a grammar-based entity representation framework for data cleaning authors: arvind arasu raghav...

A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

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Page 1: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework forData Cleaning

Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik

Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

Page 2: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

Problems Poor data quality is due

to lack to unique representations for real world entities

Eg: California can be represented as California, Calif, CA, etc

Although textually different, these 5 records correspond to just 2 authors

Page 3: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

Problem Definition Main problem in data cleaning is to determine whether

or not two representations are duplicate i.e. correspond to same real world entity.

Cosine similarity and Edit distance use textual similarity. But it can be misleading.

Two representations of same entity can be highly dissimilar

Conversely, two representations that are textually very similar can correspond to different entities

Page 4: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

Solution: Programmable Framework

Page 5: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

Basic Definitions The Program is a collection of triples of the form <R,P,A> where R is

the grammar rule, P is predicate and A is action The grammar rule has a head and body. Head is single non terminal

and body is sequence of non terminals, terminals and variables Terminals are words and punctuation Non terminals are represented by angular brackets

terminals using single quoted strings (eg:’Jeff’) and variables using uppercase letters

Page 6: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

Example: Framework program

Page 7: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

Expanded program G’ for program G Expanded program G’, like G is a collection of augmented rules To construct G’, we consider each augmented rule R=<R,P,A> and

enumerate all possible assignments of constant values to variables in R so that predicate P evaluates to true i.e. <R’, true, A’>

Page 8: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

Parse Tree:

Handles variations in the order in which the first name and last name appear

Program handles variations resulting from the use of nick name

Page 9: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

Weights: Non negative real numbers are assigned to each augmented

rule in G’ The weight of an output record is the sum of weights of

augmented rules involved in the parsing of output record Lower weights indicate high confidence Programmer can use “loose” rules, rules that the programmer

is not very confident about. Higher weights assigned to “loose” rules If R’ is augmented rule in expanded program G’, the weight of

R’ is the log of number of rules in G’

Page 10: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

Implementation Given a program G, we can construct expanded program G’.

Given an input record r, we can use traditional parsing technique to parse r

But the main problem with this approach is that the scale of the expanded program G’ can be very large

Instead, construct Gr’, a partially expanded program at query time.

To construct Gr’, consider R=<R,P,A> and enumerates all possible assignment of constants to variables in R such that P evaluates to true

Enforce an additional constraint, if variable X occurs in R, then the constant c assigned to variable X should be a substring of the record r.Dictionary (X): P(X,.…)

Eg: Smith Andy, J: Dictionary (N): Nicknames (I,N,F,G)

Page 11: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

Case studies1. UCD people data

Page 12: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

Quality of record matching and Record matching

Page 13: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

2. Author Affiliation Dataset

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Page 15: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar
Page 16: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar


Record matching: Previous works on record matching focused on similarity design

function This framework indicates that, with right pre processing the

need for approximate equality when performing record matching is minimized and often eliminated

How ever string similarity joins are needed to capture variations such as typos and misspellings

This framework does not intend to replace this body of work

Page 17: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

Pay as you go: The goal of this framework is not to clean the entire

dataset, because doing so is difficult This framework rather approaches “pay as we go” where

they use example reference tables that cover only part of data to clean a subset of data

Lineage: Parse trees constitute a natural notion of lineage that can be

used to program on top of the module For eg. Data cleaning developer using this framework can

choose not to use rule weighting options and use if- then- else logic to capture parse tree preferences

Page 18: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

Uncertainty: Framework provides a tool to manage uncertainty in the data Framework incorporates “possible worlds”. Thus it allows

multiple possible variations of same entity. Framework also returns multiple parse trees for same input

record with accompanying score.

Page 19: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar


Page 20: A Grammar-based Entity Representation Framework for Data Cleaning Authors: Arvind Arasu Raghav Kaushik Presented by Rashmi Havaldar

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