5th may 2016

A YOUNG Bermondsey father suffering from cancer is trying to raise money for his daughter and complete his bucket list, after being given just months to live. Jack Wells, 23, was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma, a rare bone disease, in March 2015, after he noticed a lump on his shoulder. Now his illness has progressed to its final stages, despite receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy from University College Hospital Macmillan Cancer Centre. Full story on page 4 LONDON MAYORAL ELECTIONS MILLWALL CLINCH PLAY-OFF PLACE Read our interviews with the candidates HELP MAKE MEMORIES 23-year-old cancer sufferer has just months left to live By Alex Yeates [email protected] Issue 1271 Established: 1987 Published weekly on a Thursday 40p May 5 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk PAGES 17-20 PAGE 46

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Page 1: 5th May 2016

AYOUNGBermondsey father suffering from cancer istrying to raisemoney for his daughter and complete hisbucket list, after being given justmonths to live.JackWells, 23, was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma, a rarebone disease, in March 2015, after he noticed a lump on hisshoulder.Now his illness has progressed to its final stages, despitereceiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy from UniversityCollegeHospitalMacmillan Cancer Centre.

Full storyonpage4


Read our interviewswith the candidates


23-year-old cancersufferer has justmonths left to live

By Alex [email protected]

Issue 1271 Established: 1987 Published weekly on a Thursday 40p May 5 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk



Page 2: 5th May 2016

2 NEWS www.southwarknews.co.uk/news Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016

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EDITORIAL: Owen Sheppard 020 7231 5258Email: [email protected]

ADVERTISING: Tammy Jukes 020 7232 1639 Email: [email protected]


EDITORIAL: Alex Yeates 020 7231 5258Email: [email protected]

ADVERTISING: Tammy Jukes 020 7232 1639 Email: [email protected]



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NEWS Pages 3-20




WHAT’S ON Pages 23-26

PROPERTY Pages 27-31

JOBS & EDUCATION Pages 32-33



SPORT Pages 41-48


EditorialGet out there andcast your vote intoday’s elections!

TODAY YOU can vote on thefuture direction of the cityyou live in - so please make

sure you get out there and cast yourvote!We always appeal to our readers tomake the effort to take part in thedemocratic process, as everyone isaffected by politics - and with theLondon Mayoral and GLA elections,your vote is arguably even moreeffective.With the first-past-the-post system ingeneral elections, your vote, while stillimportant, is only for a Parliamentaryconstituency, and if enough of those aretotted up by one party, they become thegovernment. So your actual votingimpact is fairly oblique - not to mentionthat you’re voting for a party, ratherthan a person.With today’s elections, you can putyour cross next to the mayoralcandidate whom you think will bestlead the capital forward for the nextfour years, along with your secondfavourite. Simply put, if enough peoplevote for a candidate, they become thenext Mayor - so your vote, and everyvote, counts.You’ll also be voting for your GLAmember, as well as for the party thatcontrols the GLA, and again it’simportant that you vote for thisrepresentative. The Mayor of London isgiven huge powers by the electorate -so it makes sense that as they’re votedin, you’re also deciding who willscrutinise their decisions and hold themto account. They can also petition theMayor on behalf of your GLAconstituency - in our case Southwark &Lambeth.So it’s clear that your vote counts -and the only reason remaining as towhy you wouldn’t take part in today’selections is because you simply can’t bebothered.Of course, if you’re unaffected by thecity’s housing crisis, if trafficcongestion and pollution doesn’t impacton your daily life, if crime in your areadoesn’t concern you, or the make-up ofyour local high street not interest you -along with one hundred other issues -then you’re probably right not to castyour vote.Chances are though, that there isn’t aLondoner among us who won’t beaffected one way or the other by thenew Mayor we vote in today.If you haven’t already done yourresearch, you can read our interviewswith all the Mayoral candidates onpages 17-20 in this week’s News. Youcan also find our interviews with GLAcandidates from last week’s issue onlineat: www.southwarknews.co.ukSee you at the ballot box!

Agree or disagree?Tell us what you think:[email protected]

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Page 3: 5th May 2016

Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk/news NEWS 3

TWO LIFE-long Millwall fanswill walk 30 miles from The Dento see the Lions take onGillingham away, all to raisemoney for charity.Kevin Kempster, 61, predicts themarathon march on Sunday morningwill take him and his pal PhilipO’Regan ten hours to complete.“I’m going to be raising money forProstate Cancer UK,” said Kevin,who comes from Bermondsey andnow lives in Welling. “My dad is 84, and he’s dealt withprostate cancer for eight years, but hehas been given the all-clear. Dad andI are Millwall through and through,but he can’t make it to the gamesanymore.“Basically I was getting some highblood pressure, so I wanted to do abit of walking to improve my health.“Phil and I are both season ticketholders, and we had the idea to dosomething constructive, and thoughtwe might as well do it for charity. “It’s going to be a challenge for anold git, but there’s no way we won’tbe able to do it.”Meanwhile Philip, aged 42, israising money for local cancercharity, The MumMum Foundation.Visit www.justgiving.com/Kevin-Kempster to make a donation toKevin’s fundraising.

Lions Vs Gills? We’ll walk itMillwall fans totravel from Dento Gillingham by foot to raisecash for charity

Philip O'Regan (left) Kevin Kempster (right)

By Owen [email protected]


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Page 4: 5th May 2016

4 NEWS www.southwarknews.co.uk/news Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016

SOUTHWARK BREWERY werein Parliament’s Stranger’s Bar onTuesday night pulling a pint of theirvery own Bermondsey Best withLabour MP Neil Coyle. The Member of Parliament forBermondsey and Old Southwark was

joined by the brewers to mark the start oftheir beer being on the pumps inWestminster. MP Neil said: “I’m super-pleased thatBermondsey Best is the guest beer in theStrangers Bar in the House of Commons. “I asked for Southwark Brewing tohave this fine brew in the Commons lastyear and it’s great to showcase thisfantastic product in such a unique place.”

A YOUNG Bermondsey fathersuffering from cancer is trying toraise money for his daughter andcomplete his bucket list after beinggiven just months to live. Jack Wells, 23, was diagnosed withEwing’s sarcoma, a rare bone disease,in March 2015 after he noticed a lumpon his shoulder. Now his illness has progressed to itsfinal stages after receivingchemotherapy and radiotherapy fromUniversity College HospitalMacmillan Cancer Centre.Jack said: “The chemotherapy hasstopped as there’s not much point incarrying on with it. I now just get onwith life every day as there’s not muchelse you can do.“It would be great to go to Florida fora memorable trip with my daughterand tick off a few things on my bucketlist but the insurance costs are quitehigh.”The News previously reported thatJack was trying to raise money for atrip to Florida in the USA with histhree-year-old daughter, Scarlett. But as the cost of insuring the triprose, efforts are now being turned to

creating a fund for Scarlett for whenshe’s older and to fulfil some life-longdreams. Things to do on Jack’s bucket listinclude seeing the northern lights,swimming with dolphins, seeing tigercubs and driving a sports car. His wish of riding a hot air balloonwill come true on May 31 inMaidstone, Kent after his uncle helpedorganise it. Veronica Carter, Jack’s mum, said:“Jack is coping but he is in pain. He’snow receiving painkillers from Guy’sHospital and we’ve decided he won’tgo to a hospice. “Now is the time for makingmemories. We want to take him awayeven for a week as a family holidayand to spend some quality time withhim. We would go wherever he wants.“Jack is admired for his bravery andalways manages to bring laughter andsmiles wherever he goes. The staff atthe hospital are very fond of him.”The primary tumour was in Jack’sright shoulder blade but has sincespread to other bones such as his spineand pelvis and also his lungs. The money raised through their GoFund Me page will be put towardsScarlett’s education and helping her todo the things she wants without

financial limitations.

To contribute to Jack’s fund forScarlett, visitwww.gofundme.com/jackse16

Bermondsey Best beer makes aguest appearence in Parliament


HistoryPage 24

By Alex [email protected]

ABOVE: Jac k with mum Veronica

RIGHT : Jack before his illness feedingducks with his daughter Scarlett

Help Jack make some memoriesBERMONDSEY


By Alex [email protected]

11)) SSeeee tthhee nnoorrtthheerrnn lliigghhttss

22)) VViissiitt FFlloorriiddaa

33)) SSeeee aann AAffrriiccaann SSaaffaarrii

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55)) SSwwiimm wwiitthh ddoollpphhiinnss

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1100)) GGoo ttoo SSiinnggaappoorree

1111)) GGoo sshhooppppiinngg iinn NNeeww YYoorrkk

1122)) OOwwnn aa RRoolleexx wwaattcchh

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1144)) TTaakkee SSccaarrlleetttt ttoo


1155)) GGoo ttoo AAmmsstteerrddaamm oonnccee mmoorree

JJaacckk’’ss BBuucckkeett LLiisstt::

The 23-year-old cancer sufferer has just months to live

Page 5: 5th May 2016

Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk/news NEWS 5

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AN MP has called on King’sCollege Hospital bosses to disclosewhat happened to £6.5m theyreceived in 2008, after MaudsleyHospital’s mental-health A&Eclosed down.Dulwich and West Norwood MP,Helen Hays (pictured), has lent hervoice to the Southwark Pensioners’Action Group (SPAG), who are drivento see the mental health ward atMaudsley reinstated.SPAG member Tom White says hismany meetings with doctors and healthprofessionals at King’s have consistentlyindicated the hospital struggles to copewith its volume of mental-healthpatients.“SPAG is lobbying for the A&E to re-open as soon as possible,” Tom said.“The A&E at King’s College Hospitalis not the right place for mental healthsufferers to be treated when they are incrisis. The Care Quality Commissionclearly states that mental-health sufferersmust be treated in the right environment.A busy A&E such as King’s doesn’t fitthis category.”Ms Hays has now turned her attentionto a question also raised by SPAG, ofwhat became of a £6.5m grant King’sCollege Hospital NHS Foundation Trustwas awarded to help it facilitate theinflux of mental-health patients sinceMaudsley A&E was closed.“[The funding] was given on thepremise of new facilities being openedat King’s A&E for those suffering amental health crisis and needing a placeof safety,” Ms Hays said.“What became of that money? Was itactually allocated? What was it spent on

and why? “There is also the absolute need foradded emergency mental-health relief.King’s is one of the biggest mental-health units in the country, and inLambeth we have the highest instancesof people who suffer a mental-healthcrisis.“I have written to the ministerresponsible for mental health and I havemet doctors at King’s A&E and with theCEO of the South London andMaudsley Trust. I want to get to thebottom of why the emergency roomwasn’t opened and I want to lobby thegovernment to get it opened.”A spokesperson for King’s CollegeHospital NHS Foundation Trust said:“We are sorry that the redevelopment ofour Emergency Department (ED) hastaken longer than expected. “The bulk of the funding allocated tothe project has been spent on completingthe external building works, as well asreconfiguring the inside of the ED tobetter cater for the patients we treat. Thisincludes for mental-health patients. “We will complete the improvementworks, but it may take time. One of thekey reasons for the delay is the fact thatwe have to keep the ED running 24hours a day, all year round. We now seeover 450 patients a day, which makescompleting even minor improvementworks to the department a majorlogistical and practical challenge. “We continue to have protocols inplace to support mental-health patientswho attend the ED. For example, wehave a dedicated SLaM psychiatric-liaison team in the department 24/7, aswell as a dedicated assessment room formental-health patients. We are confidentthe improvement works, once finished,will improve even further the care weprovide to this specific group of patients,as well as others presenting to the ED.”



Woman led to safety after flat fire A PECKHAM woman was led tosafety after a fire started in her flaton Monday.More than 21 firefighters were called tothe flat fire in Bournemouth Road, offRye Lane, at 12.40pm.The woman was said to be sufferingfrom smoke inhalation, and was taken to

a south London hospital by LondonAmbulance Service.The fire was under control by 1.55pm,and was attended by London FireBrigade crews from Peckham, NewCross, Brixton and Dockhead.The fire is under investigation by fireofficers and the police.

MP: WHERE DID A&E£6.5M GRANT GO? By Owen [email protected]

Page 6: 5th May 2016

6 NEWS www.southwarknews.co.uk/news Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016

A MOTORCYCLIST was killedin a collision with a pick-up truckin Peckham on Saturdayafternoon.The 51-year-old man’s collisionwith the Volkswagen Amarok truckhappened in Consort Road at 5.33pm.Paramedics pronounced the mandead at the scene of the crash at6.52pm.An air ambulance was called to takethe man’s body to a south London

hospital, and a post-mortemexamination took place earlier thisweek.The driver of the truck stopped atthe scene of the crash and no arrestswere made.Detectives from the Met’s Roadsand Transport Policing Commandwould like to speak with anyone whosaw the collision and the momentsleading up to it.Anyone with information is asked tocontact the witness appeal line atCatford Traffic Garage on 020 82851574.


A CAR company near the OldKent Road staged an anti-TfLdemonstration on Tuesday inprotest of proposed double redlines being put down outsidetheir business.

Kent Carriage Company displayedbanners and was joined by over 35people holding placards andchanting as they blocked PomeroyStreet for fifteen minutes with threeof their cars. The company’s owners believethat if TfL puts down the double redlines it will drive business away. Paul Houston, the owner, said:

"This protest is about the messagegoing back to TfL that theconsultation has already beendecided and that it is not right. Theyjust need to listen to us. "To see everyone here feels likewe are finally getting our pointacross. It's feels good. It has beenvery stressful and we don't need it. "It is great to be joined by our

family and people from localbusinesses." The short protest attracted muchattention as a long line of cars upthe Old Kent Road quickly formedwith the sounds of horns filling theair. TfL have said that they are yet tobegin the consultation period for theproposed double red lines and that

they are for the smooth running ofthe junction. Nigel Hardy, Head ofSponsorship and Surface Transportat TfL, said: "No decision has beenmade on proposed changes at thisjunction. We've been engaging withKent Carriage Company for sometime and we will hold a consultationinto proposed safety improvementslater this year."

By Alex [email protected]

Motorcyclist killed in truck collision


By Owen [email protected]


o: Ja

net R




ArtsPage 23

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Page 7: 5th May 2016

Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk/news NEWS 7



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Page 8: 5th May 2016

8 NEWS www.southwarknews.co.uk/news Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016


A BOROUGH girl who receivedlife-saving care for her lungcondition at Great Ormond StreetHospital (GOSH) will take part in a5k race on May 15 to raise moneyfor them. Amecia Hytlon, ten, was born at 25weeks and weighed just 1lb 7oz, with achronic lung disease leaving her in needof frequent hospital visits.After a year her condition worsened toneeding ten days on an ECMO machineto replicate her lung function. GOSH’s care helped her to recover andnow Amecia wants to say thank you byraising money in the Royal Bank ofCanada’s Race for the Kids 5k at theQueen Elizabeth Olympic Park with herfamily. Amecia’s mum, Caroline, said:“It was so frightening to see her in thisway but the doctors and nurses were solovely they really helped us during avery difficult time.

“They took the time out just to prepareus, they were amazing, you just hadevery confidence that Amecia was in theright place and they would do what theycould for her.” A record 10,000 people are expected totake part this year with the money raisedhelping to fund new world-classfacilities at GOSH. Alison Rulton,Senior Fundraising Manager at GreatOrmond Street Hospital Children’sCharity, said: “We’re thrilled thatAmecia and her family are taking partthis year. “All the money raised will helpus make a real difference to seriously illchildren and their families from acrossthe UK, so we’d like to say a big thankyou to the family for their support.“The RBC Race for the Kids is afantastic family fun run, with people ofall ages and abilities getting involved. It’sa great day out, with activities andentertainment for all the family.”To sponsor Amecia visit,


By Alex [email protected]

Amecia andmum Caroline

AAmmeecciiaa pprreeppaarreess ttoo ggiivvee bbaacckk ttoo hhoossppiittaall wwhhiicchh ssaavveedd hheerr lliiffeeBorough girl born with lung diseaseto run 5km for Great Ormond Street

Page 9: 5th May 2016

Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk/news NEWS 9

A LONG-serving LiberalDemocrat councillor hasannounced she is stepping downafter fourteen years serving theSurrey Docks ward, triggering aby-election on June 9.Lisa Rajan has said caring for heryoung family, her full-timeemployment and her husband’s jobmoving to Manchester has meantgiving the community thecommitment it deserves moredifficult. She said: “It is with huge sadnessthat I am standing down as one ofthe Liberal Democrat councillorsfor Surrey Docks. “For fourteen years I have had thegreatest privilege of representing anincredible community and helpingwin the fights for the new CanadaWater Library and the C10 busroute.“Being a councillor needs serious

commitment though and I'm verysorry that changes in my personallife mean that I can no longer serveresidents the way Liberal Democratcouncillors believe we shouldalways do.“Fourteen years after first beingelected, there are still huge issues inSurrey Docks. Most importantly,we need to make the council'sregeneration process happen 'with'residents and not 'to' them.

“We also need properinfrastructure in place - GPs,schools and transport - beforefurther huge development takesplace at Canada Water.“I really want to thank residentsfor their support over the years andhope they will continue to back theLiberal Democrats as the bestchoice to fight residents’ corner inSurrey Docks.”Two years ago Lisa ran theLondon Marathon dressed asWonder Woman to raise funds forthe Rotherhithe Time and Talentscommunity centre. This will be the third council by-election this year after MPs NeilCoyle and MP Helen Hayesannounced they were to stand downfrom their councillor roles in theNewington and College wards.The by-elections for both seats aretoday, Thursday, May 5.See who is standing in theNewington and College ward by-elections on p10.

Long-serving councillorto step down, triggeringRotherhithe by-election

THE MUCH-anticipated £20mCastle leisure centre opened itsdoors for the first time at theweekend. The centre has a 25-metre six-lanepool, a learner pool, sauna and steam

rooms, sports hall, gym and creche.The council, and its leisurecontractors Fusion, will be holding acommunity open weekend at thecentre on Saturday and Sunday, May21 and 22.

By Owen [email protected]



Page 10: 5th May 2016

10 NEWS www.southwarknews.co.uk/news Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016

PRIMARY SCHOOL pupilsacross Southwark joinedprotestors around the country bystaging a ‘kids’ strike’ onTuesday, against newgovernment-imposed Sats exams.Parents and ten-to-eleven-year-oldsfrom Ivydale School in Nunhead, andFairlawn School near Dulwich, tookpart in the walk-out, led by the Letthe Kids Be Kids campaign.Steve Rose, a parent of threechildren among the 140 to missschool from Ivydale, told the News:“It’s reached a point where six-and-seven-year-olds are expected to learnwhat a subordinating conjunction is– something that would be lost on thevast majority of parents.“To me it reflects an incrediblynarrow curriculum, and to manyparents it comes at the expense ofbetter, more joyful learning.“With [secretary of state foreducation] Nick Morgan’s policy formaking all schools into academies,its looks even more like education isbeing taken out parents’ and councils’hands.“There are scores of angry andconcerned parents who can’t standthat this style of testing is happeningbut can’t think what to do about it. Sowe held an alternative "fun day oflearning" at the Horniman Museumon [Tuesday] morning.”Similar events were also heldaround the country and an onlinepetition had gained 47,000 signaturesby Wednesday, calling for teachers toboycott Sats exams. The petition, created by the Let theKids Be Kids group, said children are

“over-tested, over-worked and in aschool system that places moreimportance on test results and leaguetables than children’s happiness andjoy of learning”.Deputy head teach of IvydalePrimary School, Helen Ingham, toldthe News: “While the school issympathetic with the views of parentsabout the government’s educationreforms and we understand whysome parents have decided to takethis action, we have made it clear to

all parents that school is open asusual on Tuesday. “Children who are absent fromschool as a result of this action willbe recorded as having anunauthorised absence.”Steve, a writer for The Guardian,added: “It was short notice, and theidea spread around the country quitequickly. “In the end only one parent fromour school said they are not in favour,and many couldn’t take part because

they couldn’t get off work. But wehad another 200 letters of supportfrom those parents who couldn’t takepart.”In defence of the exams, due tocontinue next week, educationSecretary Nicky Morgan said: “Tothose who say we should let ourchildren be creative, imaginative, andhappy – of course I agree, both as aparent and as the EducationSecretary. “But I would ask them this – how

creative can a child be if they struggleto understand the words on the pagein front of them – they certainly can’tenjoy them? What are the limitsplaced on a child’s imagination,when they cannot write down theirideas for others to read?“That is why the campaign beingled by some of those who do notthink we should set highexpectations, who want to ‘keep theirchildren home for a day’ next week,is so damaging.”

