› documents › books, manuals and published papers › s… · - but in...

-. ---- -__ _ ----- --- NORTRn ULOGY published in monthly series with Northe News itorial address: 23 Sunningdale Drive, Irlam, Salford M30 6NJ Edited by: Jenny Randles () Cover Desi: John \·latson ( CHRYSIS ) JAARY 1980

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Page 1: › Documents › Books, Manuals and Published Papers › S… · - but in fact he put his case quite admirably.I had kno-vm· of his great interest since 1975

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NORTHERn UFOLOGY published in monthly series with Northern UFO News

Editorial address: 23 Sunningdale Drive, Irlam, Salford M30 6NJ

Edited by: Jenny Randles (HUFORA) Cover Design: John \·latson ( CHRYSIS ) JANUARY 1980

Page 2: › Documents › Books, Manuals and Published Papers › S… · - but in fact he put his case quite admirably.I had kno-vm· of his great interest since 1975

NORTHERN UFOLOGY ---�---�----�---

JANUARY 1980 .. .

NORTHERN UFOLOGY ----------- -- ---

IS$UE 68 ---- ... -----------....-- ... -----------------..., ... -- ... -----�--------�-:'! ....... �- . ______________ · .:..;. ...- -. .. * ...........

Contentsa Page 2 News Round-uP Magazine Revl�wS Page 3 British UFO Books, 1979 · ·. : .

Page 3- 8 BRITISH UFOLOGY articles by Robin.�itting; Ted Horton; Terrj Hooper,David Syd,eperff ,Jenny_.,.Randles & Ivano

Page 9�10 INVESTIG�TIONS (Inc a CE1 An and a· CE1 Psycho) Page 11-14 SUPPLEMENT • • ·•·• Northern UFO Groups directory (please detatc�1)

···---------------..,---- �--------------------.... ___________ ..._ _____ � ________ .....__.4_· ··-----·...; ......

Editorialt "Dear Old Patrick - your sins are forgiven! '' Dear Old Pa trick Moore ,BBC TV s jovial astronomer, took. up ·the UFO again. on December 11.His "SKY AT NIGHT" programme was devoted to the tbeme 1UFO;_. -.Fact

or Fantasy?• and copsisted of an interesting dialogue between hi�self and the entertainer Michael Bentine.


Bentine was no doubt regarded by many as a strange choice as the 'UFO expert'. - but in fact he put his case quite admirably.I had kno-vm· of his great interest since 1975 where he appeared on a late night chat show of I was also a gtest.;: Between records we discussed UFOs and it became obvious that not only was he both. interested and know�edgable, but also he had had a c·ouple of personal exper:1_ences (ome of which he described to SKY AT NIGHT viewers) .

Patrick Moore continued his familiar a "total sceptic" and Bentine;, rather nicely,cAlled himself a ''hopeful .agnostic'' As it turned out Moore was sceptical only of the 'spaceships' hypothesis (on quite reasonable grounds) and went on to a.ctual.lY. describe a local unexplained· case he had just investigated�) Bentine;whilst �ware.of·many of' .. the natural phenomena that can give rise to UFO sightings,was more of an ��H man· arid cited the intriguing theory of aliens beamed here like radio signals. �

In tHe main I found that I supported what was said by both men ·- UFOs are not spaceships (Moore);Von Danikens ideas have no relevance even if true (Bentine); many phenomena are .misidentified (Moore) and a _residual of unknowns rema;lYfS as . . a . . · puzzle (amazingly - both men!) It was,however,rather. amusi�g to note . how the .�nffr�· CEJ evidence was dismissed by Patrick Moore as 'wish fulfillment' on:=th"Ei .. stre·ngt[l_ of the _-��damski and Menger cases from 2 5 years ago'! ·He· seemed to know no .. thing about the more 'down to earth' CE3s (an unintentional, but no doubt Freuq.ian:pu.n};nor .9t· current psychoso9ial theories.Amazingly,just. � few days later,actor William ShatnG� (alias STAR TREKs Captain Kirk) di�cussed UFOs w�th BBC personality James Bur��· 9n t�o Parkinson show.Rather than come out .in favou� bf the ETH (and it is well known. trJc.�t Shatner believes in UFOs) he proclaimed· the 'Jungian Archetype' theory -. whlch rJ.ther left a somewhat unprepared and obviously . .:1.gnorant Burke floundering� . · '

The SKY AT Nit;HT treatment was superficial· and- .only . . �c:ratched ·the surfacG.To Ufologists it told us nothing,.However, e.ven frotri two ext�emist viewpoints a conceri�sus opinion that TRUE UFOs exist did emerge.Even if,'rike myself�you appreciate that the true answers lay between or even apart from'these discussio�s,then that feat · is in itself n0 mean achievement for a BBC programme�I will neyer be hard on .D�qr · Old ·Pa±rick again - provided he stops parading silly UFO solutions to witnesses ·�or the sake of it.I wrote at length to tell him so after the programme (and if he


favours a reply I will let you know) ·

It is a hopeful sign for the start of the eighties that an arch debunker. should - almost - proclaim himself a believer!. He has one more step to take� He �ust realise (as Bentine suggested) that there are some of us out :.h�re who· arc �:rwt like those p10rtrayed ··in Moore' s "Can You Speak Venusian7" .vle have our feetfirmly on the ground,and our hen.ds most ·definitely not -in a . UFO! . : . .. .. .:.: ___ . , ·. · {]'.

. . ----�---�---------------------------------�----�----------------------------------IF You�: SUBSCRIPriON FOR 1980 HAS NOT B1'EN PAirD THIS I.S THE FINAL REMINDER.-�:�· AN "X"- IN THE BOX INDICATES THI S ·. t .. . .

. - � . .. ---·-... -----.--------------.----------------._._----... �----�,...--�----�--------------=------ ... , NB As no:fred· previously your editor is mo'vlng.The new ad�ess will be.-on the1 cover - of .the .February NORTHERN UFO NEWS.However,as the hous'e is being_puilt at_ the

moment it is uncertain when exactly in Fe.bruary the move will occur ��Fo£=·-t.Iie· time being all mail should be sent to t�e present. IHLAM addressait will· ·be forwarded.I appologise. for any delays· this,and the. hurly burly of'the mov,e itself ,may cause in correspond.ance an� possibly pr.oduction of the next ·tilfO issues of this newBletter. Please bear with me.

