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  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    LIGHTINGEnergy EfficiencyReference Guide

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    DISCLAIMER: Neither CEA echnologies Inc. (CEA

    authors, nor any of the organizations providing fundingfor this work (including any persons acting on the behaaforementioned) assume any liability or responsibility fodamages arising or resulting from the use of any informequipment, product, method or any other process whats

    disclosed or contained in this guide.Te use of certified practitioners for the application of ttion contained herein is strongly recommended.

    Tis guide was prepared by Energy @ Work for the CEnologies Inc. (CEAI) Customer Energy Solutions Int(CESIG) with the sponsorship of the following utility cparticipants:

    2007 CEA echnologies Inc. (CEAI) All rights re

    A O H d O P G

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    1 Introduction

    2 Energy Savings

    3 Emission Reduction Credits

    4 Applications a. Lighting Project Management

    b. Evaluation Methods

    c. Lighting Levels

    d. Light and the Environment

    e. Technology Integration

    f. Case Studies

    5 Understanding The Theory

    a. Defi nition of Light

    b. Visual Effect of Light

    c. Spectral Power Distribution

    d. Lighting and Colour

    e. Lighting Quantities and Units

    f. Lighting Levels

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    b. Tungsten Halogen Lamps

    c. Halogen PAR Lamps d. Halogen PAR and MR IR (Infrared)

    e. Infrared Heat Lamps

    8 Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts

    a. General b. Electronic Ballasts for Gas DischargLamps

    9 Fluorescent Lamps

    a. General b. Premium T-8 Lamps

    c. Low-Wattage T-8 Lamps

    d. T-5 and T5-HO Fluorescent Lamps

    e. Fluorescent Fixture Refl ectors

    f. Compact Fluorescent Lamps

    10 HID Lamp Ballasts

    a. Ballasts General

    b. Probe Start Ballasts

    c. Pulse Start Ballasts

    d Electronic HID Ballasts

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    a. Inductively Coupled Electrodel

    b. Fiber Optic Lighting c. LED Lighting

    13 Exit Signs

    Physical Data

    Types of Signs 14 Emerging Technologies

    Reduced Size Sources

    White Light LEDs

    Lighting Controls

    15 Codes, Standards and Regulations

    Code for Buildings

    16 Worksheets

    Lighting Cost and Saving Analysis

    17 Bibliography

    18 Glossary of Terms


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  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    Tis is a practical guide, designed to provide infolighting technology that will help to improve eneeffi ciency opportunities through a designed apprunderstanding components and technologies tha

    commercially available.It is strongly recommended that individuals or coundertaking comprehensive energy effi ciency prothe services of a professional energy effi ciency spfied in lighting design, to maximize the benefits investment by considering the internal rate of retbenefits of a quality design.

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    1 Introduction

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    Increasing energy costs have become a significanare expected to continue to increase in theforeseeable future. Businesses, institutions and cobe searching for more effi cient products and solu

    applications for more effi cient products are availagreater opportunities exist in the largely untappemarket. Lighting is recognized as a major area foenergy savings.

    Programs are in place to influence market and cotowards more energy effi cient products. For examguide for Houses and R2000, Energuide for Exi(EEB), and Commercial Building IncentiveProgram (CBIP) along with the use of the Enerlabelling program are some of the NRCan progrpromote energy effi cient lighting products.

    Tere are also national efforts to mandate and inregulate energy effi ciency and appear in various fcodes and standards and building guidelines to li

    within a building such as ASHRAE-IES 90.1, Dfor Federal Buildings, Equipment regulations - UAppliance Energy Conservation Act AmendmenEnergy Policy Act of 1992, etc.

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    2 Energy Savings

    Replacing incandescent with fluorescent or - types.

    Redesigning older fluorescent lamp configu- meet present applications, such as in industr

    with upgraded fixtures or better technology. example was suggested in the case study.

    Lighting projects, executed properly and comprehensbe easily justified for a number of reasons including:

    Energy savings, often a 25% internal rate of retur

    Emission reductions, direct correlation between e

    emission reduction;Maintenance cost savings from replacingineffi cient systems;

    Increasing light levels for tenant comfort or imprconsiderations;

    Improved CRI to enhance comfort.

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    3 Emission Re


    Canada ratified the Kyoto Protocol on February will lead to the economic value of emmission red

    Reducing energy use can be directly tied to emisreductions and calculated from the energy saved site or off site by the type of generation. Te quanthe emissions has been successfully used to createReduction Credits (ERCs) or in some cases, offsallowances. Tese are usually measured in either dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) or gases e.gEquivalent Carbon Dioxide (CO2e). Te credits allowances can be created when a company takesimprove effi ciency and reduce emissions to offsetgreenhouse gases.

    Credits or allowances will be allocated through nmethods. Te most common are process modificaenergy effi ciency, fuel switching, new equipment,Lighting becomes a major opportunity because ttechnology is considered proven and can be easi

    Energy savings are usually calculated in kilowatt-and converted to Emission Reduction Credits orallowances, based on the method by which the enwas generated

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    3 Emission Reduction Credits

    Ratification of Kyoto is expected to accelerate thecommercial value of emission reduction credits with e

    trading of emission credits or approved allowances. Tfederal government is in the process of defining the rcreation of greenhouse gas allowances within Canada

    Provincially there are specific initiatives underway for

    NOxreduction. For example, in Ontario offsets can band made available through a provincial registry. Teances can be created from energy improvements,especially lighting improvements.

    A good source of information in this dynamic area is

    Environment Canadas Envirozine online:


    or specific information on Canadas Kyoto commitme

    the Government of Canadas climate change websitehttp://www.climatechange.gc.ca/cop/cop6_hague/kyoto_e.html

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    a. Lighting Project Managemen

    Te objective of a qualitylighting design is to and productive environment whether for busin

    Tis is accomplished by a redesign or upgrade tothe appropriate quality and quantity of light is prusers of the space, at the lowest operating and m

    A qualitylighting design addresses more than issues. Either Net Present Value (NPV) or the In

    Return (IRR) can properly evaluate life cycle cos

    Proper evaluation of the data, planning and execuessential for successful implementation. Buildinginter-related. For example, removing 10 kW of li

    from a commercial building will have a significanthe heating, ventilation air conditioning system. will be reduced, but replacement heating may be necessary for the lighting designer to have a clearof all the building systems and how they interrela

    ypical lowest (first cost) projects save energy, bdo not maximize the saving potential in the buildcan result in a re-lamping exercise that provides savings, but prevents a lighting designer from ret

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    4 Applications

    For example, in a commercial building in oronto, thoriginal scope of work would have resulted in electric

    lighting savings of 37%, which on the surface would ato be a respectable objective. However, a lighting desiretained and a comprehensive design solution wasprovided. Te project achieved:

    Lighting energy savings of 63%;

    Reduced payback;

    An Internal Rate of Return of more than 30%; an

    Solutions for related building issues such as mainend of fixture life, etc.

    Te first cost was higher, however the life cycle cost calculated using either the Net Present Value or the IRate of Return proved a significantly superior solutio

    b. Evaluation Methods

    Te methodology used to evaluate the energy savingsa lighting project, either for a retrofit or a comparisonfor new projects, is critical to the success of installingcomplete energy effi cient solution. oo often the sim

    payback method is used which undervalues the finanto the organization. Following are brief descriptions ovarious payback evaluation methods. It is important tchoice of method reflects the same principles the com

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    Life Cycle Costing

    A proper life cycle costing analysis will provide arealistic financial picture of an energy retrofit prosimple payback evaluation. Unfortunately, energybeen a low priority and for convenience, the Simanalysis is often used to evaluate energy projects,

    lighting projects.Simple Payback consists of the project capitadivided by the annual energy savings realizedresult is the number of years it takes for the sfor the initial investment, e.g.; $100,000 proj

    $35,000 annually has a three-year payback.

    Life Cycle Costing analysis is a similar calculit looks at a realistic timeline and includes thmaintenance cost savings, the potential increreplacement lamps, and the cost of money, anbe properly evaluated by considering the costeither the Internal Rate of Return, or the Netas discussed below.

    Discounted Cash Flow

    Discounted cash flow methods recognize the timmoney and at the same time provide for full recoment in depreciable assets.

    4 A l

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    4 Applications

    Te Internal Rate of Return method finds the diswhich matches the cash inflows, and the cash

    outflows leaving a Net Present Value of zero. Acompany can then make capital investment decision the projects that have the highest Internal RatReturn; e.g., with interest rates below 10%, a projdelivers an IRR above 10% creates a

    positive cash flow.

    c. Lighting Levels

    Light level, or more correctly, Illuminance Level, is eameasured using an illuminance meter. Illuminance is

    energy striking a surface. It is measured in lux (SI) orcandles (Imperial). Te IESNA (Illuminating EngineSociety of North America) publishes tables of recomilluminance levels for all possible tasks. It is importanthat the illuminance level has no relevance to the lightin

    in other words, it is entirely possible to have the recomilluminance in a space but with a light source that promuch glare that it is impossible to work. Tis accountof the complaints of either too much or not enough l

    d. Light and the EnvironmentTere are a number of methods for determining whelighting installation is effi cient. One method is for thd i t h k ith th t i f th ASH

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    e. Technology Integration

    While this handbook is divided into sections deaindividual lighting technologies, it is essential to best lighting measures combine technologies to meffi ciency of systems. Experienced lighting designexample, select the fluorescent ballast Power Fact

    and the control system that provide the best possthe particular environment and client objectives.

