93528008 aircraft handling

Aircraft Handling and Ramp Supervision Self-Study NOV 2011 © Austrian Airlines, Ground Handling Training | in cooperation with OGS

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Page 1: 93528008 Aircraft Handling

Aircraft Handling and Ramp SupervisionSelf-Study

NOV 2011

© Austrian Airlines, Ground Handling Training | in cooperation with OGS

Page 2: 93528008 Aircraft Handling

Table of Contents1. Introduction

2. The Austrian Airlines Group

2.1 Corporate Profi le

2.2 Fleet

2.2.1 Aircraft Overview

2.2.2 The long haul fl eet

2.2.3 The short- and middle haul fl eet

2.3 Destinations

2.4 Delay Codes

2.5 Hub Vienna

2.5.1 Hub Control Center

3. Guidelines and Manuals for OS Ramp Handling and Loadcontrol Staff

3.1 Manuals published by IATA

3.2 Manuals published by OS

3.2.1 Ground Handling Library VIA INTERNET

3.2.2 Overview AHM

4. Summary of normative Organisations

5. Basic Information

5.1 Airplane Parts Defi nitions and Function

5.2 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

5.2.1 Time Zones

5.3 Danger Areas in the Vicinity of the Aircraft

5.3.1 Venting Area

5.3.2 Air Intake Area

5.3.3 Exhaust / Blast Area

5.3.4 Propeller Area

5.4 Four Forces of an Airplane

5.5 Phonetic Alphabet

5.6 Runway Designator

6. IATA/ICAO Terms and Defi nitions

7. Personal Notes

































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1. Introduction

Dear colleagues,

welcome to the Self-study for the Aircraft and Ramp Handling Supervision Course!

This booklet is a short introduction for personnel engaged in aircraft handling. It covers topics like

> Austrian Airlines Group Corporate profi le, AAG fl eet, Destinations, Hub Vienna

> Guidelines and Manuals

> Normative organizations: IATA, ICAO, JAA-T, FAA, SITA, EUROCONTROL

> Basic information Phonetic Alphabet, Runway Designator, Coordinated Universal Time, Airplane Parts, Defi nition, Four Forces on an Airplane, Danger Areas

> IATA/ICAO terms and defi nitions

Please make sure, that you have enough time to deal with the subject. A good know-ledge of the basics laid down in the self study is mandatory for the following Aircraft and Ramp Handling Supervision Course. On the fi rst day of the ARS you will have to pass an entry test (multiple choice). The pass mark is 75%. If you do not pass the entry test you will not be able to participate in the course.

Not all specifi c information concerning your airport can be provided in the self-study. Thus it is your own responsibility to make yourself familiar with the situation at your home base.

We wish you a lot of pleasure and success in your job!

Aircraft Handling TeamGround Handling Training VIEKST OS


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2. The Austrian Airlines Group

The Austrian Airlines Group (AAG) is a competition oriented, Austrian airline ensem-ble, belonging to the Lufthansa Airlines Group.

2.1 Corporate Profi le

The Austrian Airlines Group provides an attractive portfolio of services in the scheduled and charter segments. Top levels of quality and punctuality, an outstanding price-performance ratio, a dense network of connections via the central Vienna hub, individualized fare selection options and the proven Austrian touch are just some of the features used successfully by the Group to distinguish itself from competitor airlines.

In line with the “Focus East” strategy, the main markets of the Austrian Airlines Group are its Central and East European services and connections to theMiddle East.

Long-haul services to North America and the Far East complete the Group’s product range.


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2.2 Fleet

The Austrian Airlines Group operates a total of 81 aircraft. The AAG - Austrian, together with its partners Lauda Air and Austrian arrows - serves 130 destinations worldwide.

In the year 2010, the Group carried 10,9 million passengers. Aircraft of varioustypes and sizes allow an effi cient operation on given segments. Departure and arrival times are coordinated following well-structured banks so as to offer ideal national and international connections at the Vienna hub.

The aircraft types Airbus 321 / 320 / 319, Boeing 777 / 767 / 737, Fokker 100 / 70, Dash 8-400Q will bring you to the destination of your choice.

The average age of the Austrian Airlines Group fl eet is in the mid-range compared to other international airlines.

For more information about the Austrian Airlines AG please refer to the offi cial home page www.austrian.com or the internal home page www.one-intra.net (pass-word protected).

Detailed information about the fl eet is published in the

Austrian Ground Handling Library

https://www.austrian-ogp.com/content/site/opssupport/fl eetdeclarations/index.html

and on the AAG



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2.2.1 Aircraft Overview

2.2.2 The Long Haul Fleet

Design / LiveryNumber of A/C

Aircraft Types


04 Boeing 77706 Boeing 76706 Airbus A32109 Airbus A32007 Airbus A31910 Boeing 737

Austrian Arrows38

15 Fokker 10009 Fokker 7014 Dash 8 – 400

Lauda Air01

01 Boeing 737

Boeing B777


Sound of MusicHeart of EuropeDream of FreedomSpirit of Austria


Boeing B767


ChinaSalzburger FestspieleJapanIndiaWiener SängerknabenThailand



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2.2.3 The Short- and Middle Haul Fleet

Airbus A321


SalzkammergutPinzgauSüdtirolSteirisches WeinlandWachauWien


Airbus A319


Sofi aBucharestKievMoscowBakuSarajevoTbilisi


Airbus A320


OsttirolPyhrn-EisenwurzenWienerwaldBregenzer Wald NeusiedlerseeWaldviertelWörtherseeMühlviertelWeinviertel

168CM168CM168CM168CM 168CM168CM168CM168CM168CM


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WildspitzeFreddie MercuryGroßglocknerGroßvenedigerPiz BuinGeschriebensteinGerlitzen


Boeing B736, B738

Fokker 100





B737-700 (73G)OE-LNNOE-LNO



B737-600 (736)OE-LNMOE-LNL



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Fokker 70


Innsbruck Stadt SalzburgKlagenfurtGrazKremsLinzWelsDornbirnSteyr


Dash 8-400Q

DH8-400Q (DH4)


KärntenTirolLand SalzburgSteiermarkOberösterreichNiederösterreichBudapestVorarlbergEisenstadtSt.PöltenBurgenlandAltenrheinVillachGmunden



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Short/Medium range:

2.3 Destinations

Long range:

Detailed information about the route network is published on the AAG

webpage: http://www.austrian.com


WashingtonNew York


































AltenrheinKl urt



T a





St. Petersburg
















Tel Aviv


Yerevan Baku



























Page 11: 93528008 Aircraft Handling

2.4 Delay Codes

To standardize the expression of delay reasons, IATA has assigned numbers for each delay, the so-called delay codes.

These codes are sorted into 12 groups according to the reason of the delay (e.g. Pas-senger and Baggage, Cargo, Mail, Aircraft and Ramp Handling, Technical and Aircraft Equipment)

Some airlines, like AAG, have additional codes to give more precise information about the delay(s). Additional codes are called sub codes and usually expressed by letters added to the numbers.

Delay codes have to be used in all departure messages for fl ights that are operating behind schedule as well as in all delay messages.

Please see AHM VOL.1 / 6.2 for more details about delay codes.