MINORS’ STRIKEPrimary pupils in school walk-out in protest against Sats exams

By Owen [email protected]

SOUTHWARK COUNCIL’SNewington and College ward seatsare up for grabs this week as thecouncil by-election takes place onMay 5, at the same time as themayoral and London Assemblyelections. The two by-elections were triggered asformer councillors turned LabourMembers of Parliament Neil Coyle andHelen Hayes stepped down earlier thisyear. Mr Coyle, the former Newington wardcouncillor, is now MP for Southwarkand South Bermondsey, while Ms

Hayes, the former College wardcouncillor, is MP for Dulwich and WestNorwood. Both seats are being battled over bycandidates from the Conservative Party,the Liberal Democrats, the All People’sParty, UKIP, the Green Party andLabour.Newington ward is being contested byseven candidates as Michelle Baharier,an independent, is also running. She said: "There are too many peopleinvolved in the council today who don'tstand up for the rights of local anddisabled people. "The council is too often used bycareerists as a way to get intoWestminster. I'd like to go back to the

old way of politics where I serve mycommunity and the people who electedme."Among the parties campaigning isSouthwark's own All People's Partywhich was founded in the borough in2014. Denis Pougin, the All People'sParty College ward candidate, said: “If Iam elected, I will work hard every day toprovide better housing for residents andensure that leaseholders are given valuefor money from the council."I will protect and support localbusiness owners so we can continue tobuild a vibrant local economy and takemeasures to ensure there will be enoughschool places for our children inSouthwark."

Two by-elections to be held todayNewington WardcandidatesSiobhan Gige Aarons –Conservative PartyTerry Adewale – All People'sPartyMichelle Deborah Baharier –IndependentJames Coldwell – LabourNick Hooper – Green Martin Shapland – LiberalDemocratGawain Howard WilkinsonTowler – UKIP

College WardcandidatesKate Bramson - ConservativePartyBrigid Gardner – LiberalDemocratDenis Pougin – All People'sPartyToby Prescott – UKIPDale Leslie Rapley – GreenPartyCatherine Anne – LabourParty

By Alex [email protected]


Children held a protestagainst government plans

as they spent the day at the Horniman Museum,

instead of school

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Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk/news NEWS 11

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12 NEWS www.southwarknews.co.uk/news Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016

FREE ENTERTAINMENT anddrama is back again for ten daysstraight at the 23rd annualDulwich Festival. From May 6-15 there will be avariety of comedy, drama, musicand art displays.The festival director AlphaHopkins said: “We have a trulyfantastic line-up of events foreveryone to enjoy.” Donna Maria, a maypole dancerwho is participating in Dulwich Fair,said: “I just love it. There’ssomething about it that’s magical,it's fun. It just works.”

TheatricsTangram Theatre Company, whohave performed in more than 100venues over the world, willencourage audience participation inEinstein: Relativitively Speaking.Saturday 7 May 7pm, £8-£12. TheGreat Hall, Alleyn’s School.

The international award winningpuppeteers Garlic Theatre will tella story about the secret life of shoeswith their uniquely crafted puppets.Saturday 14 May 2.30pm, £5-£15.St Barnabus Parish Hall.

The audience will follow clues to atime travel riddle around DulwichPark with The Multiple MyrtleMysteries. Friday 6 May – Sunday 15 May,Free. Dulwich Park.

TalksHealth commentator and comedian

Dr Phil Hammond is going to starta campaign to save the NHS with a“bidet revolution”.Monday 9 May 7.30pm, £10-£12.The Great Hall, Alleyn’s School.

Paul Ewen, author of FrancisPlug: How to be an Author, will talkabout the life of a modern authorwith the help of his fictional alterego. Saturday 14 May 7.30pm, £6.00-£8.00. Belair House, Gallery Road.

Dulwich Village is holding anumber of events to learn about thehistory of Christ’s Chapel, whichwas founded 400 years ago byEdward Alleyn.

MusicThree choirs will perform at the

Festival of Choirs, including the2015 Christmas number one winnerLewisham and Greenwich NHSChoir. Friday 13 May 8pm, £6. HolstHall, Jags.

Scandinavian Soundaround willhost a collaborative workshop foranyone who can play a scale.Saturday 7 May 11am, £8-£12.Linbury Room, Dulwich PictureGallery.

Nuns and Roses will showcasemedieval music with harp, bagpipes,percussion and medieval fiddle. Wednesday 11 May 7.30pm, £6-£20. Christ’s Chapel Dulwich.

Nedwardo and the Rumanautsare hosting a Latin American danceand music demonstration, withopportunity for the audience to joinin on the dancefloor.Sunday 8 May 7pm-10pm, £10-£18.Grafton Dance School, 7 Village Way, Dulwich, SE21 7AW.

The soulful band Gerard and TheWatchmanwill perform, supportedby Oh Sister. Thursday 12 May 12 7.30pm, £10.Belair House, Gallery Road

Critically acclaimed musiciansviolinist Levon Chilingirian andpianist Carole Presland are playingHandle’s Sonata in D Major no 13,Grieg’s Sonata in C Minor Op 45and Elgar’s Violin Sonata.Sunday 15 May 2.30pm, £6-£15.Old Library, Dulwich College.

ArtLouis Masai will live-paint atSyndenham Hill Wood forDulwich’s outdoor gallery.

They can see the finished creation

during the final weekend of thefestival.Friday 13 -15 May, Free. Old Railway Tunnel at SydenhamHill Wood, Nature Reserve.

WalksEarly morning bird watchingwalk with the London Wildlife Trustthrough Sydenham Wood.Saturday 13 May 6am, £4.00-£6.00. Crescent Wood Road Gate.

Late night bat walks throughSydenham Hill Wood with theLondon Wildlife Trust to spot somewildlife. Friday 6 May 8.30pm, £5.Crescent Wood Road Gate.

Dulwich Festival FairBack for the 11th year running.The Dulwich Festival Fair is awonderful day out for all the family;from bouncy castles to the EDTbeer tent, handmade children’s t-shirts to homemade cakes, designerjewellery to local photography.Nibble delicious food and listen tothe music on ‘The Goose is Out!’Stage and enjoy a drink from theEDT beer tent as your children havetheir faces painted for free! Notforgetting the wonderful donkeyrides!Sunday 8 May11am – 4pm Goose Green, Freeevent

By Frances [email protected]

THEATRE, FUN & A ‘BIDET REVOLUTION' The Dulwich Festival returns with two weeks of family fun

Tangram Theatre

Levon Chilingirian

Dr Phil Hammond Gerard and the Watchmen

Garlic Theatre

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Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk/news NEWS 13

A MUM of two is taking on adaily 5km challenge this monthto raise money for the cancersupport charity she works for.Hannah Monteith, a fundraiser atDimbleby Cancer Care, is going to betaking part the Every Day in Maysports challenge and hopes to raise£150 for the charity.The 38-year-old, from Beckenhamwill cover 5km every day during themonth of May for the challengeorganised by fitnaturally.She said: “I’ve recently let thingsslip a bit and with two young boys torun around after I was finding thatmy sedentary desk job and gymphobia were getting in the way andmaking me feel old and unfit.Walking is great low impact exerciseand I know this will help boost myenergy levels and get me out in thefresh air, something I really needafter this long winter.”Participants will cover either 5km or10km by any self-powered means, soanything from walking, running,swimming, cycling and skating and itdoesn’t matter about location or timeof day.Every Day in May is a global sportschallenge with people all over theworld taking part.This year marks the start of the 50th

anniversary of Dimbleby CancerCare, based at Guy’s and St Thomas’,which was set up in 1966 in memoryof broadcaster Richard Dimbleby.All the money raised will gotowards the charity’s ‘Care for theFuture’ appeal, which aims to raise£500,000 by the end of 2016 so that itcan continue and expand its workwithin the cancer community.To support Hannah visit

www.justgiving.com/Hannah-Monteith1For more information or to sign upand take part please visitwww.fitnaturally.co.uk/every-day-in-may/

STRIKING JUNIOR doctorsfrom King’s College Hospitaldonated food and money given tothem on the picket line to aPeckham foodbank last week. The doctors undertook industrialaction on Tuesday and Wednesday lastweek in the ongoing contracts disputewith the government. But the medics, who received plentyof biscuits and other snacks duringtheir time on the picket line, opted todonate their haul to SouthwarkFoodbank, part of Pecan. Felicia Boshorin, the foodbank’sproject manager, said: “They got intouch and donated food and peoplestarted giving money and that’s how itcame about.“It was really humbling to think thatwhile they were going through theirown struggles they were thinking ofthe needs of others.”Southwark Foodbank has beenrunning for six years and last yearserved around 4,000 food parcels toresidents in need of their services. They are run mainly by volunteers,with only two paid members of staff

within the organisation who are basedin Peckham, with those in needreferred by frontline services.Dr Lucy Carter, 32, who organisedthe donation, knew about the

foodbank and wanted to support itswork. She said: “It was about doingsomething positive for the community,for people who need us when weweren’t working. The junior doctors

got behind it and it was heart-warming.”Dr Carter, and her colleagues PatrickEarls and Louise Wade donatedaround five crates of food and over

£300 in funds to the charity. Last week’s action was the first in astring of strikes in which juniordoctors also pulled out of providingemergency care in A&E.

Mum takes on 5km a day challenge

Striking junior doctors hand over picket line donations to food bank


By Callum [email protected]

By Paige [email protected]


o: L




LEGAL ACTION has beendropped against the notoriousKingdom Church in Camberwell,which previously faced fines fromthe council for its noisy mid-nightsermons.The church and its leader, BishopClimate Irungu Wiseman (pictured), hadbeen fined £7,500 after SouthwarkCouncil received more than 100 noisecomplaints in response to its varioussermons, including a weekly 3amhealing ceremony.But in a “miracle” turnaround, the judgeat the Inner London Crown Courthearing on Friday upheld the church’sappeal against the fine.Bishop Climate previously told the

News that, in response to fines madeunder the Environmental Protection Act1980, the council and critics of the churchwould “feel the fire of God”.After the hearing on Friday, BishopClimate said: “We couldn’t believe theoutcome, as a spiritual man, I believe itwas the hand of God. He did intervene.After having our monthly Fire Servicelast month I knew God was going toperform an extraordinary miracle.”“We admit we made noise, but we wereappealing against the size of the fine, andthe judge has found in favour. He hasquashed the whole thing. We want to live

in peace with our neighbours. Peoplehave the right to complain, but some ofthe things the council said about ourchurch were not true.”Bishop Climate claims to overseehundreds of churches across the globeincluding The Kingdom Church inCamberwell Station Road. He also said thatnews of the fines had spread worldwide,with people even coming up to him in thestreet during a recent visit to Africa.A Southwark Council spokeswomanconfirmed the conviction was upheld,and the sentence amended after theBishop presented evidence suggesting hewas unable to pay the fine. The church’slicensing review, undertaken by thecouncil, has also been adjourned.


Bishop claims‘hand of God’saved himfrom £7,500noise fine

By Owen [email protected]

The church received morethan 100 complaints

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14 NEWS www.southwarknews.co.uk/news Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016

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A GRASSROOTS cancer charity,The MumMum Foundation, iscelebrating being officially given itscharitable status - by giving aBermondsey woman battling thedisease a night at a West Endmusical.

Camberwell man Gary Valentine Fullerset up the charity in memory of his lategrandma, Carol Rogers, whom he hisfamily and “everyone she knew” used tocall MumMum.The 25-year-old said: “MumMumpassed away in November 2013. Iabsolutely worshiped her. She was myworld.“She had cancer for five years and it gotthe better of her. I know losing a loved onecan be such a traumatic time that I decidedI wanted to help other families.“I’m an undertaker by trade, so I’m usedto dealing with bereavement, but we setthe charity up partly as a copingmechanism. Doing good things for other

people can really be a powerful way ofhelping you through.”They took the decision to create TheMumMum Foundation on the one-yearanniversary of Carol’s death, and to carryon her legacy of dedication to charitywork.Gary has said their donation will be tosupport the family of 24-year-old TillyBrowne, who has been diagnosed withincurable breast cancer.Tilly’s chronic relationship with thedisease is caused by her suffering from Li-Fraumeni Syndrome, an extremely raregenetic disease that makes carriers proneto developing cancer.

Gary said: “We’re going to pay for Tillyand her family to go and see Motown theMusical at prime time on Saturday night,and have dinner out wherever she likes.“Tilly’s fighting spirit has beeninspirational and we would also like tosupport her throughout her treatment.“With cases like Tilly we want to put asmile on her face and show her peoplereally care about her.”“We also want to thank everyone fortheir support in the last year whosupported out charity.The Mum Mum Foundation will alsohold a fundraiser at the Nag’s Head pub inCamberwell on June 18.

Another fundraising event for Tilly willtake place at the Lightbox in LambethPlace on Saturday, with a house musicclub night starting at 10pm. Tickets willbe £20 on the door.Local traders Suncatchers and Mirrorsare also due to host an online auction ontheir ‘Sun Catchers and Mirrors’Facebook Group this Sunday, with prizesincluding a new TV and signed prints ofFormula One legend MichaelSchumacher.To find out more about Gary’s charity,visitwww.facebook.com/themummumfoundation

MumMum’sthe word asnew charitytreats Tilly to a musicalFoundationcelebrates itscharitable statusBy Owen [email protected]

Gary Valentine Fuller (main); with his nan Carol (inset); and Tilly Browne (right)

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16 NEWS www.southwarknews.co.uk Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016


FIVE-YEAR-OLD Ethan Rigby isone of the first youngsters to benefitfrom a new service that helpschildren with short-term illnessesget expert nursing care at homerather than in hospital.The Evelina London Children'sHospital @home team helps children gethome from hospital quicker and, in somecases, means they don’t have to comeinto hospital at all. The service runs from8am to 10pm, seven days a week.Ethan’s mum, Megan Rigby, says:“Ethan was diagnosed with eczemawhen he was six weeks old."His skin gets very itchy so he’ll bite itand rub it against rough surfaces, like theedge of the table or carpet, to scratch it.When the skin breaks, it makes Ethanprone to infections.”Ethan was admitted to hospital inFebruary with cellulitis, a skin infectionthat can lead to septicaemia, a potentiallylife-threatening blood infection. He wasgiven antibiotics through an intravenousdrip and stayed in hospital for two days.Megan says: “The doctors said Ethancould stay in hospital or be helped to get

better by the @home team. EvelinaLondon is not just round the corner forme and I knew it would be better forEthan to have his things around him andstill be able to go to school.“The @home team came out to check

his progress and make sure his hand washealing properly. I was given lots of helpand advice including a refresher courseon using a special tape with steroids. Ithelps the skin to heal when the eczemagets very bad.“I think this is a brilliant service which

saves a lot of time, money and stress,and it feels personalised to you. Ethanwould have been taking up a hospitalbed which could have been used by achild who really needed it. Now I havethe @home team’s telephone numberand I know I can call them anytime foradvice.”The service, which has seen more than80 children since February, is beingpiloted for 18 months and is available tochildren living in or registered with a GPin Southwark and Lambeth. Currentlyreferrals are made by the Trust’s hospitalconsultants.

THE FAMILY of a patient whoreceived lifesaving intensive carehave raised £23,000 for Guy’s andSt Thomas’. Simon Dredge was so seriously injuredin a power boat accident in May 2015that at first doctors thought it wasunlikely he would survive. However, hewas brought to the Intensive Care Unit atSt Thomas’ Hospital where an ECMO(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation)machine was used to support his heartand lungs. ECMO removes blood from the body,artificially pumping out carbon dioxideand replacing oxygen. It is used inintensive care medicine to help patientswho are unable to breathe forthemselves. Simon’s family were so inspired by the

treatment he received that theyorganised a hugely successfulfundraising dinner to raise money for thehospital. Simon and his family recentlyreturned to the Intensive Care Unit tothank the staff. Simon, 18, says: “I was lucky tosurvive the accident and then to receivesuch first-class care at St Thomas' - I'llalways be grateful."

PATIENTS AND visitors toGuy’s Hospital may be affectedby closures of Tooley Streetuntil February 2018. Theclosures will allow theThameslink Programme tocontinue planned improvementworks at London Bridgestation. Tooley Street is nowclosed to eastbound traffic until

February 2018. This will affectseveral bus routes (47, 343, 381,N381, N199 and RV1) and peopleplanning to drive to Guy’s. Trafficwill be diverted via Borough HighStreet, Great Dover Street andTower Bridge Road. More information is available

from the Thameslink Programmeand Transport for London.

Homelessness nurses shortlisted for photo prizeTWO NURSES working withLondon's most vulnerable peoplehave had their photographsshortlisted for the Royal College ofNursing (RCN) Care on CameraAward.Kendra Schneller and Rachel Smith,who work for Guy's and St Thomas'health inclusion team, entered thecompetition to highlight the challengesfaced by community nurses caring forhomeless people, refugees, asylumseekers, and drug and alcohol users.The duo’s three photographs are amongjust 50 images shortlisted from more than800 entries to tour the UK as part of anexhibition to celebrate the RCN’scentenary.The competition's winners will bechosen by a panel of judges and there isalso a 'People's Choice' award for the

public to cast their vote for the photographthat best represents nursing in 2016.Nurse practitioner Kendra has twophotos - 'Open all hours' and 'Help...I needsomebody...Not just anybody' - on theshortlist.She says: "Homeless people movearound a lot, we never know when we willsee them again. So we've become a one-stop shop."We may be dressing an ulcer, takingbloods or prescribing medication butwe're also making use of thatopportunistic moment to address otherissues like getting them new clothes orgiving advice on sharing needles."Dame Eileen Sills, Chief Nurse at Guy'sand St Thomas', says: "Kendra andRachel's shortlisting is a fantasticachievement. Their photos show how farthe role of the nurse has come in 100

years.”You can vote for Kendra and Rachel'sphotos online at:www.rcn100photo.org.uk/events/.The vote closes at 5pm on Tuesday 31May. The winners will be announced atthe RCN's annual Congress on Saturday18 June.

New team helps Ethanget home quicker

Grateful family’s ‘thank you’ forintensive care team

Kendra Schneller (left) and Rachel Smith (right)

Going to Guy’sHospital?

Megan Rigby and son Ethan

Page 17: 5th May 2016

Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk MAYORAL ELECTION 17

It’s accepted Affordable Housing isn’taffordable. Will you change the definitionto make it affordable?

My definition of affordable is different to theTories’ which includes starter-homes costing upto £450,000 – how that is ‘affordable’ to mostpeople I don’t know. My definition ofaffordable is one of three things – available ata social rent, available at a London Living Rentwhich is one third of average local earnings, orpart-buy part-rent. With me as Mayor 50 percent of the new homes built across London willhave to meet this definition.

How are you going to tackle knife crime?

I have a ten-point plan to tackle violent crime.The plan includes restoring real neighbourhoodpolicing which has been devastated by Torycuts, better prevention programmes, engagingwith young people in schools and in thecommunity to stop them joining gangs, arequirement for hospitals to report knifeinjuries, and pushing for more powers to ensuretough community payback on top of theirsentencing for those caught carrying a knife.

Will you look at removing the Elephantand Castle roundabout?

I think with a lot of big schemes it often takesa while to let them bed down, so it’s importantwe give it a bit of time. But, of course, if it is

proven that things have got more dangerousI’ll look again. One of the things I’ll do is havean urgent review of the most dangerousjunctions across the city, identifying dangerousintersections and getting on with the job ofmaking them safer.

Should the Bakerloo Line extension go toCamberwell?