    Te best solution is a derived by matching clientrequirements with the technology. Terefore, onemay use -5 technology while another uses meta

    f. Case Studies

    Te following are three case study examples

    Case Study OneA School Board Project in Ontario

    School boards are usually the owners of their facto municipalities, universities, schools and hospit

    MUSH sector. In reaction to the baby boom in tsixties there was a tremendous expansion in the cfacilities for this sector. Tus, facility managers hainherited 45-year-old facilities, with much of the

    4 A li ti

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    4 Applications

    Tis is particularly true for schools. Tere are limitedreplacement, so upgrading the systems in these facilit

    the only option.

    Lighting systems, just like furnaces, chillers, motors aare part of the 45-year-old facilities and have adefined life span. Over time, lamp sockets and intern

    wiring deteriorate, lenses become cracked and brokenTerefore, at some point it is more economical to repthan to continue to repair.

    Another significant concern for the facility manager in use. Computers were unheard of in primary and se

    education when these facilities were constructed, but now in common use both in the classroom and for famanagement. Curriculums have also evolved, and somties, such as science labs, now have verydifferent uses. As a result, there are many classrooms

    the lighting technology is out-dated, the equipment ireplacement, and the light fixtures are no longerappropriate for the illumination of the task.

    Lighting technology changes lead to more choice. Scgymnasia provide a good example. Older schools mayincandescent, fluorescent or mercury vapour lighting gyms. In these facilities 50% or more of the energy ingymnasium can be saved by redesigning the space wiefficient fluorescent systems using 8 or 5 lamps co

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    Situation: Tis project consisted of a survey building evaluations, including ad

    secondary and elementary schoolschallenge in most school board prrelatively low hours of building uscommercial projects.

    Area: 5,750,000 square feet

    Action: A company specializing in the desdelivery of energy programs retainspecialist to help the school boardfull assessment of savings and cost

    comprehensive energy project.echnology: Existing lighting throughout the 1

    buildings consisted of 34 W 12 lfluorescent fixtures, some mercuryin gymnasiums, and incandescent decorative lighting.

    Solutions: Te design team specified a compapproach including lighting upgraredesign, lighting controls, buildin

    fuel change, envelope improvemenupgrades, and solar panels.

    In the classrooms, the fluorescewere upgraded to 8 fluorescen

    4 Applications

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    4 Applications

    In the gymnasia, most locations receluminaires, either 8 fluorescent or

    halide high bay fixtures. Occupancywere installed where appropriate.

    In offi ces, the fluorescent fixtures wegraded to 8 fluorescent systems witronic ballasts, and where appropriat

    with new, more effi cient fixtures. Wpatterns of use made iteconomical, occupancy sensors were

    Exit signs were replaced with new LEmitting Diode (LED) exit signs.

    Outdoor lighting systems were upgrnew controls, using timers and in sophotocells, and new luminaires were

    with high pressure sodium lamps.

    Results: otal Project Cost: $12,000,000Energy Savings: 21.9 million ekWh (equivalent kilo

    Cost Savings: $1,500,000 per yearInternal Rate Return greater than 1

    Note:Te owner included other meprovided better results and still excehurdle rate.

    Measures: Lighting retrofit fuel change buildi

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    Case Study Two

    A Commercial Building in Downtown ToronCommercial property managers are constantly loopportunities to enhance tenant comfort and decLighting is considered a proven technology that both objectives.

    Commercial buildings commonly use variations fluorescent solution. Tere are a number of issuesthe lighting designer to consider. Te lighting layarrangement and geometry of light fixtures, may suit the location of work stations. Te light levelshigh for use in computer environments. Te lighthave lenses which create reflections on computercontrols are often limited to circuit beakers in anelectrical room on each floor. Te use of 347 V syCanada can also limit the options available to thelighting designer.

    A major consideration for building owners and tdisruption caused by a lighting project. Issues reqtial cooperation and coordination include:

    Access to secure floors or rooms,

    Elevator access,

    Storage of tools and equipment,

    4 Applications

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    4 Applications

    Situation: Tis project was for a Class A buildingoronto, with 35,000 existing base bu

    luminaires.Area: 2,670,000 square feet

    Action: Te building owner hired an engineerispecializing in energy-effi cient system

    provide a cost analysis for retrofitting lighting systems with more effi cient lighting systems.

    echnology: Existing base building light fixtures wineffi cient design which used a costly fluorescent lamp. Each fixture containand 2 electromagnetic ballasts.

    Solutions: Te lighting designers provided a redefixture incorporating a reflector, an

    electronic ballast and linear 8 lamps.On-site testing proved that light levelrequirements were met and that a saviof the lighting energy compared to thesystem. Tis solution also avoided the

    premium of the U-ube lamps. Other measures undertaken as part of

    overall program included boiler replacfresh air improvements and water mea

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    controls replaced the required heasubstantial savings, and provided

    improvements to indoor air qualityResults: Project Cost: $17,000,000

    EnergySavings: 19.4 million ekWh (equivalent kil

    Cost Savings: $1,800,000 per year

    Internal Rate Return greater than 10% (Note theincluded other measures that provided better resuexceeded their hurdle rate.)

    Te 3,500 kW reduction translated to about a $1annual saving, and the lighting project cost was a$2.5 million; an internal rate of return of 30%. Acase with these projects, the owner bundled othemeasures with significantly longer paybacks into

    maximize the improvements to the building and commodate required system upgrades such as th

    Case Study Three


    Situation: An industrial facility in southern Oreceiving increased complaints and

    4 Applications

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    Action: An industrial lighting designer was retto tour the facility, interview staff and

    potential options.echnology: ypical two lamp 34 W, -12 open fix

    fluorescent fixtures were in use througplant as per the original installation ingrid pattern. Although changes had othe plant over the years, thelighting remained the same. Light leveareas had deteriorated to as low as 5foot candles, compared to IESNArecommended 15 foot candles. Staff wconcerned and offered to demonstratechallenges of operating equipment inconstraint areas.

    Solutions: A three phase solution was proposed

    and accepted.Phase 1: A short 15 page preliminary assessmen

    prepared to summarize the data on theexisting situation including light levelsestimated lighting fixtures, lamp, balla

    fixture types, as well as recommended

    Phase 2: Because there were other plants with sopportunities, it was decided to arrang

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    Phase 3: A demonstration pilot project wasthe recommended option to confi

    acceptance, light levels and recom A design level of 20 foot candles w

    to offset loss of light output due to

    Coeffi cient of utilization (CU),

    Lamp lumen depreciation factoLuminaire dirt depreciation fac

    Te reflectance in the test area wazero because of the dirty environm

    was no prior experience in modeli

    space due the complexities of the type of work for maintenance, so flrated very high.

    Te test area called for 27 metal h

    fixtures and was increased to 32 atplant staff.

    Te pilot demonstrated a 36% IRRexceed the plant internal hurdle raLight levels went from 5 fc to 18

    the pilot areas, lamps were reduce256 W to 32 W with a 30% energ

    Results: Metal Halide 400 W enclosed fixtl d d id d h f ll i

    4 Applications

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    5 Understand

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    a. Defi nition of Light

    Defi nition

    Light is that which makes things visible.Light is defined as electromagnetic radiationtransmitted through space or a material medof electromagnetic waves (definition in physi

    Light is defined as visually evaluated radiant

    is that part of the electromagnetic spectrum vhuman eye (illuminating engineering definiti


    Electromagnetic SpectrumTe electromagnetic spectrum is shown in th

    Te visible portion of the spectrum covers a n

    5 Understanding The Theory

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    Gamma Rays X-rays ltraviolet Infrared Radio

    Visible Light


    10 4 101 10 1 10 10 104 10 1

    400 500 600 700 70

    Blue Green

    ave engt (nm)

    avelength (m

    Yellow Red

    b. Visual Effect of LightLight is defined as visually evaluated radiant ener

    Te visible portion of the radiant energy that reaceye is absorbed by special receptors (rods and conretina, which covers the inner wall of the eye.

    In the retina, the rods and cones convert the radiainto electrical signals. Te nerves transmit the eleimpulses to the brain where the light sensation is

    5 Understand

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    Te curve for photopic (or day) vision applieis in bright viewing conditions. Te curve is d

    V (). Te visual response is at maximum at tgreen region of the spectrum, at a wavelength

    Te curve for scotopic (or night) vision appliis in dark-adapted condition. Te curve is den

    Te visual response is at maximum in the blu

    of the spectrum, at a wavelength of 507 nm.

    Relative Spectral Luminous Effi ciency

    { {Violet



    400 00 600














    Blue Yellow Oran eGreen


    V ()

    5 Understanding The Theory

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    c. Spectral Power Distribution

    IntroductionEach light source is characterized by a spectral podistribution curve or spectrum.

    Spectral Power Distribution Curve

    Te spectral power distribution (SPD) curve, or sof a light source shows the radiant power that is eby the source at each wavelength, over the electrospectrum (primarily in the visible region).

    With colour temperature and colour rendering in ratings, the SPD curve can provide a complete pithe colour composition of a lamps light output.








    400 00

    500 W incandescent

    Noon sunlight


    lativePower Deluxe





    5 Understand

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    High Intensity Discharge Lamp Spectrum

    HID lamps produce spectra with discrete lin

    Fluorescent Lamp Spectrum

    Fluorescent lamps produce spectra with a conand superimposed discrete bands.

    Te continuous spectrum results from the haand rare earth phosphor coating.

    Te discrete band or line spectrum results fromercury discharge.

    d. Lighting and ColourIntroduction

    Each wavelength of light gives rise to a certa

    of colour.A light source emitting radiant energy, relativall visible wavelengths, such as sunlight, will the eye.

    Any colour can be imitated by a combination three suitable primary colours.

    A suitable set of primary colours usually choand blue.

    5 Understanding The Theory

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    Optical Prism

    Surface Colours

    Te perceived colour, or colour appearance, of a suthe colour of the light reflected from the surface.