----------------------..--------------------------------- ---------------:o -----r•� -:- ---·--



Page 3: › Documents › Books, Manuals and Published Papers › S… · - but in fact he put his case quite admirably.I had kno-vm· of his great interest since 1975

NEWS ROUND-UP -------------;J Two groups have requested to stage NUFON ventures in 1980 so far.Those are PARASEARCH (in Wolverhampton) and MIGAP (in Liverpool) Both suggestions will,of cou:se , be taken up . The first event is to be organised for approximately early Aprll.The feeling seems to be to have less policy discussion and more case report analysis or research result presentation.Consequently the plan will be to do thiso If you have any specialist research you would wish to provide an illustrated paper on , 2! a CE case that you feel would make an interesting paper for discussion , please advise as soon as possible so �hat we can try to arrange a programme. · · ·

: s The theme for the AIILil issue of NORTHERN UFOLOGY is to be: "UFOs and the Paranormal - Is there a link?" Con:t,ributions welcome . . a 1 The HOUSE OF LORDS J1.n 79 UFO debate is nov publi-shed in book form with a full transcript and preface by Lord Clancarty (Brinsley Le Poer Trench) and ann­otated notes by John Michell.Available at £3.25 (post inc) from:-Pentacle Books 6 Perry Rd Bristol 1 Avon aa UFOs Over Jersey association are to publish a new twice yearly magazine entitled UAP ENCOUNTERS.The first issue_ is due February and issues will on�y be available to serious reEearchers . Contributiobs are requested (CE cases with full documentation and photographs) Write tea-Dean Preston Hautes Murailles , Samares Lane , St Clement, Jerseyr Channel Is�.es :a �hanks are due to Sid Henley of NUFOIS who has taken over the job of organising the files and is doing a great job sorting out the backlog

.• When writing to the HQ reference a file write direct to Sid,qufuting the f.ile number and if a ·reply is required enclosing an SAE . _

--. 1 . • ..)

Qoute of the month: On December 11 a US Satellite was launcoed,After firing ths boosters it disappeared! The official quote • • • er • • ,"Its either_exploded,or its flyi ng about somewhere in the universe" (That narrows i� down a bit�)

MAGAZINE REVIEWS The Irish UFO Research Centre (19 Cairnshill Ave, Belfast BT8 4NR, N Ireland) have just published an updated and nicely presented version of the Mrs H Psychic Contactee case from 1976 . This excellent 29 page report is to be placed on file at the HQ .Credit to editors John Hind and Miles Johnston.FSRs first issue in its silver jubilee year continues the story of· the Sunderland family encounters from Oakenholt , Clwyd (85p from FSR Publications,West Malling,Maidstone, Kent) MUFOB issue 50 has appeared in the same format but as issue 1 of MAGONIA (£1.75pa from 64 Alric Ave , New Malden, Surrey KT3 4JW) Despite expanding its' scope a little it contains the usual features and an excellent article on UFO ethics from Dr Berthold Schwarz. FORTEAN TIMES No 30 is a new format but literally packed with masses of useful information .Apart from Nigel Watson' s column there are pieces on Skyfalls of fishes , staigmata events,wierd deaths and strange natural spontaneous images .Packed with pictures and totally-indispensible.(95p from 9-12 St Annes Court , London \v1) BUFORA JOURNAL (£5 P?- from 6 Cairn Ave , London W5 5�) devotes much of its Nov 79 issue to a picture review of .- .the London congress and a report on the Llanerchymedd case from FUFOR.AWAREHESS from CONTACT Summer and Autumn 79 are just out.Articles include " The Suicide Sydrome" by Jenn:/ Handles and "Phantom Helicopters" by David Rees (19 Cumnor Rd,Wootton,Boars Hill Oxen) CHRYSIS have just produced their last 1979 issue (48 Brittania Place: Dormanstown , Redcar, Cleveland) MAPIT have produced the Dec/Jan SKYWATCH (92 Hillcrest Rd , Offerton, Stockport SK2 5SE) with several commentary articles on the London Congress .NORTHERN. EARTH l'1YSTERIES GROUP. Newsletter number 3 i 's out with more on megaliths and leylincs in the north (61 Clumber St, Hull HU5 JRH) and SIGAP have produced a new issue of PEGASUS for _Nov/Dec . This contains a report on the B lackbushe encounter ( miri UFO pacing an aircraft) and· other local cases (2�p from 149 Mytchett Rd , Mytchett, Cumberley,Surrey) Finally two new magazines to report on.The BFSB (Britains oldest UFO group , from Bri�tol) have produced UFO NEWS BULLETIN ( 4 Newton St,�ston,Bristol , Avon) A nice lookine; 22· bi-· monthly it contains local cases and news and a CE3 from Devon.HELIOS NEWS is somewhat different .It labels itself 'A magazine of extraterrestrial communications and comment' You may not agree with it , but you should find it of interest.It contains spiritual and physical 'comments' from extraterrestrial contacts and aims not to study but understand ET life.(25p from 'Thistledome' · 65 Clophill Rd, Upper Gravenhurst, Bedfordshire)


Page 4: › Documents › Books, Manuals and Published Papers › S… · - but in fact he put his case quite admirably.I had kno-vm· of his great interest since 1975

��!!���-��Q-�QQ��!!!!2Z2 Newly published books in the·DK during the year After years when hardly any .British produced books appeared 1979 has.seen quite a bonanza with all seven published works being from British .1uttior,s •


Arthur Shuttl�wood,well known Warminster journalis�,had two .more offerings for us. MORE UFOs OVER vlAR.fviiNSTER (Barker, Hardback) was published .in June and :is more of the same - experiences u.t the famous ufocal,includiilg :a som.ewhat :rn�ccu.rate report on the Stonehenge Movie film case. UFO MAGIC IN MOTION. (Sphere paperbacks £1 10) · oontains dozens of sightings all tRken at face value with no coherent thr�ad.The book seems to totally lack purpose, but if you like his verbosA sLJJ.o ·Lh.:u j_+� f'<.•.L · · you (personally I have to struggle to get through it) Published Octoner.The same· month saw publication of my choice of the year (my own book obviously excluded! ) THE DYFED ENIG�� (Faber & Faber,Hardback £5.95) is the report by Randall Jones-Pugh and writer FW Holliday (who sadly died in the Spring) on the 1977 Welsh wave� .. , Excellent straightforward reportag.e,\'in efi�uh� style.A little speculation, . ..:. but really it just gives the storios and �does ' this in a very obj�&95_I��Lf�:B.clliiiOH , ·

Two more offerin�s covered more or less the same ground..THE WELSH TRi-ANGLE (Pant.her Paperback, £1 . 2j) came out the month after THE DYF.tDD ENIGMA.Author Peter Pa.get is a well known southern ufologist from UFO INFO.Apart from more or less covering the same cases a few interesting ones from outside Wales are added.Speculation is rife (about alien undersea bases and cloned MIDB spacemen) but with nothing which . , seems to support i t.b.lmost the same can be said about. journalis:t C1-ive·. Harold' s THE UNINVITED (Star Paperbacks,95p) Publi�hed first of the·brH).Qh in July it created the biGgest stir of any book on the subject.Nicely written ac9ount of j�st the �ipperstone Farm sightings in the wave-8ut it reads so much like a novel the danger· is many will regard it as such.It is a best seller,and a sequel is on the way I �ather,but if you want the true reality of the Welsh wave stick to the Randall-Jones Push book.On special offer now in Menzies is a large format hardback at £1.99.Called UFOs,from Hilary Evans,it is good value.He is an SPR committee man and whilst there is little text in the book it is an excellent,general introduction to the subject and some of the full page dramatic illustrations of case reports (such as the Aveley abduction) are worth seeing.It presumes nothiDgsTwo UK books which contain excellent chapters on UFOs are LIFETIDE (Hodder & Stoughton,Hardback).� ·_ .

