78 s 17 jan19

FRESNO CITY COLLECE voL. xxxil, No. 17 Fresno, Ca. Thurrday Jan. 19,,19?8' Two things becarne familiar this week as classes resum,ed; raindrops fell, and Iines forrned. Photos by Ken Enloe Segal drops presidenGy t Student o¡d funds succeeded by Sue tlartin ovq¡loble srill ASB President Steve Segal has resigned after one semester. Segal, who was elected last spring to serve for 19?7-78, has left Fresno City College to join the Air Force Training Program at Fresno State Universitv. Douglas Peterson, dean of men, said Segal does not enter the Air Force reserve until fall, but must attend FSU during the spring semester to prepare. Taking Segal's place will be Sue Martin. who was executive vice þresident last semester. also are reminded that March 15 is the preliminary deadline for fall semesterfinan- cial aid -programs. Persons interested in applying for financial aid should contact the Financial Aids Office in the Student Services Building. OIfice hours a¡e normally 8 a:m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Those interested iu spring semester aid should contact the offiee as soon as possible. -NIF1 Athletes How will students get involved this sernester ? . The Dead put on a I'Qeadil concert . . S ISSU enJoy success . . 'Page Z Page 3 eage + 'Out of Blue''reflecfs Electric Light O¡chestra "Out of the Blud' U.A.-Jet Records JT-CA'823-L2 By Ken Enloe Well, here I sit. Headphones on, playing ELO's new double release, "Out ofthe Blue." I knoç¡ I'm supposed to say good tàings about it, but it's hard to say something good that :hasn't already been said about the album, on the groupl Of course, you can say something about Jeff Lyqne's writing, orthe groupts excellent blend of the elassic¿l sounds of strings and the modern, elec- tronic music, but it would be the same thing reviewers fro¡n Rolling Stone to Good House- keeping have said about every album ELO has released so far. Don't get me wrong, they are, without a doubt, the most imaginative group aroundl Well, ELO's consísfenf besf here goes! Because this is a double atoum, I'm not going to hit on each cut, :but rather just touch the strongest points (wish me luckl) of the ¿lbum "Turn To Stone," which you have probably heard on the radio, is a' the rest of The alwa òtrings, plus good synthesizer work, help this one hang in there with some of their best works. Their violin work is also well displayed on such cuts as "It's Over,"' "Sweet lalkin' Woman," "Starlight,l' "Sweet is the Night,' and "Birmingham Blues." For those of you who are farnili¿r with the quality that ELO is known for, this ¿lbuur is a must! For those of you who are not familiar with their music, this album is a good way to find out ghat y9u have been missing. There isn't much more ø s¿v about it! Sue lvfartin Closses in Solor Energy The use of solar energy as an efficient means of relieving the energy shortage has been a topic of much recent debate and discussion and will be the subject of a course at City College. The class, "Solar Energy," will be held lVednesday evenings from 7-9:50 p.m. beginning Feb. 22. Two units of credit are offered. Both the values and the limitations of solar energy will be explored in the course. the course is intended to enable students'to understand princi- ples of solar utilization aìd to intelligently evaluate various solar devices.

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Page 1: 78 s 17 jan19



voL. xxxil, No. 17 Fresno, Ca. Thurrday Jan. 19,,19?8'

Two things becarne familiar this week asclasses resum,ed; raindrops fell, andIines forrned.

Photos by Ken Enloe

Segal drops presidenGy t Student o¡d fundssucceeded by Sue tlartin ovq¡loblesrill

ASB President Steve Segalhas resigned after one semester.Segal, who was elected lastspring to serve for 19?7-78, hasleft Fresno City College to jointhe Air Force Training Programat Fresno State Universitv.

Douglas Peterson, dean ofmen, said Segal does not enterthe Air Force reserve until fall,but must attend FSU during thespring semester to prepare.

Taking Segal's place will beSue Martin. who was executivevice þresident last semester.

also are reminded

that March 15 is the preliminarydeadline for fall semesterfinan-cial aid -programs.

Persons interested in applyingfor financial aid should contactthe Financial Aids Office in theStudent Services Building. OIficehours a¡e normally 8 a:m. to 5p.m. Monday through Friday.Those interested iu springsemester aid should contact theoffiee as soon as possible.


How will students get involved this sernester ? .