    Certain wavelengths are more strongly reflected f coloured surface than others, which are more stroabsorbed, giving the surface its colour appearance

    Te colour depends on both the spectral reflectansurface and the spectral power distribution of the

    light source. In order to see the colour of the objecolour must be present in the spectrum of used lig

    Colour Properties of Light Source

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    -Effi ciency (lumen/watt)

    Chromaticity or Colour TemperatureAll objects will emit light if they are heated t

    high temperature.

    Te chromaticity or colour temperature of a l

    describes the colour appearance of the sourceTe correlated colour temperature of a light sabsolute temperature, in Kelvin (K), of a blacradiator, having the same chromaticity as the

    Sources with low colour temperatures - below

    a reddish or yellowish colour, described as wa

    Sources with high colour temperatures - abovhave a bluish colour, described as cool colour

    Warm colour is more acceptable at low lighti

    cool colour at high lighting levels.Te colour description and application is sumfollows:

    below 3,000 K warm reddish lower lightin

    above 4,000 K cool bluish higher lighting

    5 Understanding The Theory

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    Colour Temperature of Common Light Source

    Colour TempLight Source (K) Descrip

    Sky - extremely blue 25,000 Sky - overcast 6,500 Sunlight at noon 5,000 Fluorescent - cool white 4,100 Metal halide (400 W, clear) 4,300 Fluorescent - warm white 3,000 wIncandescent (100 W) 2,900 wHigh Pressure Sodium (400 W, clear) 2,100 wCandle flame 1,800 wLow pressure sodium 1,740 w

    Colour Rendering Index (CRI)

    Colour rendering is a general expression for the elight source on the colour appearance of objects, c

    with the effect produced by a reference or standarsource of the same correlated colour temperature

    Te colour rendering properties of a light source

    expressed by the (CRI).Te CRI is obtained as the mean value of measura set of eight test colours.

    Te CRI has a value between 0 and 100

    5 Understand

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    It is essential to understand that the CRI valreference to natural light, although colours u

    CRI lamp will appear more natural.Te most important characteristic of a lamp,energy viewpoint, is its ability to convert elecinto light. Tis measure is referred to as effi caper watt or light output per watt input. Te c

    shows the general range of lumens per watt avarious light sources.

    Colour Rendering Index and Effi cacy of C

    SourcesCategory Lumen/watt Incandescent 10 to 35 Mercury Vapour (HID) 20 to 60 Light Emitting Diode 20 to 40

    Fluorescent 40 to 100 Metal Halide (HID) 50 to 110 High Pressure Sodium (HID) 50 to 140 Low Pressure Sodium 100 to 180

    Colour Rendering DescriptionCRI Colour Rendering

    75-100 Excellent60-75 Good

    5 Understanding The Theory

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    Halogen versions of incandescent lamps produce light with +95 CRI.

    With gaseous discharge technology, colour charaare modified by the mixture of gases and by the uphosphor coatings.

    HID lamps are chosen mostly for their exception

    effi ciency; metal halide versions have acceptable CApplication Notes

    Warm colour light is associated with indoors, nigheat, and fits better indoors and in cool environm

    Warm colour light makes warm colour objects (re colours) look richer.

    Cool colour light is associated with outdoors, daycold, and fits better in warm environments.

    Cool colour light mixes better with daylight

    (daytime lighting)Cool colour light makes cool colour objects (bluecolours) look refreshing.

    Match light source colour with room objects colo(interior decoration).

    Sources with high CRI cause the least emphasis o

    distortion of colour.

    h d

    5 Understand

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    Sensitivity of the human eye varies, reaching at a wavelength of 555 nm during daytime (p

    and 507 nm for night vision (scotopic vision)Te unit of luminous flux is the lumen (lm).

    Te lumen is defined as the luminous flux assradiant flux of 1/683 W at a wavelength of 55

    Lamp Lumens (lm) = the quantity of light emlight source.

    Luminous Effi cacy

    Te luminous effi cacy of a light source is defi

    ratio of the light output (lumens) to the ener(watts).

    Te effi cacy is measured in lumens per watt (

    Te effi cacy of different light sources varies dfrom less than 10 lumens per watt, to more tlumens per watt.

    Effi cacy of a light source = lamp lumens/lam

    5 Understanding The Theory

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    L MEN

    Luminous Flux Density or Lighting Level

    Te luminous flux density at a point on a surface as the luminous flux per unit area.

    Te luminous flux density is also known as the illor quantity of light on a surface, or lighting level.

    Te SI unit of the lighting level is the lux (lx),1 lx = 1 lm/m2.

    When measurement is in Imperial units, the unit

    5 Understand

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    Minimum recommended lighting levels for dare included below.

    Lux = the unit of illuminance at a point of a Lux = lumens/area.


    f. Lighting LevelsIntroduction

    Recommendations for lighting levels are foun

    Edition of the IESNA Lighting Handbook. Illuminating Engineering Society of North Arecognized technical authority on illuminatio

    Te data included in the tables below is appr

    5 Understanding The Theory

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    Lighting Levels by Visual Task

    Lighting Level

    Type of Visual Task fc lux





    Examples of Lighting Levels by Building Area

    Lighting Level

    Building Area and Task fc lux Comments






    5 Understand

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    Parking Areas - Covered 2 20 Lower at nightParking Areas - Open .2 2 Higher for enhanced securityReading/Writing 50 500 Varies with task difficultyRestaurant - Dining 10 100Stairways 5 50Stores - Sales Area 30 300Streetlighting - Highways 0.9 9 Varies with traffic density

    Streetlighting - Roadways 0.7 7 Varies with traffic and pedestr

    Lighting Level Adjustment Reduce Lighting Increase LightingFactor Level by 30% Level by 30%

    Reflectance of task background Greater than 70% Less than 70%Speed or accuracy Not important Critical

    Workers age (average) Under 40 Over 55

    5 Understanding The Theory

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    6 Gene


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    a. Light Sources


    Many different processes convert energy into visiradiation (light).

    Some basic processes are described below.

    Generation of Light

    Incan escence

    Gas Discharge

    F uorescence


    Lig t

    6 Generation Of Light

    I d

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    Solids and liquids emit visible radiation when theheated to temperatures above 1,000 K.

    Te intensity increases and the appearance becomas the temperature increases.

    Tis phenomenon is known as incandescence or

    temperature radiation.Application: incandescent lamps.


    Luminescence is the emission of light not ascribe to incandescence.

    wo important types of luminescence are electricdischarge, and fluorescence.

    ElectroluminescenceElectroluminescence is the emission of light whe

    voltage direct current is applied to a semi-conduccontaining a crystal and a p-n junction.

    Te most common electroluminescent device is t

    Electric or Gas Discharge

    6 Gene

    I hi h pr r di h r th pr r i

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    In high pressure discharge, the gas pressure i1 to 2 atm or 14.7 to 29.4 PSI.

    Application: gas discharge lamps.


    Radiation at one wavelength is absorbed, usuand is re-emitted at a different wavelength.

    When the re-emitted radiation is visible andhappens only during the absorption time, theis called fluorescence.

    If the emission continues after the excitation

    phenomenon is called phosphorescence.In the fluorescent lamp, the ultraviolet radiatfrom the gas discharge is converted into visiba phosphor coating on the inside of the tube.

    Application: fluorescent, phosphor-coated H

    b. Lamp Types

    Defi nition

    An electric lamp is a device converting electric eninto light.

    Lamp Types by Light Generation Method

    6 Generation Of Light

    Mercury vapour (MV) lamps

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    Mercury vapour (MV) lamps-

    MH lamps-

    High pressure sodium (HPS) lamps-Electroluminescent lamps


    Lamp Types by Standard Classifi cationIncandescent lamps

    Fluorescent lamps

    HID lamps

    Mercury vapour (MV) lamps-Metal halide (MH) lamps-

    High pressure sodium (HPS) lamps-

    Low pressure sodium (LPS) lamps

    LED sourcesLamp Effi cacy or Effi ciency

    Te effi cacy of the various types of lamps isshown below:


    Lamp Type (Lumens per Watt) Rated Average Life (hours)

    Incandescent 10 to 35 1,000 to 4,000

    6 Gene

    Rated Average Life

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    Rated Average Life

    Rated average life is the total operated hoursa large group of lamps still survive; it allows flamps to vary considerably from the average.

    Incandescent lamp life can be extended by usto reduce maximum power.

    Compact fluorescent lamps have relatively loabout 10,000 hours.

    Gas discharge lamps have long lives of aboutor more.

    LED sources have life based on different crit

    the LED has lost 50% of its original output, failed. Tis is a range from 50,000 to 100,000methodology is used by most manufacturers.

    c. Lighting Systems

    Lighting Unit or Luminaire

    A lighting unit consists of:

    A lamp or lamps,

    A ballast (for gas discharge lamps),

    A fixture or housing,

    An internal wiring and sockets

    6 Generation Of Light

    Lighting System Environment

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    Lighting System Environment

    A lighting system environment consists of:

    Room (ceiling, wall, floor),

    Room objects.

    Lighting System Illustration

    7 Inca


  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    a. Standard Incandescent Lamp


    A typical construction of an incandescent lam

    the figure on the next page.An incandescent lamp produces light by usincurrent to heat a metallic filament to a high t(above 5000 C/ 9000 F).

    A tungsten filament is used because of its hig point and low rate of evaporation at high tem

    Te filament is coiled to shorten the overall lreduce thermal loss.

    Te filament is enclosed in a glass bulb filled

    at low pressure.Te inert gas permits operation at higher temcompared to vacuum, resulting in a smaller eof the filament.

    Te bulbs are often frosted on the inside to pdiffused light instead of the glaring brightnesunconcealed filament.