Dr Lyall Watson's latest on 'mind mysteries' and MYSTERIES (Panther paperback, £2.75) a 670 page epic from Colin Wilson wMich,I warn you,you will take months to read.Both look at the Jun5ian or 'New Ufology' aspects of UFOs.Finally,I w�l� mention "UFOsa A British Viewpoint" (Hale hardback, £5.25) by myself and Peter Warrington,It covers all aspects of British Ufology today - cases,attitudes,research and theories. As for 1980 I know of 5 due out already - so things are looking good,


��2YQ�!�!�= An outsiders peer into the asylum by Robin Witting (SUFORS) I· Peering and poking;hoping and praying;guessing and dreaming-;looking over clouds: ·

under stones and round corners the ·intrepid ufoloeist perserveres in the quest for extra-terrestrial lfufe evide'nc�;eivTng.'tne third degree to anyone·with.;the�< impetuousity to witness a UFO and,however fantastic,filing the repoi:-t� · ' · .,

The ufologist,with what can only be sinister motives,is knocking at your door9 and then come the Men in Black - straight out of the subconscious,out of the mythological past,men from the ministry of none-informationoAre the authorities as sceptically bemused as they act? They go to a sreat deal of trouble to negate and invalidate reports - and what is a positiv8 ne�ative algebraically? The world is a-spin with.· enouGh evidence to hang-draw and quarter you for a crime and the man from the ·ministry scratches his pate and says • •• "Who? What? Where?"

Then there are the chosen ones· - spouting ilrmegeddon into your microphones -the red herring one can well do without when the task is scanty enoughoYet. ;tp.�re . . they are in Sheffield,Leeds - all across England.One ought to herd .-t:hem together··· so we can hear them in chorus • • ,"I have been chosen to warn mankind • • • " rambling·· on oblivious of the thoysand other voices like an avante garde massed concerto, with each singer out of tune with one another. ·

And what if THEY did come - sweeping in with the tide,spiralling down to earth like God in a whirlwind,Let me point out the interesting relationship here between·· the spin of the UFO and the nature of the universe- io the omnipresence of the spiral (the heavens,the structure of nature and of society,the time-spring of watches and,to �uote Dylan Tho!Jlas "I,a spinning man") If THEY landed scientists would want to dissect them,the politician obsequiously diplom�tic - for safety and to boost his all important carera;and the General with guns tr�i�ed. on the

January 1980 PAGE THREE

Page 5: › Documents › Books, Manuals and Published Papers › S… · - but in fact he put his case quite admirably.I had kno-vm· of his great interest since 1975

An outsiders ·peer into t�e �sylum cont • • • THING with··the THING looki!lg on like.� bemused missionary H�th the CP'-l3,fS and natives pawing him to. see. if he.!-s good to ea t.Of ··course, pushing· to the·- front, . comes 'the·: churchman •• ,"W�at about God?" he a:s·ks."Oh,Him" cries the THING as he proq.uces a test tube co�taining· a· mute· mouthing little figure at the bo-ttom, .

And, tpe Ufologist :-.·wh�t of him? .Childlike�wanting to .find··qut al,l with �n 'I told-•.you so' to .. the authori�ies .- a:bout,_tq .steal their l.�gqtn1ng �-' .. ?-nd �o the_.· people who surreptitio4sly fil�ect out ·app).ica:t.ion .forms for··the asylum on y6ur·'::.L .. behalf. · ·

' ·

· ··. · · · · · · ·

. � · · · · ·

Wha.� are they.doing HERE?. r·· do�b-:t our -plan·et is any more resourceful than any, of the thousands,scattered -like-pollen in space,If we could read the sign on the smde of� the spacecraft wo,uld it say "Xzwy' s Cbarabanc trips - FOR HIRE" ?

·T bet you earth 'is an unimportant little speck on the · wiilt_�S of a buzzing inter� planetary communication system.If the existence of ET life were proven -t:i-18-"care'a:r:_. of ufologists would carear to a fullstop,Mission accomplished.Yet still they

- · gather at the �indow of earth - looking omt.

But th�n I KNOW that �l you ufologists ar� really aliens acting as decoys asainst discovery,manning the enemy's own telescopes.One day I will scream into the whirlpool ears of some ufologist, ,·,."Come out with your tentacles. up!" * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

by Ted Horton (UFOSIS) • .. i

A satirical look at Br� tish Ufc>logy a.s it might be presented in th� of the bational media,I do not intend to use the names of existing groups o± individuals. I hope noone will take umbrage ,If they shoulctr ,I make no appologies.

.. . .


Ways are being sought to avert the threatened Rtrike action by investigators.for BOUFOGG (Browned off UFO Gripe Group) Members dlaim they are not being paid expenses for their work,A spokesman said "Other more fortunate investigators get good expenses - like busfares,It is about t�me we obtained parity" .

· ·

POLITICAL NEWS... A long term development plan for BMUFOS (Bloody Minded UFO Society) was demanded last night by chairman Mr I,M. Best.The groups national counci.l �oted to urge the regional sub-committee to urge the local sub-sub commi ttes to urge the members to support the id�a.Mr I.M. Best believes that . •. ··:·�· sterner action is needed to ensure that all the data so �ar acquired remains �n ·

their files alone and does not reach other organisations (especially NMUFOUO ( . Narrow Minded UFO Universal Organisation)) He ended his speach by saying, "We have been able to fool all of our members all of the time,but I remind all those who are seriously concerned about the pomp and 'glory of . this u:po game that it is the poli�y of BMUFOS that we be the bieges·t and the best" He ··received·.,a-.,s.tan(1;i,J1.g; __ q;.:�tion. INTERNATIONAL NEWS • • , The organisers of "the International Skywatch to .. ta!f�· ... £�?-�e on Feb 17 20_54 today urge9- would-be particip;:Lnts, by way of genetic inbE?ri iance,to:._ ensure that clean underwear is worn,The possibility ·of abduction must always be considered in such circum�t�nbes.

