9 months 2008 hera group results

First 9 months results Analyst Presentation November, 14 th www.gruppohera.it

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Page 1: 9 months 2008 Hera Group results

First 9 months resultsAnalyst PresentationNovember, 14th


Page 2: 9 months 2008 Hera Group results

2008 First 9 months ResultsAnalyst Presentation, 14th November 2008


Page 3: 9 months 2008 Hera Group results

At a glance

First 9 months 2008 Group results 1

Hera achieved positive results in last 3 quarters reaching a double digit growth rate (+17%) in Group’s 9 months Ebitda reflecting a resilient structure to macroeconomic environment.

Results underpinned by internal visible growth drivers mainly related to tariff progression (in Water and Waste businesses) and to Energy activities.

Q3 provided positive contribution thanks to both new activities and ongoing business.

2007 M&A activity (SAT and Megas mergers) started contributing from January 1st 2008.

New plants contributed to results: CCGT of Teverola (400MW), CCGT of Sparanise (800MW) fully contributed from January 1st 2008, WTE in Ferrara and WTE in Forlì are fully operating.

Further 2 new plants (80MW CCGT in Imola and a 19MW WTE in Modena) are expected to start operations within year end.

The capital and debt structure (90% fixed rate) comfort on maintaining the planned developments and capex profile.

Page 4: 9 months 2008 Hera Group results

2008 first 9 months Ebitda develop at double digit growth rateGroup Results as of 30/9/2008

Ebit +16.8% Discounting higher D&A in line with capex sustained and conservative provisions.

Pretax Profit (1.6%)Factoring interest expenses in line with increased financial debts and one off effect of “moratoria fiscale” of 11.2m€ (Adj. Pretax Profit would have been 108m€, +9.9%).

Revenues +30.9% Of which:

Ebitda +17.1% Internal growth drivers, substantiall y normalised climate conditions and M&A activities underpinned growth.

New WTE plants started contributing.

Ebitda margin stands in line with 9 months of last year netting the increase of trading activities on commodities.

* WW: Water and Waste

Electricity trading +15%

Electricity cross selling to Gas customers +3%

Gas sales increase dueto normalised winter season +6%

Improved tariffs in “WW”* and M&A +7%


M € 30/9/'07 % 30/9/'08 % Inc. %

Revenues 1,987.8 100.0% 2,603.0 100.0% +30.9%Operating costs (1,620.1) (81.5%) (2,176.7) (83.6%) +34.4%Personnel (222.8) (11.2%) (250.5) (9.6%) +12.4%Capitalizations 154.3 7.8% 174.5 6.7% +13.1%Ebitda 299.2 15.1% 350.4 13.5% +17.1%D&A (145.0) (7.3%) (170.4) (6.5%) +17.5%Ebit 154.1 7.8% 180.0 6.9% +16.8%Financials (55.7) (2.8%) (77.4) (3.0%) +39.0%Other non Op. Exp. 0.0 0.0% (5.6) (0.2%) -Pretax Profit 98.5 5.0% 96.9 3.7% (1.6%)

First 9 months 2008 Group results

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Growth based upon visible and solid drivers





30/9/'07 M&A Syn. &Org. G.

New WTE 30/9/'08

Ebitda drivers as of 30/9/’08(m€)


Ebitda Breakdown by business (m€)

30/9/'04 30/9/'05 30/9/'06 30/9/'07 30/9/'08

























Ebitda by driver

M&A relates to SAT and Megas mergers.

Synergies and Organic Growth mainly underpinned by “WW” tariff progression, market expansion and by Energy activities contribution.

New WTE includes both Ferrara and Forlì WTE plants.

Ebitda breakdown by business

All core businesses signed double digit growth rates.

Well balanced business mix contribute to Group low risk profile.

First 9 months 2008 Group results

Page 6: 9 months 2008 Hera Group results

Waste market expansion baked by new plant capacity

Ebitda Waste mgmt as of 30/9/’08


Revenues +13.7%Sales increase due to higher tariffs (+3.0%) and increased volumes either in Urban Waste (+4.7%) and Special Waste (+7.1%).