The Dead put on a I'Qeadil concert . .


enJoy success . . 'Page Z

Page 3

eage +

'Out of Blue''reflecfs

Electric Light O¡chestra"Out of the Blud'U.A.-Jet RecordsJT-CA'823-L2

By Ken Enloe

Well, here I sit. Headphoneson, playing ELO's new doublerelease, "Out ofthe Blue." I knoç¡I'm supposed to say good tàingsabout it, but it's hard to saysomething good that :hasn'talready been said about thealbum, on the groupl

Of course, you can saysomething about Jeff Lyqne'swriting, orthe groupts excellentblend of the elassic¿l sounds ofstrings and the modern, elec-tronic music, but it would be thesame thing reviewers fro¡nRolling Stone to Good House-keeping have said about everyalbum ELO has released so far.Don't get me wrong, they are,without a doubt, the mostimaginative group aroundl Well,

ELO's consísfenf besfhere goes!

Because this is a double atoum,I'm not going to hit on each cut,:but rather just touch o¡ thestrongest points (wish me luckl)of the ¿lbum

"Turn To Stone," which youhave probably heard on theradio, is a'the rest ofThe alwaòtrings, plus good synthesizerwork, help this one hang in therewith some of their best works.

Their violin work is also welldisplayed on such cuts as "It'sOver,"' "Sweet lalkin' Woman,""Starlight,l' "Sweet is theNight,' and "Birmingham Blues."

For those of you who arefarnili¿r with the quality thatELO is known for, this ¿lbuur is amust! For those of you who arenot familiar with their music, thisalbum is a good way to find outghat y9u have been missing.There isn't much more ø s¿vabout it!

Sue lvfartin

Closses in Solor EnergyThe use of solar energy as an

efficient means of relieving theenergy shortage has been a topicof much recent debate anddiscussion and will be the subjectof a course at City College.

The class, "Solar Energy," willbe held lVednesday eveningsfrom 7-9:50 p.m. beginning Feb.22. Two units of credit are

offered.Both the values and the

limitations of solar energy will beexplored in the course. thecourse is intended to enablestudents'to understand princi-ples of solar utilization aìd tointelligently evaluate varioussolar devices.

Page 2: 78 s 17 jan19

l2 Thureday Jan. 19, L978

rResurgent Rarrsr unbeotenin YC, face ARC, DeltaThough the R¿m basketball,

machine sputtered againstModesto, it didn't st¿ll, anal FCCrolled to a 6844 Valley Confer-ence win Saturday night athome..

The Rams, now 3-0 inconference play, will put theirfirst place record on the line in apair of g-ames over the weekend..

They travel to Sacramento toface American River tomorrowand play host to Delta in a firstplace showdown on Saturday.. "This was an important gamefor us to win," commented ðoachChuck Stark. "It's been so longsince we played on our homõcourt, I was afraid we might beflat."

In the first 10 minutes of thefirst half the Rams were justthat. But a change of tempo gotthe Rams rolling.

Persons trained in the area ofdivorce problems will be on handto give professional advice on thevarious aspects of divorce. Freelectures will be held from ?:30 to9:30 p.m. in the Recital Hall.

The series is co-sponsored by!h" Offide of ðommunity .Services and the ADAPT prò-gram of Fresno.

Television Closses

mornings and evenings onseleeted days.

lwo units of credit, areavailable for either class.

?. 1)qlurdoy courses

Classes offer from one-half tothree units of credit and mosr areheld in the morning. Interestedpersons can register for theseclasses on Jan. 2l from 9 a.m. tonoon on camPus.

30-29 halftime lead. FCC also w¿ssuccessful runninR a four-corneroffense in the late st¿ses of bothhalves.

The Rams went up by six

po_ints with 57 seconds to play on1 Yo_+ pass and a Groth- hlup.But Modesto c¿me back to sõoietwo points on a jumper and twomore on a steal and layup.

With 19 seconds left dhe R¿ms

still impressed with them. "Theyar.en't a last-place team. Theywill have to be reckoned witibefore the season is over."

Modesto has lost the fourgames by a total df l0 points.

Stark feels that this weekendwill be the Rams' toughest allseason.

a split thisgreat shape,"game in the't at 7:30.

going into the final period befôrecoming back to win 8-7 on ridingtime.

Johnston ran hls season recordto 2il-L in spite of not being 100,per cent physically.