    7 Incandescent Lamps

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    7 Inca

    Shape Code

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    Shape CodeA Arbitrary (standard) - universal use for home lighting

    B Bullet - decorative

    BR Bulging reflector - for substitution of incandescent R

    C Cone shape - used mostly for small appliances a

    ER Elliptical reflector - for substitution of incandescent R

    F Flame - decorative interior lighting

    G Globe - ornamental lighting and some floo

    P Pear - standard for streetcar and locomo

    PAR Parabolic aIuminized - used in spotlights and floodlights reflector

    S Straight - lower wattage lamps- sign and decorative

    T Tubular - showcase and appliance lighting

    Lamp Designation

    A lamp designation consists of a number to indicage, a shape code and a number to indicate the

    approximate major diameter.

    Example: 60A1960: Wattage (60 W)

    7 Incandescent Lamps


  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    Colour rendering index - 97 (CRI)

    - excellent CRIColour temperature - 2,500 to 3,000 K - warm colour

    Luminous efficacy - 10 to 35 lumens per watt- lowest efficacy of all light sources

    - efficacy increases with lamp size

    Lamp life (hours) - 1,000 to 4,000 (typical 1,000)- shortest life of all light sources- longer life lamps have lower efficacy

    General - first developed and most common lamps

    Lamp configuration - point source

    Lamp watts - 1 to 1,500 W

    Lamp lumen - 80% to 90% depreciation factor (LLD)

    Warm-up time - instant

    Restrike time - instant

    Lamp cost - low- lowest initial cost

    - highest operating costMain applications - residential

    - merchandising display lighting

    7 Inca

    Rated Initial Mean

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    Lamp Lumens LumensLamp Lamp Life Initial per Mean per

    Designation Watts (hrs) Lumens Watt Lumens Watt


    25 A 19 25 1,000 270 10.8 40 A 19 40 1,000 510 12.8 60 A 19 60 1,000 855 14.3 100 A 19 100 1,000 1,650 16.5 1,535 15.4150 A 23 150 1,000 2,780 18.5 2,585 17.2200 PS 30 200 1,000 3,400 17.0 300 PS 30 300 1,000 5,720 19.1 5,205 17.4500 PS 35 500 1,000 10,750 21.5 9,783 19.61000 PS 52 1,000 1,000 23,100 23.1 21,252 21.31500 PS 52 1,500 1,000 33,620 22.4 28,241 18.8

    R Lamps

    30 R 20 30 2,000 200 6.750 R 20 50 2,000 320 6.4

    75 R 20 75 2,000 500 6.7BR & ER Lamps

    50 ER 30 50 2,000 320 6.475 ER 30 75 2,000 580 7.7120 ER 40 120 2,000 1,475 12.3

    PAR Lamps

    65 PAR 38 65 2,000 765 11.875 PAR 38 75 2 000 1 040 13 9

    7 Incandescent Lamps

    b. Tungsten Halogen Lamps

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    g g p

    ConstructionTe quartz tungsten halogen lamp is another typeincandescent lamp.

    Te conventional incandescent lamp loses filamen

    by evaporation which is deposited on the bulb wato bulb blackening and reduced lamp effi cacy durof the lamp.

    When a halogen element is added to the filling gcertain design conditions, a chemical reaction occ

    result of which evaporated tungsten is redepositefilament, preventing any deposits on the bulb wal

    Te bulb of the tungsten halogen lamp is normalof quartz glass to withstand the lamps high-tempoperating conditions.

    Te fixture often incorporates a reflector for bettedissipation and beam control.

    7 Inca

    Shapes and Designation

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    Shape CodeTubular:T3 Line voltage tungsten halogen lamp - double-ended

    Tubular:T10 Line voltage tungsten halogen lamp - single-ended

    Tubular:T6 Line voltage tungsten halogen lamp - single-ended

    b l l h l l h fl

    7 Incandescent Lamps

    Low Voltage Tungsten Halogen

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    Operates at low voltage - mainly 12 V,

    Each fixture includes a transformer - supplying thvoltage to the lamp and are compact in size,

    Tese are more effi cient than standard incandesce

    Tese have longer life than standard incandescen

    Tese are used mainly for display lighting.

    7 Inca

    Rated Initial MeanLamp Lumens Lumens

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    Lamp Lumens LumensLamp Lamp Life Initial per Mean per

    Designation Watts (hrs) Lumens Watt Lumens Watt

    Single-Ended Quartz

    Q 75CL 75 2,000 1,400 18.7Q 100 CL 100 750 1,800 18.0 Q 150 CL/DC 150 1,000 2,800 18.7 2,688 17.9

    Q 250 CL/DC 250 2,000 5,000 20.0 4,850 19.4Q 400 CL/MC 400 2,000 8,250 20.6 Q 500 CL/DC 500 2,000 10,450 20.9

    Double-Ended Quartz

    Q 200 T3/CL 200 1,500 3,460 17.3 Q 300 T3/CL 300 2,000 5,950 19.8 Q 400 T4/CL 400 2,000 7,750 19.4 Q 500 T3/CL 550 2,000 11,100 22.2 10,767 21.5Q1000 T6/CL 1,000 2,000 23,400 23.4 Q1500 T3/CL 1,500 2,000 35,800 23.9 34,726 23.2

    Low Voltage MR Types

    20MR16FL 20W 4,000 700 CBCP50MR16FL 50W 4,000 2,000 CBCP65MR16FL 65W 4,000 2,100 CBCP

    Notes: CRI for incandescent lamps is typically 97.CRI for tungsten halogen (quartz) lamps is slightly better than o CBCP = Centre Beam Candle Power, used instead of lumens wit

    reflector lamps

    7 Incandescent Lamps

    c. Halogen PAR Lamps

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting





    FilamentHalogen Capsule

    General DescriptionHalogen PAR lamps are lamps with a Parabolic AReflector (PAR) which use a halogen capsule instsimple filament.

    Te halogen capsule includes a tungsten filamenthalogen gas.

    PAR Lamp Families

    7 Inca

    All PAR lamps have an aluminum or silver con part of the bulbs surface

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    on part of the bulb s surface.

    PAR lamps are used for directional lighting, i.e., highlighting or spot lighting.

    Most common size is the PAR38.

    Other sizes include PAR30, PAR20 and PAR

    Beam spreads are described as narrow spot (Nand flood (FL).

    Standard PAR Lamps (see also Section 7acent Lamps)

    Use a tungsten filament but no halogen gas,i.e., no halogen capsule.

    Lamp watts: 75 W, 100 W, 150 W

    Life: 2,000 hours.

    Halogen PAR Lamps

    Halogen PAR lamps use a halogen capsule intungsten filament.

    Lamp watts: 45 W, 65 W, 90 W.Life: 2,000 hours.

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    7 Inca


  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    Halogen PAR lamps are more expensive than staenergy saving PAR.


    Halogen PAR lamps provide energy savings

    outweigh the lamp price difference in less tha

    Halogen PAR lamps provide better quality li

    Rated Initial Mean

    Lamp Lumens Lumens ColourLamp Lamp Life Initial per Mean per Designation Watts (hrs) Lumens Watt Lumens Watt

    PAR Quartz

    Q90 PAR38 90 2,000 1,740 19.3

    Q150 PAR38 140 4,000 2,000 13.3 1,900 12.7

    Q250 PAR38 250 6,000 3,220 12.9

    Q500 PAR56 500 4,000 7,000 14.0

    Q1000 PAR64 1,000 4,000 19,400 1 9.4

    7 Incandescent Lamps

    d. Halogen PAR and MR IR (InfrareL

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    Halogen PAR IR lamps use a halogen capsule wiinfrared (IR) coating film on the capsule surface.

    Te IR film is visually transparent and reflects hethe filament, making the lamp more effi cient.

    Tese lamps are the most effi cient incandescent PLamp watts: 40 W, 50 W, 55 W, 60 W, 80 W, 100and others.

    Life: 3,000 to 6,000 hours.

    Tese are an excellent replacement for conventionincandescent PAR lamps.

    Standard incandescent PAR Lamp:150PAR38fl, 2,000 hrs, 1,700 initial lumens, 11.3 lm/W

    Halogen PAR Lamp:

    120PAR38FL, 2,000 hrs, 1,900 initial lumens, 15.8 lm/WHalogen HIR PAR Lamp:90PAR38HIR/FL, 4,000 hrs, 2,030 initial lumens, 22.5 lm/W

    7 Inca

    e. Infrared Heat Lamps

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    EnergyRa iator


    T e new IR-P R amp Conventiona

    Te Energy Radiatorreflects the heat forward

    Skirted PAR lamp basefor increased support

    Te heat losconventiona

    IR lamp

    General Description

    Infrared heat lamps, also known as IR lamps, or lamps, are specially-designed incandescent lampsproduce mostly heat and little light.

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    7 Inca

    Technical DataI t H t H t L 0 t 30

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    Input Heat Heat Lamp 0 to 30

    Wattage Output Efficiency HeatLamp Type (W) (W) (%) Output (W)

    175 W PAR 175 115 65.7 74100 W PAR 100 65 65.0 42250 W R 250 144 57.6 77.5175 W R 175 95 54.3 46

    150 W R - - - -

    Input wattage is the nominal lamp wattage.

    Heat output is the useful heat available fromthe lamp i.e., the heat produced in a solid ang

    90 around the lamp axis in the front hemispTe heat output numbers included in the tabbeen measured in a laboratory test.

    Heat lamp effi ciency is defined as the ratio ooutput over the nominal input wattage.

    Heat output in the 0 to 30 zone is the heat the centre axis of the lamp.


    Nominal lifetimes are listed below (manufactLamp Type Expected Lifetime(hrs)

    175 W PAR 5,000

    7 Incandescent Lamps

    Lamp life is defined statistically as the time in howhich 50% of the lamps are still functioning (wh

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    p ghave failed).