TRANSFER NEWs.:. The NSSUFOV� (Not·s;.Silly l.JF� V¥sionary Group) have completed a de�l bringing the r€spected investi�ajor Guy.Gercounter from.the ASBWU�OO (Almost

· sensible Big World� Or�anisation) When inte�vyewed the inv�sti�ator gad for�ot­ten his name but s�id that he had agreed to .the tr�nsfer bec�se the team manaser qad agreed that he mi�ht answer some of th9 ·letters sent to h im by Mr Ger�ounter, An added incentive was that,his soil s�mples would be speedlly·analysed by the latest Fisher Toys Microscope that the group had purchased from Tesco's out of the money saved up from the Council .. ·members ·expemses fund,

LATS N�"'WS,, •. Is this the answer to the .UFO Riddle? The NSO�IBUFOG (Not so Many UFO G�oup ) , ?aY. they :now have · the ans:wer·_ to the UFO riddle.Using a donation from the now defunct VSUFOS (Very Silly UFO'· Society ) they bou.ght a kite equipped with a camera.Suspending fut over a: well k�0wn window area searching for a landed UFO a test photograph r�vealed_,on development,� hollow patch on top of a tree.A g.roup official said ''In the past we··· have reported many sightings of UFOs coming out of the top of this tree;but· we could never locate it exactly," The group are now knqwn as the· proponents of the Hollow Tree Theory. A spokesman for the rival IUFOS ( Indoor�-UFO Skywatqhers 0 claims that th� theory will soon face the chop,He added "We base· our' id.cas ·9� the r:1�ts .and bolt.s. hypo­theses R.nd are convinced that with the imminent dlosure· ·of ·c·orby steelworks reports of UFOs will gradually become less f�e.qu�nt" A well known researcher into the


Page 6: › Documents › Books, Manuals and Published Papers › S… · - but in fact he put his case quite admirably.I had kno-vm· of his great interest since 1975

�ot so serious business Cont • •

para physical side of UFOs said of these theories, "Whatever happsns -we sh�ll-not :

be lorl8 in dreaming up a new· idea of our own" SI'OP PRESS • •• Turn to the foot of Page 27 for yesterdays skywatch sighting results

(Telegramme claims are not required) ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

����!�!!.2�-��-��2-C2�2���-��-J!�!i2��-�!.�f.�Q� By Terry Hooper (BFSB) At the May 1979 UFO conference in Trowbridge,Wiltshire,the view was expressed

that those groups present should help to get themselves,and otherstorganised -

since British Ufology had been disorganiseci'f'or too.longeit Has hot .until a letter wa!it sent out by SKYSCAN of Worcester on this theme ·that . . id,:;:as began to come in(!At the time I too was canvassine various groups for suggestions� .

Around 20 southern �roups whom I cont�cted seemed in.favour of the idea and it was agreed to staee a meeting on September 15 when the va�ious·potnts could be discussed.All of these wer� from the south.apart fTom Cheshi�e based FUFORe

Discussed at this first meeting was the possibility of cooperation ·on res·eq.rch as well as investigation,an agreed classification system,and the�helpin.� out of each other by supplying details of how to build va�ious pieces of technical equip­r.1ent,UFO INFO from Warminster proposed ·a network magazine, but a number· abstained from votin� for various reasons. ·

, Another matter raised was that of lone investi�ators�who it seems cause. t�ouble .·

1Jy pushing in on group investigation.s_,No group objectcJ to these pe·-.'pl.e being:. indepehdant,but it was felt they should liaise over i�vostigations�It was suggested that a code of ethics and conduct for se�ious invostisators be drawn up�Other points concerned a possible HQ and who would be in:-charge,.It was pointed out that nobody would be,except that the group hos�ing each meeting 1;ould be chai�man.

The next meeting was held by SKYWATCH in Swindon on October 27 where it Has officially announced that the system was to be called HAUFOG (Members �f the Affiliated UFO Groups) I would like to make· it perfectly clear that MAUFOG is not out to rival any existing network such as NUFONoif ·chic :;ere the <??-Se I nould have nothing to do with it.t hope that all networks uill liaise and cooper3.te closely in future,I would like to humbly su�:;gest that NUFON consider organising a conference in 1980 to which all networks.can be ipvited�I would further su�gest that this take place in the 'neutral ground' of the Hicllands,

There are many things I feel we could discu�s at such a meeting eg� 1 )RESEARCH COOPERATION There are many people �;ithin networks carrying out research into various aspects of the phenomenonai have been resea±chinr� CE3s n·ow for 6/7 years for example.How much more would He achieve through cooperation? 2)INVESTIGATION As already mentioned a code of ethics and standard procedures is required.This would mainly be for the newcomer,but the code is badly needed to stop squabbling between groups. (Presumably the ones vrho vro�ld· squabble would be the ones. who do not si13n this code anyway�, ,Ed) J)REGIONAL lillEAS There are several �roup� who have investigators in other ·areas· and most are unknown to local investi"Sators (and vice ve:::-sa) If Jvhis group inves�igate a. cas�,only to hear later that someone else is involved there is ·often friction,I tperefore propose that groups keep to their oun a�ceas. �lhere there ar·e two or three in one county they should be given ce�tain areas to covero 4) JOINT CONFERENCES A yearlty_conference should be organised welcomini papers

�1 research ,organisation etc,This would-: e'iisuro-a ·j.Uace _Hhere any. grievances can be voiced and sorted out.

I would hope that the already existant networks �et 3-5 reprosentitives from each to attend MAUFOG meetings,If these pe.ople contac-t :r.e I will give what support I can'\This representation would,I feel,_show that there is a willine;;ness to coope.,.:ate on both sides.After all we are in the sarne boat"

tt might help i� 11roup_s exchanged . magazines· more Hidoly �ri th _-each other�This �ay·

you get a clearer �icture of the people in different groupsai was regularly hear1ng comments about NUFON Secretary ,J 0nny Handles, which rsave ·�c some trepidation when I wrote her re�arding liaison,I. can now see that there arc a �ot _of lie�. ··�oih(?. around because people do not sort out their differences or because oi' jealousy'ai too have come up a--�ainst this myself. V{ithout doubt this back-bi tint� mus�· stop er Let· us sort these things out like adults �hd support those Hho become target s for· people with bi.�ger tongues than brains. We may never gr;t another chcvnce i:=' we ·f&ilo It is not up to one individual or one t;rchup.,It is up to ab� s eriou s ufologists.