, Musick said of the wrestler'sperformance "Don had a bad coldbut he was determined to winanyway."

Coach Musick feels that the




Fuhure looks good w¡th win Tuesdoy ot COs

Greg Frrv[s drivee for the bucket while(1-r) Danny Adams, Ron Chatrnan, andKevin Ndanley. watch.


ior cogerst mglmenBy Dave Coulsonl

^ Anyone who has ever _participated in organized sports knowsit is more fun to win than to lose.

in his 177 lb.n.the DeAnz¿in the 150 lb.

. On the oth.er land, the basketball te¿m is just discoveringhow sweet winning is. Oddly enopgh, ùhe scrip[ was different ãmonth ago.

- Thiryt changed against Porterville on Dec. 23, when itlooked like the R¿ms would go down to their ninth loss in llgames.

" rä".å:å:ï:


Wrestlers cqn wrn

Don'] be cheofedWbat is a Christi¿n?A person is not a ChristÍ¿n

bec¿use he ¿dheres to aparticular code of ethics. Neitherís one ¿ ChÌistisn merely bec¡usehe acknowledgps the existence ofC'od ¿nd Jesus Christ

R¿ther, a Christj¿n is a personwho has been joined in a vit¿I,living union with Jesus Christhinself. You may ask, how canthis be? How can a human beinglike me be joined in such a unionwith the very God?

It is writtÆn, "But he th¿t isjoined into the Lord is one spirit"(I COR 6:17) and ". . . that whichis born of the spirit is spirit"(John 3:68). These verses showus that the way we s&D be joinedto the Lord is by being born ofGod's spirit in our spirit. .Eventhe l.ord Jesus said, "Do notmarvel that I said to you, youmust be born anew." This new

birüh is effected rn simple faithby asking Jesus Christ [o come

life. We ai men ò¿n be indwelt byChrist himself.

Thus,. a real Christian is aChrist-man,, a man indwelt and


14re challenge ynu to respondto this c¿ll. If you have anyquestions or comments come to:

"Students Get Together"sponsored by ChristiansSat. night, 7:f0 p.m. at1023 E. Weldon across fromFCC Cafeteria.Ph: 227-9318ALL STUDENTS WELCOME

The Ram wrestling team rolledto their lSth straight homevictory and tuned up for animportant match'by droppingDelta 34-14 Tuesday night in theGym.

FCC, now 5-0 in conferenceplay, can just about wrap uptheir.l0th eonference title in 14years if they can beat COS inVisalia next Tuesday.

The last i,ime that the Ramslost at home was during the197S76 season. The Rams are10-3 for the season.

Coach Bill Musick waspressed by several of

Part of the Rotary Clubs'effort to further understandingand friendly relations amongpeople of different nations, théprogram offers a unique studyopportunity.

The educational awards in-clude round-trip transportation,educational and living expensesfor one academic yea"l as ùell asany necessary funds for intensivelanguage training. Applicationsare welcomed from graduate and'undergraduate students, ùeach-ers of the handicapþed, technicalstudents and journalists.

F5.U deodline

The deadline for transferstudents to apply for financial aidfor the academic year 19?8-?9 atFresno State is March 1.

If you need any information orassistance in applying for finan-cial aid, contac', the EducationalOpportunity Center representa-tive, Stella Moya, in the StudentServices Center.

Divorce w¡llbe discussed

- Do you need aid in adjusting tothe problems of divorõe? If-so,why not attend the ADAPTlecture series at FCC beginningJan. 24 and continuing fór fouiconsecutive Tuesday evenings?

wrestlers. "Delta isnlt thestrongest team around but westill wrestled well."

Musick added, l'Tom Blancodid a good job considering it washis first match. John Diaz andBob Grimes also wrestled well."

Blanco won 13-3 in the 118 lb.class whlle Diaz, the heavy-weight, won 5-1 and Grimescontinued to wrestle in top formby pinning his opponent in the1?7 lb. class.

The ,evening's most excitingmaùch saw 167 lb. Don Johnstonst¿rt off sluggishly and finishstrongly. Johnston was down 6-l

Progrqrn scheduled Tues doy-'Popular Myths Abou] Rope'

"Popular Myths About Rape"will be the discussion topic in aTuesday-presentaiion featuringinstructor Joan Newcomb. Thefilm "Rape: A PreventiveInquiry" will be shown. thepresentation will be from 12 to 2p.m. in SS-202.