    Te expected lifetime of a single lamp is 5,000 hodefinition, the actual lifetime can be higher or low

    PAR lamps have a more rugged construction andtempered glass not easily broken by thermal shoc

    mechanical impact.In farm applications, typical conditions include hhumidity, i.e., RH at least 75% and ammonia leveto 35 ppm, with an expected negative effect on la

    Fluctuations in voltage are common in farms andnegative effect since higher voltages reduce theexpected lifetime.

    Monitoring line voltage of a large number of lamreal farm setting and recording failure rates would

    comparison of reliability and lamp life between Ptype lamps.

    175 W PAR Lamps Can Replace 250 W R

    Te technical data listed on the previous page ind

    the 175 W PAR lamp can be a more effi cient repfor the 250 W R lamp.

    Replacement results in savings of 75 W per lamp,

    7 Inca

    Heat output in the 0 to 30 zone, i.e., heat olamp axis zone, is almost the same for the old

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    plamp (only 3.5 W less).

    Te heat lamp effi ciency is improved.

    100 W PAR Lamps Can Replace 175 W

    Te 100 W PAR lamp can be a more effi cien

    for the 175 W R lamp.Replacement results in savings of 75 W per laenergy savings.

    Heat output is reduced by 30 W.

    Heat output in the 0 to 30 zone, i.e., heat olamp axis zone, is almost the same for the oldlamp (only 4 W less).

    Te heat lamp effi ciency is improved.

    ApplicationsFarm animal heating;

    In farm animal heating where lamps are on c

    Restaurants also use them for keeping food w


    PAR heat lamps offer a more effi cient and ov

    7 Incandescent Lamps

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    8 Fluorescen


  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    a. General

    Defi nition

    A ballast is a device used with a gas discharge lam

    provide the necessary starting and operating elecconditions.


    Te ballast supplies the right voltage to start the lamp.

    Te ballast limits current to a gas discharge loperation - the resistance of a gas discharge lnegligible once the arc has been struck.

    Te ballast prevents any voltage or current flucaused by the arc discharge from reflecting inline circuit.

    Te ballast compensates for the low power fa

    characteristic of the arc discharge.

    Ballast Construction

    8 Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts

    Capacitors may be included in the ballast circuit providing suffi cient voltage, start the lamp, and/o


  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    power factor.

    Some ballasts are housed inside the lighting fixtu

    Simple Ballast Illustrations




    Reactor Ballast



    Reactor Ballast

    PF Capacitor

    8 Fluorescen

    Typical Wiring Diagrams

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting







    B acW itee owellow




    B ueB ue



    WhiteB ac


    Ballast Losses

    A ballast, as an electric circuit, has electric en

    Ballast losses are obtained from catalogues ofballast manufacturers.

    Energy efficient ballasts have lower losses

    8 Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts

    Ballasts are also classified by the type - function of their electric circuit.

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    Note that electro-magnetic fluorescen- are gradually being removed from theplace by energy regulations.

    Each ballast is designed to be used wit- specific type and size (wattage) of lam

    Te lamp type and size compatible wi- ballast are listed on the ballast label.


    Ballasts should meet ANSI (American National Institute) specifications for proper lamp performaCanadian standard for ballast effi ciency isCAN/CSA-C654-M91 Fluorescent Lamp BallastMeasurements.

    Te CBMA (Certified Ballast Manufacturers Aslabel indicates that the ballast has been tested and

    ANSI specifications.

    Te UL (Underwriters Laboratories ) label indicathe ballast has been tested and meets UL safety c

    standard) as well as the Canadian CAN/CSA-C6criteria.

    Te CSA (Canadian Standards Association) labe

    8 Fluorescen

    Thermal Protection

    Te NEC (US National Electrical Code) and

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    Te NEC (US National Electrical Code) and

    Canadian Electrical Code require that all indmust be thermally protected.

    Tis is accomplished by a thermal switch in twhich turns power off above a maximum tem(1050C approximately).

    Ballasts meeting this standard for protection Class P.

    A cycling ballast, which turns power off and overheating problem.

    Sound Ratings

    All core-coil ballasts produce a sound commas a hum.

    Manufacturers give the ballasts a sound ratin An A ballast produces the least hum, and shoquiet areas (offi ces, homes).

    An F ballast produces the most audible humused in places where noise is acceptable (fact


    Ballast Life

    8 Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts

    Ballasts are rated typically for 75C. 90C ballastsspecial design called Extreme emp. Somemanufacturers list 8C instead of 10C

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    manufacturers list 8 C instead of 10 C.

    Similarly, a 100C decrease will approximately doballast life.

    b. Electronic Ballasts for Gas DischLamps

    Typical Circuit Component Diagram




    Fuse Line FilterTransient


    OutputTransformeror Inductor



    Oscillator(25 kH2,AC)

    Functional Block Diagram





    DC toHigh Frequency


  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    Some ballasts have components to reduce totdistortion, improve power factor and provideprotection.

    General Description

    A rapid start ballast starts one or more gas diby first heating the electrodes of the lamps toelectron emission temperature before initiatin

    An instant start ballast does not preheat the

    initiates the arc by a higher starting voltage.A modified start ballast starts the lamp in ththe rapid start ballast. It then reduces or cutselectrode heating voltage after the lamp arc h

    Both types of ballast stabilize the arc by limit to proper levels.

    Older technology (i.e., electromagnetic) ballaof laminated cores wound with copper or alusome have capacitors to control voltage and/o

    power factor.Electromagnetic ballasts operate the lamps afrequency, 60 Hz.

    8 Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts

    Electronic ballasts in both the rapid start, instantprogram start modes are available.

    Operation of rapid start lamps b instant start or

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    Operation of rapid start lamps by instant start or start ballasts can potentially shorten lamp life if c

    with other control technologies such as occupancRefer to the ballast and lamp manufacturers data

    In comparison with the electromagnetic ballast, t

    electronic ballast weighs less, operates at lower teand at a lower noise level, and is more energy efficosts more.

    It is essential to match the electrical characteristiclamps and ballasts.

    Technical Data

    Models are available for one-lamp, two-lamp, thrfour-lamp fixtures.

    Available in 120 volts, 277 volts and 347 volts. So ballasts are now available for universal voltage, i.e277 V, and less common voltages such as 240 V.

    Ballast specification is based on: number of lamptype (F328/841 or other) and line voltage.

    Example: two-lamp F328/841 120V electronic

    Some electronic ballasts are dimmable.

    T ffi f l t i b ll t i 21% t 43% b

    8 Fluorescen

    Total Harmonic Distortion

    Harmonics are frequencies that are integral m

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    q g

    fundamental frequency.For a 60 Hz fundamental frequency, the seco120 Hz, and the third is 180 Hz.

    Harmonics can be present in voltage and/or c

    Harmonics occur whenever the wave shape is from a pure sine wave.

    Electric utilities supply voltage and current vsinusoidal wave form.

    If the users load is nonlinear, drawing short p

    current within each sine wave cycle, the sinuswave shape will be distorted and a harmonic be present.

    Te characteristics of the nonlinear load deteof the distortion, the magnitude of each harmcorresponding harmonic current.

    otal current is a combination of the fundamfrequency and a contribution from each of th

    HD in the current is the root mean square

    harmonic currents as a percentage of the fundcurrent, and is defined as follows:

    THD = sum of squares of rms magnitudes of all harmonics*

    8 Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts

    Electronic ballasts generate less than 32% HD.them are below 20%. Some are below 10%.

    Due to higher efficiency the 8 electronic ballast

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    Due to higher effi ciency, the 8 electronic ballasttypically draws 30% less current than the conventelectromagnetic ballast system.

    Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) or Radio F

    Interference (RFI)EMI/RFI may cause interference with communiequipment, such as radio, V, computer.

    Fluorescent lamps energized by electromagnetic

    electronic ballasts radiate EMI directly into the aEMI from the lamps may feed back to the line covia the ballasts.

    EMI at the electronic ballast fundamental frequeharmonics propagate from the ballasts electronic

    to the line conductors. Tis EMI may interfere welectrical equipment on the same distribution net

    EMI may radiate from the line conductor into th

    EMI may be radiated from the high frequency elcomponents of the electronic ballast.

    In the US, electronic ballasts must comply with FCommunications Commission Part 18, Subpart Cf i d i l d i l li i Cl

    8 Fluorescen

    Power Factor

    Power factor can be calculated by two metho

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    Wattage (W), voltage (V) and cu-Aattage (W ) and reactive power (-

    If calculated correctly the results should be both methods.

    A low power factor will increase the kVA demcomponent of your electricity bill for a given

    Rated Average Life

    Ballasts are designed to operate for about 50,


    Lower ballast operating temperature reducesair-conditioning load.

    Te early models had lower reliability than thpresent ballasts.

    When used with light sensors, dimmable elecan reduce the lighting load by providing jus

    light level, if other light sources exist.Similarly, an energy management and controdimmable ballasts to partially shed the lightin

    8 Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts

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    9 Flu


  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    a. General


    For typical construction of a fluorescent lamp

    below.A fluorescent lamp is a low-pressure mercurydischarge lamp.

    A fluorescent lamp consists of a glass tube filmixture of argon gas and mercury vapour at l

    When current flows through the ionized gas electrodes, it emits ultraviolet (UV) radiationmercury arc.

    Te UV radiation is converted to visible light

    cent coating on the inside of the tube.Te lamp is connected to the power source thballast, which provides the necessary startingoperating current.

    9 Fluorescent Lamps

    Typical Construction of a Linear Fluorescent La

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    Basic Types of Fluorescent Lamps

    Preheat lamps

    Instant start lamps

    Rapid start lampsPreheat Lamps

    Te cathodes of the lamp are preheated electricalseconds before a high voltage is applied to start

    the lamp.Te preheating is accomplished by the use of an aswitch, called a starter, which applies current to

    9 Flu

    Instant Start Lamps

    Te instant start lamp requires a high startin

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    which is supplied by the ballast.Since there is no preheating of the cathodes, need for a starter.