Sales benefit from Electricity production increase sold at incentive schemes (green certificates at market price).

Agreements with ATOs for 2009-2012 tariff increase are underway.

Ebitda +13.5%Top line growth fully offset the CIP6 contracts expiry (WTE Rimini and C.E. Ambiente -4m€) and the unexpected shut down of FEA WTE in March (-2m€).

WTE in Ferrara and WTE in Forlì reached full operations contributing to results (+13m€).

WTE in Modena well on track to have first firing within year end.

Data as of 30/9/’08

K ton 30/9/'07 30/9/'08 Inc.%

Urban waste 1,253.3 1,311.8 +4.7%

Special waste 1,340.7 1,436.4 +7.1%

Plant's residuals 720.1 1,077.4 +49.6%

M € 30/9/'07 % 30/9/'08 % Inc. %

Revenues 411.7 100.0% 468.0 100.0% +13.7%Operating costs (210.7) (51.2%) (244.3) (52.2%) +16.0%

Personnel (96.6) (23.5%) (108.0) (23.1%) +11.8%

Capitalizations 10.4 2.5% 14.5 3.1% +39.2%

Ebitda 114.7 27.9% 130.2 27.8% +13.5%

First 9 months 2008 Group results

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Water maintains a stable and solid progression

Ebitda Water mgmt as of 30/9/’08


Revenues +10%

Tariff progression (~5%) and M&A contributed to sales increase.

Agreements with ATOs for 2009-2012 tariff increase are underway.

At 2007 perimeter volumes of fresh water declined by 5 mm3.

Ebitda +10%

Main drivers are tariff increase and M&A.

2007 results for one-off water procurement savings (~4m€).

Data as of 30/9/’08

M mc 30/9/'07 30/9/'08 Inc.%

Fresh water 190.4 197.0 +3.5%

Sewerage 168.2 170.4 +1.3%

Depuration 168.5 170.7 +1.3%

M € 30/9/'07 % 30/9/'08 % Inc. %

Revenues 309.7 100.0% 340.3 100.0% +9.9%Operating costs (252.5) (81.5%) (264.4) (77.7%) +4.7%

Personnel (68.4) (22.1%) (77.5) (22.8%) +13.2%

Capitalizations 97.7 31.6% 96.5 28.4% (1.3%)

Ebitda 86.5 27.9% 94.9 27.9% +9.7%

First 9 months 2008 Group results

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Ebitda Gas as of 30/9/’08


Gas loyal customer base and normalised climate underpin growth

Revenues +23.7%

Sales benefit from market expansion, Group perimeter expansion and “normalised winter climate“ conditions.

Q3 sales affected by seasonal effects.

Completed, as for schedule, the full acquisition of Megas Trade, now HeraComm Marche (+40k clients).

Ebitda +35.8%

Normalised climate conditions (+14m€) and change in perimeter sustained sharp recovery in Ebitda.

Ebitda incidence on sales bettered by 90 bps.

Fair value of commodity derivatives as of 30 Sept. was negative by 1.5m€ (vs +5.0m€ as of 30 June).

Data as of 30/9/’08

M € 30/9/'07 % 30/9/'08 % Inc. %

Revenues 571.3 100.0% 706.5 100.0% +23.7%Operating costs (512.7) (89.7%) (632.5) (89.5%) +23.4%Personnel (26.3) (4.6%) (33.7) (4.8%) +27.9%Capitalizations 19.1 3.4% 29.5 4.2% +54.2%

Ebitda 51.4 9.0% 69.8 9.9% +35.8%

M mc 30/9/'07 30/9/'08 Inc.%

Gas distributed 1,317.6 1,550.6 +17.7%Gas sold 1,525.1 1,730.9 +13.5%of which trading 226.0 246.5 +9.1%

Market Share 90.7% 91.6%

First 9 months 2008 Group results

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Electricity sales maintain a strong growth path

Ebitda Electricity as of 30/9/’08


Revenues +59.5%

Enhanced trading activities and a persistent organic sales expansion to Gas customers (cross selling) are the main drivers of sharp growth.