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85 Mandatory Security DispositionsA Congestion at security checkB Unloading baggage because of missing PAX at gateC Congestion at document check due to APIS / APP processing (station VIE only)D Error by or Late or Lack of VIAS Security staff (station VIE only) E Error by or Late or Lack of VIAS Doccheck staff (station VIE only)F Late / slow boarding due to mandatory security dispositions

86 Immigration / Customs / HealthA Immigration – InfrastructureB Immigration – Lack of staffC CustomsD INAD or insufficient traveldoc passengerE Extended check of travel documents / VisaF Incoming deboarding pax doc check by authorities

87 Airport FacilitiesA Lack of parking standsB Lighting or buildingsC Baggage sorting system owned by airport authorities / check limitationD Airport information system failure if owned by airport authoritiesE Jet bridge inoperative / break downF No gate / stand available due to airline activity other than Austrian Airlines GroupG Lack of / Insufficient counters or workstations

88 Restrictions at Airport of Destination89 Restrictions at Airport of Departure with or without ATFM Restrictions

A Start-up and pushback

Reactionary (91 to 96)91 Load Connection, Awaiting Passenger / Cargo / Mail from another Flight92 Through Check-in Error, Passenger and Baggage

A Delay caused by error of previous stationB Delay caused due to insufficient TCI facilities at previous station (station VIE only)

93 Aircraft Rotation, Late Arrival of A/C from another Flight or previous Sector94 Cabin Crew Rotation, awaiting Cabin Crew from another Flight 95 Crew Rotation, awaiting Crew from another Flight (Flight Deck or entire Crew)

A Entire crew too late due to rotationB Only cockpit crew too late due to rotationC Deadheaded crew late due to rotation

96 Operations Control, Rerouting, Diversion, Consolidation, A/C change forReasons other than Technical

Miscellaneous (97 to 99)97 Industrial Action within own Airline98 Industrial Action outside own Airline99 Not elsewhere specified (use only max 15 min)

16 Commercial Reasons, Publicity, Passengers’ Convenience, VIP, Press,Unscheduled Ground Meals, Missing Personal Items

A Late Pax-boarding due to VIP / HONB Late acceptance of PAX for commercial reasons / install. Stretcher (sales request)C Late de- / boarding due to disabled passengerD Missing personal items, passenger´s own mistakeE Illness / death of passenger or unruly passengerF Error by wheelchair service

17 Catering Order, Late or Incorrect Order given to Supplier18 Baggage Processing, Sorting, etc.

A Excessive hand-luggage / mishandling / DAAB Error baggage sorting area / late delivery handling agentC Transfer-baggageD Baggage Problem due to A/C capacityE Rushbag irregularities

Cargo only (21 to 26)

21 Documentation, Errors, etc.A Incorrect or late cargo figures given to load control by cargo departmentB Late aircraft document briefcase due to missing cargo document

22 Late Positioning23 Late Acceptance24 Inadequate Packing or Incorrect Build-Up of ULD’s25 Oversales / Booking Errors of Cargo / Mail26 Late Preparation in Warehouse

Mail only (27 to 29)27 Documentation, Packing, etc.

A Delays due to mail volume limitations28 Late Positioning 29 Late Acceptance

Aircraft and Ramp Handling (31 to 39)31 Aircraft Documentation Late / Inaccurate, Weight & Balance, General

Declaration, PAX Manifest, etc.A Lack of / late / error by handling coordinator / Red Cap / BRS agentB Weight and balance (Loadcontrol / Loadsheet) done by handling agentC Late / wrong documents / information by airline

(PAX-manifest, general declaration, curtain version, booking-status)D Repositioning of passengers / deadload for balance reasonsE Weight and balance (Loadcontrol / Loadsheet) done by own airline

Flight Operations and Crewing (61 to 69)61 Flight Plan, Late Completion or Change or Error of Flight Documentation62 Operational Requirements, Extra or Last Minute Fuelling, Load Alteration

A Late Fuel Figures63 Late Crew Boarding or Departure Procedures other than Connection and

Standby (Flight Deck or entire Crew) A Entire crew late boardingB Entire crew late boarding due to crew busC Only cockpit crew late boardingD Only cockpit crew late boarding due to crew busE Missing or wrong deadheaded crew informationF Error by Crew Control

64 Flight Deck Crew Shortage, Sickness, awaiting Standby, Flight TimeLimitations, Crew Meals, etc.

65 Flight Deck Crew Error or Special Request, not within Operational RequirementsA Delay caused by error of previous flight deck crewB Holding / Delaying Pax Boarding by CrewC Request for Maintenance not minimum equipment list

66 Late Cabin Crew Boarding or Departure Procedures, other thanConnection and Standby

A Cabin Crew late boarding due to crew bus67 Cabin Crew Shortage, Sickness, awaiting Standby, Flight Time Limitations,

Crew Meals, etc. 68 Cabin Crew Error or Special Request, not within Operational Requirements

A Wrong head checkB Re-orders, e. g. cateringC Delay caused by error of previous cabin crew

69 Captain Request for Extraordinary Security Check

Weather (71 to 77)71 Station of Departure72 Station of Destination73 En Route or Alternate75 De-Icing of Aircraft, Removal of Ice and / or Snow, Frost Prevention exclu-

ding unserviceability of Equipment76 Removal of Snow, Ice, Water and / or Sand from Airport77 Ground Handling Impaired by Adverse Weather Conditions

Airport and Governmental Authorities (81 to 89)81 ATFM due to ATC en-route demand / capacity82 ATFM due to ATC staff / equipment en-route83 ATFM due to Restricion at Destination Airport84 ATFM due to Weather at Destination

03 Delays within 3 minutes after STD04 Number of necessary Delay Codes more than 2 (station VIE only)06 No Gate / Stand available due to own Airline Activity08 Min. Groundtime differences AAG / FWAG (station VIE only)09 Scheduled Ground Time less than declared Minimum Ground Time

Passenger and Baggage (11 to 18)11 Late Check-in / Acceptance after Deadline

A Late acceptance of Transfer PAXB Late acceptance of Local PAX

12 Late Check-in / Congestion in Check-in AreaA Congestion in spite of all check-in counters openB Congestion due to insufficient check-in counters open / Lack of staffC Late or no staff for order due to error staff disponent / planning error

13 Check-in Error, Passenger and Baggage A Check-in error station staffB Double check-in, double seatingC Check-in with insufficient documents or invalid ticketD Error by Hub Control Center Vienna

14 Oversales / Booking ErrorsA Overbooking up & down Austrian Airlines GroupB Overbooking up & down other airline (code share)C Booking Error by Charter Marketing

15 Slow Boarding, Discrepancies and Paging, Missing Checked-in PassengerWithout Baggage

A Boarding error (wrong No. of PAX on board / tickets / B/P)B Slow boarding by gate staff (e. g. ticket problems)C Checked-in passenger late at gate without baggage

E Lack of staff / late opening of gateSlow Passenger Boarding / DeboardingD

IATA Standard Delay Codes andAustrian Airlines Group Supplements

44 Spares / Equipment, Lack of Spares, Missing Equipment e.g. Life Vests and /or Life Rafts

A Lack of sparesB Lack of / breakdown of maintenance equipmentC Breakdown IT-Systems