    Electrode heating is provided by the arc oncebeen established.

    Te instant start lamps have a single-pin basethe bulb.

    A few instant start lamps have bi-pin bases, wconnected together inside the base.

    Instant start lamps operate normally only in circuit (instant start ballast, lamp and lamp h

    Rapid Start Lamps

    Te ballast quickly heats the cathodes causin ionization in the lamp for the arc to strike.

    Te cathodes may or may not be continuousllamp starting, depending on ballast design.

    Rapid start lamps start almost instantly (in o

    two seconds).No starter is required - eliminating the time preheat systems

    9 Fluorescent Lamps

    Rapid start lamps operate normally only in a rapicircuit (rapid start ballast, lamp, and lamp holders

    Rapid start lamps are the most widely used fluore

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    p p ylamps.

    Types of Rapid Start Lamps

    Linear fluorescent lamps new types, both 8 an

    Linear fluorescents (430 mA for F40) - old types12 size

    Energy saving fluorescents, primarily 12 size

    U-shaped fluorescents, in both 8 and 12 sizes

    Circular lamps, in 9 and 5 sizesHigh output lamps, available in 12, 8 and 5

    Very high output lamps (1500 mA), primarily 1

    Lamp diameters range from 5/8 to 2.5

    9 Flu


    Bi-pin High Output and V

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    5 miniature i-pin 5 8 diameter)

    12 me ium i-pin (11 2 diameter)

    Medium bi-pin (11 2 diameter)

    12 recesse ou e

    -6 sing e-pin 3 4 ia

    -6 single-pin (3 4 dia

    T-12 single-pin (11 2


    4-tube, -


    17 mogu i-pin (21 8 iameter)

    T8 medium bi-pin (1 diameter)

    Compact Fluoresc



    9 Fluorescent Lamps

    Lamp Designations

    Bi-pin lamps (preheat, instant start, rapid start)

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    Identified by wattage, bulb diameter and colour.

    Example: F40I2/CW/ES

    F : Fluorescent lamp40 : Wattage (34 W for ES types)

    : ubular bulb shape12 : Maximum tube diameter - in eighths o

    (12/8 = 1.5)CW : Cool white colour

    Example: F32 8/41K

    F : Fluorescent lamp32 : Wattage (32 W)

    : ubular bulb shape8 : Maximum tube diameter - in eighths o

    (8 x 1/8 = 1) 41K : 4,100 K, Cool white colour

    Single-pin lamps (instant start)

    Identified by length and colour rather than watta

    they can operate at more than one wattage.Example: F9612/WW

    F : Fluorescent lamp

    9 Flu

    Lamp Lengths

    Some typical lamp lengths are:

    F l 4 ( )

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    F20 lamp - 24 (2)

    F30 lamp - 36 (3)

    F32 8 lamp - 48 (4) becoming the indulamp

    F40 lamp - 48 (4)F96 lamp - 96 (8)

    Colour Codes(e.g., 841 = 80% CRI and 4100 Kelvin)

    C50 : Chroma. 50 (5,000K, CR190+) C75 : Chroma 75 (7,500K, CR190+)

    CW : Cool White CWX : Cool White Deluxe D : Daylight LW : Lite White N : Natural

    SP : Spectrum Series SPX : Spectrum Series Deluxe WW : Warm White

    9 Fluorescent Lamps

    Lamp Type Code

    Te lamp type code follows the colour code.

    L d li d b l

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    Lamp type codes are listed below.

    IS : Instant Start

    RS : Rapid Start

    HO : High Output

    VHO : Very High Output

    U : U-shaped

    WM : WattMiser (General Electric)

    SS : Super Saver

    EW : Econowatt (Philips)


    General - A fluorescent luminare consi

    a ballast, usually shared by twfixture and lense or louvers

    Lamp Configuration - Linear, U-shape, circular or c

    Lamp Watts - 7 W to 215 W

    Ballast Watts - varies according to type,electromagnetic or electronicBallast Factor

    9 Flu

    Lamp Lumen - 70% to 90%

    Depreciation Factor (LLD)

    C l 2 700 K 7 500 K

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    Colour emperature - 2,700 K to 7,500 K- Wide range of colour tem

    Index (CRI)

    Colour Rendering - 62 to 94

    Warm-up ime - Instant- Sensitive to extremes of t- Slower than incandescen

    Restrike ime - Immediate

    Lamp Cost - Low- Energy-saving and energ

    lamps more expensive

    Main Applications - Offi ces, commercial

    9 Fluorescent Lamps

    Rated Initial Lamp Lumens Lamp Lamp Including Ballast Life Initial per

    D i ti W tt 1 L (2 L ) (h ) L W tt

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    Designation Watts 1 Lamp (2 Lamp) (hours) Lumens Watt Energy Saving, Rapid Start, Bi-Pin BaseF4OT12/.... /RS/....EW, SS or WM

    CW 34 47 (81) 20,000 2,775 59.0 CWX 34 47 (81) 20,000 1,925 41.0

    WW 34 47 (81) 20,000 2,825 60.1 D 34 47 (81) 20,000 2,350 50.0 LW 34 47 (81) 20,000 2,925 62.2 3OU 34 47 (81) 20,000 2,925 62.2 35U 34 47 (81) 20,000 2,925 62.2 41U 34 47 (81) 20,000 2,925 62.2

    5OU 34 47 (81) 20,000 2,925 62.2 SPEC30 34 47 (81) 20,000 2,925 62.2 SPEC35 34 47 (81) 20,000 2,925 62.2 SPEC41 34 47 (81) 20,000 2,925 62.2

    Notes: Refer to lamp manufacturers for colours other than shown here.

    Rated Average Life for fluorescent lamps is based on three hours per s Mean Lumens for fluorescent lamps are listed at 40% of lamp life.

    See Also Lamp manufacturers catalogues.

    9 Flu

    Rated Initial Mea Including Lamp Lumens Lum Lamp Lamp Ballast Life Initial per Mean pe Designation Watts 1 Lamp (2 Lamp) (hrs) Lumens Watt Lumens Wa

    C Fl

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    Compact Fluorescent

    7W + 7 10 10,000 400 40.0 9W + 9 10 10,000 600 60.0 13W + 13 17 10,000 900 52.9

    Circlite (retrofit for incandescent)

    FCA22/SW + 22 22 10,000 870 39.5FCA44/SW + 44 44 7,500 1,750 39.8

    Rapid Start Circline

    FC8/CW/RS + 1 22 27 12.000 1,050 38.9 805 29

    FC12/CW/RS + 32 44 12,000 1,800 40.9 1,465 33FC16/CW/RS + 40 56 12,000 2,500 44.6 1,910 34

    Instant Start, 200 milliamp, Single Pin Base

    F72T8/CW 38 55 (100) 7,500 3,100 56.4 2,700 49F96T8/CW 50 70 (130) 7,500 4,200 60.0 3,860 55

    Instant Start, 430 milliamp, Single Pin Base

    F48Tl2/CW 39 65 (104) 9,000 3,000 46.2 2,760 42F48TI2/LW 30 55 (84) 9,000 2,675 48.6 2,460 44F72Tl2/CW 55 80 (150) 12,000 4,600 57.5 4,320 52F96T12/CW 75 97 (172) 12,000 6,300 64.9 5,8DO 59F96TI2/LW 60 82 (142) 12,000 6.000 73.2 5,430 66

    Rapid Start, 430 milliamp, Bi-pin Base

    F30T12/CW/RS 30 46 (76) 18,000 2,300 50.0 2,010 43.

    9 Fluorescent Lamps

    Rated Initial Mean Including Lamp Lumens Lumens C Lamp Lamp Ballast Life Initial per Mean per T Designation Watts 1 Lamp (2 Lamp) (hrs) Lumens Watt Lumens Watt D

    lit hit 35 48 (83) 20 000 3 050 63 5 4

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    lite white 35 48 (83) 20,000 3,050 63.5 4lite white deluxe 34 47 (81) 20,000 3.050 64.9 4full spectrum 5000 40 53 (93) 20,000 2,200 41.5 1,850 34.9 5full spectrum 7500 40 53 (93) 20,000 2,000 37.7 1,685 31.8 7prime colour 3000 40 53 (93) 20,000 3,400 64.2 3prime colour 4000 40 53 (93) 20,000 3,400 64.2 4

    *indicates low power factor ballast only available

    Rapid Start T8, Bi-pin Base

    F032/730 32 30 (59) 20,000 2,800 93.0 2,520 84.0 3F032/830 32 30 (59) 20,000 2,950 98.0 2,714 90.0 3F032/830 6 30 (59) 24,000 2,900 96.6 2,755 91.8 3

    F032/830/XP 30 (59) 24,000 3,000 100 2,850 95.0 3Hiqh Output Rapid Start, 800 milliamp, Recessed Double Contact Base

    F48TI2/CW/HO 60 85 (146) 12,000 4,300 50.6 3,740 44.0 4F72Tl2/CW/HO 85 106 (200) 12,000 6,650 62.7 5,785 54.6 4F96Tl2/CW/HO 110 140 (252) 12,000 9,200 65.7 8,005 57.2 4F96TI2/LW/HO 95 119 (231) 12,000 9,100 76.5 7,915 66.5 4F96Tl2/LWX/HO 95 119 (231) 12,000 9,100 76.5 4

    Very High Output Rapid Start, 1500 milliamp, Recessed Double Contact Base

    F48TI2/CW/VH0 110 146 (252) 10,000 6,250 42.8 4,750 32.5 4F72Tl2/CW/VHO 165 213 (326) 10,000 9,900 46.5 7,920 37.2 4F96Tl2/CW/VHO 215 260 (450) 10,000 14,500 55.8 11,600 44.6 4

    F96PG17/CW 215 260 (450) 12,000 16,000 61.5 12,800 49.2 4F96PG17/LW 185 230 (390) 12,000 14,900 64.8 11,325 49.2 4

    *indicates low power factor ballast only available

    9 Flu

    b. Premium T-8 Lamps

    Lamp manufacturers now offer premium grade

    special applications where exceptional colour lon

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    special applications where exceptional colour, lonimproved lumen output are required.

