand keep you in His grace.

C Amen.P We give thanks to You, almighty God, C that You have refreshed us through this salutary gift, and we implore You that

of Your mercy You would strengthen us through the same in faith toward You and in fervent love toward one another; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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P The Lord bless you and keep you. Numbers 6:24-26The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you.The Lord look upon you with favor and T give you peace.

C Amen.


Announcement Forms located on the slat wall are to be given to one of the USHERS.

SENDINGP Go forth into the world to serve God with gladness; be of

good courage; hold fast to that which is good; render to no one evil for evil; strengthen the fainthearted; support the weak; help the afflicted; honor all people; love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.

C Thanks be to God.

POSTLUDEUpon departing please take your worship folder home with you

and avoid congestion in the aisles and exit thruways.You are welcome to greet and fellowship with one another outside.

✠ Glory to God Alone ✠ACKNOWLEDGMENTS:

• WORSHIP PROPERS: from Sundays and Seasons: Year A 2020 ©2019 Augsburg Fortress. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #26807.

• LITURGY ELEMENTS: Kyrie, Hymn of Praise: Glory to God, Verse, Thanksgiving, Sanctus, Agnus Dei from Hymnal Supplement 1991: Now the Feast and Celebration, Marty Haugen. Copyright 1991 GIA Publications, Inc. Used by permission. OneLicense.net # A-7073281.

THOSE WHO SERVE TODAY: Celebrant: The Rev. Bryan G. Borger,

Senior PastorPreacher: The Rev. Dr. Adam Clark,

Outreach PastorMusic Director: Emily RuchOrganist: Anne Mangelsdorf

Elder: Brian Reedstrom Lector: Amy SmessaertUsher: Matt RockwellSound Board: TBDMedia: TBD


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Page 16: A> L25-PR20 PT16 2020-09-20 DS...Sep 20, 2020  · springtime and harvest, Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness,