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ASSIGNMENT 8 Maria Younes

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ASSIGNMENT 8 Maria Younes

Same sex relationships

Should it be legal to get married?

Should it be banned?

Why is it legal in some countries?

What are the laws in the country and what happens if they are caught. E.g. Saudi Arabia

Should they be allowed to adopt?

as divorce rates are already high should they risk it more and be allowed to be marry?

What’s the difference between a civil partnership and marriage?

Should they have the right to marry in a church?

Religious debates e.g. Islam, Christianity, Jewish.

President Obama's opinion and how that changed the view of others.

How society has accepted this

Why? Maybe due to celebrities. Jessie J, Ellen, Elton John

Different campaigns

The history of it and how different countries are trying to make other countries accept this.

Same-sex relationships in different countries:



In Japan it was recommended in a samurai class for a teenage beginner to enter into a erotic relationship with an older worrier but sexual relations became inappropriate between the two once the boy came of age

•Islamic country•Homosexuality is a taboo language there•In 1928 if someone was seen in a gay relationship they were stoned to death•2000- Saudi Arabia sentence 9 men for engaging in cross dressing•2005- they arrested 100 men for homosexuality, this shows increasing numbers and it may have to do with how other countries have accepted this•2007- British human rights activists protested because the Saudi Arabian government was sending British mosques material urging them to kill gays. This shows that Britain has become more accepting and is trying to encourage other countries.

•President Obama said that same sex marriage should be legal•From then, half of the population in America agreed•An Episcopal church in America is allowed to marry gay couples• Bruce Springsteen made a campaign in 4 states including: Washington, Maryland, Maine and Minnesota.•However in Minnesota they don't want gay marriage, maybe because they are traditional and its dominated by Catholics.

•Gay marriages are illegal •2005- civil partnerships were allowed•In 2006- a lesbian couple got married in Canada, however the high court in UK failed to recognise their marriage•Campaign: opposes the redefinition of marriage and has collected over 580,000 signatures in an online petition against the changes• the equal marriage group was then set up after this

CHRISTIANITY AND HOMOSEXUALITY Christianity traditionally do not accept

homosexuality Roman catholic churches, Methodist,

evangelical say that homosexual acts are immoral

United church of Canada and the united church of Christ do no see homosexuality as sinful and immoral and accept marriages.

ISLAM AND HOMOSEXUALITY Homosexuality is seen as sinful and

perverted and not normal in Islam They say that if you are a Muslim

homosexual you should commit suicide since they can't be punished for being homosexuals in a non-Islamic state

Those who practice this evil have submitted themselves to their own desires and have turned their backs on the clear teachings of Islam.

SHOULD GAY PEOPLE BE ALLOWED TO GET MARRIED? On TED talks I found a debate on whether gay

couples were allowed to get married Some questions that came up were: How do you feel about people being homosexual

(girls and guys) and why? 

Do you think that the individual should be able to have the same rights as everybody else, as in join the military?

What are your feelings why a gay couple should or should not get married, plus reasons?


WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENTARY? The purpose of this documentary is to

look at different debates in same-sex relationships

To see whether society has really accepted and the different opinions of people

For people to find out what different religions think about same sex relationships.


between a civil partnership and marriage

They would learn about how media has an influence on this:

WHY SHOULD/DO THEY WANT TO LEARN ABOUT THIS TOPIC? They should learn about this topic

because in the media its usually very popular

Also they should learn about it because so many people have different opinions and how some people are not treated as equally as others

Why society have accepted and why it has changed over the years and the importance of how much society has changed.

 WHO IS THE AUDIENCE? The audience would be from the ages of

16 onwards as I think this documentary would have a mass audience.

Religion: atheist. I don't think someone who believes in God would want to watch this documentary

Also because it would be aired from 9pm Ethnicity: white/black British American.

I do not think the majority of Asians or Arabs would want to watch this

WHAT STYLE OF DOCUMENTARY IS IT? This would be an informative

documentary It would be informative because: It would show different types of religious

ideas on this Worldwide issues Different opinions from people How society has evolved Why has it come to this stage? Different campaigns going on

SPECIFY WHAT EACH EPISODE WOULD BE ABOUT Episode 1: Same sex marriage: where is it legal? Episode 2: Religious views and political views Episode 3: Campaigns and different debates about

same-sex relationships

Does violence in the media cause behaviour problems?