    Standard F32 T-8 Lamp: 20,000 hrs, 82 CRI, 2,950 init

    98.3 initial lm/W

    Premium F32 T-8 Lamp: 30,000 hrs, 86 CRI, 3,100 init 103.3 initial lm/W

    c. Low-Wattage T-8 Lamps

    Lamp manufacturers now offer reduced output olow-wattage -8 lamps for increased savings on projects, or for new construction.

    Standard F32 T-8 Lamp: 20,000 hrs, 82 CRI, 2,950 initlm/W depending on ballast

    Low-Wattage F28 T-8 Lamp: 24,000 hrs, 82 CRI, 2,562 initlm/W, depending on ballast

    Tese lamps have some limitations, for examcannot be dimmed, and dont operate in cool

    temperatures (

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    5 lamps are nominal length lamps, which meancannot be retrofit into fixtures using standard -1lamps. Terefore, they are generally used for re-denew construction projects.

    -5 fluorescent lamps require the use of electroniand unique sockets.

    -5 lamps are driving miniaturization and can beindirect applications.

    5-HO is an increasingly popular fluorescent lam

    primarily used in normal to high bay applicationsretail, warehouse and distribution centres, industrapplications and gymnasiums. 5-HO are also diand operate on instant start ballasts.

    5 and 5-HO have maximum light output at h

    ambient temperatures.Standard T-5 Lamps: 14 W, 24 (nom), 20,000 hrs, 82 CRI,

    1,350 initial lumens

    21 W, 36 (nom), 20,000 hrs, 82 C

    100 initial lumens 28 W, 48 (nom), 20,000 hrs, 82 C

    2 900 initial lumens

    9 Flu

    High Output T-5 Lamps: 24 W, 24 (nom), 20,000 hrs,2,000 initial lumens

    39 W, 36 (nom), 20,000 hrs,3 500 initial lumens

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    3,500 initial lumens

    54 W, 48 (nom), 20,000 hrs,5,000 initial lumens

    e. Fluorescent Fixture Refl ectorsGeneral Description

    Fluorescent fixture reflectors are sheets of alumininside fluorescent fixtures, which divert light direthe ceiling down toward the work area.


    Illustration of a recessed reflector for a 2 x 4

    removal of two lamps.

    Before installation of the reflector:

    9 Fluorescent Lamps

    Physical Data

    Tere are three basic types of reflectors:

    Anodized aluminum or steel reflector-

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    Anodized aluminum or steel reflector which the surface is painted with a highlyelectrostatic or powder-epoxy finish.

    Anodized aluminum reflectors- - in waluminum surface is treated (polished)

    electrochemically.Silver film reflectors- - in which a thin

    silver is laminated to an aluminum substr

    Te reflector finish can be high gloss paint, specu

    (mirror-like), semi-specular, or diffuse (matt).Te reflector shape is specially designed to optimdistribution (custom-designed by the supplier).

    Reflectors are made in the following sizes:

    Single reflectors- - 4 or 8 long, one-la

    Double reflectors- - 4 or 8 long, two-

    Recessed reflectors- - for 2 x 2 or 2 xfixtures.

    Technical DataTe average total reflectivity for anodized alumin

    fl t i b t 90% t 91%

    9 Flu


    Reflectors are used for lighting energy conser

    Reflectors are used for fixture retrofitting or iffi fi

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    c u u geffi cient fixtures.

    A typical application is the installation of a rreflector in a 2 x 4 fixture, with removal of tfour tubes.

    In most instances, it is necessary to re-centreremaining lamps in the fixture to avoid dark

    Te reflector creates the image of a lamp in tremoved lamp; this allows delamping withou

    dark spots.Te light output of a retrofitted fixture with hremoved typically decreases by about 35%, dereflector material and design.

    Cleaning and relamping at the same time inc

    output by 5% to 20%.


    Costs depend on the type, size and design of


    Reduces lighting power consumption;

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    9 Flu

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    Screw BaseCompact Fluorescent


    4-tubeT4, T5


    9 Fluorescent Lamps

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    9 Flu

    Shapes Magnetic

    Ballast Lumens Colour

    System per Length Length TempLamp Watts Lumens Watt (mm) (in ) K CRI

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    Lamp Watts Lumens Watt (mm) (in.) K CRI

    2-tube or Bi-tube

    5 W 8 W 250 50 105 4 1/8 2700 82 1 7 W 10 W 400 57 135 5 5/16 2700 82 1

    9 W 12 W 600 67 167 6 9/16 2700 82 1 13 W 17 W 90O 69 178 7 1/2 2700 82 1

    4-tube or Quad-tube

    10 W 14 W 600 60 108 4 1/4 2700 82 1 13 W 17 W 900 69 140 5 5/8 2700 82 1 18 W 23 W 1,250 69 170 6 7/8 2700 82 1 26W 32 W 1,800 69 190 7 1/2 2700 82 1

    Long-tube or High Output

    18W 25 W 1,250 69 221 8 11/16 2700 82 1

    3000 82 1 4000 82 1 24 W 32 W 1,900 79 320 12 9/16 2700 82 1 3000 82 1 4000 82 1 36 W 48 W 3,000 83 417 16 7/8 2700 82 1

    3000 82 1 4000 82 1

    9 Fluorescent Lamps

    General Remarks

    Te self-ballasted (screw base) lamps are available

    incandescent-like features (small size, shape, dimm3-way, etc.)

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    y, )

    Compact fluorescent lamps are about four times meffi cient than standard incandescent lamps.

    Effi cacy or lamp effi ciency increases with lamp si

    wattage. Te smaller size, lower wattage lamps areless effi cient than the larger size and higher watta

    Compact fluorescents have an average life that is longer than that of standard incandescent lamps, lower maintenance costs.

    Tey have a high colour rendering index, generalllower than incandescent lamps.

    Tey need a ballast to operate, as do all fluorescen

    Lamps of different manufacturers are interchange

    Maximum overall length

    Most compact fluorescent lamps are available witof colour temperature values, similar to 5 and fluorescent lamps (3,000 K, 3,500 K, 4,100 K).

    Tere is an Energy Star program for compact fluo lamps in North America.

    Compact Fluorescent Fixtures

    9 Flu

    Lamp manufacturers produce retrofit adapterinclude the ballast and lamp socket, and havescrew directly into a standard incandescent so

    (see Self-Ballasted ypes, above.).R d t fl t fi t h ld

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    Recessed compact fluorescent fixtures shouldproperly designed reflector, otherwise light winside the fixtures and be wasted.

    Two-tube Compact Fluorescent LampsCan be used as replacements for small incand

    Compact fluorescent lamp sizes 5 W, 7 W, 9 can replace incandescent lamp sizes 25 W, 40

    60 W respectively.Compact fluorescent lamps of different wattaslightly different bases and sockets, to eliminpossibility of plugging a lamp into a fixture wballast for that lamp. For example, it is not po

    a 13 W lamp into the socket of a fixture withfor a 26 W lamp.


    Lobby areas, hallways and corridors, any area are long hours of use.

    Recessed downlight fixtures.

    9 Fluorescent Lamps

    Four-Tube Compact Fluorescent Lamps

    Made by combining two two-tube compact fluor

    lamps.Also known as double twin-tubes, quad or cluster

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    Also known as double twin tubes, quad or cluster

    Same length as two-tube compacts, but double thoutput (lumens).

    Four-tube compact fluorescent lamp sizes 9 W, 122 W and 28 W can replace incandescent lamp si60 W, 75 W and 100 W respectively.


    Similar to the applications of the two-tube comp fluorescent lamp (see above).

    Te four-tube compact fluorescent lamps replace higher wattage incandescent lamps than the two-compacts.

    Long Tube Compact Fluorescent Lamps

    Longer than the two-tube and four-tube compacfluorescent lamps.

    Can replace standard fluorescent lamps.Long tube compact fluorescent lamp sizes 18 W, 36 W have the same light output as standard fluo

    10 HID


    a. Ballasts General

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    Like fluorescent lamps, HID lamps are electric dA ballast is required to provide proper starting anvoltage and current in order to initiate and sustai

    b. Probe Start BallastsTe standard core and coil HID ballast or probe ballast consists of a series of electrical coils on a claminations. Te coils are impregnated with a var

    electrical insulation, reduce noise and dissipate hballasts for interior use are housed in metal cans

    with insulating materials.

    c. Pulse Start Ballasts

    Pulse start HID Ballasts incorporate a differetechnique which reduces ballast losses and inperformance.

    Pulse start retrofits can be a good measure fohalide installations in schools, industrial and projects.

    A 320 W metal halide pulse start system can

    10 HID Lamp Ballasts

    d. Electronic HID Ballasts

    Designed primarily for the low wattage Ceramic Me

    lamps, the electronic HID ballasts are gradually expahigher lamp wattages.

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    g p g


    Significantly smaller size and lower weight than c coil systems.

    More effi cient, up to 20% savings over convention

    Square wave output increases lamp life.

    Automatic end-of-life detection; shuts lamp dowof trying to restart.

