7147040 modeling a human body in 3d studio max

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  • 8/7/2019 7147040 Modeling a Human Body in 3d Studio Max


    Modeling a human body - Page 1

    by Olli-Pekka Saastamoinen

    Homepage: http://www.dlc.fi/~ops

    Questions? [email protected]

    In the next 20 minutes you'll learn an easy way to model a human body. We're going to use

    box modeling technique (with meshsmooth).Requirements for this tutorial are that you have 3D Studio Max 1.2 or later and knowledge ofthe Max basics.

    Note: Max 2.5 users might find useful the Cut and Slice options.

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  • 8/7/2019 7147040 Modeling a Human Body in 3d Studio Max


    There's no retouching made after Meshsmooth was applied.

    Step 1. Making profiles

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    First we have to make (well not have to, but helps a lot) 2 reference pictures (front and sideview of what we are modeling).

    If you have a scanner you can draw them on paper and scan to you computer. I don't have, sohere's how I did it.

    I drew the profiles in Max with splines. See bellow:

    Click here to see a high res version. You can use that if you want.

    Step 2. Modeling leg

    It's easier to start from a leg. Start by making a box. Oh and remember that you have to modelonly the other half.

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    Now apply Edit Mesh and select a top face. You don't have to enter anything in the "amount",just press up arrow and you'll see the extrusion.

    Next picture shows you "have to do" segments.

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    Those thick red lines shows you where you have to stop the extrusion. When you hold downthe arrow and see the extrusion you have to stop in these lines (you get minimum detail).

    In Max 1.2 and 2.0 you have to think in the future, because you can't add more segmentsafterwards (in middle of the body). Max 2.5 users can make a whole body first and then addmore segments (Cut and Slice). You also should watch your side view.

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    Leg extrusion ready. See those segments on the knee area (you should add more segments inknees, start of an arm, elbow etc.. to make it better for animation).

    Now It's time for editing the leg. Move vertices so they match with the reference pictures youmade. You might see that I placed some segments wrong (on butt area). That doesn't mattermuch when Meshsmooth is applied. Max 2.5 owners have no problems, use Slice.

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    Step 3. Torso

    Use the same technique as with the leg.

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    Step 4. Arm

    Start by selecting the face where to start arm extrusion.

    Extrusion time!

    waiting.......... waiting........ waiting


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    Here's what I got.

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    Next page- Back to the users tutorials

    Copyright (c) Olli-Pekka Saastamoinen 1999.

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    Modeling a human body - Page 2

    Step 5. Hand

    I made a side view of the finger with splines (top view also).

    I made some boxes to help the extrusion process. Black boxes shows points where the fingerbends. Whites are for nail (yes we're going to do a finger nail also).

    Pictures bellow shows how I extruded the finger.

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    Next step is to move vertices so they match with the profiles. Note that I added more segmentson tip of the finger to make it more smooth.

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    Now comes the "hardest" part extruding a finger nail.

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    Select the faces and press ONLY once the extrusion arrow.

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    Now select those extruded vertices and scale them inside the finger as bellow picture shows.

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    Red line shows what where scaled.

    You need 3 segments to make this nail:

    Seg 1. You did this minute ago.

    Seg 2. These vertices you pull IN the finger, so you get a finger nail "socket".

    Seg 3. This is the nail it self. You pull vertices OUT of that "socket".

    FINISHED FINGER (MeshSmooth):

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    Well it's not perfect. When your character is ready (and meshsmooth applied) you can selectfingers vertices and apply FFD modifier to edit fingers. Finger nail is little too big, but that's veryeasy to correct.

    Now we have one finger. All we need is a thumb.

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    As you can see I made a copy and deleted half of a finger and scaled it bigger (looks almost athumb).

    Step 6. Connecting fingers to a palm

    Start by making 3 copies of your fingers.

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    Place them as you can see on above picture.

    Next make a box (width 4, length 4, height 1).

    Now move vertices so it look something like pictures bellow:

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    Here I've placed a thumb in it's place. I just rotated it and moved vertices so they can bewelded with palm vertices.

    Now it's time to connect those fingers to a palm.

    If you're getting following results when you apply Meshsmooth.

    You have made one mistake (yes you welded those vertices together), but did you deleted thefaces?

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    Here all "connection faces" are deleted.

    Now you just attach them together and weld those vertices (white dots).

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    Ending result:

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    Fingers are way too long. Meshsmooth also makes finger nail area look like a box (can't figureout why).

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    Modeling a human body - Page 3

    Step 7. Shoe

    Making a shoe is so simple, that couple of pictures explains it all.

    Some help: made with splines.

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    There's 2 segments first is pulled little bit over a leg and second one is pulled down.

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    Not bad.

    Step 8. Connections

    All we have left to do is connecting a hand to an arm and then 2 body halfs together.

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    Connecting all the parts together you do just like with the fingers. Delete connection faces andthen weld vertices together.

    Step 9. Meshsmooth

    Now just apply Meshsmooth. Check "quad output" and "smooth".

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    Now it's time for rotating your character and saying "Did I do this?!".

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  • 8/7/2019 7147040 Modeling a Human Body in 3d Studio Max


    If you watch very carefuly you might see, that something important is missing. Yep, a head.

    Don't worry here's a small link list for the best head tutorials:

    Modelling a Face With Patches

    Modelling a Head With Patches

    Modeling a Head With NURBS

    And THE head tutorial for Surface Tools owners:

    Facial Modeling - Spline Modeling Heads

    This tutorial showed you how to make a "naked" character. Click here for part 2 of the tutorial


    All questions/comments are welcome to [email protected].

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