If it does, why?

What influences it? Video games, music videos, lyrics

What do parents think about this?

Do parents provide the money for the video games? If it doesn't, what do

physcologists/sociologists say?

Do aggressive thoughts come to the Childs minds?

Why do they disagree? Some say they are too busy playing video games to even cause trouble

What celebrities are the influences? Rick Ross, lil Wayne, Marylyn Manson

Case studies: such as columbine and the movie Queen of damned and how that influenced a boy

How media has changed over the past 60 years

Professors point of view

Why is violence in the media so exciting for children

Why isn’t the government doing anything to stop this



Bands such as “n-dubz” have been blamed for the rise of violence in east London.

A London grime artist was put into jail for life after murdering a rival music producer following a row over lyrics

 Channel U has been blamed for broadcasting music videos which include violence and the uprising numbers of violence in today's youth

JME who is a London grime artist said that “Music videos are like tools that young artists use to earn respect from their peers, to 'represent” this shows that the violence that is being used in these music videos are a way to be able to rise in respect.


VIOLENCE IN TV AND IN FILMS Research shows that those who as children were

exposed to violent TV shows were much more likely to later be convicted of crime.

Girls who watched more than an average amount of violence tended to throw things at their husbands. Boys who grew up watching violent TV shows were more likely to be violent with their wives.

The results of a study released in March, 2002 that tracked 700 male and female youths over a 17 year period showed a relationship between the violence in TV and the way they pick up habits in later life.


WATCHING VIOLENCE DOES NOT CAUSE CRIME•From a physcological point of view violence in the media is just entertainment

•The viewers do not consider for a moment that they need to copy what they see

•Over the past 60 years it shows that media has caused aggressive behaviour. However these were all laboratory based.

•Howard Fienberg pointed out that research has so far failed to identify any concrete link that violence in the media causes crime

•Professors such as Craig Anderson admit that “there is presently no empirical evidence on whether playing a violent game increases accessibility of aggressive thoughts.”

WATCHING VIOLENCE DOES CAUSE CRIME•Case study: in 2003 a boy killed his best friend and drank his blood and ate part of his skull. Studies show that this was influenced by the film “Queen of Damned” and that told him to kill his best friend to gain immortality. •Also the case study from the shooting in the school columbine show that they were heavily influenced by violent video games

TED TALKS http://


Steven Pinker says that there is a huge decline in violence from biblical times till now. He says that we are living in the most peaceful time in our existence.

WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENTARY? The purpose of the documentary is to

find out whether violence in the media does cause behavioural problems in children

It is also to find out the different debates and what the public think about this

The purpose is to also find out the different opinions of parents and whether their children have been affected by this


really does cause violence and how much percent

What different physcologists say about this

Why do people think that it does/does not cause violence

How the media shows violence nowadays compared to before.

WHY SHOULD/DO THEY WANT TO LEARN ABOUT THIS TOPIC? They should want to learn about this

topic because if violence in the media does cause crime then parents should be aware of this

Also for the parents who are providing money for their children to buy their video games/music to learn whether or not they are doing the right thing

Whether this topic is just being over-thought about.

TARGET AUDIENCE My target audience would be teenagers

from 13-18 because they may be addicted to video games and are mostly influenced by music video nowadays

And also parents who have kids at age where they would play video games or watch TV

It would appeal to parents because it would show them whether or not their child is being affected and also what they can do about it

WHAT STYLE OF DOCUMENTARY IS IT? This documentary is informative and

observatory This documentary informs parents on

whether they are spending their money on the right stuff for their children

It gives different point of views from professors

Its observatory because it finds out the different opinions on whether violence in the media causes crime and observes the different case studies involved.

EPISODES Episode 1: Violence in video games Episode 2: Violence in music videos Episode 3: Violence in the news and worldwide


MY CHOSEN DOCUMENTARY Does violence in the media cause

behavioural problems? I chose this one because I do not think

people are aware of this as much and it would be interesting to see the different arguments and view points on this subject.