944 writing portfolio

? .:; loceantrontartfoffl)j sho*ro,ing the Best and Brightest in san Diego,s Art Scene WwffiffireffiffiW*m ffiffiWffi Paul Stanley of KISS Prouu His Artistic T)zlents Go Way Beyond rhe Stage Vtitten by Christina Burluid I pQarently, KISS frontman Paul Staniey paints more than just his gnarly makeup and does l\ / \ so with a zing worth $2 mill on in the sales of his acrylic paintings. San Diego residents will get a chance to witness this moment in hard rock history, as a heavy metal poster child puts down the guitar and picks up the palette at the Wentworth Gallery in La Jolla this month. Stanley has combated both the world of Woodstock and watercolor and has come out as an iconic figure through both modes of expression, With contagious conviction, his self-proclaimed secret to success is to "stay true to whatever art form and you'll always find people to connect with," and damn, does he do it well. Staniey's journey from stage to studio is chocked with admirable innovation and downright honesty. I hough his professional ca.ee. in fine art launched only last year, Stanley's vjbrant works are anything but amateur and have boldly found their way into reputable col ections. His themes run the gamut from patrotic to personal, yet he highlights his use of vivid colors that parallel the vivid inspiration of h s everyday experiences. Utilizing texture and scale along with bright color combos, Stanley has a rninimalist approach that brilliantly conveys emotional clarity to his fans. He is heralded as having an ability to tap rnto human sensations, ensuring his smooth rite of passage into the critical art world, What s arguably just as fasc nating as the artwork ttself is his journey in creating the art. Each work is a byproduct of an experience, rather than a means of supplemental income, and his art fans can feel this verity 6 Ia canvas, Though Stanley's been a mainstay in rock stardom since the '70s, as a youth he attended the prestigious New york High School of Music and Ar1. Later, his antr-establishment attitude naturally d rected him more toward the life of a rebellious rockstar than the trained artist, and off he went. Staniey's return to the drawing room was during a period of intense self refiection. While he was always a visionary in the band, designing album covers and giving concert input, now he's finaily able to develop his passion for paint. He explains that what's truly unique about his debut into the art wor d is that he's "literally growing as an artist while in the public eye." Each new work is a souvenir of progression and every expectation goes out the window. l\,4any collectors have purchased Stanley's works without knowing he was behind it, justifying the integrlty of the work itself and knocking any suspicions of just another Hollywood sellout resting on narne recognition. Yet in true visionary form, Stanley can see the benefits of his name on the art, bringing fans that haven't normally ventured into the art world, smack dab ln the mlddle of it. Even wrth 19 exhibit openings under his belt, Stanley will still appear in San Diego December 5 and 6, when his traveling exhibit will be showcased at Wentworth Gallery's V.l.P, Reception. As for whether or not he will don the trademark KISS spandex, don't count on it. One thing is certain though, and that's his surefjre success regardless of art medturn. "My approach is to travel without a map, to paint with no rdea of where I'm going," he says. 1025 Prospect Street, La Jolla | 858.551.7071 lwww.wentworthgallery.com - While he was aways a visionary in tne band, designing album covers and giving concert input, now he's finally able to develop his passion for paint {tS z #..t 'fl;v " alang with ,'of his exhibit, al ov to connect with a dil introspective side of w o2 DECEMBER2008 . 944.COM

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loceantrontartfoffl)j sho*ro,ing the Best and Brightest in san Diego,s Art Scene

WwffiffireffiffiW*m ffiffiWffiPaul Stanley of KISS Prouu His Artistic T)zlents Go Way Beyond rhe StageVtitten by Christina Burluid

I pQarently, KISS frontman Paul Staniey paints more than just his gnarly makeup and doesl\/ \ so with a zing worth $2 mill on in the sales of his acrylic paintings. San Diego residents

will get a chance to witness this moment in hard rock history, as a heavy metal poster child

puts down the guitar and picks up the palette at the Wentworth Gallery in La Jolla this month.