45 AOG Spares to Be Carried to Another Station46 Aircraft Change for Technical Reasons 47 Standby Aircraft,

Lack of Planned Standby Aircraft for Technical Reasons48 Scheduled Cabin Configuration / Version Adjustments

Aircraft Damage (51, 52)

51 Damage During Flight Operations, Bird or Lightning Strike, Turbulence, Heavy or Overweight Landing , Collision during Taxiing

A Aircraft change for technical reasons after damage during flight operations, by lightning strike, bird strike or due to overspeed or overweight landing check

52 Damage During Ground OperationsA Collision (other than during taxiing), loading / offloading damage,

towing by handling agentB Contamination, extreme weather conditionsC Aircraft change for technical reasons after damage by handling agent D Aircraft change for technical reasons after damage by third party other than

handling agent

EDP/Automated Equipment Failure (55 to 58)55 Departure Control System

A DCS/LH-GUIDE errorB Gate reader error / problems

56 Cargo System, Preparation / Documentation57 Flight Plans58 Other Systems

A System of handling agent (MACH or other systems)B System of handling agent (BRS)C Dataline interruptedD System of Austrian Airlines Group

32 Loading / Unloading, bulky, special, excessive Load, Cabin Load, Lack ofLoading Staff, Volume Difficulties

A Cabin load; bulky, special loadB Lack of / late loaders

33 Loading Equipment, Lack of or Breakdown, e.g. Container / Pallet Loader,Lack of Staff

34 Servicing Equipment, Lack of or Breakdown, Lack of Staff

A Lack of or late passenger stairsB Lack of or late passenger busC Lack of or late airstarter / ground power

35 Aircraft Cleaning A Water / toilet / windows servicingB Cabin cleaning by handling agentC Cleaning done by othersD Special or extended cleaning

36 Fuelling / Defuelling, Fuel Supplier ErrorA DefuellingB Error by, Lack of or late fuel truck ARC (station VIE only) C Error by, Lack of or late fuel truck AAG Skytanking (station VIE only)

37 Catering, Late Delivery or Loading DiscrepanciesA Lack of handling agent staffB Lack of or breakdown of catering high loader /

late delivery by high loaderC Late catering delivery / supply by catering companyD Wrong or insufficient catering equipmentE Last minute catering order by airline

38 ULD, Lack of or Serviceability39 Technical Equipment, Lack of or Breakdown

A Lack of or late Push-backB Lack of de-icing equipment

Technical and Aircraft Equipment (41 to 48)

41 Aircraft Defects, Except Due to Outside CausesA Aircraft defects on outstations (no qualified technician

on site due to CEC (Crew External Check) concept)42 Scheduled Maintenance / Late Release

A Late release due to shortened ground time (not possible to perform planned workpackage due to late incoming of A/C / undercut of planned technical ground time)

B Aircraft late on ramp due to lack of / late Push-back tractorC Lack of staff

43 Non Scheduled Maintenance, Special Checks and / or Additional Works beyond normal Maintenance Schedule (bird strike, lightning strike, overspeed check, turbulence check, overweight landing check)

A Lack of staffB Start up procedure due to APU INOP /

maintenance procedure before departure44 Spares / Equipment, Lack of Spares, Missing Equipment e.g. Life Vests and /

or Life Rafts A Lack of sparesB Lack of / breakdown of maintenance equipmentC Breakdown IT-Systems

Page 13: 93528008 Aircraft Handling

2.5 Hub Vienna

Vienna International Airport (VIE) is Austria’s biggest and busiest airport and additi-onally the hub of Austrian Airlines. VIE is in operation 24 hours a day and on its 2 runways it can handle a capacity of 60 movements per hour.

In 2010 the passenger volume was 19.7 million. Austrian Airlines’ share reached over 10.0 million passengers.

The main markets are Central and East European services and connections to the Middle East. Long-haul services to North America and the Far East complete the product range.

The connection time of only 25 minutes requires a well prepared fl ow of pas-sengers and their baggage. It is the load controllers’ duty to separate the customers baggage into different priority categories like “Hot baggage” (transfer bag with connection time of 25 to 60 minutes), “Transfer baggage” (over 60 minutes transfer time), “Priority baggage” (local baggage of business class passengers) and “Local baggage” (non priority local baggage). In addition VIE needs a separation of transfer baggage and local baggage, as they are handled in different baggage sorting areas.

In order to enable a smooth transfer of passengers and dead load to connecting fl ights, all ground operation activities are to be performed during a minimum ground/turn-around time from 25 to 100 minutes, depending on the aircraft type (Dash4 to B777). In addition night curfews at destination airports, slots and crew rest times have to be taken into consideration. Nevertheless the main goal remains: safety fi rst!

Beside the convenience of our passengers, safety and quality, also commercial criteria like fuel saving and environmental protection must be fulfi lled by aircraft handling staff. E.g. Bulk load utilization in wide body aircrafts helps in many ways to save fuel and increase the revenue.

These and many more rules and regulations will be instructed during the ARS course.

. Einsteigekarten- undFlugscheinkontrolleBoardingpass &Ticket Control

PasskontrollePassport Control

Non-Schengen Shuttlebus



na Airport TransferPlan


Austrian Check-in Area

Gates C31-C42

Gates D61-D70

Transfergate C35-C41

Gates D21-D29(Non-Schengen) Gates C71-C75

Gates D31-D37Gates B24-B42

Senator Lounge

Business Lounge

Senator Lounge

Business Lounge


Austrian AirlinesService Center

Austrian AirlinesLounges

Transit Non-Schengen BereichTransit Non-Schengen Area

Transit Schengen BereichTransit Schengen Area

Zoll / PolizeiCustoms / Police

Page 14: 93528008 Aircraft Handling

2.5.1 Hub Control Center

AAG-Positions in the HCC:

External partners in the HCC:

DQCR / Ramp Service Unitis responsible for

> Direct Ramp Transfers for Short Connection Passengers> Incoming assistance on remote positions

DQCS / Ramp Supervision Unitis responsible for

> Quality Assurance (checking services of the supplier)> Supporting the Turnaround-process to save time> Station Relief for KK/KO


Phone: +43 - (0)5 - 1766 - 62000Fax: +43 - (0)5 - 1766 - 69256SITA: VIEKOOSE-mail: [email protected]

Please see AHM Introduction for all important contacts and phone numbers.

Teams of Station Control with close HCC-cooperation:

DQC/Hub Control Center

CC/“Chief of the Day“Connex Controller

Irregularity MonitorerFlight Monitoring AAG

CE/“Flight Monitoring Customer Airlines“

VIEKSP/Staff Planning for

Check-In and Boarding

VIEKK/DSMDuty Station Manager

VIEOC/Flight Dispatch

Austrian Arrows

TDMFDC/Maintenance Operation


VIE Coordinator(Airport Vienna) ISS Cleaning


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3. Guidelines and Manuals for OS Ramp Handling and Loadcontrol Staff

3.1 Manuals Published By IATA

> IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM) > IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations Manual (DGR)

> IATA Live Animals Regulations Manual (LAR)

3.2 Manuals Published By OS

> Passenger Handling Manual (PHM), (Charter Handling Manual) > Aircraft Handling Manual (AHM)

> Cargo Handling Manual (CHM)

> Charter Handling Manual

> Station Management Manual (STM)

> Quality Assurance Manual (QUAM)

Standard access to all ground handling related manuals published by OS is provided via internet (world wide web) www.austrian-ogp.com (Austrian Ground Handling Library), where you can also fi nd a lot of other essential information. Detailed infor-mation will be given in the next chapter.

