9 ways to win in all domains of life!

9 ways to Win in all domains of Life!

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Post on 02-Jul-2015



Self Improvement

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The more you strive to win one domain of life (e.g. work), the more the other three domains (yourself, your home, and your community) must loose, but that shouldn't be so. Trading-off can leave you feeling exhausted, unfulfilled, or isolated. And it hurts the people you care about the most. To Win in all domains of life you must learn to manage your time, space and people around you. But most important you must learn to manage yourself.


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9 ways to Win in all

domains of Life!

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Then this is for you!

Do you want to be happy

with your career, maintain

positive relationships, stay

healthy and live life with


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Lets have a look at them:

There are new ways of doing things

that would carry minimal risk and let

you see results very quickly.

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1. Tracking and Reflecting:

Keeping a record of activities, thoughts, and feelings,

Assessing progress on personal and professional goals,

Increasing self-awareness & maintaining priorities.

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Record visits to the gym along with changes in energy levels.

Track the times of day when you feel most engaged or most lethargic.

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2. Planning and Organizing

Taking actions designed to better use time.

Prepare for the future

Plan for prospect

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Use a PDA for all activities, not just work.

Share your schedule with someone else

Prepare for the week on Sunday evening.

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3. Rejuvenating and Restoring:

Attending to body, mind and spirit

Attending to daily living and working with renewed power, focus and commitment.

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Quit unhealthy physical habits (smoking, drinking)

Make time for reading a novel

Engage in activities that improve emotional and spiritual health (yoga, meditation, etc.)

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4. Appreciating and Caring:

Having fun with people (by doing things with coworkers outside work)

Appreciating relationships as a way of bonding at a basic human level

Respect the whole person, which increases trust

Caring for others

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Join a book group or health club with coworkers

Help your son complete his homework

Devote one day a month to community service

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5. Focusing and Concentrating

Being physically present, psychologically present, or both when needed to pay attention to stakeholders who matter most

Sometimes this means saying no to opportunities or obligations

Attempt to show more respect to important people

The need to be accessible

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Turn off digital communication devices at a set time

Set aside a specific time to focus on one thing or person

Review e-mail at present times during the day

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6. Revealing and Engaging

Sharing more of yourself with others

Listening to others

This will help others support your values and the steps you want to take towards your vision.

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Have weekly conversations about religion with spouse

Describe your vision to others

Mentor new employee

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7. Time Shifting and ‘Re-Placing’

Working remotely or during different hours

Increase flexibility to fit efficiently in family, community and personal activities.

Questioning traditional assumptions and trying innovative things to get things done.

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Work from home

Take music lessons during your lunch hour

Do work during your commute

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8. Delegate and Developing

Reallocating tasks in ways that increase trust

Develop skills in yourself and others

Working smarter and reducing or eliminating low priority activities

Free up time

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Hire a personal assistance

Have a subordinate take on some of your responsibilities

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9. Exploring and Venturing

Taking steps towards a new job, career or other activity that better aligns your work, home, community and self; with your core values and aspirations

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Take on new roles at work, such as a cross-functional assignment.

Try a new coaching style.

Join the board of your child’s day care centre.

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Choose a few, get started,

and adapt.

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“The only way to fail in an experiment is to fail to learn from it.”

-Stewart D. Friedman

Measure your Progress:

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To Win in all domains of Life, attend a training with me!

This is just the Start!

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Nadeem ur Rehman Khan




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