Stanley has combated both the world of Woodstock and watercolor and has come out as an

iconic figure through both modes of expression, With contagious conviction, his self-proclaimed

secret to success is to "stay true to whatever art form and you'll always find people to connect

with," and damn, does he do it well. Staniey's journey from stage to studio is chocked with

admirable innovation and downright honesty.

I hough his professional ca.ee. in

fine art launched only last year, Stanley's

vjbrant works are anything but amateur

and have boldly found their way into

reputable col ections. His themes run

the gamut from patrotic to personal,

yet he highlights his use of vivid colors

that parallel the vivid inspiration of h s

everyday experiences. Utilizing texture

and scale along with bright color combos, Stanley has a rninimalist approach that brilliantly

conveys emotional clarity to his fans. He is heralded as having an ability to tap rnto human

sensations, ensuring his smooth rite of passage into the critical art world,

What s arguably just as fasc nating as the artwork ttself is his journey in creating the art. Each work is a byproduct of an experience, rather than a means of supplemental

income, and his art fans can feel this verity 6 Ia canvas, Though Stanley's been a mainstay in rock stardom since the '70s, as a youth he attended the prestigious New york

High School of Music and Ar1. Later, his antr-establishment attitude naturally d rected him

more toward the life of a rebellious rockstar than the trained artist, and off he went.

Staniey's return to the drawing room was during a period of intense self

refiection. While he was always a visionary in the band, designing album covers

and giving concert input, now he's finaily able to develop his passion for paint.

He explains that what's truly unique about his debut into the art wor d is that he's

"literally growing as an artist while in the public eye." Each new work is a souvenir

of progression and every expectation goes out the window.

l\,4any collectors have purchased Stanley's works without knowing he was

behind it, justifying the integrlty of the work itself and knocking any suspicions of

just another Hollywood sellout resting on narne recognition. Yet in true visionary

form, Stanley can see the benefits of his name on the art, bringing fans that haven't

normally ventured into the art world, smack dab ln the mlddle of it.

Even wrth 19 exhibit openings under his belt, Stanley will still appear in San Diego

December 5 and 6, when his traveling exhibit will be showcased at Wentworth

Gallery's V.l.P, Reception. As for whether or not he will don the trademark KISS

spandex, don't count on it. One thing is certain though, and that's his surefjre

success regardless of art medturn. "My approach is to travel without a map, to

paint with no rdea of where I'm going," he says.

1025 Prospect Street, La Jolla | 858.551.7071 lwww.wentworthgallery.com


While he was aways avisionary in tne band,

designing album coversand giving concert input,

now he's finally able todevelop his passion for paint

{tSz #..t'fl;v

" alang with,'of his exhibit, al ovto connect with a dil

introspective side of


o2 DECEMBER2008 . 944.COM

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Not-to-be-Missed Exhibitsthis Month

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Gandhi's timeless mantra fueled a group of artists to be the

change they wanted to see in the planet, and in conjunction with

MCASD and UC Berkeley, they've created downright inspiring

works. These eight artists were sent smack dab in the center of

various UNESCO World Heritage sites and commissioned to

create pieces on the intersection of art and their surroundings.

One artist coordinated a class of grade school students to create

and sell art to fund a replanting of their destitute Kenyan forests.

Another artist addressed overwhelming globalization through

a replica of a Tibetan world in the museum itself. The exhibit

runs through February t, so first go green, then go to MCASD

for a frx of eco-friendly art.

Ttoo Kettner Blvd, Downtown San Diego | 858.454.3541


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After several nomadic years in Downtown San Diego, 29-year-

old SUSHI is frnally homeward bound. January 13 marks its

homecoming season back in its original locale, and what better

way to celebrate than with a fresh contemporary piece by the

avant-garde Little Known Dance Theatre, a cross between dance

troupe and art collective. This inaugural performance investigates

the phenomenon of the American obsession with excess material

objects. Examining our culture's daunting consumelism through

intellectually stimulating movement, Little Known Dance Theatre

is heavy on the mind and light on their feet with this mystical show.

