5th gr orientation 2011

WELCOME! Please come in! Find where your child sits and have a seat. We will begin shortly. Please sign up for a conference and to bring an item for the “Howl at the Moon Night”. The sign up sheets are on the board to the left of you.

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Page 1: 5th gr Orientation 2011

WELCOME!Please come in!Find where your child sits and

have a seat.We will begin shortly.Please sign up for a conference

and to bring an item for the “Howl at the Moon Night”. The sign up sheets are on the board to the left of you.

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Isabel AnayaKaren ConnerKasey CrickJoe GagliardoPat SkinnerEllen Schmidt

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Everything a person does or says speaks volumes about his/her character.

All instructional decisions keep the latest brain research in mind. Everything is on purpose.

We build life-long learners We strive to create horizontal connections, as

well as vertical learning to create well rounded thinkers.

Students are encouraged to see beyond themselves.

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7:45-2:45 No student drop off before 7:00-there are no

adults on duty All exterior doors will be locked at 7:30 with

the exception of the front doors. Students will be counted tardy if they arrive

in the classroom after 7:45 Students are absent if not in class by 9:00. 2 or more tardies/early departures will

result in a child not being eligible for Perfect Attendance


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HOW/WHEN TO REACH US Conference time 10:10-10:55 Email is a convenient form of

communication used frequently. Please make sure to get your child’s

teacher’s email address if this is an option for you.

Teachers have voice mail on which you may leave a message. We will do our best to check messages regularly and get back to you in a timely manner.

[email protected] x3213

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VISITORS Parents are always welcome to come and

observe their child in the classroom. Please call the morning of the day you are planning to come in to make sure we are not at specials, assembly, library, etc. Observations should be limited to 30-45 min per day.

Parents who are on-campus to volunteer or go on field trips must have completed the background check form.

Feel free to come and have lunch with your child –But YOU MUST sign in, receive, and WEAR a visitor badge! This must be worn by any person on campus after 7:45 am.

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IMPORTANT INFOTeachers will use the following means to communicate important events/info to parents: Discipline Folder Weekly Newsletter Web page Friday Folder/Graded Work Binder Parent Connection—see separate slide Progress Reports/Report Cards Parent Conferences Positive notes

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You will be able to print a weekly newsletter on the last day of each week. Information is for the next week. This will provide vital information for you on what your child is doing in the classroom.

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• Our Report Cards and Progress Reports are aligned with NISD Standards.

• Report cards will be issued after each nine week grading period.

• Progress Reports will be issued midway throughout each nine weeks.

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5TH GRADE PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS Reading at an ending 5th grade level Pass 3 math promotion standards Receive a 3 or 4 on a Writing Prompt While not a promotion requirement,

performance on the standardized test may be taken into account when considering the best placement for your child

Master most of the NISD standards Have an average of 70 or higher in

subject areas.

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HOMEWORK POLICY• It helps when you have an established

routine and a designated workspace.

• Fifth grade students will have homework Monday through Thursday. All homework is given on Friday for the following week. It is all due the next Friday with no exceptions.

• Every night, students are required to read for 20 minutes.

• If students are using their class time wisely, they should have no more than 50 minutes of homework per night.

• Please check the planner!

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GRADING POLICY• Assignments below 70 can be

re-done and re-submitted for a 70. This does NOT apply to assessments/tests

• Late Work-Work is due the day assigned unless otherwise noted. Ten (10) points will be deducted from the grade for each day it is late. Late work WILL NOT be accepted one week after the assignment was given.

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TEST TAKING POLICY All tests require corrections to be

made and returned in a timely manner. This is to help students rethink/relearn misunderstandings of the content.

Students must make corrections on a separate sheet of paper and staple it to the assignment. It is due the following school day.

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CMP MATH Students who made commended on the

math TAKS test last year AND are recommended by their 4th grade teacher, are eligible to attend an honors math class called “CMP”, taught by Mrs. Crick and Mrs. Conner.

Students who are not eligible will attend math in Mr. Skinner, Ms. Anaya, Ms. Schmidt or Mr. Gagliardo’s class.

This program will begin soon. Letters will go home in the next two weeks telling you where your child will be placed.

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TOYS AT SCHOOL Toys may not be brought to school

unless the teacher sends home a note No one may bring a weapon or any

item associated with a weapon for an reason

Trading cards are not allowed on campus

Electronic devices/games are not allowed on campus (including Reward Days, unless otherwise specified)

Toys brought to school will be taken by the teacher for a parent to retrieve.

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CELL PHONESCell phones/Electronic devices are allowed

at school IF: They are turned OFF They are kept in a backpack

Phones that are confiscated will be given to administration for parents to retrieve.

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Parents will be able to log on to Parent Connection on Sept 6

(via the NISD home page) to check their child’s grades and

attendance. If you do not have a parent connection username and password, please use the student

station to get it.

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DISCIPLINE FOLDERThis folder is used to aide in documenting discipline. The folders are taken with the students when they leave the classroom. The folder is used to document positive as well as inappropriate behavior. The folders will go home once a week, unless signed, and require a parent signature on Friday.

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DRESS CODEPlease consult your NISD parent handbook for any questions you might have regarding what your child should wear to school.

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FAMILY FIELD TRIPS Each month or so, you

and your family will have the opportunity to gather with other grade level families for a Family Field Trip

This is an educational opportunity for you and your child(ren) to learn and grow together!

SAVE THE DATE for our first outing on October 15th to Cascade Caverns!

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The Texas Department of Agriculture initiated a policy calling for certain foods and beverages to not be given away on the school premises. These foods include but are not limited to any candy, sodas, and popsicles that don’t contain fruit juices. This policy will be strictly enforced at Kuentz, meaning that our thinking will have to accommodate this policy when planning parties.

You may bring in cupcakes or non-food items for birthday’s. They will be distributed at recess. The treats may be store bought or home made.

The only times that we are exempt from the law are for the Winter, Rodeo, and Graduation parties.

(This policy does not affect what you send for only your child, although snacks to be eaten in class must be HEALTHY.)

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CAFETERIA MENU Families will

receive ONE cafeteria menu for the entire year. The menu will rotate every two weeks. If you lose your copy, please refer to the NISD homepage.

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Students are dismissed at 2:45 pm daily (with the exception of Early Release days)

If your child needs to be released early for an appointment or emergency, sign them out in the office.

If the way a student goes home is changing, written permission must be given to the teacher. Each time it changes documentation is necessary. This must be received by


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HOWL AT THE MOON FAMILY NIGHT Friday, October 21 5:30-8:30pm Food, fun and games PTA Fundraiser We are responsible for putting together a

basket for the silent auction. Our basket theme is “Chocolate Lovers”.

Please sign up for donated items on the sheet

If you have any questions, please contact the Kuentz PTA at [email protected]


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ONE LAST THING! Be sure to to complete your Criminal History

Background Check. It takes just a couple of minutes.

You must be cleared before coming on field trips or helping at parties.

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We are very much looking forward to a productive school year. As a team, we will strive to do everything possible to help your child experience success, encouraging them to grow academically and emotionally. We cannot reach this goal, however, without help from you, the parents. Your involvement and cooperation play vital roles in determining the degree to which this goal is met.Fifth grade teachers