CD-ROMs (ground handling manuals, forms and supplies) are issued on a seasonal basis and shall serve as a backup only.


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3.2.1 Ground Handling Library Via Internet

Log in

Link: www.austrian-ogp.com

Username and Password are distributed individually. In case of any questions please contact: [email protected]

Austrian Airlines AG Ground Operations Ground Handling Policies & Services / OGS

Offi ce Park 2, P.O. Box 100A-1300 Vienna Airport - Austria

E-Mail: [email protected]

Responsible editor, responsible for distribution:

Fill in USERNAME and PASSWORD for access to the Austrian Ground Handling Library


Page 17: 93528008 Aircraft Handling

Main Topics

The ground handling library contains following main topics:

Select the desired MAIN TOPIC: GOP, Manuals, Forms & Supplies, OPS Support


GOP currentGOP archive

Ground Handling Procedure Updates

All GOPs published during the last 3 monthsAll GOPs dating back 1 year


Aircraft Handling

Passenger Handling

Charter Handling

Cargo Handling

Station Management


Ground Handling Procedure Manuals

Aircraft Handling Manuals> AHM Introduction> AHM Vol.1, General Part> AHM Vol.2, Aircraft Guides NON-ULD> AHM Vol.2, Aircraft Guides ULD

PHM – Passenger Handling Manual

Charter Handling Manual> Facility Seating

CHM – Cargo handling Manual

STM – Station Management Manual

Checklists and sheets> Station Surveillance Check Sheet A> Station Surveillance Check Sheet B> Push Back Assistance & Walkaround Checklist


Page 18: 93528008 Aircraft Handling

Forms & Supplies

General Informationabout material ordering

Aircraft Handling forms

Aircraft Safety

Passenger and Baggagehandling supplies

Cargo Forms


Forms and Supplies for Aircraft, Passenger andBaggage Handling

How to order forms and supplies

Templates of aircraft handling forms

Template of a “Ground Incident/Accident/Damage Report

Samples of all passenger and baggage handlingsupplies, templates of passenger handling forms

NOTOC, DG occurence report

Confi dential reporting form

OPS Support

DOW/DOI data

Fleet Declaration

Pantry Codes

Payload Restrictions

Potable Water

A319 Hold Versions

X-Bag Embargo


Baggage Station Performance

Delay Statistics

Operations Support, Special Aircraft Information

DOW/DOI tables for the Austrian Airbus, Boeing and Tyrolean fl eet

Fleet declaration for the current utilized fl eet and its operating confi gurations.

Pantry codes for all Austrian Airlines Group operated scheduled fl ights

Seasonal payload restrictions, aircraft and destination dependant

General information about potable water and water uplift data for all Austrian stations

Information about the different hold confi gurations

Current X-bag embargos for legs and time periods

CRO reports, Infobox and FAQ

Monthly and annual baggage performance reports

Monthly and annual performance reports


Other Documentation > Corporate Security> Local Airport Procedure - LAP> De-/Anti Icing Procedures> Quality Assurance Manual> Station Emergency Response Plans> STAR Lost & Found Policy

CONFIRM VIA WEB the receipt and the implementation of all updates as per actual revision of the respective manual(s).

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The NEWSTICKER shows special highlighted subjects derived from the OGS news chan-nel or topics requiring your immediate action and attention

Press the NEWS button and fi nd all procedure news sorted by publication date, latest on top

By clicking “more”, detailed information can bedisplayed

Icons in the “detailed view” offer following possibilities:Back back to news overviewRecommend forward this page to other e-mail address


Page 20: 93528008 Aircraft Handling

3.2.2 Overview AHM

AHM Introduction

Scope and Purpose, Validity of contents,Terms and Defi nitions,References to other Manuals and Computer Systems, Abbreviations List, Phonetic Alphabet (ICAO), Austrian Airlines Group Mission Statement, Structure of AHM Vol.2 / ULD and Non- ULD, Important Addresses

AHM Volume I General Part

1. Ramp Handling: Aircraft Handling, Fuelling, Ramp Safety

2. Loadcontrol: Company Operating Rules, Staff Qualifi cations, Load Control Procedure, Weight and Balance Calculation, Weight Control of Load, Data Communication

3. Loadplanning: General Regulations, Load Conversion Figures, Load Distribution, Loading Instruction/Report, Unit Load Versions

4. Loading: Baggage, ULDs, Bulk Load, Supporting of Load, Loading Accessories, Ballast, Dangerous Goods, Live Animals, Miscellaneous Special Loads, Stowing of Load in the Passenger Cabin, Unloading, Loading Priorities

5. Documentation: Actual Weights, Standard Weights, Loadsheet, Last Minute Changes, Notifi cation to Captain, General Declaration, Loading and Storage of Aircraft Handling Documents, Crew and Crew Seats

6. Messages: Priority Indicator, Delay Codes, Departure Message, Arrival Message, Delay Message, Return to Ramp Message, Diversion Message, Loadmessage, Container/Pallet Distribution Message, ULD Control Message, Crew Composition Message, Estimated Zero Fuel Weight Message, OPUS Request Message, ILOS

7. Miscellaneous: On-Time Performance, Assistance in Flight Planning, Station Organisation

10. Appendix C: Airside Safety Management


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AHM Volume II, Aircraft Guides

AHM Volume II Non-ULD

The numbering of the subchapters remains the same with all aircraft types.Subchapters will not be shown if not relevant.

xx.1 Aircraft Weights and Indices

xx.2 Balance Calculation

xx.3 Cabin

xx.4 Compartments

xx.1.1 Max Gross Weightsxx.1.2 Maximum Fuel Tank Capacityxx.1.3 Standard Taxi Fuelxx.1.4 Dry Operating Weights and Indicesxx.1.5 Tables for Correction of DOW/DOI

xx.2.1 Trim Sheet - Instructions for Usexx.2.2 Center of Gravity Limitsxx.2.4 Uncontrolled Seatingxx.2.5 Empty Flight Procedurexx.2.7 Entries on the Loadsheetxx.2.9 Last Minute Changesxx.2.10 List of Balance Tables (Load & Trim Sheets)xx.2.11 Stretcherxx.2.12 Life Rafts

xx.3.1 Summary of Cabin Versionsxx.3.2 Cabin Layoutxx.3.3 Cabin Cross Section and Dimensionsxx.3.4 Maximum Number of Passengers and Crew

xx.4.1 Generalxx.4.2 Weight Limits and Volumesxx.4.3 Security Locker/ULD: Locations of xx.4.3 ULD restraint Fittingsxx.4.4 Provisions for Securing Loadxx.4.5 Compartment Dimensionsxx.4.6 Container and Pallet Confi gurations/ Loading Versions