Director Leslie Seiters is known for her contagious spontaneity,

and with a set of nine tables and various "stuffed shirts," the

audience can only prepare itself for utter surprise. The show runs

January r5-r8, but hit up this venue's exhibiting space anytime

for some raw finds in contemporary art

3go Eleventh Avenue, East ViIIage | 619.235.8466



Moving into its brand-spankin' new crib January l, the gallery

owners figure it's high time for larger exhibits, more elaborate

installations and a killer lineup for its 2o09 season. Come bear

witness to its initiating exhibit, B66 oq which displays the works

of photographer Frank Rogozienski. During the entire zooB leap

year, he captured anything from insect cadavers to snaggletoothed

children with the only consistent theme being imaginative

composition. Originally existing as a blog project, the exhibit

translates art from the blogosphere into a traditional gallerytype

exhibit, and is an intriguing look into the transformation of art

with technology. Showing January 16 thru February r5, drop by



944.com 31

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tnovroD.-- rr.).-),,r .-rr^ri ,ll)cadciclc1clLl\lHow to Swt"uiue the f{ali&4ts Withsut

Winding {& i* the Fetal Posiri*n

Vritten. hy tlltririna Buquirl


| 'm no Martha Stewart. Aside from a few instances of rampant redecoration and a strange affinity to Tupperware, llust don't do domestic. l'm sure fellow youngI

I professionals would agree that trying to whlp up a bitchin' lobster bisque in between mult ple jobs and a social life is noth ng short of miraculous. So the prospect

of the holidays, with its plethora of potlucks and ovedy ornate beef stews, is certainly enough to have me break lnto a cold kitchen-phobic sweat, begging boss

lady for overtime.

Whicn got me thinking: How do we, as a prominent demographic - the style-savvy, pilates-practicing, iPod-grooving populace

- tackle this holiday season?

I mean, aslde from the culinary crackdown, we've got overly inquisitive aunts and one-cup-too-many eggnog-drinktng uncles to watch out for. lt seems like each

year the sweaters gets tackier and L swear l'll pop a nerve if Aunt Bernie gets me one more curiously discolored fruitcake. I Love my family and all, but not necessar Ly

all of my family at one table (think of an extended version of My Big Fat Greek Wedding).

What fructose-filled cousins and menopausal aunts don't realize is that famiy fiascos are at an alllime awkward high for the twentysomething generatlon. To

ease this transition, here are a few firsthand dos and don'ts to help you dodge utter holiday dysfunction.

When it comes to holiday food, DON'T be ambitious; reverting to full

reliance on the parental unit in this department often works best.

One year, n an attempt to diversify my family's edible options, L dropped by the

local sushi deli and picked up a tray of mixed sashimi, Needless to say, my poor

grandma was bowing down to the linoleurn gods for a good haLf-hour, and my

cousins had an epic raw food fight that will forever be remembered, including

sta!ns on the stucco. Apparently, not everyone does sushi for unch.

When it comes to gift-giving, DO remember that the fail-safe gift card

is your best friend.

It's easily transportabLe, can fit in pretty much any stylish stationery and is very well

received. Most importantly, using one avoids the embarrassment of accidentalLy

re giving a gift you got last year, lt happens a lot more than one wou d think

and can be quite traumatic for all said parties. Generally, if the person has tact

they won't be confrontational, but if your family is as shamelessly obnoxious as

mine, be prepared to bribe big. Gifts in general are a bad idea, because they

eiiher show the person how much you don't know them, or -

if they actually

ike it -

Leave them only expecting more for next year. Steer clear of packaged

parcels and opt for cash.

Boyfriends are OK, but DO warn the family of boyfriends with mohawks

and multiple visible piercings well in advance.

As cool as he ls with your ma and pa, when the general familial consensus

is involved, jewe ry on the face and ha r that defies gravity are apparently red

flags for unendrng critique. The year I brought my high school boyfriend with a

s ngle ear piercing, my grandpa temporarily believed he was a priest who tried

to exorcise my demonic sins. These days, if the guy so much as has a thing for

black cloth ng I don't allow him within a IO-mile radius of my family's house.




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