'lkiru' tol¡Þe shown

"Ikiru," a, Japanese filmdealing with the strugglq of lifeagainst death, will be shown hereFriday.

This is the story of a man wholearns that he has õnly sixmonths to live and how he spendshis last few months.

The movie will be presented inForum A at 7:30 p.m. Admissionis $1, but FCC students withstudent body cards will beadmitted free.

Rotory seeks


- The Rotary Club of Nortlí

¡ resno seeks candidates forRotary Foundation educationalgaqrds, to study abroad in1979-80.

Page 3: 78 s 17 jan19

Thurrday Jan.

Are you getting involved on rompus?Photos by Ken Enloe


I'ern ftaeker-'t really hadn'tthousht about it. It's onlY mYsecoñd day. I'd like to, though."

Ñaomi Dennis- "I don't know.this iô my second day and Ireally don't know what's goingon. I'm planning on gettinginvolved later."



"' ""1 : :

jan 19. ZO, ZL (Thurs., Fri', Sat' ) 'ñr ---- tWU¿ Bluc Yonder (25f 'draft-Tburs' )

i¡rAfl. e\)t att -v l-F'- ' rl

, Vlild Blue Yonder (25+ draft-Thurs'.).'

Ul+5 I{, FuJtæ ln:tho Toucq Dlstrlc!6-p.". -Bcer, Hlner Coffeg^(2l_yc¡Ts)foi-rirght ínrornátlqr 2ó8-L329

JUNIoRs---MISSESSIæS 5 to 20

l(AtPlß frrASUllS,926 î¿¡lt Olivc Îouer'Distrtct-

Àcroae froo lauck(a Balcery


1Ø Diecou¿t with F.C.C. ASB Card.

Sandy Plett- "Yes, ['d be moreinte¡ested in clubs than thecampus politics. I'd like to.join aski club, or" an ecology group."

NOf foRr¡kg our



Write for a lree booklet."Economics,'Pueblo. Colorado 8lOO9

ïhe Amerkqn Econoaj< Sr¡*em.ltb shouU dl leom nrore úl ¡t.



Ð t¡.o-,nr.,O Or¡oUentl

,/ri\ aqôrsreæd.õ, nrt*çgrùn¡lletrq(m¡'{-/ E US DeóqtrEr d (û¡Bc -

SUMMER JOBSWe wlll asslst you ln landlngwe wilr asgrs¡ you tn tanotng tnesummer loÞ ot your cholce. Ourno.nonsonge method le proven ef.lectlve. We er€ ln buslnos! ltdctlyto help Calllomla atudmtr obtdnsummer employmonl. Howüref, weask you to ect now eg tummet¡obs ere ugually taken by the eer.liost aÞplicànts. Please remlt ourone-tlm€ charge of E3 carh, checkor m.o. to: STUDENT EMPLOY-MÉ'¡r sERvtcE, 3741 G¡mclila

Orlvc, Sicrlmonto, Cr.

Page 4: 78 s 17 jan19


Studeil involvement?

As members of the stude¡t body, whether ASÈ or not. we all

ärsïå:verse, and

occrtr each moment? surround us' even though they

_ !o put it sirnply, wh ur seats inPhilosophy, Math, or nice, iõnlsemestel ofstudying? texts, anãaoeept that the world will turn with or without us?

Do you agree? Yes?

.ÎI¡en you are a fool who deserves no sympathy when yourtime comes.

Certainly, college is hould be ourprimary objective durin reality is that* -jot pegRle consider this tl ánd Íose anysemblance of true educ¿tion.

-,4 ,*,[:g" is a gathering of individuals. The making ofrrrenosnrps or romances is a common occurrence that has a net

ial interest the individual may

Tgrn^þ.a$ a few pages and read the student poll for thisweek. All those guestioned were seleçted on a raidom basis,yet there are almost identical responses in each case...aliwo_!r-ld like to get involved in some- way

Those who feel there is nothing on campus to interest themare.the. ones who help foster th1 apathôtic feelings towaiãactivities and sustain the decline in attendãnce andparticipation in events. If these same persons would find thedrive to seek others with the same likes, and try to establish anorganization to meet their interests, it would be a start., If .persons who complain about ASB àoing nothing, or who

don't care, could realizethat by failing to do Jomethirig about itthey are only hurting their own edu-cation, it would äbo be astart.

understand that this is a time ininly can't be repeated, and thattheir educaùions and possibly the

waythey live, it would be the best start anyone õouH make.When a man livés in a town and says he ãoesn't

"""" ",ùãiFpglon loeally, he only sets him-self up for the day. . .let's sai,r,ne ¡rre department goes on strike. By not being aware of thereasons, and thus, by not acùing on thi reasons,-he has no on"but himself to blame when his home goes up in smokb.