12. DH419. F7020. F10027. B73628. B73G29. B738

31. A31932. A32033. A32139. B76741. B777

AHM Volume II ULD Aircraft


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xx.5 Loading

xx.6 Loading System

xx.7 Aircraft Servicing

xx.5.2 Baggagexx.5.3 Compartment Heating and xx.5.3 Ventilationxx.5.4 Containerxx.5.5 Dangerous Goodsxx.5.6 Ground Stabilityxx.5.7 Live Animalsxx.5.9 Load Planningxx.5.10 Loading Restrictionsxx.5.11 Maximum Dimension Tablesxx.5.13 Miscellaneous Special Loadxx.5.14 Miscellaneous Stowing Regulationsxx.5.17 Technical Equipment

xx.6.1 Descriptionxx.6.2 Operation

xx.7.1 Arrangement of Ground Handlingxx.7.1 Equipmentxx.7.2 De-Icing/Anti-Icingxx.7.3 Disinfection of Aircraftxx.7.4 Catering Servicexx.7.5 Engine Startingxx.7.6 Fuellingxx.7.7 Operations of Cabin Doors/Stairwaysxx.7.9 Operation of Compartment Doorsxx.7.11 Potable Water Servicingxx.7.13 Servicing Panelsxx.7.14 Servicing Pointsxx.7.15 Toilet Servicingxx.7.17 Wheel Chocksxx.7.18 External Passenger Stairway

xx.8 Aircraft Information

xx.9 Miscellaneous

xx.8.1 Aircraft Dimensionsxx.8.2 Danger Areasxx.8.3 Door Dimensionsxx.8.5 Door Sill Heights above Ground Levelxx.8.6 Minimum Turning Radii

xx.9.1 Aircraft Handling Forms/Propeller Danger Area/Load & Balance Formsxx.9.2 Ground Heatingxx.9.6 Prevention of Damage to the xx.9.6 Engine, the Fuselage and the wingxx.9.7 Prevention of Damage to the xx.9.7 aircraft RH enginexx.9.9 Positioning of Safety Conesxx.9.10 Mobile Crew Rest Compartment


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4. Summary of normative Organizations



Founded: 1997

Head Quarter:Frankfurt/Main(Germany)

Webpage:www.staralliance.com www.starallianceemployees.com

IATAInternational Air Transport Association

Founded: 1945

Head Quarter:Montreal (Canada)


ICAOInternational CivilAviation Organisation

Founded: 1944

Head Quarter:Montreal (Canada)


Main Objective

Cooperation between mem-ber airlines; Use synergies to save money, e.g. coordinated schedules, same service standard, com-mon infrastructure, common handling companies

Set global safety standards that have to be observed by all members and checked in form of IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA); Simplify processes in air traf-fi c, thus reducing costs and enhancing passenger conve-nience

Defi ne restrictions andprivileges of all Contracting States; Develop international Stan-dards and Recommended Practices for the safe operati-on of aircraft;guidelines for personnel licensing, registration marks, environmental protection, airworthiness of aircraft


28 members: Adria, Aegean Airlines, Air Canada, Air China, Air New Zealand, ANA, Asiana Air-lines, Austrian, Blue1, British Midland, Brussels Airlines, Continental, Croatia Airlines, Egyptair, Ethiopian Airlines, LOT, Lufthansa, SAS, Singapore Airlines, South African Airways, Spanair, Swiss, TAM, TAP Portugal, Thai, Turkish Airlines, United, US Airways

230 airlines

191 member countries


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JAA-TJoint AviationAuthorities - Training Organi-sation

Founded: 1990

Head Quarter:JAA TO – Hoofddorp(Netherlands)


FAAFederal Aviation Administra-tion of the United States of America

Founded: 1958

Head Quarter:Washington DC (US)


SITASociété Internationale deTélécommunication aérienne

Founded: 1949

Head Quarter:Geneva (Switzerland)



Founded: 1963

Head Quarter:Brussels (Belgium)


Main Objective

Develop and implement common safety regulatory standards and procedures for European region; provide training for the aviati-on community

Set safety standards for aircraft manufacturers, operators and maintenance; manage ATC facilities and air navigation aids; research work; promote aviation safety out-side US

Provide extensive commu-nication network; develop new technologies for air-to-ground communications; facilitate and speed up communication processes between all involved in travel industry

Strategic and tactical fl ow management; controller training; development of safety-proo-fed technologies and proce-dures; controller training


43 member countries

Not applicable

Airlines, airports, air trans-port related organizations, manufacturers, tour opera-tors, computer reservations systems

39 member countries mainly in Europe


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5. Basic Information

RudderChange Yaw(side to side)

FlapsChange Liftand Drag

ElevatorChange Pitch(up and down)

WingletDecrease Drag

SpoilerChange Lift,Drag and Roll

AileronChange Roll

SlatsChange Lift

Fuselage (Body)Hold Things Together& Carry Payload

CockpitCommandand Control

Turbine EngineGenerate Thrust


Horizontal Stabilizer

Control Pitch

VerticalStabilizerControl Yaw


5.1 Airplane Parts Defi nitions and Function

Airplanes are transportation devices which are designed to move people and cargo from one place to another. Airplanes come in many different shapes and sizes de-pending on the mission of the aircraft. The airplane shown on this page is a turbine-powered airliner which has been chosen as a representative aircraft.

For any airplane to fl y, one must lift the weight of the airplane itself, the fuel, the passengers, and the cargo. The wings generate most of the lift to hold the plane in the air. To generate lift, the airplane must be pushed through the air. The air resists the motion in the form of aerodynamic drag. Modern airliners use winglets on the tips of the wings to reduce drag. The turbine engines, which are located beneath the wings, provide the thrust to overcome drag and push the airplane forward through the air. Smaller, low-speed airplanes use propellers for the propulsion sys-tem instead of turbine engines.

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To control and maneuver the aircraft, smaller wings are located at the tail of the plane. The tail usually has a fi xed horizontal piece, called the horizontal stabilizer, and a fi xed vertical piece, called the vertical stabilizer. The stabilizers‘ job is to pro-vide stability for the aircraft, to keep it fl ying straight. The vertical stabilizer keeps the nose of the plane from swinging from side to side, which is called yaw. The horizontal stabilizer prevents an up-and-down motion of the nose, which is called pitch. (On the Wright brother‘s fi rst aircraft, the horizontal stabilizer was placed in front of the wings. Such a confi guration is called a canard after the French word for „duck“).

At the rear of the wings and stabilizers are small moving sections that are attached to the fi xed sections by hinges. In the fi gure, these moving sections are colored black. Changing the rear portion of a wing will change the amount of force that the wing produces. The ability to change forces gives us a means of controlling and maneuvering the airplane. The hinged part of the vertical stabilizer is called the rudder; it is used to defl ect the tail to the left and right as viewed from the front of the fuselage. The hinged part of the horizontal stabilizer is called the elevator; it is used to defl ect the tail up and down. The outboard hinged part of the wing is called the aileron; it is used to roll the wings from side to side. Most airliners can also be rolled from side to side by using the spoilers. Spoilers are small plates that are used to disrupt the fl ow over the wing and to change the amount of force by decreasing the lift when the spoiler is deployed.