Page 7: › Documents › Books, Manuals and Published Papers › S… · - but in fact he put his case quite admirably.I had kno-vm· of his great interest since 1975

by David Sy�eserff (UFOIN' Jcotland) .. ·

For quite some time now we have heard ci.l1 sorts of argu;nent .. _.wi thin. the UFO· field about or�anisations falling out with each othe::r;,personality clashes �nd so·:·ono

We overlook,it very much seems, the faqt that the UFO has a potentialit-.r to alter , 4 ., � " • I �

our society .Have we forgotten that these unidentified fl¥i-'ilt-� o·bject$ _have tne ···

_ _ __ _ _ _ _ :_ __ :_

capability to chan�e completely our way of life if they. ctose to make contact? Our whole civilisation could be altered,:gq;rhaps· for. '{11� b€tter.-.. "( I _would-personally doub-£ it) and thE,, · k'ey 1��-� with ourselves . .:: -the -il�ofogis"i§·.,�------ : ... :·" ··.:.::.:.: ___ _-�.-

Not only thi_s,but people are being ·burt,disturbed and ev'en.killed.-by the UFOc Examples are the deaths of J-essup,MacDo.nald. and othersaThoy were active ufologists and they have died� How many UFO W·i tnesses, are terrified by their encounters? 'r' d w�er a gom� percentage.Those injured rate ��ghly,both physically and_ mentallyo Examples are t�e_ G�egory Wells case (1), tq� t�evor P jellientities _(2) and the Mrs X sexual assault case (3)

.· · �

How lo!lg must we. hesit'.lte and yap vrhile i�o-cent people,young and .old,I)1al�- &ncl

female,suffer in this way? How lon1s must we pQstpone finding the truth whilst· the· · immecliacy of, contact and its consequences stare us in the fa9e 1 The situat-ion- of·_. uf01o�y in this country is absurcl.It is people's lives we ar� talking about:�dehiin::, with,and ignoring.We simply must solve this dilemma as fast as we· can before God ; �rnows wha.t might happen. Is the fear of wi tbesses seaondary to the meglomania of . 1 �·

the selfish sadists who seem to comprise our organisations¥ This preposterous situation can be solved }(?W by cooperati_on. At this point I acknowledt�e the mass suffer�cpg of innocents by our

governments and� are in the same position;:some · of us are greedysothers ·&re honestly striving to help.Do governments contr·o.l ufology? Most likely t!ley do, out I am also certain that they operate vi� the UFO or3anisations (4) Until the day that a government officially admits wtjat we .suspect I shall endeavour to procure the necessary information to try to protect our society.I have every confidence that this information finds its way to the BOvernment and I muse place­my faith with them.

I have not as yet rGad seen any proof that U:b,Os are peaceful,cit can bs arsued ·· - ,· that witnesses recover after their encounter -,:but Trevor P has hot and fear rGmai�'-�:> :

in a sizeable number of cases.They,the UFOs, invited now to explain tl-.ei� position to the world at larGe - not just by s�hgle contact casesei am S'Jre vre would all welcome such an explanation.

The cooperationthat I propose as a solution is the followin�ni shall term i� the "British UFO Groups Network" ,a title only.The- application could- be the -same; for all overseas countries. Several facets can onTy be detailed on discussion -_Q.ft� its implementation. . .. _

· .

The ·mainstay is depositories,or HQs (such as the one in Nottingham),equally sp�ced throughout the UK for the housing of completed reports and their studyvi· propnse SCOTLAND, NORTH ENGLAND & WALES (alreFLdy NUFON) and South Engla�d arld. H�let, The Channel Isles,Isle of Man,Ireland,Shetland & Orkney can be separate· QD under an appropriate re�ion as thow�ht fit (IRELAND virtually has a network in ox:i, now - Ed) The idea of one central depository (Nottint�ham as it is establi�hedr) to house one other copy of all regional reports is reasonable. .-l .


The regional HQs must be in a town or city with goGd communica�:ions e Publicisi�1g the data itself is vital and thus the HQs must be accessabl@. to all network msmbers. The existance of reports added to the files must be mentioned in-a-resular �;ublication based on NUFONs Northern UFO News and Northern Ufolop;y;,

The essence of a network,other than one .lar�e organ)�ic:.n,is that it only ha-: � administrator,and levels all members at egual status.T bere is no authority, committees or councils,The administrator can d eal with problems 6£' coordi:nation11 ·secretariat,edi ting and treasury,

Of course all active organisations or individuals in.Gach rec;ion should bec9�e . membt'rs of the network by a subscription system,recei ving in return the publ�<?c:i�J�icn

and access,without question,to the HQ and the files. National .o-roups can be treated in one of three ways with-submissions to _th�-

·network - via the i'11vestie;ator,their regional coordinator or· their head Cultist orGanisations,·particularly r'elir,ious fanatics,should be fully i�lV8stj_€� as would a CE4.If a hoax is suspected,and thus exploitation of tho UFO eni,·;ma�_c:.-=h:b effort must be made to close dowm that cult,Apart from exp,loitation KG c1o :.':=>.J �-w.�:··. ramblin:ss like Devil Worship orgies do we? ·our combined-· effor-h's sl).oulq,_ dEstroy the cult.On the other hand,fuf it is considered genuine,then membership of the netwfu�� should be offered.


Page 8: › Documents › Books, Manuals and Published Papers › S… · - but in fact he put his case quite admirably.I had kno-vm· of his great interest since 1975

. ,. Cooperati on Now Cont • • •

However , if. any i ndividual or .�roup cause s .di sruption wi thout . . . �0od reason .then that bodry must be fre e · to -leave . . the network , as soo.� as possible . Peopl� who are not prepared to cooperate with bodi es they di s lik� are of no use .to :ufology . Wol.ild yoU: ever quarre l i n such a way wi th your employers ? I . wol.l1d · ·no t gi v€' a · fi-g i f the Network lost all its ' seri ou s ' members - if thi s i s wpat th� t�ink ' serious ' means . We are out to solve a problem and i t i �yo lves everyone �nd �verything c

Circulated throu�h the networks should be a li st of. members holding . equi pment for use .Thi s could be regu larly updated . Standard of subm�tted reports is verr important , but mu st be perfected paral lel' wi th the hLsi c establi shment of thi s network system . I wi ll not linger on thi s as UFOIN has been working on this matter for some time now and just publi shed standard i :p:vesti,jati on cri teria that John Hind and Martin Keatman have formu lated . , . .

Obtainin� copi e s o f reports can b e costly , but should still work out more cheaply than if they were obtained commercially . Thi s matter has to be re solved in some way , but for all to reLtp the .benefits it woulcl be a 5ood idea if network members could obtain copi es free whi lst outsiders were charged for the se .

Traini ng of investigators i s naturally important , but I am sure " invE?stigati on · wthic s" , lately written of by Mark Moravec · of ACOS ( 5 ) a,nd Dr Bertho ld Schwarz (6) i s a superfluous remi nder to us all • .

The UFO I nve sti:';ators Network ( UFOIN ) could well mai ntai n i t s stanc e as an ·. �ency dealin3 only wi th · hi,�h strang eness · cases , procuring ' hard data ' ��ltnough

I wou�.d su._sges� its fi le be avai lable to · the appropri ate _ ri�twork and noted in network pub li cati ons ( tho se relevant to NUFON are - on both counts - E�) I also envi sage the e stabli shment of a " re search - agency'' · to house . pro j ect s , paQers anc+ . new Eeport s applicable . Thi s agenc y could also dea+. wi th matters falli n3 just outside field investigator ability - checking · ley-li ne po siti ons , hi storical �actors of an area and comparison wi th other case s . The - new I nsti tute · For UFO Studies , whi ch FSR have just launched , may fi ll tpts ne ed .