Areas like Southwark and Lewisham havebeen disadvantaged by not being part of thetube network. When deciding on a final routeTfL should take into account which area canmost benefit, what additional housing can bedeveloped as a result of the link, what the costswill be and what the business benefits will be,as well as the opinions of local residents. Butrest assured, I’m 100 per cent behindextending the Bakerloo line into south eastLondon.

What can the mayor do to helpreinvigorate our high streets?

It’s important we protect the character of ourhigh streets. Rising land values in London arecausing real pressure on many high streets andwe are losing a lot of smaller retailers. I don’twant London’s shopping areas to all look thesame, that’s why I’ll be tougher in using theMayor’s planning powers to protect London’ssmaller shops and markets which contribute tosome of the city’s best shopping areas.


IT’S ACCEPTED Affordable Housingisn’t affordable. Will you change thedefinition to make it affordable?

Affordable housing policy is one thatenables mixed community. I'd back starterhomes, shared ownership, the London Help toBuy and social housing. It's about making sure that when you buildnew homes on publicly owned land that thosehomes aren't sold off as investments so theyhave to be sold to Londoners. I'd make that a rule for homes built onmayoral controlled land.

How are you going to tackle knife crime?

We need greater use of intelligence-led stopand search. We've gone too far in the wrongdirection and people walk around carryingweapons with impunity. I'll continue to make the case for devolutionof youth justice funding so we could be moreimaginative. It costs £60,000 a year to lock upa young person and it costs a fraction of thatto invest in preventing them getting intotrouble.

Will you look at removing the Elephantand Castle roundabout?

I've already spoken to councillors andsupporters in the area about the Elephant andCastle problem and I made a commitment to

review it.

Should the Bakerloo Line extension go toCamberwell?

I'm committed to making the extensionhappen and to deliver as much it as I can. Iwill work with authorities, councillors andcommunities to make sure all these extensionsare actually regeneration projects to helpareas that need regeneration the most.I don't want to make the commitment toCamberwell now because there are so manyprojects that I need to go through.

What can the mayor do to helpreinvigorate our high streets?

I found a £20m underspend in the budgetwhich I'm going to put towards helping HighStreets throughout London. We haven'tidentified all the areas that are going to behelped but it will be spent by the local BIDs. The big opportunity we're going to havesoon is devolution of business rates whichwill allow the next mayor working withbusiness minded authorities to tip the balancein favour of small and medium sizedbusinesses, start ups and high streets. I'd like the budget to be bigger but I'm notcommitting to spending money that I'm notconvinced we have. And there will be plentyof savings that we could find by taking aruthless approach to inefficiencies in TfL.


As well as voting for LondonAssembly members onThursday, voters will also choose

the next Mayor of London. With Conservative incumbent BorisJohnson vacating the position after eightyears, twelve candidates from a variety ofparties are up for the role. This will be the third mayor to run City Hallsince the position was created in 2000, withLabour Ken Livingstone being the first. Voters will be given a pink ballot paper onMay 5 with the option of selected two of theirpreferred candidates.

Different to General Elections, the LondonMayor election uses a proportionalrepresentation voting system called thesupplementary vote. This involves putting an X in column A foryour first choice and an X in column B foryour second. This does not reduce the chancesof your first choice being successful but ratherensures all votes matter as they are counted. TheNews has interviewed or profiled all thecandidates for Mayor to help readers choosetheir favourite candidates. Interviews by Owen Sheppard andAlex Yeates.


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18 MAYORAL ELECTION www.southwarknews.co.uk Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016

IT’S ACCEPTED Affordable Housingisn’t affordable. Will you change thedefinition to make it affordable?

I want to change the definition of affordablehousing from the current 80 per cent ofmarket rate measurement the Conservativesuse – it just isn’t affordable. We need to betalking much more about social housing,which is 30 per cent. My plan is to raise £2bnfor new housing while keeping council tax atlast year’s rates, and using the tax revenue toborrow more money against it.

How are you going to tackle knifecrime?

The police have got to invest inpreventative work. I also want to see morework done in A&E departments wherevictims can talk with youth workers abouttheir experience, so we can get betterevidence and help steer them away fromknife crime in future. It’s a scheme that I have already seen inKing’s College Hospital, run by a charitycalled Red Thread, and Oasis at St Thomas’sHospital. This idea should be rolled outacross London.

Will you look at removing the Elephantand Castle roundabout?

I’m in favour of doing something that can

make cycling in London safer. But I have tosay I find the Elephant and Castle veryconfusing as a cyclist, pedestrian or when Ihave been through on the bus. I understandthat people worry it’s not safe. We have alsoseen two fatalities there. But we need to seehow it settles down.

Should the Bakerloo Line extension goto Camberwell? I have long campaigned for more than onestation to be added to the Bakerlooextension. I like the two-loop suggestion:one going down Camberwell Road and onegoing down Old Kent Road. Otherwise anew Thameslink Station could be revived atthe old Camberwell Railway Station.

What can the mayor do to helpreinvigorate our high streets?

I had not picked up that they [Co-Op andSantander] were leaving the Blue. It’s ashame. I spent a lot of time campaigningthere. I would continue the fund that councilscan bid for from the mayor to invest in theirhigh streets and town centres. We are seeingtowns move more towards a model whereattractions are bringing people in. Also, it’sreally important we do invest in ourhighstreets, and makes them more accessiblewith more cycling-parking and by makingthem more pedestrian friendly, whatever wecan do to attract people to shop there.


AFFORDABLE HOUSING isn’taffordable. Will you change thedefinition to make it affordable?

Working with the big developers on bigschemes and trying to persuade them todeliver us affordable housing doesn't work. We need to work outside that system. We need to use the public land, work withcooperatives and people who want to set upcommunity land trusts.

Will you look at removing the Elephantand Castle roundabout?

The right thing to do is peninsular-isation,which is taking a roundabout and joining upone end. We're doing the same thing inArchway. These big roundabouts are bad butgetting the details right is always importantand difficult.

Should the Bakerloo Line extension goto Camberwell?

We need to re-open the station on the[overground] line as well which goes northto Elephant. We need something to fill in thatgap and what I've said I will do in terms ofraising money for that is the workplaceparking levy. There are lots of people drivinginto London and if we put a levy on theparking spaces they use we can raise a bit ofmoney.

What can the mayor do to helpreinvigorate our high streets?

I want a Town Centre Fund that can be usedby BIDS and local communities. I'd get itfrom a levy on the big supermarkets.It would be places that have very large floorspace that pay an extra levy on businessrights to go into funds that the town centrescan use.

How are you going to tackle knifecrime?

I would get more community officers on thestreets and re-prioritising what the policedoes. I would work with communities aroundLondon to understand what the police needto do. We've got a problem with young peopleliving in overcrowded homes, not reallybeing able to socialiseWe have a duty in London to young peoplefor them to have things to do that areconstructive after school and in the eveningsand so youth services need to be funded.I would do this by increasing the council taxprecept that goes towards the police by howmuch you can which is 2 per cent.I would also get the police to be morerepresentative of Londoners. I will make surewe have a gender balanced police force andone that is actually 40 per cent from London'sethnic minorities.


Catch our interviews with the London Assembly candidateswww.southwarknews.co.uk

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Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk MAYORAL ELECTION 19



LEE HARRIS, 79, is the Cannabis isSafer than Alcohol party candidate forLondon Mayor. Lee is a cannabispioneer and is the editor of Homegrown,Europe’s first cannabis magazine. Lee was unavailable for interview but sentthe News a quote about why Londonersshould vote for him on May 5.He said: “As Londoners turn to the pollsnext Thursday I ask them to picture a citywhere ordinary people aren’t criminalised forcannabis. “Cannabis prohibition is clearly not workingand divides London’s communities, wastesthe resources of the police, and criminalisethe young in particular. “Ending prohibition and introducingsensible regulation will help to heal our city.

“We can take money out of the pockets ofcriminal gangs and instead raise tax oncannabis to invest in London’s infrastructure,the NHS, housing, and public health. “The world’s attitude to cannabis ischanging while London is being left behind.A vote for me is a vote for a progressive, pro-cannabis London.”Lee’s party centres around opposition to theWar on Drugs and believes that prohibition isalways doomed to failure.If elected Mayor Lee will work to changethe public’s perception of cannabis and itslegal status. The Cannabis is Safer ThanAlcohol party was launched in Febuary lastyear and contested the 2015 General Electioncampaigning for a Royal Commission toreview the UK’s drug laws.


ANKIT LOVE is a musician, filmmaker andleader of the One Love Party who is enteringpolitics to fight for the causes he feels stronglyabout. He wants art, culture and science toflourish and to cut down on pollution.

On Housing I want to build a million homes using designersocial housing which is essentially flat-packskyscrapers. If China can build a 30-storey buildingin fifteen days then so can we. I would get loans from the banks and build themall as social housing through a London Authoritybuilding company.

On the Elephant roundabout I don’t know about this case specifically but I doknow that traffic and congestion is a big problem inLondon.

I want London to be the first major city in theworld to have driverless cars on an everyday basis. If I’m Mayor I will build six new bridges in eastLondon beyond Tower Bridge to help the cause ofSouthwark and the connectivity of the area ingeneral. Tackling air pollution is also reallyimportant to me. This crisis is taking the lives ofthousands of people and costing the Europeaneconomy £1tn a year.To solve this I will adopt electric and hydrogenpowered buses.

Other policies I would introduce connection to the internetthrough a thing called Li-Fi where an internetconnection is transmitted on the light spectrum viaLED light bulbs 100 times faster than WiFi. I’d also legalise cannabis to cut crime throughcontrolling it. Otherwise the trade just funds it.

ANKIT LOVE - ONE LOVE PARTY PRINCE JOHN Zylinski is a Polisharistocrat from old Russian nobility bornin London in 1951. He is the owner of thefamous grand White House in Ealing andis an independent candidate for LondonMayor.

On Housing It’s a matter of supply and demand and we’vebeen starved of supply. I’ve been a builder allmy life and I know how to deliver genuinelyaffordable housing. I want to build a millionhomes. We need to cut the red tape, allow builders tobuild and then sales will stabilise.As mayor I would provide a 5 per centmayoral mortgage guarantee to top up thenational Help to Buy scheme to enable everyLondoner to buy a home.

On the Elephant roundaboutThe answer to traffic problems is to alterthings on a micro level and locally. Justmoving something a few feet can ripple to helpout on a larger scale. We need site specificanswers.

Other policies I want to plant a million trees in London tohelp it become the greenest city on the planetas well as cut the bus and tube fares by half tomake travel more affordable for all. In recognition of the polish community inLondon I will also build a monument to thePolish airmen who fought in the Second WorldWar on Hyde Park Corner. I also think it is important to fight for moremoney for arts and cultural exchanges thatreflect the diverse population of this great city.


GEORGE GALLOWAY is the leader of theRespect Party and former Member ofParliament for Bradford West. He was bornin Dundee, Scotland in 1954.

On Housing The mayor has limited powers but they have tobe used ruthlessly. Two things that I can do and Iwill is require private developers to provideaffordable housing and make 50% of housingaffordable.I will also crackdown on the massive amount ofhousing that is not lived in and which is just used assafety deposit boxes.

On the Elephant roundabout It is a monstrosity. It is not an elephant it issomething so grotesque that only TfL could have

given birth to it. If I’m elected mayor I’m going toabolish TfL as it is unfit for purpose and replace itwith a fit for purpose authority of a very differentmake-up and Elephant and Castle is one of thethings that I will bring up.

Other policies When it comes to knife crime I want to bring upthe crisis of fatherless children being involved incrime and help them. I also want to make big changes to the police.They have to start looking like London and theyhave to stop looking and feeling like an occupationforce. I was in a gang when I was younger only becausethere was nothing else to do other than go to thestreet corner. Youth services is often the first thingto be cut and it should be the last.

Page 20: 5th May 2016

20 MAYORAL ELECTION www.southwarknews.co.uk Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016



On housing: Make all state benefits, housing andassistance available only to British citizens;house London’s 3,000 homeless veterans.

On crime: Implement a radical reversal of the legal andpolicing focus on the “rights” of criminalsand its replacement with the traditional focuson putting the victims of crime first. Greateruse of National Service for habitualoffenders; the restoration of Capital

Punishment for paedophiles, terrorists andmurderers. Make prisons a place of hardlabour rather than cosy holiday camps;Introduce the use of “chain gangs” toprovide labour for national public works.Free the police from politically-correctrestrictions and unnecessary bureaucracy.Implement new laws guaranteeing citizensthe right to protect their own homes.Information obtained from BritainFirst.organd the party’s campaigning material, asPaul was unavailable for interview.


On housing: Social housing should be prioritised for peoplewho have lived in an area for more than five years. To find space to build new homes I recommendsetting up a London-wide register of brown fieldsites. There are huge amounts of areas we can use,and we should incentive developers to build onthem. A key part of UKIP’s message is the increase indemand from immigration outstripping supply,which is greatly down to our membership with theEuropean Union. Our party is not anti-immigration,but we need to control it to stop this growth indemand.

On crime: We support the use of stop-and-search because itdoes work and it saves lives. But it needs to beintelligence-led, it can’t be indiscriminate andarbitrary. It needs local policing with officers beingkept in the same areas, not moved around. We also

need commissioning powers to be devolved toborough commanders with local knowledge.

On congestion: Something people will find hard to believe is thatone in ten cars on the road are private hire vehicles.This colossal increase is leading to the possibleextinction of the black cab trade, as well as addingto congestion. We would freeze all new licensingof private hire vehicles and or double theircongestion charges.

On the Bakerloo Line: Having grown up in south London I can tell youwhat it’s like to have hardly known what it was liketo use the Tube. It would be great if it could go to theOld Kent Road and New Cross. On saving our high streets: A scheme like 30-minute free parking through the week and free atthe weekend for longer periods would incentivepeople to come back to their shopping centres.


What the party stands for: Women are often treated as a special interest groupand not realised as half the population. We’re black,disabled and LGBT and we all deserve equalopportunity and equal pay. We are the only partyoffering joint membership with other parties. We areusing the same methods UKIP used to put the EUreferendum to the top of people’s agendas, and thesame tactics the Greens use to get everyone talkingabout the environment.

On housing: The pay gap between men and women is 23 percent and women are twice as likely to spend morethan half their wage on rent. Our party wants fundingto be ring-fenced for women and children fleeingdomestic abuse, of which there were 100,000incidents reported last year. Too many refuge centresare closing due to lack of funding

On crime: There were 3,000 stabbings last year, but there werefive times more incidents of rape. If we start takingrape seriously and have a diverse police force that’sbetter trained, we will be better able to tackle this.

On transport:TfL has got to get better at collaborating with

communities when consultations happen. Most of allwe need to get back to basics with making buses andthe underground more accessible to the elderly,people who are disabled, and parents with pushchairs. Any new Bakerloo Line stations should beaccessible to all.

On technology: We need to invest in tech skills for schools forchildren and teach coding. We also need to do moreto make education of computer skills more widelyavailable to the public to make more peopleemployable, and to increase diversity in employment.


On housing: We want to build high-quality housing on brownfield sites. There’s a lot of horded land and some sortof land tax should be used to make sure brown fieldsites get built on. We’re not advising building on green belt land, andwe do want to see more use of solar panels on newbuilds.

On knife crime: We want five-year minimum prison sentences anda zero-tolerance approach to knife crime. It seemsthat now they cut back on stop-and-search that knifecrime has increased. We also want to reduce crime by improving streetlighting. It helps people feel safer and reducesaccidents.

On the Elephant roundabout: It’s very congested and confusing. I took a wrong

turning and ended up in a congestion zone bymistake and got walloped with a fine. They aretrying to please everyone with it but it’s gone toofar, but the root problem is congestion and overuse,and that is down to immigration, which is the keytheme of our London policy: to stop immigrationnow.

On extending the Bakerloo Line: If there is an obvious gap for it then it should befilled. They could pay for it by cutting waste andvanity projects elsewhere. For they should scrap theGarden Bridge which is expected to cost £170m tobuild and another £2-3m to maintain every year.

On rejuvenating high streets:People are avoiding high streets because of high

car-parking charges. We need a scheme whereperhaps you can park for free for the first 30minutes.

Watch out for the Mayoral andLondon Assembly election resultswww.southwarknews.co.uk

Seven of the twelve London Mayor candidates are also running forLondon-wide Assembly Member seats: Paul Golding (Britain First),David Furness (British National Party), Caroline Pidgeon (London LiberalDemocrats), Sian Berry (Green Party), George Galloway (Respect), PeterWhittle (UKIP) and Sophie Walker (Women’s Equality Party).

Page 21: 5th May 2016

Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS 21

Funeral announcements


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ALBINs Established over 200 years

It is regretfully announced that George Edward Howardlost his courageous fight withcancer on 27th April 16

Loving husband to the late Jean,loving dad to Paul and daughter in law Maxineand grandad to Will

and Alex, George is laid to rest atFA Albins and will be cremated on

18th May 16 at 2.30pm at Honor Oak Crematorium friends and family are

welcome to join us and afterwardsfor a drink at thefamily home

In Loving Memory ofHarry Cross

25 Years15 Feb 1933 – 10 May 1991

Always on our minds,forever in our hearts. Love Joan, Denise,

Gary & Lorraine xxxx

MemorialsJohn Millward9.5.1931 - 13.9.2003

Another Birthday without you.

You’ve left me now, you’ve goneaway, I am left behind, I have

to stay.So I hope and pray I meet you

again another day.

Your loving wife, Babs x x x x

R.I.P my darling

Rene Knight5.5.1938 - 4.1.2013Thinking of you onyour Birthday

Babs and all your family

In loving Memory ofAnthony (Tony) Francis Loftus

11.11.1937 - 18.04.2016

Funeral will be held on17.05.2016

St.Gertrude’s churchDebnams Rd SE16 2BBat 10.00am. Honor OakCrematorium SE4 2LW

at 11.30am.

For further information,please contact Albins on

0207 237 3637

Bill Dobner7.6.28 - 4.4.16

We would like to thank everyonefor the beautiful flowers

and messagessent to Bill.

A special thanks to all at Albins, Rene’sFlorist and Greens.

Also thanks to Star Cars for the reliableservice given to Bill over the years, we

are so grateful.

Bill will be sadly missedJoyce, Carol, Diane and Families.

Thank you

Colin Richard CopleyThe best

Husband, Dad,Grandad andGreat GrandadHappy 70thBirthday!