The wings have additional hinged, rear sections near the body that are called fl aps. Flaps are deployed downward on takeoff and landing to increase the amount of force produced by the wing. On some aircraft, the front part of the wing will also defl ect. Slats are used at takeoff and landing to produce additional force. The spoilers are also used during landing to slow the plane down and to counteract the fl aps when the aircraft is on the ground. The next time you fl y on an airplane, notice how the wing shape changes during takeoff and landing.

The fuselage or body of the airplane, holds all the pieces together. The pilots sit in the cockpit at the front of the fuselage. Passengers and cargo are carried in the rear of the fuselage. Some aircraft carry fuel in the fuselage; others carry the fuel in the wings.

As mentioned above, the aircraft confi guration in the fi gure was chosen only as an example. Individual aircraft may be confi gured quite differently from this airliner. The Wright Brothers 1903 Flyer had pusher propellers and the elevators at the front of the aircraft. Fighter aircraft often have the jet engines buried inside the fuselage instead of in pods hung beneath the wings. Many fi ghter aircraft also combine the horizontal stabilizer and elevator into a single stabilator surface. There are many possible aircraft confi gurations, but any confi guration must provide for the four forces needed for fl ight.


Based on: Airplane Parts Defi nitions and Function. 19 MAY 2010. <http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/airplane.html> byNASA Glenn Research Center. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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5.2 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

UTC is a high-precision atomic time standard. It has uniform seconds defi ned by International Atomic Time, with leap seconds announced at irregular intervals to compensate for the earth‘s slowing rotation and other discrepancies. Leap seconds allow UTC to closely track Universal Time, a time standard based not on the uniform passage of seconds, but on the Earth‘s angular rotation.

5.2.1 Time Zones

Time zones around the world are expressed as positive or negative offsets from UTC. Local time is UTC plus the time zone offset for that location, plus an offset (typically +1) for daylight saving time, if in effect.

As the zero-point reference, UTC is also referred to as Zulu time (Z).

Following examples give the local time at various locations at 12:00 UTC when day-light saving time is not in effect:


San FranciscoToronto

StockholmCape Town





United StatesCanadaSweden

South AfricaIndia


UTC – 8UTC – 5UTC + 1UTC + 2

UTC + 5,30

Local time at 12:00UTC


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5.3 Danger Areas In The Vicinity Of The Aircraft

5.3.1 Venting Area

Fuel vents are openings on the underside of the wingtips which serve to ventilate the fuel tanks. The area around the fuel vents is called venting area.

During the fl ight fuel is used and the space is replaced by air. During fuelling the air is pressed out of the tanks through the vents. Of course it is not pure air that escapes but a mixture of air and fuel vapors.

Even after fuelling is fi nished, this mixture will escape because of the vaporization of fuel. Fuel vapors are heavier than air and sink to the ground. They are very easily ignitable.

Around and beyond the wing tips there is an increased fi re risk!

Safety distance around the venting area: 3m radius around fuel vents for kerosene-type fuel

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5.3.2 Air Intake Area

This area is in front of running jet engines. The suction of the compressor of a jet engine is fi ve times bigger than a whirlwind.There is a risk that persons or objects may be sucked into the running engine.

Never go behind the aircraft’s nose while engines are running which are positioned at the wings (Airbus, Boeing etc).

Never go behind the wings while engines are running which are positioned at the back of the fuselage (F70, CRJ etc)

Please see AHM VOL.2 / XX.8.2 for details about the extend of the intake area.


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5.3.3 Exhaust / Blast Area

The exhaust area is the area behind the aircraft affected by the blast of the running engines.

This blast is strong enough to lift or topple even persons and objects!

The exhaust gas speed of a B747 with idling engines is as high as 160 km/h and the exhaust gas is also extremely hot. The blast area can be considerably extended as a result of the thrust required under unfavourable conditions (bad condition of the tarmac surface, inclination of tarmac, wind, snow, ice, etc.)

Please see AHM VOL.2 / XX.8.2 for more details about normal blast areas.

5.3.4 Propeller Area

As the Propeller Area is the embarking and disembarking area used by the passen-gers, the propeller area must be guarded.

The propeller area has to be guarded by one of the following methods:

> refl ective safety cones/posts with barrier cords> hand luggage trolley> propeller tie: normal turnaround DH3; DH4 only night stop; The propeller tie is either attached to the main gear or the stair handrail.

Hand luggage trolley and safety cones are to be placed at a distance of at least one metre from the propeller turning area before passengers are disembarking.

If none of the above listed securing methods can be accomplished, the propel-ler danger area must be secured by other suitable means of security (e. g. by the ground personnel, until the hand luggage trolley is in position).

Whenever the rear passenger door is used on the DH4, the propeller danger area has to be additionally guarded by refl ective safety cones.

Propeller Area


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5.4 Four Forces Of An Airplane

A force may be thought of as a push or pull in a specifi c direction. A force is a vector quantity so a force has both a magnitude and a direction. When describing forces, we have to specify both the magnitude and the direction. This slide shows the forces that act on an airplane in fl ight.

Weight is a force that is always directed toward the center of the earth. The mag-nitude of the weight depends on the mass of all the airplane parts, plus the amount of fuel, plus any payload on board (people, baggage, freight, etc.). The weight is distributed throughout the airplane. But we can often think of it as collected and acting through a single point called the center of gravity. In fl ight, the airplane rota-tes about the center of gravity.

Flying encompasses two major problems; overcoming the weight of an object by some opposing force, and controlling the object in fl ight. Both of these problems are related to the object‘s weight and the location of the center of gravity. During a fl ight, an airplane‘s weight constantly changes as the aircraft consumes fuel. The distribution of the weight and the center of gravity also changes. So the pilot must constantly adjust the controls to keep the airplane balanced, or trimmed.

To overcome the weight force, airplanes generate an opposing force called lift. Lift is generated by the motion of the airplane through the air and is an aerodynamic force. „Aero“ stands for the air, and „dynamic“ denotes motion. Lift is directed perpendicular to the fl ight direction. The magnitude of the lift depends on several factors including the shape, size, and velocity of the aircraft.

Based on: Four Forces on an Airplane. 28 AUG. 2007. <http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/airplane.html> byNASA Glenn Research Center. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 14 MAR. 2006.


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As with weight, each part of the aircraft contributes to the aircraft lift force. Most of the lift is generated by the wings. Aircraft lift acts through a single point called the center of pressure. The center of pressure is defi ned just like the center of gravity, but using the pressure distribution around the body instead of the weightdistribution.

The distribution of lift around the aircraft is important for solving the control prob-lem. Aerodynamic surfaces are used to control the aircraft in roll, pitch, and yaw.

As the airplane moves through the air, there is another aerodynamic force present. The air resists the motion of the aircraft and the resistance force is called drag. Drag is directed along and opposed to the fl ight direction. Like lift, there are many factors that affect the magnitude of the drag force including the shape of the aircraft, the „stickiness“ of the air, and the velocity of the aircraft. Like lift, we collect all of the individual components‘ drags and combine them into a single aircraft drag magnitu-de. And like lift, drag acts through the aircraft centre of pressure.

To overcome drag, airplanes use a propulsion system to generate a force called thrust. The direction of the thrust force depends on how the engines are attached to the aircraft. In the fi gure shown above, two turbine engines are located under the wings, parallel to the body, with thrust acting along the body centreline. On some aircraft, such as the Harrier, the thrust direction can be varied to help the airplane take off in a very short distance. The magnitude of the thrust depends on many fac-tors associated with the propulsion system including the type of engine, the number of engines, and the throttle setting.