Trading activities reached 8.3 TWh on the back of enhanced own generation capacity and third parties production.

Ebitda +18.2%

Market expansion (+9k business clients in 9 months), trading activities and full contribution of Teverola and Sparanise CCGTs more than offset effect of lower distribution tariffs (~-4.5m€).

Imola 80MW Cogeneration plant on track to start operations by year end.

M € 30/9/'07 % 30/9/'08 % Inc. %

Revenues 678.5 100.0% 1,081.9 100.0% +59.5%Operating costs (647.6) (95.5%) (1,049.4) (97.0%) +62.0%

Personnel (14.8) (2.2%) (16.4) (1.5%) +11.0%

Capitalizations 12.1 1.8% 17.3 1.6% +42.7%

Ebitda 28.2 4.2% 33.3 3.1% +18.2%

Sales growth over last 5Y (Twh)



30/9/'04 30/9/'05 30/9/'06 30/9/'07 30/9/'08

Cagr +16.5%

First 9 months 2008 Group results

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Other businesses enhance growth and margins

Ebitda Other as of 30/9/’08


Revenues +2.7%Sales develop despite non core business dismissions.

Micro-cogeneration units entered into operations contributing to growth.

Ebitda +20.7%Organic growth and synergy exploitation more than offset effects of non-core activity disposal.

District Heating benefits from normalised climate conditions (+1.5m€) whereas Public Lighting and Mini-cogeneration businesses benefit from market and plant expansions.

Data as of 30/9/’08

30/9/'07 30/9/'08 Inc.%

District Heating (GWht) 235.4 279.2 +18.6%

Lighting towers (k unit) 311.4 326.0 +4.7%

Muncipalities served 60 63 +5.0%

M € 30/9/'07 % 30/9/'08 % Inc. %

Revenues 112.6 100.0% 115.6 100.0% +2.7%Operating costs (92.5) (82.2%) (95.2) (82.3%) +2.9%

Personnel (16.6) (14.7%) (14.9) (12.9%) (10.1%)

Capitalizations 14.9 13.3% 16.6 14.4% +11.5%

Ebitda 18.4 16.3% 22.2 19.2% +20.7%

First 9 months 2008 Group results

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2008 first 9 months Capex

Sound balance sheet despite high development capex


Operating Capex

Capex plan focused on WTE and CCGT plants development and on regulated asset base enhancement.

Capex in line with business plan and further 2 new plants expected to start operations within year end.

Net Financial Debts

Financial debt duration around 10 years and 90% at fixed interest rates.

Available committed credit lines (350m€) allow to cover next years maturities.

In September issued a put bond of 250m€ at competitive interest rates (Euribor -90bps).

Net financial debt as of 30/9/’08

M € 30/9/'07 30/9/'08

Waste 103.4 92.0Water 94.6 88.1Gas 18.0 26.2Electricity 27.7 31.4Other 19.5 21.4Holding 28.8 33.1Capex 292.1 292.2Investments 6.6 4.3Total 298.7 296.5

M € 31/12/'07 30/9/'08

Short Term Debts (28.1) (212.6)Long Term Debts (1,396.0) (1,385.3)

Net Financial Debts (1,424.1) (1,597.9)

First 9 months 2008 Group results

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Closing remarks


Positive growth over last 3 quarters confirming Group track records.

Regulated “primary” services (Water, Energy distribution and Urban Waste) highlight, for the time being, low exposure to negative macroeconomic environment and benefit from “WW” tariff increases.

Liberalised “primary” services (sales of Gas, Electricity and Special Waste services) posted positive growth rates thanks to loyal customer base and effective cross selling activities.

Overall efficiency gains continue to underpin the results achieved also leveraging upon recent mergers.

New plants will soon contribute to results supporting the Group further developments.

New Business Plan 2008-2011 will be disclosed to the market in the beginning of next year.

First 9 months 2008 Group results

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Q&A session