Love you Lotsxxxxxxxxxx


Page 22: 5th May 2016

22 OPINION www.southwarknews.co.uk/letters Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016

We are doing all wecan to help residents It was with great concern that weread in your newspaper last weekof the ongoing anti-socialbehaviour issues at Arch Street‘Hallway to hell, Southwark News,April 28, 2016.This is something we, as localcouncillors, have been concernedabout for some time. Over the last few months, we havebeen in discussions with someresidents and the management atL&Q about these issues, but it is clearto us that actions taken so far have notbeen urgent or effective enough. Wealso regularly raise anti-socialbehaviour issues around the Elephantand Castle with the local police.As part of our communication withresidents in the ward, we and NeilCoyle, MP, hold regular surgeries inthe area, details of which can befound on the Southwark Councilwebsite. We urge residents to meetwith us at these surgeries, and to getin touch whenever issues like thisaffect them. We also knocked on allresidents’ doors a couple of weeksago as part of our regular walkabouts,and we would encourage people toreport issues like this when they seeus in the ward.It is clear that there have been anti-social behaviour issues not only inArch Street but in this western cornerof the ward for the last eighteenmonths. Councillors have met withvenues and residents on theRockingham Estate, Meadow Row,Smeaton Court and Albert BarnesHouse in order to develop a co-ordinated response by the police,parking team and night timeeconomy teams but there is still muchwork to be done to resolve the issues. We make representations to CllrMark Williams and Cllr Michael Situ

regularly in order to ask them toensure that these issues areconsidered during the ongoingregeneration of Elephant and Castle.It is our hope that this, along with thedevelopment of the Low Line alongthe route of the railway line, willdesign out these problems so that thearea does not attract anti-socialbehaviour in the future. We will continue to raise anti-socialbehaviour issues with the policingteams, whose strength has been cutdue to the actions of Mayor BorisJonson in City Hall.However, we recognise that thisdoes not solve the problem right now,and so we have written to L&Qfollowing the most recent incidents toexpress our dissatisfaction with theirresponse so far. We will also arrangeto meet with residents to discussactions we can take in the future sothat they can enjoy their homeswithout fear for their children’s safety.Cllrs Karl Eastham, Helen Dennisand Vijay Luthra

Thanks for making StGeorge’s Day brillant ON THE 23rd April Bonamyand Bramcote put on their 11thSt George’s Day event atIlderton Road Primary School. The weather was cold but the rainstayed away so the children hadtheir bouncy castle and the Punchand Judy show. I think the adultsenjoyed it as well.The event could not take place if itwere not for the funders which wereUnited St Saviours, SouthwarkCouncil, Keep Moat, Big LocalSouth Bermondsey and RotherhitheConsolidated Charities – our thanksto them all. Our three Livesey councillorsRichard, Michael and Evelyn cameall day and the Mayor of Southwark

Dora pooped in to say hello. Wehad two Chelsea Pensioners –always a pleasure to see them. There were so many people whohelped on the day. We would like tothank Ann Clayton, Kiri Mary andall our friends from the LedburyEstate, Caroline Gardens, CopicAstley Cooper and AvondaleEstates - well done all. The children enjoyed the popcorn,candy floss, face painting, tattooistand flower bouquet lessons fromVicky. Millwall came and did thebeat the goalie competition. We hadtwenty raffle prizes and would liketo thank Tesco’s for their voucher,Russell our fish man down the Bluefor his voucher and Simon in thebutchers also gave a voucher, andMike in the Deli who gave a mealfor two – so a big thank you tothem. The reptile man with his snakes,lizards etc. was a big favourite withthe children. The children had thechance to dress up as St George, aprince, a princess or a dragon –great fun. Even the adults joined inand the photos taken by SteveDaszko were brilliant and fun. Part of the entertainment wasgiven by the Big Local SouthBermondsey Choir – they are verygood. There was stalls withjewellery, books, chutney and craft. The entry charge was 50p and thatincluded their picnic lunch bag anda free raffle ticket and all moneyraised, £250, will be given to BedeHouse for learning disabilities. Thank you also to Sue Sexton andGary Maygold for signing everyonein and Bob Roberts for the PAsystem. Last but not least was all ofyou who came. Without you wewould have looked a bit silly sothank you so much for yoursupport.Pat Hickson MBE, Chair Bonamyand Bramcote TA

Please send your letters by:PPOOSSTT: Unit A302, Tower Bridge Business Complex, Clement’s Road, London, SE16 4DGEMAIL:: [email protected]:: 020 7237 1578All letters should include a street address


See page 10

Green Southwark

Voting day and aprotected cycle-lane

DONNACHADHMcCARTHYDonnachadh McCarthy is the founder of 3 Acorns Eco-audits (www.3acorns.co.uk) andwww.nationalcarbonfootprintday.org. His home inCamberwell was London's first carbon-negative home.

TODAY IS election day inSouthwark. We have threevotes: for the London Mayor,

for our own single Southwark andLambeth Greater London Assembly(GLA) member and for the partyproportional London wide GLAmembers. The two biggest challenges facingLondon are the threats posed to it byflooding due to the climate crisis and thehorrific levels of deaths and life-incapacitating illnesses caused bytransport pollution. The estimated deathsover the next four years from pollution inSouthwark is 1,200 people. Recent studies have confirmed thatchildren living or going to school nearheavily polluted roads can have theirlung development stunted for life.Research has also confirmed the linkbetween asthma and transport pollution.There are over 12,000 registered asthmasufferers in Southwark, includingthousands of kids. The NHS estimatedthat £20 billion a year or 16% of itsbudget is spent treating the hugenumbers of people affected by pollutioncaused diseases. A recent survey showedthat this was parent’s top worry abouttheir children in Southwark and acrossLondon. The creation of a protected cycle-lanenetwork in Southwark and across Londonwould be a major positive contribution totackling both problems, as it eliminatesboth carbon emissions and results incleaner air. It would also enable our kidsto cycle more safely to school, as they doin Holland in huge numbers.So where do the major parties stand onthe issue? The cycling campaign group StopKilling Cyclists challenged all of them tocommit to raising the current tinyTransport for London safer cyclingbudget of 1.4% to 10% by 2020. ToryZac Goldsmith refused to raise the budgetby even a penny. Labour’s Sadiq Khansaid he would raise it to 2.8%. Lib DemCaroline Pidgeon, who is a formerSouthwark councillor promised 3%. Onlythe Green Party’s Sian Berry promised todeliver the full 10% needed by 2020 andshe also detailed exactly where thefunding would come from. UKIP did notgive any answer but their policieshistorically have been deeply anti-cycling.But whichever way you vote, I do hopeyou go out today and exercise your hardfought for right to vote.

Kids go on strike over government school plans

Only one you... makesmall changes now

MODERN LIFE makes ithard to be healthy. Withoutknowing it, by the time we

reach our 40s and 50s many of uswill have dramatically increased ourchances of becoming ill later in life. Whether we are eating the wrongthings, drinking more alcohol than weshould, continuing to smoke, or just notbeing active enough, all of these thingsadd up. These habits could make it harder tokeep up with the kids in the park or meanthat your favourite pair of jeans are a bittighter. More seriously, they increase therisk of you developing conditions such astype 2 diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Our busy lives often mean that our ownhealth is at the bottom of our list ofpriorities. The One You campaign,recently launched by Public HealthEngland, is here to remind you that yourhealth matters. The campaign is aimed atpeople between the ages of 40 and 60years old to help them make changes toimprove their health. Latest figures show that life expectancyat older ages is at record levels, yet manyare spending their retirement living in illhealth. Currently fifteen million Britonsare living with a long-term healthcondition like diabetes, high bloodpressure and asthma, yet studies showliving healthily in middle age can doubleyour chances of being healthy when youare 70. A good way to start the fight to ahealthier lifestyle is to take the free OneYou health quiz, ‘How Are You’. Thisinnovative quiz provides personalisedrecommendations based on your resultsand direct you to tools and offers to helpyou take action where it’s most needed. For more information and to take theonline health quiz, search ‘One You’online now.

Dr Know...

DR JONTY HEAVERSEDGEDr Jonty Heaversedge is a GP at ManorPlace Surgery and Chair of NHSSouthwark Clinical Commissioning Group

Page 23: 5th May 2016

Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk/arts WHAT’S ON 23

ARCADIA MISSA Unit 6, BellendenRoad Business Centre, BellendenRoad, SE15 Jesse Darling: The Great Near A solopresentation by Jesse Darling, theartist’s first in two years. Arcadia Missa,Thu-Sat 12noon-5pm, ends May 7, free. Cecilia Brunson Projects Royal OakYard, SE1 (020-7357 9274) Oisin Byrne: On Being Named Drawings,a six-minute film, a mural and a text bythe Irish artist. Cecilia Brunson Projects,Tue 2pm-4pm, Wed-Fri 2pm-6pm & Sat12noon-4pm, ends May 14, free.COPPERFIELD GALLERY6, Copperfield Street, SE1 Jane Bustin: Rehearsal A series ofpaintings by the artist that take theRussian ballet icon Vaslav Nijinsky(1890-1950) as a central reference.Copperfield Gallery, Thu-Sat12noon-6pm, ends May 6, free.DESIGN MUSEUM 28 Butlers Wharf,Shad Thames, SE1 (020-7940 8790) Cycle Revolution A major exhibitioncelebrating the bicycle, bringing togethera range of the definitive bicycles of ourtimes, and exploring cycling subculturesand the impact of the quest to achievegreater performance on the design ofbicycles. Design Museum, Mon-Sun10am-5.45pm, last adm 5.15pm, endsJun 30, £13.DILSTON GROVE SE16 (020-72371230) Graham Fagen: The Mighty Scheme Anew body of work originally conceivedand exhibited as part of the Scotland +Venice, 56th International Art Exhibitionof the Venice Biennale, plus recent

works on paper. Dilston Grove, FromMay 5, Mon-Sun 11am-5pm, previewMay 1, 2pm-5pm, ends Jun 26, free.DULWICH PICTURE GALLERYGalleryRoad, SE21 (020-8693 5254) Nikolai Astrup: Painting Norway Oilpaintings and prints by the renownedNorwegian artist. Dulwich PictureGallery, Tue-Sun & Bank Hols 10am-5pm, ends May 15, £12.50, childfree, OAP £11.50, concs £7, mems free.Forest Folk A responsive digitalinstallation. Dulwich Picture Gallery,Tue-Sun & Bank Hols 10am-5pm, endsMay 15, free, with gallery ticket.Rubens’ Ghost Celebrate and examineRuben’s creative process. DulwichPicture Gallery, Tue-Sun & Bank Hols10am-5pm, last adm 4.30pm, ends Jul3, £5, OAP £4, unemployed/NUS/under18 free.Scandimania: Norway And Beyond:Nordic Crochet-a-thon With Arne AndCarlosAn evening of communal knitting,culminating in the production of acollaborative piece of crochet work.Dulwich Picture Gallery, May 12,6.30pm-9.30pm, £55, mems £45.Spotlight On Fashion: The ExhibitionQuirky and inspirational photographstaken of, and by, young people. DulwichPicture Gallery, Times vary, ends May13, free.IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM LambethRoad, Elephant & Castle, SE1(020-7416 5000) Edward Barber Images of the anti-nuclear protest movement in 1980sBritain. Imperial War Museum, FromMay 26, Mon-Sun & Bank Hols 10am-6pm, last adm 5.30pm, ends Sep 4, free.Holocaust Exhibition (Over 14s) Film

f o o t a g e ,photographs and rare artefacts. ImperialWar Museum, Mon-Sun & Bank Hols10am-6pm, last adm 5.30pm, ongoing,free.Peter Kennard: Unofficial War ArtistExamining the art and practice of one ofBritain’s most important political artists.Imperial War Museum, Mon-Sun & BankHols 10am-6pm, last adm 5.30pm, endsMay 30, free.Visions Of War Above And BelowImaginative responses to conflict.Imperial War Museum, Mon-Sun & BankHols 10am-6pm, last adm 5.30pm, endsSep 25 2016, free.JERWOOD SPACE 171, Union Street,Bankside, SE1 (020-7654 0179) Jerwood Painting Fellowships 2016Francesca Blomfield, Archie Franks andDale Lewis present their painted worksin this joint exhibition. Jerwood Space,Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat & Sun10am-3pm, closed Bank Hols, free.MAUDSLEY HOSPITAl Denmark Hill,SE5 Emerging Photographs focusing on theissues surrounding mental health.Maudsley Hospital, Mon-Sun 9am-9pm,ends May 27, free

BLUE ELEPHANT THEATRE 59a,Bethwin Road, Camberwell, SE5(020-7701 0100) Strawberry Starburst A heartfelt andpoignant new drama about one girl’sbattle with her demons and the lengthsshe’ll go to fight them. Blue ElephantTheatre, From May 11, Wed-Sat 8pm,ends May 28, £8.50-£12.50.

The Bacchae A wanderer returns,driving the people of the city into aferocious and liberating frenzy. Hisactions excite, his message thrills, buthis mission is revenge. Blue ElephantTheatre, Tue-Sat 8pm, ends May 7, £15,concs £12.50, Southwark residents £10.Edric Theatre 103, Borough Road, SE1 The Wunderkammer Improv group DoNot Adjust Your Stage present TED-stylepanel talks. Edric Theatre, May 7,8pm-10pm, £10.LONDON WONDERGROUND JubileeGardens, off Belvedere Road, SE1(0844-545 8282) Alternative Eurovision AnnaGreenwood comperes a satiricalcelebration of the kitsch euro-popspectacle featuring cabaretperformances. London Wonderground,May 13, 9.30pm, £15.50, concs £14,Wonder Seats £20.50.Between The Sheets A contemporaryburlesque cabaret with Miss Polly Rae.London Wonderground, May 12,9.30pm, ends Sep 8, £19.50, concs £18,Wonder Seats £24.50.Comedy At Alchemy Big-namestand-ups and new talent. LondonWonderground, May 23, 8pm, doors7.45pm, £15.50, concs £14, WonderSeats £20.50.Dusty Limits: Black Dogs (Of Death)Macabre musical cabaret from the artistand performer. London Wonderground,May 7, 9.30pm, £15.50, concs £14,Wonder Seats £20.50.Eyes Down! Bingo With Ida BarrChristopher Green’s alter-ego hosts achaotic bingo event. LondonWonderground, May 15, 4pm, £12.50,concs £11, Wonder Seats £17.50.

House Of Burlesque: Straight Up...The Next Round International burlesquestars take to the stage. LondonWonderground, May 6 & 26, 9.30pm,ends Jul 23, £17.50, concs £16, WonderSeats £22.50.Lili La Scala: Another F***ing VarietyShow An evening of adult variety-styleentertainment with comedy, music andcabaret. London Wonderground, May19-22, 9.30pm, £17.50, concs £16,Wonder Seats £22.50.Miss Behave’s GameshowA renegadegameshow. London Wonderground, May28, 9.30pm, ends Sep 19, 7.30pm,£12.50, concs £11.Scottee & Friends The award-winnerdelivers wit and cabaret. LondonWonderground, May 27, 9.30pm,£15.50, concs £14, Wonder Seats£20.50.Sh*t-faced Showtime Gilbert andSullivan’s opera The Pirates OfPenzance with one inebriated castmember. London Wonderground, May31, 9.30pm, ends Jul 26, £12.50, concs£11, Wonder Seats £17.50.Debra Stephenson: Night Of OneHundred Voices The multi-talentedentertainer presents an evening ofcomedy, music and impressions. LondonWonderground, May 14, 9.30pm-11pm,£17.50, concs £16, Wonder Seats £22.50.The Raunch A whip-cracking,rodeo-rocking cabaret and circusspectacular. London Wonderground,From May 5, Tue-Fri 7.45pm, Sat5.15pm & 7.45pm, Sun 7.30pm (pressnight May 10), endsJun 12, £25 & £30 inc programme,private booth for up to nine people£212.50 inc two bottles of bubbly.

Tina C: Eating Country Join the worldfamous US country music singer for thelaunch of her Southern Cookbook.London Wonderground, May 11,9.30pm, ends Aug 3, £12.50, concs £11,Wonder Seats £17.50.Wonderground Opening SpectacularMiss Behave hosts a night of cabaret,circus, sideshow and music. LondonWonderground, May 5, 9.30pm, £17.50,concs £16, Wonder Seats £22.50.NATIONAL THEATRE: Dorfman SouthBank, SE1 (020-7452 3000) Sunset At The Villa Thalia A new playcapturing Greece’s political turmoil in1967. National Theatre: Dorfman, May25-28, 30 & 31, 7.30pm, ends Aug 4,Mon-Thu/mats £15-£50, Fri & Sat7.30pm £18-£55, previews May 25-31,£15-£37.The Flick Sam Gold directs AnnieBaker’s Pulitzer Prize-winning comicplay which comments on authenticity ina fast-changing world. National Theatre:Dorfman, May 2, 6, 7 & 9-14, 7pm, matsMay 7, 10 & 14, 1.30pm, £15-£50, phonefor availability.NATIONAL THEATRE: Lyttelton SouthBank, SE1 (020-7452 3000) Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom DominicCooke directs August Wilson’s dramaabout self-determination againstoverwhelming odds. National Theatre:Lyttelton, May 9, 10 & 16-18, 7.30pm,mats May 3, 10 & 18, 2.15pm, ends May18, £15-£50, Sat £15-£55.

To submit listings, please enter eventsonline at least four weeks in advance at www.pressassociation.com/Listings/AddYourEvent



ORIGINAL ITEMS from thePeter Pan Collection in GreatOrmond Street HospitalChildren’s Charity are about togo on public for the first time in aspecial e xhibition at the FlorenceNightingale Museum at StThomas’ Hospital. Take Me ToNeverland: Peter Pan From Playto Book and Beyond examinesthe true story behind themuch-loved classic, Peter Pan.When author J M Barrie gifted therights of Peter Pan to Great OrmondStreet Hos pital, he bestowed one ofthe most generous bequests evergiven to a hospital. This resulted inthe hospital receiving royalties fromevery adaptation or production ofPeter Pan ever staged. The result of apartnership between Great OrmondStreet and the Florence NightingaleMuseum at St Thomas’ Hospital, thisexhibition will showcase a number ofartefacts never seen before in public.The exhibition will include earlyeditions with classic illustrations ofthe story including works by MabelLucie Attwell and Arthur Rackham,and Peter Pan’s Postbag, a collectionof children’s letters sent to Peter Panfrom 1906-14. Also on display is theoriginal bell that was used as the“voice” of Tinker Bell in the 1904play and a selection of Peter Panmemorabilia never before displayedin public.David Barrie, great-great-nephew of JM Barrie, says:“This exhibition is going to challengethe saccharine image of Peter Pan thatDisney propagated. My great-great-

uncle was a complicated man, and thedark side of his imagination is the keyto understanding the real power of hisgreatest creation, Peter Pan. I’mdelighted that this exhibition, filledwith marvellous images, will help toset the record straight.”

Florence Nightingale Museum,2Lambeth Palace Road, London SE1

7EW12th May – 30th October 2016Opening hours: Daily, 10am – 5pmWebsite: www.florence-nightingale.co.ukAdmission Prices: Adults £7.50,Child (under 16) £3.80, Concessions£4.80, Small Family £13.00, LargeFamily £18.00Museum: 020 7188 4400

Take me to Neverland

AUDIENCES MUST hold theirnerve, test their skills insubterfuge and interrogation,and, above all, not get caught asthey go head to head against thegangs of the seedy Londonunderworld in Bertie Watkins’Crooks.In a secret warehouse in the Borough,audiences of fifty get transported intothe middle of police undercoveroperations to bring down the Don ofthe criminal underworld. Split intogroups of ten to take part in theunfolding drama, participants mustoutwit their enemies and maintaintheir cover in a series of missions. And

with a multitude of possible endings,failure is almost certainly an option…Crooks challenges audiences to save acaptured cop, play Russian roulettewith the Don, and take part in a majordrug deal in the notorious CockneyCartel in the latest of boundarypushing immersive theatre.Running Time: 90 minutes Suitable for ages 15+ (contains stronglanguage, and references to violenceand drugs)Secret Location in BoroughUntil 20th May, Tues – Sat, 7pm &9pmBox Office: www.colabtheatre.co.uk£22

Crooks hold audience hostage

in Southwarkwhat ’s on

Page 24: 5th May 2016

24 WHAT’S ON www.southwarknews.co.uk/history Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016


LESS THAN a year beforeallied forces reclaimed Europe,the world’s first ever ballisticmissiles, launchable fromhundreds of miles away, andable to penetrate the Earth’satmosphere, were beginning tofall on London.At fourteen metres from nose tofin, weighing 12,500kg andequipped with sophisticatedtargeting systems, they werearguably the most influentialmilitary invention of WW2, settingthe path for technology used inAmerica’s space exploration.The day of the first V2 bombattack was September 8, 1944, andthe unpredictable raids continueduntil March 27, 1945.Records of tragedies in Southwarkare among the items in anexhibition that has been collectedand curated by Françoise Dupré,the niece of a French militaryprisoner Robert Berthelot, whoendured and survived life inconcentration camps. Her work for the DORA artproject is inspired by her visit tothe Mittelbau-Dora Concentration

Camp Memorial in Germany,where her uncle was imprisoned.The tortured image of mangledbrick-work and steel was takenafter a blast on the John Bull Archrailway bridge across SouthwarkPark Road was struck onNovember 5 at 10.55pm.The blast catapulted apanorama of shrapnel,and debris across 123surrounding houses andshops, as well onto theShuttleworth factory.Three were killed, 51were injured, 16 of themseriously. On the evening ofSunday December 17, asworkers would havebeen turning for home,the R White’s waterbottling factory inAlbany Road and BagshotStreet was destroyed beyondrepair by a V2 hit. Such was theimmensity of the explosion thatsome 40 little terraced homes weretaken with it. Families huddled intheir garden Anderson Shelters upto 400 yards away had felt theeffects. The level of destructionwas counted as 17 killed and 50injured; 22 of them seriously.