Involvément on thisstudent. By not beingaround us, we only þaveis shut down, or the Bo$ã) for unnecessary insurance, ominority are suspended for the

You have no one but yourselfyourself wh'en you are wrong'.ring human and person¡lityo be a mernber of the humannsibility of getting involved,r being a person.rcing informed or act,ually

rhe whore world is wairing r". p*;r:ï'hi:'ji""å"'ffifi'""å"ji.îth...quality of life just- a little bit better. . .yet too ñany of uswalk away, concerned as only narrow-minded people can be,

-M¡rL f,c¡¡¡ndez

The Rompge v{elcomes comncnts from its rmders. Le¡¡enshould be tyrywitten ond double spaced. Lerrcrs must fusigned.by the outhor, olthough Wn nomes moy be used u rheeditor's discretion. All letterc will be corrected to Rampagewle.

Submit msterial to SC-21I ng loter ilun the Mondoy beforeiniended publicotíon.

relurnBy Mike Hofhan.

raderie, a.singleness of purpose,[,nal ts lost at most otherconcerts. They were there tohear one band only, a band theyhad grown up wiih.

Though psychedelics were notin evidence at the concert, there


across the floor b"fo." lf,:concert started.

- the longhairs were out inlbrce, wearing the requisite worksntrLs and Jeans or overalls, sat

Teenyabsent.n theirhirties.

start. cert' to

The band opened witli ..Ber-tha." They moved flawlessly intothe next number, the last óf theeasy transitions. For the re-mainder of the 45 minute fi¡stset, the stage blacked outbetween numbers while guitarplayers Jerry Garcia and-.BobWeir, with occasional help frombass player Phil Lesh, d'ecidedwhat to play next.

The first set consisted ofseveral short numbers, includins'Mexicali Blues," "Playing in thõBand," and "Must Have Béen theRoses." Garcia's Voeals wereweak. His voice appearedstrained and séveral timeê fadedin the midst of a line. tVeirprovided strong voc¿ls, especial-ly in "Mexicali Blues." bonnaQodchaux, wife of piano playerKeith Godchaux, sang bäcliupvocals and a solo of-her owndurinq the second set.

The band members workedtogether with machineJike ac-curacy. The sounds were wellmi¡ed and amplified tg a properlevel. Vocals could be heärd

A co¡rse iir songwriting and acourse in possible careers inmusic will be offered thissemester.

The songwriting course, twounits, will be held Tuesdays from4:30 to 6:20 p.m. The class willdeal with the art of songwritingthrough 4nalysis, evaluation,discussion and demonstration.

Comp com-posìtion ritingand the songswill be class.Kenneth Wayne Carlton will



of 'The

Course in MUSiG

cufeers offered




tlired fon reoct¡on 0n

Godchaux played an electricpiano. the electric piano lacksthe depth and resonance on itsacoustic brother, though it iseasier to transport; He soundsmueh better on an acoustic piano.

The.band improved during theseco¡d set-. they displayed- thequaltty that makes .a Dead

on several motifs, providing anexcr[rng lnterplay between in-strumènts.

They did not return for anencore.

.lletmber ol'thea5Sc)CtATeDCOLLEGIATE,*essfl

I)¡ve C,ouleonKen Enloe


Roger LucioJim Snurr

I¡r¡rr B¡tti, M¡¡k Bclm¡n,Doug Ermitton, Mlke Eohen.Petor Perei, M¡nzell lVillirne

Mike Brigge, Curtie Cox, Mike kieto

"""*hT"ffiIte Rrnpge ie puHtehed evctr Thur¡d¡vDy lteilo Gþ Collqc'e Jou¡ndim 5 chs;

lh^e^Ren-prSe_o_fr ceiri¡-g0-Zll.phonc412-{000,czt.E%Z,lf0f E. Untvcrdty A""., ff"ro,¡, õl óbZt