7 secrets to change your life


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7 Secrets to Change Your Life


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Our hands are a beautiful reflection of the Universe and contain powerful antennae to pick up and project currents of energy bringing the body into Harmony which leads to Health, and Health is the doorway to Happiness. We can access the healing power dwelling in the hands anytime and at all times if we understand the Art and Science of Mudra’s.

Mudra’s are the secrets to making profound and lasting changes in your life. The ancient Yogi’s mapped out certain areas of the hands and their associated reflexes. Understanding this system has led to the development of hundreds upon hundreds of these hand postures, known as Mudra’s.

There is an intimate connection between the hands and the brain and the hands and the heart. This is how they work together. Think for a moment about the relationship between your hands and your brain as you type an email. They are an amazing pair. Just think about it. They work in perfect harmony together to convey your message and communicate with the outside world. (Well, I guess it depends on how you type =)

This is just one simple example of how the hands serve our intellect and intuition, and become a creative force in our lives.

The heart has the same capacity to express itself through the hands, through a gentle caress or a push and a shove. We are giving and receiving energy through the hands all the time. Everything we touch, the food we eat, the way we eat it and prepare it. Every time we exchange money, there is an energetic exchange from one hand to another.

So before we begin, take a moment to reflect just how your hands have served you in the last 15 minutes... give yourself a moment to tune into the magnificence of your own hands.

The following mudras are ones that I use often and suggest often because they address the keys to living a balanced, healthy and abundant life. By concentrating on a particular mudra for some time it will nurture and strengthen those particular energies within.

So are you ready for the “7 Secret Mudra’s”?

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GYAN MUDRA Ok, not so much a secret. Lots of people know this mudra. And thank God! It’s wonderfully powerful and practical. I would however encourage you to actually USE IT!! There are many things this simple mudra reveals that have been kept secret however, so I’d like to tell you some more about its applications and benefits.

Gyan mudra is known as the “Mother of Great Knowledge.” The index finger represents individual consciousness, while the thumb represents supreme consciousness. In this mudra, the individual, (index finger), is bowing down to the supreme consciousness, (the thumb).

The benefits include: calming of the mind improved memory increased intuition the automatic reduction of mental ailments including

bad habits addiction loss of faith, belief and hope

This is a psycho-neural finger lock that makes meditation more powerful. This finger represents the element air, which corresponds to mental activity. Also, it represents the planet Jupiter and the Large Intestine, working along this meridian line. On top of that, it strengthens all the tendons and veins throughout the body.

Aren’t you glad that’s not a secret anymore?

To create;

Gently bring the tip of your pointer finger to touch the tip of your thumb.

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TATTVA MUDRA The Tattva Mudra connects you to the 5 Tattvas or the 5 elements fire, water, earth, air, and ether. It is a harmonizing, balancing and stabilizing mudra, bringing into alignment the Right and Left Hemisphere of the brain. It creates a neutral flow of the 5 elements within the body. Our hands are our most powerful spiritual friends and helpers. This hand seal creates a circuit that will deepen your awareness and concentration. This mudra is excellent for bringing your Head and Heart into Harmony.

To create;

Bring the tips of each one of your fingers on one hand to touch the tips of the fingers in the other hand. This mudra can be placed 6 to 8 inches away from either your solar plexus or your heart.

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GURU KRIYA MUDRA - TO REMOVE ANGER Each finger corresponds to potent energy in the seen and unseen world and has a profound effect on the psyche of each person. Chances are anger has challenged everyone of us at one point to some degree or another. It is a major cause of stress, arguments, violence and wars. It can be projected outward to dangerous affect towards others, or inwardly causing depression, despair, addiction and disappointments in one’s life. This mudra acts as a symbol for anger to be removed. It is simple, and can be done in the heat of the moment, or in times when anger annoyingly persists. When you ‘REACT, you are a victim of circumstances’. When you ‘ACT, you are a creator of circumstances.’ This mudra allows you to Act instead of React. Next time to feel anger arise, practice Guru Kriya Mudra. Of course, it is also wonderful to use for hidden anger as well.

Guru- Gu, means Darkness and Ru, means Light. So Guru, is one that takes you from Darkness to Light.

Kriya- is considered a complete set of exercises to achieve a specific outcome, most commonly used in Kundalini and Naam Yoga.

It is always helpful to know more about the origin and meaning of words we’re unfamiliar with, right? Simply put, this exercise is a complete balancing exercise.

To create;

Gently hold your left middle finger with your right hand.

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SILVER TRIANGLE Silver Triangle is a mainstay in the arena of self-healing. It causes sickness to leave and all bad omens to slip away. This simple mudra energizes the body, improves vitality and eyesight. If you feel nervous, tired or fatigued this is the mudra you’ll want to use right away. This is a powerful seal to help accelerate the healing process. It is especially recommended to use post-surgery. Often times you can feel the energy right after forming this mudra - it is that efficient and effective.

To create;

Bring your ring and pinky finger tips to touch the tip of your thumb in a relaxed and comfortable position.