Today, the area forms part ofBurgess Park.“In London people remember theBlitz, but that was only stage of thewar. There was this later stage ofV2s,” said Françoise. Indeed, the raids were less

frequent, and came with almost nowarning, but a skim through thestatistics shows their destructionwas far more wide-ranging.Not all targets turned out to bestrategic, and residential spaces likeLordship Lane in Dulwich weresimilarly left cratered by a strike on

January 4.Two days later, a Peckhamneighbourhood between AzenbyRoad and Lyndhurst Road wasrazed to the ground. What had beenthe site of a railway workshops andrailway carriages, as well as a toilet

paper factory were severelydamaged, along with 150homes. Incredibly, nonewere killed, but 41 wereinjured. Part of AzenbyRoad was rebuilt asWarwick Gardens in 1963.The collection form theDORA projects lists 21separate strikes in thehistoric Camberwell andold Southwark areas alone.Françoise’s fascinationfor the V2 comes from heruncle’s accidentalcontribution as a slavelabourer to the construction

of Nazis’ V2 rocket project.She says two-thirds of those whowere victims of the V2s were themen enslaved by the Nazis,handpicked from concentrationcamps, and forced to dig the vast,secretive factories where they werethe rockets were developed at thePeenemünde Military Test Site.“My uncle worked in a huge

underground factory. It wasextraordinary in scale,” Françoisesaid. “He was involved in digging thetunnels where the colossal V2swere developed at the Peenemündeon the Baltic island of Usedom. “My father was selected for hisengineering ability. He was takenfrom another camp called theBuchenwald and was moved fromdigging to the assembly line.“The aim was to link the two sitesof terror: the concentration camps,with south east London, wherethere were a lot of hits, and was aworking-class area and had a hugeimpact on people’s lives.“At the same time I wanted to tellthe story of the V2 and my uncle’sjourney.”You can visit the DORA projectexhibition at the Peckham Platformin Peckham High Street, until itcloses on May 15, and find outmore by visitingdoraproject.wordpress.com online.

London under attack

Southwark Street V2 Rocket hit(Main photo)

Marmont Road, Street Party tocelebrate Victory, May 1945 (inset)

By Owen [email protected]

PhotoS: Southwark Local History Library and Archive

Page 25: 5th May 2016

Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk/food WHAT’S ON 25

HATTIE STUMBLED and spilther drink all over herself, atypical Thursday night in manyways but with one difference: shelost her footing as our ThamesClipper bumped its way in todock at downtown Rotherhitheand deposited us in Venice, Italy,writes Joey Millar... Terrazza on the Thames, housed atthe Columbia restaurant inRotherhithe Street, is the peninsula’snewest pop-up bar. Themed on the

romantic and storied Italian city anddreamed up by Venetian winery Bolla,the bar will be open from 4pm everyday this summer. And while the boat trip fromEmbankment may be a touchunnecessary for SE16 residents, it iscertainly a more authentic way toarrive at a Venice-themed bar than theC10 – especially when free drinkswere provided on board to celebratethe terrace’s launch night. We disembarked and made our wayto the terrace, which boasts incrediblepanoramic views of Canary Wharfand the Thames – a more thanacceptable substitute for St Mark’sSquare and the Grand Canal. Therewere no gondolas in the water,admittedly, but if you squinted justright when one of those wastetransportation boats drifted by youcould almost trick yourself. After admiring the view for thecustomary 30 seconds or so wedecided to source some drinks, theProsecco from the clipper now eitherdrunk or spilt. We started with a

couple of glasses of Bolla SparklingRose before graduating to BollaProsecco DOCG. After that it wastime for a couple of Bolla cocktails.And while the menu can seem a littleBolla-heavy at times, when the drinkswere as enjoyable as they were it ishard to argue. They say there is no bad time to visitVenice but unfortunately the samecannot be said for Rotherhithe. LateApril is perfect to open a summerpop-up bar in theory but,unfortunately for the organisers, theday itself was bitterly cold and windy.Attendees flocked like moths to theelectric heaters or ventured inside tothe comfort of central heating andsofas. An optimistic ice-cream sellerstood forlornly at a stand, her backturned to the icy breeze skipping offthe Thames.Hattie and I braved the cold for thesake of food, which came in the formof freshly-made ‘pizzette’ – a farfancier way to say ‘mini pizzas.’ Wechose one each of The Florita, madewith spinach, egg and parmesan, and

The Dock, with pulled pork,pepperoni, salami and mozzarella,before hurrying inside, throwingsympathetic looks to a pair of scantilyclad dancers who were doing aremarkable job of not shivering on apodium. Inside we finished off our pizette andhelped ourselves to some morecocktails – first a Bollini and aRossini, which were made with peachand raspberry puree mixed with BalloProsecco respectively, and then twoglasses of One Night in Venice. Like many others by this stage, wewere suitably warmed by acombination of the radiators and thealcohol, so we wandered outside totake in the view once again. With thetowers across the Thames sparkling inthe growing darkness, and the icecream seller now doing surprisinglybrisk business, Hattie and I sat downon a bench shaped like a gondola toenjoy a final glass of Bollini each.Life in Venice, SE16, is certainly bene– even if Rotherhithe’s Thames-chilled weather refuses to play along.

food & drink



Terrazza on the Thames



SE16 5HW020 7064 4464

[email protected]

The Dock pizzette - £7The Florito pizzette - £7Bolla Sparkling Rose x2 - £12Bolla Prosecco DOCG x2 - £14Bollisimo - £9.50Boljito - £10Bollini x3 - £24Rossini - £8One Night in Venice x2 - £20

TOTAL £121.50

Pop-up bar terracebrings a taste ofVenice to SE16

Page 26: 5th May 2016

26 WHAT’S ON www.southwarknews.co.uk/cinema Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016


Dual crossword

Solutions to last week’s crosswordCRYPTIC ACROSS: Across: 1 Informs 5 Vests 8 Stet 9 Redolent 10 German measles13 Emit 14 Bard 17 Imponderables 19 Isabella 20 Iris 21 Gangs 22 Asphalt DOWN: 2Nether 3 Optimum 4 Marinated 5 Viola 6 Shelled 7 Satisfy 11 Embarrass 12 Writing 13 Explain 15 Rubbish 16 Venial 18 NeedsQUICK ACROSS: 1 Slurred Larks 8 Edit 9 Madrigal 10 Introspective 13 Asti l4 Else 17Transgression 19 Straight 20 Iron 21 Sum up 22 Planter DOWN: 2 Lading 3 Retorts 4 Enmeshing 5 Lyric 6 Ragtime 7 Solvent 11 Elemental 12Attests 13 Anagram 15 Session 16 Morose 18 Skimp


Clues Across4 Investigated professional plot (6)8 Time's up for charges (7)10 Painful experiences of gold

transactions? (7)11 A right young man for the crime12 Bringing down the bird (5)13 Feeling they put me in mixed

tennis with team leader (9)16 Fruit stolen from barrel? (9)19 It's forbidden thanks to

jeering sound (5)20 Postponement of French song (5)22 Shows how Father attacks,

we hear (7)23 See it's a short distance after the

crop to the barn (3,4)24 Men of the trees? (6)

Clues Down1 Rails about five who are

competitors (6)2 Chooses to stop out (4)3 Not 'Gentlemen, be seated' (8,5)5 Important occasions for Moscow

landlady? (3-6,4)6 Food for Bunny is seen to flourish (8)7 Wish to end hostilities in dire

circumstances (6)9 Loves to unravel mysteries (5)14 Figured the Editor was

less feeling? (8)15 Plain but sounds elevating (6)17 A blow to astound (5)18 Go to the streets for

these meetings (6)21 The circle will see to the work (4)

QUICK PUZZLE Clues Across4 Rascals (6)8 Angles (7)10 Swooped (7)11 Dances (5)12 Concise (5)13 Act of flirting (9)16 Truce (9)19 Melody (5)20 Catch hold of (5)22 Deep ravines (7)23 Voter (7)24 Enjoyment of cruelty (6)

Clues Down1 Afraid (6)2 Right (4)3 Discerning (13)5 Confirmed (13)6 Wheat paste (8)7 Unexpected (6)9 European country (5)14 Decreased (8)15 Loose shirts (6)17 A rodent (5)18 Specialist (6)21 Opposed to (4)

PECKHAMMULTIPLEXTICKETS: 0844 567 2742Fri 6 May - Thurs 11 May

ROBINSON CRUSOE (PG) Daily at 16:35 Extra PerfSat/Sun at 12:35 14:35CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVILWAR (12A)2D Daily at 14:00 17:15 20:30Extra Perf Sat/Sun 11:00(HOH Sun 11:00)3D Daily at 14:30 20:00 PassList suspendedFLORENCE FOSTERJENKINS (PG)Daily at 15:50 18:15 20:40Extra Perf Sat/Sun at 13:30Pass List suspendedSON OF SAUL (15) Daily at18:20 20:45Pass List suspendedBASTILLE DAY (15)Daily at 18:40 BAD NEIGHBORS 2 (15)Daily at 18:35 20:50 ExtraPerf Sat/Sun at 11:45Pass List suspendedTHE JUNGLE BOOK (PG)2D Daily at 15.45 Extra PerfSat/Sun at 13:203D Daily at 17:40 Extra PerfSat/Sun at 11:30Pass List suspendedMIDNIGHT SPECIAL (12A)Sat/Sun at 13:50 (HOH Sat13:50)Pass List suspendedEYE IN THE SKY (15)Daily at 16:20 Extra PerfSat/Sun 11:10 (HOH Tue16:20)Pass List suspendedHIGH-RISE (15) Daily at20:55 (HOH Mon 20:55)ZOOTROPOLIS (PG) Sat/Sunat 11:15WATCH WITH BABY THU AT11.30amTHE JUNGLE BOOK (PG)FLORENCE FOSTERJENKINS (PG)CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVILWAR (12A)

EAST DULWICHPICTUREHOUSE TICKETS: 020 7199 6000Fri 6 May - Thurs 11 May

FLORENCE FOSTERJENKINS (PG)Fri 12.45, 6.15, 9.00Mon, Tue 12.45, 3.30, 6.15, 9.00Sat 1.00, 3.30, 6.10, 8.50Sun 12.00, 2.30, 5.10, 7.50Wed 12.30, 4.00, 6.30, 9.00Thu 10.30am, 1.10, 3.45, 6.20,9.00 FLORENCE FOSTER JENKINS(PG) HOH Subtitled – Fri 3.30CAPTAIN AMERICA CIVIL WAR

2D (12A) (moderate violence)Fri 2.30, 6.00, 9.15Sat 2.30, 5.30, 8.45Sun 10.40am, 1.50, 5.00, 8.15Mon 11.30am, 2.45Tue 11.15am, 2.40, 5.30, 8.40Wed 12.00, 5.40, 8.50Thu 2.30, 5.45, 8.50CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVILWAR 2D (12A) HOH Subtitled(moderate violence), Mon 5.45SON OF SAUL (15)Sat, Tue 10.00amSun 1.00, Mon 12.30Wed 3.30, Thu 12.00THE JUNGLE BOOK 2D (PG)Fri 10.30am, 1.20, 3.50, 6.20,8.45Sat 12.30, 3.00, 5.45, 8.20Sun 10.15am, 5.30, 8.00Mon 10.00am, 3.10, 6.00Tue 12.30, 3.00, 8.50Wed 10.00am, 1.40, 3.10, 6.00,8.30Thu 11.20am, 1.50, 4.20

RITZY CINEMATICKETS: 0871 902 5739Fri 6 May - Thurs 11 May



Daily except Sun, Thurs 4:00,9:00 Sun 2:55, 7:55 Thurs 4:00THE JUNGLE BOOK (PG)Daily except Sun, Thurs 1:00Sun 12:00Thurs 1:00, 3:30, 6:00, 8:30THE JUNGLE BOOK 3D (PG)Daily except Sun 3:30, 6:00,8:30 (not Mon)Sun 2:30, 5:00, 7:30MILES AHEAD (15)Daily except Sun, Thurs 6:30Sun 5:25 Thurs 2:40, 6:30SON OF SAUL (15)Daily except Sun 1:15, 3:45,6:15 (not Tues, Thurs) 8:45 (notMon)Sun 2:00, 4:30, 7:00DEMOLITION (15)Daily except Sun 1:40 Sun12:35CAPTAIN AMERICA CIVILWAR (12A)moderate violenceDaily except Sun, Thurs 1:50Sun, Thurs 12:50CAPTAIN AMERICA CIVILWAR 3D (12A)moderate violenceDaily except Sun 5:00, 8:15Sun 4:00, 7:15FLORENCE FOSTERJENKINS (PG)Daily except Sun 1:25, 4:00,6:25, 9:00Sun 12:25, 3:00, 5:25, 8:00EVERYBODY WANTS SOME!!(15)Mon 8:45 PREVIEW!Kids Club Sat, 10.30 for 11am –

CAPTURE THE FLAG (PG)BIG SCREAM 10.30 for 11am!Fri FLORENCE FOSTERJENKINS (PG)Toddler Time, Monday 10.30 for11am BOJ (U)DISCOVER TUESDAYARABIAN NIGHTS VOLUME 1– THE RESTLESS ONE (15)Tues 6.00Vintage Sunday RUN LOLARUN (15) 12:00Studio Ghibli Forever Season:LAPUTA SKY IN THE CASTLE(PG) Wed 8.30Matthew Bourne THE CARMAN (12A) contains moderatesex references & violence Mon8:30National Theatre Encore: AVIEW FROM THE BRIDGE(12A) contains one bloodyscene Thurs 7:00Please visit our web site;www.picturehouses.co.uk for afull list of programmes.

ODEONSURREY QUAYSTICKETS: 0871 22 44 007Fri 6 May - Thurs 11 MayRed, Induction Loop,


Helen Mirren inEye in the sky

Page 27: 5th May 2016

Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk PROPERTY 27


Offley Road - £575,000

THIS IS a stunning Victorianproperty on a sought afterstreet in Oval, has beencompletely renovated and hasslick finishes throughoutincluding solid oak floors andperiod features. One large double bedroom, withbespoke storage solutions includinga fitted bay-window seat ottomanwith twin laundry bins. It has a private entrance andshared garden, plenty of storageand a new bespoke solid woodkitchen. The decor is smart andtasteful, enhanced with calmFarrow and Ball shades. You are 2 minutes from Oval tubewhich has a swift service to centralLondon and the City. The local high street has a rangeof shops, bars and delicatessens,making it a cool destination as wellas a dream commute. St Marks Church Square sits atthe end of the road where you'll finda delightful farmers market everySaturday of the year! Option to buy a share in theFreehold.

“A Stunning Victorian property”

To advertise in this section, please contact Mark Brown on 020 7232 1639

[email protected]

121 Denmark Hill,London SE5 8EN

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28 PROPERTY www.southwarknews.co.uk Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016

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0208 693 111807861 774 [email protected]


0% CommissionSecured, guaranteed rent for 52 weeks of the year

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32 JOBS www.southwarknews.co.uk Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016

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Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk CLASSIFIED / MOTORS 33


(f/t post 35 hours per week, £35,000 p.a.)

To take forward this small forward looking organisation and develop itas the borough wide hub for older people in Southwark. If you haveexperience and knowledge of running and developing a voluntaryorganisation and are passionate about the value and needs of olderpeople in Southwark this is the job for you. Ideally you will be a

Southwark resident over 50.

For further information and details of how to apply contactLorna Sampson on 020 7708 4556 [email protected]

Closing date for completed applications: 12 noon, 31st May 2016

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• Are over 65 years old• Have lived in the Old Parish of Camberwell (which includes Dulwich and Peckham) for more than 2 years

• Receive only a state pension

Please ask the Hon Clerk for an application form.

Janet McDonaldTelephone: 07538 071 457

89 Worship Street, London EC2A 2BF

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www.bedehouse.org , tel: 0207 237 3881

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Vauxhall Mania!Vauxhall Car Spares and Breakers

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1. The Council of the London Borough of Southwark hereby gives notice that they made an order under section 14 (1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to facilitate a crane operation by Road Traffic Solutions, being proposed in part of the above named roads.

2. Whilst works are in progress, and whilst the authorised traffic signs are displayed, no personshall cause any vehicle to enter, proceed, stop, wait, load or unload in Morocco Street, between Leathermarket Street and Lamb Walk.

3. An alternative route would be via: Leathermarket Street, Weston Street, Long Lane, Bermondsey Street, Lamb Walk. Bermondsey Street, Snowsfields, Weston Street, Long Lane, Bermondsey Street, Lamb Walk as applicable.

4. Exemptions will be provided in the Order to permit reasonable access to premises, so far asit is practical without interference with the execution of the said works.

5. The restrictions will not apply to any vehicle being used in connection with the said works, orfor fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes or anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform.

6. Works will be expected to commence on the 12th May 2016

7. Further information may be obtained by contacting Road Network & Parking Management on 0207 525 2014.

Dated this 5th May 2016

Nicky Costin Road Network & Parking Business Manager

Southwark Council,Regulatory Services,Parking & Road Network Management, PO Box 64529London SE1 5LX Ref: 3133/ LBSCR8866




1. The Council of the London Borough of Southwark hereby gives notice that they made an order under section 14 (1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to facilitate works by Thames Water, being proposed in part of the above named road.

2. Whilst works are in progress, and whilst the authorised traffic signs are displayed, no personshall cause any vehicle to enter, proceed, stop, wait, load or unload in the northbound lane of carriageway, between Peckham High Street and Hanover Park. A southbound temporary traffic flow will be imposed. .

3. An alternative route would be via: Clayton Road, Consort Road, Peckham High Street, Clayton Road as applicable.

4. Exemptions will be provided in the Order to permit reasonable access to premises, so far asit is practical without interference with the execution of the said works.

5. The restrictions will not apply to any vehicle being used in connection with the said works, orfor fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes or anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform.

6. Works will be expected to commence on the 14th – 22nd May 2016

7. Further information may be obtained by contacting Road Network & Parking Management on 0207 525 2014.

Dated this 5th May 2016

Nicky Costin Road Network & Parking Business Manager

Southwark Council,Regulatory Services,Parking & Road Network Management, PO Box 64529London SE1 5LX Ref: 3134/ 000801378130040-002




1. The Council of the London Borough of Southwark hereby gives notice that they made an order under section 14 (1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to facilitate drainage works being proposed in part of the above named road.

2. Whilst works are in progress, and whilst the authorised traffic signs are displayed, no personshall cause any vehicle to enter, proceed, stop, wait, load or unload in the eastbound lane ofcarriageway in Rotherhithe New Road, at it’s junction with Rotherhithe Old Road.

3. An alternative route would be via: Hawkstone Road as applicable.

4. Exemptions will be provided in the Order to permit reasonable access to premises, so far asit is practical without interference with the execution of the said works.

5. The restrictions will not apply to any vehicle being used in connection with the said works, orfor fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes or anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform.

6. Works will be expected to commence between the 11th – 17th May 2016

7. Further information may be obtained by contacting Road Network & Parking Management on 0207 525 2014.

Dated this 5th May 2016

Nicky Costin Road Network & Parking Business Manager

Southwark Council,Regulatory Services,Parking & Road Network Management, PO Box 64529London SE1 5LX Ref: 3135/

Notice of Application for a Premises Licence made under Section 17 of theLicensing Act 2003

Please take notice that we South London GalleryHave made application to the local licensing authority for a new Premises Licence in respect of Former Peckham Road Fire Station, 82 Peckham Road, London, SE15 5LQThe relevant licensable activities and proposed times to be carried on, on from the premises are

Days Start time Finish time

The provision of regulated Mon - Sun 09:00 23:00entertainment

A register of all applications made within the Southwark area is maintained byThe Licensing Service, c/o Southwark Environmental Health and Trading Standards, 3RD FloorHub 2, 160 Tooley Street, London, SE1 5LX

A record of this application may be inspected by visiting the office during normal office hours byappointment on 020 7525 2000; details are also on our web site atwww.southwark.gov.uk/businesscentre/licensing/currentapplication

It is open to any person to make representations about the likely effect of the grant of the premiseslicence on the promotion of the licensing objectives. Representations must be made in writing to theLicensing Service at the office address given above and be received by the Service within a period of28 days starting the day after the date shown below.