Si±uati on report s from each network memb er_ . should · be sE:mt to the . secretary annually and published . Fi nancial po siti ons of the network should no t be confidential , although the running of a_ · network · should not be profitable . - . ,

Thi s then i s a bri ef run-down of the . B riti sh UFO Groups N etwork whicij. · can · · · . . : .". .'-'::: .. . .. . and must work . D etai l s can be resolVed later but the importance of the &ctual formulati on is paramount . D o not · forGet our re sponsibi li ty to . society . Do , you wa�� - . . your· chi ld to · end up ' li ke Jessup , Trevo.r . P or M,rs X ? _ · . · · . _.

Ufolo�y i s not a soci al club . We should not di sh out " flyi ng. sauc er" ti e s g "T'L ' .- .

' . : - • • - ' ' r. \.' shirts or annual award s for the be st u·fo lo�i st . Thi s i s - 'si lly . We need. hard rror� .' . : _

- and those not prepared t o d o thi s should _-;et right out o f t�� . ki tche !l o · · �- �--: · ·---· _:::. Reference� � 1 ) .Occ�rred B eallsvi.lle_ , Ohi o , USA on �he e;vening o·f . March .i4 1968 : 2 ) FSR Vol 24 · No 4 J ) STRANGE. PHEI'{OMENA 1 & .2 - ft) · NORTHEHN u·FOLOGY 62 5) MAPIT SKYWATCH 33 ( from ACOS Bulleti n 1 7 ) 6 ) - MAGONIA '1 (MUFOB 50)

. . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

!li�-±��e�:f.�!!�-:Q�� by Jenny Handles - . (MuFORA ) Al thouc;h one cannot ··really disassoc i ate Bri tish Ufology from the , rest of th� .

world for our purpo ses we must do so·.·For it i s only thi's- that' we are in a posi tiO'n· to do anythi� about . ·

I have allowed thre-e :Light hearted contributi ons to .�1m_'e�r_ in thicili _debn,te , and ·

i t must be an i ndicati on of the si tuation that thi s topi c '" has produ-6-ecf --so" mari,y-- . vei led cri tique s . Their inclusi on teache s .t·wo i mportant thi n�s , however . Firstly ,. that we can take thi s preci ou s. sub jeqt of ours far too seriou sly and , more · importantly ?, 1 they i llu strate much bet'ter than any seri ous tonie· · tne ab surd ·state of the- art " , ·

Of course , i t has to he recalled that we are dea:li·ng .. . wi th people · - and not . - ju st _ ordinary people but ·u fologi:sts . Thi s c<;>mbi nation doe s a 'lot. · t o answer the why o f i.t all I am sure we oould all put real names to the charac tei?s· fn ·.Ted · Hor�9� ' s : · · amusing diversion .Many people become tnvolved i ri U fology because i t i s a release . -from computeri sed modern life , Rc{ther than b e a numb�r a Ufolo0i st bec ome-s an . . i ndi vidual in a si'tuation where he can boo st hi s e,�o ( howver -lti ttle he realises thi s subqonsci9us i ntent ) I once wrote an edi t6rial askint; · pe.6ple to ponder �·i hy ·

they had ·pecome interest ed i n _the _ subject . I .fear lack of bonesty in _tl}i s respect has a lot to do wi th our present sorry state . .. -

. - : . .

Consequently' , I thi nk i t. i s fooli sh to expect that w.e fire going t<? revi tali se ufology overni �ht , Indeed I . doubt that there is too muc� .we can do �t all c People wi ll still want to run their own little group and wi ll ·- not wi sh to ' · sacrifi ce Lheir own ideals . Cooperation - to a lar�e extent - must sadly remai n a dream o

N R BERN UFOLOGY J anuary 1980 Pi\.G E SEVBN . · ·

Page 9: › Documents › Books, Manuals and Published Papers › S… · - but in fact he put his case quite admirably.I had kno-vm· of his great interest since 1975

THE IMPOSSIBL� DREAM Cont • • •. . Considering this situation we must acknowledge that· national groups such as

BUFORA , CONTACT , BUFOS and no doubt others in ·the futtirs , will continue to desire autonomy (and to some de�ree omnipotence) .There ·will ·al�o bE) like minded local �roups (and networks) and individuals.All we can do about this is try not to anta-:;onise relationships too much , although not without sacrificing the ri-'Sht . to speak openly what we cons�der to be truth.

I personally feel that . . the investigatory approach of UFOJN (selected ·cases· investigated by investigators workine to agreed minimum criteria) and the research proposals of FSRs new Institute are the way towards progress . The UFOIN (and NUFON ) freewheeling 'everyone id equal' principle is vital . No authority means - no personality clashes and no bureaucracy. I feel that in these respects British Ufology is healthier than most countries , and continued support thereof will be productive towards the solutions that have eluded the thousand membership societies ,

I also feel NUFON has value provided we recognise its limitations aAll it is in ·

· - ssence is a communications system that allows fully independant groups to exchan�·;e ..:J. • !Ws , ideas and information - via magazines , the HQ and files and regular meetings· �� 1 discussions.I .believe in the · community spirit of NUFON and that we should . , ' 1:courage the moves to set up compatable networks elsewhere ( cf David Sydeserff) [ yw·ever , there is no point in a multiplicity of networks sincG this only himlers -�>rogress and I still remain at a loss to understand why MAUFOG is not a southern network version of NUFON and , otherwise , what it will do NUFON is · not doing now .

There will be dissentors , but at least we are mn.king the risht moves ( in the sense that any moves towards cooperation are better than none) Ufology i s about cooperation between independantly thinking ufologists who do � be told what to do by a committee or council .

Naturally , one could make wildly optimistic predictions about the futur� . - .but to what purpose? Ufoln.?;y is as it is f)r basic sociolo�ical , ��d psycholo:sj_cal reasons which will not suddenly alter._All we can do is t.ry qui·. , ·best to · do our best . I! am reasonably h�ppy that with NUFON�nd UFOIN we ar� oi Qpr way to tpat . · * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *· :_ * , *1. * * .

. * i * ' * ... -¥,· �·- :� . GOSSIP FROM UFOLK by Ivan Eart.othegrourid. ( IUHC ) : . ··.;,_ , : . - '



-�een removed to protect the ·guilty • • � .Ed) · ·

. . : :.c; . � .

:·' . . . · . . . . . . · ---.�-.-. . -y ·:· . • • • • • ; •• • • • • • I"� � .