    11 HID Lam


    a. Mercury Vapour (MV) Lamps

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    y p pNote:

    Use of MV Lamps should be discouraged. Tey a

    effi cient than fluorescent applications in indoor ain outdoor applications they should be replaced wthe other gas discharge lamps. Te disposal of melamps require special methods because of the melamp. Local disposal authorities should be

    contacted for approved disposal methods.


    Te mercury vapour (MV) lamp, or mercury high-intensity discharge (HID) lamp.

    Light is produced by current passing throughvapour at relatively high pressure.

    Te MV lamp is the oldest HID source.

    An MV lamp, like all HID lamps, consists of

    enclosed in an outer bulb (a bulb in a bulb).Te arc tube contains the mercury vapour, a s( ) d h l d

    11 HID Lamps & LPS Lamps

    Typical Construction and Circuit of anMV Lamp

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    When the lamp is turned on, a voltage is applied initiate an arc between a starting electrode and thmain electrode, which vaporizes the mercury.

    Te warm-up time until the lamp develops full output is five to seven minutes.

    11 HID Lam


    Standard MV, 40 to 1,000 watts.

    Self-ballasted MV, 160 to 1,250 watts.

    R d A L f

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting


    Rated Average Life

    24,000 hours + for most MV lamps.


    Tere are two types of MV lamps, clear andphosphor-coated.

    Clear MV lamps have a bluish-white colour

    colour rendering.

    Phosphor-coated MV lamps have a better coappearance and colour rendering.

    Effi cacy

    MV lamps are the least effi cient of all HID l

    MV lamps are more effi cient than incandesceless effi cient than fluorescent lamps.

    Effi cacies range from 10 to 63 lumens per waApplications

    11 HID Lamps & LPS Lamps

    Street lighting, security lighting, floodlighting.

    Retail shops, indoor shopping malls, restaurants, air/bus terminals, lobbies, foyers, gymnasiums, ba

    MV vs Other High Intensity Discharge Lamps

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    It may be more economical to replace MV lampsmetal halide or high pressure sodium (HPS) lamphave much better luminous effi cacy.

    Tese direct replacement lamps may improve the70%+.

    Refer to chapters on MH lamps and HPS lamps

    MV lamps are rarely used in new lighting system


    A BT E T

    11 HID Lam

    Lamp Data Rated Initial Mean Including Lamp Lumens Lumens Colour Lamp Lamp Ballast Life Initial per Mean per Designation Watts I Lamp (2 Lamp) (hrs) Lumens Watt Lumens Watt


  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    H43 75 75 95 (190) 24,000 2,800 29.5 2,430 25.6 H38 100 100 125 (250) 24,000 4,100 32.8 3,380 27.0 H42 125 125 155 (310) 24,000 5,700 36.8 5,020 32.4

    H39 175 175 210 (410) 24,000 7,900 37.6 7,400 352 H37 250 250 290 (580) 24,000 12,000 41.4 10,800 37.2 H33 400 400 450 (880) 24,000 20,500 45.6 18,700 41.6 H35 700 700 775 (1,550) 24,000 41,000 52.9 37,300 48.1 H36 1000 1,000 1,100 (2,200) 24,000 57,500 52.3 50,600 46.0

    Phosphor Coated

    H46 50/DX 50 63 (125) 16.000 1,575 25.0 1,260 20.0 H43 75/DX 75 95 (190) 16,000 2,800 29.5 2,250 23.7 H38 100/DX 100 125 (250) 24,000 4,200 33.6 3,530 28.2 H42 123/DX 125 155 (310) 24.000 6,350 41.0 5,270 34.0 H39 175/DX 175 210 (410) 24,000 8,600 41.0 7,650 36.4 H37 250/DX 250 290 (580) 24,000 13,000 44.8 11,000 37.9

    H33 400/DX 400 450 (880) 24,000 23,000 51.1 18,400 40.9 H35 700/DX 700 775 (1,550) 24,000 44,500 57.4 34,500 44.5 H36 1000/DX 1,000 1,100 (2,200) 24,000 63,000 57.3 47,500 43.2

    Self-Ballasted (for replacement of incandescent)

    H160 160 160 12.000 2,300 14.4 l,600 10.0

    H250 250 250 12,000 5,000 20.0 3,750 15.0H450 450 450 16,000 9,500 21.1 7,125 15.8H750 750 750 16,000 14,000 18.7 10,500 14.0

    11 HID Lamps & LPS Lamps

    b. Metal Halide Lamps


    Te metal halide (MH) lamps are generally simili h MV l

  • 8/12/2019 7015 Guide Web - Lighting



    construction to the MV lamps.

    Tey operate on the same principle as all HID la

    Te main difference is that the arc tube contains

    salts (scandium and sodium) in addition to the mvapour and argon gas.

    Like all HID sources, MH lamps consist of an arenclosed in an outer bulb.

    Typical Construction and Circuit of anMH Lamp

    11 HID Lam


    Warm-up time is about 4 minutes.

    Restrike time is about 10-12 minutes standar for pulse start.

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    MH lamps generally cannot be burnt in any

    Horizontal-burning lamps have the arc tube to follow the natural curve of the arc stream

    tal burning position.

    Available Wattage

    Sizes range from 40 to 1,500 watts.

    Rated Average Life

    6,000 hours (70 W) to 20,000 (400 W).


    MH lamps are available in both clear andphosphor-coated versions.

    Clear lamps produce a slightly bluish-white ca CRI far superior to MV lamps.

    Phosphor-coated lamps produce a warmer-lolight and an improved CRI.

    11 HID Lamps & LPS Lamps

    MH lamps are more effi cient than MV and fluorlamps, but less effi cient than HPS and low pressu(LPS) lamps.

    CRI - 65-70

    A li ti

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    Similar to MV lamps.

    MH lamps are effective replacements for MV lamLarge wattages are used for floodlighting, streetlilarge industrial areas and sports arenas.

    Smaller wattages are used in merchandising areasspaces, schools and public buildings.

    Clear lamps are used for colour V broadcasting,photography, industrial/commercial lighting.

    Phosphor-coated lamps are used for industrial/coindoor lighting, area lighting.


    Major manufacturers carry a variety of metal halide l

    11 HID Lam


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    B :Bulged-tubular :ubular

    Numbers indicate maximum diameter in eighths

    MH Lamps Safety

    Fixtures with MH lamps should be fully encl

    MH and MV lamps operate under high pres

    high temperatures and there is a possibility thmay rupture.

    When this happens the outer bulb surround

    11 HID Lamps & LPS Lamps

    All MH lamps should be used in encl-fixtures.

    Enclosures must be made of suitable m-

    such as tempered glass.General Electrics warning:

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    All MH lamps in horizontal, or more -off-vertical position, should be used in enfixtures.

    175 W, 250 W, 1500 W MH lamps, r-position, should be used in enclosed fixtur

    325 W, 400 W, 950 W, 1000 W MH -vertical position, or less than 15% off-vert

    position, can be used in open fixtures.-In continuously operating systems, tur-

    lamps off once a week for at least 15 minu

    MH lamps near the end of their life m-

    startRelamp fixtures at or before end of rat-

    Direct Replacement of MV Lamps

    Some MH lamps are designed as direct replacemMV lamps and use the existing MV lamp fixturesand ballasts.

    11 HID Lam

    Total Watts Rated Initial M Including Lamp Lumens LuLamp Lamp Ballast Life Initial per Mean Designation Watts 1 Lamp (2 Lamp) (hrs) Lumens Watt Lumens W

    Standard Clear

    M175 175 200 10,000 14.000 70.0 10,800 5

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    M250 250 275 10,000 20,500 74.5 17,000 6M400 400 450 (880) 20,000 34,000 75.6 25,600 5M1000 1,000 1,075 (2,160) 12.000 110,000 102.3 88,000 8M1500 1,500 1,6200 3,000 155,000 96.3 142,500 8

    Standard Phosphor-Coated

    M175/C 175 200 10,000 14.000 70.0 10,200 5M250/C 250 275 10,000 20,500 74.5 16,000 5M400/C 400 450 (880) 20,000 34,000 75.6 24,600 5M1000/C 1,000 1,075 (2.160) 12,000 10,000 102.3 84.000 7

    High Performance Clear

    M175/HOR 175 200 10,000 15,000 75.0 12,000 6M400 400 450 (800) 20,000 40,000 88.9 32,000 7M1000/VER 1,000 1,075 (2,160) 12,000 125,000 116.3 100,000 9

    High Performance Phosphor-Coated

    M175/C/HOR 175 200 10,000 15,000 75.0 11,300 5M400/C 400 450 (800) 20,000 40,000 88.9 31,000 6M1000/C/VER 1,000 1,075 (2,160) 12,000 125,000 116.3 95,800 8

    MH Operable on Mercury Vapour BallastClear

    M325 325 375 20,000 28,000 74.7 18,200 4M400 400 450 15,000 34,000 75.6 20,400 4M1000 1 000 1 100 12 000 107 000 97 3 85 600 7

    11 HID Lamps & LPS Lamps

    Ceramic Metal Halide Lamps

    General Description

    In order to counter the poor colour consistency ohalide lamps over life, lamp manufacturers have cthe ceramic arc tube from HPS lamps with the g

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    the ceramic arc tube from HPS lamps with the gmetals used in Metal Halide lamps to produce CMetal Halide (CMH) lamps.

    Tese lamps offer significant advantages over typHalide lamps and are available in PAR packages smaller recessed and track-mounted luminaires.

    Tese sources and luminaires offer significant savcompared to incandescent lamps typically used in(stores) and display lighting.


    120 W Halogen PAR 38 Flood:25, 3,000 hrs, 7,700 MBCP, 1,800 lm, 95 CRI

    39 W CMH PAR 30 Flood (55W with electron30, 9,000 hrs, 7,400 MBCP, 2,300