Note: It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with anapplication. A person guilty of such offence is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceedinglevel 5 on the standard scale.

Date of application: 27th April 2016

Section 17 Licensing Act 2003

Licensing Act 2003: Application for a new Premises Licence

Notice is hereby given that PRET A MANGER (EUROPE) LIMITED has applied to Southwark Councilon 27 APRIL 2016 for a new premises licence for 11-15 BOROUGH HIGH STREET, LONDON,

SE1 9SE.

The proposed application is to permit the supply and sale of alcohol for consumption on thepremises.

Any person who wishes to make a representation in relation to this application must give notice inwriting of his/her representation by 25 MAY 2016 stating the grounds for making said representationto: The Licensing Service, C/O South Environmental Health and Trading Standards, Community

Safety, 3rd Floor Hub 2, 160 Tooley Street, PO Box 64529, London, SE1 5LX.

The public register where applications are available to be viewed by members of the public caninspected by visiting the office during normal office hours by appointment on 020 7525 4261 or can be

accessed online by visiting the website below and following the link to the public register:


The Licensing Authority must receive representations by the date given above. The LicensingAuthority will have regard to any such representation in considering the application. It is an offence,under section 158 of the Licensing Act 2003, to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in or inconnection with an application for premises licence and the maximum fine on being convicted of such

an offence is £5000.

Page 37: 5th May 2016

Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk PUBLIC NOTICES 37



Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 3 of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981 of the intention of the London Borough of Southwark to make a General Vesting Declarationvesting the land described in the Schedule below in itself at the expiration of not less than two months from the publication of this Notice.

The following paragraphs contain a statement of the effect of Parts II and III of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981, followed by an invitation to give information in respect of the landcomprised in the Order.



Power to make general vesting declaration

1. The London Borough of Southwark (hereinafter called the Acquiring Authority) may acquire any of the land described in the Schedule hereto by making a general vesting declaration under section 4 of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981. This has the effect, subject to paragraph 4 below, of vesting the land in the Acquiring Authority at the end of the period mentioned in paragraph 2 below. A declaration may not be made before the end of a period of two months from the first publication of a notice which includes this statement except with the consent in writing of every occupier of the land affected.

Notices concerning general vesting declaration

2. As soon as may be after the Acquiring Authority make a general vesting declaration, they must serve notice of it on every occupier of any of the land specified in the declaration (except land where there is one of the tenancies described in paragraph 3) and on every person who gives them information relating to the land in pursuance of the invitation contained in any notice. When the service of notices of the general vesting declaration is completed, a further period begins to run. This period, which must be not less than 28 days, will be specified in the declaration. On the first day after the end of this period (“the vesting date”) the land described in the declaration will, subject to what is said in paragraph 4, vest in the Acquiring Authority together with the right to enter on the land and take possession of it. Every person on whom the Acquiring Authority could have served a notice to treat in respect of his interest in the land (other than a tenant under one of the tenancies described in paragraph 3) will be entitled to claim compensation for the acquisition of his interest in the land, with interest on the compensation from the vesting date.

Modifications with respect to certain tenancies

3. In the case of certain tenancies, the position stated above is subject to modifications. The modifications apply where the tenancy is either a “minor tenancy”, ie a tenancy for a year or a yearly tenancy or a lesser interest, or “a long tenancy which is about to expire”. The later expression means a tenancy granted for an interest greater than a minor tenancy but having on the vesting date a period still to run which is not more than the period specified in the declaration for this purpose (which must be more than a year). In calculating how long a tenancy has still to run, where any option to renew or to terminate it is available to either party, it shall be assumed that the landlord will take every opportunity open to him to terminate the tenancy while the tenant will use every opportunity to retain or renew his interest.

4. The modifications are that the Acquiring Authority may not exercise the right of entry referred to in paragraph 2 in respect of land subject to a tenancy described in paragraph 3 unless they first serve notice to treat in respect of the tenancy and then serve every occupier of the land with a notice of their intention to enter and take possession after the period (not less than 14 days from the service of the notice) specified in the notice. The right of entry will be exercisable at the end of that period. The vesting of the land will be subject to the tenancy until the end of that period or until the tenancy comes to an end, whichever happens first.

5. Every person who, if a general vesting declaration were made in respect of all the land comprised in the order (other than land in respect of which notice to treat has been given), would be entitled to claim compensation in respect of any such land, is invited to give information to the authority making the declaration in the prescribed form with respect to his name and address and the land in question. The relevant prescribed form is set out below.


All of the land and buildings comprised in the London Borough of Southwark (Elmington Estate Site G) Compulsory Purchase Order 2015 as confirmed, being numbers 30-72 (inclusive) (even) LomondGrove 1-20 (inclusive) (consecutive) Broome Way and 1-12 (inclusive) (consecutive) Flecker House Elmington Estate London SE5.


The London Borough of Southwark (Elmington Estate Site G) Compulsory Purchase Order 2015


Ref: LEG/CONV/RS070/3145/JS

[I] [We]* being [a person] [persons]* who, if a general vesting declaration were made under section 4 of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981 in respect of all of the land comprised in thecompulsory purchase order cited above in respect of which notice of treat has not been given, would be entitled to claim compensation in respect of [all] [part of]* that land, give you the following information,pursuant to the provisions of section 3 of that Act.*delete as appropriate

1. Name and Address of informant(s) (i) …………………………………………….

2. Land in which an interest is held by informant(s) (ii) …………………………….

3. Nature of interest (iii) ………………………………………………………………..

Signed ………………………………………………

[On behalf of] ………………………………………

Date ……………………………………

(i) In the case of a joint interest insert the names and addresses of all the informants.

(ii) The land should be described concisely.

(iii) If the interest is leasehold, the date of commencement and length of term should be given. If the land is subject to a mortgage or other incumbrance, details should be given, e.g. name of building society and roll number.

For and on behalf of the London Borough of Southwark

Doreen Forrester-BrownDirector of Law & Democracy

Dated this 5th day of May 2016

Page 38: 5th May 2016

38 PUBLIC NOTICES www.southwarknews.co.uk Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016



The planning applications listed below can be viewed on the planning register at http://planbuild.southwark.gov.uk You can use facilities at your local library or ‘My Southwark Service Points’ to access thewebsite. How to comment on this application: You should submit your comments via the above link. Comments received will be made available for public viewing on the website. All personal information will beremoved except your postal address. Online comments submitted without an email address will not be acknowledged and those marked ‘confidential’ will not be considered. Written comments can besubmitted to; Southwark Council, Chief executive's department, Planning division, Development management, PO Box 64529, London SE1 5LX. Reason for publicity. The applications are advertised for the reasons identified by the following codes: ACA-development affecting character or appearance of a nearby conservation area; ALB-development affecting setting of a nearby listed building(s); CNA-development within a conservation area; DDP-departure from the development plan; LBA-works to or within the site of a listed building; MPA-major planning application; EIA-environmental impact assessment (these applications are accompaniedby an environmental statement a copy of which may be obtained from the Council – there will be a charge for the copy).

27 BEAUVAL ROAD, LONDON, SE22 8UG(Ref. 16/AP/1562 ) (Householder Application)Erection of rear ground floor single storey L-shaped wrap-around extension to rear and sideof outrigger, to provide additionalaccommodation to dwellinghouse. (withinDulwich Village C.A.) Reason(s) for publicity:CNA (Contact: Anthony Roberts 020 7525 5458)WEDGE HOUSE, 36 BLACKFRIARS ROAD,LONDON, SE1 8PB (Ref. 16/AP/1353 )Variation of condition 2 (Approved Plans) ofpermission 15/AP/0237 dated 26/08/2015'Redevelopment of land and buildings to providea part 7, part 12, part 14 storey building plusbasement, ground and mezzanine levels,comprising office (Class B1) and hotel (ClassC1) with ancillary cafe/bar/restaurant and otherassociated supporting facilities, ancillary plant,servicing, and cycle parking and associatedhighway and public realm improvements.' Theproposed variation would allow for:- Revised external facade treatments to thebuilding- Increased basement depth- Revisions to the proposed highway kerb profile- Internal alterations and reconfigurations- Additional roof level building maintenance unit- Revisions to 'sky bar' configuration Thisproposal affects the character or setting ofnearby listed building(s):Christ Church,including Gardens and Drinking Fountain -Grade II. Reason(s) for publicity: ALB, MPA(Contact: Amy Lester 020 7525 5452)54 BOROUGH HIGH STREET, LONDON,SE1 1XL (Ref. 16/AP/1364 )External alterations consisting of: Protectivewaterproof coating to outer lobby mosaic;removal and replacement of signage; repair andrefurbishment of shop front

Internal alterations consisting of: removal ofglazed inner front lobby; refurbishment of allinternal panelling; replacement of balusters onground - first floor staircase and polishinghandrail. (within Borough High Street C.A.)(Grade II listed building) Reason(s) for publicity:CNA, LBA (Contact: Sarah Parsons 0207 5257194)15 CALTON AVENUE, LONDON, SE21 7DE(Ref. 16/AP/1452 )Erection of rear dormer roof extension andground floor layout changes (within DulwichVillage C.A.) Reason(s) for publicity: CNA(Contact: Lisa Jordan 0207 525 5426)54 CAMBERWELL CHURCH STREET,LONDON, SE5 8QZ (Ref. 16/AP/1337 )Erection of brick ballustrade to front first floorrestaurant terrace. (within Camberwell GreenC.A.) Reason(s) for publicity: CNA (Contact:Abrar Sharif 020 7525 3992)151 CAMBERWELL NEW ROAD, LONDON,SE5 0SU (Ref. 16/AP/1575 )Demolition of the existing building and theerection of a replacement 4 storey building plusbasement level accommodation containing 5flats together with refuse and cycle stores,communal and private amenity spaces and hardand soft landscaping. (within Camberwell NewRoad C.A.) Reason(s) for publicity: CNA(Contact: Craig Newton 020 7525 4004)1 COLWORTH GROVE, LONDON, SE17 1LR(Ref. 16/AP/1537 ) (Householder Application)Erection of rear dormer roof extension with

white painted timber double glazed windows inits rear elevation and x2 conservation stylerooflights in its flat roof; and installation of x2conservation style rooflights in front roof slope,to provide additional accommodation to dwellinghouse. (within Larcom Street C.A.) Reason(s)for publicity: CNA (Contact: Lisa Jordan 0207525 5426)175 COURT LANE, LONDON, SE21 7EE(Ref. 16/AP/1553 ) (Householder Application)Erection of rear and side L-shaped wrap-aroundground floor single storey side and rearextension, to provide additional accommodationto dwellinghouse. (within Dulwich Village C.A.)Reason(s) for publicity: CNA (Contact: AnthonyRoberts 020 7525 5458)86 FURLEY ROAD, LONDON, SE15 1UG(Ref. 16/AP/1485 ) (Householder Application)proposed internal alteration to layout proposedremoval of chimney in kitchen proposedremoval of internal wall in kitchen proposedremoval of wall diving kitchen and dining roomproposed bi folding doors in replace of frenchdoors and sash window in kitchen proposednew casement windows proposed new groundlevel (Grade II listed building) Reason(s) forpublicity: LBA (Contact: Lance Penman 0207525 5406)2-4 GROVE LANE, LONDON, SE5 8SY(Ref. 16/AP/1278 )Installation of external roller blind/awning; andreplacement of existing exterior upper fixedpane windows with top-hinged openingwindows. (within Camberwell Green C.A.)Reason(s) for publicity: CNA (Contact: GavinBlackburn 020 7525 7007)32 HONOR OAK RISE, LONDON, SE23 3RA(Ref. 16/AP/1375 )Rear ground, front first and second storey sideextension and alterations to existing rear groundfloor extension. Internal alterations. (withinHonor Oak Rise C.A.) (Grade II listed building)Reason(s) for publicity: CNA, LBA (Contact:Catherine Jeater 0207 525 5375)97 LORRIMORE ROAD, LONDON, SE17 3LZ(Ref. 16/AP/1757 )Erection of mansard roof extension to createsecond floor; erection of single storey rearextension accommodating a meeting room andside extension to provide disabled access intothe church; and relocation of street entrance topassageway adjacent to church (withinSutherland Square C.A.) Reason(s) forpublicity: CNA (Contact: Lewis Goodley 0207525 5976)41 LYNDHURST WAY, LONDON, SE15 5AG(Ref. 16/AP/1501 )Repaint existing white paintwork to front, sideand rear of property Farrow and Ball LamproomGrey. This includes, fascia boards, corbells,windows and their surrounds, lower renderedsections, front porch and dwarf wall to frontsteps. (within Holly Grove C.A.) (Grade II listedbuilding) Reason(s) for publicity: CNA, LBA(Contact: Tracy Chapman 020 7525 1948)FLAT 1, ST SAVIOURS WHARF, MILLSTREET, LONDON, SE1 2BE(Ref. 16/AP/1499 )Upgrade and reconfigure the existingbathrooms, kitchen and internal finishes.Reconfiguration of internal partitions to providea larger and more efficient utility room. (withinSt Saviours Dock C.A.) (Grade II listed building)

Reason(s) for publicity: CNA, LBA (Contact:Lance Penman 020 7525 5406)FLAT 1, 45 NELSON SQUARE, LONDONSE1 0QA (Ref. 16/AP/1018 )Alterations to lower ground floor bedroom.(Grade II listed building) Reason(s) for publicity:LBA (Contact: Catherine Jeater 0207 525 5375)52 OAKHURST GROVE, LONDON SE22 9AQ(Ref. 16/AP/1545 )Construction of timber framed garageconnected to the rear garden via access fromCrystal Palace Road (within The Gardens C.A.)Reason(s) for publicity: CNA (Contact: WilliamDocherty 020 7525 1997)FLAT 4, ROMAN HOUSE, 77A PECKHAMHIGH STREET, LONDON, SE15 5RS(Ref. 16/AP/1557 )Erection of single storey roof extension to thefirst floor flat (within Rye Lane C.A.) Reason(s)for publicity: CNA (Contact: Abrar Sharif 0207525 3992)ISIS HOUSE, 67-69 SOUTHWARK STREET,LONDON SE1 5LX (Ref. 16/AP/1753 )

Variation of Condition17 - Energy Strategy asrequired by LBS Planning Application 13AP2075(Demolition of existing building and erection of apart 13, part 16 storey building comprising aretail unit on the ground floor (Use Class A1)and 9 selfcontained residential units above (UseClass C3).) Reason(s) for publicity: MPA(Contact: Victoria Lewis 020 7525 5410)ISIS HOUSE, 67-69 SOUTHWARK STREET,LONDON SE1 0HX (Ref. 16/AP/1754 )Variation of Condition 25 - Obscure GlazedWindows as required by LBS PlanningApplication 13AP2075 (Demolition of existingbuilding and erection of a part 13, part 16 storeybuilding comprising a retail unit on the groundfloor (Use Class A1) and 9 selfcontainedresidential units above (Use Class C3).)Reason(s) for publicity: MPA (Contact: VictoriaLewis 020 7525 5410)

Continued on next page.....

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Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk PUBLIC NOTICES 39



8 TRAFALGAR AVENUE, LONDON, SE156NR (Ref. 16/AP/1659 )Single storey rear extension with a flat roof anda roof light on flat roof- 6m deep; 2.75m toeaves & 2.95m maximum height with materialsto match the existing property (within TrafalgarAvenue C.A.) Reason(s) for publicity: CNA(Contact: Abrar Sharif 020 7525 3992)43C TRINITY STREET, LONDON, SE1 4JA(Ref. 16/AP/1045 )Convert the existing basement into a 2 bed self

contained dwelling and extend the existing roofto form a mansard containing an additional x2bed self contained flat. (within Trinity ChurchSquare C.A.) (Grade II listed building)Reason(s) for publicity: CNA, LBA (Contact:Catherine Jeater 0207 525 5375)43C TRINITY STREET, LONDON, SE1 4JA(Ref. 16/AP/1046 )Convert the existing basement into a 2 xbedroom self contained flat, including replacingexisting windows with a traditional doors and

adding a new window to the rear elevation anda new external stair from street level tobasement level, via the light well. Extendexisting roof with mansard to accommodate aself contained 2 x bedroom self contained flat,extending rear wall to match neighbouringproperty. (within Trinity Church Square C.A.)(Grade II listed building) Reason(s) forpublicity: CNA, LBA (Contact: Catherine Jeater0207 525 5375)

Dated 5th May 2016 - comments to be receivedwithin 21 days of this date

SIMON BEVAN - Director of Planning

C a l l i n g a l l S o u t h w a r k b u s i n e s s e sWan t t o p r o f i l e y o u r b u s i n e s s a r o u nd S ou t hwa r k ?Why n o t s p e a k t o t h e S o u t h w a r k N e w s t e am t o f i n d o u t a b o u t o u rc omp e t i t i v e a d v e r t i s i n g p r i c e s ? C a l l u s o n : 0 2 0 7 2 3 2 1 6 3 9


The London Borough of Southwark (Waiting and loading restrictions) (Amendment No. *) Order 201*1. Southwark Council hereby GIVES NOTICE that it proposes to make the above order under thepowers of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.2. The effect of the order would be, in VILLAGE WAY:- (a) to convert an existing length of waitingrestriction located on the south-west side beneath the railway bridge to 'Monday to Friday 12 noon to 2pm' operation, and to extend that restriction so as to apply to all the kerbside fronting The GraftonDance Centre, No. 7 Village Way; and (b) to remove an existing length of 'Monday to Friday 8 am to6.30 pm ' waiting restriction located on the north-east side beneath the railway bridge.3. For more information contact Paul Gellard of the council's Highways – parking design team bytelephone on 020 7525 7764 or e-mail [email protected]. Copies of this notice, the proposed order, a statement of the council's reasons for making theseorders and plans may be found online at http://www.southwark.gov.uk/trafficorders or paper copiesmay be obtained from or viewed at Highways, Environment, 3rd floor hub 2, 160 Tooley Street,London SE1 2QH. Please telephone 020 7525 2005 for details.5. Anyone wishing to object to or make any other representations regarding the proposal, may use theform labelled 'Parking - Road traffic and highway schemes - responding to statutory consultationnotices' at https://forms.southwark.gov.uk/ or send a statement in writing to: the Traffic orders officer,Highways, Southwark council, Environment, P.O. Box 64529, London SE1P 5LX or by e-mail [email protected] quoting reference H/ND/TMO1617-009 by 26 May 2016. Please notethat if you wish to object to this proposal you must state the grounds on which your objection is made.6. When making an objection or representation, please be aware that this may be communicated toother people who may be affected. Information provided in response to this consultation, including insome circumstances personal information, may also be subject to publication or disclosure under therequirements of current access to information legislation.Dated 05 May 2016NICKY COSTINParking and network management business unit manager, Regulatory services

Notice of Application to Vary a Premises Licence made under Section 34 of theLicensing Act 2003

Please take notice that I Mr Ismail Cem DemirHave made application to the local licensing authority to vary the Premises Licence in respect of River Supermarket, 208 Jamaica Road, London, SE16 4RT

The proposed variation is as follows: To vary a premises licence

Days Start time Finish time

The retail sale of alcohol: Mon - Sun 08:00 03:00

Opening hours: Mon - Sun 07:00 03:00

A register of all applications made within the Southwark area is maintained byThe Licensing Service, c/o Southwark Environmental Health and Trading Standards,3RD Floor Hub 2, 160 Tooley Street, London, SE1 5LX

A record of this application may be inspected by visiting the office during normal office hours byappointment on 020 7525 2000; details are also on our web site atwww.southwark.gov.uk/businesscentre/licensing/currentapplication

It is open to any person to make representations about the likely effect of the grant of the premiseslicence on the promotion of the licensing objectives. Representations must be made in writing to theLicensing Service at the office address given above and be received by the Service within a period of28 days starting the day after the date shown below.