Your intrepid reporter has been behind the . scenes r�ading- pe'tween lines at the· · · - .· First London International UFO Congress , probably ·the top ufological . bun-fi::;ht o:f 1979· , He has it on good :· authority , for example·, that a certain Manchester based ; lady

ufologist was seen ea�ing breakfast wi�n. a .leading American professor and sometimes ( , ufolocist at his hotel.Ivan could not help noticing the frequency tq�t our lady ufolo1�ists name was .mentioned , to the apparant chagrin of the congr�ss or:;�mhsers , in the address of this agein� American the next day. Where was the well-healed �iance fuf the BUFORA Chairman ' s favourite ufoio�ist whil$t all this was soing on? According to sourc�s close to British Rail ,he was indulging in his hobby of the time • • • • • train spotti�� �

Few congress members noticed the innordinant ammount of time that .two Irish �folo�ists spent in secluded corners ·with a certain soft . spoken French _ Engine�r . \•, -ro they plu:�,'5i� him for information about GE�AN , or is there another perfectly i�nocent explanation?

One Nottin�ham snail expert was conspicuous by his absence .Accordin� to usually �_·.-;:..iahle sources he was vi si tin� an un-naijled East-Illiropean country q.t. the time , ;" stensibly delivering a tr.alk on "The reaction of Freh water MolluscB: ( �nails to you , me and the girl next door) to pollution" The same - sol,lrces claim that in reality he was distributins c·apies of a certain imperialist. subversive magazine to prominent East-�uropean scientists. .

Maggie (McCarthy) ·. Thatcher ' s latest witch-hunt has a prominent ufologist and erstwhile diplomat worri·ed.Seems he spent several years working with Guy _ Burgess which - makes him suspect on at least two counts . M3:J(�ie has him pegged as 'th8 fifth man ,and he has been heard to express the opinion that �he Prime Minister is a double-agent for the MIBs , not actually being elligble as an.MIB herself .

PS (Ed) Also note that a centain editor o� a long standing British UFO R eview was also not at the congress . When asked .ah_out the· · ,rumour that he� di:d. not attend hecause he was rather involved at the. ·. tirrie with another past-time (apparantly valled Ufolo�) he declined to · comment.


<r • •

Page 10: › Documents › Books, Manuals and Published Papers › S… · - but in fact he put his case quite admirably.I had kno-vm· of his great interest since 1975

Ref Date Time Pln.ce Object Duration J · 1vest I . L . Eval - · --

76-1 65 Mar 2 03 , 00 Fife , Scotland Flares ? 1 S:rdeserff . E I nsuff 78-249 Early 05. 60 Llangefni , Gwynd Grn LITS 5 Sec s UF'OHA Sfs .: e:.:: Met·eors· 7999 Oct 17 00 , 1 5 St Helens , Msysd W LITS 3/� Sec s M:-GAP B Meteors 79-1 0) Dec 5 21 . 30 Scunthorpe , Humb Multi LITS 1 0 Min SUFOHS C Insuff 79 -1 01 Nov 1 9 1979 ( 2 0 , 00 ) Sutton Heath ,Mersyside Brian J'i shwick ( MIGAP) A Woman and 8 yr old daughter saw a semi-circ le of about 6 W Li ts flashi� - ---on and _ , off in a semi-circular anticlockwi se pattern, Hovered over rooftops oppa·s:i te . · no sourid then moved off NN� towards power stati on stopping and hoveri ng twice more en route , Liverpoo� .ATC had no aircraft i n area , UNKNOWN

·;- . HEDIUM DEFINITION UFO ACTIVITY - - - - - -- -� - - - � - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

78-253 Nov 2 19·, 50 Castle Eden , Tyne & Wear 1 0 Min ClffiYSI S B Insuff (A naval architect and hi s girlfriend on A1 9 noted v . low and bright star . Shortly

after got out of car to watch bri lliant oval just above �round level in field G i t then shot vertically , revealing circle of R & G LITS on underside then moved off)

78-2.54 Nov 4 1 8 , 1 5 Earl Shilton ,.Leics . 2 5min HAPI C Optical ? ( Woman and son watching bonfires i n di stanc e saw pulsating red dome ' i n sky e

Stationary and still there when left, O�tiqal reflection of a ground fire ? ? ) 78-2 55 Nov 8 1 7 , 55 Hinckley , Leics 2 Min HAPI C Insuff ( 1-loman ,-daughter , son and his friend saw W LITS which pas sed over slowly on a

si lent E-W course , Behind it they thou�ht they saw a di sc wi th a dome and a faint outline of four larse rectangular windows in the lower part of the di sc )

7997 Jun 1 03 • 00 C layton-Le-Moors , Lanc s 1t Min · · . . }1UFORJC .. . . - c · . I nsU:f

( 61 yr old woman woke at time to see W oval ' like a rowing boat ' · in S , Ho7ered si lently 1 min and then moved off E l floating like a balloon . Fe lt astoni shed )

7998 Au6 24 1 1 �40 Cole shill , Wkshire 1i Min UFOS�S B Insuff : . ( Three -. boys going to fair saw si lver dome shape with' dark underside above faiJ:; . I t slowly moved away and ascended , zig-zagging as i t did slightty .·Pas �ailoon)

• • J • •

79-1 00 Oct 24 07 ,25 Up Holland , Lane s . · -Seconds MIGAP B :L�loteor ( Scientist at Heinze drivin3 to work saw green tadpole streak across sky on descehding course , Tallies exactly in time with multiple sightings in Scotland of an ob ject identifi ed as a fireball .meteor , . • : · see Report 7994 ( Dec - -1979 NUN )

79-1 04 Dec 1 8 21 . 00 Hr B lackley , Gtr M/Or 5 secs JI-1UFORA ] ._ �1eteor ( Woman saw bright W ball of lie;ht · streak ac�o s.s · sky W-E , Seen also in P!lrts of

Cheshire . Certainly a fireball met�or � Wi tness acc epted thi s as probable ) _

1l.�2-2!!_!HE -�22�1 C ase 78...:251 I nv-estigatec( by Gordon Barraclou&h ( NLUFOIG ) B

On June 1 1 1978 1 6 yr old David Storey was looking through hi s 40mm 50x tele-.,..


scope at the moon when he saw a black ' cog t shaped ob ject come into vi ew o i t w�s the same si ze in the fie-ld of view as a small crater ( e� C olumbo-Nean4er ) .. . I. t . . was. stationary for a few seconds and then moved slowly towards the moons terml.nator . disappearin� into shadow .Thi s took 25 seconds .As it moved it rotated ant��- · clockwise , .-:t,wice a_ second . David looked away to Gheck he had mothing in hi s' eye o

- -1 . . . . . He lookod ' back 20 seconds later and soon saw it come out of the terminator . and . then turn again heading into it at a different point .Again i t was in vi e� z.5' _ · seconds , I t did not rec:tppear . -�

. : , . _ . ·· · '..; . · .. · ![-;;;)!0�- < : ·



� �


. 78-251 . ' 79 -1 02 ' . .

