7 expert tips for your spa branding

7 Expert Tips for Your Spa Branding ©Copy Right: Spa.NewsletterChief.Com Steve Marshall on LinkedIn

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7 Expert Tips for

Your Spa Branding

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Steve Marshall on LinkedIn

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What inspired the decision to open your own spa? Whatever the motivation, you have the dream and the drive to run a Spa

business. Now all you need is a little information to help you improve your Spa business branding and turn your dreams into a


The latest Global Spa Research of ISPA (International SPA Association) estimates point to nearly 100 million active spa-goers

globally, U.S and Canada alone contributes over 37% of it. Today the Spa and wellness industry enjoys annual revenue surpassing

$200 billion and projected to touch trillion-dollar mark by 2020. Irrespective of where they live, the primary motives spa-goers

visit spas are to relax and relieve/reduce stress.

The spa market is an edge segment that is having a rapid development and will be a major growth, but in the same time it is a

business that demand a highly involving and devotion. If you’re in Spa business, you want your brand to stand out from the

crowd. The ultimate marketing goal is to have your target market think of you, and your Spa, when they think about a facial,

nail grooming or massage service.

With people prepared to travel an extra mile to get the service and experience they desire, the future of the Spa business is in

delivering a top quality service and staying connected with their clients.

Are you the most popular Spa of your town? If not, here are 10 ways you can make sure your existing and prospective clients

(their family and friends) think of you and your brand first when they are in need of services what you are offering.

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1. Provide great customer service

This is foremost importance for any service industry. Today’s customers are looking for

exceptional service. Always provide exceptional value and exceed your client’s expectations. You

want to have happy and satisfied clients who will spread good word about your Spa. In other

words, your customers create your brand through their experiences and emotions.

Hire employees who are qualified to work at your spa, keep them highly motivated and customer

focused. It’s also very important that you think beyond the actual services you’re offering your

clients and think about the emotion your clients are buying in to. For example, your clients aren’t

just looking for a good massage but are looking for good amount of privacy, care and cleanliness.

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2. What’s Your Unique Selling Point.

Are you offering anything different from your competitors? Certain, every other spa offers a facial,

nail grooming and variety of massage services, but what will set you apart that is USP to your brand.

Do you offer Natural Mud or Healing Spring Water? Indigenous Plants and Herbs? Specially

Developed Techniques or Unique Technology? Find your USP and market it.

Always highlight the benefits that your services can offer to your clients and mention them on the

forefront of newsletters, emails or any other marketing materials. It’s like defining your strengths

and leverage them.

3. Establish Brand Values

Choose which values apply foremost to your business. It may be Professionalism, Customer satisfaction,

Cleanliness, easygoing, friendly service, superior quality spa products, etc. Then work them into three

or four separate sentences and display them at your reception area or waiting room. These should

promptly be able to convey to your clients how you function and what they can expect from a working

relationship. These also reminds your Spa employees what they must adhere to.

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4. Build Your Social Community

As you may be already aware, social media has become quite an alluring channel for

marketing. So don’t be hesitant to share your voice on social media. Create a

Facebook fanpage, invite your clients, and provide valuable and shareable content.

Offering your ‘expert’ opinion on problems they share will exhibit your knowledge on

the subject and plant seeds for growing your audience and awareness of your brand.

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5. Regularly Publish your Newsletters and Buzz

“Out of sight, out of mind.” If you aren’t regularly staying in touch with your clients and/or

prospective clients, you’re going to lose business. Sending monthly Newsletters will help to boost

your Brand value and attract more clients. Publishing your own Spa Newsletter wouldn’t cost as

much as you think. If don’t have time to publish monthly newsletters, consider subscribing to our

The Spa Newsletter service that sends you to fresh newsletter every month, you can add your Spa

logo and rebrand them. Set the Newsletters in waiting room, email them to clients or upload them

to your Spa website.

Warning…..Having Outdated Reading

Material in your waiting Room Gives the

Impression That You Do Not Care about

Your Business!

You KNOW that you need a great waiting room is very important.

You KNOW a good bunch of newsletters with your own Logos will

improve your client’s waiting room experience, builds credibility

and eventually help you get more business.

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6. Use the same logo in all your marketing materials.

Logos are a vital aspect of online and offline marketing. As the business’s major graphical depiction, a logo anchors a business’s

brand and becomes the single most visible expression of the Business within the target market. On this ground, a well-

designed logo is an indispensable part of any company's overall marketing strategy.

This tip seems obvious but is often overlooked. To be consistent in your branding, use the same logo on your website, e-

signature, newsletter, Facebook fan page and all other forms of Internet communication. It’s one additional way your Spa will

be instantly recognizable to your clients.

7. Consistency Reliability

It’s critical that your clients have the same brand experience irrespective of at what point they deal with your business, especially

in a Spa business. This guarantees a reliable business experience meaning your clients will always know what to expect at your

Spa. This will also establishes trust and will eventually make your clients feel comfortable enough to endorse you to prospective

clients without the possible fear of putting themselves in a bad light by referring them to an unreliable Spa service.