Note: It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with anapplication. A person guilty of such offence is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceedinglevel 5 on the standard scale.

Date of application: 2nd May 2016

Notice of Application for a Premises Licence made under Section 17 of theLicensing Act 2003

Please take notice that we UM & KO Eroma LtdHave made application to the local licensing authority for a new Premises Licence in respect of Pan & Grill, 302 Walworth Road, London, SE17 2TE

The relevant licensable activities and proposed times to be carried on, on from the premises are

Days Start time Finish time

The supply of alcohol Mon - Sat 10:00 22:30Sunday 11:00 22:30

The provision of regulated Mon - Sat 08:00 22:30entertainment (Recorded music) Sunday 09:00 22:30

Opening hours Mon - Sun 07:00 23:00

A register of all applications made within the Southwark area is maintained byThe Licensing Service, c/o Southwark Environmental Health and Trading Standards, 3RD FloorHub 2, 160 Tooley Street, London, SE1 5LX

A record of this application may be inspected by visiting the office during normal office hours byappointment on 020 7525 2000; details are also on our web site atwww.southwark.gov.uk/businesscentre/licensing/currentapplication

It is open to any person to make representations about the likely effect of the grant of the premiseslicence on the promotion of the licensing objectives. Representations must be made in writing to theLicensing Service at the office address given above and be received by the Service within a period of28 days starting the day after the date shown below.

Note: It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with anapplication. A person guilty of such offence is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceedinglevel 5 on the standard scale.

Date of application: 3rd May 2016

Notice of Application for a Premises Licence made under Section 17 of theLicensing Act 2003

Please take notice that we Grow London C.I.CHave made application to the local licensing authority for a new Premises Licence in respect of Grow Elephant Community Garden, 100 New Kent Road, SE1 6TU

The relevant licensable activities and proposed times to be carried on, on from the premises are

Days Start time Finish time

The supply of alcohol Mon - Sun 11:00 23:30

The provision of regulated Mon - Sun 09:00 00:00entertainment

Opening hours Mon - Sun 08:00 00:00

A register of all applications made within the Southwark area is maintained byThe Licensing Service, c/o Southwark Environmental Health and Trading Standards, 3RD FloorHub 2, 160 Tooley Street, London, SE1 5LX

A record of this application may be inspected by visiting the office during normal office hours byappointment on 020 7525 2000; details are also on our web site atwww.southwark.gov.uk/businesscentre/licensing/currentapplication

It is open to any person to make representations about the likely effect of the grant of the premiseslicence on the promotion of the licensing objectives. Representations must be made in writing to theLicensing Service at the office address given above and be received by the Service within a period of28 days starting the day after the date shown below.

Note: It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with anapplication. A person guilty of such offence is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceedinglevel 5 on the standard scale.

Date of application: 26th April 2016

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40 PUBLIC NOTICES www.southwarknews.co.uk Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016




1. The Council of the London Borough of Southwark hereby gives notice that to enable filming to take place, intends to make an order the effect of which would be to prohibit vehicular traffic from entering part of the above named roads.

2. Whilst works are in progress, and whilst the authorised traffic signs are displayed, no person shall cause any vehicle to enter, proceed, stop, wait, load or unload in Bagshot Street between Mina Road and Kinglake Street.

3. The alternative route will be via Mina Road, Old Kent Road, Kinglake Street, Albany Road as applicable, access will be maintained for residents and businesses.

4. Exemptions will be provided in the Order to permit reasonable access to premises, so far as it is practical without interference with the execution of the said works.

5. The restrictions will not apply to any vehicle being used in connection with the said works, or for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes or anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform.

6. The restriction will be in place between the 30th – 31st May 2016.

7. Further information may be obtained by contacting Road Network & Parking Management on 0207 525 2014.

Dated this 5th May 2016.

Nicky Costin Road Network & Parking Business Manager

Southwark Council,Regulatory Services,Road Network Management,PO Box 64529London SE1 5LXRef: 3136/ TENNYISON/FILM123

The Council of the London Borough of Southwark PUBLIC NOTICE:


1. The Council of the London Borough of Southwark hereby gives notice that it has made the above named Traffic Order under section 16A of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 for the purpose specified in paragraph 2. The effect of the Order is summarised in paragraph 3.

2. The purpose of the Order is to facilitate the Spring Fair in Park Hal Road, as indicated in theschedule to this notice.

3. The effect of the Order is to prohibit any vehicle from:-

(a) entering or proceeding in the length of street specified in the schedule to this notice on the date and between the hours specified in that schedule;.

(b) waiting (including waiting for the purpose of delivering or collecting goods or loading or unloading a vehicle) in the length of street specified in the schedule to this notice.

4. The prohibitions will not apply in respect of:

(c) any vehicle being used for the purposes of that event or for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes;

(d) anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or aperson authorised by the Council of the London Borough of Southwark.

5. The alternative route will be via Alleyn Road, Church Approach, South Croxted Road. Acacia Grove, Parkhall Road as applicable.

For information regarding this event please contact the Events Team on 0207 525 3422 or for information relating to this order please contact: Parking & Road Network Management on 0207 525 2014.

Dated this 5th May 2015

Nicky Costin Road Network & Parking Business Manager

Southwark Council,Regulatory Services,Road Network Management,PO Box 64529London SE1 5LX. Ref: 3077/specialevent





1. The Council of the London Borough of Southwark hereby gives notice that to enable Thames Water works to take place, intends to make an order the effect of which would be toprohibit pedestrians from entering part of the above named road.

2. Whilst works are in progress, and whilst the authorised signs are displayed, no person shall enter or proceed in Camberwell Passage, between Camberwell New Road and Camberwell Road.

3. The alternative route will be via Camberwell New Road, Camberwell Road as applicable.

4. Exemptions will be provided in the Order to permit reasonable access to premises, so far asit is practical without interference with the execution of the said works.

5. The restrictions will not apply to anything connected with the said works, or for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes or anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform.

6. The restriction will be in place between the 21st – 29tth May 2016.

7. Further information may be obtained by contacting Road Network & Parking Management on 0207 525 2014.

Dated this 5th May 2016.

Nicky Costin Road Network & Parking Business Manager

Southwark Council,Regulatory Services,Road Network Management,PO Box 64529London SE1 5LX. Ref: 3137/000801714540050-001




1. The Council of the London Borough of Southwark hereby gives notice that to enable highway works to be carried out, intends to make an order the effect of which will be to prohibit vehicular traffic from entering part of the above named roads.

2. Whilst works are in progress, and whilst the authorised traffic signs are displayed, no personshall cause any vehicle to enter, proceed, stop, wait, load or unload in:

(a) Mermaid Court, between Bowling Green Place to Tennis Street

3. The alternative route for (a) Newcomen Street, Tennis Street, Long Lane, Weston Street, Snowsfields, Newcomen Street, Bowling Green Place as applicable.

4. Exemptions will be provided in the Order to permit reasonable access to premises, so far asit is practical without interference with the execution of the said works.

5. The restrictions will not apply to any vehicle being used in connection with the said works, orfor fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes or anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform.

6. The works will take place for: (a) 23rd May – 4th June 2016

7. Further information may be obtained by contacting Road Network & Parking Management on 0207 525 2014.

Dated this 5th May 2016

Nicky Costin Road Network & Parking Business Manager

Southwark Council,Regulatory Services,Parking & Road Network Management,PO Box 64529London SE1 5LXRef: 3138/ LBS-SC1440190/1

Road Extent Date of event Prohibited HoursPark Hall Road Between Croxted Saturday 14th May 07:00hrs – 19:00hrs

Road – Alleyn Road /Ildersley Grove

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Page 41: 5th May 2016

Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk/sport NON LEAGUE / CRICKET / BOXING 41

MILLWALL LIONESSEStasted league defeat for the firsttime this campaign after theylost two games in a week.Their first lost came last

Wednesday against London Beeswhen an injury time penalty fromNicola Watts saw the Bees win 2-1.Jo Wilson opened the scoring forMillwall’s opponents before Naomi

Cole levelled things up before thelate drama decided the contest.Last Saturday’s game, played atThe Den after Millwall’s men'sgame, was not as close as theLionesses slipped to a disappointing4-0 home defeat.For the latest news on the clubvisit www.millwall.fawsl.com.

EX-FISHER ABC man DannyCarr overcame Sheffield’s QasimHussein to claim his fourthprofessional victory at the CopperBox Arena last Saturday. The 25 year-old fighter was on topthroughout the contest and came awaywith a comfortable points victory. All-action Carr repeatedly found his

way past Hussain’s patchy defence andmade use of his explosive one punchpower. The referee scored the bout 40-36 in Carr’s favour.This weekend Peckham boxer JohnnyGarton will be in action at York Hall,Bethnal Green when he fights RyanFields for the vacant Englishwelterweight crown.

Surrey draw despiteSangakkara ton

A DISMAL display from Dulwichsaw then slump to a 3-1 play offfinal defeat against East ThurrockUnited on Bank Holiday Monday.The Pink and Blues had raised fanhopes of promotion after a stirringsemi-final victory over Bognor RegisTown last Thursday, but a listlessshowing from Hamlet in Essex endedhopes of promotion to the ConferenceSouth.Conditions, a bobbly pitch and a gustywind, played a part in so much as thehome side dealt with them whilst theChampion Hill team seemed at a lossat how to get going at all.By the time there was 35 minutes onthe clock Dulwich were three goalsbehind, all coming courtesy of aninability to defend inswinging corners.The first goal came after elevenminutes when a George Craddockdelivery caused havoc in the visitingdefence and found it’s way into the net.Two subsequent set pieces were thenbundled in by centre half Rickie Haylesleaving Hamlet with a mountain toclimb they never looked likely to scale.They briefly stirred two minutes aftergoing three goals behind when RomanMichael-Percil was deemed to havebeen fouled in the box resulting in aDulwich penalty.Ashley Carew had his spot kick savedby home stopper Lucas Lidakeviciusbut Jordan Hibbert saved Carew’sblushes by expertly volleying in therebound off the keeper.Hamlet then upped the pace of thegame and troubled the home defenceand should have had a second penaltywhen Nyren Clunis was clearly fouledin the box.That penalty didn’t come and neitherdid a second half onslaught from thevisitors as Thurrock held them at armslength to secure promotion.

Few could argue the best team had wonon the day and a victory would havepapered over cracks in Hamlet’sseason, where a slump in form sinceChristmas has seen them go from titlechallengers to sneaking into the playoffs.Manager Gavin Rose and his staff haveachieved much since taking over at theclub, so much so that expectations arenow high amongst many of the

Champion Hill faithful.Therefore most will consider thisseason to be a disappointment, despitecoming within a game of promotion,when looked at as a whole.But Hamlet, with a post season squadshake up, should be once again becontenders for promotion nextcampaign and that is something for thefans to hold onto during the summermonths.

SURREY DREW their CountyChampionship contest againstSomerset at the Kia Ovaldespite an impressive firstinnings ton from KumarSangakkara.The Sri Lankan hit 171 in thehome sides first innings total of 463only for ex-England opener Marcus

Trescothick to respond with a scoreof 127 when Somerset replied.By the time the west county clubcame to bat a second time they hada target of 292 to chase down but therain and snow interrupted final daysaw the game played out to a draw.For the latest Surrey news visitwww.kiaoval.com.


PHOTO: Laraine Bateman


FISHER BOXER Caroline Duboisadded another title to her collectionlast weekend after winning the tri-nations championship to add to herEngland schoolgirl and Junior ABAwins.The teenage u57kg fighter has come along way in a short time at herBermondsey gym under the experttutelage of coach Steve Hiser.He said: “She fought a Welsh girl andstopped her in a round, the fight barely

lasted half a minute.She is unbeaten in about ten bouts nowand it looks like she will be selected forthe European junior championships now.“She deserves it as she works hard,listens to instructions and she has quite alot of talent. She has improved a hell oflot recently.” Last Saturday another Fisher fighter JoeCheeseman, thirteen, won the south eastLondon section of the schoolboychampionships.

Dubois adds to title collection

Hamlet’s players had good reason to be downcast after play off defeat


Surrey centurion Kumar Sangakkara

STANSFELD MADE it through totheir second cup final of the seasonwhen they beat Kent CountyPremier league rivals Fleetdown 2-0 at home last Thursday. But the semi-final Hospital CharityCup win came at a heavy price as theylost skipper and keeper James Bradleyas well as centre half Lennie Wise toseason ending injuries Stansfeld were gifted the lead whenFleetdown's centre half put through hisown net. Substitute George Snelling hadan eventful evening, as first he headed

Stansfeld's second goal just after thebreak before being sent off for anadjudged high tackle. The contest was one of three games theBermondsey side have played sinceTuesday last week. On that day they defeated Tudor Sports2-0 thanks to Billy Shinners and CharlieBurgess efforts which was followed upwith their cup win two days later.But on Saturday they fell to defeat inthe league thanks to a 4-3 reverse againstBexley, with Mickey Smith, Snellingand Peter Tarrant netting.


Stanfeld’s Peter Tarrant

Andy Clay


Page 42: 5th May 2016

42 CRICKET www.southwarknews.co.uk/sport Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016

Big seasonof Cricketat The KIA Oval

The News is the official regional media partner of the Kia Oval

THE LENGTHENING day,hotter temperatures andtantalising whiff of freshly cutgrass are heralding the arrival ofthe cricket season – and the KiaOval is ready to welcome you!The first Surrey CCC home game ofthe season starts on Sunday April24th, with the newly promotedSurrey side taking on Somerset in theSpecsavers County Championship.With a side featuring Sri Lankanlegend Kumar Sangakkara andEngland World T20 star Jason Royalongside a number of exciting homegrown young players.For those who watched England’ssuperb journey to final of the recentICC World T20 in India and fancy ataste of the action on their doorstep,the NatWest T20 Blast kicks off onThursday May 26th when Surreyplay Glamorgan under thefloodlights.The historic ground is once again

bringing International sport toLambeth – with the final InvestecTest Match against Pakistan takingplace from Thursday August 11th toMonday August 15th and Sri Lankavisiting on Wednesday June 29th fora fifty over Royal London One DayInternational.Surrey are also involved in a brandnew competition this year, with theSurrey Stars representing the club ininaugural T20 Kia Women’s SuperLeague. Players in this team includeEngland trio Natalie Sciver, LauraMarsh and Tammy Beaumont, whowill be leading a new generation ofyoung Surrey talent. The first homegame in this competition will takeplace at the Kia Oval on TuesdayAugust 4th, when Surrey play theYorkshire Diamonds.

Tickets for all matches are availablefrom kiaoval.com, with all Surreymatches costing just £1 for U16s.

Page 43: 5th May 2016

Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk/sport MILLWALL 43

Page 44: 5th May 2016

44 MILLWALL www.southwarknews.co.uk/sport Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016

Visit www.newsatden.co.uk for all the latest Millwall news online

The Millwallwinger faces abusy summer onand off the pitch

SHANE FERGUSON isn’tgoing to have much time off torecharge his batteries thissummer – but after not playing alot over recent seasons he’s notbothered about that. The Northern Ireland internationalhas made 48 appearances forMillwall this campaign, more than inhis previous five seasons as aprofessional footballer combined. With Ferguson’s goal againstOldham last weekend helpingMillwall to the play-offs, his clubseason will be extended until at leastMay 19. Then, depending on whetherthey make the final at Wembley at theend of May, he will be dashing toeither Austria for a training camp orto France to link up with hisinternational colleagues to preparefor Euro 2016. Northern Ireland’s tournament beginswith a clash against Poland on June

12, with the final a month later onJuly 10 at the Stade de France inParis. Then there is another trip backto England, where his girlfriend,Grace, is set to graduate with abusiness degree from NewcastleUniversity. If it seems a long shot that Fergusonwill be playing competitive footballall the way into July, then he doesn’thave far to look for evidence that theseemingly impossible can happen. Tottenham’s draw at Chelsea onMonday night that handed a first-evertop-flight title to 5,000/1 outsidersLeicester meant one of Ferguson’sfriends is an example of what can beachieved in football. “I used to play with (Leicesterdefender) Danny Simpson atNewcastle,” Ferguson explained. “Igot on really well with him. Once Ibroke into the team he helped me alot, he’s a really nice person. I’mreally happy for him. “But I don’t think anyone wouldhave seen Leicester doing that.Everyone thought they would slip upall season but fair play to them, theydidn’t and it’s great for everyone

involved. “You look at what could happen, it’sa great story. Andy King has beenwith them since League One so it canbe a great inspiration for youngplayers. It was unbelievable.” Even Northern Irish golfer RoryMcIlroy pointed out on Twitter onMonday night that Michael O’Neill’sside are 500/1 to win Euro 2016,more likely than a Leicester triumphwas. “I had a bit of a laugh at histweet,” Ferguson said. “Everyonemight get a bit more confident nowwhen they see what can happen.”Before all of that Millwall enter themost critical part of their season.They held their nerve last Saturdaywhen they defeated Oldham 3-0 tomake sure of their play-off spot. Ferguson scored the second goal, histhird of the season, and said NeilHarris has been urging him to get intopositions to add to his tally. “There was a bit of pressure beforethe game but the manager didn’t putit onto us,” Ferguson said. “Westayed nice and calm, there was a lotto play for to make sure we got theplay-offs. The lads played brilliantly

and getting the early goal wasimportant. “It never changes when you get agoal, it’s always the best feeling. Idon’t get many of them but hopefullyI’ll get a few more. “The manager always jokes with meabout getting in the box more andtelling me I owe him a goal so it wasnice to get one.” Only Wigan and Peterborough havescored more league goals thanMillwall this season. And with adefence that has conceded just onegoal in their last seven games athome, the groundwork is there for atilt at the Championship. “Whenever we’re on our day we’rea very exciting team,” Fergusonexplained. “We work a lot on that intraining and you can see it paying offin matches. “We all know our jobs. We do a loton the training field in terms of teamshape and we know our roles. We’ddo anything for each other as well,we’re a really close team. We justwant to try and be as successful as wecan and hopefully we can do that thisseason.”

By John [email protected]

Shane Ferguson celebrates his goal against Oldham last Saturday

Gaffer wordAids O’Brien

By John [email protected]

MILLWALL ATTACKER AidenO’Brien has praised his boss NeilHarris for the advice he gave himafter he suffered a dip in form thisseason. O’Brien scored ten goals betweenSeptember and December, but thenstruggled for a starting place in the sideafter Harris signed Jed Wallace and ChrisTaylor. An injury to Lee Gregory has given himhis chance to play up front recently, andthough he regrets doubting himself whenhe was out of the team, he said hismanager’s encouragement was crucial. “I was scoring a lot and thinking, ‘Thisis what it’s all about, winning games foryour team, for your manager and yoursupporters’,” O’Brien said. “I was scoring winning goals, hat-tricks.Scoring goals is what I dream about andthen it kind of just faded out. And I wasthinking, ‘Okay, that’s fine’, but a coupleof games later I still hadn’t scored. “So I kind of wondered what was goingon. Now I think that was wrong of mebecause I shouldn’t have questioned myability, I should have carried on playingwith a smile on my face to get back myform. “But the man-management from thegaffer was spot on. He kept saying, ‘Lookat what you’ve done this season, class ispermanent, form is temporary’. I kept thatin my head and I knew he was right. I’mnot going to be on form all the time, I’mgoing to have dips. “As much as I can be on my game,that’s all I want to do, whether it’sworking for the team, scoring goals,getting assists, defending, I just want tobe part of a winning team and keep myplace in it.”O’Brien explained his father, David, isalso a vital influence in shaping his career. “My dad is a massive role model forme,” O’Brien said. “Anything I’m indoubt about on or off the pitch I turn tohim and ask him his opinion, he’s alwaysbeen honest with me. If I were to scoretwo goals in a game at The Den but myball retention, for example, was 20 percent, he would tell me straight out that itwasn’t good enough. “And I like that, I like criticism. I don’tthink you can learn from people tellingyou you’ve done well every time whenyou haven’t. My dad is key to that.”