��-���-��Q-��-�!.<l�� Case 79-1 02 .. Inve�t1gated Dri�n- Fishwick ( MIGAP) A·

1 9 yr old Jun� Hibbert went to bed· la:ba on Wed/Thur Nov�mber 28/29 l979 of�-i:, just after 01 . 00 she heard a bang , She got out"- of bed but ·· saw· nothing untowar_d. in· the �arden ,Dack in bed she heard a buzzing � falnt , but _ at 01 , 45 she got out ��in o i n the sky she saw a large egg shaped object with a haz� halo around i t o Around the


middle were a row of five :_ Orange/yellow lights that pulsated dim/�igh . _ ?::J-.t.��P.�t_E3J..y •�· ­The object hovered fo� a minute ·then ·moved . . ve_iy . . slowiy W�E .-Imm�-diately oppo site i t hovered again and then moved away northwards ,At thi s point the buz zing stopped o She called the Gtr Manchester police who vi sited .. her next day and Here totally convinced o� her integri ty . The police ev�ntually ·relayed the case to NU;-ON c-


Page 11: › Documents › Books, Manuals and Published Papers › S… · - but in fact he put his case quite admirably.I had kno-vm· of his great interest since 1975

QHIIiYnmt£_mt!QQ�-!&�=I#.dYJ��JlEQ .. .. . . . . _ _ _ · - -- · ·· · . . .. . . . _

78-250 Apri l JO 1978 Millhead ,N , La.ncs . · · .CE1 Psycho L�; v-· B NlliFOIG (G .BarracbugtV 1 3 yr old De bra Simpson and 1 2 yr old twinsGuini vere an\J Charles -Glasfolxl were

walking home from Warton , Lanc s along a public footpath.The;y saw the' . · o.bject in the di stance moving slowly over house s in the SW and presumed. i t to be an aircraft , but · then it de scended unti l only about 25 feet above the · path· some di stance ahead ,It was hovering and making a loud high pitched. buzzing sound , The . object itself was .

now c learly vi sible , shaped . like a cigar wi th pointed ends � I t was dull grey in colour and had three errqtically flashing lights . The right hand :: one · , was ·red·, the middle or.. .... orange and the left hand one : ·yellow/whi te . The whole area was sudCienly very still and quiet �-I n si ze they e stimate .

o it to have been about 1 7 feet in length and 6-7 fee t in height at the widest point . They walked _ .tow.ards 1-t for . . 2 . ..

minutes and when within 1 00 feet i t suddenly accelerated . . vertically-; and moved off._ .. . . NE at a fast speed .By now the children . were very fri�htened and ran · off · down the �ath towards home .They saw th8 object agai n in the distanc e , hovering over some electric! ty pylons. I t then moved away very fast to the SW , pa:.ssing its ·· original posi tion and di Sappearing . I t was in vi ew 1 0 minutes altogether. The �ght was sti ll and clear and i t wa s still light ( Time 20.30) Debra . came . down wi th influenza immediately afterwards , and two days after the sighting Guinivere had a dream which . relived i t . Thi s recurred for several nights afterwards . RCM 6 MS UNKNOWN ·

SOLID LIGHTBEAMS OBSERVED YET AGAIN -- ----- - - ��-�---�-�----��- ��--� 78-252 October 8 1978 Stafford , Staffs . CE1 An Lev A PARASEARCH� ( M � �eatman) . . .

The witnesses are David and Rosemary Simkins ( in their 30 ' s ) who liv� i� a block of pre-war terraced hou sing whi ch · at the .back overlooks_ a playing fi . .eld s . an� beyond that an RAF Munitions base . I t i s u sed also to monitor a ll �atli o freqmencies on a �4 hour basi s searching for i llegal broadcasts.The object sighted was di rectly over the base . I t was 22 . 1 5 as David Simkins took his A lsati an dog ' 'C hi ef into the narrow back gardens to go out for hi s customary walk.The · dog . i s an �x-poli c� dog and thus well t±ained .I nstead of rushing out t�o�h the b�ck' gate it fri ze dead .. in its tracks in the garden as · if aware of an "intruder ; · · David rushed forward . and bumped into . the animal , but he . 0 0

base two beams of light in .the ESE which were identical .

a.nd side by side .• They seemed totally tolid .They seem� to emanate from two hazy oval blobs above the base . The


still did not move ,At thi s point Da vid saw over tl';le RAF. I � beams came down in front of one of the bui ldings on'' the - - � rJ · . ·

base and cut off sharply. at the · top . Th�y . did not light up any of the surrounds • . . ahortly after first seeing them he went out . thrpugh the gate and stood by �he ·

fence of the playing fields oppo site to see them mqre c learly .After t�n seconds he turned round and went back to the house to call hi.s wife .He then want- .. �aGt .. · ... .. . . . the garden just in time to see the beams cut off together and instantaneously p�� t thi s the dog se·emed to become normal aeairi and moved about the garden e However , the source of the beams was sti ll vi smble - two sha:tply defined white ovals at· . 1 5 ·�egree elevati on above the base . Wi thin seconds they came · together much . closer : ' "ut did not merge and then shot instantly up into the sky until at several hundred · ."l.Jtre s height and elevati on 60 degree s . Thi s took just 2 secqnds .They s�opped rlead and after about ten seconds began to move slowly across the sky towards hi s )O sition.At thfs point hi s wife came olht and they both ·watched the two ·balls Qf

light move slowly out of view , taking 6 minute s to vani sh , over the romf . There .had been �o sound at ant stage and they had seen no ,ppject behind the lights .An extensive investigati on was undertaken but no explanation has been forthcoming o -On thi s same night · there were several · CE reports made to NUFON from the regi on • • • St;e for example 78/143 ; 78/1 44 and 78/233 in the relevant . i ssue·s ·. or· Northern UFO News . RCM 27 M P S UNKNOWN _ _ _____ __ ._ ... ___ _..._ _._._... _ _ ____ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ... _ _ ____ .......,_� � --··-- - �-------- ---- ----._ ... _, _ __..,-...... -STATI SI'IC S FOR THI S I SSUE a Case s 1 6 ; Insuff c).ata 6 ; Meteors 4 ; Refelcti on 1


UFOSIS , David Sydeserff , JGhn Hind , Terry Hooper , John Watson & Nigel Watson for thi s. issue . .

_ _ .._ _ ._ � - - - - - - -- - --- - - - - -.....- .- - - - - - - - - - - - -......,__- - ...._-�--- - - - - - - --...-- - - - ------- .....

"'T'"'�THERN UFOLOGY January 1980 PAGE TEN