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HEART MUDRA There are so many reasons to do this mudra and to do it frequently. At first it may seem uncomfortable to put yourself into this posture, but after a short while, your heart will open and this posture will be quite comfortable and relaxing. This mudra diverts the flow of prana from the hands to the heart. Prana is ‘vital life force energy’, and there is a high concentration of it in the hands. This pranic circuit acts as an energizer to open your heart. This mudra is beneficial for all heart ailments. For instance, if someone is having a heart attack, heart palpitations or serious anxiety, put them in this mudra immediately. It also releases emotional blocks and relieves depression and the feeling of ‘being stuck’.

To create;

Drop your pointer finger down to the fleshy part of your thumb, (known as the mound of Venus) and then bring your middle and ring fingers to touch the tip of your thumb. Your pinky will be out-stretched to activate the heart meridian and create the flow of prana from your hands to your heart.

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FOR A LOVE RELATIONSHIP TO WORK This mudra looks a little complicated, but it’s really quite simple. It’s like relationships themselves, when we find ourselves complicating a really simple situation. (I mean how simple is it to love in its purest form? Pretty simple right? Well Ok, here’s the mudra.)

This mudra attracts love and good fortune. The ego surrenders to the heart when you bring your thumb to the base of your pinky finger. The wrapping of the pinky finger in turn ignites the energy of healing, sex and communication. The connecting of your pointer fingers attracts blessings and an abundance of gifts in the relationship. The intention of the Mudra is to allow love to prevail and triumph in both partners. The outcome that is the highest good for your relationship will be attracted in using this mudra.

To create;

Bring your thumb to the base of your pinky finger. Wrap your pinky fingers around each other. Let your middle and ring finger fold over your thumb and then bring your pointer finger tips to touch, so as to form the shape of a triangle.

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SUCCESS IN YOUR CAREER This mudra attracts Spiritual and Material Blessings, Abundance and Good Fortune. It gives you the energy to get things done, to be open to creativity and welcome success into your life. Anytime you feel like, ‘tossing in the towel’, do this mudra first. Visualize your deepest desires in your heart and see the light of the Sun lighting your way toward them. Do this mudra and things will happen in your career. This mudra supports the expansion of ideas and brings what you need to achieve your goals to you. Things will change...

- If you are frustrated and overwhelmed by endless job searching -- DO THIS MUDRA.

- If the pressure to complete a project makes you want to quit -- DO THIS MUDRA.

- If the pursuit of your dreams seems like an insurmountable mountain -- DO THIS MUDRA.

- If you don’t have faith you’ll get that promotion or move your business from 5 to 6 figures, or 6 to 7 figures -- DO THIS MUDRA.

To create;

Interlock your pointer fingers, (the palms will be facing away from each other). Then bring the tip of your ring finger to touch the tip of your thumb.

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Use these Mudra’s. Play with them. Share them. Have fun!!! They are here to serve you when you need to redirect your energy and attract healing. It is important to understand that a mudra is a living force that acts like a symbol, directly affecting the subconscious mind and awakening the truth within you.

The truth is, by cosmic design we are intended to live a life filled with Harmony. Peace and Harmony within ourselves so we can extend that to others so the world can be blessed and healed too. It’s a balance of East and West, both in the world and in unifying our own duality.

This is the place where health is born; when all the systems of the body are functioning in perfect order. The 3 keys to health are in the blood, the nerves and the glands. These are essentials to keep the organs working Harmoniously. Applying Breath work and Mantra, while you perform these Mudra’s, make them even more effective for optimal health.

Now you put this all together and happiness is the result. My best friend Michele, always says, “Isn’t it all about being happy, anyway?’”. Yes, we are intended to live a happy life, free from suffering and isn’t it nice to know we can create that with our hands. Not just in our Mudra’s but in everything we touch.

It is my sincere wish that you use these Mudra’s to help bring about the Change you wish to see in your Life and bring to it lots and lots of LIGHT...

Please share this report with everyone you know. It is good for their health and will most likely deepen your relationship with them. There are so many more tips and secrets available in my weekly ezine and I encourage you to invite your friends and family to subscribe to that as well.

I look forward to seeing you soon and giving you a huge High 5!!! (We will create a mudra together!!! Pop culture has been doing it for years.)

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ABOU T MAR I A F RAN C E S C ON I My name is Maria Francesconi and the reason I know so much about this is because I spent years working too hard to change my insides by changing my outsides. What needed to be changed more than the symptoms I was experiencing was all the gunk in the way. I had to go to the source of the problem in the spiritual plane and destroy the “negative” before I could stop developing the “picture”. Through Naam Yoga and Harmonyum Healing, I found unparalleled tools, exercises and resources for self-healing. It is my goal to share them with you, just like I share them with my wonderful clients and students each and every day.

If you would like to learn how to have:

Harmony in every area of your life. Handfuls of healing techniques in your pocket. Happiness at your fingertips. Freedom from fear, depression, anxiety and self-doubt. Tips to relieve stress in a busy and burned out lifestyle. Know the secret of hours of meditation, in less than an hour. Time to do the things you love and enjoy your life.

Are you interested in seeing what Maria has to offer to help you learn these techniques and experience harmony, health and happiness? Then click here to sign up for a complimentary consultation with her.


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