Page 45: 5th May 2016

Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk/sport MILLWALL 45

Visit www.newsatden.co.uk for all the latest Millwall news online

LEE GREGORY is a doubtfor this weekend’s trip toGillingham, Millwall’s lastSky Bet League One gamethis season. Shaun Williams is available afterhis three-game ban but boss NeilHarris could stick with the samestarting XI that defeated Oldham3-0.The Lions confirmed their placein the play-offs with that win atThe Den last weekend, and canend the Gills’ hopes of achievinga top-six finish on Sunday. Gillingham were ten pointsahead of Millwall when theywon 3-0 at The Den inDecember, but JustinEdinburgh’s side’s form in 2016has been poor and their seasonwill be over if they fail to getthree points at Priestfield. The Football Associationcharged both clubs with failingto control their players after thatfiery clash earlier this season,with Gillingham fined £4,000and Millwall £2,750 when a JoeMartin tackle on Ryan Jacksonsparked a melee on the pitch, andstriker Dominic Samuel alsoclaimed he was headbutted by aMillwall player. Jordan Archer was sent off in the25th minute for a professionalfoul on Cody MacDonald and atthe end of the game former Lionsmidfielder Josh Wright had to becalmed down by his team-matesafter becoming embroiled in averbal spat with a section of thehome support. At Gillingham’s end-of-seasonclub dinner earlier this week,meanwhile, chairman PaulScally told a local journalistthere was still “everything toplay for”, before adding: “We’regoing to beat Millwall atWembley and win promotion to

the Championship”. Add in Martin’s comments abouthis former club earlier thisseason, when he said Millwall’ssquad was far better thanGillingham’s and he expected tofinish above them, and Lionsfans’ frustration at a reducedticket allocation, and it increasesthe potential for a spicyencounter. Millwall will be confident ofavenging that December defeat.Gillingham won none of theirseven fixtures in April. Theyhave won five league games in21 in 2016, in contrast toMillwall, who have won 13 of

their 22, losing just four.Edinburgh’s side have droppedfrom second to eighth in that

time, while Millwall have risenfrom tenth to fourth over thesame period.

By John [email protected]

Gillingham vs Millwall Sunday,May 8 Kick-off: 12:30Sky Bet League One preview

Millwall record against Gillingham:Played 96Won 48 Drawn 21 Lost 27 Form guide:(Last five fixtures)Gillingham: LLDLLMillwall: WLWWWSky Bet odds:Gillingham 11/10 Draw 5/2 Millwall 12/5Probable Millwall team:4-4-2: Archer; Romeo, Webster, Beevers, JMartin; Taylor, Thompson, Abdou,Ferguson; Morison, O’Brien. Last meeting: Millwall 0 Gillingham 3Samuel (20, 89), Dack (28, pen)Teams:Millwall:Archer; Edwards, Webster,Beevers (Onyedinma, 82), J Martin(Ferguson, 45); O'Brien, Williams, Saville,Upson (Forde, 27); Gregory, Morison. Gillingham:Nelson; Jackson (Osadebe,70), Egan, Oshilaja, Garmston; Wright,Morris, Hessenthaler; Dack; Samuel(Norris, 96), McDonald (Donnelly, 45).

The Stats

Jordan Archer was sent off in the 3-0 defeat to Gillingham in December



MILLWALL’S U21S fell just shortof reaching the ProfessionalDevelopment League 2 play-offfinal after they lost 2-0 toHuddersfield Town on Mondayafternoon. Senior striker Jamie Philpot started forJustin Skinner’s side and shot just widebefore Regan Booty put the Terriersahead. Danny Kane doubled the lead before thebreak. Millwall trialist Joseph Otudekoalmost reduced the margin but pulled aneffort wide from 25 yards. Alfie Pavey, recovered from an injuryhe picked up on loan at Aldershot, alsowent close but Huddersfield hung on tobook their place in the final.

FORMER MILLWALL playersincluding Gary Alexander, MattLawrence, Richard Sadlier, PhilWalker and Jimmy Carter areconfirmed for the Lions’ annualLegends match on Monday, May23, against Charlton. The match is in aid of Nicky Johns'

Know the Score, supported by theProfessional Footballers’ Associationand League Managers Association,which aims to raise awareness of bowelcancer signs and symptoms. Alsoconfirmed are Johns, Kevin Bremner,Alan Dunne, Mark Beard, BobbyBowry, Mark Phillips, Matty Lawrence,Stuart Nethercott, Peter Sweeney andMarvin Elliott.Tickets are £7 for adults and £3 for jrs.


Millwall announced this week thatseason ticket prices for the 2016-17campaign have been frozen and arenow on sale.If supporters buy a season ticket beforeFriday, May 6 they can see the wholecampaign at The Den for less than£14.50 per match.

Prices are as follows:Adults from £333Seniors (over 60s) from £17916-21s from £179Under 16s from £50U12 season tickets remain at only £23which is just £1 per game across allareas of the stadium (excludinghospitality areas).




THIS WEEK the team will be talkingto John Berylson as he looks forwardto his third play-off campaign sincetaking over the club. In the second hour they will be speakingto members of Lions legend BarryKitchener’s family. They will also chat to Kevin Kempster,who is walking from The Den toPriestfield Stadium this weekend to raisemoney for Prostate Cancer UK. The prize is a copy of Alan Dunne’sbook Dunne It The Hard Way. Contact the show on Thursday from 7-9pm via: Phone: 0207 237 9272Text: 07895 022 325E-mail: [email protected]

The final-day permutations

Jamie Philpot

A win for Millwall combined witha Walsall defeat at Port Vale willbe enough for a third-place finish.The Lions would then play thesixth-placed side (Gillingham,Scunthorpe or Barnsley) in theplay-offs. If Millwall and Walsall both winthe Lions will stay in fourth and

play Bradford in the play-offs.If Millwall draw or lose andBradford defeat Chesterfield,Harris’ side will finish fifth andplay the Bantams in the semi-final. Gillingham need to win and hopeBarnsley and Scunthorpe lose ordraw to finish in the last play-offspot.

Page 46: 5th May 2016

46 MILLWALL www.southwarknews.co.uk/sport Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016

MILLWALL’S LAST homeleague game of the season wasbookended by club awardsbeing handed out on the pitchbefore kick-off and a pitchinvasion after the finalwhistle.In between, Neil Harris’ sideeased to one of their mostcomfortable wins of the season inwhat should have been a tenseoccasion, with a top-six placestill in the balance. There was some tension as theplayers were leaving the field atfull time when Oldham defenderAnthony Gerrard claimed he hadbeen struck by a Millwall fan,and the FA announced they wouldinvestigate the incident. That was the only dark momenton a day when Jordan Archer washanded his player of the yearprize by former heavyweightworld champion David Haye andthen kept his sixth clean sheet inhis last seven games at The Den. Young player of the year BenThompson set the tone forMillwall’s domination of thecontest by snapping into an earlytackle on midfielder Liam Kelly.And the ease of Millwall’s winwas illustrated by the fact centre-back Byron Webster came close

to snatching a hat-trick in thesecond half but lifted a close-range shot over the bar. Maybe after Oldham hadsecured their League One statuswith a 1-0 win over Crewe theprevious weekend, it wasinevitable there would be a bigdrop-off in their performancelevel. They had built their successfulsurvival push on a the strength ofa resurgent defence after theylooked doomed when Millwallbeat them 2-1 in January to leavethem five points from safety. Webster put the Lions ahead instraightforward fashion in thefifth minute when he noddedChris Taylor’s corner past JoelColeman. A little over twelvemonths ago Webster was in aYeovil side rooted to the bottomof League One. Now he is amainstay in a side three gamesaway from achieving a return tothe Championship. Millwall had won only one ofthe other four games in whichWebster had scored this seasonbut it never looked like theywould leave three points behindagainst an Oldham side thatmight already be thinking whereto spend the summer holidays. Webster scored his sixth of theseason in even easiercircumstances to make it 3-0 inthe 54th minute. And it was again

Steve Morison showing hisimportance to the side, with hisstrength, vision and skill key toguiding Shane Ferguson’s free-kick towards Webster, whoheaded in. With Lee Gregory outafter surgery on a stomach muscleand still a doubt for the play-offs,Millwall will hope Morison, whohas played 53 times this season,avoids injury between now andthe end of the campaign. Harris had mentioned in hismatch programme thecontributions of Webster andMorison to Millwall’s climb upthe table, and the current captainalmost scored what wouldundoubtedly have been the goalof the season had a first-halfeffort from near halfway, after hehad seen Coleman off his line,crept under the crossbar insteadof over. Joe Martin also clipped thewoodwork after Mahlon Romeohad been fouled 25 yards out. Morison never stops workingand it was from another of hischannel runs that Millwalldoubled their lead five minutesbefore the break when he ran ontoRomeo’s ball down the line. Helooked up to find Aiden O’Brienrunning towards the near post andwhen his flick behind hisstanding leg didn’t find the target,Ferguson, starting after missingthe last two games, took

advantage and swept home histhird of the season at the backpost. Harris has been teasing hiswide players about their lack ofgoals recently, but that’s three intwo games, as well as two assists,between the pair. For all their dominance, thehome side let their concentrationlapse late on and Oldham shouldhave scored twice to give theirsmall travelling supportsomething to cheer. FirstJonathan Forte seemed to thinkhe was offside before shootingstraight at Archer from eightyards. Worse was to come whenLatics substitute Dominic Poleonsomehow fired over the bar inspace just four yards from goal. There was some disappointmentwhen news came through thatBurton had beaten Gillingham 2-1, meaning they and Walsall willfight for second on the last day.But that barely dampened themood as Millwall ended theregular league season with sixsuccessive home wins. There was a lot of frustrationamong Millwall fans when it wasannounced there would be justover 1,000 tickets made availablefor the last League One game ofthe season at Gillingham. But that will give over toexcitement at the prospect ofMillwall’s involvement in theplay-offs.

By John Kelly at The Den [email protected]

Visit www.newsatden.co.uk for all the latest Millwall news online

50%50%Shots on Target


Fouls7 8

Head to Head






1 Wigan Athletic 45 24 15 6 81 41 40 872 Burton Albion 45 25 9 11 57 37 20 843 Walsall 45 23 12 10 66 49 17 814 Millwall 45 23 9 13 71 48 23 785 Bradford City 45 22 11 12 53 40 13 776 Barnsley 45 21 8 16 66 53 13 717 Scunthorpe United 45 20 11 14 58 47 11 718 Gillingham 45 19 12 14 70 54 16 699 Coventry City 45 18 12 15 65 49 16 6610 Sheffield United 45 18 12 15 64 57 7 6611 Rochdale 45 18 12 15 66 60 6 6612 Port Vale 45 18 11 16 56 53 3 6513 Peterborough United 45 18 6 21 77 72 5 6014 Southend United 45 16 11 18 56 61 -5 5915 Bury 45 15 12 18 53 71 -18 5716 Swindon Town 45 15 11 19 61 71 -10 5617 Oldham Athletic 45 12 18 15 44 56 -12 5418 Chesterfield 45 15 8 22 58 68 -10 5319 Shrewsbury Town 45 13 11 21 58 76 -18 5020 Fleetwood Town 45 11 15 19 50 56 -6 4821 Blackpool 45 12 10 23 39 58 -19 4622 Doncaster Rovers 45 11 12 22 48 64 -16 4523 Colchester United 45 9 13 23 56 97 -41 4024 Crewe Alexandra 45 7 13 25 46 81 -35 34

* Table correct as of Tuesday night


Webster 5’, 54,Ferguson 40’

Date: Saturday April 30 2016Attendance: 12,419Man of the match: Byron WebsterReferee: Robert Lewis



20B Wilson



5J Wilson

















3J Martin



Jones 67’

Craig 92’

Philpot - 89'

Shots off Target


Poleon 66’

Remaining fixtureGillingham (A)Sunday, May 8

Onyedinma - 67'

Winchester 55’



Page 47: 5th May 2016

Southwark News, Thursday May 5, 2016 www.southwarknews.co.uk/sport MILLWALL 47

Visit www.newsatden.co.uk for all the latest Millwall news online

NNoo AArrcchh rriivvaallss A YEAR ago, Jordan Archerwas preparing to departMillwall without having made asenior appearance, with theclub relegated to League One. He was heading back to TottenhamHotspur after his loan uncertainabout his future, but fairly sure hedidn’t have one at the PremierLeague club, where he had spentfour years without ever reallycoming close to breaking into thefirst team. Hugo Lloris, Heurelho Gomes andBrad Friedel were blocking hisroute at White Hart Lane andArcher’s experience of competitivefootball amounted to time on loanat Bishop’s Stortford andWycombe. The closest he got to the Spurs firstteam was in March 2013 whenAndre Villas-Boas put him on thebench as understudy to BradFriedel in a Premier League fixtureat Swansea. Archer’s squad numberthat season was 57, a reminder ofhow far he was from making that aregular experience.

Coming up against players of thecalibre of Harry Kane, Gareth Baleand Jermain Defoe in traininghelped hone Archer’s shot-stoppingability, and another loan spell atNorthampton deepened the sensehe need to get away to advance hiscareer. “There were indications,Spurs hadn’t said anything aboutrenewing anything,” Archerexplained. “They’re a massive clubwith a lot of top goalkeepers, theFrance captain (Lloris) is there.“I wasn’t under any illusions that Iwas going to get any game timeanytime soon. That made it easierto make the decision to leave.When I heard Millwall wereinterested in taking mepermanently I was delighted.”Archer witnessed Millwall’sdecline last season from the bench,but he showed enough on thetraining pitch to convince NeilHarris he could have a future at theclub. When Harris decided to offerArcher a deal, he told the younggoalkeeper he would be joining asnumber two to David Forde, whohad won the club’s player of theyear award in 2013-14. At 22, Archer was getting close tothe point where he had to make afirst-team breakthrough

somewhere, but it was still a riskjoining a League One side as areserve to a goalkeeper who hadbeen at Millwall for seven yearsand was an establishedinternational. He knew he might have to wait aseason before getting his chance,but nine months after making hiscompetitive Lions debut he wasvoted the club’s player of the yearfor 2015-16. And in the same week thatTottenham’s chances of claimingthe Premier League title ended,Archer was helping Millwallensure they have a chance ofwinning a trophy of their own afterthey confirmed their place in theLeague One play-offs.Archer admits his chance to makean impact in the first XI camesooner than he had thought.Millwall were a defensive mess inthe early part of the season. Fordeconceded eight goals in the firstthree league games and wasdropped. If Archer was nervous about beingthrust into the side, with Harris stilltrying to figure out his best eleven,he didn’t show it and kept a cleansheet on his league debut atScunthorpe. Forde said earlier this season he let

Harris know he wasn’t happy withthe decision, with the unavoidableperception he was being made ascapegoat. But Archer said it never affectedtheir professional or personalrelationship, and praised hisgoalkeeping rival for his help thisseason. “Obviously Fordey was establishedhere but the manager said to comein, work hard and take it fromthere,” Archer said. “I’ve alwaysbacked my own ability so once thechance came I knew I had to go andperform. “Fordey’s been outstanding and Ican’t thank him enough. Often yousee in football that it’s easy foranother goalkeeper to be bitter andspiteful but it couldn’t be furtherthe other way with Fordey. “He has helped me massively onand off the field. He is alwaystalking me through things, passingme on the benefit of his experience. “He’s one of the funniest guys inthe squad as well so us goalkeepershave a great laugh. It’s good thatwe can enjoy ourselves and havefun. It makes the day job a loteasier.”So do results, even if Archer said ittook the club some time to get usedto being in the third tier, in a

competitive division after asummer of changes to the squad. “League One is a tough league, aseveryone has seen,” Archer said.“We started off very slowly but aswe adapted to it we went on a greatrun and haven’t lost many gamesrecently.”Archer will have added motivationat Gillingham this weekend. Hewas sent off against JustinEdinburgh’s side in December andHarris stuck with Forde until theveteran’s error against Oxford fivegames later let Archer back into theside. But the 23-year-old prefers insteadto focus on the team keeping theircurrent good run of form goingthan on any notion of personalredemption. “I think it’s important for us to keepup the momentum,” Archer said.“Walsall can still slip up as well sowe can still finish third. “We’re going to go into this gamelooking for three points. It’sobviously more important forGillingham because they’ve got totry and make their way into theplay-offs. “So we’re not going to go there andtake it lightly, we’re going to gothere for three points and carry onour run.”

By John [email protected]

Main photo: David Haye (far left) presentedJordan Archer with his player of the yearaward last weekendInset: David Forde has supported his youngcolleague


Page 48: 5th May 2016




MILLWALL ARE hoping topscorer Lee Gregory will be fit fortheir play-off campaign. Gregory, 27, underwent surgery on astomach muscle tear two weeks ago andhas missed the wins over Bury andOldham. The former Halifax Town striker maynot be risked for this weekend’s clash atGillingham, with Millwall alreadyassured of a top-six finish. The first leg of the play-off semi-finalwill take place either six or seven daysafter the clash at Priestfield, dependingon where Millwall finish in the league. Gregory has been struggling with hisinjury for a number of weeks, andMillwall finally decided he neededsurgery after he went off at half-time inthe 1-0 win over Fleetwood on April 19. Gregory’s sixteen league goals thisseason have been crucial to Millwallsecuring a shot at a return to theChampionship, with twelve of themcoming in 2016 as the Lions haveclimbed from tenth to fourth in theLeague One table. But manager Neil Harris is likely to givehim the extra time to prove his fitnessfor the first leg of the play-offs on May14 or 15. “It’ll be unlikely he’ll be available forthis weekend,” Harris admitted. “He’son a road to recovery but he has achance, we’ll leave it until the lastminute before deciding. “If he can train before that then that’sbrilliant. If he can’t then we will look athaving him back for the play-offs.”

Lee Gregoryrecoveringafter surgery


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And fans tell Fergieto down rivals Gills

MILLWALL WILL find outtheir play-off opponents after thelast day of the 2015-16 seasonthis Sunday. Lions boss Neil Harris said his sidewere “hurt” when they lost toGillingham at The Den in December. Justin Edinburgh’s side were strongfavourites to clinch promotion afterthat result, but Millwall can denythem a top-six place this weekendwith a win or a draw. Millwall know they will finish in the

play-off spots, and the final leaguepositions in the table will determinewhether they meet Bradford,Barnsley, Scunthorpe or the Gills inthe semi-final. Even though Millwall lost 3-0 toGillingham last year, Harris sawsigns to be encouraged by theirperformance that day. “We’ve come a long way since then,”Harris said. “There were a lot ofpositives in that game. We playedwell until Jordan Archer got a redcard and then they scored the penalty. “After that we were fantastic, wewere the better team with ten men.That gave us a lot of confidence.

“It’s a local derby in this division.There is a rivalry between the clubsand the fans because we’re close toeach other. So we are conscious ofthat. “It’s a game I’m excited about, wewant to finish with real momentum. “The result at The Den hurt us andwe want to put that right.”Millwall need to win at PriestfieldStadium to be in with a chance offinishing third in the table, and ShaneFerguson has been made aware bysupporters how much a positiveresult in the fixture would mean tothem. “There’s still something to play for

because we obviously want to finishas high as possible,” Ferguson said. “I was speaking to a lot of fans at theclub’s awards dinner the other nightand they were saying they reallywant to get one over on Gillingham. “We know it’s like a derby as welland we’re really looking forward toit. “Hopefully we can get the winbecause it wasn’t one of our bestperformances against them last timeout and we want to make up for that. “It just shows how far we’ve comesince then. We didn’t get off to thebest of starts but you can see howmuch we’ve improved as a team.”

By John [email protected]