For jet engines, it is often confusing to remember that aircraft thrust is a reaction to the hot gas rushing out of the nozzle. The hot gas goes out the back, but the thrust pushes towards the front. Action <--> reaction is explained by Newton‘s Third Law of Motion.

The motion of the airplane through the air depends on the relative strength and direction of the forces shown above. If the forces are balanced, the aircraft cruises at constant velocity. If the forces are unbalanced, the aircraft accelerates in the direction of the largest force.

Note that the job of the engine is just to overcome the drag of the airplane, not to lift the airplane. A 1 million pound airliner has 4 engines that produce a grand total of 200,000 of thrust. The wings are doing the lifting, not the engines. In fact, there are some aircraft, called gliders that have no engines at all, but fl y just fi ne. Some external source of power has to be applied to initiate the motion necessary for the wings to produce lift. But during fl ight, the weight is opposed by both lift and drag. Paper airplanes are the most obvious example, but there are many kinds of gliders. Some gliders are piloted and are towed aloft by a powered aircraft, then cut free to glide for long distances before landing. During re-entry and landing, the Space Shut-tle is a glider; the rocket engines are used only to loft the Shuttle into space.


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5.5 Phonetic Alphabet

The use of a phonetic alphabet should reduce the risk of confusing letters. By using [Delta] and [Bravo] instead of [di] and [bi] the letters can be easily distinguished. The phonetic alphabet for aviation is mainly used in two-way radio communication, where bad signals, noise and foreign accents make communication diffi cult. It is ap-proved by ICAO, FAA and NATO as the standard for aircraft and radio communication.





5.6 Runway Designator

A runway is a strip of land intended for aircraft take-off and landing.

The numbers of runways are chosen based on their magnetic heading.The last number is omitted, i.e. if the runway’s heading is 283° it is named 28.

Center Line


Holding Area



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A runway always has two numbers, depending on the direction of travel. This means that runway 28 (westbound use!) is actually the same strip of land as runway 10 (eastbound use!).

Two parallel runways have the additional letter ‘L’ for left and ‘R’ for right, depending on the pilot’s view.

10L 28R

10R 28L

As a result of magnetic variation it might become necessary to change the runway designator.






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6. IATA/ICAO Terms and Definitions

Aerodrome(= Airport)

Aerodromecontrol tower

Aeronautical infor-mation publication (AIP)

Air traffi c

Air traffi ccontrol clearance

Air traffi ccontrol service

Air traffi ccontrol unit

Air traffi cservice

Air Waybill

Aircraftconfi guration

Aircraft pallet

Aircraft registration


A defi ned area on land or water intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface move-ment of aircraft.

A unit established to provide air traffi c control service toaerodrome traffi c

A publication issued by or with the authority of a state and containing aeronautical information of a lasting character essential to air navigation.

All aircraft in fl ight or operating on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome.

Authorization for an aircraft to proceed under conditionsspecifi ed by an air traffi c control unit.

A service provided for the purpose of :> 1. preventing collisions: a/ between aircraft and b/ on the manoeuvring area between aircraft and obstructions> 2. expediting and maintaining an orderly fl ow of air traffi c.

A generic term meaning variously, area control centre,approach control offi ce and aerodrome control tower.

A generic term meaning variously, fl ight information service, alerting service, air traffi c advisory service and air traffi ccontrol service.

The document entitled „Air Waybill/Air Consignment Note“ made out by or on behalf of the shipper which evidences the contract between the shipper and carrier(s) for carriage of goods over routes of the carrier(s).

Planned utilisation layout of aircraft interior space.

A platform with a fl at under-surface, to standard aircraft requirements on which goods are assembled and secured by nets/straps/igloos, and subsequently locked into the aircraft, to achieve rapid loading/unloading on compatible aircraft conveying and restraint systems. As such, it becomes a compo-nent of the aircraft loading and restraint system.

A unique alpha/numeric designation for an aircraft.

A control area or portion thereof established in the form of a corridor equipped with radio navigation aids.


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Allowed traffi c load

Alternateaerodrome (ALT)

Alternate Airport


Apron (= Tarmac, Ramp, Parking Area)

Area control centre (ACC)

Balance condition

Balance limits




Cabin Crew

Cabin section


Cargo manifest



Centre of gravity


The code word used to designate an alert phase.

The load which can be carried on the aircraft on any one sector and is the difference between the allowed weight for take-off and the operating weight.

An aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed when it becomes either impossible or inadvisable to proceed to or to land at the aerodrome of intended landing (take-off alternate, en-route alternate and destination alternate).

Planned alternative en route and destination airport(s) for a fl ight.

The vertical distance of a level measured from mean sea level.

A defi ned area, on a land aerodrome, intended to accommo-date aircraft for purposes of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or maintenance.

A unit established to provide air traffi c control service tocontrolled fl ights in control areas under its jurisdiction.

A numeric expression of the position of the centre of gravity.

The end points forward and aft of the range within which the centre of gravity must lie for safe fl ight.

Deadload weight carried to achieve a particular balancecondition.

Loading piece by piece.

A compartment where passenger seats are installed.

Persons performing duties on the fl ight other than in the cockpit.

A division of the cabin into zones for the purpose of balance.

Any goods carried on an aircraft which are covered by an air waybill.

A traffi c document listing the details of the cargo to be carried on a fl ight.

The nature of the load.

The height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud below 6,000 m (20,000 ft) covering more than half the sky.

(C of G) The C of G of an aircraft, is the point at which its total weight may be considered to act as a concentrated force.

Segregation of passengers according to the facilities and services offered.


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Clearance limit


Cockpit Crew


Containerized air-craft

Controlled airspace

Cruising level

Current fl ight plan

Dangerous goods



Departure Airport

Destination Airport


Diplomatic mail


The point to which an aircraft is granted an air traffi c control clearance.

That part of an aircraft from which the crew control the air-craft.

Persons operating the fl ight in the cockpit.

A space designated within a hold.

An aircraft of which the cargo compartments are equipped with a unit load devices conveyance and restraint system, in order to accommodate aircraft containers or pallets. This may be either a wide-body or a narrow-body aircraft.

An airspace of defi ned dimensions within which air traffi c control service is provided to IFR fl ight and to VFR fl ights in accordance with the airspace classifi cation.

A level maintained during a signifi cant portion of a fl ight.

The fl ight plan, including changes, if any, brought about by subsequent clearances.

Articles or substances which are capable of posing a signifi -cant risk to health, safety or property when transported by air and which are classifi ed as such in the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.

Baggage, cargo, mail, ballast and equipment in compartments not included in dry operating weight of the aircraft.

A structural fl oor level. For aircraft having one structural level only, this fl oor level shall be referred to as the „main deck“. For aircraft having more than one structural fl oor level, the different fl oor levels shall be referred to as „lower deck“, „main deck“ and „upper deck“, starting from bottom to top.

The airport from which the aircraft last departed, using the same fl ight number.

Ultimate intended terminating airport of a fl ight.

The code word used to designate a distress phase.

Governments‘ property carried under special agreements.

The vertical distance of a point or a level, on or affi xed to the surface of the earth, measured from mean sea level.


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En route

Endurance (END)

Equipment in com-partment

Estimated elapsedtime (EET)

Filed fl ight plan


Flight information centre (FIC)

Flight level

Flight number

Flight plan

Floating pallet



General declaration

Glide path



Equivalent to „Through“. Movement or point between point of departure and point of destination.

The length of time an aircraft can continue fl ying under given conditions without refuelling.

(EIC) Equipment which is carried on the aircraft but which is not manifested and which is not elsewhere included in the weight composition, such as additional fl ight kit.

The estimated time required to proceed from one signifi cant point to another.

The fl ight plan as fi led with an ATS unit by the pilot or hisdesignated representative, without any subsequent changes.

The operation of an aircraft between two or more points.

A unit established to provide fl ight information service and alerting service.

A surface of constant atmospheric pressure which is related toa specifi c pressure datum, 1013 hectopascal (hPa), and is sepa-rated from other such surfaces by specifi c pressure intervals.

The alpha-numerical designator of a fl ight, prefi xed by a two-letter or three-character designator.

Specifi ed information provided to air traffi c services units, re-lative to an intended fl ight or portion of a fl ight of an aircraft.

A unit load device (ULD), including its load, which is positioned over at least two pallet positions, and is not secured by the pallet locking devices of the ULD restraint system, but is res-trained to the aircraft structure by means of tie-down fi ttings and lashings.

Fuelling and de-fuelling, aircraft fuel tank calibration, aircraft fuel fl ow tests and the draining of aircraft tanks.

The integral part of the aircraft where pantry/cateringmaterial is stored.

A standard document giving certain details about a fl ight required for aircraft clearance by government authorities in certain countries.

A descent profi le determinate for vertical guidance during a fi nal approach.

The direction in which the longitudinal axis of an aircraft is pointed, usually expressed in degrees from North.

A space confi ned by ceiling, fl oor, walls and bulkhead, used forcarrying load.


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Holding point



Index unit


Load control

Load planning

Loaded index


Loading instruction

Loading report



Meteorological information

Missed approach procedure


Net weight


A specifi ed location, identifi ed by visual or other means, in thevicinity of which the position of an aircraft in fl ight is maintai-ned in accordance with air traffi c control clearance.

The symbol used to designate the instrument fl ight rules.

The code word used to designate an uncertainty phase.

An expression of moment, i.e. weight x lever arm caused by weight added to the aircraft, in order to establish the C of G.

Any item carried in an aircraft other than is included in the basic operation weight.

A function to ensure the optimum utilization of the aircraft capacity and distribution of load as dictated by safety and operational requirements.

A part of load control.

An expression of the C of G of an aircraft after it has been fuelled and/or loaded.

Stowing load or ULDs on board the aircraft in accordance with loading instructions.

Instructions given by Load Control to the person responsible for the aircraft loading.

Signed loading instruction, with any deviations recorded, passed back to Load Control for action as required.

A completed loadsheet contains all weight data pertaining to a particular fl ight, i.e. the weight of the aircraft, crew, pantry, fuel, passengers, baggage, cargo and mail. It also contains where necessary details of the distribution of this load in the aircraft.

Where quoted it is assumed that the fastest possible means of sending a message will be used. This refers to SITA, telex or data link.

Meteorological report, analysis, forecast, and any other state-ment relating to existing or expected meteorological condi-tions.

The procedure to be followed if the approach cannot be con-tinued.

The arrival or departure of an aircraft.

The difference between total weight and the tare weight.

A network of webbing affi xed to an aircraft within its holds or to an aircraft ULD for the purpose of restraining a load within the hold or in the ULD.


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Origin Airport

Passenger manifest


Pilot-in-command (PIC) (=commander)

Radar approach

Radar identifi cation

Ramp agent

Repetitive fl ight plan (RPL)

Runway (RWY)

Runway visualrange (RVR)


Special load


Take-off fuel

A notice distributed by means of telecommunication contai-ning information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard.

The place from where the fl ight commences.

A traffi c document listing the names of passengers to becarried on a fl ight.

The weight of passengers, baggage, cargo and mail and inclu-des both revenue and non-revenue items.

The pilot responsible for the operation and safety of theaircraft during fl ight time.

An approach, executed by an aircraft, under the direction of a radar controller.

The situation which exists when the radar position of a parti-cular aircraft is seen on a radar display and positively identifi ed by the air traffi c controller.

A person who supervises and co-ordinates on the ramp the tasks of ground handling for an aircraft departure or arrival.

A fl ight plan related to a series of frequently recurring, regu-larly operated individual fl ights with identical basic features, submitted by an operator for retention and repetitive use by ATS units.

A defi ned rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and take-off of aircraft.

The range over which the pilot of an aircraft on the centre line of a runway can see the runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway or identifying its centre line.

A subdivision of a non-containerised/palletised compartment, i.e. net section.

A load which, owing to its nature or value, requires special attention and treatment during the process of acceptance, storage, transportation, loading and unloading.

The act of leaving a supporting surface, including the take-off run and the acts immediately preceding and following the leaving of the surface.

The amount of fuel on board less the fuel consumed before the take-off run.


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Tare weight


Taxiway (TWY)


Tie-down points


Traffi c



Trip fuel


Unit load device





The weight of an empty ULD. It includes all liners and/or fi ttings, etc. when these are required by the specifi cation or as registered with IATA.

Movement of an aircraft on the surface of an aerodrome un-der its own power, excluding take-off and landing.

A defi ned path on a land aerodrome established for the taxiing of aircraft and intended to provide a link between one part of the aerodrome and another, including* aircraft stand taxi lane* apron taxiway* rapid exit taxiway

Equivalent to „Restrain/Secure/Lash“, means the term used to describe the securing of the bulk-load or part thereof to fi xed restraint points within an aircraft or in a ULD, to conform to restraint and safety requirements.

Attachment points for the tie-down equipment to secure load on aircraft and/or ULDs.

The point where the nominal glide path intercepts the runway.

The activity of the transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and mail.

Traffi c which arrives on a fl ight and continues on another fl ight of the same airline or other airline within a defi ned time limit.

Traffi c which arrives on a fl ight and continues on the same fl ight.

The amount of fuel planned to be consumed from take-off to the station of fi rst intended landing.

The difference between the allowed traffi c load and thepayload (total traffi c load).

ULD. A unit in which deadload is bulk loaded and subsequently loaded as a unit into the aircraft

Removing load from an aircraft.

The designator used to indicate the aircraft confi guration together with the details of the equipment carried.

The symbol used to designate the visual fl ight rules.

The term „weight“ is used herein in lieu of the correct techni-cal term „mass“, in order to conform to standard industry


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Austrian Airlines AGGround Handling Training

[email protected] cooperation with OGS

Editorial Head Offi ce

Austrian Airlines AGOffi ce Park 2, P.O. Box 100A-1300 Vienna Airport


Copyright 2011, all rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reprodu-ced, recast, reformatted or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechani-cal, including photocopying, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the responsible editor.The training manual is an internal publication and shall only be used for the special Aircraft Handling and Ramp Supervision course of AAG-Group.


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7. Personal Notes


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